@Los Angeles Lakers

DLo’s latest tweet:

DLo’s latest tweet:

by Good-Fold-1815


  1. davensdad

    Noooooooooo AR gone for who?

    Please tell me it’s Lauri and not JUST Murray. I’ll kill myself

  2. AR is a player a lot of players seem to enjoy playing with. Maybe LeBron has passed LeRecuiting on to AR.

  3. myelrecsy

    Lowkey, Dlo’s ‘player option’ for next season is keeping him from being untouchable on trades this season.

    On the otherhand, kudos to AR and his agent for signing the Lakers offer right away rather than looking for more, he now have a team-friendly contract that is an asset right now.

  4. Ill_Celery_7654

    If a trade was about to happen I’m sure it would’ve leaked by now, but I could be wrong. This could just be a team bonding/ team building situation.

  5. EveryShot

    Damn dude, feels like they are sacking DLo but I hadn’t even considered AR as well.

  6. LegendKingX

    It’s gonna hurt letting DLO go I just get this vibe they all like and enjoy playing together especially DLO and Reaves.

  7. Tall_Succotash

    That’s AR’s role their friendship

  8. BusiestWolf

    If feels more to me like everyone’s been saying shit like he needs to go now he’s going off and everyone loves him

  9. Wonderful-Form2522

    Reaves is like 30 percent D’lo on 3 pts while D’lo is a real sniper. This duo are the ones keeping the bench/players alive on how they show on the court. There are maybe ups and downs on play but these two are entertaining to watch. Its just sad that when you know its time to go,it’s time to go. You know what they say, “Appreciate while he still here” 😞

  10. xxxhotpocketz

    This is sweet I hope we keep them both 🥲

  11. jefe_hook

    You know what they have in common? Ham doesn’t like them.

  12. Background_Nature_32

    Fuck Jeanie and Rob and most importantly fuck the Bald Terrorist

  13. ValuableAssociate8

    DLo playing chess. He doing everything he can not to leave LA.

  14. LeFatigue

    Bra this team is ass and y’all crying about role players

  15. thehanssassin

    Nice to see players vibing with each other. Means to tell you the locker room is fine. Hopefully we win more games and make a trade involving only Cam and Taurean.

    Personally i love the roster because of the potential that’s why I hate Ham since he can’t utilize them properly. Lol.

  16. immunityfromyou

    I wonder if the lakers are gonna keep doing the “ice in my veins” celebrations after made 3s if/when DLO is gone. I’m not a huge fan of his but I hate how he’s getting dragged in every trade rumor. He’s handled it with class especially considering this is the second time we would be parting ways. If Murray is who we end up with it’s not getting us any close to a ship.

  17. beatlegus123

    Look to the cookie Elaine. LOOK TO THE COOKIE.

  18. brazyace43

    Honestly as of late. Reaves’ defence has been the most obvious flaw in these two players. It might be reaves

  19. brazyace43

    Man we shouldve fired ham last off season and given this team an actual chance….

  20. brazyace43

    Trade reaves JHS and rui for Murray and Bogdan

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