@Utah Jazz

Walker Kessler explores UTAH 😍 | UTAH JAZZ

Walker Kessler explores UTAH 😍 | UTAH JAZZ

Something like that little Jazz tour 2023 on the road coming at you metah hydrate a professional athlete man my body is my job on the camera zoom in real quick real quick Tor Utah great state of Utah seeing the fans man seeing the kids kids going to go to some national parks get

Some work in make some memories go Jazz days are speeding by there ain’t no time to cry up things I really need like laying on CH only one I know the only one I know are these Scoops that’s good the Scoops give give us like a give us like a pregame speech man no I’m not doing that come on man I’m saving those Gabe Gabe you’re inspirational what you got for us I had a

Good hey me I’m like watch out for the car let’s go inside got my first stop here in Filmore go play some basketball some kids let’s get it [Applause] Good job buddy nice one man I need to learn some stuff from these guys making shot stuff good job man good shot I look like a little kid yeah a little bit I’m 12 everyone’s so nice here think the fans of Utah we get someone like you

I appreciate that we we want you to stay mean it means a lot [Applause] next time you believe in me maybe maybe okay all [Applause] right give me my push-ups give me my push-ups any July 20 birthdays July 25th it’s my mom’s birthday I’m July 26th yeah hold on what you

Say my birthday what’s it my birthday yeah July 26th what’s your birthday my hour his is after Christmas after Christmas mine too how about that well happy early birthday question do I need to get in the back or can I get in the front with the cool kill

I’ll be in the front oh man you good jazz on three 1 2 3 yes yeah he’s a really nice guy he he get DED from Full Court first camp for more in the books had a lot of fun got some good work in today kids were great let’s go on to the next place St [Applause] George good It Go all right everybody thank [Applause] you yep no bridge I’m good I get excited de fried mushrooms I got onion po only if I can snap y’all’s picture of course we have grandchild that you guys are the bomb you are the bomb Oh no I’m like okay I’m going in for a

H if I if I if I was going to say that I’m the coolest automatically makes me not the coolest so action speak louder than words appreciate it you should see me in my tucks n this is a great chair man I like you a good back oh back

Pop hey Ryan Elite do we got we got we got like lightly breaded chicken looks delicious I think that’s is that ham ham on top yes P cheese cheese melted cheese that’s good bro come on I give First grab bro you all are very very very thank you wow I’m feeling myself it

Was fun to be here with you guys I’m doing great have a day hey they said it not me you want to hold my baby awesome of course a good one you as well fantastic food was delicious I had like a Malibu fried sandwich like cheese

Ham some special sauce and then I had like a pineapple Shake fantastic great Vibes 10 out of 10 Kessler food spots tuning in I want to take you away deep into the country alone can’t do it I hate being tall man hey make sure to

Make sure to tell him break too hey Don it Don it Don it Don it y y just so you guys know I’mma let all of you down I will not be dunking not right now at least you’re going to let the kids down I will let the boo [Applause] boo

Boo you speak I to walk get it what’s your real name what’s my real name is Walker not a real enough name that’s my real name I have no my tall I am taller than Yannis you on him I have not yet still still working on that sure appre appreciate that man appreciate

Appreciate that all right if you make this shot I’ll give you $5 but if you miss it you got to give me $10 Deal I had my fingers crossed sorry about that your dad 66 how old are you you’re eight yeah makeing different now make it half court all y’all think I’m going to miss in three tries but I also didn’t shoot many threes y’all y’all are saying Miss

I got a lot of doubters in here that’s me [Applause] go ahead drop down give my [Applause] push-ups yep yep yep I think that’s wise I think that’s wise so all yall think I’m going to miss it it’s far granny shot it one shot all right I get one

Shot to make it in a basket all right all right oh yeah thanks guys thanks guys you just lost you were on that side you doubted me I’ll give you one sure why not tall than you you’re taller than me you’re not on what planet I’m playing oneon-one

