@Miami Heat



by bomac14


  1. ItsYaBoyBeasley

    lmao I just dropped and shattered my coffee mug like something out of a movie

  2. I’m fucking thrilled. A legit starting PG without having to give up a haul.

  3. pansexualpastapot

    I’m glad we got a starting PG….I hope he fits.

    I won’t miss Lowry, but I am thankful for everything he did for us over the last couple years.

  4. jbenson255

    Rozier Duncan jimmy Highsmith bam starting 5 👀

  5. TrickstarCandina

    I’m literally sorting out Yu-Gi-Oh cards as this Shambomb dropped

  6. Ferrero_gunners

    Call me crazy but prefer this over the Dame trade 10/10 times. We got rid of Lowry and kept our youth core. This is an unbelievable trade guys. PAT I’m sorry I doubted you

  7. TrashAssRedditAdmins

    Please don’t turn into Scared Straight Terry 🙏🏾

  8. BagelFury

    This team has been desperately short a legit PG since Goran; even then I’d classify Goran as more of a hybrid guard given his play. But a PG who can push transition, get Bam some looks (cuz let’s face it: he’s not great at getting his own looks), and maybe orchestrate a more fluid offense has been a glaring hole on this specific build iteration.

  9. surgeyou123

    He’s averaging 23 and 6. It’s a great move without giving up too much

  10. bershka321

    I was so against this trade a day ago but now LEEEEZZZZGGGOOOOOOOOO!!! Scary (Terry) hours!

    On a more serious note, thank you Kyle. Overall you never played up to your salary level but you had your moments

  11. Nice-Equivalent-1638

    Thank god we got someone before the trade deadline, we literally had no cards to play with and still came out with a hell of a good player.

  12. Candid_Sand_398

    H A P P Y ! They truly needed someone to help Jimmy & co. get buckets. He will help!

  13. rapelbaum

    Just waiting on regular ones telling me Micky is cheap and will never make this trade

  14. Positive-Media423

    The giant has woken up and will fight for the title again.

  15. Shiny_metal_ass

    I think him and Bam will mesh really well on offense once they get comfortable with each other

  16. ThickArepa

    I was a little concerned about the defense with Herro at first but then I remembered we were trotting Lowry out there who gave us no defense and no offense LETS GOOO

  17. I’m so thrilled they didn’t have to give up Jovic. Massive W

  18. Similar-Hospital3603


    Terry like

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