@Philadelphia 76ers

Joel and Batum dynamic duo, combined for 75 last night!

Joel and Batum dynamic duo, combined for 75 last night!

by mastermind208


  1. lukelionsword

    And he has a sense of humour too? Stop man I can’t handle this anymore🤩

  2. HisExcellency20

    Batum is more responsible for those 75 points than you would initially think. He might be the best entry passer Joel has ever had, if not he’s right behind James.

  3. forthestreamz

    man we should’ve gotten this guy like 5 years ago

  4. birdbirdbird2000

    That man cannot retire, him and Pat need to come back next year

  5. HowzaBowdat

    lol who’s head is that awkwardly jutting into frame

  6. TruckinInStyle

    I see Batum as the Boris Diaw role on the championship spurs squad. Does what the team needs without needing the ball. Hits timely shots and a solid passer. Should be resigned.

  7. Wrong_Bobcat4464

    Exceptional post. Sign him for next season!

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