@San Antonio Spurs



San Antonio Spurs they they they had a perfect game they didn’t they didn’t have a perfect game but when the when it was in the clutch uh I think that we finally got to see at least fans got to see I I’ve been preaching this the

Entire time to be real with you guys but there is a skeleton here there’s a skeleton of a good team there’s a foundation here that is something special and and I keep saying this you can say whatever you want you can say this player’s tradeable this player is

Tradeable no I would trade him the three I would not trade like I I wouldn’t even want to have a discussion about is Devin fael Victor wanyama and Sohan and then the fourth would be uh Kellin and then Kellin is kind of like one of those

Where it’s like well you got to you got to make me an offer right make me an fing offer wait where is that from okay that’s going to bother me now oh God what is that from God what movie is that from make me an Offa what movie is that from guys please

Somebody I know this supposed to be a segment we supposed to talk about the Spurs but now this is going to really bother me no one knows oh God oh God now I got to look it up oh my God Offer movie scene no it’s not Godfather oh my God what is it

Who said that D Jango no it’s not D Jango Godfather no make me an offer what is it is it did Denzel say it oh my God who said it oh no I don’t know oh God is it training no it’s not training day what is it make me a make make me

A a scene this going to really bother me now Shrek really swish I hate y’all so much bro show me the money no it’s not show what are you talk no Captain you guys are just saying names now this is going to really irk me oh my God

We can’t talk about the Spurs we can’t talk about the Spurs I need to know what movie this is make me an F offer oh I know what it is I know what it is you got how would I how would this how would you guys have known this is the

Movie you you wouldn’t have known you wouldn’t have known that this is the movie This DMX said it DMX said it in in this movie and this got awful movie hold on I liked it as a kid this movie yeah this movie right here Cradle to the

Grave yeah God how would you have known that you guys wouldn’t have known that no one would have thought oh yeah Cradle to the Grave yeah that’s what he said show give me an fing offer no you guys want to known that this is so abstract yeah like like

It’s just it’s a pretty bad action movie I like it as a kid though Clan’s favorite ever is soul PL do not make me go on a tangent on how harmful Soul Plane is to society okay that’s the worst movie ever it’s just full of stereotyp it’s not even funny it’s

Stereotype stereotype stereotype stereotype stereotype stereotype stereotype stereotype you know and boondoc at least boondoc understands that yeah you do a stereotype but then you have someone that grounds it right you have Huey who grounds it so there is some type of message Soul Plane wasn’t a

Message it was just hey if if black people had a plane they we they would just have they have fried fried chicken in in in in 40 ounces like come on man that’s not that’s not funny this is this is a stereotype okay switch said it so I I can’t I can’t

I know I knew what I knew what you were doing you’re a troll okay all right San Antonio first how many minutes we’re four minutes in okay uh Spurs uh we played good we did good everyone did good I’m happy with them um all right yeah we’ll we’ll go

Player to player okay um all right champeny I was very confused with champeny I was very confused with champeny because when he was on the court what who was it it was him Devin fail Trey Jones Collins and was it soan I think it was soan uh they were

Not on the same page with Julian at all and it it made me believe that it was just Julian’s fault cuz Devon fael had a really bad turnover where he threw it to no one and then the exact same thing happened at Z Zack Collins and both of

Them were aiming towards champeny so either both of them just had major brain farts at the end or champeny wasn’t where he was supposed to be I have no idea idea it was very strange I don’t know um but overall he he’s fine I think

A lot of fans expect more from him uh I think he’s a serviceable serviceable 3 andd I wouldn’t necessarily want him gone or anything I think that when it’s all said and done though he’ll be a bench guy and he would be a perfect bench guy like perfect um I don’t think

That he’s a starting uh shooting guard I mean not he’s not playing shooting guard a starting small fort um in the NBA I I just don’t but uh he he did fine he did fine he’s a nice little placeholder until we can move him to the bench if

The Spurs were to keep him um not a chimpin fan respectively yeah yeah it’s always Julian’s fault yeah exactly start Barlo over Julian I wouldn’t start Barlo over Julian no because at that point Barlo has to move to power forward or small forward and at this point after watching

