@Atlanta Hawks



When I and you know I my heart on my sleeve you hitting all the take your [ __ ] like you leave I go and hide your keys put you in position to win bless you with without s but you on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t

Breath I feel the in My my part I can’t breath I feel the pain in my I thought was That everything This And you know I my heart on my sleeve you hitting Aries take your [ __ ] like you leave I go and hide your keys put you in position to win bless you with without a sne b you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t

Breathe I feel In over my part I can’t breath I feel the pain in my I thought really was my heart What’s good family hey I don’t even I don’t even know what to say man I don’t even know what to say man it’s garage it’s garage time bro it’s garage night I don’t even know what to say this was a piss poor effort by the Atlanta

Hawks um you can watch as soon as soon as the game came on as soon as that ball tip you could see like the players was not inspired they wasn’t motivated it looked like I’mma keep it a it looked like they did not want to be there that’s what it looked like

It looked like they did not want to play a basketball game tonight and I believe it’s due to the coach I believe it’s due to Quinn SNY uh in the front office leaking stuff letting that stuff get out that Murray is widely available so is others and I

Think the players was just like you know what well you have the people the people that you don’t want to trade you have them win the game you have them win the game and you saw how that went this was awful this was awful and then the nerve

Of quench Snider to have them out there down 30 with 10 minutes to go in the fourth quarter he still got the starters out there for [ __ ] what you trying to send send a message because when I said do the [ __ ] people looked at me like I was crazy now

He want to do the [ __ ] but it’s too late man it’s too late I really believe like he lost some that locker room whether you could say the coach or the front they lost some of that locker room the way those players came out tonight and the funny thing about it the

One who was the one if it wasn’t for uh Murray we would have lost by 60 tonight because couldn’t nobody else even scored a basketball so I mean listen man I’m I’mma tell you this man I’mma tell you this qu to me y’all don’t have to agree

But to me me as of right now my opinion about Quin neider he is a fraud he cannot win he not gonna win here man you can go and I can’t wait to trade de jante I can’t wait for us to trade de Jon Murray I can’t wait to trade him so I

Can sit here and see who’s gonna be the next person to blame who’s G who’s gonna be the next person to catch all the hate that’s all I’m waiting on and I’mma tell you what what else is bad Indiana just played last night they offer bat to bat they just beat the

Bucks they beat the Bucks we’ve been off for two days we’ve been on two days let me holl at the homie foot man what’s good man hey man sh ain’t much to say what what we gonna say that we ain’t already been saying for the last almost two

Years and these dudes got the man they don’t know what they doing in that front office know where Matt at he been inro but he been on that Twitter though oh Matt ain’t coming in here because he don’t want to ask no questions about uh Quin s because he’s sorry yeah he can’t

He can’t run that BS no more Quin Snider sorry man Point Blank period yeah well Mike Mike need to come on back I know Mike don’t want no more smoke after what happened earlier well no he gotta write uh he gotta write he gotta DOTA write

Article or the podcast he gotta do one of them or maybe both after the game he Le he Le KH when he when he finish hey man it’s just this is just insane man all I’m say man and I don’t be around here trying to be right I told y’all

Quinn wasn’t it when I told what how many games ago I said this he needed to change you know 10 of 42 on threes bro 10 of 42 why you they’re gonna tell you well we got we had open looks we just a make them seem like that’s the excuse

For everything these days they didn’t want to be here bro it was apparent that’s what it look like they want to be here it’s like they did not want to play bro they didn’t want to play for that coach tonight bro did not want to play for the coach and you could

Say what you could try to sugar coat it all you want I can tell when people when somebody not putting forth no effort oh that’s easy they they was not putting forth no effort tonight none yeah Joe mad on witness protection yeah he don’t want this smoke

Shoot but hold let me switch my camera because I’m about to take we I’m about I’m on my way to the garage I thought you was already in that de I was but oh look who popped up look who making an appearance look showed up finally I was gonna come we start

Talking about what’s up man Quinn should be fired really deamar I didn’t hear you say that when when uh Orlando put a p piece on us in the first quarter last year I didn’t hear y’all mention coaching at all oh oh consist now so now you want to admit

That it was the talent huh now you I’m just I’m just curious are you saying it was the talent I mean yes obviously the talent has but you didn’t say that last year you told me it was Nate and that When Quinn got here he was gonna fix

Everything you didn’t say nothing about giving him all this time how much time he need now Matt look and like I said before I said I said before after after the after the 12th game if quiner was to blame for a loss I will hold him fully

Accountable I don’t how much time he need now Matt but as we saw today well according I I would say um it looks like he’s gonna need the full season in the offseason to get the go the goal post so you run out run out excuse for him so you keep moving go

Post 12 games right again I’ll say it again I’ll say it again after the 12th game I was going to judge him and and and Bash him and hold him accountable if I felt he cost us a game like his coaching we lost a fourth quarter I told you before but my

Criteria he lost a fourth quarter lead he made he he drew up a bad play those are the things I’m gonna hold him accountable for we can’t get good shots in the fourth quarter all those things I will hold him accountable for but you know what I’m saying I pulled it up and

Put and posted it in the chat a few days ago we’re still in the top 10 open shot frequency so that means we’re getting good looks so the players qu not playing today because they they they came with no effort none they quit right that’s I

Say I want I mean that’s a quit I mean that’s a to say they quit that’s a multi-game assessment you can’t make an assessment on a on a random Friday night you know you know why I can make that assessment man on a random Friday night

De mind if like I told Gerald in the first quarter if you look across I know this we’re not talking about the NBA I already got that but if you look across the rest of the NBA there’s four or five 30 point I got that but I’m saying it’s not

Isolated to just the Haw you know why I’m holding him you know you know why I’m holding him accountable because he’s the reason why Murray don’t want to be here for one so when all that news come out now with they saying that everybody is Trey is available I excuse me um

Murray is widely available then come out that the only people not available for trade is um Trey and JJ right that’s what you saw out there you saw those players say okay well if I if y’all don’t want me here I’m I’m Gonna Give You minimum

Effort I I I want that’s that don’t think don’t you think that’s been a little rash no that’s exactly what it is because Murray only won out because he don’t hit him and Quinn don’t get along well I I won’t say they don’t get along I’ll say that they don’t fit each

Other’s they’re they’re not they’re not s you know what I mean you know what I mean that’s what I mean but I’m G tell you one thing is because your coach is stub is stubborn he’s not you know what I learned about Quin Snider this year so far he’s not like

He’s not like a leader of men he doesn’t know how to he doesn’t know how to um how can I say it lead just yeah lead but like he doesn’t stick up for his players until he has to until he’s forced he’s scared to call [ __ ] out in public he’ll

Sit there and watch us get hosed by refs he’s scared to say [ __ ] okay he’s scared to adjust his rotations okay he’ll stick with that same rotation I don’t know why dear didn’t he make a didn’t he make an adjustment to his rotation when he put Trent forest in before okan the last

Three games ain’t that an adjust he did that no he did that one game he did it he didn’t do the last three he did once no he the last game tonight Tren Force was the first sub Off the Bench no he wasn’t or was he the second

Sub he was second with he came Trey cause as usual change rotation as usual he took Trey and jayen out at the six minute Mark once again the dude’s so predictable once again and then he sends in Garrison I mean he sends in um um Trent forest and um and uh who and

Bogey so like I don’t but the champion the coach on the other side who actually won a championship he stuck with his starter he stuck with his starters yeah he don’t he got a championship rck car he won title from like 50 years ago y your guy

To a Conference Final period so I mean but my thing is this my thing is this Quin Snider he he not he not a leader man that team went out there and they quit on him today I mean that’s such a I don’t I

Mean to me like I said that’s such a a serious mat accusation I’m not gonna say that after One game keep not gonna say that after one game mat when you saw that first tell me what first quarter second can you sit here and tell me that

They play with any type of effort any no they did they did they they played with zero effort zero atten detail who does that fall on Quinn has to get them more prepared for the game but to make a they didn’t want to play a wide

Assessment that they quit on him I mean that to me I’m say it like this Matt they didn’t Oklahoma City the Oklahoma City quit on Mark I care what I saw there’ what I saw there did not want to play for that dude then he set DJ for I don’t know how long

Between the the first and the second I don’t know how long he stayed on the bench nobody so like I said Deon when we were down 21 to 50 against Orlando last year I didn’t even say they right that was that was just a bad

Game now if this continue if this was a like with Nate last year where it was a series of blowouts consecutively I could be like okay he lost connection with the team he lost the locker room but on a random Friday night I mean I think that’s

A random game we are six games under 500 it ain’t no one random game bro I’m talking about we they they show this much lack of effort lack of attention to detail lack of Interest okay just said it quit justonight man for the coach give me another reason

Why on a two-day break why they they come out with no energy tonight why is a team who on the second night of a backto back who just went head up with Milwaukee have more energy than our players I like to hear the excuse well deand two things can be true

They can not have any effort and quit tonight but not necessarily quit on Quinn quitting is quitting what are you doing what you’re saying so they just got together and said hey guy let’s just quit for no reason yeah no on bro deont we don’t know the inner dynamics of what’s you

Know going on this could be just a bad night Trey shoulder I believe is really bothering him if you’re injured don’t play I mean maybe he shouldn’t have played I said that in the first quarter maybe he should I got a question for you Matt now you just admitted they quit right you

Just admitted that that’s what you said right tonight it doesn’t matter they quit that you you keep doing all these little look the fact but to say I’m not gonna say every team I’m not gonna say every team that get blown out they quit on their coach they quit

