@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: What must change after lazy, lousy effort in Orlando? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: What must change after lazy, lousy effort in Orlando? | Five on the Floor

Welcome to latest episode of five on the floor on the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app Google podcast Apple podcast Spotify red circle and the Five Reasons YouTube channel make sure you hit like subscribe and turn the notifications on also check us out on

Off the floor that’s our new Discord got more than 300 members on there I can tell you they go all day long you turn the notifications on if you don’t want to listen to but the best thing about it is you get the host updates from us so behind the scenes information things

That you don’t get on Twitter right away for instance I gave everybody the download on the Kyle Lowry situation before anybody else had it on Twitter you can find that on off the floor that again is our new Discord the link is right here on the YouTube description as

Well as the podcast description and the top of the five reasons Twitter page and now today’s episode five on the floor ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score hard couple scars wear bubble frog just like bu said you in trouble yo

Check the floor plan got it all B y’all SE the BL stop with one hand and P trust have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander

And Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network so you know when you hit a point that you just can’t ignore stuff anymore tonight was that night for the Mii heat they go up to Orlando they lose 105 to 87 to the Orlando Magic a team

That they’d beaten twice already this season including up there in Orlando about a month ago but it’s not just that they lost by 18 points it’s the way they lost today’s floor plan this is the first time this season where it just looked like they didn’t care and we had

These moments a lot last year as the team kened towards the playing and had to be saved by Max Shu with three minutes left against Chicago but I really hadn’t felt those moments this year honestly it felt like there was a new level of enthusiasm with some of the

Players who’ve been injected into the rotation whether it was hakz who’s still out or yic um but tonight it just I I don’t know if because the frustration set in or what but this this team looked disconnected it looked disinterested uh it did not look like a

Miami Heat team that is building towards something it looks to it look like a team that in some ways is kind of sick of each other and again I was not anticipating that at this stage of the season so today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skoling can follow me Ethan J skull have

Five re in sports we got Greg sander you can follow him at Greg sander alexo you can follow him at Tropical blanket and Brady Hawk you can follow him at Brady Hawk 305 and I’ll go through some of the numbers here guys but I don’t think the

Numbers tell the entire story bam LED with 22 points 11 rebounds and seven assists you’re looking at that stat line you’re like it’s a fairly dominant performance uh Jimmy Butler 15 points 10 field goal attempts tonight four rebounds two assists not impactful Tyler hero 12 points on four

Of 14 shooting four of 11 from three I actually felt he played the way that people have wanted him to play a lot of spot up shooting three-point shooting didn’t make the shots but again this is what people have been calling for including of us including me for him to

Play off the ball a little bit more he did it it just didn’t work tonight Caleb Martin five of seven in the starting line up 11 points in 31 minutes we’ll get to that starting discussion in a second because that’s a big part of everything that’s going on Nico yic uh

Two points three rebounds and 15 minutes he did start again Off the Bench one guy shot 50% or better from the floor that was Kevin Love who had nine points on three of six shooting made a couple of Threes the others Duncan has not looked as good since he’s gone back to the

Bench one of six overall 0 of three from three High Smith I thought had good minutes tonight we’ll discuss him a little bit more as we go forward Josh Richardson was one of four in just nine minutes so a lesser dose of minutes uh for Josh Richardson and Kyle Lowry who

I’m sure we will speak about again tonight a few times one of nine from the floor 0 of six from three coming off the bench again after saying that he would wanted to continue to start to continue doing what he’s done all year was actually worse tonight than he’s

Been most of the year coming off the bench Greg I’ll go to you on this because I mean you posted some stuff on off the floor we’ll get to our gamer of the night our play of the night and all that stuff but it feels kind of perfunctory um because I think we’re

Talking about larger issues with this team and we’ve done a couple of podcasts over the weekend we did one on the Kyle Lowry situation and flesh that out you and I for 48 minutes Alex and I we got into point guards that they could look at dejon Murray

And uh Terry Rosier prominent among them but I guess what I never expect from this team is lack of effort lack of focus lack of trust that feels bigger than all the rest of this stuff it does and it feels like uh we finally it’s

