@Phoenix Suns

Devin Booker Scores 52 As Phoenix Suns Dominate Pelicans Post-Game Podcast With Suns JAM

Devin Booker Scores 52 As Phoenix Suns Dominate Pelicans Post-Game Podcast With Suns JAM

It’s been a few days since the Phoenix Suns have played basketball it’s been kind of a weird week right couple days off boom they play Sacramento go down 22 points win the game then it’s a couple more days off and they head on the road to play the New Orleans Pelicans for the

First time since 2022 yeah it’s January 2024 we did not play this team the entire year of 2023 the entire calendar year de member 17th was the last time the Phoenix Suns played the New Orleans Pelicans and back then Devin Booker scored 58 points so this our first shot at them our first

Opportunity to see who and what they are they’re team that didn’t make a bunch of adjustments this past off season because they lik the roster that they had in place they were a pretty good team last year until Zion got hurt and then a multitude of injuries followed so

Everyone’s back everyone’s healthy this year and the Suns still beat him and Devon Booker still still put up over 50 points so we got plenty to talk about on this edition of the Suns jam session podcast Matthew has the night off so I’ve got the the next best thing for you

If it has to do with the Phoenix Suns he’s gonna make a video about it that’s right ladies and gentlemen welcome Suns G John what is up my brother how you doing man I’m good man it’s good to do like I feel like on the nights where I

Can’t make the show Matthew has you and then like on the nights where he doesn’t make the show I’ll have like someone from Australia I’m like you know what F that no offense to our Aussie buddies out there but I need to I need to do a

Show with Brandon I need to do a show with the Suns geek so thank you ever so much for joining the show and stepping in for Matthew who just had his birthday yesterday so he’s probably still out on the on the town something you know that he turned 22 happy belated happy belated

Birthday to Matthew and yeah man it’s always great doing these shows with you and Matthew love being here and thank you for allowing me to you know co-host and co- collaborate on both channels so if you guys are watching make sure to Hulk smash that like button you guys

Already know the drill well and I’ll tell you this yeah you caught a good one didn’t you you caught a good one you the Suns beating the New Orleans Pelicans Devin Booker going for 52 points we got plenty to talk about on this edition of the Suns jam session podcast so

Listeners Watchers wherever you’re consuming this content best way to support our channels whether you’re on the Suns Geek YouTube channel if you’re on the Suns jam session YouTube channel or Facebook page or if you’re on his Instagram or my Instagram just just hit thumbs up just just watch just enjoy

That’s all we ask show up and enjoy that’s the best way to support the channel you want to throw something in the Super Chat we’re a fan of that it helps us buy birthday presents for Matthew and such but you just being here whether you’re watching or listening

Best way to support us preach so let’s pop open a beer you gonna pop open a beer with me I actually don’t have one again man I feel like one of the last times I was on the show I didn’t have one but oh that looks so good right now

Nice Frosty coed light hey it’s just like normal normally Matthew doesn’t have something so I’m going to pop them Suns fans and we’re going to talk about this victory over the New Orleans Pelicans a game in which Devon Booker scored 52 Big Easy points in The Big Easy oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Pun big win for the Phoenix Suns tonight is they go up and they go down to the Big Easy 123 to 109 over the New Orleans Pelicans and I always do you know the first thing that I do is the Matthew I gotta ask uh segment so I I’ll do

That oh Madie night I’ve got to ask Suns geek I got to ask entering this game against the Pelicans we know that this a team that is ahead of the Phoenix Suns in the standings right they’re two games ahead of us the the Pelicans are five games out of first place in the

Western Conference the suns are seven games out of first place in the Western Conference so this is a big swing game you win this game boom you’re just a game behind them you lose this game boom you’re three games behind them entering tonight before we talk about the game overall what was your

Expectation knowing that this is the first time that we’ve seen the New Orleans Pelicans in over a a cend year yeah I mean I guess to try to answer that great question that you just threw at me there um just really following up following it up from last game that’s

How I look at it like just be better than your last game if you will because again obviously it’s been an entire 365 days if not longer and if I’m correct wasn’t that John Bloom that had that stack because I did read it on Bright

Side of the Sun today but I think it was John Bloom who had that incredible stat in fact right there but just be better than your last game and obviously the first three quarters of the last game against the kings were pretty damn terrible but that fourth quarter

Especially the last eight minutes were incredible so don’t really know if that answers your question necessarily but just be better than your last game because this is a completely different Pelicans team for the most part they were healthy they were definitely healthy tonight although they didn’t

Really play like it and you know they are a good team for a reason they’ve been playing better as of late and tonight we just got the better of them I know that entering this game I had a little bit of worry because this is the type of team that typically gives

The Suns fits right you look at the Lakers outside of the last game against we played against them you look at the Clippers those are two teams that are Wing heavy that have long Defenders who are athletic and that’s kind of the archetype that the New Orleans Pelicans

Operate under you have Zion you got herb Jones you got Trey Murphy coming off the bench you got Brandon Ingram you got a ton of guys who are just long and then you have Jonas valunas on the interior to make uh rebounding and second chance points opportunities and negating your

Team from getting those defensive rebounds I thought it was going to be a tough matchup but it came down to right off the bat we got a Devin Booker game in the first quarter big dick Booker and this is a narrative that we’ve been talking about as of late

Devin Booker scored 16 points in the first quarter about three or four games ago and we’re like oh yeah remember this remember when Devon Booker used to be the tone Setter on offense G golly gosh if we did this a little more often maybe the Suns would be Front Runners for the

Game and we wouldn’t have to play from behind and lo and behold comes out against the New Orleans Pelicans in that first quarter scores 25 total points 25 he goes nine of 11 from the field three of three from Beyond The Arc four or four from the free throw line and

Adds three assists in there as well so I mean if those are just two-pointers right that’s six points on top of 25 the sun score 41 in the first and Deon Booker’s directly responsible for 31 of them the Pelicans scored 28 points Suns geek so Booker comes out is absolute

Dynamite and like uh Anthony Rawlings says in the chat he goes Suns geek Devin freaking Booker do I need to say more yeah we were talking back St just like the only important stat about tonight was Devin Booker’s 52 points I literally wrote down a whole bunch of notes and

They were all about Devin Booker here and they’re literally all over the place it was Booker let me do this before you start reading all that okay normally Suns geek does reaction videos on his channel here’s your reaction video right now snip this later Suns geek reaction

Devon Booker scores 52 points what do you got if this man is not an NBA Allstar it is a travesty the coaches know the media should know that Devin freaking Booker is an allar if that first quarter alone didn’t prove it he had 25 of the sun’s first 41 points are

You kidding me and like I said I wrote down a whole bunch of stats it was his ninth 30th half like throughout his career I believe he was 11 for 18 in the first half he had 32 points uh it was his 21st like 20 point quarter or

Something there like these notes are all over the place because book book was you know setting records tonight it was just incredible man and I don’t know what the Pelicans did or said to him especially what like uh in back in 2022 of December because he had 58 and then obviously 52