Tonight they quit it doesn’t matter they quit that’s the facts they quit you agreed to it they quit tonight I don’t care let y’all are saying they quit on y’all are saying they quit on Quinn let me hear you say they quit they quit on the coach tonight they didn’t quit on

The coach who they quit on each other the team unit they didn’t quit on the coach we got beat so bad maler all the way from the ne say I gotta tap in look I mean tonight embarrassing there’s no doubt about m is a betting man how much you lost

Tonight you on mute we can’t you muted y mute we can’t hear you mute I lost money too I lost money I lost money on TR you can hear me now or yeah yeah yeah okay bro I swear to God I’m so lucky I bet desante Murray over 21 and a half like

Because because the Pacers give up a lot of like insight and he loves to those midies so yeah I thought it was going to be a good night for the starters on uh on Atlant bench players we’re going to strug because we can’t hear you Mala you got your connection like your

Your mic connection probably sound like it’s jiggling yeah can you hear me now yeah yeah damn uh yeah so I thought the starters were going to do pretty well because we have a lot of inside scoring starters and then I thought the bench unit was going to do bad because like

The bench shoots a lot of threes and paces are really good against threes uh but yeah like everything apparently went wrong for the the Hawks tonight uh it was done from like the first quarter like you could see it in them awful man just awful breaking news breaking news

Matthew comes in here with some [ __ ] [ __ ] again to talk about how the Hawks just sit here and not quit tonight [ __ ] they quit tonight I didn’t say I didn’t say I didn’t I said they didn’t quit on Quinn they quit on Quinn they quit on each other they quit [ __ ]

Them I like I said I’ll stand on the fact they didn’t quit on the coach after bad game what is it that you don’t understand what is like I said like I like I said like I said after the Orlando game last year y’all was wasn’t saying this [ __ ] y’ talking about the

Players y was talking about the players effort y’all didn’t mention the coach not one time oh I’ll be on all of them I’ll be on all of them last one of them 150 is a lot of points bro that’s a lot of only we the

Only team in the NBA to give up 150 points or more to the same team this season new new hwk record wait what that happened only team we the only team in the NBA to give up 150 points or more to the same team twice in one season

Wow so 300 points in two games yeah 300 307 points to be exact wow awful bro awful wow yeah you right Bri I’m with Brian on that [ __ ] like that bro right here you see that right there that’s a fireball fence why you but see this is this is like from an outside

Perspective like isn’t de jante supposed to be like guard because I thought that’s when y’all got him I was like okay now they have a two-way guard to guard the Hal burs the you know what I’m saying so it’s like is he not doing that or go

Tonight we got it’s like this he can’t guard everybody yeah you’re right that too I mean how many times I was sitting there watching Trey Trey at the beginning of the first quarter he doing that Olay [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah bro to do that bro he didn’t even

Put up a resistance he stood there let the guy go theny y over behind then Quinn the way Quinn got him defending he Quinn don’t know what the [ __ ] he doing he got trade like somebody said like he Jessie baits he just floating around floting that’s why he get that’s

Why he keep getting caught that’s why he keep getting caught up in the lane and he get caught up in the lane he got had to foul the dude we should never we should never employ a lineup of Trent Forest bogey I think it was Trey bogy o

Double O and Jaylen Johnson ever again ever again double O wasn’t even a fact did he play tonight yeah I was just about to say ever again a do [ __ ] tonight man qu he had again Trent Forest bogey Trey Jaylen Johnson and double O out there and you

Just like all right guys Give Me Your Best Shot get out of here man hey hey was he trying to teach the starters a lesson by leaving them out there down 30 in the four the [ __ ] was he thinking Man Clint capella was just out there to

Get Breeze cuz he shows said out about nine minutes in between the first quarter you see how long he said you see how long he said Murray yep he the only one scoring for us in the second quarter [ __ ] terrible bro you got you gota

Let them feel that no more bro the the Hawks will lead you to drinking and taking hard drugs bro put put that with the Falcons and you gonna end up in Grady that’s real that’s who real kill you you gonna end up you gonna end up in your nearby uh Regional Hospital messing

Around with the Hawks and the Falcons man what’s up Mike mik yo what up what up out there got us some point how you so positive hey man you already know say said they need put me on the team man I bet you we wouldn’t lost by by that much

Before before my team lose by that much you say n ain’t no fou out I mean maybe but no you’ll see a brawl before we lose that you know what my nerves you know what my nerves yeah when Trey shot a free throw this is first quarter he shoots the free

Throw he made the second one one of the Indiana Pacers ran beside him and just bumped his ass when that H they go down Court nobody does nothing bro they we we in half court defense Trey still talking to whoever hit him cu he point at him and he talking [ __ ] and

I’m like none of y’all [ __ ] gonna do nothing you just gonna let them bump your guy and y’all not doing [ __ ] bro this team is soft mentally bro we short bro Quinn is a [Laughter] fraud well de oh I forgot Dean to to your point about losing the locker room

After the report today does it matter because 90% of them not gonna be here anyway that that’s the problem you can’t put out no report saying everybody can go and then expect them to play they can all go yeah that was that I mean well you can’t expect them to

Play then they gota do their job that that’s Mal practice I mean that that I mean but that that’s not I don’t know that that that that doesn’t help the team I mean that doesn’t help the team them boys know they gonna get paid regardless so

It’s like if the franch is giving up or then you know what I’m saying it is what it is and then when I get moved or whatever then you know we’ll make it do what it do then but that I don’t know they just it’s just not smart to really

Put out the signal of like you know what I’m saying we we you know uh throwing away the season in a sense yeah I mean and the Pacers are good we not gonna do it like y’all lost to some bombs they just did the PAC is a good team they actually

They actually have a championship coach them boys got the longest winning streak in the NBA right now they got the longest winning streak in the NBA right now they give up the most points and we couldn’t get they had 105 in a third I’m like damn saying the Pacers actually have a

Coach that if we were signing Rick Carlile I’ll be like okay you know what I’m saying I’ll listen to some of the hype and all that bull I mean and he developed point guards Rick car develops point guards man know this is what Mike saying what Mike

Saying he’s saying the paers they went to sign a real Championship winning coach really really not a guy he 10 consecutive years without winning the playoff series crazy off the regular season bro he went 10 consecutive years without winning the playoff series what’s y CL but he won

One and and where Quin okay he still won one you can’t Quinn don’t got don’t even have a conference final appearance and you talking and you what that’s expected from Matt because I mean he did the same thing to Nate Nate goes to the Eastern Conference Finals he

Like oh he spent his whole career not doing so it just I mean car surprised Dallas that the 2021 Dallas team to the west to come finals before he went to Indiana meanwhile Quinn was getting exposed he took out coach by to theal what about that Matt I don’t think

He was that I don’t think he was the coach on that team Juan for the two for the 2021 season yes I don’t think I think that was Jason kid first season I don’t think where car was where car 10 years you might you might be

Right car got out the first round in 10 then they going 20 that’s years he haven’t got first qu getting out where were they in 20 Lottery probably and Quinn got in bubble they was in they was in the first SEC uh what first round in in in the

Bubble they lost Clippers in a yeah okay it was the Clippers lost okay yeah yeah he haven’t won a playoff series in 10 years he’s a champion can you say that about Quin Snider he hasen’t been coaching as long as Quin Snider I meaning as long so he

Had eight years and couldn’t get nothing de your second best player what you going to win Matt did they not have a 31 lead did they not have a 3-1 leag you so you so amazing you can’t win one more game I mean it is interesting though

Because I mean I feel like y’all got more Talent than the Pacers do and maybe I’m tripping you you tripping it’s I mean y’all got Trey I mean I think Trey and Hal have better play players than p no but that’s that’s I mean Trey and halber

Okay that’s literally one person but you gotta look at the the totality of teams like the Pacers are better constructed I don’t care about no name or Talent or whatever like I don’t really care about all that like the Hawks are poorly constructed we are consistently rolling

Out undersized players three out of five positions every single night and and we and no matter how we we still be that way on the floor huh the Pacers aren’t a big team the Pacers aren’t a big team they’re not they go like OB at the four and

Miles at the five why you just go seven foot though man all right hold on I got you man one second I just talking about talking once people say size they’re talking about seven Footers no I’m not just talking about I’m not just talking about seven Footers

When when when saying saying size man I’m not just talking about OB to OB topping and um and and bayas the same height they’re 68 that’s what I was matter of fact Jaylen Johnson would be like the third tallest dude on Indiana or the second tallest dude on

Indiana they’re not a big team at all like I said give me a second man I got you I got you bro I got you bro they they have a they have a tall point guard I’ll give you that Matt this what I need you to do Matt this what I need

You to do mat Matt you listening to me yeah I need you when you go to work on Monday okay I need you to interview future head coaches for The dear that’s what I need you to do de we wouldn’t we wouldn’t be contemplating flipping our whole roster if the man wasn’t

A good coach he not that’s why we flipping roster I know about say I know Matt Matt you don’t think that it’s it’s a big difference but when I I just wanted to go back to the list though when you come to just average height of

The team the Pacers rank 18 they tie for 18th you saw it earlier when I showed you the Hawks tie for 27th I know you was like oh that’s not you know that much or whatever though but like no like bro we are SM we’re tied for 27 of no we

Are no matter that’s what I said no matter no matter the substitution pattern or how you want to go we usually are small three out of five positions and then I understand what you’re saying about a ob and Bay but Obie size and height is different than Bay’s because of his

Athleticism I me I like B I get what you saying I give saying Mike I mean I’m not saying we’re we’re we’re are we are a small team Quin talked about this it’s the difference between Cece and Bruno CeCe they the same we’re poorly constructed and then I

