@Dallas Mavericks

Should Mavericks Risk Future To Trade For Kyle Kuzma In Latest Mavs Trade Rumor?

Should Mavericks Risk Future To Trade For Kyle Kuzma In Latest Mavs Trade Rumor?

Hey what’s up Mass fans Kevin gray Maverick premum post game host on 971 the freak on the Dallas Maverick radio network appreciate you joining me here for my latest video on Kevin gry Sports be sure to download And subscribe to the inside the Mavs podcast wherever you get

Podcast for free give it a f star reading and write a review for it while you’re there you can also find me on Twitter Facebook and Instagram kevinr Sports and like and comment on this video with your Mavericks trade ideas as we get closer to the February 8th NBA

Trade deadline for the Mavericks it’s about getting back on the floor as they’ve had the last four days off as they get ready to take on the Boston Celtics on Monday before welcoming Kevin Durant and the Phoenix Suns in on Wednesday before they travel to Atlanta

On Friday a team that’s got a difficult eight game stretch here that will see them play some of the best teams in the league as they get ready for the NBA Allstar break but yet and still the Mavericks find themselves in a good spot at 24 and 18 six games above 500 and

Currently sixth in the Western Conference as they try to move forward up the west standings where we’ve seen teams like the Clippers and obviously the Denver Nuggets along with the Minnesota timberwol and Oklahoma City Thunder have really terrific season so far this year and for the Maverick a

Team that’s gone through a lot of adversity whether it be injury or otherwise they find themselves 14 and five in clutch games this year even with guys like Kyrie Irving missing double digit games due to injury Luca donic even missing some time recently with a right ankle sprain Derek live II has two

Separate left ankle sprains that he’s overcome so far this year as Dante exom continues to work back from injury himself so you get my drift here in terms of the lack of continuity that the Mavericks have dealt with so far this year in fact they’ve started 24 different starting lineups so far this

Season by far the most in the NBA and yet and still find themselves playing good enough basketball to be a top six team in the West the question is can they continue to improve as we get closer to the NBA trade deadline that will allow them the opportunity to climb

Hopefully to a top four spot in the west by season’s in again we know that Luca dones and Kyrie Irving are going to be your top two scores and provide you that level of offensive prowess every single night defensively will the question be answered for the rest of the season

About if the Mavericks can remain somewhere in between 15 and 19 defens that will give him the chance to finish possibly in the top four in the west that remains to be seen on what happens on the floor but there is no shortage of trade conversation and rumors around

This team as we get closer to the trade deadline on February the eth for the Mavericks we have heard several names be rumored to this team whether it be Pie in the Sky ideas like a Draymond Green or Pascal cakam who of course is now with the Indiana Pacers to other names

Such as our old friend Dorian finy Smith a PJ Washington among others even new rumored names like a miles Bridges and Charlotte who we detailed in our last conversation but for the Mavericks though they need to find a player that Mark Cuban says is a guy that’s around

68 69 can put the ball on the floor can shoot from three and can defend news flash every team in the NBA is looking for that highlevel type of player and it’s going to cost you if you can find one in and around the league that’s

Where my good buddy Mark Stein comes in from substack his latest reporting on the Mavericks and what they are requiring on to try and possibly fill that need which is one that they do have now Mark Stein reports that the Mavericks are inquiring or have inquired about the services of Kyle kosma from

The Washington Wizards now the 28-year-old who of course is averaging over 21 points game so far this year can provide you another level of scoring with a guy that’s 68 69 and can put the ball on the deck and get the ball to the basket but at the same time if you’re

The Mavericks are you willing to leverage your future in order to do it you say Kevin well what do you mean by that the Wizards apparently are asking for at least two first round picks and looking for the kind of quality of first round picks on par with what the Toronto

Raptors were able to get from the Indiana Pacers to which I say good luck with that because I don’t know if anyone will be able to extract that kind of value the way that the Indiana Pacers were able to give to the Toronto Raptors in exchange for seak this is another

Reason why teams around the league especially for the Mavericks have got to find a way to inquire acquire I should say capital in order to be in position to make these kinds of Trades because if you don’t you may necessarily have the ammunition to make a move for azma more

On that here in just a minute from Washington’s perspective if you look at the last couple of Trades that they’ve made the big ones that they’ve made whether it be the Chris house porzingis deal or the Bradley Beal deal you weren’t necessarily able to get a lot of

Value in fact you didn’t net the kind of first round pick that would allow you to feel good about trying to move on without asking for a lot whether it be for a Daniel Gafford or in this case a Kyle kosma but for the Mavericks you say