Tonight but keep saying it to him keep booing him keep doing whatever you need to do every time he’s in New Orleans or playing against the Pelicans because damn he loves to score on them yeah there’s something about playing against the Pelicans that Devin Booker just gets

Up for like I said 58 points last time uh he played against them and then if you go all the way back all all the way back to that playoff series against the Pelicans right now granted he missed three of those games game one he had 25

Points game two he had 31 points right but he only played 24 minutes in that and and scored 31 points that’s the game where he got injured missed the next three scored 13 in the last one against them but there’s something about playing New Orleans that Devin Booker just gets

Up for and certain players have that against certain teams we know that and I’m looking up real quick his his all time against New Orleans let’s see he averages 23.8 points uh it’s not the most I think Chicago is the most 27.9 but it’s a team that he definitely

Gets up for and to your point there’s some frustration out there if you take into account the fan vote in the NBA’s uh Allstar voting right like we all know it’s a farce we all know that anything that you do uh relative to Fan voting is purely a popularity

Contest and Devin Booker is a point that I was making last uh either the last podcast the one prior with Matthew is Deon Booker has only played for the Phoenix Suns so he’s not going to have three or four organizations behind him that and fan bases that have supported

Him for a period of time and even though he’s left they still have an affinity for him right like Kevin Durant Kevin Durant’s third overall in Allstar voting for uh the the front Court in the Western Conference as well he should be he’s killing it but Devon Booker’s been

Doing a pretty goddamn good job this year and I get it it’s deep with Shay Gil Alexander and you know Luca donic if you know position list that guy’s a point guard so there’s some quality players so it’s going to come down to the coaches it’s going to come down to

The players and nights like tonight going for 25 points in the first half um sorry first quarter 32 in the first half I’m getting mixed up too because it was that crazy lot numbers exactly yeah a lot of numbers a lot a lot of numbers from Devin Booker tonight and what I

Appreciate is the the manner in which he did it relative to the toughness of shots hit three-pointers I think he ended six of 11 from Beyond The Arc which if you don’t count garbage time that’s how many three-pointers the Pelicans hit the entire game like I I I walked away from

The game it was 123 to 99 I’m like damn 20 Point Victory uh 24 Point Victory and then of those threes get taken away too yeah one got taken away God a Double Nickel just looks nice if he had 55 it would have been it would have been so

Nice uh but they gave up I think a 100 run at the very end of the quarter to allow it to be a 123 to 109 so I had to take the word drubbing out of the bright side of the game recap a drubbing because they only won by like

14 uh but I mean you look at his his fallway jumper and his his attacking the basket hitting the threes we got to see more first quarter book don’t we yes and you know what I’ll talk about first quarter book in a second we need to see first quarter Suns more often because

I’m sure we’re going to talk about it later but this you know in a way was sort of a team effort even though book was carrying us and I know we’re going to talk about KD later but yes first quarter book needs to happen more often

And it needs to be consistent if you will and really just all around man just with pace and energy and just the way book was attacking you know what I mean like there was just something different in him tonight and you kind of mentioned it like a couple of those like fadeaways

And everything he had a couple of those tonight him just finding his spots sort of mismatch at times it didn’t matter if it was Dyson Daniels guarding him or Larry Nance or you name it like anybody who was in front of him Booker was going

To attack and we need to see that more often I mean obviously it’s not going to happen every game that would be incredible that’d be like 2K stuff if it was uh but it it needs to happen more and I’m just so happy for Devon Booker

Man I say this so many times on my channel and I’ve said it so many times on your channel and and I mean this as a compliment it just doesn’t surprise me with Devin Booker man like we’ve been watching him for years this is what Devin Booker does and but at the same

Time I say that but I was tweeting stuff like oh Devin Booker is ridiculous and Devon Booker this like it does surprise me but it doesn’t surprise me I’m not making any sense but you know what I mean no I know exactly what you mean it doesn’t surprise you that he has the

Ability and the capacity to score at the at the rate that he did tonight we just see it a lot less because he’s taken on a different role this season he’s averaging a career-high and assist I believe it was 7.8 and so he is focused facilitating Kevin Durant and Bradley

The ball so they can get their off going and then trying to learn where to pick and choose his spots to Be an Effective scorer and tonight against a team which he has shown an affinity for scoring in bunches against this was his turn this is where he’s like listen I’m going to

Be the one who goes out there I’m gonna be the one who leads the way I’m going to take 11 shots in the first quarter where Bradley Beal takes four Kevin Durant takes five their combined doesn’t even equal what Devin Booker took in the first because Booker knows that hey this

Is the team that I cook you know like when the Suns play the Blazers the Blazers are a team parentally that Kevin Durant just owns yeah so you’re not surprised when Kevin Durant’s like yo Booker you focus on facilitation try to get me the ball because it’s a team that no matter who

Is opposing uh relative to players or coaching something about that Jersey I like to see it and I like to score over it and there’s certain teams where you pick and choose those the fun thing for the Suns is we’re going to start to see those teams for Bradley Beal here coming

Up because the suns are getting ready to go on an eastern coast swing right like I think they play they got next two games are at home they got the Pacers and they got the Bulls these are teams that that Bradley Beal plays a lot against and when we take that East Coast

Trip like those might be some Bradley Beal games because he’s like oh [ __ ] we playing the Hornets the Hornets are a team I own parentally so it’s my turn to go off and that’s what is is scary about this big three with the complimentary pieces around them they’re really

Starting to gel yeah and you know I wrote a piece for those of you who like to read head over to Bright sideof thees I wrote a piece today asking if that’s what has what happened in the last six minutes of the game against the

Kings Y and I I’ll ask you the the same question that I posed uh on bright side you know the the title of the piece pretty pretty generic pretty open-ended uh but I I just asked this question was the win over the Kings the turning point of the season for the

Phoenix Suns Sun fingers crossed I hope so man cuz what what did we say earlier in the show like this needs to be the Phoenix Suns that we see more consistently this needs to be the Devon Booker that we need need to see more consistently and real quick just on the

Booker thing because you pretty much summed it up and I’m just kind of uh cherry picking off what you said it’s it’s it’s good that Devin Booker is averaging 7.8 assists and everything but it’s like it’s because he has Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal and and future

NBA Allstar Grayson Allen you know what I mean but but to answer your question I really hope so fingers crossed that that was the turning point of the Season hopefully this was a game because again the Pelicans are a really good team despite how they look tonight hopefully

This was just another one of those wins that turns our season around I’m literally praying and hoping that we can just stay healthy consistent especially on the defensive end like we saw tonight hopefully this hopefully that in this was the game well I do want to talk

About the defense but now to cherry pick a little bit off of what you said kind of answer my own question you know yeah fingers crossed what we saw against the Kings as magical as that was and I got to tell you geek you know I was in the