Don’t want mil Turner I don’t but then too they got miles who can help step out a little bit every now and then like outside threes no I’m not necessarily I mean if we trying to you know I mean I if it was cheap mik I’m just saying I’m just

Saying the construction of the Pacers I’ll give you that mik I’ll say I’ll say individually if you look at our roster uhh Mike don’t give him no pass last time I told you Miles Turner you got mad at me who said oh me yeah he like no

[ __ ] Miles Turner I like Miles Turner man I like Miles Turner I like Miles Turner I’ll give you that Mike one through 15 like individually the players we are more talented than Indiana but if you like collectively as a we don’t play well together as a public like we don’t

Play well together so we just got to deconstruct the puzzle retour the puzzle and we’ll be back in six to nine months de do you think tra is enough I think Duncan are really help y’all for real I really think give you Clint for bam Straight Up

N no disrespect 150 or or or whatever name can have Clint and for bam yeah bro hey hey hey don’t even mention no offensive guy to me no only offensive guy to me coming to the no hey can we have can we have can we have Jamie

Ja they not giving that say bro like yeah I ain’t thinking about no offensive guys when we get you so y’all would y’all wouldn’t take Tyler y’all wouldn’t take Tyler but no well no yeah maybe yeah maybe as a he be a better shooter guard to

DJ I I may have hero for you throw me be with it you know I may give me Jon and B and Bay whatever his name is DJ and B yeah I mean I rock with hero I think hero would probably fit better next to Trey and Quinn system than DJ yep see

See yeah but but we ain’t going to stop nobody we going to still have the same issue we just going to keep losing 165 to to 157 you feel me like that’s what’s gonna keep happening and like bro that jump whack bro like I don’t know bro

Like that crazy giving up that many points but I guess I don’t think about him play defense because that’s why I don’t want Zack LaVine that I want Zine in a heartbeat I honestly I personally personally I think that everybody everybody wants like a perimeter guy to go with Trey I

Think I really Trey needs to have a four or five who is a good scoring big and the other three positions in between that need to be just straight Defenders who is who is athletic and can catch and shoot that’s it but go get him a playmaking like somebody who can score

On their own and all this type stuff at the four or five and then then the rest of the fols you fit in need to be just straight athletic Defenders guys who can run jump and guys who can just catch that thing and shoot it if they open

Because you got Trey as a playmaker you feel me and Trey and that’s the issue for us too is like when when basketball get tight and when you need a bucket and stuff you go into the paint you feel me and and and our only option I know we

All say oh we need to drive more we need to drive more but at the same time that that don’t necessarily help you know what I’m saying that’s not that’s not very and our best our best paint guy is Trey young and that’s a big issue when

Our best interior scorer is Trey young who is also the shortest person on the team that causes an issue we got to get back to being able to have somebody just do a simple entry pass and throw down to them not no I gotta try and break

Somebody off the dribble just to get somewhat closer to the goal we ain’t got nobody just to Simply pass it to man like just you know and need a ginari so you want the 2001 Sixers we need a ginar back 2001 Sixers who the 2001 Sixers had as an interior score Matt

Nobody Theo rat man Theo Rattler I know you joking but that’s what say I don’t think Matt remember that team or something bro it was no bigs along the line and I’m trying to describe to go with Trey not on that Sixers team who

You talking about I no I was not the big I was talking about no no no not the big I’m talking about all these Defenders around Trey well I mean in a sense yeah like you had your Darnell Marshalls your Eric snow that’s what y’ saying saying he need Defenders around him yeah

J I mean that’s what you need around Trey they can’t be allergic on offense though they can’t be allergic I didn’t say that bro I said if they’re athletic and if they can catch and shoot open threes they not allergic to offense with playmaking ability and stuff like that

Bro he would get them the ball for them to either dunk that thing or just shoot the three when you got another actual scoring big that’s the person who can go ISO and Trey just dump it to him or the team dump it to him play through outside

Of Trey and Trey can still run around off some screen some playing off of that big because that big can draw a double or something like that he opening up for perimeter scores and stuff like that bro I I mean we all know it bro the team is just constructed horribly believe right

Yeah I mean yeah I I will give demon that it’s not you know they don’t fit well together but individually they are talented individually told me you told me Quinn was gonna fix it I knew he couldn’t fix it Larry boy you stupid Larry I blame St

For the loss I know I just got back on I might be late go no I’m just looking hey what solution at man but solution 38 right now boy turned up in a minute bro turned earlier where Mikey at it was a road game was

It yeah I think he do a he got him and uh that cat named Tim do a podcast at the end of the game okay he do he somewhere making excuses for try Mak I know y’all probably don’t want to hear but y’all may have to start tanking soon [Laughter]

We even trying we doing it I need I need some apologies man I need some apologies you know I’m apology I need some apologies for what everything I be saying I need we get specific for you man I need a please hey hey what I tell you what we doing rebuilding

Yeah you gonna have to we’re retooling hold on I why why y’all always do this rebuilding versus retooling [ __ ] it’s the same goddamn thing no no no no no rebuilding rebuilding is you’re going down into the lottery ring is you gotta you got you gotta switch out a couple of positions

Matt I don’t have I’m just tell you right now I’m just warning you I ain’t got time for that [ __ ] tonight you know you know but you know we not switching out just a couple of pieces we are we’re switching out the shooting guard we’re switching up we’re switching

Out the shooting guard we’re switching out the small it’s only a couple pieces that’s not available so I don’t know what you call that man offense ain’t good ab absolutely I’m stick with that been saying that the offense everybody everybody is available for Trey other than Trey and Jaylen does not

Sound like a couple of people no phell I’m saying the shooting guard position the small and the [ __ ] that’s it the [ __ ] that’s that’s that’s more than a couple of pieces M I’m say Pharaoh in the starting lineup in Pharaoh in the starting lineup it’s it’s really two

Guys because we got our shooting guard over there in College Park who’s balling B away if two out of five do you really understand you that’s still 40% look we didn’t get into percentages Pharaoh we just talking about the talking about all the time specific no no no he

Said percentages 40% 50% it don’t Pharaoh all that it’s 40% of the star lineup and the bench so that’s that’s more than a couple of pieces a few a few pieces a what’s few three there’s still more than three okay you want to say a bevy a

Bevy of pieces how about that let you use your vocabulary do we have a modern basketball team do we have a modern basketball team we don’t I mean we don’t right now yeah we do we got the most modern basketball team ever so so y’all want credit to say

I’ll give y’all credit by saying we the players don’t fit well together as a collective and we need to switch out some parts players trash bro that’s the that’s the best get stop sugar Co but but you know but you said Quinn gonna fix it though that’s what you said

And say give more time you know you wouldn’t get this much push back if he would just be honest about Quinn sometimes it like he right and you don’t never say nothing wrong about him he always right he is I mean I can’t lie what you me lie to lie you what you

Want me to I can’t lie what you want me to lie so he a so he ain’t never he ain’t never done nothing wrong I I ain’t never said he was off a coach I said you but you don’t call him out for nothing it’s always something else phell I at

The top I told foot and Dean that well I looked at the I pulled it the other day and I think I I posted it in the chat I looked the other day y’all said oh we suck in the fourth quarter we can’t get no we can’t do anything we can’t score

Blah blah blah look we’re seventh in the NBA or we were three days ago seventh in the NBA open shot frequency so we’re getting open shots they’re just not hitting them I can’t blame I’m glad you repeat that let me say this all open shots ain’t good shots

BR what all open shots not good shots that’s why you get once you get the get off the floor going in the offense like move the [ __ ] ball people movement and get easier shots right cuz you open don’t mean you shoot it they shot 10 for 43 from three bro you

Telling me you should keep shooting that’s dumb as hell so we playing Quinn ball shoot you open shoot right so guess what guess what happens when that guess what happen we’re not making the other team play defense they’re not working so they got they they got a lot of energy

They doing offense because they you ain’t making them work because you just come jacking quen ball so I don’t you y’all love to keep talk PA pause oh y’all keep talking about we we got the you look at this stat this analyst all these open shot y’all keep talking

About like y’all was talking about well we got the number two number three offense in the league XY still have the we’re still in the top five by the way and guess what what’s our record we top what that’s that’s all I keep saying we

Bom what you so great in offense but six under 500 we 30 real quick this this this great offense we got why the [ __ ] we can’t score in the fourth quarter or the third quarter since this offense so great I told fo you telling me as a

Coach you telling me as a coach your job isn’t to create open shots for the players you said we got the number the number one number two offense right number number four I believe number why can’t we score in the fourth quarter tell me that I don’t know it’s a mystery

No I don’t know because because like I because like I said if we weren’t getting if we weren’t if we weren’t if we weren’t getting open shots I would be I would be like okay is not doing the job he’s creating open shots I don’t

Know what else you want him to do I’m not talking about open side I’m talking about offensive rank as you said is so [ __ ] high if we if we’re so good on offense why can’t we score in the fourth quarter if it’s so good cause the cause

Cause the Pacers do yeah the PAC to I I don’t I don’t know why we can’t score in the fourth quarter I don’t know but like I said I’m not I’m not going to blame I’m not going to I’m not going to blame the coach because did I

Say don’t lie the num say we get open shots thank you the numbers don’t lie what’s our record is our record a lie is our lack of scor in fourth is our lack of scoring in the fourth quarter a lot look answer when you look when you when

You when you look at the ders I fo when you look at the when you look at the numbers in our record the two don’t coincide like it it’s weird like our numbers S Suggest we’re either at 500 or a little bit above 500 because that a

What I ask you teams that have our that have similar numbers to us they all have talk other teams we’re talking about the Hawks okay I know that ask the question if if our offense number five whatever hell you keep saying why can’t we score

