@Orlando Magic

EP. 385 – We Are So Back – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 385 – We Are So Back – Orlando Magic Podcast

This is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go Magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is January 22nd 2024 Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host the unders shirtless Luke Sylvia Luke what is going on my man the Orlando Magic secured a win against the Heat

Tonight so I couldn’t be better and we are back we are back fron Vagner that is why we are wearing the Stars fron Vagner Jersey tonight in honor of his return and it it doesn’t get better it doesn’t get better than to beat the Miami Heat especially when both teams

Essentially fully healthy we’ve had our issues the past couple games with Miami wasn’t an issue tonight blow them out lowest total of the year for them at whatever that was 87 points something like that magic are are scary when healthy we we’ll talk about uh the last two games obviously the Philadelphia

Game and then the the Heat game from Sun Sunday night but after we got whooped by Philly on Friday all day Saturday all I could think about is like we just like having to watch Trey young and Joel embiid like the king of kings of all foul Merchants across the NBA having to

Watch those guys Wednesday and then Friday and then go to Saturday with like the bitter taste of that loss and then I’m like and tomorrow we play the freaking Heat at home like I I really genuinely was not prepared for what it was would have felt like to lose to the

Heat tonight and thankfully we didn’t have to to deal with that they they got the win they took care of that Luke you and I sat here essentially a week ago at this very moment and we were looking at the schedule from this week New York on Monday Atlanta on Wednesday Philly on

Friday Miami on Sunday and we said whatever happens I don’t care how you do it you have to find a way to win two games this week you have to go two and two and we were a deante Murray buzzer beater away from going to overtime and

Potentially going three in one on the week so feeling pretty good you and I talk about this we talked about my we we’re comparing this to my golf game from yesterday I went out and played and you said how did you do I said I did

Okay I did much better on the back nine than I did the front nine therefore I I leave the golf course in a good mood and you liken that to the podcast where I always feel better recording a win recording a podcast after a win so it’s

The exact same way Daddy’s got new irons on the way but new to me new to me very excited about that won’t help the game at all but I’m I’m pumped for that so I’m in an overall good mood especially after beating the heat how can you not

Be all right folks uh those of you that are part of our patreon and are either the hall of fame or Elite tier don’t forget this Thursday uh January 25th starting at 8:00 p.m. Eastern is going to be our next uh patreon on exclusive

Zoom uh so be sure that you guys come in and hang out for that we’re hoping for a good turnout just hang out with magic fans and sometimes we talk Magic basketball and sometimes we talk Magic basketball and fill in the blank whatever you want to talk about one time

We talked about somebody literally getting vaporized and I’ve never been able to forget that so um yeah be sure that if you’re in our hall of fame or Elite tiers in our patreon be sure that you’re coming to hang out with us this Thursday and if you’re not if you are in

Our patreon you’re not hall of fame or Elite you can go ahead and upgrade that right now the6 man show and if you’re not part of our patreon again you can find us at the6 man show and we’ll talk a little bit more about patreon in just a bit NBA Allstar

Voting folks has ended uh third returns very very good for pao banero so right now he’s eighth in the Eastern Conference in front Court voting 54166 nice votes uh in total for pao through the third returns finishing above a New York Nick who’s been playing

Really at like an all NBA level so far this season Julius Randall obviously male Bridges Kyle kosma is no longer on that list so uh overall did very very well if you look around the league at other guys that Pao finished ahead of Luke chat holgren DEA sabonis dearen Fox

Johnar which I I get in you know the suspension plays into that but Devin Booker Austin Reeves lamelo ball Drew holiday Derek white Demar de R roen not too bad for our second year stud there Paulo it you almost we’re waiting like you look at kozma dropping out of the voting and it’s

Like but it wasn’t Pao but it felt like that was a possibility in my mind of just that he just kind of falls out of that top 10 there and then we’re just kind of left thinking like he probably won’t make it but with him being you know what is the eth

Now all you and that counts for what is it 50% is that right% it’s big big amount then what it’s it’s uh is it players 25 media 25 or something like that for the starters yes but I’m almost positive that like Pao is not going to

Be voted as a starter like that would that would genuinely be crazy yeah what we’re going to be looking for is is the reserves which is the the coaches around the league vote on the the reserves okay so that’s just coaches that’s good I’m glad we’re all learning

Here tonight right and you I mean so the fan boat’s great in terms of just like honestly recognition doesn’t hurt that you just keep seeing Andrew wi rule is why they’ve implemented all this kind of stuff so the Andrew Wiggins thing doesn’t ever happen again yeah that was

Crazy that was crazy so yeah and then what we find out here in a couple couple Thursdays if uh if Pao is going to be making it as a reserve that’s man it’s get to we don’t we don’t play that night so that’s all we’re going to be doing

Checking our phones checking our screens see if he’s an All-Star that is correct so the starters are going to be announced this Thursday on Inside the NBA on TNT and then the following Thursday which is February 1st uh usually around like 7:00 that broadcast will start so we are going to

Be hanging out on playback that night It’s tricky because you want to wait for the broadcast but going back through Shams is you know Twitter feed it seems like he is usually at least a few minutes before the Like official broadcast announcement so we’re going to

Be on playback a little bit ahead of the broadcast hopefully Shams doesn’t spoil it too early and we can all react to What like I think it’s a foregone conclusion that Pao banero is going to be you know made an All-Star Reserve by the the coaches around the league so for

All of us to be able to react to Pao and potentially even France you know fron has you know a couple weeks here you know at least a week or so to make his case fron never gets hurt I I think there’s a a small chance that the magic

Have two Allstars but the fact that right now now they eighth in the Eastern Conference like had we stayed healthy and stuck around that 4 five six somewhere around there I think there would have been a legitimate chance for us to have two Allstars but the fact

That we’ve Fallen a little bit in the standings and haven’t been playing that well the last couple of weeks think recency bias is going to you know take a effect here and I I don’t think fron is is is going to get voted in but he could

But we’ll definitely at least be able to react hopefully as a group to Pal Carol making his first NBA Allstar game first of many so very much looking forward to that all right now to the state of the magic this week the magic went two and two which we talked about was an

Absolute necessity boys got it done shout out to them good for us two and two with a win over the Knicks on Monday a loss to the Hawks on Wednesday a loss to Philly on Friday at home and a win over the heat on Sunday they currently sit eighth in the Eastern Conference

With a record of 23 and 20 they’re now 10 games back of Boston six and a half games back of Second Place Milwaukee six games back of Third Place Philadelphia three and a half games back of Cleveland who we play tonight as you all are listening to this if you’re listening on