Building with with uh Justin from Fanning the flames and with Matthew we were there it was bright side night it was an amazing experience it was it was amazing I mean that comeback was unbelievable and you felt something and maybe it was just a twinge in my back

Because my stic nerve is hurting a little bit I was like oh there it is I need a heating pad but it was it has potential to be a moment in which we say hey this could be the the changing point of the season but you

Have to stack wins and you have to have quality performances after that tonight was that now part of this is the New Orleans Pelicans had a rough night from Beyond The Ark we understand that uh they ended up shooting 10 of 42 they were 23.8% from Beyond The Arc uh and

Some of those were wide openen threes but some of them were desperation threes and some of those were three-pointers that were properly contested and we go to the defensive conversation you said the word defense that’s what won the game against the Kings is the Suns all

Of the sudden realized like oh [ __ ] we can play defense I don’t know if it’s a communication thing a chemistry thing thing an understanding of where your fellow teammate is going to be on the court so you know when and where to gamble right you go back to those teams

That two years ago that won 64 games and Mel Bridges right and DeAndre Aon and the way that they could play defense is it was instinctual because melel Bridges knows hey I can Blitz this uh pick and roll I can take the high side because I

Know da can hold this there there it takes time on the court to understand where each other are going to be and to take some of those appropriate risks and Kevin Durant stepped up in that game Kevin Durant had a great night tonight defensively uh Brandon Ingram is a tough

Guard yeah and and that and you he’s long he’s lengthy he can make some shots and at times you know they mentioned on the broadcast but at times you could sit there and look at him and you go dang man that guy’s kind of Kevin Durant

Esque because of how long he is but I really think that overall ktie did a great job on him Brandon Ingram ends with 17 points on five of 11 shooting one of five from Beyond The Arc he had 11 assists and seven rebounds I mean 171

And seven he did his but he didn’t get that 30-point game and that’s what makes this team the New Orleans Pelicans such a tough team is they have seven guys who average double figures and they’re led by Zion Williamson and Brandon Ingram you held one of those guys under 20

Points that’s vitally important and that goes to Kevin Durant’s defense tonight absolutely and Kevin Durant you know sort of and he knows this but he sort of needs to lead the way for the Phoenix Suns to continue to do that more often because after I saw Kevin Durant playing

Lock down defense I saw a little bit of Bradley Beal or Devin Booker just the Suns just actually putting their hands out and swiping the ball and running the fast break and everything it was beautiful man all starts with your Superstar future Hall of Famer first

Ballot Kevin Durant you know what I mean like that’s what we need more of and again you were talking about that we I feel like we keep talking about the Kings game but for good reason because it was a historical comeback and it should not be forgotten how great of a

Game that was but it really did start on the defensive end and then you were talking about like guys getting to their spots and and building chemistry and trusting each other that’s also what we saw a lot of tonight but specifically in that King game during that final eight

Minutes and everything yeah it all starts with defense man you know we’ve had the conversation all year Frank vogle is supposed to be this defensive coach how come the suns are so bad on defense well you know what we’re for at least the last couple of games or should

I say five quarters we’ve been looking like a better defensive team if you will just need to be consistent that’s all it is and I like the point you make about it starting with Kevin Durant who the heck are you I’m Kevin Durant you know I am y’all know who I am

Did anybody see a sniper did anybody see anything I’m one of the best players ever played a game you know I was saying on our last podcast that Kevin Durant in my eyes easily is the best defender on this team and he can still get his offensively which he did tonight 26

Points 11 of 19 shooting just that that beautiful efficient Kevin Durant game uh a run stopper you know there’d be a 70 run by the Pelicans then boom Kevin dur hits a tough buzzer beater to end it two or three times he did that tonight he

Had two steals he had two blocks he had five rebounds I think he’s second on the team in blocks and second on the team in rebound I mean and then you add in the defensive aspect when he goes out there and he displays the energy and the

Switch ability there was one play uh and I forget who it was against but maybe it’s herb Jones or or Trey I think it was herb Jones and he was trying to go left on Durant and push him Baseline and the way that Durant you know swiveled

His hips and cut that off it it shut down the possession and like you said geek when you start to see that from Kevin Durant it gets the rest of the team engaged in defense and they’re hustling and they’re closing off in an effective manner they’re closing off

Those Lanes with their lateral quickness because this is a team the suns are a finesse team they’re not a physical team but with finesse comes athleticism and athleticism allows for on the defensive end lateral quickness and the ability to get in front of guys as they’re trying

To make those drives because that’s what the Pelicans like to do Zion that’s how he lives he scored 24 points and he led their team in scoring because he is so quick and has such a great first step and he’s a [ __ ] dump truck you don’t

Want to step in front of that thing and sometimes you just got to let him go but they were cutting off Ingram they were cutting off herb Jones uh they were cutting off McCollum [ __ ] I forgot McCollum was even playing tonight 13 points one of seven from Beyond The Arc

Five of 13 shooting that’s great defense All Around by the Suns yep but also too it’s like even though the Pelicans did go on a few runs here and there it didn’t and don’t get me wrong there’s probably a few possessions where the Pelicans did drive into the lane easily

You know how bothered I am by that you both but this game it didn’t really seem like it you know what I mean and you mentioned it just like like Brandon Ingram is a terrific scorer and a really good player but tonight like sure maybe

He had a few shots here and there it didn’t really seem like it you know what I mean despite the numbers and and the Pelicans like I said said they are a really good team they have length they have size you know they’ve they’re building chemistry because they’ve had a

Lot of those guys for a few years now but whatever the Suns did tonight defensively it worked and that’s what we’re gonna need because you you were sort of talking about the schedule earlier man like we got this East Coast trip coming up but not to mention I

Believe we have the toughest schedule remaining and and obviously some tough teams that we’re gonna have to beat that’s the kind of Defense we’re going to need to see night in and night out uh completely agree and it’s going to be something where that switchability has

To be present and you know that you’re going to have a lot of interesting matchups that lie ahead right not every team has the archetype of the Pelicans but it worked tonight against them you know we play the Pacers on on Sunday and that’s a team that right now I believe

They they tipped off probably about 49 minutes ago is that they now have Pascal seaka on their team that’s a team that’s athletic that wants to get out that’s going to try to out hustle you and the the Phoenix Suns are what I would classify as somewhat of an older team so

They’re going to have to completely change their defensive philosophies uh around if they want to stop that and primarily focus on stopping that team transition but if you have that lateral quickness and that ability to shut people off from going to the hoop you’re right there are certain possessions

Tonight where it was it could feel like a layup line that’s any night against any team in the NBA you’re not going to play 1988 Detroit Pistons defense that’s why it bothers me for Poss historian and all that yeah it’s just like Russell on every team you know what I mean yeah you

Go back and you look at it you’re like geez why can’t we just shut him down to 89 points like I remember growing up I mean that was you know was 8985 the you know the Suns beat the Bulls you’re like what 89 points that