Enough of it I’m not comfortable with neither neither soan or Barlo being out of the power forward position like I I don’t want them running small forward I I think well yeah we seen Barlo hit a couple you know uh Corner threes and that’s great and dandy I I I just don’t

Know how much impact he’ll be as a wing opposed to as a power forward his natural position so no no I think right now this starting lineup is fine it’s just that when it’s all said and done I I don’t think Julian will be a starter

In the NBA or starter with us I think he’ll be um yeah Julian oh this what switch said Julian was looking hard for those back door cuts and nobody seemed to expect that oh you think okay so maybe that’s what it was it cuz I definitely was like

We are not on the same page here to the point where I thought it might have just been Julian fault but I don’t know it it could be both you know just like when you get in a car accident they usually say you know both people are well they

Don’t say both people are at fault but they always say if one person was paying attention more than likely you could have uh prevented it so I don’t know I guess in a way it’s it’s all three of their faults for those turnovers but I

Don’t know what was going on it was very strange anyways uh soan we’ll get to you in a minute wimy we gonna get to you in a minute Trey Jones he played well um I always feel like I have the same reaction every game with Trey Jones it’s

Like I some people get on to me for not giving him enough praise but it’s he’s just one of those players where I know what he is and I’m happy like cuz he’s solid and he is going to be who he is and it’s fine like I like it like this

Game this is incredible like 11 points 12 assists three steals eight rebounds he came to play right um he missed his threes which funny enough that’s unar that’s that’s uncharacteristic of them over the past a month but I don’t know man I he’s just so Sol

I guess I don’t get too excited because I don’t really see like a a Silling I mean the only thing I can think of with Trey Jones is that he just gets a little bit better at three-point shooting um but he’s solid I mean I like what he is

And I think that he’ll be a very good backup uh point guard once we have our team in Tech Devon we’ll get to you in a minute uh Zach Collins I don’t understand where the Zach Collins Hate’s coming from I don’t understand there’s been so many people that have been having

Recency bias where they’ve been seeing Don Barlo and they say Don Barlo is a better player than Zach Collins I don’t know what you’re talking about uh don Barlo while I think that his ceiling might be higher than Zack Collins at this point uh Zack Collins is by far a

Better player than Don Baro not only that Zack Collins is um a actual Center or he’s not actual Center he’s a power forward but he can run Center he can play center better than than uh don Barlo especially defensively and his passes I would argue I mean I know that

There’s metrics for this I think I think wimy is number two amongst forwards two or three amongst forwards is most versatility passing hold on let me see I might I might already have this saved if I don’t we’ll just move on but let me let me check real quick yeah I might

Have this saved um gosh if it comes up jeez what my computer running like this let’s see if I got it saved got a lot of stuff saved I don’t think I do um oh yeah I do yeah do here you go top five forwards and passing versatility LeBron and then Victor one

Bama is two insane by the way uh so yeah so as far as passing versatility he’s really high I wonder where I wonder where Zach Collins lands um cuz I’ll tell you this his versatility in passing has been very impressive and I would argue that he

Might be the second to third best passer we have on this team like he’s just so good at it there was there was a give and go with him and um Devon fael and it was just so sweet it was a easy dunk for Devon it was so

Sweet um but yeah so I I don’t know where all the hate comes from with Zach Collins I think it’s just um some you know what have you done for me lately type stuff type Behavior with him uh but Don Barlo I I love him I want to keep

Him I think that he’s going to end up being better than Zach but he’s not a better player than Zach we’ve definitely been struggling with Zach not being there in the paint so I I don’t know where people coming from with that uh moving on uh Doug mcdermit I think the

Spurs are trying their best to at least give him some minutes I still don’t see versatility in playing them other than they’re going to trade him soon I I I really don’t understand it at this point so it’s probably just they’re going to trade him giving them 10 minutes just