Look are we willing to leverage our future based on what we have and may not have available to move in order to acquire a player even the likes of a Kyle kosma Daniel Gafford who we’ve talked about could be a guy that could be in play for the Mavericks on a

Three-year $40 million deal making 13 million purs and unrestricted free agent in 2026 and throughout his career has played well against the Mavericks averaging 10 points per game nearly nine rebounds and two and a half blocks per game and so far the season similar numbers 10 points eight rebounds and a

Little over two blocks per game in 26 minutes per game so far this year and can provide you some Frontline help in terms of rebounding now Kyle kusma who I mentioned so far averaging nearly 22 points per game shooting 45 and a half perc from the field shooting 34% from

Three on nearly seven attempts per night when he plays 31 minutes a night on average can provide you some scoring and Frontline help and can also provide a little bit of rebounding he also gives you about four assists tonight as well but when you look at what he’s doing on

The defensive end so far this year it hasn’t been great a 123.3mi .3 last season 11 12.6 this year as I mentioned over 123 so kusma used a change of scenery in Dallas I’m sure that he could for a team that right now is seven and 34 so far

Through 41 games and has several names on their team who other teams are inquiring about including the Mavericks when it comes to guys like Daniel Gafford and Denny Avia but if you look at the Mavericks perspective here let’s look at the trade Capital that they may

Have to offer for a team like the Wizards maybe looking to move on from Kyle kosma Mavericks don’t have much remember they still have to convey a first round pick to New York in either 24 or 25 for kristos porzingis yes that kristos porzingis trade still looms over

The Maverick organization as they’ve not conveyed their first round pick remember they also moved on from a first round pick in order to acquire Kyrie Irving so that means they only have one available first round pick right now to trade and to offer teams to acquire other players

And that’s a first round pick in 2027 now the Wizards seem determined to get as much value as they can whether it be for Gafford Denny Avia or in this case Kyle kosma and I don’t think it’s worth it for the Mavericks to leverage whatever little future that they have

Left from a capital standpoint to acquire Kyle kosma Even if he increases your ceiling a little little bit because what that looks like down the road could be very interesting the Mavericks are already paying Max contracts and near Max contracts to Luca dones and Kyrie

Irving now Kyle kosma is in year one of a four-year $90 million contract extension that’s paying him over $25 million so far this year and does descend by the time you get to year four to 19.4 million dollar so maybe if you’re the Mavericks you decide that you

Can acquire azma be able to to absorb that contract and feel like the three of them whether it be Luca Kyrie and Kyle kosma can help you be able to move forward in the west but what does that mean you have to give up if you’re the Mavericks Tim hardyway Jr who’s been

Spectacular so far this year a leading Sixth Man of the Year candidate are you willing to part with him are you willing to part with jayton Hardy or Josh Green two of your young players that so far have shown flashes this season when they’ve had opportunities to play or you

Do have a guy and ran Holmes who has a $12 million player option going into this upcoming summer the fa te were able to acquire him if he denies the option that contract then comes off of your books so there are pieces that the Mavericks could offer but they don’t

Have the kind of ammunition to be able to make a highlevel move that you would probably want them to make it’s the same detailed conversation that we had about Pascal se yakum you saw how much value the Toronto Raptors were able to get for cakam and moving him on to Indiana the

Mavericks simply don’t have that even the two first round picks that the Wizards are asking for the Mavericks don’t have that either so you’re going to have to part with probably your best tradable player and Tim Hardway Jr along with a young guy to make it worthwhile

For the Wizards to be able to take him on to take them on to move on from Kyle kosma again Daniel Gafford remains a really nice option for the mavers to improvise you a Frontline help there all that to say is standing Pat may be the best option for the Mavericks here based

On what’s available from a capital perspective the health that they should get more of as the rest of the season goes on and seeing how the continuity plays out with Luca with Kyrie with Derek live of II and others being able to get some real time on the floor

Together before you start making changes to a roster and causing some upheaval that would disrupt the the chemistry that you’re trying to build and haven’t been able to build on a consistent basis throughout the course of the regular season so far even if you introduce kma

To this lineup he could provide you that level of scoring but defensively how does he fit in that would be a major question for any team that acquires Kyle kman in that case could it get back to the defensive player that he was during his last couple of years with the Los

Angeles Lakers only time would tell if a team would decide to do that but for the Maverick discretion the better part of valor here as we get closer to the NBA trade deadline and a smaller move as we detail whether it be like a PJ Washington of that nature could be a

Prudent move for them to make not necessarily on the board or on the train of acquiring miles Bridges even with the $7.9 million contract that he’s on he’ll be an unrestricted free agent at the end of the season as well so there are options for this Mavericks team to get

