@Atlanta Hawks

POSTCAST: Atlanta Hawks, Dejounte Murray Extinguish Miami Heat’s Flame, 109-108

POSTCAST: Atlanta Hawks, Dejounte Murray Extinguish Miami Heat’s Flame, 109-108

You are locked on Hawks postcast part of locked on Atlanta on the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into the lock on Hawks postcast you’re home for the best Hawks talk it’s local Insight you can’t get anywhere but right here at lockon I’m tanra batist alongside me is Deshawn

Tate this episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon and use codee all lowercase locked on NBAA for a first deposit match up to $100 the lock on Hawks postcast is part of the lock down podcast Network

Your team every day Deshawn the Hawks were down four points with 30 seconds to go seemed like all hope was lost but then Clint capella makes a couple free throws bdon bonovich makes a couple free throws Jaylen Johnson makes a great defensive play Deon Murray goes down

Gets the def defensive rebound takes it all the way down and hits a game winning three you can start getting used to this but the question is should you right should you start getting used to this based on you know some of the things that we’ve heard coming up and around

That we’ll talk about in this episode but first let’s get T and Tate takes on the magical Dynamic 109 108 win over the heat now Tate you said that your take was this I think I saw them mature before our eyes but I can’t help thinking about the elephant in the room

That I also saw yeah absolutely listen they this is a team that has matured before our eyes if they not anything else for one game uh I preface things by maybe two maybe two um first time that I think that we’ve seen a three consecutive win streak since o October going going into

November yes right exactly one of November yeah and one of those games was against you know one of the best teams in the league at the time being the Minnesota Timberwolves um but you know let’s just be honest about it like it felt different and you know I know that

We were on a text threat a little bit prior to and just you know as I was kind of talking about how there’s definitely those moments and stretches and possessions where you know it seems like this team plays I mean it’s not a secret you know play it feels like it plays

With a little bit more fluidity um you know than when you see Trey on the floor sometimes or when he’s not in the game or when he’s not at the game or whatever the case may be right um but this is just one that you know

You I mean we’re smiling for the third game in a row like that’s it’s been a while since we’ve been able to say that and it just definitely has a different feel now in theory we like to think oh yeah we could do this even without Trey

Wait till Trey gets back it’s really going to beond then I think sometimes you do have to kind of step back for a second and have some reservations before you say that just naturally as a person if I’m just being completely honest for whatever that reason is and then the

Last thing I think it just made it that much more sweet that it happened against a quote unquote arch nemesis if you will or a Miami team I won’t go as far as saying you know that they’re a a rival per se um but you know a team that has

Clearly had the Hawks numbers over the last x amount of games and just know how to bring that defensive pressure to the Hawks and um it was good to see them get a win all the way around I I don’t even think it’s a question I really feel like

Whether it is or isn’t it feels like the best win of the Season hands down yeah I would really have to think about another game that was as impressive as what we saw tonight Milwaukee maybe May right and I always say but you know for me Milwaukee is not as impressive because I

Feel like the weirdest thing is that the Hawks have their number the Hawks best team arguably maybe better team only the Celtics in the east on a consistent basis but the Hawks can hang with the BL the Hawks always are on that Struggle Bus in Miami they tend to get

There but there tends not to be over the hump however this year you’ve got them in November uh losing by double digits then losing by single digits in December now here we are in January they found a way to gut it out and get a one-point

Win and if we’re being honest like you said with the elephant in the room before I tell you what my takeaway was I would have to agree that the elephant in the room might be well you know everybody tends to kind of step up their game and sometimes they can get a win

Without trade but be aware that has a caveat to it because we’re not saying that they’re winning just BEC like oh yeah they’re always gonna win trade when try’s not there because well no you got to think everybody knows for sure that they have to step up their game when the

Number one go-to guy is not there when your number one threat is absent and obviously they kind of call this maybe like early afternoon midday due to trade having an illness right so you then think about the fact that some of those guys like Patty Mills and Bon bonovich