In the fourth quar that’s all I want to answer to I don’t care I don’t know why I don’t know why players are missing open shots in the fourth quarter that’s we don’t miss open you know why we don’t score mat I said it time and time again it’s basic basketball ball

Movement and people movement none this ISO [ __ ] it’s that simple it ain’t hard you don’t need analytics to tell you that Matt since you supposed to be a basketball Savant you should be able to tell give me an answer to that bro you got an answer for everything else I say

I coach job is to create open for the he’s done that he can’t go out there and make a open shot brother what is the answer to my question you keep deflecting you you don’t have you just told me I don’t know why they miss open

Shots no I don’t know that ain’t what I ask you man I ask you why can’t we score in the fourth quarter and you know what you told open sh hold up no no you told me you don’t know but you got to answer for everything else that fit I don’t

Know why I don’t know why professional are missing open shots I have no idea I don’t see there you go again I don’t know they’re open they’re open all the shots are open in four quarter not all of them foot but a majority of them if

We’re seven hey see me two times a week come out me with me the kids so I can teach you some basketball cuz you if we’re if we’re seventh in the NBA in open shots that means a lot of our shots are open we’re just missing

Them why we’re missing them or how come they’re cons so you don’t think you don’t think coaching should be able to six if they only missing them mainly in the third and fourth because they’re hitting them in the first half no I mean I what what what would

You propose he he does to fix that I don’t know I just told you ball movement and people movement I’ve been saying it since I’ve been on this damn show ever since so you telling me hold on so so you telling me so you telling me off of

A off of a reverse or off of a swing pass that bogy haven’t missed wide open threes in the fourth quarter Matt you talking about something I ain’t talking about again you are you talking about B movement you telling me Trey you telling me Trey young hasn’t passed to a wide open uh

Garrison wide open people I ain’t said nothing about taking no shots I ain’t said nothing about that I said do you know what Ball moving and people movement is I asked I asked somebody was that you the other I still ain’t got an answer for do you know what

Ball moving and people moving what’s your definition of that for me ball movement is at least three passes of possession and people movement is some form of a cut or some form of taking up open space after an initial okay do we do that in the fourth quarter yes or no in spots

Yes that the whole fourth quarter we don’t do it no we no we do not do it what was our last win when what was our last win who we beat last game all right I know who did we beat how did we beat them Washington no

We wasn’t Washington it was how we beat the last 10 we beat okay T we hit shots in the fourth quarter Matt don’t worry about it I ain’t talking to no more we we hit shots in the fourth quarter you can’t say you can’t you can’t you can’t say foot you can’t say

We moved the ball off fourth quarter because we went what three minutes without scoring in the fourth quarter so we didn’t move it the whole fourth quarter I ask I ask you how did we win the game either if we went three minutes without scoring you said what if we went

Three minutes without scoring we wouldn’t hitting them in the fourth quarter like you said okay how do let me ask something how did we get the lead how did we get that lead Matt uh we play good defense we rebound well and we hit open

Shots I can’t with you no more bro I mean that’s it we moveed the ball and everybody hey you had seven people in d double figures you know why cuz the ball move they shed the [ __ ] ball that’s what happened when you sh the ball when you move the

Ball the people move everybody get to eat then you get seven seven to eight dudes in double figures anytime we do that most likely we win it was a lot of ball movement up up all the way pretty much third quarter and then you at the

End of the fourth we tricked [ __ ] off again by doing the same thing ISO [ __ ] basketball no more ball movement people move you you just don’t want to admit it you know but that’s okay but [ __ ] we’re not no team in the NBA has perfect wor about I’m talking about the

I don’t give a [ __ ] about man you still making excuses bro you still there is no there is no excuse I don’t I said before I don’t know why professionals are missing wide open shots that’s that’s a fact that’s not an excuse that’s a fact let me ask you

Don’t know what else to say hey you got it you got it Larry I’m ask you this man I’mma ask you this did that did the team quit on the coach today yes or no no I want to quit on Quinn no I tell

Qu hold up mat hold hold hold up Matt so you telling me that first half that you watched they was putting forth effort no win de they didn’t the two aren’t mutually exclusive Deon they quit they showed no that’s not necessarily on the coach Quinn is part of the hwks they quit on

The they quit on the Hawks that ain’t the coach job to have the players motivated and ready to play I’m just I’m going off of straight I’m going off y found last year this game was very similar to last year when we gave up 51 points in the first quarter I I didn’t

Hear not I didn’t hear not one African up here what was the fin score of that game man I didn’t I didn’t hear not one africanamerican up here say was the coach Matt Matt Matt pause for a second for your example the Orlando game when

We gave a 50 in the first what was the final score of that game let me pull it up yeah y’all somebody pull it up and what was the final score of tonight’s game what was the score which one you said the first game what was tonight’s final score why

Matt we had 112 or some [ __ ] 150 112 we lost by about 40 or whatever almost what was the other game you said the other game was the one that Matt keep bringing up the Orlando vers you know when we gave up 50 points or so we

Lost by 11 oh we lost by how many 11 we lost by 11 and we lost tonight by how many so my thing is you keep using an example of a game that we were down we gave up 50 points in the first quarter but that team

Actually relatively kind of try to make comeback in a sense they only lost by 11 if you’ll down by so many more in the first qu because you got blown out and quote unquote quit tonight is an example of what they saying it’s like quit from from beginning to end all the way

Through but so you don’t think we made a push you don’t think you don’t think we made a little bit of a push in the third quarter I’m not gonna respond Larry [Laughter] talkar Larry hold up CZ he got that bears crap on what he doing bro go Larry what you gotar and

Then and then he can’t even shave Larry gonna grow a beard like me in a minute yeah he be go ahead lost by 34 points man I can’t believe man you you wearing that because you lost the beted or something because we lost to the Bears I lost the

Bed to my cousin who was a Bears fan oh yeah so uh I’m just gonna continue losing first of all I blame the Snuggie uh uh then second of all I blame my Sounders they weren working um half the game so that it just was all janky man

Everything started off real janky for me wearing this janky ass nugget which I’ll never wear again so but uh probably gonna watch help watch my car With uh I don’t know if they quit on Coast so guys they might quit on TR y’all a say that quit on I just thought they quit on the hulks period no no no no no no no I’m I’m looking at it like this when you’re old for five from three

And you come down and pull a logo three just before the have and you airball it the entire team went yo yo the entire team went like this they show the camera a Quinn he was like what the and then you saw the J like this mm something I’ve noticed throughout the

Game so I’m noticing a lot of body language all right do you guys understand that Trey young and de jonte are playing less and less minutes together yeah you remember I told you that a couple weeks ago yeah but no no it’s not tag off it’s literally like

Larry Larry you can’t stand on that right there son okay lay down please damn you got a junior yeah that’s my son uh shout out to the Juniors wait he’s third actually okay third I don’t know man I saw I saw itin get demoralized after that three when he

Air Bal he was 0 five look like Dwayne agreeing with you like I mean no no I I really saw our team get the more I mean y what’s good har I mean yeah har three you miss it air get and they make a wide open three so it’s just like after that

Point and then to come back out of halftime I understand the whole model about shoters gonna shoot and shoot themselves out of it but he wasn’t even trying to get to the basket like like it was like seven I think he was like for he was like uh oh for like

He was like what was it like he made one shot in the first like one or two shots in the first half like 23 or something crazy like that uh so when I when I think about it you literally like that was a game that I can say that Trey

Young shout us out but not just Trey because the whole team was shooting bad don’t that down please but I really felt like that three when he shot when he was over five and he shot damn near a loo three and airball I felt the whole team just said e right

Then and there I feel like they said that jump say it’s probably a combination of well I agree with you Larry because I know I’ve you know talked about stuff like that you know in the past and stuff like that uh past Seasons you didn’t see that horrible

First quarter M that um can play but but but but but but but the thing is though you add on top of that the fact that like the franchise came out and basically said um everybody can go besides Trey and JJ so so I feel they

Was like well let the ones y’all want to win win I mean in my opinion I think coach quinon never played any of them only person that deserved to play was the John tonight well I mean he did do a good job of boosting up that trade value s well I

Mean that’s why I said doing the during the stream I was like the best I appreciate that was the Jon it’s not the I’m about say it’s not it’s not uh Trey shooting bad I’m just addressing like finisher comment or whatever it’s the shot still bro like it

Just that you you as a teammate you look crazy if you saying something when somebody making the shots but when they’re they’re bricking or whatever then okay you know it’s like some people be B but like me personally or whatever I’ll say something even if he is hitting

The shots because at the end of the day like I always say or whatever like it just doesn’t do very well as as keeping the entire team energized when your point guard is the leading scorer and takes the most shots and then you combin on top of that

Little small things like uh him trying to play free safety and like bro what the you know what I’m saying Play Act guy or get out on the three-point shooter not point to somebody else and try to tell them to get out there or something and then you turn the ball

Over you’re not making sure you’re one of the first ones back like you play for as your coach if you turn the ball over you better be the first one back dog on it you know what I’m saying one of the first back to try and defend it or

Whatever you a’t definitely going to turn the ball over and be the last one and take your time to get back and stuff like that all of that plays a part into energizing the team and team cohesion and all that type stuff man I mean it just does it just

Does I mean yeah he was off tonight I mean everything no no he was wor game as a Hulk that has to be the worst game had as a Hulk yeah I mean yeah he was he was awful but I I think that shoulder was really bothering if you look it was

Taped up heavily now this what I want to know where you and Mikey come with this shoulder [ __ ] when he play Bad what was it the past couple of games Mikey said it happened like two three games ago why popped up now mean he’s been he’s been on thej that injury for a