Come to a head and three games in a row now they’ve lost tonight was the one where they look completely off balance out of touch uh there’s just no excuse for it because they got their guy back like these are the games that they needed to start to tally up some

Victories and it’s going in the opposite direction and they look disconnected as can be if ever I’ve seen a team that needs a move it’s this team now that’s how I feel and it’s unfortunate that things swing this quickly in the league but they do and here we are I I think

That they ultimately are not going to be able to avoid having to infuse some more more Talent into the roster some more offensive Firepower into the roster and then they’re going to have to stick to the defensive identity that has slowly started to creep back to them in the

Month of January otherwise this season is getting weirder and weirder by the minute and The Vibes are way off Brady why does this team look worse the more guys they have healthy that’s it like that’s the thing it’s the fact when they have more guys I

Mean that’s the part that I think we have to talk more about I think that’s the thing that we have to look in the eyes and say like for one the playoff thing in the fact when when guys go down and Jimmy’s usage goes up and they go on

Runs but even throwing that out for a second we’ve said this all year in in years past when there’s a regular season game when there’s like a guy that goes down and they’re playing with a lesser roster I think everybody takes a deeper breath they’re like you feel good about

This game just because the way they handle it the way that SPO coaches it up uh and the way that they play that that certain style you feel better about that offensive system and then I think you look around in games like this and it’s like I just don’t think they know who

The first option is I don’t think they know who the ball is working through on a given possession I feel like there’s still this in in year five there’s still this question mark of like I don’t even want it’s not even the fact that they’re they’re like stepping on each other’s

Toes it’s more so they don’t want to step on each other’s toes like that’s the way I see it like it’s like Tyler’s kind of saying to himself okay I don’t want to do this and get up this many shots so I’m going to play this type of

Role and then now he’s trying to press and trying to get back into the game and I used Tyler’s example because I feel like he’s the one that’s always going to get the most most Flack but then there’s the BAM aspect because he’s sitting there at parts of this game where he’s

Settling for these free throw line jumpers where it’s like he needs to be rolling to the basket Tyler even said in the during the game at the beginning he’s like you gotta come and roll to the basket when I’m getting down there uh and then there’s the Jimmy factor which

Is just seems like he can do it when he chooses to but it’s like when when is he going to choose to there was the final stin he he came came out late in that game they they took him back out but when he came in around the seven6 minute

Mark I don’t think he touched the ball like I was think I I want to go back through it but I remember saying to myself like did he touch the ball in that entire fourth quarter stint and it’s like that that’s the question marks I have and it’s like they rely on their

Role players so much and then you look around in a game like this and you see these poor role player performances and it’s like but this is what happens when you do when you do that formula like it’s going to eventually happen these role players going to hit a wall you

Have to rely on your best players and when your best play players are kind of doing this thing where doesn’t feel like they know where where to be and and when to get the ball and where to go like I I think that becomes a problem so that

Part that you mentioned them looking worse when they have all their guys is definitely something that we need to discuss and they’re discussing and trying to figure out as they move forward because scoring 80 points in a basketball game in this day and age like like that just can’t

Happen and there were other breakdowns defensively too I mean there there were I mean Duncan I don’t know what he was doing on this one pass from the the three-point line and backd door cuts and Bam was not himself defensively tonight either I felt like heith was defending

And that was it like that’s that’s how it felt for good portions of this game and I think we have to have a conversation about again we’re going to talk more about the starting lineup as we go forward but Alex um when we did the mid-season pod I said

That most teams around the league do not have a superstar who is a different player in the playoffs in the regular season and I don’t want to blame one person just like everybody thinks I’m blaming Kyle lry others are blaming Tyler herro bam you’re right has not been his

Aggressive rolling to the basket and it seems like he’s just said okay you know what I’ll take the dotted line jumper because that’s what’s available to me in this offense and we’ve talked about his the lack of uh dunks from him and everything else he’s essentially just

Become a mid-range player for the most part and the role guys that does seem like they’re struggling to fit in with the exception of hakz who isn’t there who’s the one guy who doesn’t seem to care he just goes right blowing the alarm on me here but but I I

