@Oklahoma City Thunder

The Oklahoma City Thunder Episode 830

The Oklahoma City Thunder Episode 830

Dude are you ready for your your Victory lap Dave ah dude Victory laps uh are something that I enjoy don’t do very many of them but um let’s start man let’s do it let’s start so it was pretty controversial when we said that jdub was

Better than um ant oh my gosh do you remember getting blown up for that I think uh inside of the Oklahoma City Thunder Community I think I was called a [ __ ] and have to be the worst takes ever because of it so I mean I suffered because of it

No doubt okay but anyway um how do you feel about that now I listen I I will say this a hundred times is that I I believe in Sam presty more than I believe in the timber wols and if you’re an Oklahoma City Thunder fan you’re with there right

There with me what’s up Devon um you’re right there with me you understand what I’m saying um so if Sam prey drafted jdb I got I gotta I gotta go with it man jdub is in my my opinion one of those guys that we have no idea how good he’s

Going to be we can sit here we can predict um but I can tell you this is that I’ve looked at the numbers in the first four years of of you know ant’s play and I gotta say I I’m more impressed with jayd Dub’s first of his

His first two years than I am with Aunt even though aunt and him are the same age um I think a lot maturity has to come with that and we all know we all know that late bloomers sometimes start off ugly but by the time they’re done they’re gorgeous

And I mean like jdub’s six inches or five inches that he grew you know what I’m saying like that that was a last minute thing so for me it’s just about growing into his body so when push comes to shove am I gonna you know pick ant over JB hell no I would

Let me ask you this who would you rather shoot a three oh I mean we’re talking about one of the most efficient players in the league right now is J Who Would You Rather play defense defense um you know ant’s defense I have to say this is incredibly physical whereas JB’s defense

Is yeah but you’re T you’re talking about a a a ant plays a guard position Defender incredibly well right he doesn’t play the small forward very well he plays him physical but he doesn’t play him really well but jdub he plays one through four better than anybody

Else I’ve seen in a long time like there’s a couple guys in the league that are able to play one through four like he does um but not not to the consistency level that JB is is able to do so so when you’re talking about um

Style of defense like um ant is way more physical he’s going to be you know one of those guys that’s going to wear you down throughout the game um but JB’s one of those guys that’s going to frustrate you to no no end so you know pick your

Poison like sometimes a player uh that uh um ant is defending is just is going to go off and just score a [ __ ] ton and other times that that player he’s defending is isn’t going to be able to handle that that physical play and it’s

You know vice versa with JB so it’s just it’s just a coin flip on who’s going to be more valuable in what game and that’s the thing and that’s the thing is an is being paid 200 and something million dollars for his work and you got to sit there and say this is

A true like conversation now this is a true conversation like like for the first time we’re not the only ones saying it so who would you rather shoot free throws at the end of a game dude JB hit his that’s JB hit his I mean like like that’s that’s that like and then

Especially after all this bitching and moaning God and complaining that that Aunt has been like you just can’t touch Shay when he gets to the Lane automatic foul and like this is what crazy about this right I don’t the exact number bro I don’t know the exact number but Shay

Has shot 26 or 27 free throws in the three games against them an shot 29 so an shot more free throws than than Shay yet ant is sitting there complaining and let me tell you this why does that happen it’s because when the IQ for the

Game isn’t up to par you sit there and complain about something that you shouldn’t be complaining about you went IQ bro well without El you say like why would you complain about the free throws when you’ve shot more free throws than him like why why let me tell you why is

Because you’re not looking at the game and saying anything else like Shay’s just a better player than I am he just kicks my ass every single time we play him like he just destroys me as a man like that’s that’s what happens all right stop talking about the [ __ ] free throws

Man you got one that plays the game with pure pure pure silky smooth freshness baby you got one that tries to play like a bowl in a vagina closet dude and like I’m not saying which one is which but I think you can tell you know what I mean

