@Miami Heat

Big O & Ira Winderman – Any Major Moves on the #MiamiHeat Horizon? 011724

Big O & Ira Winderman – Any Major Moves on the #MiamiHeat Horizon? 011724

This is the big old Show this is the Big O Show there you go IRC I’m at a I’m on a gun range so people can take shots at me now see that’s uh but I like that one of the targets over your right shoulder is green so for the heat it’s like shooting at the Celtics so maybe it’ll help

Improve sales yeah that that that’s actually it works it works definitely I like that uh take down a lepre nothing wrong with that right now would it be worse if the name it would it be worse if the name Paul Pierce was on there I don’t know but I’ll leave that maybe we

Shouldn’t go there yeah no but we need we need a wheelchair in that picture actually in order to do that you know if we’re going to be speaking of wheelchairs do we need a lot of wheelchairs for the injury report uh tonight for the Miami Heat you know what

It’s finally getting better the only two rotation players out are haimi hakz junor with that groin injury and we certainly can talk about that he’s played so many minutes for a rookie and after a college season God bless him let him take time off and you know what

Kevin Love with the knee brw you know when you get a guy 34 35 years old he’s going to miss time but if you were to tell me after all the heat injuries that the only rotation players who are going to be out tonight or Kevin Love and

Haime hakz Jr I would take that Jimmy Butler playing not even on the injury report Kyle Lowry listed as available Tyler hero available and like I wrote In The Sun Sentinel today only nine times this season have hero and have Butler and have vabo play together we need to

See this big O because winter is coming the February 8th tra trading deadline is coming we need to know is this the best possible group do they need support do they need another leading man these games really do matter yeah but what’s not on the horizon at at least that’s I

Mean with the heat can you ever predict what the Riley’s ever going to do no but is the major move on a rise or is it more of a an ADD ition to try to round out the roster because I almost get the feeling that the major move is really

Not what’s on the table I I just don’t think you disturb a chemistry that took you to the NBA finals last year that has yet to be whole enough this year I look I think you and I can go through various aspects of the Heat and say hey they

Need another bruising big man like when they brought in Dwayne deadmond didn’t necessarily work when they brought in zeler but a big body up front I would agree with that a speed point guard so quick guards can’t get around Kyle Lowry like they are right now or Josh

Richardson who’s got an older I agree with that also I think an ancillary move we’ve seen the names the cakam out there the Deonte Murray here’s the deal if you take on a big salary you’re moving a big salary are we ready to move off of Tyler

Hero number two I do believe because of the way the luxury tax is the two tiers now on the apron the Heat’s lack of first round picks your next move well could be your only big move for quite a while probably for the last two years of

Jimmy’s contract so I have no issue with that so if someone tells me the final piece for the Miami heaters dejonte Murray and they’re fine for the next five years then go for it I don’t think that’s the case and you know what I’m gonna do this basically to make sure I

Continue to get Acura penbook Pines reports for the next two or three years but I think you almost wait on Luca dones and see what’s happening there in Dallas now I know you’re going to go to me Ira don’t do this to us let’s not another year of the Great Hope on what’s

Going to happen but the one thing about Pat Riley no matter his age he’s always gone for the ultimate top of the list player Shaquille O’Neal LeBron James even Jimmy Butler Chris Bosch so I know Heat fans you’re gonna throw some names does de Jon Murray make the heat better

Sure you can make that argument but what are you giving up is the thing not only what you’re giving up now but once you give up your draft Capital you can’t do that two or three pick so I think the next major move maybe God

Bless him the last major move of the Pat Riley era I think it be a move that’ll be in line with the names of Shaquille O’Neal LeBron James and Jimmy Butler Pat is GNA go big one final time and I’m not sure the names we’re currently hearing

Are big enough that’s exact that’s why a donit that’s different that’s that’s that’s as big as it gets actually so I I I I understand that deant Murray see because I’m at a point as as you know already I’m not big on extending Jimmy I’m actually big on the youth movement