Think I think to the overall point though Alex like they take their cues from Jimmy and I feel like we’re at this stage of the Season where if you don’t know which Jimmy you’re getting on a given night if it’s going to be 10 field goal attempt Jimmy then other guys are

Hesitant because they don’t know is this a night I should go is this a night I should pull back how much more does he need to do because we don’t he’s great but he’s not great on a consistent basis in the regular season and we don’t say

That about joic or embiid or uh or or any of these other guys that were or or even Tatum or Booker or we don’t say that but or or Shay right but we say it about Jimmy so H how do they get through that it’s tough man and you’re so right

Like and and I think what it comes down to is it’s not enough now he does have his reasoning for it right like we’ve seen him like he gets a certain benefit of the doubt when it comes to the way he treats the regular season because of the

Way he just turns up at an unreal level in the playoffs and you know who knows if if he can even do that again this season we don’t know that until we see it he’s also of course he had the ankle thing last playoffs has been dealing

With more stuff this season so you don’t know that for one thing right then the other thing is like you know they’ve they’ve acknowledged this season that they don’t want to they’ve kind of acknowledged it without outright saying it that they don’t want to be in that in

The same position that they were last year um when it comes to just having fight through the play and to then face like you know one of the best teams in the conference in the first round like you’re just making it so hard in yourself and I think they understand

That the problem is in order to get to that goal of like you know getting to home court or the five seed right something like that like you’ve got to win some of these games and I don’t think they have enough when Jimmy is not being Jimmy like a lot of times it

Really like Brady was talking about if if Jimmy is not playing at that level and I’m not even talking about playoff Jimmy I’m talking about Allstar caliber J I’m not even talking about Superstar none of that if he’s not playing more or less up to his standard I think it just

Puts so much pressure on everybody else to do a little bit too much like to kind of go over their heads play over above their heads a little bit and like you look at it tonight 55% at The Rim 30% in the mid-range and 33% from three how do you

Win with those numbers like I’m not a mathemat I don’t I don’t know how you win with those numbers and then you factor in like the transition offensive rating of 63.6 like I I legit don’t understand how you’re supposed to win any games with those types of numbers

And you got to give credit to the magic they’ve been in Elite defense All Season like this tracks with what they’ve been doing but they did not play their brand of basketball tonight either the heat didn’t like you you let the magic get 43% of their shots their overall shots

Come at the rim and that’s what they do like they they they attack the rim but the heat told whole thing is supposed to be like keeping you from getting all those shots up at the rim and then on the other side of the ball the heat like

Even though they were missing everything and you know they weren’t converting from anywhere like I said but they kept taking more and more threes like they ended up taking 13 more threes than mid-range shots 16 more threes than shots at the rim and like that gap between their threes and mid-range is

Very very unusual like it a lot of times it’s they’re taking more midis than threes like them scaling up their their their three-point volume like that is not that’s not something that they do a lot and I think like it wasn’t falling right you saw from Tyler from Duncan it

Wasn’t enough they they didn’t have it and then it’s like you’re not getting anything at The Rim you’re not scoring in transition and then your bread and butter the mid-range is not working out for you either like you have no chance you have no chance and then you you talk

That’s that’s before you even get into Jimmy you know what I mean so it’s like there’s so many problems to balance and I think it starts with Jimmy like you’re talking about because it’s like’s the one that’s setting the tone and if Jimmy if the team is built a certain way with

Jimmy bam and Tyler being up there and then what you know whoever else you want to throw in that that are their best players whatever I feel like the hierarchy is constantly getting thrown out in the regular season because Jimmy is not playing at that level and then

All these other guys are asked to do a little bit more and when they don’t I mean you’re doing you’re trying to ask that of them against an elite defense like it’s really tough man they finished with a with a six percentile offensive rating and a 15 perent half court

Offensive rating the the offense is a problem man when they’re like I I think the three-point shooting and also haime hawkin’s emergence earlier in the season has kind of put a Band-Aid right because like there’s been so many nights where like the defense has been a problem this