While but I’m not using it I a heard nothing about no shoulder till tonight did you look at have you looked at the the uh reports the injury reports he’s been on on and off for shoulder for I would say okay well why he play so he

Still been shooting he was jacking him up tonight if it show him it doesn’t matter he out there he out there he’s shooting enough that he feel like he can make it no excuses if you shooting if been a couple of game he was getting 30 and I hear

Nothing about no shoulder he was not even attempting to go to the basket in the first half guys like that’s inexcusable you know what I’m saying like Okay you can have a bad game but that game right there was demoralizing to the whole team you know what I’m saying it really

Was quen got quen gotta get on him though too man like quen gota get on him bro like are you saying Quin over there looking like huh I will I will agree with Mikey with is if he hurt you need to sit him down there yeah I agree he he probably shouldn’t have

Played was hurt his shoulder shoulder his ego was hurt that’s why he kept shooting and jacking like that you right like like we was saying that that don’t make sense if Hur why he keep shooting the ball because he’s stupid but the thing is bro Trey Trey problem to this day and from

Day one has always been also it’s also the good thing about CH is that he wants to show up he wants to put on a great stuff like that he just don’t know that you can still have a great game playing within the game yeah and we should have already known

That it was either gonna be a great trade game tonight or a horrible trade game game tonight he coming against halberton who was being called the best point guard in the league who is leading and assisting you who’s killing you in Allstar votes I mean you second behind

Them not no you know you’re not second I think Dame second Dame first third Dame second H is uh halberton is um first or whatever but all that comes to play knowing Trey bro like yeah he came out trying to like you feel me but as a

Coach or I I’ve said this before we need a player or a coach who ain’t scared to trade man who just ain’t scared of Trey I mean Nate was scared of the little [ __ ] but you know y’all got you know they got rid of him they mad at him because Nate triy

To make his butt get up and come practice and go through shooting round stuff whing and all that bull so you know he gone but Quin came in and he doing the same scary stuff somebody gotta say something to bro and one of the teammates I don’t need y’all doing

That that passive stuff putting your head down and and all the other buy say something to the [ __ ] just simple as that J say something I Mike I think Deon said something to him I promise you man that this is a rotation they play together for the

First three minutes first three or four minutes Trey go out the jonte out there all right the jonte come out around two or three minutes left in the quarter Trey play and then around six minutes left in a half they play together they don’t play together guy like like

They telling me you say something I want y’all to observe this look at the game not just body language between them because I’ll see Trey come up and help him out the floor when he got fou I didn’t see the Jon do that for Trey also when they’re ending out the

Game at the beginning of the season and then last year Tre be sitting right beside Tre and de jont be sitting right there beside each other okay they used to now when they come out of the game and they go all the way or they’ll start right at the beginning of the

Bench the other person is always sitting at the at the other end of the bench now when the other person in the game that person goes all the way to the other end of the bench so when they come in like when they come in dab other time about whatever ain’t no

Dabs y’all need look at that I’ve been looking like lar Larry Larry what my my my degree starts with a P but it’s not psychology I can’t get into the details of what is what is what you see and what I can’t I can’t get into that

All I can say is they don’t fit together and we we all see that Larry what is sound like you telling me is if you say anything to trade you gone what didn’t him and John Collins fall out when JC said to him in the locker room one time so if you

Saying they fell out cuz Murray said something him and Nate fell out because Nate said something look like if you say something to Trey he G to get your ass up out of here I can’t disagree with you I can’t speculate but but I will say this farell I I I’ll say this

Uh I don’t think personally I like that de Jon say something but I can’t have somebody who went like 10 straight games are barely making 15 Points no I’m talking about this is back like this was back before he dropped low this was like before the PDS or was it after but I’m just saying like if you can’t if Trey can’t be open to somebody saying something to him well well I do think I do think that

Trey do not take criticism well because he has that Napoleon syndrome you know what I’m saying that small man syndrome so he’s always gonna take offense somebody when somebody try critique here and it’s the same thing he tried to repeat what Isaiah Thomas said about you

Know you know I’m a playmaker on the other day when they said you know down turnovers he kind of regurgitated what Isaiah Thomas said you know what I’m saying trying to get himself out because you know a lot of people saw that what did he say oh

Basically said you know I’m a playmaker so I try to make move you know I try to make more play and risk your passes because I know I can you know I know I can squeeze those passes there some passes I gota live with know what I’m saying but other

Passes when they stealing then go down and he even said when they stealing and it turn to a fast break and I don’t stop the fast break I have to be better at stopping the fast break if it happened like that I can’t throw turnovers that

Lead to easy points you know what I’m saying if I’m trying to be aggressive to get my guys you know what I’m saying ball and I throw it turn over here there I can live with that because I’m trying to get my somebody somebody somebody um

Training Trey like he he he talk better sound good that look I I think it’s all a part of like I’m with I with foot in the fourth quarter regardless or if you say we’re train hit open people but they missed I understand what you’re saying man but

That’s not what foot is talking about foot is talking about the forever stagnation of our offense once we get in the fourth quarter it’s like either watch me Trey or watch me the Jon and at least the Jon was hitting he was doing his Trey young impersonation

Tonight I’ll give you that Larry it is it is somewhat I so in the last it isk you well I didn’t I didn’t finish in the last three or so minutes of the game but that’s not isolated to the Hawks that’s across the entire NBA with their best

Player in the last three minutes of the game up other teams dude I wish you stopped that it’s it’s what the NBA is nowadays you want to get ISO with your best the NB is the NBA isn’t what team does go is with their best player What

Team what team don’t go is with last Matt the difference is Matt you shouldn’t be going ISO with your best player when your best player is 510 51 that’s the difference because when you slap a bigger guy on him and then you have help on the backside or you

Hard double team him a is hard for him to pass out a double team B is hard for him to turn the corner or step back and do a shot because it’s gonna be heavily that’s why they’re saying that you know what I’m saying you can’t fall

Into the normal trends of the NBA when you don’t have a normal Trend player you have a anomaly on your team Trey young is an anomaly to be 516 foot even and to be able to score 28 points in a game that you can’t be no shorter than

Me is anomaly but it’s also easy to guard as long as you have a athletic big who can slide his feet and have someone over to come over the top but especially his teammates not not hitting their jumpers then what are you gonna do oh yeah JJ didn’t have a bad game either

But he really didn’t get the ball I think another thing is if he traded jonte uh not for fish heads and rice uh was looking around the leag I saw Jonathan kaminga is is like this run you looking for a 69ine maybe 610 Wing that’s athletic as get out they can

Hit a corner three I’ll trade him for Sadi Bay you know what I’m saying I don’t know if they want more I’m not but at this point I’m just saying they the same position that’s not me and my hater for Hunter I mean I’m just I’m just trying to think

Way uh cam Johnson and phy Smith uh outside of making I love cam Johnson but they not giving him up I highly doubt it who oh no no no right now cam Johnson don’t fit on that team I mean I I don’t know but I would inquire about it I think they might

Think that I’ll take I mean although although Larry y’all do complain heavily about um y’all do complain heavily about Hunter injury history and yet cam Johnson’s is worse probably but he’s a way player he’s a way better player than DeAndre way better that’s a bit of a stretch are you kidding

Me you want to look up you want to look up uh averages season by season don’t no I’m talking about your guy man you get to it Dam go for it hold on wait hold on hold on hold on I could be I could be wrong let me look let me double check

More than likely look at games play first I heard that phell let me see hold here 15 points 16 points 13 points 12 points nine points eight points career average of 11 I already know DeAndre Hunter’s career average is better than that but for the h what’s it h he 14 point

Something that’s better than 11 DeAndre Hunter 12 15 13 15 15 career average of 14 a game 14 is better than 11 last time I you got me there okay so know I I like cam Johnson but no if y’all gonna complain about hunter’s injury history cam Johnson

Ain’t it how many games play well hold on I complain about 100 in injury history and I’ll take Brandon Ingram how many games played games played uh I 100 63 23 5367 and so far this year 24 cam Johnson is 57 60 66 17 25 27 so all right

So I mean it’s not that far I think maybe cam Johnson can play eight to nine games you know more per year like that but it’s not it’s not it’s not as big of a differential as you think but I mean Larry Happy Days Ahead we about to we about

To man we trash we about to retour this we about to retour this roster I’m still not agree with that ret to but get it off I mean guys the only reason why I would look if we didn’t get San Antonio’s pick well we didn’t get all our pick we

Kind of stuck bro we trade Trey like I know people hate Trey I understand but we kind of in a no win situation to be honest we can’t even tank right because well we can take this year Larry we can get our own pick this year yeah

This year but there’s no one in the draft I was about to say that this ain’t that tank draft draft I know that other 19 year old he’s like a traditional Center more so but there some good Cent good seven Footers in well we’re getting close to be that

Bad uh to being the top five but again the NBA is a crap shoot on your uh like we should have been number one for Anthony Edwards but they [ __ ] us out of that yeah lay down cut out the light like that all right so uh I don’t know that’s how

Qu Mike Mike Mike Mike the problem right now is man I presume the two best players don’t play each other we have two different teams they don’t play with each other and right now the best thing about that game was the Jon muray I’m with you finisher I literally said

That in the Stream too like what you say I don’t know man huh what you said the stream you said you said the only good thing about that game is did D Murray increased his trade value that was it like that the only good thing about that game uh and that’s

Why I think we might be able to I don’t know man I’m just trying to think of what can we do to structure this team to get someone we’re never going to get back what we lost okay said he say say Trey uh Dre for Draymond oh