Because what’s developed is that HZ is the and now yovic is like now turning into it also so all of a sudden my youth movement led by Tyler and Bam along with hakz and and yovic and then you start you’re going to have a first

Round and so I have faith that you could find another player that you can actually help and develop so I kind of like the depth and the way you’re going with the youth movement at this point in time and there isn’t that you know that that that that one piece that’s out

There that’s going to put you over the top I just don’t see it you know what I mean and so for me I’d rather go with the youth movement and let the rest of the contracts expire let the Jimmy contract expire obviously the if you can move the Kyle Lowry for something that

Isn’t going to you know burn you for road right right yeah you know but if you’re going to rent a player also or something like that for this year and maybe next year or something then yeah that’s fine I get it but outside of that

I I would like to see you kind of turn over the roster and have that youth movement and have a little bit more cap flexibility and it I spoke to someone who’s familiar with the situation we spoke about the jonay Murray vers versus Tyler herro he said look you can make an

Argument in some aspects Toon’s better but I damn well wouldn’t throw another sweetener in look Atlanta gave up three first round picks to San Antonio for jante they want to get back Capital they want a player they want draft Capital I’m not trading any plus one with Tyler

Hero one I want my plus ones down the road bigo I think you hit on it if I can move Kyle L’s contract I’m probably G to put a name out there that you’d like to keep in Caleb Martin but he might leave this off season as a free agent yes so

If you think you’re going to keep Hayward heith instead of Caleb so you might say okay and we’re going to give up three months of Caleb Martin because we’re probably gonna lose him anyway and you get a player in the final year of a contract or with let’s say two years

Left on his contract before you get to the Jimmy extension window the end of his contract yeah I would do something like that but you have to play chess instead of checkers here not only for this season for down the road and there’s a couple of reasons there why

Look I know the heat can beat the Celtics in a playoff series I’ve seen it often enough but the Celtics are much better this season than the heat they just are they just are I think you have to agree there you can win a series the Denver Nuggets are much better than the

Heat right now based on last year’s finals and where they are so I like the CH I like the heat as a punchers chance always have never gonna doubt them in any series but I’m not so sure that this is the moment that you go all in right

Now I think this is a moment that you have to say hey we’ll do our best but let’s not like you said handicap our future and so you have to play both sides of it and I think for as much as people point to Pat Riley’s age he’s

Always done that he’s always kept the moment in perspective but Pat has also kept the Long View you know and and H and the thing is if I’m the heat of the one thing that I look at with my with my um with my roster right is I I I’m kind

Of setting myself up here because all of a sudden now I’ve hit on HZ I’m developing yic I have Caleb by doing this I’ve also alleviated the burden of building with bam and Tyler saying oh they’re the end all be all they gotta carry us no now I’ve taken some of the

Scoring burden off those guys because i’ I’ve developed a couple of other guys now and now I have a Supporting Cast around Tyler around bam and so I really like the direction the Miami Heat are going you know post Jimmy post Lowry and and and and the other thing that I like

Is that hakz has leadership qualities to him too on top of all of that I haven’t learned enough about yovic yet but I do love his skill set is what I love and how he’s growing you know what I mean so I I just kind of love the way the youth

Movement is going and I really like now what we have for the future as a foundation and if you can find if you find that one star for those young guys oh my God oh my God go go for it but what I wrote today at the Sunset and I

Just posted it’ll be in your doorstep tomorrow is the heat now also have their glue guys which are really important in today’s NBA Caleb Martin spoke to me he said you know it used to be go out get two or three stars and you’re going to

Be great and then you looked at the Lakers with Westbrook and with Davis and with LeBron and even what the Lakers have now and you realize if you don’t have those glue guides and so I wrote about the Martins the heith the hz’s the guys who understand that they have to

Defer to Bam to Jimmy and to Tyler you need those also yic the same thing he plays the first n minutes of each half but he sits a nice athletic tone he’s a ball mover guys like playing with him the glue guys are so important you know