Season that we weren’t expecting that and we hold him to a higher standard but man now it’s like hakz is out they’re missing all that movement the extra Rim pressure he he provides and they miss him dearly and the Band-Aid came off and the three-point shooting is now like is

Not there anymore either so it’s it’s like you’re getting all these things happening at the same time and it’s a big problem it puts even more pressure on them to be like fantastic on the defensive end which I don’t think they have been consistently this season and I

Don’t think they were that great at it tonight either like letting the magic just kind of get whatever they want getting towards the rim like it’s not you know that’s that’s not how you win games heat 18 18 of 53 from two tonight so they did scale up the three-point

Shooting but 18 of 53 uh from too and and we we’ll get to our our gameer the night here in a second but I I I just want to acknowledge one thing ER spoler is tinkering at this stage it’s obvious like this is a point of the Season where we’re we’re before the

Trade deadline and the Kyle Lowry let me just update people on what Eric said before the game if you listen to our previous two podcasts have followed us on playback and Discord you already know this stuff but you know Kyle was Kyle Lowry was uh did not come to shoot

Around on Friday because he was stuck in Toronto he flew separately from the team it’s not the first time it’s happened he informed them uh that he was being H hung up there and all the rest of this this wasn’t a case of insubordination or anything but he wasn’t at the shoot

Around on Friday and spoler was looking to make a change uh had decided that they were going to try to guard Trey young with Caleb Martin because they wanted to keep yic in the starting lineup he didn’t have a chance to discuss it with Kyle because he wasn’t

At shoot around Trey was ruled out a few hours later spoler decided to stay with it then of course Kyle after the game and speaking to Barry and I Barry’s question uh directly said that he expected to start again um and that SPO wanted to look at something different

And he didn’t start again uh and he shot one of nine from the floor uh Off the Bench didn’t really look any different than he’s looked lately put up a statline that we’ve seen before was a two points two rebounds and three assists uh in 20s something minutes actually it was Josh Richardson’s

Minutes who got cut tonight he was cut down to nine and and I I guess Greg here’s the thing he’s experimenting he’s looking for different combinations and for those who are saying well Kyle’s getting blamed for everything you know I understand where they’re coming from because it’s not it’s not just him

That’s struggling but he’s not a part of the solution either I think we we’ve come to that conclusion now in this stage and I think they have come to that conclusion so what are the Solutions in terms of I mean does anything matter in terms of the starting lineup because

Right now he’s tried yic and Caleb yic has given him much in the past couple games do you try High Smith do you or do you just when Hawkin is back from the groin injury you just put him in the starting lineup and saying you know what

He’s been one of our three or four best players this year we’re gonna start him from the jump or do you look at trying to get Duncan going because I it feels like he’s the one who suffered the collateral damage of everybody being back healthy again so H how Greg how

Would you handle that before we get to oury stuff for the night I I I’ll maintain this I think Duncan Robinson should start I think that he it everything always just looks cleaner when he’s on the floor I think that they should start off that way that would be

The way for them to at least get off to somewhat of a clean start at times especially if he’s hot so that that’s really but I think to your point SPO may try Haywood heith like that’s probably next up um I don’t know how that’ll go

We’ll see it has a lot to do with the shooting um from the entire roster and that’s why this isn’t a Kyle Lowry problem it’s not one person’s problem but it is an issue for the entire team and um I think they to be tinkering in

Game 42 at this point it’s just uh it didn’t feel like they were tinkering when they were seven games above 500 and about to be eight games above 500 and then the Atlanta game goes south Etc it’s just been a weird little stretch here and um it feels like things are

Getting super fractured all of a sudden they’ve lost three out of four in the game they won they had to scramble back after a horrific shooting first half in Brooklyn and pushed that game to overtime and that is the one time we’ve said that Tyler and Jimmy looked good

Together but I want to keep coming back to this and and I this is where I understand Heat fans who want to move but again if they’re not going to trade any of their core four and I’m concluding hakz as the fourth right now but with Tyler being the third I don’t

Know how the the the tone of this really changes dramatically I’m in favor of a move we’ve talked about some of the moves but if they’re now 31 and 32 over the past season and a half when bam Jimmy and Tyler have started together that’s not a small sample size

