@Portland Trail Blazers

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (12-31) fall to The OKC Thunder (30-13) 109-111

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (12-31) fall to The OKC Thunder (30-13) 109-111

by Kazekid


  1. NevermoreSEA

    I guess this is what happens when elite tanking meets match fixing.

  2. Piano9717

    Here are some of my thoughts from this game:


    * Scoot looked great today. I mentioned in a few of these writeups previously that Scoot looked super indecisive and tentative when defenders gap him on the ball, and that he has to drive right through the defender to eat up that space when they treat him like that. Well, he did a tremendous job today not letting the defense take him completely out of the game by giving him the Ben Simmons treatment – he was able to still get to the rim and did a pretty good job finishing there too. The passing was pretty good today but the passing is always there – the question for Scoot is will he be able to generate rim pressure consistently? And today was a good step in the right direction.
    * I thought Brogdon had a pretty good game offensively. He was able to get to his spots, and use his crafty veteran tricks to get defenders off balance and score.
    * Jabari had another good game. His hustle and motor is unstoppable, and he has a pretty nice chemistry with Scoot. I also like that he shot 7 threes – even if the percentages don’t show it yet, it’s good that he was confident in his shot and shooting when open.
    * I thought Ant looked engaged on defense and had several nice moments of walling up SGA and forcing him into contested shots. He also didn’t have a great shooting night but I thought he did a good job taking mostly good shots and playing within the flow of the offense, letting everyone else get theirs, and then taking over in the fourth quarter.


    * Refs wtf was that ending? Holy shit that was awful. fuck the refs so hard.
    * Maybe unpopular opinion AND I AM NOT EXCUSING THE REFS but Chauncey’s gotta be smarter than to pick up 2 techs with 15 seconds left in a 1 point game. You’re not going to make them change the call.
    * Ayton played awfully on both ends of the court. On offense he was super tentative and wasn’t able to finish over guards in the paint, and on defense he struggled against the Thunder’s 5-out lineups. And for the love of god someone teach him to set a screen – if he actually makes contact on a screen he will get more wide open looks at the rim too. But these “screens” he sets don’t create any separation whatsoever and it kills the offense.
    * Ant struggled to read the defense out of the PnR sometimes – he threw a couple of bad turnovers where the help defender committed but he didn’t see OKC help the helper behind them.
    * Thybulle really struggled against SGA on defense. He’s so jumpy and his defensive greatness is predicated on being able to bait people into bad decisions, turnovers, blocked shots, etc. but he’s really jumpy and a patient player like SGA was able Thybulle’s jumpiness against him.

  3. clumsy_aerialist

    Sports betting ruining the game. Corrupt refs top to bottom.

  4. Expensive_Bass_6979

    Shocker can’t even get a shot attempt off

  5. What an infuriating ending to what would’ve been an awesome game

  6. Bieberkinz

    Two types of losses I will always hate: blowouts and bullshit.

  7. SlamDunkleyKong

    This is the most incompetent coaching staff ever assembled, and it’s going to impact the development of our guys before too long.

    *edit obligatory fuck the refs

  8. Thunder fan – we all agree. Unanimous reaction in our sub was you guys got refballed. Fuck the refs.

  9. skulkingskeleton

    Not going to be the talking point, but Scoot had a team-high +/- of 17 tonight. Not super efficient, but if he cuts down those jumpers and keeps improving his finishing he’s going to be elite. No doubt about it in my mind.

  10. Trailbleezers

    Why was Anfernee in on the last defensive play? Put Toumani and thybulle in there!!!

  11. rackemrackbar

    Portland got robbed. A loss is probably better for us, with a tank in mind, but robbed none the less.

  12. DopeBoyReek

    It’s crazy referees really don’t get held accountable for shit in any sport

  13. I want my league pass refunded asap if this is how the refs gonna treat the blazers every damn game

  14. BunkHammer

    Very cool of the refs to the throw away a great game at the end

  15. i hate people who blame the refs but that game pivot was 1000% due to the refs. horrific series of reffing when it mattered most. shame shame shame

  16. MurdocksTorment

    Double tech too. That game was absolutely stolen from the Blazers.