Monday three games back of the Knicks a game and a half back of Indiana a game back of the Miami Heat after tonight’s win over them we are 2 and 1/2 games up on Chicago 4 and 1 half games up on Atlanta 5 and 1/2 games up on Brooklyn

And seven games up on the Toronto Raptors who you know their win loss record is probably just going to continue to deteriorate now that they’ve made the moves that they have on the season the magic are 24th in the NBA in offensive rating they are fifth on the

Year in the NBA and defensive rating and they now sit at 14th in net rating with a net rating of 1.1 taking a look at the injury report Luke almost a clean slate fron voner returned to the lineup Sunday after missing the past eight games with an ankle sprain Gary Harris has now

Missed the past nine games with a calf strain which Gary Harris missed a couple of games to a calf strain came came back played like a game and a half re-aggravated the calf strain and now he’s been out nine games so who knows how much longer Gary is going to be out

With this don’t really know but it still could be a while haven’t really heard much in in the way of updates uh in as it regards to Gary Harris Luke and then uh a little bit of Magic news I guess our boy fron vogner making the

Appearance on JJ redx podcast old man in the three it was fun I feel like the the whole point of those it’s it’s to introduce these guys more into like the not casual fans but like not you don’t learn a lot about the guy if you’re

Already like a Die Hard of that team like I didn’t learn a ton about fron V per se in this but it’s cool that he’s getting like that level of exposure to people around the league that watch and listen JJ’s pod to to JJ’s podcast that don’t necessarily watch and follow the

Magic the coolest thing that I took away was Fran’s mindset and how humble he is there’s a point where JJ starts asking him coming into last your rookie year last season coming into your rookie year did you have any idea that you would become one of the

Guys and fron tries to answer and JJ like keeps expounding upon his question and kind of cuts off what I felt like was going to be a cool moment but fron you could see like the camera that cuts to him and as soon as JJ says like did

You have any idea he he just smiled said no like he just no idea and in those moments it was just refreshing because NBA players as as much as we want to think that they’re not a lot of NBA players have huge egos they’ve been the best their entire life

Right I I know myself in that position I’d probably be just as that yeah you’d have massive head yeah so I it was just refreshing for to hear fron just be like no I didn’t CU in that moment a lot of guys probably been like

Yeah I knew or I always knew Edwards is like oh yeah right yeah a lot of people it Pao probably right like he was number one pick obviously a little more obvious for pao but right these guys expect it fron Vagner was like I he said a lot of

Cool things that were really humble sounding and whatever but that was my favorite moment just like quick moment that might have been missed by some people loved him talking about the difference between International ball and and playing in the US talked about why like Germany had success in FBA

Essentially alluding to the fact that the USA team like players are changing all the time and in Germany they’ve been playing together for a while they get it and he he also talked like expounded on playing the pick and roll and I think he said he didn’t play in a picking role

Until he was like what 14 or 15 which he had played a lot of basketball even before that right so just kind of speaks to just the the crazy differences and just that you’re like International ball is just very and European ball is is very team

Oriented I’m not going to try to drop 30 40 points we’re just going to try to get the win and France Vagner very much is that way and to be honest because of France Wagner because of Mo Vagner it makes you want more guys from that

Aren’t from the USA on your team because they are just unselfish they want to just win and at the end of the day you can know that your star or whoever is on your team contributing is super super humble because they were raised like playing

The sport that way so it was just a breath freser for me already knew fron was that way but to see him kind of affirm that and reaffirm it on a stage like JJ reck podcast was awesome to me one of the the biggest takeways the the the part where they

Were talking about just like the difference between like the the youth systems in the States versus Germany and Europe and talking about how like it’s it’s sexy like it’s it’s glorified uh to to be a bucket getter you know in the states like everybody wants to be Anthony Edwards or growing

Up you know Tracy McGrady or Kobe Bryant or whoever and France talked about you know getting up in the middle of the night and you know watching Dwayne Wade and and things like that but obviously didn’t really model his game after Dwayne Wade and it’s just a hearing him talk

About developing through the Alba Berlin system and just the emphasis on moving without the ball and you know the fundamentals and how much they worked on footwork and you know other um parts of his development it almost seems like guys coming over from Europe like if if

You’ve properly had a chance to evaluate their talent like a guy like fron voder who played at ala Berlin but then came over and played in like the the US you know college system and you you could see where he stacked up against other you know real legitimate NBA prospects

It almost feels like those guys have like a lower floor like maybe the ceiling isn’t going to be as high but if you look at a guy like Jaylen green you know who’s now in like his third year and I mean I was as high on Jaylen green

As as anybody because the kid is just like a bucket getter but there’s a lot of you know flaws in his game that are are making themselves to be you know a lot more apparent and he doesn’t have really a real impact on winning basketball so that was the biggest

Takeaway from me is like we’ve talked about how the talent level between the United States and U A lot of these European countries especially like the talent Gap is shrinking more than it ever has and it’s closer than it ever has been and you look around the league

Right now and the best players are are European you know you or or you know International I guess you know you’ve got Joel you’ve got joic you’ve got Giannis you’ve got Luca you got fron baby I mean I I think that trend is just going to continue and I I really hope at

Some point I don’t think it’s going to happen but I really think at some point like NBA basketball from top to bottom like even like the the aou you know culture like takes a look at hey maybe we need to rethink the way that we’re doing this because again the Gap has

Just been closing and closing for years but I thought it was a dope interview obviously hearing bronze talk about the magic nothing really like Stu like stuck out to me or like surprised me about that at all um but to hear JJ like R and Rave about jayen sugs like towards the

End of their conversation was really cool and I think back and then we’ll we’ll move on here to actually our our Jam of the week but I think back to draft night maybe it was draft night or maybe it was when we were doing kind of our content where we’re looking at

Prospects the the buzz around France Vagner or the the word on him was he doesn’t do anything Elite but he does everything well he’s going to make those around him better and it all makes sense because of of how he grew up and how he would played basketball he even talked

About his time in Michigan like his role was not at all like go get a bucket that wasn’t his role at all because it wasn’t asked so I think it’s just really awesome that if you do all the little things right he’s he’s Jamal Mosley’s just

Like key example of what he wants right like do the little things right be a good decision maker make the right play and just do what you’re told and the magic have told fron vogner hey you’re one of our top options the top two we need you to go get a

Bucket sometimes get this team going and fron Vagner just simply is doing what he what he wants like what what not what he wants what the team wants right so really cool once again to see him there now Jonathan want to take you back just a couple hours ago Jonathan Isaac

