@Atlanta Hawks

Lakers Trading Reaves Could Land Dejounte Murray, Clint Capela & Bogdan Bogdanovic

Lakers Trading Reaves Could Land Dejounte Murray, Clint Capela & Bogdan Bogdanovic

What’s going on everyone so today is the 15th and today is the day that the Lakers officially can trade Austin Reeves and ruy hamura freeing up basically everyone on the roster only people are Anthony Davis and Jared vanderbel those are two guys that cannot be traded this year outside of that

Everyone else is fair game at this point personally I think everyone should be fair game now there’s a lot of talk center around Austin Reeves and the Atlanta Hawks right Atlanta really wants Austin Reeves the Lakers are very interested in upgrading into an athletic guard Deonte Murray is one of their

Targets uh now personally I’m sure many of you are aware I am more of the camp of Zack LaVine over Deonte Murray I just think Zack LaVine would be the better natural fit um I think he gives you that scoring he’s also really adapted into being this like secondary playmaker

Focusing on rebounding he’s been better defensively this year like I just like the fit but here’s the thing regardless whether you get Zack LaVine or you get Deon Murray you need more Lakers just getting Zack LaVine I do think would be better than just dejonte Murray just my

Thoughts I just think the fit again is better but if that’s all you get I don’t think the Lakers are a true Contender I think they’d be much better I would still take my chances with them in the playoffs but I don’t think that they are

One of the top like four five teams in the league same thing if they just get de jonte Murray I have a little more concerns about the fit um one of his big issues is playing off ball you’re playing alongside LeBron James do I have my concerns but if you can get other

Things right which would be easier with dejonte Murray now I kind of lean towards okay let’s go get Deonte Murray right if you could get a Deonte Murray Clint capella and like a bogging bogonovich now I think that that is better than going and getting like a Zack LaVine and

An Andre Drummond even personally a Alex Caruso Andre Drummond and Zack LaVine because I just think yes Zack LaVine is the better natural fit I think his impact would be heavily felt on that Lakers team but the other two right Clint capella I think is a far upgrade

Over Andre Drummond and then if you get a bog in bogdanovich that gives you the Sharpshooter we need right that can play off ball and also a guy that can give you you know 20 a game plus de tar I’d be more willing to lean into that fit

Right but cost is everything and would Atlanta be willing to do that well we got a report that says that they will or that they would be willing so uh and I had an NBA exact from another team spitball with me yesterday January 11th uh could the Lakers if Reeves is

Involved construct a bigger deal where they get uh Deonte Murray Bogden bogdanovich the Sharpshooter they uh so badly need now that got to include ruy Hutch Murr d’angel Russell more draft compensation and Jaylen Hood chaffino um so again there have been several reports last like week or so that lean towards

Hey if Atlanta could get Austin Reeves they would be more open to dealing a bogon bogdanovich a you know a Clint capella or several other pieces right a hunter basically everyone on Atlanta except for Yun and Johnson are fair game right Atlanta’s willing to give up everybody so to

Me can you work out a deal where you could get Clint capella Bogden bogdanovich and uh Deonte Murray if you could get those three guys I would be willing to trade basically whatever you want right whatever you have to give up because I just think at that point you basically filled all of

Your holes or most of them you still have some flaws but I think you’d be much better right so if you have to trade DLo Reeves ruie Gabe Vincent your first round pick I do like that idea right I’d be more inclined to okay let’s get let’s go take the chance on a

Dejonte Murray but also I like the idea for now and post LeBron James whenever LeBron leaves now it could be like five years from now and it doesn’t matter but you know next probably two years LeBron very likely could be gone and I just think you’d still have a core of dejonte

Murray Bogden bogdanovich Anthony Davis Clint capella plus whatever else you know through drafts and you know free agency and however right I really like that idea especially if you can keep um like a torian prince which I don’t see why you’d have to give him up um if you

Can keep atorian Prince that’d be nice because now you got bogdanovic you’d have Prince hopefully dejonte Murray can continue to shoot close to 40% from three because that would be massive but overall I think you’d be better and getting a guy like Clint capella solves a big need

That the Lakers have which is another big man now the thing is is if you got Clint capella you’d have to start him you’re not paying a guy 20 million a year to not start him um and he’s good enough where you have to start right