Man which might not be a bad thing to be honest that’s what I’m saying I’m like you might slick need Draymond come in here and uh swing on Trey one time like hey bro he gonna stop this dumb stuff man ain’t nobody else gonna say

Anything to you but I’mma say it this is you you playing [ __ ] you playing real dumb like you think you might be step step don’t do this dumb crap that you doing I mean what I will say is is that we don’t have a Tre is the only Alpha on this team and Unfortunately I really think like first of all second op really JJ how Trey you think Trey a alpha yeah he Alpha M just because he not 6’4 and he can’t just because he just because he take all the shots and handle the ball start I don’t know I just wouldn’t

Necessar classify him as that he just I mean he dominates the ball ball D I would say he’s the only mentally well JJ a little bit but I say he the only mentally tough player we got you know what you think Trey is mentally tough

You uh I I would say so well I disagree with that I don’t think Mike he’s not he the only player that gets to the free throw line he the only player that step up in big games that’s two different things though it’s not M no it’s not I don’t know how do

You define it pharoh I I I don’t know if I necess call him referee in the face that’s more that’s more being a dog than a Alpa but you okay so you g so you mad at DJ for going up to ref and calling out [ __ ] but Trey always crying to rest a

Sign would say that uh I wouldn’t have a problem with DJ uh pushing the ref or whatever he did to the ref if his game backed it up on the court the let me address this let me let me address this DJ stuff right quick so no matter how fans feel about him

Whether they want him trade it where he suck where all this other [ __ ] you can’t find one of his teammates who said [ __ ] bad about him they always talk about they like him so I’m saying you can’t I’m saying the hwks can’t be like oh well we F trade

And think everybody else who love him on the team just gonna be happy about it it’s not it’s it’s not a personal thing it’s a business thing he just don’t cherry cherry cherry is not mentally tough and he ain’t no Alpha I mean I I agree to disagree with some of

Y other fans who who who believe that Tre is mentally tough and and and in the alpha part of the reason why I don’t believe he’s mentally tough because I just said it the other not too long ago going into this game Hawks fans we should have known that it was either

Gonna be a great trade game or a horrible trade game why because we know how he does when it comes to him trying to proove or show up and you know what the match up was halberton is called basically the best point guard in the league right now all the other stuff

Trey I mean I can’t trust him to do the right thing bro when it comes to like you know uh somebody who’s perceived on his level or told or said that or or or is said to be better than Trey he he he doesn’t do right in those situations

Like he goes away from making the right decisions bro you’re not mentally tough when when when like like certain situations going on and you still trying risky behind passes or you shooting deep behind threes or somebody just splash three in your face and you come down the

Court and jack up a three that’s not mental toughness you getting caught up into yourself and and what’s happening to you and you think you gonna get it back and stuff like that and then the other stuff too though bro I a seen too many [ __ ] try trade and everybody else

Be like what the team at where the team at bro Trey get tried because folks know that he ain’t gonna do nothing he got to do something himself look bad help bro you ain’t G stand up for yourself bro I’m sorry bro it’s for anybody unless it’s like my

Blood family but anybody else bro like we be pops bro I ain’t never swinging for nobody you know what I’m saying like you you swing and you in it then okay we in it I’m gonna be with you but I’m not going to do it for you to jump off or

Whatever bro like that you to initiate it they tried you I got your back though but they tried you not me they tried you bro Jimmy put his hands around that man neck man bro Man Jimmy would have got drop kicked in the knee the next time he

Come down the lane or something like that or he driving some bull bro like something would have happened I mean Trey he go least know that he got I mean it ain’t gonna last too long it’s gonna get broken up at least have that at

Least fake it Trey at least fake I mean Mike that Mike that sounds that sounds real good Mike I’ll give you that sounds real good Mike if he don’t if he don’t he know if he do something to get disqualified we cooked bro who cares we cook now we suck

Now fact of the matter is bro like I said somebody put their hands around my neck bro [ __ ] forget this game you know what I’m saying especially if the refs Ain did something about it to eject this person forward man forget this game bro forget this game and hell that was a

Playoff game [ __ ] put his hands around my neck bro come on man no bro like like no like Trey Trey I mean I I rock with Trey and everything like that though but n he’s not he’s not he’s not what you know like like no no he’s not man he’s

Not and I I do not hate Trey what I hate is basically you know I’m saying fans and stuff like other people like capping for dumb stuff bro like that’s the part that I hate like the stuff I yeah I think to me I think people are conflating him

Being the best player with him having to be the leader or him being an ala you don’t he can be the best player and not be those other things exactly he the best player on our team he he he our franchise he he the star player no doubt

But I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t see I don’t see Trey as a as an alpha I don’t see him as a whatever you want to call it and I don’t think anybody in the league see him as that not the players other players don’t see them like that

You know what I’m saying like no man I mean that or I mean hey I I’ll give it to y’all if y’all definition of an alpha on the basketball court is Trey then you know I guess that’s just modern basketball but I’m not trying to compare him like

Jimmy I think that’s what you’re thinking about what I’m thinking about is is that since he’s the soal best player on well not so-call he is the best player on this teene uh and since he like to go to the line or what he’s the best finisher on this team which is

Sad when he 511 uh also uh what I will say is people don’t like treey because he’s cocky that don’t mean that they don’t think that he’s not one of them dudes because if they didn’t they wouldn’t be double double teaming him like that they wouldn’t be designing

Boxing one defenses for him if he was so we got to keep it in contact I don’t want to get like Matt and try to give him excuses but what but what I will say is we can’t sit here and and just be blind to the fact that they playing a box in

One against Trey because we really ain’t got no no Hooters on this te not I’m but really if I’m playing against the hulks the only Trey the only person I got to really shut down so at all it’s just for just for me because you are an offensive scorer and teams

Have to defend you and pay attention to you that doesn’t make you mentally tough or an alpha no I’m not saying Mally tough I know you not you just saying not to gloss over the fact that teams like teams respect this game and they throw

Everything at him to try and stop him or slow him down yeah but you said that they don’t respect him like that and that’s where I draw the line I think no no no no me saying they don’t respect him like that it’s not no no no no it’s not it’s

Not of the game it’s not even on the street or nothing like that well it’s whereever the street on the court or whatever no players do not respect him like that I don’t care however long you watching the NBA players would tell you this this what anybody they try folks

That they know they can try bro they try that they know they can try simple as that Chris Paul life in general Chris Paul ain’t looking around for teammates to come save him if somebody simply Pat him on the head okay that’s fair yeah that’s definitely fair yeah yeah yeah yeah Trey

Got the Chihuahua syndrome yeah that’s all my point is whatever but as far as the basketball part and everything and hoofing and scoring all that yeah most definitely you got to pay attention to Trey you got to stop Trey that’s the number one thing when you

Playing the H stop Trey and yeah like like his game wise like I said I mean I think Trey is a great playmaker he’ll be even greater if his butt stop the risky passes and I hate that he’s excusing himself or trying to make sense of his

Risky passes like bro you need to stop it you need to stop it and you definitely need to stop it in winning moments and closing moments don’t try no risky pass my dog Point Blank period like don’t do that crap not in this point in time of the

Game you still gotta mature a little bit in that area I see yeah we gotta get some more people like that finish solo I miss Solo solo stood up for him man you know but well I just look at it like man uh I feel that I do feel like what I

Don’t think he’s no I think I think we have two different things about Alpha I don’t think he’s a Jimmy Butler type of alpha saying I don’t think just because you’re not an alpha me they don’t make him a [ __ ] either I ain’t call him a

[ __ ] yeah I’m not saying that but I’m not quite looking for him to be Jimmy though I feel like Jimmy would be the quote unquote like you know what I’m saying I guess top example of somebody who you know what I’m saying or whatever in today’s game being a certain way but

I I wouldn’t expect him to be you know like I said a Jimmy I mean like I said I brought up Chris Paul Chris Paul small and short but bro let let let let somebody try him Chris Paul gonna do some short [ __ ] stuff bro he gonna jab

You in the nuts or something nut check so he gonna punch you somewhere you gonna do something dirty within the game to get back at you because he ain’t taking that you feel me that’s all that’s all 100% you gota let these F know bro you gota let them know you know

What I’m saying like no man like y’all y’all I’m not the one to be playing with like I will get back at you yeah even if you just going down the CTIC right in the chest you take the T take it bro sometimes you just eat

That what was that down there for boy you ain’t gonna play me like that bro plain and simple cuz like what you talking about somebody just bumped them you feel me like that’s an example of something just going down the court okay I got you next

Thing and then if I do get c i well I’mma eat down it is what it is you know what I’m saying help me eat that I eat it so yeah no I but you know Trey not being an alpha and and standing up for himself and this and that and

Everything is not the reason for our record say that but it ain’t why we suck it ain’t the reason for our record yeah no no no no I mean look man uh that game right there solidified um that we gonna be sellers if we had one glimmer of hope of trying

To be buyers they’re out the door with a almost 40 Point loss I thought they put a a statement out they were sellers anyway they like the one with somebody else they’re very they’re very open to shopping the jante so now it’s rumors about it up you know they possibly

Change and anybody hear that the Jon office say that again he did mean one what’ you say Larry I heard that on De jante changed with no more he changed what I hear you my bad requ got a new um agent oh and that’s what happened with the O

Anobi and RJ Barrett deal like they both changed um agents and then they got the deal done so I don’t know but I know with clutch I didn’t look it up you know I just got through my stream then I you know trying to get my I know it’s sign

Of our dysfunction that he just signed less than a year ago and he ready to go oh okay was okay was being able to go who’s to say it’s not mutual that’s my point how you how you just signed less than a year ago and you

