@Los Angeles Lakers

[McMenamin] Austin Reaves on the body language conspiracy theorists who picked apart D’Angelo Russell’s and Rui Hachimura’s moods after the Blazers win: “The social media world reaches for some things every now and then”

[McMenamin] Austin Reaves on the body language conspiracy theorists who picked apart D’Angelo Russell’s and Rui Hachimura’s moods after the Blazers win: “The social media world reaches for some things every now and then”

by daftmunt


  1. pinktwhite

    hold up lemme see who Austin is following on instagram

  2. Some players definitely participate in it, whether serious or trolling.

  3. La2philly

    Typical nonsense. Everyone thinks they’re an expert

  4. Tall_Succotash

    Honestly was super cringe coming onto this sub and twitter after the game and seeing people whining like kids and try to dissect every facial movement from these guys..

    Kpop Stan’s behavior lol

  5. WayneOnABeat

    Wait did DLo troll us with his shenanigans? If so, 👏🏼 well played 😂

  6. LegendKingX

    This sub is known for over reacting to almost every little thing but I guess It’s what happens when you have a big fan base. You even got other fan bases even clowning us for this shit. I wouldn’t look into anything until something significant happens.

  7. jurassic_snark-

    Good now just also dunk on the people calling our head coach Hamas and Hitler

    I don’t like him either guys but do better. Some of us have family affected and don’t want to be reminded every time we’re just trying to chill

  8. This can only mean everyone is staying and ham is being removed from this country

  9. gbcolor2024

    This reminds me of when Lebron broke the scoring record and AD looked upset and everybody was swearing AD was gonna get traded the next day

  10. AccomplishedAnimal69

    That was one of the weirdest days on here. If it was happening in-person or something, I would’ve looked for someone else who looked confused and asked them what the hell was going on. It was like somebody was about to die.

  11. uterbrauten

    At this point i’m going to just buy a newspaper to read the box score so I don’t have to deal with any of this nonsense on these threads.

  12. Js_On_My_Yeet

    Hopefully that mean he stay with AR and Rui.

  13. ephemeralfugitive

    I mean we got bodied but half the fun is going delulu as a fan when there’s no more game going on.

  14. This plus LeBron’s post defending Ham over the timeout has me laughing my ass off at this sub.

    Will they take this time to self reflect and reconsider just how much they speculate and hyperbolize? Almost certainly not, I bet. They’ll just hand wave this like they do every piece of info they don’t like/doesn’t fit their narrative. Be better, clowns.

  15. LebronsPinkyToe

    This isn’t even the craziest shit fans have done, weren’t people tracking Kawhis flight patterns during his free agency in 2019 lmao

  16. yearofthemishima

    People on this sub never heard of allergies dawg

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