He’s got a 75 wing span you know he’s like 611 uh this guy’s one of the better offensive rebounders in the league um he averages about four and a half offensive rebounds almost five offensive rebounds a game he’s averaging 10.5 rebounds per game 11.3 points right 1.1 assists one

Steal and almost two blocks that would be heavily welcome to the Lakers imagine Clint capella and Anthony Davis down low good luck and he would fix the rebound all of that my big concern however is Lebron James playing the three right because there’s a reason he’s playing

The four there’s a reason Anthony Davis is playing the five it’s because LeBron James he’s not a spring chicken anymore and him having to chase around twitchier athletic wings for all game is not the best thing for him but at this point you

Got to do what you got to do you got to you do you just got to do what you got to do and to me if you can get Clint capella he is good enough to argue putting LeBron James at the three that or you kind of go like a bit

Positionist right like so you could technically right like go Clint capella Anthony Davis LeBron Murray and like Jared vanderbelt problem I’d have concerns with is just your offensive scoring and your shooting right but then you could put like Jared you could basically mask LeBron on the worst

Defender but to me I think you just kind of live with it you you start capella you start ad you you go with LeBron you go with Deonte Murray and then if you can get a a bog in bogdanovic then you go Bogden bogdanovich right like your starting five could literally be the

Three guys you get from from Atlanta you could go to jonte Murray Bogden bogdanovic LeBron James Anthony Davis Clint capella now you’re talking you’re very compar comparable to basically every team in the league you got shooting you got versatility you got secondary playmaking you got defense you got rebounding you basically solve all

Of your needs something like that I heavily lean towards that I really like that idea now again I still really like the idea of Zack LaVine on the Lakers but I have maintained if you can get Bogden bogonovich and Clint capella I wouldn’t even mind Hunter but I kind of lean

Towards bogd donovich just because his his shooting and his ability off ball um I heavily lean towards getting that again I really like the idea of Zack LaVine but it is it would be so hard to pass on bogdanovic Clint capella and Deonte Murray I just think that that’s

Something like if that’s really on the table you have to get that done you do you have to you have to make that happen um and looking at Bogden bogdanovich again um he’s a guy shooting 37% on 8.7 attempts per game so high usage high volume uh this is a guy

That’s a career 30 almost 39% three-point shooter uh so he’s having actually a bit of a downshoot shooting season and he’s still shooting 37% however you put him alongside LeBron James and Anthony Davis he’s going to get looks like he has never gotten in his career so and if you have Murray

Like I I just I think his shooting goes back up to 40% I mean look at what Tori and Prince is doing Tori and Prince is having a career year in shooting and it’s because he’s playing alongside LeBron James and Anthony Davis it’s a guy that’s 90% from the foul line so he

Can knock down the foul shots um two point range shooting 51.5% he’s a guy that could pull up uh he’s also averaging three rebounds 2.7 assists 1.4 Steals and 17.3 points now I don’t expect him to average 17.3 points uh playing alongside dejonay Murray LeBron James and Anthony

Davis but even if he’s consistently giving you like 12 points right that would be great and then there’s always the occasional night where he just you know just has the hot hand and shooting the lights out to me I think that that is something you have to do if that is

Really on the table and that is something that is really available I don’t know how you pass that up now there is concerns about bogdanovich defensively right he’s not a good defensive guy and you do have the concerns of him just kind of being a liability on that end but I just think

With glint capella and then LeBron and jonte Murray now you have that point of attack Defender I just think I think you’d be okay I think you’d be able to survive and then if you need to you can just make the adjustment right like let’s say bogdanovich really is becoming

A liability on the defensive side and they’re targeting him like they were targeting Austin Reeves then you just whatever you you move him to the bench and have him come off the bench as a sharpshooter and then you go with like I mentioned like a Jared Vanderbilt or

Whatever right I I just think you’d have enough to get away with playing bogdanovich and you kind of live with it at that point just because how good of a shooter he could be and how many points he’s able to score and you got understand he’s averaging 17.3 points a

Game playing alongside Tryon Deonte Murray and uh you know like Hunter and guys like that right so and him just being so off ball I think would be huge for the Lakers last little note can the Lakers get Sadiq Bay also because they could right and I really like the idea

Of sadique Bay cuz then you could start him at the two if you want like he’s not as good of a a threep point shooter he can be kind of inconsistent he’s one of those guys he’s hot and cold right when it comes to shooting the three ball