Was a great game like now look at it it’s just it’s a completely different NBA but the way that they were playing defense uh and the way that they were owning the paint in this one I thought was really really vital as wellicious make them boys go crazy

Oh youf nerkish tonight only had five points but if you take a look at the plus minus he was a plus 30 to lead the team he had 15 rebounds he had nine assists and he had a steal and what’s interesting here is Jonas valent chunis ends with 16

Points I think he had all of those in the first half yep he didn’t scor a point in the second half they he complet nurkic completely shut down the interior outrebounded him and just did and served his role right served his role five of 15 what’ you see from nerk

Tonight two really nice Outlet passes to Devin freaking Booker but you mentioned it man just shutting down uh Jonas Jonas Val chunis uh being active in the paint and everything grabbing boards like he does but again the nine assists I think that’s the biggest thing right there

Just such an underrated passer man and I don’t even care about the points nurish could had zero points in this this game I don’t even care dude that’s not what he’s out there for any nage points are a bonus to this point but nine assists are

You kidding me nage and like I mentioned the two Outlet passes to Booker and then didn’t he I could be wrong but didn’t he have that nice pass to Grayson when he did the reverse DP or whatever I’m like are you kidding me nage like that is absolutely incredible man he has just

Been such a great fit and and and and uh he tweeted out like lit I don’t know if it was him or like a family member or whatever but literally moments before it went live he tweeted out him with the number one toer he’s such a great teammate as well always supporting his

Teammates on Twitter I love nage man I I absolutely do too it’s funny uh John Tran in the chat Yousef workit yeah he he allowed the Suns to play an inside out kind of basketball game that is that is fun is when you can hit the interior you get a collapsing Defender

And you have somebody who has a cerebral affinity to take advantage of that so says Jay says in the chat he says the wraparound to KD for three was sick too yeah that was sick because Booker hits him on the interior the defense collapses boom he kicks it right back

Out he knows where to go yeah dropping dimes a fantastic performance by Yousef nkic and again we use that word fit he fits perfectly into what the Suns need to do you have a guy in the interior who could rebound which he did tonight and can pass appropriately and find open

Guys on the team who can score because that’s what this team has between Grayson Allen who finally got hot in the fourth quarter we’ll talk about momentarily Devin Booker going for 52 the only guy who let us down tonight was Bradley be I needed 14 points from him

And I would hit like a four-legged parlay and he had 13 [ __ ] points there’s one play like he’s going to the rim and the shot clots about to expire and he decides to like throw up an alley oop instead of shoot I’m like just [ __ ] shoot it and then right then

They pulled everyone out of the game I was like thanks Beal so you get no drop tonight deal you get no drop you cost me$ five lost five dollar on him oh he got so says Jay does have a good question though he says I thought fit were closed voida stop confusing me

That’s correct this is my FIT what I’m wearing right now is my fit just like yuk yukich yukich fits with with the let’s talk about Grayson Allen hi Barbie oh hi Allan oh great gron Grayson Allen are [ __ ] [ __ ] up gu Grayson Allen through the first three quarters had five points he was one of eight from Beyond The Arc but in that fourth quarter he decides to come out throw it down oh I was looking at the

Wrong stat I’m like that’s Eric Gordon uh Grayson Allen was 0 of2 through the first three quarters one point in the fourth quarter he has 11 points he’s four of six from the field three of five from Beyond The Arc and hit three there was three consecutive possessions where

He hit three pointers he’s one who kind of put the nail in the coffin uh in this game and obviously there’s been a lot of talk right now about him potentially being a trade Target uh Jake fiser from Yahoo sports said that the suns are interested or they’re they’re definitely

Shopping him and when asked about it he said that he definitely doesn’t want to be traded he loves being a part of this team so what are your thoughts on Grayson Allen and should the Suns trade him real quick Shameless plug um I’ve made two videos in the last like less

Than 48 hours about Grayson Allen and it’s plain and simple do not trade grayon Allen and just like I did in my video the other day I’m gonna I’m gonna just repeat it one more time if that’s okay listen up guys do not trade Grayson Allen Matt ishbia Josh bartline James

Jones don’t do it but Suns geek we could get a three and D Wing Suns geek we could get player X Y or Z I do not care keep this man Grayson Allen just said it yesterday I do not want to be traded don’t do it he is playing fantastic and

Yes he did start off the game one for eight that’s okay like he’s been on fire lately he’s been cooking hitting every single three for the most part he can have an off night but the way that he bounced back in this game is just another threat remember when I said any

Points that nerk gets us as a bonus Grayson is like a bonus with the cherry on top you know what I mean he has been absolutely incredible and I keep mentioning like I sound like a broken record in my videos but I really mean this Grayson Allen’s professionalism is

That even a word he’s been a he’s been a professional on and off the court especially off the court I’m loving everything I’m hearing from him seeing from him I don’t even care man he’s a future NBA Allstar I love this guy man I completely agree so obviously I’ve

Written a couple pieces on uh Bright Side of the Sun talking about how Grayson Allen is the only viable asset that the Phoenix Suns have that’s actually desirable by opposing uh teams right nir little has a contract that’s definitely tradeable it’s 6.4 million but he carries no value to that 6.4

Million so unless they’re you’re you’re facing a team that’s purely looking for a salary dump uh it’s not going to happen and even in that case you’re not going to be able to again that’s a place where he doesn’t have a lot of uh and speaking of nir little he doesn’t have a

Lot of value because with his 6. 25 contract he signed for the next four years he’s on the first year of a $28 million contract over four years so if you’re trying to trade the SE little that the team’s like nobody wants that somebody does want potentially a Grayson

Allen there there there’s two kind of of teams that would like a Grayson Allen one is a salary dump situation listen you take our player who’s also making 8.5 million but he’s making 8.5 this year 9.4 next year 12.4 the next year and we want to get rid rid of that so

We’ll take gray and Allen because it expires next year so those are the low tier teams that are looking to to dump somebody’s salary over an extended period of time the other type of team that would like Grayson Allen any team that’s contending because of the way

That he shoots because of the production that he’s having because he’s having a career best season here in Phoenix so these are the wise these are wise this is why if the suns are rumored to be to be seeking a three and D Wing this is

That’s why but I think his Suns fans a lot of the jamers and The Geek Squad are saying in the chat as we’re talking here live is don’t do it James Jones don’t do it and here’s the why because he fits this system [ __ ] perfectly what did we talk about

Out last year right we get Kevin Durant we deplete our wing depth and we’re like God if we could just have a guy who could hit threes around these around Devin Booker and DeAndre and Chris Paul and Kevin Durant if we had if that fifth

Guy could hit a three every now and then this team would be [ __ ] Unstoppable you got Josh aogi just [ __ ] bricking them right so this season you come into it and Grayson Allen same thing he is the fourth guy you have nerkish down below down low who can

Rebound and can pass and you got the big three on top you need that fifth guy to be somebody who shoots the three ball effectively Grayson Al isn’t just shooting the three ball effectively he’s leading the [ __ ] league in three-point shooting yep he’s exactly exact exactly what you need you have

