@Miami Heat

Y’all leave Caleb alone. He’s a good player and we still need him.

Y’all leave Caleb alone. He’s a good player and we still need him.

by realudonishaslem


  1. Gavster1221

    We all love Caleb but writing is on the wall. Especially if he wants 15 mil or more a year.

    A trade for DFS makes so much sense if we can get numbers to work. And he plays larger than Caleb

  2. jbenson255

    If you aren’t gonna pay him move him for something that can help contribute. Asset management

  3. spritehead

    We don’t “need” him. We have wings and there’s no chance we retain him after this year. We need more size and more ball handling. If you can find a way to move him for that you do it. Sick of this team overvaluing its role players. I like Caleb, I appreciate what’s he done, I think he’s a good player, but he’s not above the needs of the team.

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