Knew they were gonna have to play extra minutes shent Forest knew he was going to have to play extra minutes so a couple of those guys even went to the arena and started shooting in early because they knew they were going to have to get in Rhythm and it took us a

Minute Boi as an example they took us a minute to see him kind of catch his rhythm but thankfully he caught it just in time maybe Midway through that third quarter for it to actually matter when it counted most so yeah well I am never going to subscribe to

The idiotic point of they’re better with TR not on the court no what I’ll say is some people are forced into better play when he’s not there and all of what he brings to the table all of you know it’s not there so somebody’s got to replace

That 30 and 13 like you can’t just do it and like Robert hey Robert how’s it going tonight thank you for always giving us a little lift we appreciate you you said I guess when jobs are on the line the HS play better and you know what Robert lowkey that’s exactly what I

Was trying to say without saying it say what you mean without saying well that’s what we got Robert for because at the end of the day the Hogs do play better individually individually because they know like if you want to stay on team and prove that you belong here and prove

That you should be a contributor then you need to do something when your numberers called and I really feel like that was my takeaway I can think of so many moments where every single hog did something to get this win I can look at sadique Bay actually it may just be a

Couple of rebounds and it may just be four for 12 or 14 key exactly you got him at Key moments Jaylen Johnson we just talked about him and getting a critical defensive stop in the end Clint capella wait a minute did I say CL capella and hit two free throws in the

Same sentence I sure did Balo MCD donovich hit two clutch uh free throws yaka okag hit a three early in the game to give H the Hawks one of those early leads right that’s important too because it kind of builds confidence across time we already talked about Patty Mills and

We already talked about Trent Forest but also Garis Matthews coming in and going three for four from three to that part that part if we can talk about all nine of these players in our first segment and give a comment or a compliment for every single one of

Them I don’t care whether it was a one-point win I go with you Deshawn we’d be hard pressed to find a better win from the Hawks this season we’ll talk a little bit more about some other key points that we saw in this game that we

Know you guys would love to hear about more Hawks and heat in the N1 this episode of the lockdown Hawks postcast is brought to you by eBay Motors they’re one of our partners and they have teamed up with locked on Fantasy Basketball host Josh lyd to

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For a couple of games now just really kind of that two-way play that we’ve been wanting to see for him so so that might be a guy who’s a good bet for you right but you know there are some other guys that might be there might be a one-

Twoo tandem that you might want to take a look at because that tandem might give you a little something as well they’ve been back to them looking back like their old selves like their Championship selves right and that is looking at what nicolea yic was able to do tonight and

Looking at what Murray was able to do as well both Jamal Murray and nicolea yic averaging double digits obviously on the point side and both of them are given double doubles in fact they were able to get away with a win they e one out against Boston tonight as

Well so those are two players that you might want to watch just in case somehow you can pick them up in your lineup it will definitely be a good look now listen the other piece there is talking about the perfect fit one of the reasons the nuggets are world champions is

Because it’s because it’s perfect fit with Murray am with yic one of the reasons that the hwks have played well the last couple games was because also Even In Trey absence tonight granted it was DJ as a oneman show but often it’s a onew punch with those two just like you

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Guaranteed fit only available to us customers eligible items only and exclusions do apply so Dean we got a de see we’re look he starting again he’s getting my head you got my you got my that is three in a row and you know what you know what if

We keep this up you can call me what you know what you can call me listen you can call me whatever you want as long as we can get this team that is the third consecutive that is the third consecutive postcast that you have almost called me deante and as much

Of a compliment slash insult that that could be considered I will own it every day of the week if this if we can just get that to be the reason that this team is adding a number to the left side of the result column I love it exactly

Because you guys got to know like the show this guy this desan Tate and I rocked back for more than a decade so he deserves to be like insulted if I call him anything but desan but like you said it’s a compliment if I’m calling him Deon because dude is calling his shots