What bigo that’s what the real teams realize is that you have to have those guys as well as your stars so when you see a team like the dolphins with all their injuries and you don’t have enough glue guys in there because guys go by the wayside and you’re pulling guys off

The scrap Heap that’s what the Heat have look I’m not gonna celebrate Caleb Martin Hayward heith Josh Richardson but they fill in the gaps for this team and they don’t overstep their bounds those been like that it’s James posy it’s Keith asins it’s PJ Brown it’s D Marley

Donis Haslam it’s always been like that for this franchise you’ve always had the guys that can that help you win they’re not the stars that lead you in the win but they always fundamentally I mean you know Chris Bosch might be the most expensive and most super starish glue guy I’ve ever

Seen in my freaking life dude because he went he was a superstar that then understood I have to be kind of a glue guy for Wade and and for and for LeBron and and that was you know enormous it’s always been like that under under even

Under uh even under uh the prior regime before Riley got here they kind of did the same thing too always had you know glue guys or even even when a Shane Bader came in a Mike Miller came in a Ray Allen came in a birdman came in all

Guys had been stars in their own right somewhere else they understood the difference that’s why I think even a subtle move like Josh Richardson for the minimum look Josh has been uneven but he has an ere extended what they need him to do and that makes a difference so I

Really like the roster composition and like we spoke at our top of here of our Acura of Penbrook P report what I like is we’re finally getting to see it all together we need to see it all together you want to know exactly what you have preferably before that February 8th NBA

Trading deadline okay so the one thing that I can say is uh Kyle Lowry that that’s one thing that you can move because an expiring deal is always sexy what’s out there that they don’t have to overextend themselves with some kind of contract for many years well I I I think

That Deon Murray thing is out there just because he’s there but again that’s the long-term deal that’s not something I’m necessarily looking forward to you know what I like is there’s a weird rule this year if you’re over the first apron of the luxury tax you no laen can sign a

Player who’s earning above the average salary so the heat buyout move last season that they couldn’t make for Kevin that they made for Kevin Love they couldn’t make this year because he had his high salary with Cleveland there was just a trade recently where Danilo galinari went from Washington and was

Moved in a trade with Detroit no interest in being there he actually earns under the average salary as a stretch four just another veteran guy who’s been around I mean defensively he’s lacious but as another guy to add I think it might be more that I think that

He might sit back at the trading deadline and say okay there’s another guy out there I don’t think you’re going to love this name but he could help defensively and that’s PJ Tucker he also was below that salary threshold of the average salary he doesn’t play at all with a Clippers I

Know he’s 83 years old yeah I know that’s what I’m saying is his body still in one piece because somehow it is but what I’m saying is you know what you do with those buyout guys even like he did with Cody Z last year you make it clear

You might be able to help us or you might not play at all are you cool with that I could see that kind of subtle move the the Kyle lry contract could be attractive they’ve shown they can win without Kyle when he’s missed this time Tyler handling a little more they have

Enough playmaking with Butler and with hwz but I think it might be prudent for them just to ride it out and just shove that money away because when you replace bad money with more bad money the same situation yeah definitely I I definitely don’t want to replace I’d rather just

Let the contract expire you you know and move on that to me that’s that’s definitely the uh the best thing what are you expecting tonight against the Raptors you know Toronto is is has fallen out of the play and round they made their trade they got quickly they

They got cam they made the deal with for RJ Barett the Knicks but they haven’t found their footing last night there was a report from Shams is credible saying that there’s a very good chance Pascal cakam is going to the Indiana Pacers for three first round picks nothing has come

Out yet as we talk here in our Acura penbook Pines report but if you’re a player and you know a team is close to Trading you got to wonder where your head is it’s really interesting last time he showed up here when they had those play and around makeup games they