They have to know what the sample size is and I just you know it’s like they just keep when everybody’s healthy they just keep changing the chairs around the three of them and so now it was yic and Martin before it was Lowry and you know

And Haywood or Lowry and love I mean they keep changing them but the reality is when the three of them play together it does look like they’re looking not to step on each other’s toes and it’s just not fluid and the other thing that that

Came out of it tonight was if you watch the huddles and we were watching on playback nobody’s talking like nobody’s moving on the court and on the bench nobody’s talking like UD and we talked about UD a lot the past few days would have chewed them out tonight I don’t

Know that they have that person to do that right now Kevin Love is a tremend this leader it’s not his style okay bam is the captain it’s not his style Jimmy’s not going to do that right and the other guys in this team don’t feel like they’re in position to do that so

They’re they’re in a funk that and and I do think that there is a little bit of a trial period here where I think spoler is experimenting before the trade de if you’re going to do it experiment now take a look at all these different combinations see what’s working hope you

Don’t lose the team in the process and when you finally come to it in a week and a half or two weeks you’re okay we need need to do something because I’ve tried everything I’m not saying he’s doing it intentionally for that purpose but it does look like again if you’re G

To do it do it now don’t do it February 23rd it’s too late at that point right so I think if if you’re a Heat fan who’s wanted a move this bad stretch probably comes at the right time actually unless the front office decides okay we’re not that close

And so we’re not going to make a move we’re not going to punt not not punt but not going to trade a first round pick or something something like that to try to salvage the season because it’s unsalvageable that’s not typically the way that they think so I would hope they

Don’t think that because again you want to give Jimmy the best possible opportunity but again all of this playing out right before the trade deadline and spoler tinkering with so many different things at this stage is interesting to me we do want to mention the rock Esports gamer of the night and

That’s um that’s uh again oh well go ahead Alex I’m sorry and now on five on the floor it’s time for the gamer of the night sponsored by Rock ESP Sports Center the place to eat drink and play all day host your next birthday party with them located at

15305 South Dixie Highway in petto Bay they’ve got a 5500 ft state-of-the-art Center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes available for just 25 bucks but if you mention five reasons it’s just $20 so mention five reasons or five RSN you get to play all

Day for $20 and now the gamer of the night sorry that was my bad I take responsibility for that one we do want to mention before we get to the gamer of the night this Saturday this Saturday Heat Nicks three o’clock at Rocky Sports Center you can watch with us for free if

You want to beat Alex and hopefully Brady you’re not getting off the hook this time and hopefully Brady in 2K get there anytime during the game sign up we’ve been putting the link up for the 2K tournament not only can you win the prize pool that that we were

Giving out already but I’m throwing we’re throwing 50 bucks cash on top for the winner and for second place you’re going to get your choice better Edge or prize picks promo funds uh third place uh you get merchandise from us so there’s there’s plenty to win down there

And we’re gonna have a good time win or lose as they face the Knicks and we’ll be down there all day Saturday so people have been say oh the games are too late we got no no we going to Pal medal Bay it’s a Saturday afternoon into the

Evening so come hang out with us we’ll have food and all that good stuff and you can watch game with us down there at Rocky Sports Center in Palmetto Bay um the gamer of the night I mean it’s got to be Paulo I would think I mean 20 and

10 tonight and he had an impact that he didn’t have uh in the prior game and so I’ll get to this I’ll use this as a way to get into it Brady why would you not start Haywood heith tonight considering I think the last time that Pao faced him

He shot like two of nine against Haywood or something along those lines did they make a mistake not starting him on him tonight I think they should have started him the last game that’s kind of been the point that I’ve been making over and over is

That if you were to take Kyle out of the lineup I would have gone with Haywood because it fits more of the stuff that we’re talking about with the fact of of jumbling the top three guys together how about you put a guy in there that can defend multiple positions at an

Extremely high level and doesn’t demand the ball whatsoever and he’s just going to kind of just play his role screen go away take spot UPS Etc so I just think after he went to Caleb originally there’s just no way he pulls the plug now and Caleb and goes to

