@San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs vs Boston Celtics Live Play by Play & Reaction

San Antonio Spurs vs Boston Celtics Live Play by Play & Reaction

What is up San Antonio Spur fans Boston Celtics fans welcome to TSR Sports doing a live play-by-play reaction scoreboard chat you name it we’ll be doing it hopefully as a San Antonio Spurs face the Boston Celtics bad news tonight for Celtics fans as Christos porzingis is out and former San Antonio Spur Derek

White unfortunately will not be playing tonight I really like to see our old Spurs play against our current Spurs and he’s out tonight so that won’t be happening not sure he’s going to be in the Celtics starting lineup in their place no matter what happens hopefully

We have a good game a close game a Spurs win would be nice and maybe having those two guys out will give us a much you know better chance of winning but I would still pres prefer that both guys R game I’d like to see Oney go off against

Kristof not the chance not not going to not not a chance I’ll Horford to be on the starting up we’ll find out soon breed evening to you Mr Jay’s Pokemon world Brinson Isabelle good evening to you Andy fashion flexing where’s the oh uh you know it’s gone I’ve uh I’ve uh

I’ve leaned up a little bit I was watching the the Wy Dunkey short I put up and I was like wow I’m getting a lot of grain my beard on the side it’s making me look older than I am so and here we are uh a lean mean TSR

Machine I guess if you will good morning aggressive I’m excited man I hope the Spurs we saw in the second half against the Atlanta Hawks are Who come out tonight because we’re going to need that to beat the Boston Celtics I did not look at the Spurs injur report before

Jumping online so I’m going to pull up the Spurs injury report now Charles Bassie of course is out he’s out for the air Zack Collins I’m sure is still out I’m not sure if we’re dealing with any other injuries so let’s take a look now Zack Collins Charles vassy in City Soko

Has been ruled out so he’s out with maybe a sore butt from not playing I don’t know Zack C by the way progressed to three on three work Wednesday in City’s optimistic he can turn before the end of San Antonio’s 5game road trip which ends Monday in Philadelphia Jack McDonald of

The San Antonio Express News Report so it sounds like Zack will back sooner than later I like Zack I don’t think we should see him back in the starting lineup though what all doe respect I I like w has starting five I don’t want W to go back to the four just

Just my personal opinion Brian good evening to you imagine we win despite the percentages glazing baking Any Given Sunday or in this case Wednesday just got done shooting around myself it’s cold and cold at F and nice me the war rich in the Spurs F ver it’s it’s cold

Up here where Ry in the in Connecticut I am definitely not playing any hoops right now Al though I I can’t my driveway is still covered in ice not the whole thing but the area near the basketball hoop which doesn’t get much sun still pretty icy so I don’t think I

Want to go play Ice skit ball although maybe that is a fun thing to do just sliding around and shooting I did lift weights today ran a couple miles so I’m feeling good you know me and TSR both really busting our butts to get in shape

This year because we plan on doing some Spartans and a lot of hiking and other extracurricular activities and you want to make sure you’re in shape to do all those and we want to be in shape together spur the moment good evening Veronica happy Wednesday to you happy

Doug’s not on the injury report Veronica because looks like he’s good to go the Spurs could use his three-point shooting and how about the trade today Pascal cakam is going from the Raptors to the Pacers the snag three first round picks in another player whose Name Escapes me

That’s not good news for Spurs fans because the Raptors we own their lottery pick for this year and it’s top six protected without Pascal seak you got to think the team’s only going One Direction this way I think that pick conveys I think it’s top six projected

This year and then it conveys again next year then it conveys again the next year so uh little worried about that pick turning into a first round pick in the lottery this year now yes smash that like button if you haven’t done so it does help the

Channel appreciate youall I need you all to beat the Celtics Jacob we’ll try certainly try our best yes no Derek and no Chris St poring I’m very disappointed if I’m being transparent I don’t really care too much that Chris St is out I would like to see when going against him

It is what it is but Derek white not being out there tonight I was really hoping to watch him play against his former team and uh not going to happen and I’m not sure who dejan Milo jich is but he passed away um so rest in peace