Three and D guys on the bench they’re just not performing kada Bates diot not performing nir little not performing Josh aogi not performing so utahan tanabi [ __ ] ghosted that guy left the chat a time ago but we’re 41 games in season is this 41 is this that yeah yeah

Because I yeah 41 wasn’t the Kings game the 40th yeah this is we’re halfway through the season huh would you look at that crazy man basketball season seon flies by it’s nuts it it goes slow but it goes so fast yeah but you still but you here’s the thing is you still have

Those guys and if you want to give them opportunities and try to get them involved and see if they have some viability you can but you do not get rid of gracon Allen zip zero you do not do it period he just he’s exactly what you need to complement this team he enjoys

Being here he’s professional the way that he as he acts I love having him on this team it’s a win-win win-win win so Sons you got less than a month don’t [ __ ] it up and I know I’m kissing Grayson all let me try that again I know I’m kissing Grace and Allen’s ass

Tonight but I first off he deserves it but secondly too like Kevin Durant was recently saying great things about him Devin Booker was recently talking about how great he has been and I’m sure if you and I had media passes which I think you do you know we could go in there and

Talk to the players all about Grayson Allen and do a whole podcast oh yeah Grayson Allen Podcast but my point being is he deserves all this praise he deserves his flowers and look even though he’s planning a uh possible trip with his wife you know during All-Star

Break he should be at all-star weekend he should win the three-point competition if he gets invited which if they snub him for some reason then I’m gonna be an Adam Silver’s office right you know what I mean it would be very Suns esque right like Cameron Johnson

Didn’t go two years ago Damen Lee didn’t go last year it would just make sense for him not to go this year exactly I I was just going to say too I wrote down just a couple quick notes on Gray now because we all know he’s been the best

Or if not the best one of the best three-point Shooters all year but uh is building a little bit of chemistry with use of nerkish there was a couple times he would drive in strong to the Lane dish it off to nerkish I saw that twice

Tonight I was like oh gotta write that down you know he uses that strong build that he has and he’s sort of an underrated finisher at times as well and it’s just Grayson Allen’s awesome and I’m starting a Grayson Allen Podcast starting tomorrow talking all Allen well it’s

Crazy because you take a look at who he was before and the reputation he carried with him as a dirty player uh and we haven’t seen any aspect of that in his time in Phoenix he’s been nothing but productive like you said he’s been nothing but professional and the and the

Layers of his game yeah they’re complex like he can hit threes all day long but he does have a willingness to drive and Effectiveness when he drives because you you fast forward or sorry you rewind back to to last year Damen Lee was that guy for the Suns he could hit threes but

When he would drive he was not effective in any way shape or form from a scoring standpoint or a passing standpoint and Grayson Allen is he’s great in Fast Break he’s sneaky athletic and it will be nice once Damen Lee comes back because that is another three-point

Shooter who can come off the bench I think Suns fans are forgetting about him too big time Big Time so uh real quick I got to give a shout out to biscuits and the bear for those of you who watch the Suns jam session podcast with regularity you know that whatever the winning

Margin is for the Phoenix Suns biscuits and and the bear one of our Elite jamers donates that amount biscuits and the bear tonight said let’s flip the script tonight Booker goes boom the team is looking like it fi it’s finally figuring things out on a consistent basis biscus and the bear donates

$52 to the to the Suns jam session I tip my hat and I thank you biscuits in the bear you’ve been a loyal supporter this entire season uh and show up every time and everybody who’s watching along live we appreciate you again for doing so

It really means a lot the best way to support the channel is by showing up and showing out you guys are absolutely doing that um so I I really really appreciate that so uh what else do you got in your notes before I go to

The subred of stake out like I said my notes are all over the place and we pretty much have covered it all but just defense and pace for the entire Phoenix Suns team they were running in gunning which we need to see more of that I already talked about let’s talk about

That for a little bit right so PA is something that you you go back and again defense leads to Pace I feel you know it’s it’s something where if you’re a poor defensive team and you’re allowing the opposition to score at will then you’re always going to be in your half

Court the suns are 25th in the league relative to Pace this year but I feel like as you mentioned you know the way that they’re playing they’re starting to pick up that pace a little bit because of the defensive stops right yep love yeah and that’s another thing too was

And when I say like Pace has been a conversation all year but like the way I looked at it was they were just running the fast break like that’s what we need more of but also too like going back to the defense and and the pace and

Everything I believe at one point in this game the Pelicans were one for 13 I’m not even joking like that sounds like a 2K stat right there they were one for 13 and at the time the Suns had three turnovers and only six steals by the way the Suns I mean the Pelicans

Finished with 11 turnovers Suns had 10 but still that is that’s what we also need to see because we know the Suns have been a turnover machine all year like if we can keep it under 10 man I will love that and again you know we

Said it earlier in the show that the defensive Pace the fast break Pace kind of all starts with KD man like tonight I I hope the Suns do watch film and watch that final eight minutes of the Kings game and watch this entire game and just

Be like we need to execute like that from the jump I’ve said it so many times on my show and on your show just give me 40 out of the 48 minutes man just take over for 48 minutes man like you know like we saw tonight like the Pelicans

Are going to go on runs teams are going to go on runs this is basketball man it’s basketball in 2024 teams are G to score but man just give me at least a competitive defensive team at least for 40 minutes man I completely agree and that’s been a challenge that they’ve had

A lot this season uh but they’re starting to rise in the defensive rating standings right this is a team that was 20th uh in the league in defensive rating they’re 16th now and I’d be interested to see going into tomorrow how much that stat changes after all the

You know it could jump as high as 15th because of the way that theyve me too they need it they need it this is a team that you know it’s what we talked about so much this past offseason right you took a look at the construction of this

Team and you go we’re gonna have the scoring uh we we have some guys who can hustle we have some hungry bench players with a defensively minded coach this should work out for us uh and it hasn’t at times but this is the fourth consecutive uh win in a row right the

Team is now 23 and 18 they’re starting to figure some things out in a in a really compressed middle of the standings uh in the NBA so this win you know obviously did the Sacramento play tonight uh I was looking at that earlier yeah I don’t think they did but looking

At the standings you know up to date the suns are still in eighth but they’re tied with the Kings now yeah and they’re both a half game behind the Mavericks who are in Sixth and the Pelicans who they just beat who are in fifth and that’s kind of the line of demarcation

Right that’s the line of demarcation you look at the top four teams in the NBA and I’m I’m sure you know what I might as well just looking at the standings right now yeah I’m going to do the same thing yeah uh this is not something I do

Often on pod but it’s getting to that that time because you kind of mentioned it like we’re 41 games into the season man and this season has flown by and it’s it’s it is time to check the standing I’m glad you pulled this up because I I have a couple thoughts

Especially about the Western Conference but go ahead well here you go here’s the Western Conference live uh up to date I know that there are some games going on right now but the Minnesota Timberwolves are shockingly 30 and 11 two games behind them are both the nuggets and the