Had OG and an Obi they had cakam they looked like they were going somewhere Jacob hurle wasn’t HT he’s heard right now I think Toronto is in blow it up mode I think what you’re seeing is the pieces one by one Kyle Lowry goes away kawi Leonard goes away Fred Van vet goes

Away so I think you’ve got a hit a team like this the Toronto Raptors I’m not saying they’re not playing for winning but they’re not desperate for winning they’re already taking the Long View yeah they’re transitioning you know what the Heat have done this year they’ve been very Dolphins likee I don’t mean

That in the bad way they’ve taken care of the bad teams so playing Toronto is like having the England or the Jets on your schedule then you get you get Atlanta on Friday the same thing they’ve been very good about beating the bad teams they also unlike the Dolphins have

Some good wins so I think tonight you got to look at this is this is a game even though it’s here in 14 degree Toronto you got to take care of business the heat because they’re healthy have a better roster tonight than Toronto does

I I gotta say the next time you show up at the arena they should put you in the final seed at the top of the Arena because you just compared a franchise that constantly wins in the playoffs and goes to the finals in the Eastern Conference Finals to a team that can’t

Ever even win in the playoffs Ira you you just insulted the out of the heat one aspect I think I was spot on teams that beat the bad teams teams that have to be better against the good team teams this franchise freaking shows up bro they show up compared to the

Dolphins the Dolphins don’t show up for anything dude I mean and the one thing I will say about the Dolphins is this the Heat have not always taken the easy road so the whole thought oh they lost to the bills they had to go to the tundra they

Did that the heat came back from the playing round last year there was no worst starting point then being down to the Chicago Bulls in the fourth quarter of winter go home play in they created their own adversity as did the Dolphins and they fought through their adversity

Because I think when you look at Eric spoler at Andy ellisburg at Pat Riley you have a greater feeling of good things still to come than necessarily when you look at Mike McDaniel and Chris Greer and even to a degree Steven Ross and where they are also this Heat team

Can always look up to the coaching suite and the front office and going those guys have done it before they will find a way Eric 120 million I dollar spoler will find a way every coach and every player when they see the schedule they’re like oh we got to play

Miami yep damn it no matter who they don’t even give a who’s on the team they don’t they haven’t even seen the film they haven’t watched them for weeks they don’t even know they just know oh because they know they’re in for a

Hell of a night one way or the other you know what I mean so that’s the difference with that that Fran just that franchise is at another level completely it really is so that’s the only good thing about the end of the football season is that we get to turn our

Attention now to the Heat and the Panthers and we got inter right around the corner so it’s uh and that’s going to be I’m I’m waiting for inter to start moving games right and left to Hard Rock because when you have Suarez and you have Messi you don’t you can’t be

Messing around with no 18,000 seat Stadium you got to put 60 in there Big O everyone wants they must have asked for a big piece of the pie that’s why they didn’t do the at this point I don’t care MLS is going to sell every one of those

Games to Apple Plus so you can have to pay for it to watch it yeah to see those guys in front of 60,000 instead of in front of 18,000 I think should matter to Major League Soccer also I want to see as many games as possible at Hard Rock

They deserve that I I I would love that but I don’t know I don’t know what the Moss Brothers I don’t know what kind of piece of the pie they want out of it so you know what I mean that’s uh that’s you know what if you’re selling 60,000

Seats this is simple math I went to State University of New York instead of 18,000 you have three times the revenue even if you give onethird of the revenue to Steven Ross you’re still doubling your Revenue I just like to see that it is amazing when you watch those practice

Sessions with Alba and Suarez and Messi out there no I know you’re talking about the the kings of the 2012 World Cup I get all that but it’s still such a soccer Legacy it’s like it worse watching the soccer Hall of Fame live but by the way they would get all of the

Parking Revenue now they don’t because you’re parking in warehouses and all kinds of so you’re not really getting all of the people parking in your Stadium currently right now I tell you go to Hard Rock at least you’re going to get a cut of the entire parking they go