And he’s making it happen but like we said in the first segment you can’t just be impressed with what dejon did because in order for him to be in position to get that game-winning shot the Hawks had to really really play it up especially in the fourth quarter because of course

They went leaky and that third quarter you and I were like ah here we go but give them credit for getting it done in the fourth quarter but looking back at this game overall what impressed you another thing maybe that impressed you the most about the world I think overly

Is just the fact that they match the physicality like we talk about this heat culture and you know granted it’s a great culture and all that kind of stuff and you know that’s cool that’s cute and whatever they wore the special Uniforms on tonight with heat culture on it

Um andonis we play and we played spoiler exactly playing spoiler always feels good and being able to do it in in someone else’s Arena I will say this much too at least about the you know retirement of the uniform I think you know it’s it’s pretty clear that I’ve

Been pretty clear um about how I think one of the things that our team lacks is you know outside of just like the vocal or emotional you know leadership you know when I mentioned something about how some of the best teams what they have the as much as everybody hates the

Dylan Brook and the Draymond greens and you know Marcus smarts and um and you know Udonis hasm maybe as much people love him you know there’s still people that kind of dislike him with that edge and so forth but every good team has to have that and I think I hope that that’s

Something by the way that the hawk I’m sorry the way that the Miami Heat celebrated him tonight it was for good reason and I hope that that’s something that you know the Atlanta Hawks kind of take notes of um and all of that nothing we poten actually even seen some of that

From dejonte Murray because it’s not a secret that you know we I’ve been very vocal and open about how we don’t have that vocal leadership and amongst other things and we talked about how we know we’re not really sure that this team has that yeah well one guy stepped up

Tonight who we said if there’s going to be a guy that has that and a guy that does have it but he needs to bring it out more um and not play you know second fiddle to say maybe this is somebody else’s team so I’m G kind of fall back a

Little bit because that’s just the energy that I get and and and you didn’t you know you had something the total opposite of that tonight so you know that you have that in your bag and I think that that kind of speaks volume to this team so

Definitely love the fact that they match the physicality I’m not sure that that things you know that this game had you know the the meaning that it had felt so good because of the simple fact probably that because it’s against Miami I mean we hadn’t seen

This since last year when we you know prevented them or or you know eliminated them from being able to get you know a higher seed in the in the playoffs and whatnot and remember this is also a team that’s just coming off of a you know uh

A finals appearance as well so this all of this stuff and it’s a divisional opponent as well so all of these things is a pretty freaking huge deal for the Atlanta Hawks today and um they impressed me a lot they looked like they took a big step forward in the right

Direction as they should because if you think about the fact that you have to go back 22 games to find the last Atlantic division opponent to beat Miami in their own house that’s something so the hots did something that has not been done in 22 contests so again it’s big and it’s the

Way that they did it like you said matching physicality to physicality is huge and it’s something that like we have been preaching about now you got to just keep stagging wins now you’ve got to look at every win and say okay what is it that we need to do in these

Closing minutes how do you play a full 48 because that was something Patty Mills talked about at halftime hey we’re looking good we like where we are there are few tweaks that we need to make but the most important thing we need to do is come back out for this whole this

Entire 24 this back 24 and make sure that we bring that same energy and I actually feel like other than that Swoon in just the first part of the third quarter let me get that straight because that second qu of that third quarter is where bogey started heating up with his

Shot and that’s where we started seeing a little bit more that lock down defense where everybody was stepping up to try to guard their man a bit better or bring help that’s what was impressive to me the fact that hey your own teammate kind of called it out at halftime and then

Took you a little minute but you got there I thought that was really impressive as well and then another thing that was impressive going to your point about having that dog on your team like you said yonis hle might be the dog we all love to love whereas mostly a lot