I get it you know Stephen had some nice things to say you know an’s got a good body he’s got a real good body nice body he really likeed that body but Shay doesn’t have that body bro Shay’s not she’s not fit like Aunt Dave how much

Does that matter to you Dave I I just gota I gotta say this is that the new NBA is designed to protect these slender thinner guys he’s got that body and wants to be that physical crazy psychotic Defender out there right by all means you can be but he’s gonna

Spend a lot of time with suspension because you can’t be physical in that aspect anymore like some guy goes up for you know a a layup or a dunk and ant’s going to come over and try to body him up and throw him to the ground

Like that shit’s not okay anymore so the physical aspect of what ant’s defensive game is and his offensive game is it works to a certain extent and you know what’s crazy about it is that outside of cat that entire team is built with that type of mentality like how close are

There to always being able to foul out so quickly you know like it goes boom free throws in the first two minutes of the the you know a quarter you know why because they can’t help themselves you know yes they have cool pieces they have nice pieces but

They’re one break one psychotic break you know whatever you want to call it like when you’re playing in an 82 Game season there’s going to be people that have psychotic psychotic breaks and there’s going to be coaches that have psychotic breaks on their players and there’s going to be this and that on

Coaches and and and you have to have an organization that’s designed to protect the players the coaches the GMS and everybody else like that and I feel like the Timberwolves organization has been just and the Thunder organization has been properly done so the course of what’s happening with the Oklahoma City

Thunder you got to stop and say is it more healthy to play in the oklah City Thunder organization yes are you going to be able to play an entire season without being injured possibly if you don’t have a freak injury yes you know are you gonna be able to get three or

Four extra years of playing because the Thunder are gonna take care of you every single season yes and on top of that all I have to do is go play basketball you know think about all the [ __ ] that ants been in and and in trouble and saying stuff and like like

He got in trouble for you know uh making a gay comment you know like he he like he’s been in trouble enough times now that you got to stop and you got to wonder you know like Would You Rather somebody that’s what we would consider you know a primadonna headcase or would

You rather somebody that has major Swagger that knows how to hold handle his [ __ ] and can shoot the ball like nobody’s business tell me you rather one thing people didn’t mention I heard anyway last night was didn’t we see this all play out in in FBA oh yeah I mean like we talked

About during FBA like we were talking about in the Australian game we were G live on you know we’re watching the game for the um bronze medal right we get to see see Shay go against ant I mean wasn’t this pretty much the conclusion there too like what’s what’s been what’s

Been the key factor in these games and the Canada game who did an have to go against Shay bro Dort he had to play against Dort a physical Defender that’s in your face yes a little bit smaller but somebody that you can’t [ __ ] push around right and then again last night I

Mean yes you had the other finesse play when Dort came out of the game and you saw Cas Wallace in the game and you saw that but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you know dor got arrest just before this game because he knew coach knew how physical it was going to

Be how hard it was going to be so for me this funny bro this is all a mind game at this moment What’s the wolves like answer for Dort they throw Shay’s little cousin on him I know dud who’s been punking since he was a kid bro like oh yeah you’re the best

Guy forgot you’re my better cousin my bad my bad czin I shouldn’t have done that to you our secret sha stopper is his little brother like oh my gosh dude could you imagine Dave if like we were playing against each other in high school and they sent me out to guard you

Because I was the one who’s best suited to guard you you be like I’ve been picking on you like do you me guys just just for the record I I’ll put this on record do you have many points I ever scored on Dave when we were playing oneon-one

Seven no dude no you scored more the same game dude no they wer all in the same game dude you wouldn’t even give me a bucket bro that’s what I’m just saying about Shay and nil Alexander Walker like I bet he scored on him so few times no

You’re right like and and he scores on Shay scores on him every time when they play because he knows how and it’s like oh now now he’s going to play really intense oh here comes the intense version of tequila Alexander Walker but Shay it’s Shay we had one

Minute 17 seconds Shay’s bringing up the ball I mean he’s got a good defender on him he doesn’t got a CH chump defender on him it was either I think it was Chase it was Daniels or um I don’t remember con whatever one of those whatever he goes to that deep step back

