@Miami Heat

🚨 Terry Rozier trade BREAKDOWN 🚨 Bobby Marks has the details πŸ‘€ | The Lowe Post

🚨 Terry Rozier trade BREAKDOWN 🚨 Bobby Marks has the details πŸ‘€ | The Lowe Post

But we’re going to start with apologies to Joel embiid I will wax poetic about you later because of scheduling issues we’re going to start with the Miami Heat in a deal I have alluded to on this podcast several times trading Kyle Lowry and a lottery protected 2027 first

Round pick which becomes unprotected in 2028 if it does not convey in the previous year for Terry Rosier who is quietly averaging 23 points a game for a for mentioned stinky Charlotte Hornets um and has three years remaining on his contract at 23 25 and 26 million the

Last one is mostly guaranteed we’ll just call it 26 Kyle Lowry is on an expiring 29.6 million contract really a disappointing end to what looked like a promising match between Kyle Lowry in the heat he is five of 30 in Miami’s last five games that’s his shooting

Percentage he has not scored more than three baskets made more than three baskets in a game since January 3rd he was benched over the weekend the Heat starting a point guardless lineup with Kyle Lowry coming off the bench and I think that did not go over super well

And the writing was on the wall for this trade once that happened and the timing therefore is not a surprise um in Terry roier I I I mentioned last week that I think this was a place he wanted to go I think he has no Illusions about being

The third and sometimes fourth offensive option on the team I think he understands my days of shooting whenever the hell I want are over and I think that’s promising for Miami because he can score he is only shooting 30% on catch and shoot threes this year 34%

Last year but if you look at the three years before that 39% 43% 46% he has been with the exception of one season two seasons ago a very consistent crunch time bucket getter for a bad team under incredible duress because the team has been so bad um and I think look the Heat

Have some questions here in terms of playmaking Terry roier is kind of probably a below average playmaker for a quote unquote point guard or even a hybrid guard but Kyle Lowry’s kind of pass and cut and transition playmaking had just kind of run its course the weaknesses had begun to outweigh the strength

Um and in Terry roier they get a guy who is only 61 but he has a 68 wingspan he can guard up in size he’s a two-way player and I think that kind of Fort a guy who can shoot threes and guard twos and ones kind of fortifies the Heat and

Prevents them from having to lean too much if at all on lineups with both Tyler herro and Duncan Robinson in the lineup two kind of weak spots defensively both both have been fantastic offensively this year I like this trade for Miami I like it a lot for

Charlotte I think it’s about as good as they were going to get one okay to good whatever first for Terry roier and it’s a signal that Rick schnall and Gabe plen and the new owners by the way Gabe plen a key character in the movie Dumb money

Which I just saw on a flight back from Los Angeles last week not a great not a great portrayal uh not a flattering portrayal for gay PL and did not know that he was on the uh one end of the GameStop shenanigans from years ago but a signal that they have the right

Approach to the team tear it to the studs build around the young guys more trades are going to come Bobby marks um I want to start here I want you to clarify a couple things in the bookkeeping this is what this is your just no one is better at

This than you the heat already owe Oklahoma City a 2025 Lottery protected first rounder that becomes unprotected in 26 this is a 2027 one to4 14 unprotected 2028 so two years exactly later and exactly mirrors the terms of it how many picks can Miami trade now ahead of the

Trade deadline and how many will they able to be able to trade after the draft this year and I asked that because this was a moment where the heat had to choose may maybe had to choose maybe not between do we keep all our draft all our remaining draft pick Equity dry powder

Dry for whoever is the next star that saysi want to go to Miami and we just saw that that doesn’t always work out because the Damen Liller thing didn’t work out maybe it has worked out for Miami but the star didn’t get there um it’s worked out fine for Miami honestly

I think um or do we expend some of the draft capital for an upgrade this year that gives this team that made the finals last year and has made three of the last four Conference Finals a better chance to compete with the big dogs in the East so where are they drafting

Equity wise for trades now and in the summer I I think it’s going to be interesting how they how the TR uh the the trade uh memo is going to be spelled out here because as you said um they owe Oklahoma City at first in 25 it’s got uh

Protected unprotected in 26 how the rules are you can’t trade in back-to-back years right it’s got to stagnate here um now if the you know has W had broken that it’s a 271 that’s protected Lottery that goes unprotected in in 208 um usually what how