Throw him in there um but yeah I’ll be honest and saying like yeah he’s a threat from deep but like he’s not really helping this team he doesn’t really even fit with what we got going right now so hopefully they just go ah and trade him he he’s just not what we

Need and he can go to a maybe a contender that would be nice but I don’t have anybody in mind right now um I miss yakob I miss yakob too I miss yakob too um okay but I will say when yakob was here him and Zach Collins defensively

Their metrics were merely the same except Zach Collins could shoot um he was shooting better than uh yakob so it makes sense to go ahead and and move him you know uh Osman he was Osman he did a good job four assists three rebounds he fits like

He’s he’s a he’s a typical spur or whatnot not crazy about his defense but if you get a team that’s strong enough then that he it won’t stand out as bad defensively strong enough it won’t stand out as bad Kellin Johnson my boy uh while yeah this is great I know last

Game he had more points this was by far a better game from him by far by far Kellin Kellin is a pretty good player when he’s not forcing stuff all the time he forced a few but he’s not forcing stuff all the time and he’s just playing his role and he’s kind of

Blending into the offense he’s pretty he’s pretty dog on good he’s pretty dog on good and I think he did well this game so good job for Kellin oh and defensively I would have to go back and look but defensively I don’t think he was as bad um as

Normal um yeah I’m not 100% sure uh Malachi barely played I think pop is just trying to give him is like just a few minutes here and there uh so he doesn’t get rusty uh he’s a work in progress for sure but um we’ll see we’ll see uh but nothing nothing nothing

Special there he got a point statistically got an assist I mean he was in for four four minutes and he gave you two points well Four Points I don’t know if the assist was on a three or not I’m not sure uh but he got you a rebound

And assist two points that’s all you can ask for right there uh and then Blake Wesley uh three for four but at this point right now I’m not necessarily expecting him to get us any offensive uh uh statistics like I I this is a plus for me if he has two points in

A game is a plus for me cuz I don’t think that he’s um developed that side of his game well enough yet uh like he still has to become a better finisher more consistent finisher and when he gets this opportunities to be able to hit it but he doesn’t take a lot of

Shots but he definitely Blends in and his defense is so good and like pop said the other night he’s forcing them to give him minutes so I love Blake Wesley and I I love that he’s getting reps I just don’t necessarily think he’s um he’s necessarily there as far as his

Offensive game or anything but yeah we can’t trade Collins this year is it because the um the extension I don’t know the rules Swiss knows all the rules he knows knows all that stuff tell tell the chat why we can’t trade Collins this year is it the

Extension I didn’t even I didn’t even once think about trading cins anyway I’m not really worried about it um but yeah so good stuff there let’s see free throws are great blah blah blah all right so people we want to talk about okay uh like I said soan wimy Devin these

Three are the Power Rangers I don’t want to see soan hate me neither oh here it is Swit says six-month trade restrictions from his contract extensions since it was signed after training camp and more than a 10% raise okay yeah I was wondering if it was because of the extension so it makes

Sense cool well you can’t trade him anyway anyways um okay so soan when fael good guy this is kind of the foundation here okay this is the foundation now this is what frustrates me though I hate the fact that soan has to give these people not you guys okay

You in the chat you’re smart you know you know these things but they have to give Sohan has to give you 23 points 8 for1 scoring he got to hit he got to go 50% from three he got to hit all his free throws he has to have four rebounds

Three assist a steal in two blocks for people to come out and say you know soan sohan’s pretty good that’s ridiculous okay he is a glue guy I am not expecting him to put up this this many points at all what impressed me the most is that

Everything that he’s worked on as far as his three-point shooting and his free throw shooting it shined through when it mattered most I could care less about how many points he gets because he’s he he gives you so much value in other areas but all I would need from him is

Just hit it when it matters when when when when people close in on wimy when they’re worried about forel that’s when all that hard work soan did pays off and he was clutch with it he knocked down that three with conviction he was not nervous papovich rode it up he said

We’re going to we’re going to soan here boom easy three they weren’t expecting it and then he instantly on the other on the other play uh they they closed in made a I think Sean Ellie said this made a sandwich with wimy and he just went in