For the jam of the week in this one the magic and the heater tide I think it was 22 a piece yes 22 a piece Anthony black gets the ball drives to the hoop gets his feet in the paint kick out to Jonathan Isaac on the corner

Ji gives Kyle Lowry a nice pump fly by ji goes in Wendell Carter Jr does a great job cealing Heywood High Smith y’all can make your own judgment call about how how just how good that ceiling was might have gotten away with a hook doesn’t matter Jonathan Isaac pulls it

Back behind his head and jams it home from this point forward Jonathan the magic would not relinquish the lead you go up 2422 and I think that that makes that all worthwhile for it to be the jam hot chicken Jam of the week it happens ji

Slams at home go up 2422 you are never trailing to the heat the rest of the game our friends at J hot were at this game and had like a firstperson perspective to that dunk so shout out to jam incredible now like we said that was your jam hot

Chicken Jam of the week now I just want to talk to you about Jam Hot Chicken located at 400 West New England Avenue sweet 13 in Hannibal Square there in Winter Park they have the best chicken you’ve heard us talk about it if you’re a first time listener welcome in they’ve got the

Best chicken sandwich we’re not overhyping it it is that good simple if you like hot get the mild the first tier of of hotness essentially it’s still an enjoyable and enjoyable sandwich and you get the kick It’s the Best of Both Worlds now go do that check them out let

Them know we sent you get you some fries and uh you can ask them to put some of their comeback sauce on it which like their signature sauce super awesome you that’s request only so do that I saw them post about that today actually go

Do that go check out Jam Hot Chicken you can find them um online jamhot uh you can also go to just find them on social media and I believe it’s jamot chicken on all social media so go check them out let them know we sent you get yourself a Sando the Box

The fries or the comeback sauce whatever you want it’s all incredible nice little cheer wine there as well which you you don’t find wine you can’t find that everywhere but that cheer wine always has the spot love it all right I don’t want to go back to

Friday to talk about this game but we talk about all the games and it was on the Slate unfortunately so let’s go back uh to this game against Philadelphia so cut right to it magic lost this one 124 to 109 and Joel embiid Just quite frankly Unstoppable um the magic didn’t

Really have a a Sayo in the matter if he fell on one of our guys it was a foul if he threw one of our guys to the ground it was a foul on our guy that fell um the magic also just didn’t really have an answer for him defensively and he he

Just had way 36.7 rebounds and then Tyrese Maxi who’s been playing really well against the magic all year 32 points for the magic just comes down to really the fact they gave up too many Second Chance opportunities for Philadelphia Phil had uh 16 offensive rebounds and the magic uh committed 16

Turnovers to Philadelphia’s seven you go back and you you look at the summary of this game Luke it feels like it should be much closer Philadelphia outscored the magic 46 to 42 in the paint and the magic outscored Philly 69- 26 in terms of bench points looking at that

You like okay this must have been a pretty close game and it really it just it was not all that close uh Magic ended up throwing in the towel and the you know last you know four or five minutes of this game we saw some trevol and

Queen saw some Kevon Harris for the first time this year and we saw Jed Howard for the first time in in quite a long time offensively magic just didn’t totally really have it going um except one guy in particular W Del Carter Jr finished the night with 25 points 11

Rebounds in just 26 minutes the return of the the W daddy probably his best game of the season you know didn’t need to knock down a bunch of Threes but uh again was still filling up the stat sheet and yeah it just feels like Philadelphia has our number the last

Couple of years like when I go back to last November we had that like weekend series against Philly with like no Joel no James Harden no Tyrese Maxi they still smacked us around played them a couple of weeks ago no Joel embid Just Tyrese Maxi and they smacked us around

Joel embiid comes back they have Joel they have Tyrese Maxi and they smack us around again so really unfortunate U anytime that we’re seeing Philadelphia on the uh the old schedule this season I don’t really feel great about it Luke and this was like the the the pits of

Despair I feel like this was one of the lowest points of the season for me because like marquel’s back Wendell’s back still no fronds right no fronds didn’t really have a good idea for when he was going to be back and it was another game of the starting lineup of Paulo Jaylen

Chuma Caleb and Goa and it was so obviously not working in that first half magic were down let me see what was the the score total at the end of the first half here that’s were down 68 to 60 almost gave up 70 points in that first

Half Caleb was a minus5 plus minus poo a minus 13 Goa aus4 chuma a minus 12 Jaylen a minus 12 almost everybody on the bench unit besides Cole had a A positive plus minus and I was just telling myself at the half like we have had more than enough sample size that

This unit with these Five Guys does not work as long as as we Trot any other lineup out at the beginning of the second half I’ll be okay with it and sure enough we saw that same freaking uh starting five lineup to start the second half and I was like we’re we’re going

Nowhere until France comes back this team is absolutely going nowhere and I mean I I guess I was technically right we that was the last game that we didn’t have France then he comes back and we’re back we went somewhere in fact we went to being back so uh this Philadelphia

Game was just a whole bunch of not fun at all and it not only ruined my Friday night but also ruined a lot of my mental state on Saturday the the only thing it did for me was make me more confused about what I want to happen at the trade deadline

With wend Carter Jr having the game that he had he goes six of he goes one of two from the three-point line he gets to the free throw line shoots seven free throws 6 of seven from the line 9 of 13 from the field like you said 25 and 11

One of he was the only positive plus minus and I don’t think that’s a coincidence he was the reason that he had a plus two sometimes guys just benefit from being The Supporting Cast and with with stars on the four as we know to have a good plus minus Wendel Carter

Jr made me rethink some things right because it gets to that point you’re like man L Carter Jr I I just was talking about him getting dealed at the deadline but I don’t know he’s clearly from this game and what he offers offensively he’s better than goo pataz

But I said something to the group chat about it I just said when daddy’s back or something like that and your response was something to the effect of but he’s got to stay healthy I was like you’re so right you’re so right like it’s not about Wendell’s ability

Yeah it’s not it’s not about that now does he like necessarily is he the best fit next to PO and fr I don’t know I would love it if Wendell was three Ines taller and had three four more inches on his vertical like that would be then we

Wouldn’t have any problems at all but overwhelmingly with Wendell it’s like okay well when is the next planner fasciitis or knee tendonitis or whatever coming with Wendell like to me that’s always going to be the thing like how much can you count on a guy who you

Don’t know that you’re going to get more than 60 games a year out of yeah I it is tough it’s tough and it I mean the reason that the Outlook our Outlook is similar for deadline is like our thoughts are we won’t be surprised if Marquel fultz or wend Carter Jr get