Bro goes straight the Deep step back and it was just like it was slow motion you can watch it a 100 times and it’s so silky smooth and it was just like sh’s like okay I’m done playing game over you know like like we’ve seen this happen before with Shay but like like

Shay was like I feel like was like just tooling with them like you know like here’s a little bit of bread you know here’s here’s some fishies here you go some wolf here have some have some of this some meat wolves there you go and then I’m gonna rip that back from you

[ __ ] and I’m taking that and that’s what he did he just like at the end of the game like it was just like so incredibly smooth he just decided like I’m just done playing this game game over dude and it was sick Bro it was

Sick and it was it was a deficit and they talk about this a lot our third quarter second half of third quarters they’re atrocious right now and coaches is trying to figure this out just as much as we are but earlier in the season it was the first

Yeah earlier in the season it was the the beginning of the fourth quarter that was really a struggle for us when sh was first sitting both learning his role at that point you know it took him 20 you look at our strongest two points in a

Game right now Dave we are smashing in the first quarter and we’re coming out and we’re smashing in the beginning of the fourth quarter and it’s giving Shay what he needs but there are moments in between where like hey we got to figure this out and this is going to go back

And forth it’s never going to be like oh you have all four quarters figured out because teams will figure out stuff one of the things teams have figured out is zones they figured out that if you put your a team in a really really solid two3 that that two3 can force us into

Shooting a lot of jumpers in places that we’re not comfortable because the length of the two three can create all sorts of issues sure and one thing that I’ve noticed is like we’ve really found a coach who can coach X’s and O’s into a successful environments of that but team

Had success it became really a trend to guard us with you know throw a couple defenses but show them that two3 anytime that you’re in these certain moments like but what is it Dave tell me well when when coach sees this two three Zone that he does that the other teams are

Doing and they’re putting it on it you know trying to clog up the the lane coach puts out there an extra shooter and he causes the teams to go into a 4-1 Zone and we’ve all know in the 41 Zone you can guard the middle or

You can guard the top of the you can’t guard the corners really either too yeah and you have a hard time like and and that’s what coach does he spreads the zone so thin right that at that point they want to double team Shay they’re leaving the lane open so we see all

These guys cutting we see these guys going back door we seeing all this like just IQ knowledge that’s happen here’s the IQ thing meic when they go Zone he goes meic it’s not like every single time y like but whenever Shay’s not in the game and they’re sitting back in

This type of Zone because Shay can penetrate through his Zone that’s not really a problem for him um he but here’s what he needs for it to happen the ball needs to be moving from side to side if the ball is stag stagnating on one side there’s really not any player

That can you know penetrate against a Zone when it’s stagnated like James Harden in his prime could do it but he’s not that level anymore and here’s what I want to go back to though but do you know why could do it in his way because he could

Stretch it right and that’s where the rules have changed bro you were saying that the game is better for slender guards think about the calls that Russ didn’t get and Steph did why because the way they officiate the game and they actually encourage to the players to be

More slender and take more impact when you get contacted right so I think it all relates into this whole like we’re watching like the last 20 years of basketball kind of play out because you know LeBron step like these different versions and now we’re watching ant go

Against sgaa and yeah an can [ __ ] and moan all he wants bro but the reality is when the refs go look at the tape they will by the way they’ll they’ll see if they’re right they’re not going to agree with him and they’re going to get harder

Yeah they’re gonna get harder I think this is all related oh yeah it’s you know and and when we see zones and we’re going to see a lot of these zones throughout this time you see Josh get to get you know put out there and you see

Josh get to go into the corner um I think that’s a really great place for him when his Zone comes out um and the reason is is because Josh is afraid to shoot the ball and he’s going to find a wide open person um whether it’s cutting