Thunder that was a great game for those you didn’t see the Nuggets did beat the Celtics to can them their first home loss this evening and then you have the Clippers who are three and a half games out of first at 26 and 14 okay so the

Suns are four games behind the Clippers in the loss column and three games behind them in the win column right so that’s why they’re were three and a half games or four and a half games behind them but then you see that the Pelicans who obviously the sun’s uh down tonight

In in pretty impressive fashion are six games out of first so you kind of have the it’s like it’s tiers right the top tier is the Timberwolves the Thunder the nuggets and the Clippers and then you got that middle tier and that middle tier is the Pelicans the Mavericks the Kings the

Suns and you could sneak the Jazz in there if you want they have been playing unbelievable basketball uh but that’s kind of the third tier in my opinion starts with the Jazz the Lakers the Rockets and the Warriors you know so that those are three tiers of four teams

Yep you know thoughts on the standings you you pretty much said it but in your own words it’s like and look obviously the Lakers have been pretty terrible you know they’ve been struggling and and the rockets started off pretty damn good and they’ve been struggling as of late but

That’s the scary thing about this Western Conference specifically the third tier as you called it is like a lot of these teams really aren’t that far off like even the warriors with all their struggle and adversity that they’ve had this year they could somehow sneak into the playoffs you know what I

Mean the Jazz been playing better like I thought the Jazz season was done pretty much also what they’ve won like eight out of their last 10 or something like that and you know like the kings were pretty damn good but they’ve been struggling as of late it’s like it is

Scary man that’s why the Suns need to win as many games as possible not because I’m scared like that they’ll miss the playoffs but seeding because the western conference is so loaded like if jaw didn’t get hurt maybe the Grizzlies could have snuck in there you know that’s how crazy the western

Conference is man and as we’ve seen teams are going to go on runs and then they’re going to kind of drop back to reality so it’s like we’re eventually going to know who’s legit like who’s the pretenders contenders and all that but we got to win as many games as possible

Man because it’s a loaded Western Conference it really is and you really want to avoid the play in and that’s kind of where I’m at yeah avoid that [ __ ] playing is at all costs you know as a top four seed attainable I believe it is with the Suns but I mean they’re

Going to have to continue to really play some quality basketball yeah and as you mentioned you know I probably can pull it up here let’s see if it lets me I think you said it perfect with like the top tier is that first first four teams

And then everyone else you know at least in the Western Conference and so if you look up remaining strength of schedule for for the NBA zoom in here you can see the Suns you know they their remaining schedule the opposing teams have a 53.3 winning percentage Portland is number

Two uh San Antonio number three and you look we still play the Celtics twice we still play uh the Timberwolves twice the Bucks twice OKC twice Denver twice I’m scared I’m gonna need beers for those those games I’m telling you like it’s it’s a tough road that lies ahead Boston

Has like the second easiest and they’re the best team in the NBA right now so they’ve gone through their toughest spat of scheduling and they’re still uh playing the way they are so Phoenix definitely has a long way to go uh but these are the kind of wins that you can

Build upon yeah now that now one thing that I do for those of you who are on suns Geeks Channel and you don’t watch the Suns jam session with regularity should one thing that we do we go live after every game just like this uh is we have What’s called the subreddit

Stakeout where I hang out on the opposing fan bases subreddit to to see what they’re saying about Phoenix uh but I have to go in Disguise I can’t go dress as myself dressed in the Suns gear stuff even virtually because they might know it’s me so I wear disguise this is

A subred stout the sun’s jam session subreddit stake out so there I was in The Big Easy dressed as Batman where is she I was asking they didn’t know who she was but this is what opposing teams or the opposing fans of the New Orleans Pelicans were saying about the game

Tonight son’s big three Pro Plus Grayson Allen and Lemonhead is some serious Firepower we need to click tonight to get the dub as always [ __ ] Eric Gordon so they call Eric Gordon lemon head uh which is pretty funny actually he does kind of have a little bit of a

Lemon head do you notice how they were booing him every time he touched the ball like why why is so much animosity for Eric Gordon he gave them some good years I don’t know I just I I know that we all don’t really like Jay Crowder now

But that kind of reminds me when those two fans were wearing the FJ Crowder shirts or whatever like come on Pelicans fans be better I know they they really like the FW down there yeah J Jam asks in the chat how many beads did you get I got beads but they were anal

Beads um hell yeah CJ [ __ ] you Eric Gordon a lot of [ __ ] you Eric Gordon’s uh in the subreddit for the Pelicans andon I was really really interesting uh is there a more punchable face in the league than Devin Booker makes it worse that he’s a damn good player too so one

Thing that’s interesting as I visit opposing fan bases subreddits throughout the season is everybody obviously hates Devon Booker and they they hate his face and they talked about it in this one how it’s punchable uh which I disagree I think that we all know that Dylan Brooks

Is like the most punchable face in the NBA but this is the first time that somebody like said it was a punchable face but then was like and you know what makes it worse is he’s damn good too like normally the opposing fan base also says he’s trash so I thought that was

Kind of funny at least they were giving him credit yeah exactly it’s it’s it’s it’s different and I guess you have to give him credit he scored 52 uh [ __ ] everybody in here talking [ __ ] about Dyson there isn’t one player in the NBA who could [ __ ] stop Devin Booker when

He’s on a tear shut the [ __ ] up they were like anybody who’s Garden Booker was uh uh just pissed off at whoever the defender was somebody else said I’m no Booker fan but he’s damn good he’s soft as [ __ ] not sure how anyone could actually root for him Luca murdered his image

Forever pel’s fans Booker’s killing us we need to double him all also pel’s fans dubling Booker left EG wide open what are you doing Fair very fair Grayson is the biggest piece of [ __ ] in the NBA not named Draymond they would hate this podcast if they they heard it I know that’d be

Great hey that was my comment how the [ __ ] you giv up 52 to a guy through three some bum [ __ ] he scored 52 points through three quarters he didn’t score it in the fourth quarter did he Booker tried in the fourth quarter let’s see Booker

Fourth quarter two 0 of two 0 of two from the field really he played four minutes 52 seconds he oh my God he had 52 through through three quarters would have been 55 if they gave him that three I know oh that would I love Double Nickel just looks good if Grayson Allen

Is ripping the ball out of your starting center hands for a rebound it ain’t a your night and the last comment from the subet Stakeout in the New Orleans Pelicans Booker owns us the sun’s jam session subreddit stake out yes it’s like so says J says Devin Booker’s face is

Beautiful it’s not punchable why would you want to punch a piece of art uh yeah lazy Sasquatch asked the question as well like why do they hate Eric Gordon I don’t get it like I don’t remember to be honest but I think they were talking about it on the broadcast but I don’t

Know man well I mean overall Eric Gordon he’s in what his 16th year in the NBA he played Five Seasons with them yeah maybe he like let’s see last time he played there was 20156 he didn’t get traded maybe he left in free agency yeah I don’t I don’t know boo