Dealt and you’ve got pretty good options behind them right I wouldn’t mind Anthony black getting run I wouldn’t mind Goa getting run for the rest of the season right nobody’s saying that this is a permanent thing with Anthony black hopefully it is goo baz I don’t think

That’s a permanent thing it’s kind of a filler if you do deal Dell but the common denominator here is just that Folton and Wendell make sense because they’re always injured they’re not available and like you said it’s not so much about ability especially with Wendell and Marquel folz will talk about

Him in the Heat game he was a great Difference Maker in the Heat game but when when are they going to get hurt again and it stinks it it does stink that that’s the case with both of them because I a big fans of both of

Them as people and so it it stinks but we’ll see nevertheless W Carter Jr puts a stamp on this game against the Sixers and then gets to see himself in the starting lineup against the Miami Heat retaining his rightful spot I think a an issue with the the magic

This year and I don’t I hate like there are a couple of games this year that are absolutely on the officials right like going back to like the Sacramento game that game was absolutely on the officials there was a game last week I forget which one it was but I know I was

All hot and bothered about it that I legitimately like the officials had a way too big of a hint in that game the 76ers game is gross as the officiating was when it comes to Joel embiid this game was not un officiating but what bothers me is because this what this did

Play a factor in this game is that the officials often don’t let the magic match the physicality of the team that they’re playing like Joel embiid plays with a ton of physicality offensively if you try to match his physicality and you’re getting the whistle you have no

Shot of guarding a guy like that it just is what it is if he’s got the physical advantage and then he’s going to get the whistle if you breathe on him you have no shot of of guarding a guy like that even straight up it’s it’s going to be

Difficult enough and it reflects in a game like this where you are outrebounded on the offensive glass you know 16 to 11 and you’re out rebounded 42 to 36 to beat Philly you’re absolutely going to have to to crash the glass and win win the battle because we

Just don’t have the offensive you know Superstar that Joel em be in Tyrese Maxi are right like Paulo is fantastic he’s in his second year he’s coming into his own is HE capable of having a game like Joel had or like Tyrese Maxi had absolutely but those guys are are doing it nighted

And night out right now like Tyrese has been incredible Joelle obviously playing at a you know MVP level again but if the the officials don’t let the magic match that level of physicality I thought that’s what also contributed to obviously the 29 free throws that Philadelphia had but then you look at

The magic and the magic had 27 so at least that whistle was sort of going both ways um but just our unability to do anything to Joel and and Tyrese and then Philadelphia’s offensive rebounding just a real problem and to a lot of people’s Point like Joel

Embiid is a playoff dropper because he doesn’t get these same calls as he does in the regular season so I don’t know it was annoying hopefully this is the last game that we can go and we’re not really totally healthy so it’s not that big of

A deal because it is tough to totally evaluate and analyze these games if again Caleb Houston is getting 15 minutes if chuma okk is getting 20 minutes and then trevelin Kon Jed Howard all getting three minutes like that this thing you know when we’re healthy that just won’t be

Happening now we talked about this a little earlier um let’s mention patreon so patreon um is a platform where our listeners help support us do everything that we do they literally keep the lights on allow us to do giveaways upgrade equipment have these you know patreon Zoom calls all that kind of

Stuff so if you’re a listener you know to the show for any amount of time and you like what we do and you want to get involved and you want to like actually legitimately be the reason that we’re able to do this I would encourage you to

Go to our patreon at theix man show and just take a look at the different tiers that we have and the different benefits that are available with each tier uh pick which one you know might work best for you if it’s a little if it’s a lot we appreciate

Everybody the same uh we give brand new patrons a brand new shout out each time that we have them and then we give a shout out to our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons on each and every episode so I’m going to go ahead and start with

Our guys uh Kyle and pich over at court cousins best friend of the program Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe Gaines Whiffle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch Dave Pao and fronzes warmth Pier a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez danal dto 15

Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Eric Lopez fuchsia Bill fton Emon lagone josea squealing Caleb Pete cannibalism time Miss TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 Shred Junior Bruce half Rin shahan 177 Bobby the dawn himo Ben hro RM Pro 221 Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley that’s a new one mysterious Mosley soft taco

Victor cologne Irish Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle only France Maria Keith wall Fritz cury Kev bral Case green Santi Leon K Eckler the distract Amad timsa chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah cantero barol magic Debo 1980 a big thank you to all of our patrons

You can find us at theix man show Sunday night the dirty stinking freaking heat came to Orlando Luke talked a little bit about the the despair that I was feeling Saturday ahead of this game and for parts of Sunday like I think I tweeted into the

Group chat yesterday like can’t wait to play the Heat tomorrow and Kevin’s like we’re going to win that game like we we have to win that game somehow I wasn’t feeling overly optimistic going into this game until we got word today that fron Varner was going to be the game

Time decision we heard yesterday that he was going to be questionable but we know what questionable means with this team you just you can’t put any any sort of you know thought into that you just have to wait and see what happens when we heard he was a game time decision today

I was like okay we’re just saying unless something crazy happens during pregame warm-ups bronze is going to play was back in the lineup and the Return of the lineup that we haven’t seen I think since uh what was that November 2nd I think it was when we played the Utah

Jazz of Marquel folz Jaylen Suggs bronze voder Pao banero Wendell Carter Jr Luke what were your thoughts seeing that lineup uh that it was going to be implemented again to start this game against Miami I was pretty confused by it I mean I don’t know I mean I I guess that like the

The the reemergence or whatever you want to call it of Marquel fol and Wendell Carter Jr those just like perfectly align with Fran’s return I guess I don’t know because what they both played like 20 plus minutes Kellen and and Dell last game but they didn’t start and

So coming into this one I I I was thinking fron is going to you know obviously fron is healthy he’s going to start and then I was thinking he probably takes the spot of of Caleb and then chuma starts as well and they just keep rolling out the no point

Guard look to start the game which has been a head scratcher because you could have started Anthony black but you just chose not to wanted to do the chuma and Caleb thing so I was just glad that was over that entire thing it just felt like

You’ve seen the the I know you’ve seen the meme that magic fans love to put out of just like the Storm Troopers as the heads of the magic players right it’s what it began to feel like with no disrespect but like you get that reference cuz I know you’re not a Star

Wars guy yeah yeah they can’t shoot yeah okay I get the reference yeah but I appreciate keeping me in cheack there um yes but no offense to Caleb and and truma especially Caleb because I think Caleb if he can become a consistent three-point shooter could be a key

Factor to this team in the next few years but seeing them get put out on the floors at start in the starting group it’s just like like I don’t even even just discouraging you turn on the TV and that’s the lineup the graphic on the screen the starters and you’re like I I