Better the question will be are they able to supply the kind of ammunition in order to make a move that will increase their ceiling while also not disrupting the kind of chemistry that they’re trying to build for this team moving forward and if you can find that okay

Maybe you make that move but leveraging whatever little future that you have from a capital standpoint may not necessarily be the right move for Kyle kosma even with the skill set that he brings Mark cubin and Nico Harrison are going to be the ones that answer that

Question given what this team is trying to improve and what they need which is size in the front line another guy that can put the ball on the floor and defend and provide you a level of Versatility from a scoring perspective that the Mavericks could use with a guy who has

Size in order to do it that’s what the Mavericks need it’s hard toine in today’s NBA because there are only so many guys in the league that provide that if the Mavericks are able to do it then yeah as I’ve said before and say plenty of times scared money don’t make

Money but in this case you ain’t got a lot of it whether it be from a capital perspective or literally a money perspective with how close they are to the luxury tax which is something else you have to consider for any move that the Mavericks make All That Remains to

Be seen though as we get to the NBA trade deadline on February the 8th as the Mavericks look forward to trying getting better for this team as they get closer to playoff time where hopefully they can make a run especially with Luca and Kyrie leading the charge

For this team again you can find me on Twitter Facebook and Instagram kevinr Sports be sure to download And subscribe to the inside of the mass podcast wherever you get Podcast for free give it a five star rening and write a review for it while you’re there like and

Comment on this video let me know about my thoughts on this whole Kyle kosma thing what other trade ideas you may have going forward as well and we’ll talk about them definitely here on inside the maps you can catch me every Maverick pre and post game on 971 the

Freak on the Dallas Mavs radial Network again my name is Kevin gr I’ll talk to you later peace

#dallasmavericks #lukadoncic #kylekuzma #kyrieirving

In this latest minisode of ‘Inside The Mavs’ I break down the latest trade rumors surrounding the Dallas Mavericks as they get closer to the NBA Trade Deadline. The Mavericks are rumored to be involved in the possible acquisition of Washington Wizards F Kyle Kuzma. What would a Kuzma trade mean for the Mavericks, Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving? How would Kuzma fit with the Mavs defensively and offensively? I break down the financials and the capital it would take for the Mavericks to make a deal for him and if he is worth the risk for the Mavericks to take on trading for him. Plus I look at some of the other options the Mavericks could be in play for as they get ready for the NBA trade deadline and much more!

Be sure to like and comment on the video and subscribe to my channel here @KevinGraySports and follow on Twitter @KevinGraySports also!

Download and subscribe to the ‘Inside The Mavs’ Podcast wherever you get podcasts free!


  1. They need to wait for the right deal. Next season I believe all 3 first round picks are available for trade. I would see what we could get Capella for this season. Having him as a back up and to be there when Lively is out would be huge next season. That gives us time to find the right trade partner. Lets face it we don't have the D this year to beat the top teams in a playoff series.

  2. for Deni and gaff they can have the first both seconds and anyone not named luka, kyrie, Livley, or o-max. and yes, it's worth it if Kidd can't win with that group, we will need to replace him.

  3. Parting with Green or Hardy is no problem if they can get the right player. If it were up to me I would make sure both those guys get plenty of opportunity to play and build their value as trade prospects this season. It's time to be honest they don't have enough right now to win a championship so they need to be thinking about how they can get that talent through trade this year and next. If they don't I think Doncic will be gone shortly after. This year I think the most available is a backup center which needs to be addressed.

  4. THJ, Green, Grant Williams, & Holmes are making a combined $50m+ (and our best lineup is still Luka,Ky, & DLive w/ DJJ & Exum)… Mavs need to add all those salaries up with the two 2nd round picks, and somehow come away with 2 forwards who are good enough to push DJJ & Exum to the bench. Come playoffs, there will only be about 8 players in the rotation playing about 30min./game, so there's no point in paying mid-level contracts to players who will barely be in the playoff rotation. My vote is for Jeremi Grant & John Collins.

  5. This team needs to do something! I’m a die hard mffl , the way I see it, the way the team looks now we are going to have a hard Time making it past the first round , unless luka and Kyrie put up 40ppg a night .

  6. Unless there's a big difference maker (not Kuzma) that the Mavs can get, the team needs to see what they have in Omax, Hardy, and Green. Wait until the offseason before mortgaging your future. Otherwise, the team would be trading from a position of weakness and uncertainty to apply what would potentially be a small band aid.

  7. I believe mavs should trade kyrie. Lebron would love it, and probably mavs receive hachimura, dlo and austin reeves, beside one or 2 picks

  8. After kyrie traded and with one or 2 extra picks, its possible to search for caruso or derozan ( and drummond) in chicago, or capela in atlanta

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