Chris Paul as well I’m like yeah I will say even though I’m kind of trashing the Pelicans fans they they were loud tonight I we’ll give them credit for that Keith in the chat hey JN and Batman have beards H has anyone ever seen John and Batman in the same room I

Don’t know what you’re talking about I see him all the time he’s over there in the subreddit steak out hanging out the whole time uh let’s hand out a little Hardware Jam star of the game I don’t know why I’m going to ask you this Suns geek but seen as your guest on the Suns jam session side and the way that we do our thing here I’m gonna I’m gonna allow you the opportunity to go first uh is there who

Who could possibly be your Jamar I don’t know man tonight was a terrible night I mean nerkish played bad Kevin Durant played bad Grace now played bad Devin Booker had a horrendous game I just who do you give it to I give it to you for

Inviting me on here and allowing me to do this no for real it’s it’s Devon freaking Booker man but you know me I like to do the honorable mentions and I pretty much named all of them Kevin Durant Yousef nerk Grayson Allen but it’s Devin armanii Booker and he is an

NBA Allstar and the Suns Jamar of the game yeah I I 100% agree with you I think that it’s uh he’s starting to stack some really good games together as well he really is uh Kevin Durant’s allowing Booker the the space to cook and then picking up where he left off

It’s a great one-w combo Bradley Beal he’s going to throw some of those 30-point games at us here and there or 25o games and I mean that’s when when Beal’s your third best score it’s just this this team is ridiculous but it but it comes down to defense and uh I’m

Excited I’m I’m not excited I’m interested to once we wrap up here to go and sit on my couch with the heating pad on my back for my sciatic Nerf and watch the sports center highlights and they’ll talk about Denver and Boston for [ __ ] 20 minutes like uh Deon Booker out 52

And uh moving on yeah and you know that’s kind of uh that’s okay though because it allows us to you know do content about Devin Booker and give you know fan analysis and great analysis and you know that’s why you come here not Sports Center and Aussie Suns fans in the podcast says

Come join the Aussie Suns fan podcast with the sun’s Jam finishes come hang out with us I didn’t know you guys were doing a show tonight normally I spend my Saturday nights is ignoring my family and and listening and watching you guys so uh if you’re going live right after

Us hell yeah crank it up some it’s better than sports center tonight so for real anything else you want to talk about before we get out of here the next game is against the Pacers is there any thoughts you have on the Pacers now knowing that they have uh Pascal cakam

And Tyrese halberton returned tonight as well yeah I’m actually glad you asked that I I slightly touched on it on on a recent video because obviously people don’t tune in to us to listen to Pascal SE yakum and all that but like you and you sort of mentioned it earlier with

The Pacers team how they’re gonna be they’re they’re obviously young and they’re going to be fast in everything what I like about that trade is they didn’t really give up that many young assets like they still have a bright young core and I’m not just talking about Tyrese Halbert you know what I

Mean that was the surprise to me like yeah they gave up the draft picks like they don’t need them they pretty much have draft picks already and they’re on the court producing they’re still young they’re building chemistry they got a really good coach and Rick car car

Although I butcher his name every time and they’re just doing some great things out there but on all fairness though I’m just glad that the Toronto Raptors finally did something and the it was the writing on the wall with the ogn and OB years they’ve had that writing on the

Wall I was like thank you I was like you finally are embracing either a really strong retool or a full-on rebuild and it all started with that OG an anobi trade because it was like are you just going to go another year with being like

A playin team at best like even if they would have overachieved they wouldn’t have won the championship and everything it’s like I’m glad they actually did something just like with the Washington Wizards man like you probably should have made the Bradley be trade a few

Years ago and you didn’t do it but hey that’s why he’s on the Phoenix Suns now they’re in a full-on rebuild I feel like the Raptors are in a retool right now we’ll have to see what the trade deadline brings now it’s all up to the Chicago Bulls to finally ad to admit

Their fate and realize their fate and just trade pretty much everybody except for Kobe white yeah I was watching the bull the Bulls play Toronto last night and you got to see kind of some like Toronto got some decent pieces back like RJ Barrett’s not trash yeah he had a

Decent game Scotty Barnes is amazing like I love Scotty Barnes that guy is he’s good uh and the but one of the interesting things that they said about the Bulls and this is worth repeating because the Suns play the Bulls on Monday here in Phoenix so back toback on

Sunday night they play the Pacers uh and then they play the Bulls the next night they haven’t made a big splash trade since like 2021 exactly that’s crazy like they’ve really been right and and Toronto before them was kind of in the same boat if you will like Fred Van vet

Left in free agency they never traded Fred Van vet to Garner any value back for him they just let him walk and he’s down there in Houston now they finally trade OG and noobi who’s playing well with the Knicks they trade Pascal sakam uh live score update it is halftime they

Are playing the Portland Trailblazers and DeAndre aen is playing and the Pacers are down nine at halftime 64 to 53 uh Jeremy Grant’s got 20 points deand duron’s got 10 and six Pascal cakam has got 12 points on five of seven shooting Burton his first game back since uh

Early January with a tweaked hamstring you know he’s got four points and or and six assists so that’s that’s a game that that’s a good League Pass game right there yeah uh but again yeah it’s interesting to see some of those teams finally blow it up do you think the

Bulls blowed up though I did you watch that game last night with the the Bulls and the Raptors I did not uh LaVine tweaked his ankle he came back didn’t play and he’s out like two weeks now like LaVine whenever I if you noticed this but like every time the trade

Deadline comes around LaVine gets hurt so you that’s why they haven’t been able to blow it up they’re all right we’re GNA trade Zack LaVine he’s like oh my ankle I’m out for like I can’t pass a physical I just feel like I I I don’t remember the gentleman’s name but

They’re GM or whoever I feel like he’s going to be a little stubborn because he was pretty stubborn this off season he pretty much said we’re going to run it back and them yeah exactly like they did they did get former Phoenix Suns Tory Craig and Javon Carter which were really

Good moves but clearly it hasn’t really done much they’ve had a few decent streaks of wins here and there but they’re not that good of a team I don’t even know if they’ll even make the playoffs if you will so it’s like if they don’t necessarily quote blow it up

I hope they at least make some kind of a big move and I’m not just saying that just because oh it’s fun the trade deadline like Shams bombs W bombs like no like they legit need to make a move if I were if I were running their team I

Would blow it up they’re just not that good clearly this whole you know D rozan LaVine uh what’s their Center’s name I’m totally forgetting his name vich yeah vich thank you uh clearly that didn’t work and they need to do something so Kobe White’s been play playing great for them I’m

Sure they got a couple other young studs but they’re not going anywhere so blow it up Bulls yeah and I don’t know if you know the only Remnant that we would like to see in Phoenix is Alex Caruso but again yeah we don’t have the assets to