Back door but watch when teams go into their zones what coach D does and when coach D SE recognizes what’s going on and and how to beat that zone it doesn’t take him long sometimes it’s Jay will sometimes it’s Isaiah Joe you know um sometimes it’s Cas Wallace um but it’s

One of those guys and the one thing I love that he does too is that when he’s when you know when he’s trying to figure it out you know why it’s because he sticks Lindy Waters out there Lindy Waters is like the test the test guy what is he gonna be able to

Create what is he gonna be able to do you know if he can do this then I know that Isaiah Joe’s going to be very successful I know this person is going to be very successful I know that I’ll be able to go to this offense and be

Successful and I love it dude I I love how he uses Lindy Waters in that aspect because he’s such a great role player that that you don’t need a lot of time with him on the floor to recognize where what needs to happen where to go and he

Does that with Kenny hustle he does that with a lot of guys um but my I love it when he does that with Lindy waters you know and and sticking with the Zone conversation right like a lot of teams aren’t used to playing Zone because most teams don’t demand a Zone

And a lot of teams have refuse to go to a Zone and a lot of cases although it’s very normal for teams to do it which is a new trend over the last like you know since they reintroduced his own defense you know what I mean um it wasn’t

Immediately caught on um or picked up by a lot of teams it was it’s been popularized Now by I think guys like Nick nurse and stuff like that but when it wasn’t for sure when teams go into zones yeah I mean spoler was really early to do it too but when teams go

Into zones and they’re not used to it they have a tendency to do one thing which is reach yeah and if you’re in a Zone you have to be able to get to the position and that’s where Shay can just carve teams up that’s why jdub is so

Good when giddy’s out on the court that’s why Chad can pop and really stretch that defense and if teams are refuse to send somebody out to him early like I one thing that’s interesting about Chet shot is I saw him shoot one after the buzzer at the end of the first

Quarter I think and he knocked it down but I kind of watched the rate of which he shot it and he really needs a second to get that thing off like it’s there’s there’s a bit of a long wind up for that thing it will come down with time but I

Would say when a Zone gives him his full time to wind up on that three he’s gonna knock it down 45% of the time it’s gonna be higher than his 39% average or whatever right now and if he C if they Rush him by making sure somebody’s

Always within Arms Reach who can just put a hand in his face and reach at the ball just do anything to disrupt his flow it’s he’s probably G to shoot closer to 25% we’ll call that the victor one mayama shooting okay so it’s kind of

Like you know he’s yeah exactly um so my anyway I can’t remember my point Dave you take it from here but I I think I think you’re on the right path of that and I think when you look at um a shooter like like Shay and you see

That Shay Dort um these guys that take a little bit longer for their shot right when they’re in Rhythm why do I like that is because how many times do you see a flyby happen yeah all the time most how many times do those flybys consist of somebody hitting somebody somebody

Running into somebody somebody getting underneath the feet I would say one out of seven or eight times yeah you know like like that matters right like those are the little things it’s just the tiny little things that that matter in games like that because it’s going to take

Once or twice that that player does that and then all a sudden he’s in fou trouble coach is mad at him he’s off his game now you know like it’s it’s the little things that I see coach D teaching these guys that that are slight

Like um I call it high IQ but it’s more of like how your brain how can I get in your brain and like I don’t know put babies in there and just let those babies create havoc in your brain and then just walk away and then for the next like you know

48 minutes you’re a total [ __ ] to the the system and I think that’s what we’re seeing this whole thing happen with the Oklahoma City Thunder is that like you don’t even know like we’re we’re reading some of these comments right here they’re always listen the Oklahoma City

Thunder is so good that when we’re done with the game they sit there and they’re like the team that we just played is like we should have won that game we should not have let that team beat us they can’t beat us in a in a playoff series and everybody says that

But we’re so good they can’t even recognize that in a Four game series against the Minnesota Timberwolves we would go maybe into five games yeah it really wouldn’t get to six it wouldn’t it wouldn’t maybe it would get to six it would only get to six if one of our guys