Of the dogs around the league we love to hate but that dude that’s what we liked about him the fact that he was so grimy in the fact that he didn’t mind the fact if you never knew who 40 was he was fine with that all you need to do is see that

All you need to know is that’s the guy that helped them get the Rings period and that’s what I liked about what we saw tonight but deante Murray also knows what this Heat team is about because post game he said hey your coach tries to punk you don’t let nobody punk you so

They already kind of knew this is that’s heat culture Eric’s culture they were going to intimidate you in any shape or form that they can and he said about his last shot that it was not the best shot available it was just like okay let’s go

Home so I’m coming down this court and I’m going to try to get the win and obviously he did have a good look and he did take a good shot so let’s let’s make sure we know that he showed some good basketball IQ there but he also had that

Dog in him that that that Rider die that doer die and he was like y That’s what I said let’s go home he said the same thing two nights ago and he hit the game when he I want to go home boom so obviously now he’s talking about home

From Miami back to Atlanta but Desa isn’t this the DJ the one that we said could be the vocal leader the emotional leader has that dog in and we said a few nights ago we saw it last season we saw it Wednesday night and now are we kind

Of hoping that maybe hopefully he if he sticks around because we we know we hear all the rumors as well but maybe just maybe this is a peek into what we might see from him the rest of the season and I’m hoping that that’s the case first

Let me say this I don’t know why he’s in such a rush to get back here to Atlanta considering the considering the weather because I’m like I’m like yeah I know that’s the only thing I could think about at that at that particular point and it’s weird how you know playing at

Home we don’t necessarily play our best basketball we play a little bit better ball on the road in addition to the fact that you know the other night I mentioned something about how they were ice cold and obviously probably colder from shooting and inside of the building

Than it was outside well ironically and coincidentally enough they go to a warmer weather City and they play you know like like their hair is on fire exactly um but no like you know when you’re when you’re mentioning about how um deante playing with that you know

That edge and being that vocal leader you saw him in those huddles being vocal and barking out signals telling guys where they need to be pumping guys up when they weren’t necessarily you know doing well or playing well or some of the mistakes we still see seen 15

Turnovers we need to still cut down on some of that but um you know without your primary ball handler and so forth I mean you can’t really have too many you know gripes and Grumps and um too many sour grapes about it but you know I thought that that was really impressive

The way you know I think the teammates can see you know his efforts in wanting to step up and be the leader that the team needs to be as well you saw that not even just after you hit the big shot and after the game but everybody showed

Him a lot of love and I think that that’s an energy thing I don’t think it’s just about a you know a clout thing or whatever the case may be or hey everybody look at me thing but it seemed genuine it seemed very authentic it seemed very organic um and that’s just

Kind of the love that we as fans are given to because it really felt like and this isn’t to say that we never do any other time but it feels like we played the right way tonight guys weren’t giving up you know we had to you know

Had to extend the rotation a little bit and different things like that play some guys more minutes like you mentioned that typically don’t play nearly as much but um but I thought it was good I I will always be able and forever be able to live with the fact that other teams

Might be better or more talented on paper whatever the case may be um but it’s all about competing it’s all about matching the energy and it’s all about standing in the Gap and fighting and that’s exactly what this team do win lose jar anything else in between as

Long as they do that I can live with it if they would have lost this game I would have felt like it was as close to a A+ on a loss that it could possibly get and because they won and made it just that much sweeter yeah and I think

My my little feelings would have been hurt for them because you hate to see this hard no pun intended but go this hard in the paint and not be able to reap the benefits of it with a W so I really like what I saw like you said

Show and proove is so important he showed what what he was saying in the huddles and kind of how he’s working with this team the entire day but he also proved from what he said about himself postgame he didn’t take all the credit and he didn’t neglect to say but

I had five turnovers and that’s unacceptable he had five Trey had eight team had 23 total tonight he only had two two turnovers and the team got that turnover number down to 18 I agree with what you said I don’t like that it was still 18 turnovers that’s still about