Give them for him if you were going to do anything you could do a one for one for Grayson Allen like I said earlier in the podcast you don’t do it yep you just don’t do it so on that note jamers and Geek Squad we’re going to go ahead and

Get out of here thank you again for joining us for the Suns jam session and Suns geek postgame podcast Suns geek tell everyone where they can follow you yeah check out Suns geek on YouTube constantly uploading videos and YouTube shorts I’ve been slacking on the live

Shows a little bit but it’s just because I’m working super hard for you guys but just you know look look up on Twitter Instagram you guys will me I might hop back up on threads I I sort of went MIA there for a while and I think I’m going

To hop back on there so we’ll see and if you’re new to the Suns jam session podcast again my name is John VOA you can follow me on Twitter at Darth VOA managing editor brights sideof thees be sure to stop by there for the best fan content on the internet follow

The show sunjam on Instagram Twitter Tik Tock all the places threads even though we don’t do that either uh and until Sunday night go home love your [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Family

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Follow Me On News Break

Yuta Watanabe: “Its Mental Stuff” Yuta talks about minutes drought and is thankful for his teammates support.

A follow-up video about the Phoenix Suns historic comeback vs the Sacramento Kings. Stats Facts Takeaways and MORE.

Grayson Allen’s name is being mentioned in trade rumors. Is a P.J. Tucker reunion possible? PLUS MORE -My Thoughts

The Phoenix Suns complete the biggest 4th-quarter comeback in the NBA since 2020 beating Sacramento Kings (Reaction)

Bradley Beal sounds off and I rant about the current state of the Phoenix Suns.

Kevin Durant fires back at ESPN’s ‘frustrations’ report Jusuf Nurkic responds Grayson Allen’s optimism and MORE!

This was one of my favorite live shows ever. Recap of the Suns/Lakers timeout controversy, Reactions from Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, Frank Vogel. Bradley Beal’s latest injury update and MORE Suns talk!

During my trip to Phoenix, I had the honor of geeking with the PHNX Suns crew. I filmed a video of the “behind-the-scenes” and took tons of pictures. I also included fun moments from the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks again PHNX!

PHNX Podcast with Suns Geek

Phoenix Suns Media Day 2023 Watch-Along/Live Reaction Show

The Athletic reported that Phoenix Suns Owner Mat Ishbia was “very involved” in the Deandre Ayton deal. More Ayton trade talk and what is our biggest concern is with the Suns roster.

Suns Geek and The Suns JAM Session podcast grade the Jusuf Nurkic/Deandre Ayton trade and more Ayton talk.

Phoenix Suns News Damion Lee is out indefinitely with a meniscus injury, former Phoenix Sun Cam Payne signs with the Bucks, and MORE!

Celebrating 25 years of the NBA2K video game franchise Suns Geek and ThunderSteve85 bring you our NBA2K collection. All the 2K games and stuff we have collected over the years!–Oz7lN4Hk4

We now have the LEAKED audio from the Devin Booker/Luka Doncic altercation in Dallas in March 2023. 👀

The Bradley Beal vs Cooper Flagg 1-on-1 story NEVER HAPPENED. Here’s why. What do you think about this fake story and all the Suns hate?

Cam Payne TRADED to the San Antonio Spurs, Suns sign Bol Bol and MORE Suns talk!

Eric Gordon signs with the Phoenix Suns live reaction show with the Suns JAM Session podcast.

Recapping day 1 of Suns free agency with John from the Suns JAM Session podcast! (Live on both channels)

ICYMI Emergency podcast with the Suns JAM Session podcast as we react to Bradley Beal being traded to the Phoenix Suns. The Chris Paul Suns era is over. What do you think of the trade?

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

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*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*

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  1. After that Kings madness, I was really hoping we can press on now and this was a great win for back to back victory and momentum

  2. This was maybe the best overall performance beginning to end by this team this season. Hoping we keep up the momentum from the last 5 quarters we’ve played

  3. This is chemistry, basketball requires chemistry. Until I got diabetes and had to stop playing, I had 40 years of basketball experience including coaching at both the teen and adult leagues.

    I coached an Air Force squadron of administrative personnel to the league championship at grissom Air Force Base back in the early '90s. The MPs were athletic, strong, tall and it took a double overtime loss and then a double overtime win to get the base championship.

    It was our chemistry because we played together all the time. I coached a youth team the prior season, the first thing I teach children is fundamentals, I don't care what age they are.

    How did dribble, how to pass and how to shoot. However, my first step for shooting was always to find their range. The gym that we used we were the only ones that used it. So I took athletic tape, found their range and then put athletic tape in a circle around the basket so they knew where they could shoot from. From. In Indiana I had those kids for 3 months. As they got better and as they got a little stronger, we would reevaluate their range.

    The reason I did this and I'm sharing it is for anyone out there who is a coach. Making sure they shot within their range, made sure that they never had bad form. As they got stronger, their range expanded but they're formed did not suffer from trying to shoot out of their range.

    The final game they played was a championship game in Peru, Indiana, they hated the base for some reason and they took it out on those poor kids. They called 34 fouls against my kids, one of those fouls the nearest player was literally four feet away. As Suns fans we know how that feels.

    They only called two fouls against the other team. My kids lost by two points. I have never been more proud of a team than I was of those kids. I told them in the very first day that fighting with each other, being a ball hog or being disrespectful to another team or the referees would get them on the bench for the remainder of the game. Not one of them complained. Not one of them was out of line, I have never been more proud.

    I share that because I've been harping on the chemistry since the beginning. The only two players from last year are KD and book. That's a hell of a lot of chemistry to build. It's impossible do when you have players, you need to learn that chemistry sitting on the bench with an injury. You don't get chemistry by watching. It's a feel, there's no way to teach chemistry. You build it by playing.

    When I was at Fairchild Air Force Base, I was playing with my college buddy, who is a brother to me, and my daughter who was 13 at the time.

    We played around 10 games, the closest the 3MPs that were playing against us ever got was 21 to 5.

    The three of us had unstoppable chemistry. My best friend was very athletic, my daughter was 5'10 at 13, 145 lb. Of solid muscle and a very talented basketball player. But we were playing three adult military personnel.

    And if I'm giving the impression that I was some kind of fit athletic Air Force personnel, my ex was the one that was in the military not me. I've been fat since 1997 when I was in a head-on collision. 120 mph head on collision.

    Chemistry overcomes a lot. The pelicans have a lot of chemistry. That game against the Sacramento Kings built the chemistry this team needs and that we've all been clamoring for.

    If you're going to place a wager, the last time I checked the suns were plus 1200 to win the championship. I'm going to put another 10 bucks on them to match the 20 I already have at a much lower set of odds.

    By the way, you guys do a great job and Suns geek, You have the same enthusiasm for this team that I do and I was born around the same time they were. I've been a die hard fan since I was about 7 years of age and first started learning to play basketball against my mom. Yes, she was extremely athletic as well. Thank you for all you guys! Do, you both rock.


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