Fine with being traded not that you got traded accept it it’s still bad you know they want to let you go and you okay with it you can want phoh look if you want me go you get rid of me that’s different than you telling people you getting rid of me and I’m

Like good get rid of me pharoh no he wants to be gone man like but but I’m telling Pharaoh you can get a model and you can want the model you get the model and then a year later you like H I don’t think I want the model anymore mat what different what’s

Your point so I’m saying so it to to say he wants out or whatever the casee may be no I’m saying he’s okay with them it’s not like they just trading him and he find out he got traded they said we’re trading him and Murray is like

Cool no I got you I got I got you but I’m saying it’s it could be very much mutual as well that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter bro y’all know the Jon like is still bad he took all his like social media with Hulk

Up off social media and he did that about a week ago nobody care he could go tonight hey man don’t like I said people do care fans may not the first thing y’all generation do when y’all done with a thing is go and erase all team affiliation that’s

The first thing y’ do man it’s funny man like why they be doing that no like I mean look I mean I at the end of the day at the end of the day if we move him in my opinion we’re a better team so no matter how we

Depending on for what if we no if we get three first round say we do the New York deal and they give us I don’t know who and three first round picks or two that ain’t a better team as of right now unless you can flip them

Picks if you trade Murray for a wing right and you get two first you got Kobe you can slide in there and maybe you’re not better at this season but going forward when you can consolidate those picks and players into something else mat that that’s speculation bro we talking about right in

Now what are we what are we trying what what are we trying to do this year what’s the what’s the what are we what are we oh so so we so we gave up on the year already what it look like I just need a clarification no I’m not saying we gave

Up on the year I’m saying what’s the what’s the end goal it doesn’t matter bro we we tank and we trash I mean it doesn’t matter last year these [ __ ] was telling me we only five game we F go on a big run we only this many games

Under 500 now we can get rid of somebody and just be ready for next year a couple years down the road going on the run too yeah Matt said that too we suppos been going on the run right I mean look the trade deadline is ask about tra deadline

I said we supposed be starting start starting Wednesday Murray can be traded starting Wednesday so that what I’m asking that’s not what I’m asking you said can we still go you asked can we still go on a run and I’m saying if we move DJ a got [ __ ] to do with the trade

Could said we FNA go on a run before you even heard anything about trade man you is if we move DJ we can go on the Run man I’m about hear that but come on Matt be real bro I I I I I was mistaken about

The overall fit of the team I thought the team would be able to fit better whatever whatever and there’s nothing we can do stuck I ain’t talking about that I agree it’s a weird fit cuz they both guards but I’m saying if you move somebody and just bring in random

[ __ ] that’s not going make the you a’t got find the damn excuse anyway we we’re we’re nothing what the Pieces Just just don’t fit I mean it doesn’t [ __ ] matter bro it’s nothing you do hey man for real though for real though stop just saying [ __ ] just to say [ __ ] for

Real I’m just I’m just talking about what you said I’m just I’m just asking your where you at I just told you I acknowledg that the parts don’t fit what you want me to say they don’t fit I didn’t ask you that that’s not what I asked

Did said I made a comment about you about a run Matt exactly you ask me about us making R the Run does it the Run looks unlikely because move on it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it’s it’s a it’s it’s a pain in the ass to

Talk to you bro for real you know we you not to have this good conversation but you just talking me making up [ __ ] man just stop please I I I I don’t don’t I can’t make it more simple than I’m making it no you’re making it stupid

Come on man I’m trying to I don’t know I can’t be more okay you got it you got I can’t be more simplistic than I’m being that’s right move on that’s fine that’s fine so hey Larry Larry still here Larry what’s what’s that number now let must steep off probably the

Kids yeah CA I think we we still at two we got a couple more game I think it was two and two so it would be what two and three now we got how many more games before what talk about I said we gonna win two out of them whatever it

Was yeah I think I was optimistic and said four yeah I mean it’s a [ __ ] show man that’s all it is this whole this whole organization yeah trash yeah whole organization suck bro that’s the issue the organization just trash bro frustrating man the H A that’s

The that’s all I’m saying not not the players not the coach the whole damn thing the H ain’t the whole thingy really quit on that’s crazy bro you I don’t see how Matt don’t see that they quit man that [ __ ] Matt see that know I didn’t say quit quit they

Quit on the franchise today exactly so I don’t see what’s the difference in qu no Queen in franchise that’s everybody because because to say they quit on Quinn isn’t he part of the franchise mat isn’t Quinn said as you would say that’s speculation I’m not speculating we’re not speculating we talking about

What we saw you’re speculating you’re speculating you didn’t see you didn’t watch it no M already me that they quit already that they quit now he make up some more [ __ ] anyway next I told you man that [ __ ] you’re making an assumption that they quit you said they

Quit too you agreed or they quit tonight they didn’t quit on the coach man like I don’t understand like you said hold on that hold on no let me if they quit tonight what did they quit on they quit on the coach tonight bro they didn’t want to because I don’t

See how you saying they quit but you not what did they quit on what did they quit on B they quit on the team but to say they quit on the coach means Quin is a part of the team to say they quit on a coach it’s

More you have to have more evidence than one game I don’t think no hey man don’t don’t ask this add no more question right now for real you got you because that that that’s a that that that is a accusation to make without evidence got

How many games you need Matt if they get blown out consecutively in three two three games in a row they’re T they’re tuning they’re tuning Quinn out or something you know we got you know we got Philly okay so if we get blown down did that

Count I mean yeah like I said if it’s a multiple game stretch where you just see they have no they have no nothing they quiton that’s all that is to it they quit tonight okay [ __ ] how many teams in a row [ __ ] all this other the

Point is they quit tonight that’s hey I would have no I would have no problem with yall saying that but you you jump to they quit on the coach we we we quit talking about because you because you don’t like [ __ ] man serious this [ __ ] getting old you you you I have no

Problem I would have no problem if you said they quit but you jump straight to the coach oh they quit on the coach because you don’t like the coach hey can I quote the great philosopher E I said lay down and I’m bule your BR yeah that’s what the hwks did

We awful mik in theage mik in the garage shoot I guess I should be if I’mma use that if I’mma use that logic Indiana quit on on Rick car out earlier this year when they lost by 50 to Boston it’s a difference in the amount of you know we ain’t talking about just

Because of the points you talk about how they play tonight hey man at one point won’t we down like 40 some points today but like I said if Indiana lost by 50 a lot did they lose thank you for it did they lose by Quinn show

Effort how could you lose by 50 and show effort n you can’t lose by 50 and show effort how how how the two don’t I’m saying that’s the whole point that phoh 40 points today that’s the whole point that Pharaoh making that’s the whole point he

Making yeah they quit is that you yeah you lose or whatever because you never gain no effort no I they quit I I I agree that they quit but I’m saying to jump straight to the coach and say they quit on the coach I I’ll make you feel you know like

Like you you you’ll be happy about this put it like this I agree man I wouldn’t just solely put it on Quinn because all the news today all the stuff leading up to today of the speculation then basically it get confirmed today that’s just horrible on franchise or whatever

It’s I don’t know how many times I said things it’s a bad recipe that’s all it was for me in my opinion I feel like yeah as a team I feel like they quit they quit on the franchise you know what I’m saying I mean I know some other guys

Going straight to the coach and stuff like that though but like even DJ bro like I’m pretty sure DJ thinking to himself after being here for a little while now was like this is some bull like the Spurs were not on this type of dysfunction yeah we sucked but I knew

What the front office was doing what their plans were and X Y and Z here I don’t know what in the world is going on and what is the direction what is happening and I don’t blame DJ if you feel that way I mean I I definitely for

For a player he he pretty much the only one on this team Who Came From Another franchise that you’ll say Obviously is better you know what I’m saying ba came from Detroit and that you know you see Detroit right now so it’s like you know

B just like hey whatever it is what it is but as far as DJ go bro this I’m pretty sure this has been an experience for bro and then he’s like I don’t know what like this is wild he missed pop he was ready to leave pop he said it in that

Interview he felt like pop was holding the back I at you he looking at it now like Dam no I remember when DJ uh when he kind of when he he didn’t really say it say it but basically he was talking about how much disciplined and how much

How organized it was over at the Spurs and then when he came over to the Hawks he just it just kind of threw him off because it’s chaotic as [ __ ] it also think also think that he a part of him coming to Atlanta and wanting to be here outside

Of him and Trey being cool and talking and hitting it off of Woot The woot was Nate McMillan you know what I’m saying like I really think that he you know I’m saying saw n McMillan as as someone yeah anybody can you can debate the coaching

And all this type stuff though but I believe that he respected and looked at N M Miller as as something again especially since he was on the Seattle suic Yeah Quin is from Seattle he he knew about Quinn high school was all American yeah okay no I’m not saying no one say he disagree with I’m saying and I’m keep it a 100 with you Matt in the picture yeah that’s yeah t I would bet

My life that DJ would say he relate to Nate versus quenn I bet my life on I don’t know about that Mike he said when got that he was real happy about it because Quinn’s a Seattle guy like he’s Hey Hey DJ DJ was saying the right thing

And he reached for something to sound good and to make it all sound good because if that was the case Larry why is he people saying you know he want to go and did coat and all this that obviously that was very short live so he basically didn’t know anything about

Quinn so he looked at and he like me or something shoot you hire somebody that’s a Georgia guy or whatever I don’t know him like that but I’m like yeah bro you know I’m RO with but I’m no this [ __ ] lame bro I can’t work with him he

Suck I wanted to has four judgment just real quick all I wanted to say is that the game been over for how long I wasn’t even on the court I’m nowhere near Atlanta or Indiana and I feel like I got jumped tonight I still feel like I still I