Take it easy yeah yeah this where you get your work come here be like body and if you score I will give you whoever scores on me I’ll give you one of my gray shoes take up oh nice all right y’all get make it take y’all get make it take It oh no oh no oh I’m out of shape oh [Applause] no all right next Point [Applause] wins you ready you nervous a little nervous don’t be nervous oh oh out of bounds that’s my ball how do you want me to end it step [Applause] back oh great job guys great job great

Job first off give it up for that group of five they did great that was awesome what’s up man I’m not taller than goar goar he’s like two in just tall all right guys since I’m always in the back of pictures I’m going to take advantage can you’all part the red SE

I’m going to sit in the front right here someone help me out someone help me help me up help me up help me up pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull a there we go good job good job good job what’s your question are

Youall do I play basketball I do play basketball do you play basketball you don’t play I like this you’re that tall okay I’m like this tall yeah yall got a full poster of it this is a big one it is a big one I want

Like Mom over here you want me a sign right here yeah I on the leg Gotcha I mean it’s been fun it’s been a lot of fun the kids have been great Walker’s been aw awesome um got up early this morning got some work in uh ready to get off on the road and head to Monroe day two it begins got some work

This morning beautiful day on the road going to Monroe I believe so yeah let’s get It I just touched him I just touched him oh what’s up camera my name’s Nash howdy it don’t matter you see that guy in the middle say hey Chris you’re you’re a you’re a loser Los on Walker your shoes on TI Go why would you look [Applause]

At we get him next time yeah we’ll get him next next [Applause] time he 3 W let’s see if he Mak it [Applause] Or to miss [Applause] it [Applause] Give me my pushup let’s go yeah H have faith have faith have faith trust me trust me I get one shot to make it in a goal in a goal y’all ready believe in me y’all didn’t believe in me can you dump without jumping no you will never miss a shot

I’m never going to miss a shot no that’d be pretty cool no I can’t D you just who did did that wasn’t me that was no it somebody else it wasn’t it wasn’t me I don’t know who it I think it was this kid no it’s

Chris Chris you done no they said they want to see get Alle though [Applause] ch was [Applause] W I it e Um I like because he’s an NBA player and he’s just and the Jazz has been my biggest like my favorite team from so I’m just really glad I I got Camp number four done here in green R Utah beautiful scenery never seen anything like it super exciting a little tired but doing

Great on to the next where are we going next Mo Moab oh Moab might have something special for you later little Che all right my name is Mike and I like the party with big Iron tour company uh we do off-road excursions we go see artifacts all that cool stuff send this

Truck up some near vertical climbs pretty routinely fully loaded uh today we’re going to be taking out some of the Utah Jazz family can’t wait and uh yeah we’re going to hit fins of things a little bit of Hell’s Revenge hopefully if we got time see we’ll see where we end

Up walk nice to meet you man what’s the dog’s name that’s Brutus Brutus hi Brutus Brutus loves everybody you know me personally I’m going for the exciting seats like like am I like jumping up and on down and stuff or like but I still get to see

Stuff in the back have no issues yeah all right we’ll do that back huh I got to take spare out of the tire staring now how come traction hell’s Revenge sounds like a great idea make do dog’s like what yeah literally the best thing you can possibly do we’re going to all practice

This together cross body dig your fingers into your shoulder straps tuck your chin Close Your Eyes The Devil’s Back you get scared just close your eyes that’s what I’m doing oh no hey Bru is just on the yeah about 500 ft above Moab now that’s the Overlook sheer cliff

Let how close we can get it’s fantastic man oh part of the trail man it’s part of the trail I’m going to find some Wildlife go slow pretend like you need it ladder you going just step down back in now again we’re looking at a left footprint why is this left the right one’s right no cuz dinosaur left it there we all felt that one let’s get a picture of your whole crew in front of