It goes or makes sense is that if the pick is not conveyed in 2025 then Miami would get a 20 uh Miami would send at a 28 Lottery protected first that becomes unprotected in 29 and that changes things okay why that Chang right what you’re what you’re saying in

In plain English is that if you look at the mechanics of both of these picks there is a scenario where they would technically owe a 26 and a 27 which is not allowed correct exactly and that that changes the Dynamics because if if the pick carries out to

29 then for right now for this this current year up until February uh the trade deadline there’s no picks available to be traded okay because if you owe as far as how the um protection works if that changes and it says which I don’t believe so and we’ll get some

Clarification we get this memo if that says well it’s two years after the pick is conveyed and it just turns into an unprotected which I don’t believe Miami would leave themselves exposed in from that perspective then 2030 becomes available okay to do to trade at this deadline let’s roll to the summer okay

Let’s which is more interesting because yeah because I don’t I don’t see them putting something else and play unless something really and I don’t see a player that’s worth it for for them and you know Donovan Mitchell has been the hot name and as I’m going to talk about later

Caves are just winning every single game and there is no Donovan Mitchell trade going on right now so continue please so let’s let’s go to the night of the draft right and why that matters is that Miami has their own 2024 first that they can trade the rights to okay the rights to

That player they they strike a deal and then all of a sudden they will have their 2031 first available here because of the seven-year rule we look we look ahead right we don’t look back so now we’ll have two picks in play um you know starting uh starting the night of the

Draft well that’s not enough to outbid any number of teams for disgruntled star X that becomes available which is why we just saw another team that can’t it outbid the Thunder the Rockets the Pelicans and on and on the Nets even um for said player put their chip in the

Indiana Pacers for a player who is a a very good player but not a kind of blowup Twitter totally change the landscape of the NBA player and Pascal cakam and look maybe it doesn’t matter for a couple reasons number one the Heat play at a different game than 80% of the

League the Heat play the game of star Players Point to us whether it’s Jimmy Butler or Damen Lillard and say we want to go there and it happens in Jimmy but’s case at a price that you look back on you’re like how did they get Jimmy

Butler for just that or in the case of Damen Lillard the Blazers decide to say nope sorry we’re not we’re not granting your wish so they play in different Waters or conversely it may not matter because I was talking to a front office executive from another team yesterday

Who said to me you know the heat should just trade for somebody now on a minor deal because they don’t have enough to get a superstar anyway like you know we already saw with with the Liller thing that Tyler herro does not have super duper League wide appeal even though

He’s having quite a nice offensive year when he’s been healthy they already are out this one pick like they’re not going to be able to compete at that level for those kind of players anyway unless they’re willing to put hakz in the deal and hwz is frankly been so good and

Looks like such a Central Casting perfect Championship role player that I don’t think the heat want to do that unless it’s for like one of the 10 best players in the league or something like that so I I think this kind of upgrade even if it chips away at that Superstar

Trade ability is totally fine given all those circumstances and I think ter roier is pretty good like I I like his fit with this team he’s annoyingly perfect for hashtag heat culture um and I think you’ll buy in right away and the Lowry thing had just run its course and

You look at this team I’m going to assume their starting five is now roier so another ball handler scorer for a team that’s 20th in offense and needs it Ty hero Jimmy Butler who kind of like statistically it looks like a good Jimmy Butler season not a

Great one but there’s been a couple of games including the last one against Orlando where it was like did Jimmy Butler play in the game like where’s Jimmy Butler 10 field goal attempts I believe that game was and like half of them were threes um hakz and Bam it’s a

Nice starting five coming off the bench I got Jay Rich Duncan Robinson Caleb Martin Kevin Love and I can either stagger some minutes or play Haywood heist with as my 10th guy that’s a good deep team and look I’ve said it before like they may be six in the East right

Now or wherever they are they have beaten Milwaukee twice in the playoffs recently uh they have no fear of Philadelphia despite what embiid is just laying waste to the league and they have gone toe-to-toe with Boston and beaten them twice in the last four years in the playoffs including last

Season like this is a team that’s a wake me up wake us up in the playoffs team we feel we can go to Toe to Toe to Toe with anyone and I think this makes them better this I don’t think there’s any question this makes them better this season it makes

Their ceiling higher it’s a wake me up team when we get to the playoffs because of the deal I don’t think you can make that argument if they stayed Pat just based on how they’ve played and I know there there’s always the argument like well Miami will always figure it out but

