@Miami Heat

Absolute music to my ears

Absolute music to my ears

by MediocreDVaMain


  1. UncoolAnon

    Pat Riley absolutely cooked with Heat on this one!!

  2. Well this is a pretty incredible statistical find. Definitely noteworthy

  3. smeaglebaggins

    from memory, since bam’s emergence, he didn’t have a good pg doing pnrs

    duncan with his limited minutes was the only guy that was able to utilize it

    make this work spo!

  4. MiamiNostradamus

    Terry can actually punish the drop coverage on a pick and roll…

    If they over commit, Terry can actually still drive unlike Lowry…

    BAM SLAMS off the Terry lobs in the pick and roll…

    Tyler Herro can finally play off ball and blossom in that Klay Thompson role….


  5. dreamerkid001

    Every single day I wake up and appreciate how much smarter Pat is than I am.

  6. alfredisonfire

    Rozier went from Nick Richards to Bam Adebayo 😂 it really is gonna be scary

  7. TheWizardOfDeez

    I mean I up voted the same comment, but are we really reposting comments from our own subreddits pinned post? Thats wild

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