The rig that’s a great idea great idea all Right guys day two is done out here in Moab beautiful I’m speechless getting a little emotional out here just man what what a day what a great way to end it starting off day three in the morning let’s roll out chilly morning 50 something deg but going on this

Height you know we’ll see we are exercising I haven’t cut my since I walk through door I walk everybody up at 5:30 a.m. good to beautiful so far about5 miles in so a lot more to go as you can see it’s beautiful I’m Walker kler and over there’s the Delicate Arch

We’re going to go check it out it’s been there for a long time Chris some theoretically maybe today’s the day I get disoriented looking up at I’m like fall back come on give me a wave No good stuff I know all good game you want to get in there I feel the safest I’ve ever been oh that’s dope really cool all the Delicate Arch got some pictures unbelievable I Manan there not a lot to say you know see all that man it’s just

Like who in perspective you know I’m a tall guy but I’m pretty pretty small in comparison so that was a good way to start the morning we got Clank MO lab and then we’re driving somewhere El Sal Lake City after that back home so good way to start it Continue hey everybody everybody everybody everybody how many of you want an autograph from Walker how many of y’all are willing to pay no I’m tall than you you’re taller than me touch my hand you’re close jump a little more you’ll get there you want high five come on get up

There oh get up get up five oh close oh good try that’s my hand too be like this hey give that hey and one it won oh sorry about that Team Four yep yep yep there you go that guy his name is Chris everyone say what do you want

To say to him you want to say anything to him talk trash Team Four Team Four Team Four give some high fives high fives high fives five give me there you go man Team Four you’re my favorite rookie team four I’m your favorite rookie yeah wow I am honored thank you

You’re my second favorite player and my first one is sexy thanks for being honest have you ever made a slam oh my God the head tap’s crazy about to be ball man box now you want get here we go here we go here we go here we go good job guys good job

Guys good job guys good job guys good job guys you’re really really at the goal huh you just kind of laid it up right there yeah great great coaching great coaching yes [Applause] sir oh you can do a one arm pushup wow I can’t do that he’s knocked out one one arm push-ups

14 15 15 absolutely clean win no cheating we did not cheat at all clean 15 no no cheating whatsoever like I did just didn’t cheat but I know Chris tried first and then he missed the layup how are you I’m 5’8 what are you doing to my team our team

Is the best our team is the best team in the world team four watch out man I appreciate if you take it seriously and then roll it through hey team five you you a cat now I don’t know what that is what we doing what are we doing Ring Around the

Rosie go go go go go go go my team is moving like molasses oh guys what are we doing here what do we got going on warm up warm up warm up we’re still not done there we go that was a warm it’s a warmup we’re warming up all right everyone everyone pay

Attention that’s to the left oh Bernard terrible roll it is a ball this is a ball that is true philosophy with kids it is a ball all right hold on your shoes on TI go go go go go go go thanks man do Z toally my team just WS get the the

Mechanics down first we’re very fundamentalist players want to make sure everything is the right way before we start speeding it [Applause] up I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything it wasn’t me it wasn’t me first of three minutes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] Oh some curls In yeah yeah all of y’all doubted me you score three points and if y’all score it’s make it take it I don’t I don’t get make it take it make it take it means if you make it get the ball back okay oh sorry all right ready you

Got to pass it in though you can’t shoot it you got to pass it in all right go oh oh [Applause] [Applause] No [Applause] good job guys good job good job good job good job good job good job good job you and him we’ll see we’ll ver take this picture all right hold me up there we go there we go I know I’m nasty better what’s that what is your preal

Pregame meal that’s a great question so I eat pasta with chicken broccoli and some marinara sauce There You Go y happy you do it man that is old school I like that Lally from like the 80s I know it’s Cool

In the summer of 2023, Walker Kessler spent three days running Junior Jazz kids across Utah through drills to develop the next generation of hoopers.

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  1. Come on Jazz, you've got something really special going on here. Don't trade these guys!

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