Man you look at their last stretch of games here certainly they could have lost in Brooklyn um a week ago um you get blown out by Orlando Toronto and lose at the buzzer to Atlanta on a Murray 3 um and you know we we always get to this point where like teams are

Like oh we’re going to wait to the deadline to do a deal but you you basically gave yourself a two and a half week you know kind of Runway to you know figure things out here as far as with this roster and you listen to you know

Eric spola it’s like this isn’t good enough like how this team has played and I look at it for like I’m I’m looking at this like big picture too I’m looking at it and and there is a there’s always a fin and I think we always have to talk about the financial

Arm of this here I’m looking at it from Miami took back less money in the deal right about6 and a half million dollars less they go under the second apron and why that matters right doesn’t matter as much now why that matters was because starting in the off season Miami was a

Second apron team Miami was not allowed to send out cash in a trade Miami was not allowed to go out and aggregate contracts in a trade um all these restrictions now begin to lift as far as if you know if Miami stays Pat so if there’s that big whale that comes

Available they can maybe go out and and do something or maybe combine money here now the heart the challenge now becomes and this is for them to figure out when we get to the off season in in July now you start to dance with that second

Apron right you’ve got a figure out what happens with Caleb Martin who’s got a player option here you’ve got 184 million salaries the apron’s 190 you how many how much money they have in salary 184 in salary going on for next year the apron is at 190 and

That includes Caleb Mart’s player option I was gonna say I had them 177 yeah without Caleb Martin’s player option which is a little more than seven million and he should turn that down because he will get significantly more than that on the open market yeah so the

Cost it might be that you might lose him to retain to to do the Terry roier trade here um so there’s that like do we stay in Pat and wait to the off season but I think for I listen if this team was 33 and 10 and and Larry was playing at

Priment a prominent role I don’t know if they’re as aggress as aggressive here but I think there’s a short-term implication I think there’s a long-term implication as far as why they went out and did this deal yeah I I think it just unquestionably makes them better and if

I’m one of the three best teams in the East or New York or Cleveland or Indiana you know and now there’s I think if you if you look at the East now you know there we may start to see depending on how Orlando plays we already had seen a

Gap between eight and nine we may see with cakam going to Indiana roier going to Miami andon Obi going to New York and I don’t think the Knicks are done Cleveland being 11 games over chasing the third seed by the way which really matters if you you know I

Said last week on NBA today like we could wake up at the Knicks could be in the Conference Finals and that got some traction on social media and stuff what I what I should have elaborated on is like that’s that doesn’t seem very likely the more I thought about it

Because the Celtics are the number one seed and I think the Celtics are heading are at least ahead above Milwaukee and Philly so getting to the Conference Finals from 45 means going through Boston at the second around which is a tougher road to Ho but we could see like

A a Gap open up between seven and eight which would create a really fun race for the six seed which is one of the things that the playin was designed to do was to make that six seed a Target and you look at the top six in the East now

Boston Milwaukee Philly Cleveland Nicks Heat Pacers are the top seven in that order Heat and Pacers are tied that could be a really fun race if Orlando kind of slides a little bit and they’ve been dealing with a ton of injuries fron Vagner just came back and no one is

Happier about that than Pao banero has had to do goddamn near everything for them for two weeks now um that could be a fun race but I I do think the heat are unquestionably better and if I’m one of those teams above them I’m like oh God

These guys These Guys these mfers again like they’re going to come at us with these guys and I mentioned the playmaking quotient and and Kyle Lowry’s um sort of contribution to the to that had waned as I’m thinking off the top of my head Tyler hero is probably not going

To want to hear this but my thing with Tyler herro has always been and he’s had a great year this year I want him to be like 15% more Klay Thompson and 15% less I got to dance with the ball and do all this stuff because you can you can engineer

Playmaking without great passing if you have one great shooter who’s willing to just fly around the floor and draw two and play that Duncan Robinson B two-man game we saw with stru last year for instance and I would like to see him with another ball handler now and the

Heat push him to hey can you can you be a little I know you’re you want to make an All-Star team it’s not going to happen this year you want to you consider yourself a star and you’re averaging 23 a game can you lean a little bit more in that direction just

To give us a little like side to side juice give us some life on offense um I think it’s I mean I don’t have too much I think from Charlotte’s perspective I mean I with three years in 7 5 million or whatever left on Terry roir who’s a