    Edit: Ant had a game winner stolen from him.

  17. Legalized gambling is killing any illusion I had that this sport is about actual competition. 

  18. jordygordy

    ever since that jg lob like two years ago won the game for us we literally do it all the time its so predictable

  19. DinQuixote

    Chauncey with the late-game MVP stealth tank heroics, but I don’t want to take anything away from the refs. They really came through.

  20. Benching scoot there in the fourth, I’m kinda glad Billups got tossed. Fuck outta here

  21. stfuUzifloating

    the whistle that Shai gets is sickening.

  22. FakeIt-To-MakeIt

    Sixers fan coming to say refs stole that game from you

  23. Pipelayer_290

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. WWE. this shit is rigged and refs are swaying games for money

  24. BehavioralSink

    I definitely will be canceling my season tickets for next season because the amount of booze I’m gonna need to get through the season is just not financially responsible to purchase at the games.

  25. We got robbed but embarrassing effort by ayton especially after how he was talking earlier today

  26. Dabstronaut

    Thunder fan here. We didn’t deserve that ball game. Hats off to yall.

  27. DreadPirateAlan

    i just can’t imagine a circumstance where chauncey and brogdon aren’t both calling timeout in that situation and i can’t understand how it wouldn’t have gotten called. even ignoring all that the fact they fuckin called double techs and ejected chauncey is ludicrous

  28. freshbrainstump

    Fuck the ref’s, at least the team was way more competitive this time against OKC

  29. CapitalWear3714

    Bro I had 1k on blazers would’ve paid out so much my knees are so weak

  30. rexter2k5

    There are plenty of reasons to hate on Billups. This game ain’t it. This was an OKC screwjob beyond compare. Man YELLED. YELLED for a timeout.

    The contact was incidental, it was totally natural and the refs jobbed him. I don’t even think Bill Kennedy can be blamed for this. Brandon Schwaub, your name is inked in my notebook.

    A lot of positives to take from this game, otherwise:

    * Scoot had one of his most efficient outings of the season.
    * Anfernee had blood in those veins.
    * Jabari is a full time starter. 4th double-double of season, career high in rebounds. Compliments Grant’s game so well.
    * Price of the Brog rising. Great game from him aside from the underthrown lob.
    * Bench mob came on and handed us control of this game, shame we didn’t capitalize.

  31. jewishunicorn

    Chauncey tank job master class. Best tank commander there is

  32. MattDaddyFatStacks

    I’m a Thunder fan but I can confirm they decided to make this one a soap opera wtf

  33. arbutus1440

    Okay first off FUCK THE REFS

    But also wtf is wrong with our coaching staff when it comes to set plays? What on god’s green earth were they doing starting Ant at the far edge of the court and only getting a single half-assed screen attempt?

    How is it not obvious that you get the ball in Ant’s hands no matter what?

  34. Life-Can3229

    Damn… a bad loss and a bad day for dame now that doc has been officially hired

  35. waterkisser

    I feel stupider having watched the end of that game.

  36. bassicallyinsane

    Fuck the refs, but holy shit it feels good to have a super competitive game against a team that’s blown us out by 40-60pts each time we played them this season.

  37. This sport is a fucking joke when it comes to the officiating holy shit

  38. OKC fan here, the refs just screwed the blazers. horrible ending

  39. DetroitWhat1992

    I’m sure you’ll hear plenty of this but from an OKC fan, that was awful. Billups called the timeout before the turnover and the ref simply wasn’t paying attention. Then two so-called techs. Neither of those should’ve been techs, but ESPECIALLY not in that situation. Disgraceful display from the refs. Sorry that happened like that.

  40. galvitr0n

    Everybody’s rightly complaining about the refs, but Chauncy’s gotta be more assertive with your timeout call in that situation.

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