Three four five too many for what we prefer but if you can show game over game a little bit of an adjustment and Improvement then that’s that maturity that you were talking about back in segment one well guys you know that we know it doesn’t get any easier for these

Hawks because they got to get on a flight and come home and like you said DeShaun they have to come home from a high in Miami tomorrow 61 a high 21 but we’ll talk about how they’re gonna get it done in these fridg TS in Atlanta when we come back with who’s got

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Easy all right desan like you said we don’t know if it’s necessarily a rivalry per se with the heat and with the Hogs but we’ll call them a nemesis another one of the Hawks nemeses in the Eastern Conference those pesky Cleveland Cavaliers they just have really been

Tough for the Hawks to kind of figure out this season think they figured out figured them out a little bit better last season but it’s been difficult this season they played them early on on late November and they got blown out by the 22 points but they closed the Gap a

Little bit when they played him in mid December only lost by eight but now it’s time for the Hawks to get their first win of the season on the books against the Cavs they got to come back home tonight get themselves some rest and get reset for tomorrow to get that done yeah

I think one of the main things outside of you know the obvious which is it seems like kind of somewhat the um Achilles heel for this team a little bit has been combination of its free throw shooting sometimes especially in clutch moments so you might look at the box

Score or whatever what have you and be like oh it wasn’t that bad but if you were watching the game you could see in certain moments those were the ones that you really needed the most I mean they’re called free throws for a reason

Um so between that you know in in in the uh in the turnovers just taking care consistently taking care of the basketball I think that um head coach Quinn Snider has mentioned multiple times talking a little bit more so also about the communication piece for this

Team so to be be able to see them consistently you know communicating and just keep on fighting just keep on competing and you know staying in games when you’re down and staying confident and shooting the ball with confidence hopefully being able to get a little bit more stops they don’t necessarily get as

Many stops as I would like them to sometimes I think they’re one of the worst in the NBA um you know you know worst of the two or three or whatever have you at on the tail end 28 29 or 30 I think 29 in terms of opposing you know

Uh opposing team points per game so defensive scoring essentially right um so you know I I think that there you know there’s there’s some work to do um the Hawks didn’t win a championship tonight regardless as to how much it felt like it um but it didn’t um and I’d

Also like to see in the event that we get Trey young to come back and and play I want to see him I want to see him and deante kind of challenge each other a little bit you know I want to see some communication but I want them to

Challenge each other you know this whole thing about Trey and Clint capella you know challenging one another on the you know offense I’m sorry on the uh on on drawing charges or something like that for the season I think there’s this running storyline with like I want to

See something very Sim similar to that where by being competitive with one another it’s equating into some Chemistry Between one another if if any of that makes any kind of sense so those things would be nice to see and we didn’t see as many lobs on tonight

Either we usually see a bunch of alyuk dunks and things like that obviously things are a little bit different for dejon than it is with Trey being the primary ball handler but it was good to see that deante Murray came over here from San Antonio as a number one option

And as a point guard we hadn’t really seen very much of that since he was in a black and white jersey now being in Atlanta Hawks jersey it was good to see him kind of get back to that so we can see that he still has it in Atlanta

Uniform this time indeed and I think it’s important to note as well one of the other keys to the game will probably be something we saw tonight we heard in spurts every single member of that Heat team but we never really heard one Heat team member mentioned throughout and you

Know my pesk you know there’s this one thing that I say for every game who’s that PEX pesky xfactor guy you know just plug his name in because we don’t know who the heck he is and he whoever he is is gonna torch the heck out of the Hawks

That’s always my problem with the Hawks I can’t stand when you and I are having this conversation about the one dude that came out of nowhere right tonight it didn’t happen that could have right it it was almost Josh Richardson until it wasn’t it was almost Duncan Robinson