When you go to Inner Miami they give you a little card and they’re saying it’s on the honor System please pay for your parking I don’t even know how many people are paying for that also because in that dirt lot ain’t they ain’t fitting no tow truck through there but

That’s not me talking right no I’m with you there do and if they do tow you get a brand new Acura at Acura panbrook Pines Amen to that Amen to that and the the EVS are coming too all right so what do you got coming uh on at the Suns

Sentinel you know I wrote a story this morning about the glue guys and how it matters and Caleb like he said you know look we’re the guys making a difference and they really have been guys like Caleb and Duncan Robinson and Josh Richardson they have the right pieces

There I wrote about that I wrote about Nico yovic doing a really nice job in the Luke babit role he plays the first nine minutes of each half you know what it’s a step forward make your steps forward like that so that’s been a nice change maybe he is the power forward of

The future for this team so I’m looking at that and yonis hlam last night on his podcast with Mike Miller made sure to Apologize One Last Time to Bill Russell’s family because when his number goes up on Friday he doesn’t want anyone looking over at number six on the south

Wall and going wait didn’t yonis want that to come down so that was interesting also so we’re gonna have a lot of Udonis H Haslam coverage leading to the retirement his number halftime Friday night C Center against the Atlanta Hawks should be fun and the the

Statue next year that should be a fun event also for doesn’t the statue have to be this is my house I can’t see any other pose you know people waywayne doing the pullup on the on the rim before a game but that’s not iconic the fadeaway shot right the fadeaway shot

Against the Hornets in the playoffs in his first playoff year that was a great shot but there’s nothing like this so I expect to see and you know what if they show him on a scores table doing this is my house they could have a nice little Carnival Banner un underneath it bronze

For all time right right they can have a miam Miami Heat Banner with with the little carnival on it yeah exactly yeah yeah a scores table man make it look just like a Miami Heat scores table it’ll look fantastic that’s the that’s that should be the the so then is the

Entire statue 8 foot or is the table taken away a couple of feet from the player you know I think Pat Riley was just talking at the moment I’m not sure so sure 8 foot 6 feet 12 feet I’m sure the sculptor who did the Michael Jordan

Statue with the United Center the Sha and the Kareem statue in Staple Center now will do a fine job let the artists be artists follow him on Twitter at IRA heatbeat and catch his work there at the South Florida s Seno And subscribe Ira thank you enjoy the

Basketball tonight catch you from home next week thanks bigo thank you sir safe travels there you go IRA winderman and our Acura of Pembroke Pines Miami Heat and MBA report and remember 15601 Pines Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines and they’ve got the customer appreciation

Sales event going on right now the 2024 Integra 329 a month the 2023 TLX yes we’ve still got a bunch in stock here for you 3.99 the 2024 RDX it is beautiful man $459 a month the 2024 MDX 4.99 a month the number one volume sales dealership in the United States of

America it is cents Acura of pimpo P this is the Big O Show this is the Big O Show

Big O & Ira WInderman talk #heatculture

Host By Orlando “Big O” Alzugaray
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  1. Please stop the whale hunting nonsense. Ira already apologizing for the Heat not upgrading and rolling into the playoffs with Lowry at point guard.

  2. Can’t get a difference maker without trading Bam and that’s not happening…. Not getting huge value for Herro in a trade….

  3. Worry about next year, next year…. Keep Martin…. When Lowry comes off the books you can pay Martin…. Or not….

  4. Yes, this is how the Heat think. nothing like all these dummies that want to mortgage everything for some marginal star. I don't understand why people who don't understand the Heat want to be Heat fans. Brooklyn needs fans and they will trade for anyone. 😂😂😂😂 Harden, Kyrie, KD, and many more who didn't win shit.

  5. Look at Ira saving face can you tell he’s at the heat locker room lol he. Complete failure this podcast with him he can’t be honest he’s scared they will act out on him in the locker room after the game when he ask them a question lol bad reporting

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