Haywood and plays this revolving door of starters and without trying to find a specific lineup to try to find in gel and catch momentum so I don’t know about it tonight like I said I think it was more so big picture but we keep doing this thing like once again I I don’t

Mean to keep going back to the top guys but we’re going to keep pointing these fingers at these other guys surrounding them where it feels like they just need to figure it out and be better together like it’s going it really doesn’t matter about who’s around them consistently

Because they’re going to play next to these certain guys but Haywood you know I don’t even think it’s about the starting thing I’m more saying it about the playing because last game where he didn’t start and he only played 10 minutes and he didn’t play in the second

Half and then you look what happened in that debacle late where Jay Rich is is defending late in that game like I’m just more so about the fact Haywood needs to play like as much as we’re g to St in harp on the offense which is 100% warranted because they’re scoring 80

Points in a basketball game the defense hasn’t been pretty and I was talking about it I pulled out some numbers from January that I’m like I was surprised to see that they were top five in defense in January it’s like that doesn’t feel right because I don’t feel like they

Defended great but they played teams and and teams haven’t shot well I think is part of it that they played some bad offensive teams but the defense doesn’t deserve to get off the hook just because they they’ played some lackluster offenses and and skate skate out of the

Games like they’re going to need to play these certain Defenders they need to play around their best players so Haywood Haywood’s minutes need to kind of stick at a certain point and there’s no better way to monitor him in than in the starting lineup but here’s the thing

Ethan last thing I’ll say is I think they’re also preparing for hawz to return and we’ve talked about this before where makes more sense to play Haywood with hakz Off the Bench than to play Caleb and hwz together consistently just because they’re similar skill sets so that to me feels like they’re also

Kind of preparing for hakz to kind of just hit the ground running when he returns yeah and you mentioned hit the ground running and I think that’s the key phrase here because he will I I I don’t I don’t worry about rust with him

As I would with some of the others and I mentioned this on playback that they’ve had this issue where like two guys come back and it takes them two or three games like Kevin Love is still Rusty like he played better tonight than the other night but he was in a real Rhythm

Right and I talked to Kevin about this after the game the other night like two guys come back and then it takes him two games three games to shake off the rust we saw it with Caleb we saw it with Josh early in the season and by the time that

They get warm two other guys go out and then you have the same situation and this is the problem with kind of this rotating door of death where it’s it’s great that you have depth but you don’t have everybody playing well at the same

Time um Alex I know we want to get to these stats and but I want to tease them no I want to tease them for tomorrow I think this is a good podcast I think you hit on a good pod I’m just gonna say these real quick and then we’re gonna go

To the play on the night and then we’ll uh we’ll close this thing with the injury report but these are your stats so I’m giving you credit for them the numbers are the numbers they don’t lie Jimmy and Tyler together with no Bam are minus 11 this year net

Rating right Pro net rating all three of them together are basically a plus seven okay so all three of them together again looks fine right but you take one of them off before you end up with that because then if you if you go Tyler and

Bam with no Jimmy minus eight or minus n almost Tyler without Jimmy and Bam is a plus three I just want people to think about those numbers overnight to try to make sense of them that’s all because we’re going to discuss the so-called big three tomorrow and and how you move

Pieces in and out and how to possibly make this thing work uh which clearly it’s not right now at least not in the aggregate um all right let’s get right now to the play of the night and now it’s time for the insurance Binet play of the night sponsored by at a

Aggressive Insurance Agency you can reach out to our friend Lynette at 95458 8800 that’s 95458 8800 or insurance with two ends and 2 T’s your best play for Auto Insurance homeowners insurance condo Insurance life insurance or a retirement program reach out to Lynette at Insurance

Alex says Tyler and Jimmy St line up with me and Ethan earlier today on the podcast but who’s the bam I guess in this case who who who makes this thing work is it Greg is it Brady or do we need to go get somebody else in a trade

One we just need one we already saw the numbers that that’s it our plus minus will be better uh the play play of the night tonight um I’m not gonna pick a Kyle Lowry Miss I’m not gonna do that I promised I wouldn’t do that so I and I