Good but not great player this is about what they were going to get I don’t have a lot of strong Charlotte thoughts to you I mean they’re going to obviously try to reroute Lowry and trade Hayward and trade whoever else that they can trade I would imagine yeah I mean that’s

The goal and that’s why you’re doing this two and a half weeks before February 8th is try to reroute him listen they’ve got $86 million in in salary next year the cap is 142 okay so you can say oh Charlotte’s gonna be a player well no what you want to be is a

Team that’s taking back salary and kind of building up your draft Equity because Charlotte has not been known for a team that they’re not Oklahoma City they’re not even the Wizards who have slowly kind of added second round picks really not first they’re not Utah all these

Teams have kind of just added first round picks they owe a first to San Antonio um that’s certainly protected in the next two years and likely won’t get conveyed um but if you’re Charlotte you you know now I’m turning into like okay who’s next okay is it is it miles

Bridges is it g i mean Gordon hayward’s got a hurt 31.5 million but who for me it’s nobody’s except for um Brandon Miller who played really well in the in the win against um against uh Minnesota Monday night was terrific down the stretch and lamelo is off you know those

Two guys are off the board um but it’s open business here and and then you know the trade guide I wrote about you know was the the people to watch were their were their owners right like their ownership group were the people to watch just because this is their first go at

It how much say did MIT Mitch cup their GM have certainly he does um in this deal where you’re taking back and expiring in a first round pick here but um I think Charlotte’s open for business as far as continually to move off some of these contracts I think this is a

Signal that this is going to be a complete renovation of the Charlotte Hornets to the studs almost by this new ownership group um and I think everybody I mean I’ve heard Gordon Hayward is slated to come back soonish and that there is some interest in him around the

League his number is just really really big salary wise it’s 30 million I think 30 something million that’s hard to trade Kyle Lowry is gonna it’s going to be a struggle to find someone to take him at $30 million a year and send you out equal money so we’ll see the buyout

Market you know eagerly awaits guys like this I’ve said before and maybe maybe this new ownership sees it and and it’s it’s bad for the rest of the league who are sitting there like vultures trying to see if this the Hornets are team they can fleece the guy I would be trying to

Get out of there and I realize he’s poison pilled to whatever degree that that matters is PJ Washington if I were a if I were a good team no PJ’s not poison pill he’s not no because he didn’t he just signed a a regular contract right standard contract okay

Someone someone on another team told me he was play P that’s just the rookies just the rookies so yeah I mean that’s a great number 15 and change right around there that’s that’s another one I I’ve said all along like the guys you know these guys with these non-max and in

That 20 range below even below like they got so much value out there because they’re like they’re the fourth or fifth guy on a Team

Bobby Marks joins Zach Lowe on The Lowe Post podcast to breakdown the trade that sends Terry Rozier to the Miami Heat and Kyle Lowry to the Charlotte Hornets.

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  1. Nicole Briscoe has dropped an enormous amount of weight. She has been pushed into the latest spot on Sportscenter.

  2. Literally to the 1% of people reading this, I’m sending hugs to everyone who needs it. Always stay safe πŸ₯°

  3. I agree with the Tyler sentiment BUT he’s a better player off the dribble. So he could absolutely work on being more of a catch and shoot guy but right now Herro is a pull up rhythm shooter.

  4. now he just needs to adopt to the grind and culture in miami, herro and jaquez roles will be diminished since they added a player that also needs the ball to effect the game

  5. Great move for the Heat!!! The Hornets get a salary dump with Lowry's expiring contract and hopefully he brings some mentorship to the young guards in Charlotte in Ball and Miller

  6. Hornets free up future cap heat didnt fill any role they needed. Heat need a penetrating playmaker and a Mitchell Robinson type big

  7. Sure I wonder how all the people digging Miami's grave when Portland turned down Lillard trade to the Heat calling Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jacquez, Jr, Caleb Martin, Ducncan Robinson and Tyler Herro garbage assets now feel watching the Heat keep all of them while getting Terry Rozier instead….

    But more than that, I'm scared for every other team. The Heat were already better than they were last year. If Rozier is better than Chalmers, Dragic, Lowry….which is not unreasonable for him…I think it's possible they may become better now than they have been with any of these guys minus the big 3 era. And this team is way deeper than those were.

    I feel like scared is appropriate and logical.

  8. As a Hornets fan, it’s great to see your best 1 on 1 scorer get traded for a future protected pick and have analysts talk about how much value there still is on the Hornets team for the rest of the league to fleece.

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