But um he’s got good size good versatility right he’s 24 years old so he’s young fits the timeline you know 67 68 size uh this is a guy that isn’t making a ton of money right he could easily just kind of be included and they want to get rid of him because

They’re not going to keep him and not only are they not going to keep him uh they’re probably going to let him go in free agency and he’s only making 4.5 million so you could include him in the deal and then just trade whatever you

Have to and I would be totally okay with that right like add him to the mix and I think you you’re money at that point again he can be a little streaky you look at him right he’s averaging 32.4 minutes per game he’s shooting 43.3% from the field he’s shooting 34%

From three-point range on 5.6 attempts um which isn’t great but he’s shooting 54% on two uh 81.6% from the foul line he’s also uh grabbing 6.6 rebounds 1.3 assists 1.1 steals uh half a block and then he’s averaging 13 points right to me he’s just a guy that I think would be

Kind of like an UPG over cam reddish Jared vanderbelt kind of my thing you know he might not be as good defensively as like say a Jared vanderbelt but offensively I just think he’d be better and he could just kind of be an add-on aack on right and you trade whatever you

Have to to go make it happen kind of like that idea kind of lean towards that and um I really do I I really hope that this is something that is really on the table again it’s kind of just speculation but there have been a lot of heavy reports

That like Atlanta is willing to include More Than Just DE jonte Murray if they could get Austin Reeves and so usually where they smoke there’s fire usually when there’s five six seven eight reports that means something is a is a Mist right something is a brew um but I

Don’t know I I I I do lean towards this if you can get make this happen if you could get bogdanovich you could get Clint capella and you could get Deon Murray cuz the thing is is that Deonte Murray is only making about like 17 and

A half 18 million cuz his new contract doesn’t kick in till next year right so you can trade for all three of those guys I mean Clint capella and I mean the Lakers could trade for Deon Murray and and uh uh Zack LaVine and Clint capella as well as um Bogden

Bogdanovich those two guys are basically making the same out as Zack line right so you can make it happen um so we’ll see time will tell but anyway as always this is a discussion so I pass a question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the

Comments below what do you think how do you feel um do you think that uh yeah get this deal done if it’s on the table make it happen do you think uh no go with the Zack LaVine deal or you know just get to jeante Murray and go look

Elsewhere or do you is there other pieces that you you would like to see right is there something that like you’re like oh well I’d rather have you know bogdanovich and Hunter or I’d rather have crink capella and Hunter right again whatever it is I’d love to

Hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me out a lot let me to enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscrib to the channel hit that subscribe button turn

On the Bell notifications appreciate you all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers Trade with the Atlanta Hawks are something that could be right around the corner. Lakers Nation can officially Trade most of their roster including Austin Reaves. Lakers News has came out that If they are willing to Trade Reaves could land Dejounte Murray, Clint Capela and Bogdan Bogdanovic.

#lakers #lakersnews #lakerstrade


  1. How does Dejaunte fix the problem when LAL had the same issues with Russ and Scroeder playing with AD and Bron ??? I don't understand u fake LAL supporters always wanna trade a team mid season. Even tho Dlo been playing like shit he still a better fit than Dejaunte and Scroeder and Russ is still better than all 3. Problem is Jeanie Rob and Bron not AD Ham Dlo nor Rui and this coming from a Reauves fan he's the most inconsistent. Then y'all want a 40mil+ player as a 3rd option they'll be paying Murray Dlo's contract from last year. He's not worth 25+mil I'll do a deal for Hunter Bogdon and Clint over Murray and Lavine. If not a deal for Demarr Caruso and Drummond LAL can't even build no trade capitol šŸ˜‚

  2. Trade Reaves to Atlanta the Golf is better in Atlanta than anywhere in the world. He'll be happy and productive away from poisonous Lebron. No Lavine, he is not a winner. Did you see him at Ucla, a real primadonna

  3. Here's my proposal that should help The Lakers, Warriors, Sixers, and Knicks.

    First deal is specifically to help The Los Angeles Lakers attempt to win the title in 2023/2024:

    Lakers, Sixers, and Warriors make a 3 team trade(this deal works on nba trade machine)

    Sixers receive:
    D'Angelo Russell PG

    Lakers receive:
    Chris Paul PG
    Andrew Wiggins SF/SG

    Warriors receive:
    Marcus Morris Sr PF
    Rui Hachimura PF
    Austin Reaves SG
    Gabe Vincent PG

    First question everyone would have is why would The Warriors make this type of deal?