Got injured you know like not the timber BS D they wouldn’t get and that’s the thing about it is that like that’s how good this team is is that everybody else that doesn’t know Hoops very well is sitting there going maybe not in a playoff game series but just better Oklahoma City Thunder

Man like that’s that’s it bro that’s it that’s where everybody else is is trying to catch on it’s already too late we already got the players we got the draft picks it’s over you sure it’s just not the rest you know being sensitive and calling too many for

Shay all right I’ve gone back all right I wanna I want to be clear on this all right I went back are we better or is it just that they’re call too many the most complaining that I’ve heard in 10 games and I went back and watched his free

Throws in those 10 games right and every single time he gets to the Lane it’s undeniable like there is a physical contact of somebody pushing him somebody slapping him somebody hitting him like it’s so undeniable that not once have I seen a coach challenge it think about that out of all the free

Throws that Shay has taken this season I don’t remember one time where Shay has gotten up that they’ve challenged and and the aspect of that and the the recognition of that it’s like the coaches they’re going to complain about it like [ __ ] is this issue down there you could should have

Call that right but they aren’t going to complain about the call that is just made because they’re not going to use their Challenge on Challenge on a fail because they know it’s right they’re just going to complain about it because they can you know Coach T is sitting there and getting Technical and

Back-to-back games right MH you know good [ __ ] how about Chris Finch wasting his challenge but coach Waits For That chat block well was it was perfect like I mean so much more what’s wrong with that well let me just let me just throw this out here is every single time that um

There’s a moment that there’s a foul called I want everybody this is your guys’s homework you ready for this guys want everybody to watch what we do after the whistle blown the play is not dead the play is not dead we go get the ball why because every foul and every

Play like that is a challengeable call and they all know it they all know it so they go get the ball because then it’s nobody jump ball it’s it’s 100% our ball if we CH challenge it the rest of the NBA doesn’t even hasn’t even caught up to that

Like how many times have we seen a challenge that wouldn’t be of our ball this season by coach maybe twice or three times but it would be like chat versus I don’t know like Patrick Beverly in the jump you know what I’m saying like it was it was a

Massive mismatch in the jump so like again we’ve seen coach challenge in the jump but it’s not been normal so it’s what our players do after the the whistle been blown we keep going at it we don’t stop we want it we’re hungry yeah we are dude and last night

Dude we had a badass party watching the game yes dude was being live again ank so good to have you there too man un called the show right after we’re done hell yeah dude it was great it was so much fun dude un jump on

During halim next time we’re on hey no I was going to say is that we I want to open up after we end the call I’m going to open it up to anybody so if we’re in live and do you want to join us to just talk the [ __ ] after we end the

Call and the podcast I want you guys on to talk it because just talking to Unk after last night we were all so pumped like we were jacked up so I want to be able to open that up again because it was great freaking out it was it was the

Best time dude it was um weird it was [ __ ] hilarious we talked about things that we wouldn’t normally talk about but in the end um Sammy dog you know what’s up so we’ll we’ll roll with you anytime anytime to cool you got it I want to throw this in here um in the

Comments guys Day Mom all right um day mom’s one of our daily listeners um she needs some help with a jersey a medium City Edition um I’m G to let her put her uh the information that she needs uh in Australia you’re not allowed or somehow

They can’t get the Jersey there so if we have Australian even Australian friends that know a system around the system uh throw the information in there Day Mom definitely needs that information um we want to help her out get a jersey that she needs in Australia so let’s help her

Out and if I need to I will be figuring that one out too but I’m pretty sure we got some pretty smart dudes in there that will know exactly how to get that Jersey for her boom so and Dave thank you for everything thank you bluegill we

Appreciate you guys and we will see you next love you

The Last Storm

#thunderup #okcthunder #oklahomacitythunder #shaigilgeousalexander #chetholmgren #jalenwilliams #joshgiddey #ludort


  1. Totally with you that if we're healthy and we play our normal game, there are very few teams in the league that would beat us in a series. I'm already looking forward to the playoffs!

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