There took the foul went to the line knocked down both of them that’s what you want and I hate that he has to have this good of a game and and like when I praise them it’s frustrating cuz I praised them tonight on Twitter and

There’s people that hit me up like I I I guess he has to have this type of game for you know for for anybody say no he doesn’t actually he doesn’t oh you can talk stuff now Clan cuz he had this type of no I’ve been talking stuff this

Entire time okay he his game is good oh God I just had a hiccups it’s good he doesn’t have to put up this many points he doesn’t he’s he he shines through in so many different ways I don’t I could care less about I Sohan can average his whole career six

Points a game and he gives you a lot of utility because of his because of his defense because of his defense because his versatility and and and passing he’s a glue guy he doesn’t have to this is a this this is where you can kind of see

Oh there’s a lot of potential here right like you this is where you see oh my goodness he uh he could be something serious yeah he possibly can his ceiling is really high but his floor is also good enough for me sorry his floor to me is like Draymond

Green and for a championship team you can get a lot of utility out of a guy like that so I don’t know I hate that he has to like literally shoot 100% and have two blocks and a steal for people to come out and say hey he’s kind of

Good yeah yeah he’s been good you just don’t pay attention cuz you’re you know hyper fixating on on the on the points here and the fact that wimy didn’t get the ball 5 million times anyways that’s my rant there uh wimy he was a little rusty but at the beginning of the game

But then again I mean he’s been gone right and this is like one of his bad games one of his bad games and he gave you 24 points two for five from three seven or no I’m sorry eight rebounds four assists and six blocks and this is one of his bad games mind

You one of his bad games so wimy wimy did really well I’m I’m happy with what we saw from uh wimy here and then Devon fael uh he h some timely shots he played the right way when we needed them most I was very happy the these are the three

Where I I truly sit back and say this this is the backbone I I I don’t know why people will say this we can get rid of soan whatever we can get rid of for sale cuz they had you know some bad shooting performances here here there no

The these are the guys that you want to keep around and you start building around that these are the three these are the main three okay these are the main three they’re very special and one thing that I said before soan and wimy the the the the one thing

About those two is good enough is not good enough they work on their games endlessly Victor he he has the size he has the athleticism he could have a very fulfilling career in the NBA if he was nothing more than a rebounder Defender and teams will use that and be a rim

Runner whatever teams can use that right he he could become a Jared Allen in the NBA whatever have a fulfilling career make a lot of money get out retire cool but that’s not good enough for him he wants to be the greatest player of all time so he’s constantly working on

Others aspects of his game it’s not good enough that he can dunk oh yeah I can dunk oh yeah I can I can I can shoot around the room he’s working on his jump shot he’s working on uh uh his post game he’s working on his passing ability he’s

He’s working on his basketball IQ he’s watching endless tape that’s what makes him special and that’s the same thing that makes Sohan special while Sohan isn’t as talented as Victor by any means uh it’s not good enough he could have a career where it’s like well my size

Athleticism I could be a rebounder glue guy that’s my career no they want to keep adding to their game these two are special they got ice in their veins okay and soan he’s not somebody that I think you should just hop up and get rid of like this type of Personality this type

Of nastiness that this guy has it’s not somebody you want to just get rid of just just cuz he has he has some bad shooting performances so I’m going get rid of no no no he’s he’s he he’s he will really come in handy uh when we get it

Together yeah Aaliyah said Clan did you miss me I’m back friend what’s up Aaliyah but yeah so I has some uh Manu in them dude soan and wimy got Manu in them and Devon fael mind you um he played really tough in the clutch I was really happy with him but yeah those

Two those two got Manu in them yeah they got Mamba in them so good game overall good performance overall and um and not to mention on the other end I mean we we play great defense uh well you know good defense I mean they had 127 points but

Tex say I’m here for the silver daners Dancers just kidding Clan I’ll be good yeah um but uh soan did a really good job on koozma tonight I I expected kozma not to have that many that many points um but man they did spread it out didn’t they