    Because they are turning around and making another deal with The Knicks.

    Knicks receive:
    Klay Thompson SF/SG
    Corey Joseph PG

    Warriors receive:
    Evan Fournier PF/SF
    Mitchell Robinson C
    Donte DiVincenzo PG/SG

    The Warriors are also adding draft compensation from both The Lakers and Knicks in these deals.

    It's a quasi youth movement for them but giving Steph and Dray one last shot with a starting group of: Looney, Dray, Moody, AR, and Steph.
    Kuminga, Rui, and Podiemski lead their bench youth movement.

    The Lakers are all in for this season and this season only.
    They start: AD, Vando, Wiggins, Prince, and Bron with CP3 and Wood as their sixth men combo off the bench.

    The Sixers get a starting pg while losing no depth in D Lo

    The Knicks start: Hartenstein, Randle, Anunoby, Thompson, and Brunson, with Grimes and Hart leading their reserve unit.

    I think all the teams above should consider these moves….

    It's only going to "possibly" work for one in terms of becoming a champion.

    The above deals all work on nba trade machine so they are doable and make sense for each franchise.

  4. I would happily do this trade if gabe came back healthy because then we would have someone to handle the ball of the bench, otherwise we are relying heavily on Lebron and Murray to run the offence.

  5. why do we constantly feel the need to blow the team up. i dont get it. didn't we just win the in season and made wcf lol. do you think maybe its the coach haha

  6. This Trade Gets Us Unto Contention If We Keep Vando And Christie And Wood We Can Still Be Good On Defense But As A Offense I Think We Top 5With This line Up

  7. Murray AND Capella AND Bogey? Sorry Austin, Iā€™ve always liked you BUUUTā€¦ šŸ‘‹šŸ¾āœŒšŸ¾ The Lakers have been eyeing Bogey for a while now

  8. So, the aim of the Lakers is what ? To win the championship, to be in the playoffs, to have a shoe in the playin or create clouds with nothing much behind that smokescreen ? The latter seem more obvious, in my view. The season is over as far as I'm concerned.

  9. I'm not blaming LBJ with this comment.. however I think LBJ don't have the ability to carry a team like he did with the Miami heat .. I think Bron at this age can't give you 100% on defense n 100% on offense it's either or I think and bc of that observation I believe it's hard to build a championship team with your main guy being LBJ I think Bron needs to be on a team that has a system that he can come in n do his part n not be the teams system.. I don't think there's enough money to go around to keep AD n Bron n have the talent they need to surround him with to win the chip as is they can be competitive but not a Contender.. Bron plays an efficient ball game but his younger days he could lock up the other teams best guy 1-5 now guys blow by him off the dribble he's not throwing guys stuff of the back board any more .. his numbers look great but I'm a true Bron fan his defensive game has declined some .. I think the solution is paying Bron less restructuring his contract instead of 50 mil a season 30 mil a season n then you can let him coast through the regular season

  10. Ok I know youā€™re going to talk about this everyday 6 times a day until something happens. The Hawks trade does get you all your needs.
    A Back up Big A 3 point specialist a point of attack 2 way guard

  11. Ok as s Georgia native and unfortunate Hawks fan I want more than just AR sorry ass and Rui if y'all want DM5 give me more value than this piece of shit ass trade. Besides y'all don't need DM5 anyways

  12. Do not want the Hawks too trade Bogi. If that's the trio, the Hawks better get Hachimura, Russell and a first. Not Reaves! Might as well keep Bogi.

  13. "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something*your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." *Steve Jobs

  14. Can we keep Rui Hachimura?
    We can take Murray, Capela and Bey…..
    I am ok to trade Austin Reaves, DeAngelo Russell and Gabe Vincent…….plus draft for those 3…….

    Capela can start at Center with AD @ Power Forward and Saddiq Bey at SF then LBJ and Murray @ Guard.

    Jaxson Hayes will be the back up Center with Christian Wood @ PF and Rui Hachimura @ SF replacing the starters up front.

  15. This is the perfect trade we need we get a great shooter a true point guard and center we need fixes a lot of issues

  16. No, we keep our guys, we got Gabe Vincent to turn maybe for the Big penguin, or someone like that. That's it. Keeping our squad

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