Until it wasn’t until it wasn’t and you and I had that conversation by the way Wednesday night as well there was not a one member of that magic team where we said darn it that xator that dude Who’s name we don’t know got there and went

Off with for the Hawks two things we don’t want to see that xfactor type guy show his rear his ugly head from deep in the Cav ration that’s number one number two Jared Allen is one of the bigs that the Hawks haven’t figured out because a

Lot of times like we saw tonight anaka ungu got in for those last couple of possessions and that worked well for Quinn Snider a lot of times when there’s a big that gives CCE trouble uh double O will come in that’s fine I don’t really care all I know is

That Jared Allen has given the Hawks trouble so whether that’s dou or another kind of somebody in that front Court just make sure you put a body on and keep your eye on Jared Allen and finally normally he would be like an XA factor for the heat don’t let that old X-Factor

Named Max stru show you up don’t don’t let him do it don’t let him do it because he was another one who when he was a member of the Heat team he literally and right now you know right he’s averaging about 13 per game with

The Cavs but you know when he would play with against the Hawks when he was a member of the heat it’d be more like 2022 24 and you’d be like what the heck just happened so as long as those things can’t happen and like you said execute

In the little spaces and places I think the Hawks will be good to go but hey we’ll talk about it tomorrow we’ll bring all that heat and energy back to you know pun intended but hopefully that is something that the Hawks will bring to the table tomorrow night we know it’s

Quick turnaround for those guys but they’ll be at safe Farm Arena and they’ll be ready and we’ll be ready for you guys tomorrow night on our lock on Hawks postcast as always we thank you guys for stopping by remember to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel and

For more on the Hawks also check out our guy Brad Roland with locked on Hawks we’ll see you next time

On Friday night we witnessed the Trae Young-less Atlanta Hawks complete their first three game winning streak for the first time since the very first month of the season, led by uber-popular Dejounte Murray (considering trade rumors) and the bench (of which whom doubled Miami’s bench in scoring).

In back-to-back games Murray willed the Hawks to victory in game-winning effort, this time versus the Miami Heat on South Beach.

What did you learn from this win (if anything)?

Was this a sign of Atlanta maturing as a team before our eyes?

Has Dejounte Murray answered our questions regarding the vacancy left behind as the team’s emotional and vocal leader?

Why does this win feel so “different”?

Has Murray’s asking price increased with his recent success?

#dejountemurray #atlantahawks #truetoatlanta #easternconference #southeastdivision #miamiheat #heatculture #nba #udonishaslem #jimmybutler #tomorrowstartstoday

On Wednesday, the Atlanta Hawks completed their first set of back-to-back wins of the calendar year by defeating their much improved divisional foe the Orlando Magic at State Farm Arena.

In a relatively low scoring game that featured some of the league’s youngest rising stars (Jalen Johnson and Paolo Banchero), highlighted by some baptising dunks (…and a few turnovers), our Atlanta Hawks displayed what most had been searching for in recent weeks (or months)… defensive effort.

Tenitra Batiste and DeShaun Tate dive deep inside the Atlanta Hawks’ urgency to win despite recent struggles.

#atlantahawks #orlandomagic #easternconference #southeastdivision #truetoatlanta #tomorrowstartstoday #dejountemurray #paolobanchero

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  1. Better Trade Trae Young and Keep DJ Murray. The Team rally around DJ Murray much more than Trae Young. Trae Young is not a leader. Trae Young is a selfish and Heltah Skeltah player who commits too many turnovers. Also Trae Young has a very low basketball IQ-(example) constantly forcing ill-advised 35-40ft shots which turns in a fast break for the opposing team. But we know Tanitra Batiste is bias to Trae Young

  2. The problem is Trae is capable of doing what he needs to be a great high IQ floor general he just. Love being the stat filling showman more than being team player.
    Trae needs to learn to play better with everyone else.
    Do not trade DJ he just does nothing to hurt us but we can move other guys like Hunter Capela AJ.

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