Baggley with 20 1 11 16 13 16 16 14 um I felt like their depth really shine through and I’m starting to realize that about the Spurs that we just don’t have that much depth right we like we just don’t have that much depth cuz we’re definitely a better team than the

Wizards like I think that talent wise we have more Talent than the Washington Wizards but their depth was hurting us we just don’t have enough depth that’s unfortunate I think the wimy dude the wimy minutes restriction might be lifted pretty soon guys he had 28 points this game or 2 28 minutes this

Game yeah we just have no depth coming off the bench it’s literally like Kellin who can score and then what like then then were’re screwed what do we do to be honest Spurs are better than the Pistons Wizards and hornets they are I agree but good job good job from everybody I’m excited

Um they did good they did good that’s all I have to say about that they did good


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. This team (as is) is not going to win championships. Why are you, Clan, so set on keeping Vassell? If you can get Trae Young w/o damaging our picks, you do it. Trae would avg 15 assists/gm with VW.

  2. Once we get Trae and those other Hawks players, Sochan is your starting 3&D SF. Hawks don't need Young AND DM. So if the Hawks trade DM, which would be easier than trading Young, then they will keep Young b/c they will need him.

  3. Jeremy is the last guy that deserves any kind of hate on this team.
    Dude had the hardest job and still delivered + improved his biggest weakness massively.

  4. Branham got benched after that horrible to in last moments of first quarter. Pop got so furious that didn't let him play later. Did you watch the game at all?

  5. People often forget how long it took to build a dynasty with the spurs and their star player. Minimum 3-4 years

  6. Clan! Did you see the article about Pop calling out a player? The article said he was talking about Devin Vassell. Basically saying if he does not keep max effort when playing he going to not play. If he does not handle that well he won’t be here.

  7. This is why Keldon is coming off the bench. Without him, the bench would suck. We need the kind of role players that the Spurs had from the Nets finals to both the Heat finals. Perhaps that is not possible in today's NBA b/c of greedy players.

  8. Clan never watched an older spurs championship team and it’s becoming more and more obvious sochan gonna be a good bench player but wemby will probably attract a better PF and PG this teams gonna be built through the off season with good players willing to play a role.

  9. Who here believes Sochan, who is MANY years younger than OG Anunoby, can be an elite 3&D stopper like Anunoby, Bowen, Green, et al.?

  10. I’ve been seeing a lot of people apologizing for saying things about sochan! 🙌🏻 I saw a lot of positive things about sochan

  11. Sochan played well, and you want to make a video about him. What about Keldon's great games, where are the videos about him?

  12. Collins and Osman, 2 guys that want to help the team also in D, but they sucks for différent reason.

    Zach: can't jump vertically (he make plenty faults when he try to jump in D because he can't jump verticaly so he jump ON the other guy) Very bad navigating around any screen, bad at moving lateraly.
    That's not that he doesn't want to defend, that's his physical limitation imho

    Cedi: completely suck at decision making in D. He want to do good Defense, but he don't think the right way for that.
    Overhelping at the paint for no reason letting his guy (the one he should stick to) shoot a wide open 3 (a warm up 3) because he's not fast enough to recover. He do that EVERY games, at least once. Spurs are BAD at defending the perimeter but it's 10 time worse with Cedi Osman

    Yes both can shoot and pass nicely that's great, on one side of the floor they can put good stat, so if you don't watch the game you can forget how bad they are on D.

  13. Lol, every time you defend sochan when he has a good game, Sochan always follows up 4 to 6 points game and a bunch of turnover. Plus, it was the wizard, bro. Let me see it against contenders.

  14. So many things//players (and overall team play) progressing! Like the overall progress of team Deefense, and Wesley "forcing" Pop to give him minutes. Sochan doing well!! HOPE Barlow can get a REGULAR NBA Contract, but have to continue improving and lifting weights! Expecting some trades OR buyouts. Exciting times! Go Spurs!

  15. Sochan is that guy, mark my words he's the glue guy for sure, ge can literally do anything but not the greatest yet, but that's ok , come next year he will be a monster him and Wemby lob threats for day's 🎉

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