Don’t I don’t even want to watch this game it was fun when truma and Caleb were both hot don’t get me wrong we knew that that was probably especially for chuma probably just something that was going to run its course and that was going to be it so somehow fr’s coming

Back makes Mo decide we’re also going to put Cal in the starting lineup and Dell in the starting lineup and we’re just going to run it back it’s going to feel like opening night again aside from Gary Harris being out still obviously relieved is the word I would use when France gets ruled

Available and then you just get to watch him just demoralize the heat all night it was a ton of fun that that group healthy defensively I tweeted out I remember why we were number one in defensive rating for a little while when fully healthy with that starting group

They’re incredible and I think marel folz has somehow was even the probably the best I’ve seen him off ball defending tonight and he still was a good off ball Defender before that but tonight he was outrageous yeah the the whole the whole starting lineup uh was was great tonight

Uh to to be fair U I think a lot of it has to do obviously with just like the size and the versatility of Wendell Pao fron like those guys being able to switch basically on to anybody and then you have Marquel who is a plus Defender

You have Jaylen who is an elite Defender and I mean I mean we were still defending relatively well with the Anthony black Jaylen Suggs Paulo frons gole lineup you know while you know Marquel and and Wendell were at they were still playing at a super high level

But getting to you know visualize the concept of this starting lineup again because we only saw you know the first you know four four and a half games you know something like that before guys started to go out so I don’t want to speak too much on like the philosophy of

Like where the team is at what we’re trying to do as we head up to get closer to the deadline I think we can do that in a minute after we talk more about the game but talking about the game you know magic got out to a a relatively you good

Start up by three after the first quarter like you talked about the defense was astounding held Miami to 25% from the floor in that first quarter um Miami shot a little bit better in that second quarter uh three of seven from behind the arc six of seven from the

Free throw line helped them get back into the game magic were only up two at the half because of that Caleb Martin buzzer beater to end the half and then the magic just Blitz Miami offensively in that third mag shot 56% from the floor three of six from behind the arc

10 of 10 at the free throw line outscored Miami 33 to 23 going into the fourth quarter and then going into the fourth quarter you’re up 12 and I tweeted like the magic have to win the next seven minutes like create some space and then at the end of this game

You’ll be able to rest the starters a little bit and the magic just followed up a great performance in the third with a great performance in the fourth quarter not necessarily offensively but defensively you hold Miami to 35 5% in that fourth quarter hold them to 18

Points on your way to a 105 to 87 win uh just big blowout the guys got to sit you know the last few minutes of the game with Cole Caleb trevel and queen chuma okk jet Howard playing the last few minutes and and closing out here Anthony

Black getting some bur in there as well and not hearing a single let’s go Heat chant in Amway against the Miami Heat I genuinely can’t remember the last time that that happened and it was awesome big win you called it Amway but I’ll let it slide oh Kia I you know what since

The change I think that is the first time that that’s happened oh perfect I this game going into the fourth quarter up 12 like you said I started having flashbacks PTSD of the beginning of the season when we were fully healthy but couldn’t close close a game

Out in terms of really that was the second half thing that was not a fourth quarter strictly thing that was a that was very much a third quarter thing but I still had the feeling of we need to put them away because Miami like spoler is a great coach Jimmy Butler’s been awfully

Quiet tonight surely he’s going to get it going in the fourth but it didn’t matter the just really I mean again we say this after every Magic win because chocker this is this is the formula to win games the magic shoot under 33s shoot 28 of them they shoot at a okay

Clip nine of 28 but then they they outscore the heat 54 to 36 in the paint they a rebound well out rebound them 44 to 36 get to the free throw line shoot 28 of them cuz inevitably this match is team is going to L Miss six plus free

Throws in any given game so you got to have a high volume from there but they did all the things they checked all the boxes and just did this in the most magic way possible held the heat to 87 their lowest scoring performance of the year can’t say enough about this team

And there wasn’t a time where I looked at who was on the court and was like I hate this lineup I because I I grew to do that with the with the starting lineup that we were dealing with recently that lineup was on the court and I was like

I the bench might be better like this is I don’t I hate this lineup at no point tonight was like I hate this lineup they were playing incredible defense everybody just the effort was to the extreme tonight Jeff and David said before the game right before tip off there seems to

Be an energy on the bench with the return of fron Wagner and that’s what happens one of your leaders comes back and France says after the game you know it’s easy to feel like you’re not part of the team as part of the team when you’re

Injured like that and he said but I’m I’m glad that they made it you know in a place where I felt welcome back which none of us are surprised by that but just all around incredible energy tonight I remember uh what what year was uh what year was endgame now I don’t remember

I said I remember but I don’t remember the year but I remember sitting in the theater watching endgame and you know Thor you know 2019 2019 there you go Thor is fighting Thanos and Moler his his hammer just raises up off the ground and you’re like oh my gosh is

Thanos about to about to grab Moler and then you see it just fly past him and you see Captain America grab it it and then Avengers Assemble that was fron V hitting that first three baby in the first quarter of this game I’m like we are back like you know you’re sitting in

The theater and you’re like oh y’all about to get it now y’all about to get it now and all the portals start opening up Spider-Man comes swinging they’re like oh y’all going to get it y’all gonna get it now Bron hit that three I’m like we’re back baby y’all going and get

It now and you know what else was a sign that we were back Paulo was able to have a relatively quiet 20 tonight 20 and 10 I was like oh wow yeah and I was like wow he had 20 and 10 that’s crazy but Pao was just able to do his

Thing and obviously having familiarity some continuity in a starting lineup with Delan Kell back too he just it just like picked up right where they left off right so just was a lot of fun tonight andalo I mean a big reason he scores 20 H

33s hits 3 threes a lot of open ones to which Jeff said on the broadcast he’s not had many open threes here in the last since France yeah nothing came easy for pao and you we just got accustomed to like if the Magic win it means Pao scored 25

Plus and he didn’t have to once again that was the thing as well like the sign of a of a an up and cominging good team just genuinely very good team is that the star doesn’t have to erupt for you to win the Magic win this game by almost

20 and nobody scored 25 plus it was a great feeling it’s good to be it’s good to be back that lineup of Marquel Jaylen France Pao Wendell in 19 minutes tonight had a 130 offensive rating and an 85 defensive rating 44.8 overall net rating small sample size like don’t don’t take

Anything from that at all but just the numbers on its face genuinely crazy like awesome awesome job by the starting lineup in this one you mentioned Ballo 20 points 10 rebounds seven of 14 from the floor three of five from behind the ark fron vonner great game in his return