Already mentioned that that I don’t know when Duncan got beat for that that layup on the Brady give me a play give me a play that symbolizes the evening I’m not I’ll give us secrets of plays CU I was thinking about it before I don’t know how uh Morris Vagner only had eight

Points because I felt like he killed them like I felt like he there was a stretch there where he just got fouled like five times and they didn’t have any answer to it so I’m just going to say every time that vogner got fouled because that just symbolized the night

It’s as I said before we’re going to talk about the offense but getting beat on the perimeter and then them dumping it down to their big man and now it’s it’s it’s a smaller guy trying to keep up there it’s like I don’t know it’s a

Very it’s a very tough stretch that I mean it’s tough team to play because they play a bigger lineup style but that was just symbolized things pretty well for me right uh let’s say had injury to insult right now the injury report Alex and now it’s time for the official

Five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born is in Lauderdale Florida lives in Miami went to St Thomas he’s a South Florida guy and a huge Miami Heat fan but the important thing is he can help you get your money that you deserve when

Something happens to you so reach out to our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein decom or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury report we never wish injuries on anybody here but in the Heat’s case an injury or two would probably help them to thin out

The roster and figure out how to play together uh the only one to really get into here is haime hakz still dealing with the groin injury I was told a couple days they’re going to be super careful about this this is not something uh that you mess with um I don’t think I

Know people were joking this is like the old Dion waiter six to eight weeks I I don’t believe it’s that I think he’s going to be back uh reasonably soon it’s hard to pinpoint an exact day though but uh you know again I didn’t think there

Was any chance he was going to play today they do have two days off uh before when Wednesday’s game they’ve got their Gala at the arena tomorrow night actually our Kevin Rodriguez is going to be there on the red carpet taking pictures and posting that on Instagram

And everybody for everybody and I think they’ve got envogue performing if anybody cares about that I’m surprised that Riley didn’t pick one of his mtown artists but anyway they’re all getting together tomorrow The Vibes are always weird after a loss at one of these events I’ve covered many of these events

After losses they always like to go into them with a win uh but they will see each other tomorrow and then they’ll have a practice on Tuesday and my guess is we’ll get a better feel for where they stand prior to the back toback they’ve got uh with hakz and others

They’ve got uh they got Memphis they better get that one because then they get Boston then they get the Knicks and then they get Phoenix and if they don’t get the one Wednesday night you could be looking at a seven game losing streak and uh Boston is the second night

Of a back toback Boston is the second night of a back toback and then we’ll be directing you to a Florida Panthers pod anyway thanks to our sponsors have a good night everybody thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the Fire Ring Sports Network after all

Someone needs to listen to my dad

Not often have the Miami Heat looked as disconnected this season as they did Sunday evening in Orlando. From poor shooting to suspect defense, Miami had nothing going. So how do they get out of this funk? Ethan, Alex, Greg and Brady go through a list of problems, some of which don’t have clear solutions.

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  1. If Jimmy doesn’t want to play in the regular season… I respect that, but then screen for Tyler, Duncan, and Bam & get out of the paint so Niko can get to the rim.

    Also, the team REALLY NEEDS BAM to be excellent at defense again

  2. Keep ignoring the Herro factor. Its proven Bam and Jimmy are better without Herro. Maybe its defense, maybe Spo coaches better. The fact remains we cant beat certain teams with Herro and Jimmy on the court. I do not know how to explain it. I call it the Cam Thomas situation. Deadly scorer but Nets refuse to give him a spot.

  3. In 5 years the team doesn't solve the major issue with is a POINT GUARD: this front office is not doing what they need for this team to succeed!

  4. I disagree on Lowry. Lowry being a 30M paper weight is the biggest issue with this roster. Goran Dragic could come out or retirement right now and be 5x the player that Lowry is for pennies on the dollar. Trade him for ANYTHING useful. Especially if they are a pointguard.

  5. Heat need to break up the “trio”. It’s not working and one needs to go. Most likely Tyler would be the logical one. They need an entirely new back court. No more Lowry. Please get someone that can get to the rim

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