Still that [ __ ] was bad T you I still feel I’m like looking for ice packs and T you either you either hurting somebody or you nose hurts my head hurts my man I feel like I got beat the [ __ ] up tonight and I’m I’m and it’s the game’s been

Over and I was nowhere near that damn court and I’m that’s why this the first thing I I’ve been I’ve been sitting here the whole time I ain’t said [ __ ] for like an hour and 30 minutes just sitting here looking like what the [ __ ] just happened I still don’t know

What happened I agree with all y’all talking about how they gave up they threw everybody on the trading block right before an important ass game that was weird as [ __ ] must done like 30 lines of coke like right before the game I’m sorry that [ __ ] is always funny

To me I don’t know what the hell I don’t know man I need I need a few days to recover after this oh God on the anders was ready to kick my ass the other day when I made a uh drug joke about Queen hell yeah I wanted to commit some

Crimes especi yeah that’s I mean that’s just a crazy ass game to like like even if the even if you on the even after all this [ __ ] like you supposed to take all that out on the court and them [ __ ] just didn’t they didn’t show up they didn’t hurt

Nobody yeah that [ __ ] was crazy bogy got he almost got his nose broke that [ __ ] was crazy but so I yeah all I’m GNA be anything I say is gonna be like flustered because I’m still flustered I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened 150 we only scored 116 what the

Hell that was crazy we we was halfway through the second quarter and only we still under 30 they don’t even play defense like that I was like not how we under 30 and it’s like seven minutes left in the uh second half first half I mean and I’ve

Been bigging up Trey for his defense all year and tonight he went he was like I’m not I’m not guarding [ __ ] Trey was like I ain’t guarding [ __ ] I ain’t making no damn [ __ ] I ain’t passing the ball oh boy has six assists yeah they they chose a bad game Trey

Chose a bad game to be completely horrible and the team chose a bad game to just lose because it’s a conference game and we suck and yeah we need to win whatever and Trey yeah it is the matchup you’re going against halber like his team whooped you and you bald out like

Bro don’t you know what I’m saying don’t add to the fire of the fact that like you know what I’m saying people drop droing you so low as a point guard reing than us as Hawks fans we defend you I know Hawks fans probably think that I

Don’t like T but trust me I defend Trey none stop when I’m you know talking to nun fans you feel me like I I I do you know because they gloss over so much and stuff like that and just Attack Trey so it’s like no it’s not like that but yeah

Man this this this was a horrible this this this add fuel to the fire that you know I I was just having to go at it with a guy earlier a Memphis Grizzlies fan you know what I’m saying he talking about it and stuff like that he texed me

I’m like bro like don’t talk to me about my Hawks if you ain’t mentioning the owner in the front office like don’t just go straight to blame and Trey don’t do that bull you know what I’m saying or whatever and us is Hawks fans we know the bigger picture like we know

Everything to go into it but yeah tonight sucks even as Hawks fans defending trade like tonight sucks man tonight sucks yeah was awful bro yeah that’s that’s probably his worst game right there like he missed like his first seven shots BR he was missing layups I’m like

God damn he missed some more free throws tonight didn’t he I don’t know what’s up with free throw bro I mean hor match up in my opinion huh much on it it was kind of like that 30 point remember trying to set the record for 30 and 10 that was

Chicago game yeah I knew we was gonna I knew that was going to be a trap game CU I was like he trying to set this record he going to come out gunning and yeah he came out gunning cuz he facing halberg you know what I’m saying so it

Look it’s just bad man that’s a game you just flush down the toilet you take your trip you leave Indiana as soon as possible oh we taking the flight out we taking it out tonight bur Co oh orando to a degree I ain’t mad at Trey because all y’all [ __ ] talking about H

Burton is H Burton Matt you need to listen to me man Quin ner is a fraud bro on I don’t know why mat can’t agree listen to me mat I don’t want you to hang your hat on this guy he a loser dog the Theon words are

Strong but you should be able to G with my sentence of Quinn is overrated how is a man was the highest second highest what highest or second highest I don’t have it in front of me win percentage in the Western Conference the last six years he

Didn’t forget how to coach what do you have to show for it though we not talk about that Pharaoh we saying he won a lot even we’re not even in the playoffs so that part of the conversation isn’t relevant very right but don’t you play the regular season

For the playoffs 60% of his games in the regular season he didn’t forget that okay man I don’t they don’t give Awards or championships or medals or Rings or anything for winning in a regular season but is I’m not saying he’s a bad coach I’m saying he ain’t did

[ __ ] I’ve been telling y’all that he loser that’s not that not it’s separate from what we talking about but is Jovan Mitchell a better number one than Trey young that’s what you have I don’t think so I don’t think no number playoff number regular season number number of 30-point games

Number of 40o games number 50 point nothing suppos think I think Utah I think Utah made Quinn look good as well and people sleep on that especially Matt because again what I continue to say man like it just it helps more when your points and your leading score is coming

From basically shooting guard it’s literally labeled shooting guard you feel me like you supposed to do that at that position and then you have a point guard who’s not doing that who can facilitate it because if it’s coming from not your point guard the decision

Can be made if they get the ball or not they’re not always getting it from end to end bringing it down it’s times when Trey do try to going to Trey mod literally nobody can touch the ball because it can start from him bringing it down getting from inbounds or getting

It from somebody after they get the rebound he comes down and then he goes to his thing shot nobody did everybody just went down the court and just jwed back for absolutely no reason the more you do that listen to the more you also the more you do that throughout the game

It’s lame 14 te and the teammate me going from one end to the other end for basically nothing you know what I’m saying that that that sucks but like I said D Mitch and also too yes D Mitch is short but same thing with the Obie thing

In comparison or whatever he is shorter or around say DJ height well they about the same height right DJ and Donovan Mitchell DJ oh yeah but height Jonathan Mitchell is inch taller than DJ’s two inches taller than no DJ’s taller than Donovan Mitchell but Don is

So much stronger than him so Mitch’s a bigger body listen to me listen to me I’m getting to my point Mitch is what 63 DJ 65 or Mitch 62 Mitch 62 DJ 64 okay so the fact that with Mitch with Mitch though yes it’s the strength Larry

You’re right but the main factor though with Donovan Mitchell or that type of player being at your two guard or whatever or same thing with Dwayne Wade who was technically a smaller two guard but not as small as Mitch is the athleticism exactly you got

Bunnies that in a sense add some hype to you you know what I’m saying so therefore he’s a better finisher and more of a threat of a finisher even into the paint even though he can do the so that’s the not you know that’s our flaw

In the sense with DJ but again the fact that that’s coming from off the ball and then on top of that a Mike connley you got a a better person to play defense which I always want to talk about and then ultimately blame DJ about it on the

Point of attack and then Rudy goldber is a three-time defensive player of the year and then what and then also too I mean let’s just not argue the fact that it’s just completely more of a better constructed team and um finisher I don’t necessarily know I can’t I don’t watch

Donovan in and out like I do Trey to try and say if he’s a quote unquote Alpha but if we going off of his basketball game looking to attack just like Trey you can say it the same way people say Tre is an alpha if you focus on the fact

That like they look to attack and they have no fear in that sense my my my issue is when I look at a team that you’ve described as you know the archo type of the team team similar as close to that is is Boston according to Pharaoh’s metric they won nothing they

Won anything I mean well T small team I could have a big team but current current you saying current Boston current Boston haven’t won anything today Boston as a franchise we know the story of that talking about talk but I will argue that not even argue bro

Boston is on their way though it’s just a matter of keep tweaking and you see they keep doing that even after making it to the finals or even the conference they tweak the roster still and they going but I’m I’m pretty sure Boston will win though you know what I’m saying

Like we obviously are nowhere close to it we ain’t winning is you’re nowhere near it at least Boston competing for it and will be competing for it this year their record is crazy I mean they’re balling bro yeah Matt to fix your mouth to compare the hulks to the um Celtics

Is is is wrong I’m about to say come on no no no no no no no I’m not comparing I’m not comparing the teams as currently constructed I’m just comparing results right because Pharaoh my man Pharaoh is a res guy and he’s okay see no I see where this is

Going you mat you know I rock with you but I think you think when I criticize Quinn saying he ass trash throw him out in the dumpster man I’m stating facts he has not won anything and some of y’ like I keep saying some of y’all act like he

Jesus and the next best thing since sliced bread I all that I juste end the podcast man let me drop the link in the chat if you want to come rap in the back with us he’s better than what we had there go to link if you want to come

To the after show come through when I say he hasn’t won anything I’m not lying about anything we up out of here man a terrible loss today I say lay down and un bra

atlanta hawks


  1. If Traes performance vs NY wasnt proof of being mentally tough, I don't know what is. They tried to spit on this nigga, called out his alopecia and everything. He has it in him. This team just sucks.

  2. damn, Trae trying to get rid of Quinn now also? dayammmm, how you get that poor performance and leading the team in minus, damn Trae, don't quit that obvious on Quinn, yet another caoch dead in Trae's hands! lol Respect to Trae though, Quinn is a ish coach!

  3. you want to fix the hawks? simple, fire Quinn and use Trae as huge trade bait and take some other teams young players and tons of first round picks! I don't believe you can win chip with Trae as your number one, real talk!

  4. Boy Larry gonna sit there and make up this fake beef on Trae and Murray . Demond I’m calling his ass out next show

  5. Atl is not a basketball city so it don’t surprise me that the Hawks FO don’t know wtf they doing & haven’t known for yrs unlike the Braves who made smart moves & FA signings & have recently won division titles & WS & still adding

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