19.6 of 13 from the floor five of five at the free throw line two rebounds added five assists a couple of vagna Carta lobs SW booy Wendell who had 17- nine a Markel 12 points four assists two steals two blocks really good game for him and then you know guys just kind of

Came in Off the Bench and gave a a few plays here and there Anthony black with six points in almost 14 minutes Mo Vagner with eight points Off the Bench ji with six Cole with five just a team doing it by committee that’s that’s really was what it was against Miami and

You know as good as the the offense was at moments the defense was just genuinely suffocating uh for the majority of this game so big win for the magic Luke what I want to talk about now is how good marel was and I this is the thing about

Marquel like if I’m wrong about everything that we talked about the last episode whether or not he’s healthy I don’t think he’s healthy because of the shoulder like we keep seeing this massive bandage and with is also accompanied by like a small little white patch I don’t know what exactly is

Going on there at all seems related to the shoulder because we’ve seen the the jumper right didn’t take a single jumper tonight like everything was at the rim for marel and early in the game like they’re they’re not paying any attention to Marquel like even if the

The ball is on his side of the floor the heat oftentimes had four or five guys actively standing in the paint daring the magic to shoot so I’m hope I hope that I’m wrong like I it would nothing would make me happier for this team to

Just play at a you know 130 plus offensive rating and an 85 defensive rating at all times nothing would make me happier than this starting lineup to genuinely be that good to have a almost 45 positive net rating at all times sign me up for that but because of what we

Saw tonight I I do think it is a matter of time until teams adjust and just say like Marquel we’re not going to let you just like cut back door and get some of the the easy looks that he saw or you know get into the middle of the floor somebody throws it

Into marel and then he’s able to facilitate I do think it’s going to be a matter of time for teams to adjust and to to scheme like Hey we’re we’re just going to pack the paint like that’s all we’re going to do we’re not going to let

Marquel get these like back door cuts and then we’re we’re going to see again like tonight you shoot what was it nine of 28 from behind the arc which isn’t fantastic 32% but how many times this year have we seen the magic especially last couple of weeks shoot below 30% and

Just nobody can buy a basket uh from behind the arc like whatsoever like fron 205 Pao you know 105 Jaylen was one of six but like I I don’t think that’s so far out of the shooting variant for this team and I I still have long-term questions about the fit with Marquel

Folz and then just his level of availability and if all he’s able to do now is get to the rim like before we were like okay he can’t shoot from behind the The Arc but you know 12 to 15 ft he’s still pretty good in those areas

Like could get to the elbow and knock down jumpers especially closing games was huge and if that’s just not something that he’s able to do consistently anymore it changes the the player that he is and it it changes the the potential that he has in my opinion you

Talked about it on the last episode and we’ve talked about oh even if it’s not here Marquel is a guy that’s going to be able to start in this league for a long time if he doesn’t even have at least a mid-range jumper that is serviceable I

Don’t see that being the case so as awesome as tonight was and I’m trying not to be like too prisoner of the moment where maybe we were a little bit like oh the last couple of games he’s been bad so we just need him out of here oh this last game

He’s looked awesome okay everything’s fine I I I think we’re somewhere in the middle the magic saying going back to this lineup with Marquel Jaylen France Pao Wendell to me it’s like hey we’ve got two plus weeks to the trade deadline this is the lineup we thought we were

Going to have at the beginning of the Season let’s get as much data as we possibly can on this and then if we have to make like a last minute decision on hey is this going to work is this not going to work I think they have to do

What they’re doing now and this could not be the case they could just like no hey this is what we want to do this is what we want to do for the rest of the season but if it were me and I I’m in the room I’m listening

To them say hey this is what we’re going to do like to me that’s the thing that makes the most sense is we thought we were going to be really successful with this lineup to the start of the Year let’s put it back out there let’s see

What it looks like for the next one two three four five six seven eight games that we have between now and the trade deadline and then they can make a decision and I still think moving Marquel is the right move at the deadline because I don’t see him being the long-term

Answer I don’t see them resigning him this year so if you can get anything because it’s you know 1617 million uh or whatever is left on his contract the the rest of the year here and and whatever you’d have to move to to make that

Work I I still think that you do it Wendell makes more sense to keep because he’s got multiple years left on his deal but again even if you can move both of those guys I think I would still be in favor of it you look at the shot chart markal

Faults against the Miami Heat that’s all you need to know I don’t think that’s fair because he was awesome everywhere else as well I don’t think it’s all you need to know but I think it is really important to look at that’s that’s all I need to know

I don’t care what else he’s doing like if because if he listen it’s not like he had assists he had a great game and I hate that it is to this point where he had a great game but I do feel like after the take and The Stance I took

Last episode I can’t just show up and not address the good game that the great game that Marquel folz had he had a great game right 29 minutes 12 points four assists he had a great game relatively speaking but you look at the shot chart

And he took all of his points came in the restricted area he attempted one shot from outside the restricted area in the paint and he missed wasn’t that’s the the the entire dialogue that I’m going to be fighting the rest of the time is like until like

You said he’s at least taking mid-range shots no making mid-range shots I don’t care if he’s taking them he’s got to make we got to start somewhere you got to take them to make them take them stop on a dime and hit your mid-range shot I we we we grew accustomed to that

Happening and we’ll see how it goes I mean now that he’s in the starting lineup I assume he’s going to be that way until if he gets traded but that’s where this really comes in for me I and and where it should come in for everybody I get it

There’s people that are going to stick on the Marquel F should be here train point guard of the future whatever I also was a big fan of Marquel fult on the court let’s get that c only thing I’m sorry to jump in the only thing that

I ask for people that are going to like stay on like marel fultz’s our point guard blah blah blah please be honest when you’re approaching the conversation if you’re disagreeing do some soul searching is it because you just really love marel fults and you are just going to disagree

With everything in any logic that somebody presents to you because you love Markel folz if that’s the case just tell me that and we can avoid the conversation and if not give me the evidence of why marelul should be the point guard of this team moving into the

Future because I that’s the thing that I’ve lost the vision for is him being here for the next three four years and being part of title contending teams and lot I’ve lost my marel folz dinosaur so to speak well I will reiterate just the the sheer fact that you and

I have been big Marquel fults fans it sucks that we’re to this point but that’s why I don’t want people thinking like you and I are just going to do that thing that a lot of people are doing right now where it’s like whichever side of the aisle you’re on on

Whatever caters to your agenda like we’re going to you and I are going to just present the facts the fact was marel FZ was very good tonight my heart was fluttering it was he see like he was very good I want him to I want him to be the

Guy but for for me everybody’s got their thing right they that they that they want a player to be good at or whatever for me right now I literally just want him to attempt a mid-range shot attempt a three-pointer to let me know like hey maybe I’m G to eventually get

Back to what I was we know you can facilitate relatively well for a point guard like for a point guard you can facilitate right that’s what you need to do but if they don’t even look at you on the three-point line I don’t like in the in in the year

2024 I don’t want a guard on the court who just won’t take it and I hate that it is likely due to to to so it stinks I feel for him in that respect but in terms of just the the product on the court I would rather see Anthony

Black who still is a positive in my opinion regardless of his role whether it be small or not I’d rather him see him out there because he’s not detrimental to the game it’s not like in the years past where like you got out there cuz you want him to develop and you’re

Tanking he’s genuinely a positive in these lineups because he knows how to get it he knows when to get out of the way when it’s not his turn but he’s always going to defend his butt off and that’s what you need right now when you’ve already got you’re kind of Cornerstone

Stars you just need a guy that knows how to get out of the way but will shoot when the ball is given to them and let the guys do their thing and play defense at 110% I think part of part of the issue like when we’re talking about Marquel versus

Anthony black is like there are certain things right now that Marquel can do that AB just is not capable of doing yet offensively like when you look at like the high level finishing some of the passes that marel is able to make Marquel is like an enigma because he

Makes passes that like 5% of the guys in the NBA can make but he’s never been a guy to average more than five assists right five and a half like 5.7 I think was his career high a couple seasons ago yep and it’s it’s just the weirdest

Thing like the guy is capable of making every single pass I I don’t I don’t I just don’t I don’t know what it is it’s a weird thing like you look at his usage usage percentage and the the the passes that he’s capable of making and like his IQ

And it just feels like the guy should be able to average you know eight nine assists a game but maybe if he just was never looking for his own offense maybe the fact that like he is sort of always just looking to make the right play and

Like find his own spots but it’s hard for me to see a guy being the future of that position for our team when he his his offense is like is literally regressing like it’s not efficiency like it’s the things that he was capable of doing a year ago it doesn’t look like

He’s physically capable of doing those things anymore and again I could be totally wrong on this but the impact that he had tonight in the way that the that starting unit was able to play offensively and just move the ball so effortlessly and just continue to find the best shot over and over

Again I don’t see it being sustainable long long term with Marquel in the starting lineup when like Jimmy Butler was playing like 12 feet off of Marquel at all times tonight I I just don’t see it being sustainable and again I would love to be

Wrong but I there’s a big part of my entire mind my heart wants you know my heart’s like maybe you’re wrong my brain’s like it just doesn’t make sense how it could possibly be wrong and he has to get back to where he was and then at that point it’s like

I hope it doesn’t happen again and it’s like when is it going to happen I have no idea but I will say I feel like because of what I’ve said to this point about markl folz and been a downer about him in general I have to compliment one thing

For sure you you not that his obviously finishing around the rim is great tonight he had the ball down I don’t remember if it was off a rebound offensive rebound I don’t remember but you’re just talking about like what AB can’t do right now that Marquel absolutely can Markel folz catches the

Ball basically it comes to the point where like he’s basically in the post defender on his back and just gives him one spin move and he’s revers on the other side with the L and I was like it was disgusting that’s just gross like it happens so quick he barely had the ball

In his hands and he’s doing the spin and going reverse L and like made it look so easy and I was like I wish you could I wish you would I wish you could shoot again like mid-range I I just wish so badly because that type of stuff is

Exciting and again like you said did a great job tonight we just need it to happen every night and that he can get to the room every night and uh and I don’t know you you got to have Dell in there because he’s a shooter if you’re going to have Marquel

Out there you need some spacing so that he can even get to the paint so it’s weird because it’s like is Marquel fultz impactful enough that we just need to help surround him with guys that can shoot or do we just need a guard that can not hesitate shoot the ball and we

Don’t and can also probably get to the paint like I don’t know but you just kind of got to weigh it and um I don’t know that marel folz is the guy that you would go and get guys that compliment his game just to keep him on the roster

And then the other thing I’m seeing is people are like why would we look for trades when marel and Wendell are so good just because your team is good doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for ways to improve like the magic are have been plenty you know good this year without

Without Marquel with Marquel without Wendell with Wendell whatever just because we’re good with those guys doesn’t mean there’s not a better version of this team with some modifications like you can’t tell me let’s just put Marquel fultz in a vacuum here current Marquel fultz and the Marquel fols that everybody thought we

Were getting coming out of Washington don’t tell me this team isn’t better with like the fully realized version of marel folz and that guy’s not out there I’m not saying oh yeah oh it’s simple just trade for the guy that we thought Marquel folz was going to be because

That guy doesn’t exist at least not on like the the the trade market right now not in a a realistic way for the magic at least but the magic potentially could be better with putting more shooting around Pao and frond with a a legitimate starting rim protector that you know

Fron and and and Paulo and these guys could depend on behind them and a guy who is a little bit more of a rim threat like if Wendell’s open sure he’s going and catching a lob but it’s not really a guy that’s going to be like finishing

Lobs over people with a lot of consistency are you I’ve got something to add and we can go back if you want or last thing I want to say my Ultimate Christmas wish list Jonathan Isaac to play 30 minutes a game and to be our starting

Center to me that’s the best version of of that’s the best possible outcome for this team he is awesome he is awesome what he play 15 tonight 14 yeah yeah whatever maybe one day he’ll play that to me that would be incredible but I don’t see that

Happening I what I was going to say before we move on to the week ahead here tus Jones had a great game tonight oh my gosh are you freaking kidding me dude I was like oh my gosh we’re going to make it through a whole Marquel folz conversation without bringing up tus

Jones and here you go I can’t dude I can’t he had 13 assists tonight he was three of four from three with 15 points one turnover I’m done talking about him because I know if I continue to talk about him him I’ll be upset if if when

Not even if when it doesn’t happen at the deadline and I’m I’m urging you to give up on it because it’s not going to happen and we can be so ecstatic if it does and there are people punching air like you guys are idiots they they still

Don’t see the vision with tus Jones we could be wrong on that too I’ll admit that but Luke you’re you’re gonna you’re gonna set yourself up for heartbreak come February 8th I am I am Le I am guarding my heart to an extent but knowing I’ve just got a couple more

Weeks of pedaling this tus Jones agenda and then I’m done and it’s over no then we then we turn our eyes to free agency can be a free agent it’s done for in the moment and I can just focus on the magic the rest of the season but for now I’m

Not lying I’m looking at tus Jones stats night to night and I like what I’m seeing 13 assists and one turnover and three threes made are you kidding me he had 15 a couple nights ago yeah yeah and like zero turnovers or something crazy I don’t even know on the Wizards of all

Teams yeah he’s playing on a imagine if he had fron and impo to kick it too unbelievable I just yeah I I honestly you know it feels like cheating on my wife what we’re doing right now yeah well still on this team we’re we’re lusting over tus Jones I listen I got

Reasons all right I got reasons and you’re justifying it good grief uh yeah so we’ll we’ll we’ll see what happens there my other my wish with that though before we move on is that if tus Jones doesn’t come to the magic I hope he gets somewhere else I hope he goes to a

Playoff team and just some respect so I trade him back to the West because I’ve got an affinity for tus Jones and I want to see uh want to see him in the postseason with the the freaking High assist low turnover games and taking and making the threes yeah producer Kevin

Texted us while we’re recording here Pacers lose to Phoenix 117 and 110 magic now only Trail Indie in by and Miami by one game yeah and Indie has a heck of a rough stretch coming up Miami doesn’t have a much easier besides this Grizzlies game coming up so let’s let’s

Uh let’s talk about the week ahead CU I mean that’s a sort of a perfect segue talk about the Magic schedule this week so Monday if you’re listening to this Monday the magic play at home versus the Cleveland Cavaliers tonight like tip off at 7:00 and then they’re off Tuesday

Wednesday guessing they’ll travel Thursday to Memphis and they’ll play them on Friday uh Friday at Memphis tip off say 8 o’clock and then you come home probably Friday night after that game you’re off Saturday and then you’ve got the Phoenix Suns at home Luke what is your prediction for

The magic this week in those three games I’m conflicted because this fron Vagner comes back we’re back we’re three and0 we’re back we’re going three and 0 this week Good Vibes the reason I am conflicted about this Cavs game is because I don’t know because Mosley said

When I asked about is playing bro he said we’ll see howon is playing if they’re thinking like we rest him or he just not ready to go for the Cavs game he’s got a he’s got a f whatever three 4 day wait till that game they got eight

Games to evaluate this starting lineup bronze is playing I hope he does this is with the caveat that fron Wagner is playing this team is healthy these three games I’m going to say you go two in one I’m going to say you beat the Cavs you beat the Grizzlies I’m going

Conservative here and that you drop one to the Suns on Sunday for the early tip so there’s no like scheduling decis advantages here besides the the back toback for Orlando No Game No No Other the Grizzlies aren’t coming off a back toback the Suns aren’t coming off back to

Back yeah so I’m going to I’m going to say the match go two and one they they’ve got a lot of travel though this week they’re in Dallas Wednesday they’re in Indiana on Friday then it’s a backto back a Florida backto back Orlando on Sunday Mon and then Monday they’re in

Miami so I don’t know it was uh you know close-ish last time that we played Phoenix with all those guys you know Devin Booker Bradley Beal KD all those guys getting going theyve won five in a row and they’re seven and three in their last 10 seems like

They’re starting to you know figure some things out but the last couple of games they’ve got a Durant 40 ball tonight and Friday Booker dropped 52 on the Pelicans so maybe we get lucky those guys sort of cool off we feel essentially Cleveland’s ripped off seven straight they’re the effectively the

Hottest team in basketball then you play the second hottest team of basketball next Sunday they’re do due to cool off that’s that’s how I feel and then Memphis obviously you know know johnar and their seasons’s really you know just falling apart they’re five and five in

Their last 10 Losers of two in a row taking a look at their schedule this week Monday at Toronto Wednesday at Miami then home on Friday against the magic yeah and blown out last two games against Minnesota and Chicago here’s one one other thing I’ll

Add Jonathan if the magic do in fact go 3 and 0 was that your prediction yeah that’s my heart but yeah okay yeah of course if the magic go 3 and 0 this week that would mean that they had won four in a row and that means on Sunday’s episode

After we record after the Suns game I I will five in a row I listen I’m five in a row for the shirt it’s five in a row if you want to bring your nipples out just say that bro don’t try to blame the win streak I don’t know we’ll have to see

How I feel game time decision on Sunday after we win that game against Phoenix the shirt could be off just because I was in the depth of Despair that’s and then and then now we’re back you’re going to premature no culation there yeah because I just don’t know

That I’m going to get the chance the next time because the Mavs games off of back to back I just don’t want to risk it it would be awesome how awesome would it be though if you we got to stretch in in uh the end of February that could be

You know no shirts at Detroit at Atlanta home for Brooklyn home for Utah home for Detroit at Charlotte at Washington like I’ll save it for a five plus win streak what I will also say there though is that through January if you went out in January because let’s say you beat the

Suns then you play the Mavs on it back to back you beat the Mavs then you play the Spurs the end of the month last game last day of the month you the magic could see themselves on a six game win streak at that point that Mavs game is

The biggest question mark obviously going off that back to back could be rough but maybe I save it for Wednesday’s episode against the Spurs January 31st maybe that’s let’s um let’s let’s talk about this a little bit so our last episode came after that Atlanta loss and

This this is a thick episode Kevin is not happy with us at the moment this is the last thing I promise and then we’ll go ahead and wrap up after the Atlanta game we looked at the last one two three four five six seven games of January we

Said you have to win you have to go four and three to you know be above 500 so now that we’ve got frze back we’ve already got the Miami win under our belt Cleveland Memphis Phoenix Dallas San Antonio I feel like you have to win at Memphis and at San Antonio like those

Have to be wins so that gives us three and then you just have to find a way to be either Cleveland Memphis Phoenix or Dallas I’m sorry Cleveland Phoenix or Dallas not we talked about Memphis Cleveland Phoenix Dallas you have to find a way to win one of those Gam gam

Just take care of that game against Cleveland tonight as you guys are listening to this if the magic are able you know to to get one two three four five if the magic are able to get three out of the next five they’ll be sitting at 26 and

22 to end January four games over 500 and then again like the the schedule lightens up and you can go on a run yep stay healthy go on a run go magic get the wins baby get the wins all right folks that is going to do it for

This one for Luke Sylvia this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the Sixth Man Show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone

If you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic go go mag’s [Applause] go

Franz Wagner is back, the starting lineup is back, and the Magic are so back. Jonathan & Luke breakdown the Philly game and the Heat game, then discuss if the success of Sunday’s starting lineup is sustainable.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

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  1. Franz is a real difference maker, look at the advanced stats. A win vs the Heat is always great and it was important to stop the downtrend.

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