Born in 77 the same year I was born so that’s yeah that’s a little scary I’m assuming he was affiliated with the Celtics in some way I don’t have the sound up so I I don’t know what’s what his affiliation was with the Celtics douge is healthy your mag potion

Work vicey p with h Mar should be interesting yes big time there’s only one guarantee for Spurs fans Tim nin is not walking through that door Gio the Celtics are on a 17 game or sorry 19 game winning streak damn that’s that’s gonna be tough tonight I’m getting up for work and five

Hours sharp so it won’t last any longer than quarter one I wonder why you guys insist on playing Isabelle it’s the dead and the night for you it’s for me it’s 7:30 Eastern so 7:30 in the evening is pretty good time to start a basketball game but I understand you’re on the

Other side of the ocean so I feel for you which would you rather have deante or Trey son scar I think I’m gonna have to do a video on that because I’ve done the video about Dante I did a video today about Trey young I think I just

Might need to just kind of touch base on both of them together so I’d want to put some thought into that but good evening son ofcar cheers old mate Federal flave I thought the whole curse with the orns being injured the whole time Came Upon him glad it

Didn’t who FAL play oh he was an assistant coach for Golden State oh I did not know that Angie I always hope we win and I’m doing good I mean I’m always hoping the Spurs win I’ve been probably in the minority the last few years of anti- Team tank

There’s been a lot of Spurs fans and I get it and it worked out in the end we got weny but they were hoping for the Spurs to tank t tank tank tank tanky tank tank tank and I was never on that uh never jumped on that wagon if you

Will on that train I always just kind of stuck with hey let’s keep winning try to win try to win if we lose in the process so be it but let’s play our best basketball and grow and and get better at our Craft um so is what is it’s only

6 p.m. by dark where I’m at daylight sucks 6 p.m. oh you’re you’re an hour and a half behind hour and a half that’s interesting DJ said he sees pop as a dad he wel was the CR I saw that your boy Rico uh you know some people are looking at

As this was kind of a worked out perfectly you trade to jeant Murray away you’re bad enough to get Victor wama and then you bring him back and hopefully you don’t give up have to give up everything that you originally got to get him back I’m not opposed to JN

Murray coming to the team I’m not opposed to Trey young I’ll always support the Spurs decisions even if I don’t agree with them well phrase that I might not always support the decisions I will cheer for the player that’s on our roster so if deti comes here great if Trey comes here

Great if nether comes here great whatever the one thing I always want to remind fans is we keep saying this year’s draft we might get Nico atopic or Isaiah ker or inert name here yeah those are great draft prospects but there’s no guarantee a point guard is going to pan

Out they could easily be a bus as well with the ji Murray and a Trey young at least you know know what you’re getting with a draft pick yeah sure it could be a franchise point guard for the next decade or it could be a guy that sits on

The bench in is off your team in three years see Joshua Primo Lucas salonic so forth and so on uh well Phil I don’t eat beef so I’m gonna go with the shrimp ramen Ramen so you know good luck Jacob with the Cs not exactly okay we I I was kind of

Wondering I’m sorry cuz you said 6:00 and I was like you’re an hour and a half behind me how’s that work out went with it Benjamin gohost for go was right Gabriel howdy to you Pacers flee themselves with a one-year rental Toronto yes spur the moment three first round

Picks that’s like the UN if they don’t win a championship it’s definitely going to be ultimate fleecing with the Timberwolves and the Utah Jazz the Jazz got what five first round picks I believe for Rudy goar these teams that give up a million draft picks for one

Player it’s like you do realize if you don’t win a championship and that player leaves you are screwed possibly for the next few years yeah here’s what it is I mean our Spurs haven’t done that so thank goodness I think three for pass SC is

Way too much way too much I still feel that they should get Bobo and P you’ve been consistent with that Angie I’ll give you credit you’ve been very consistent with that so Props to you I I yes Odyssey good evening to you we got the whole crew well not the whole crew

We get we have the normal crew if you will Selena Gomez in the house grou sitting over here behind you doing I don’t know what behind Selena and of course my favorite baby coyotes in the house he’s always watching the game with me what’s up machine 78 Rich Wy ball oh

I hope I read that sentence wrong and I just read Wendy balls and I was like where are we going with this you hope he balls out tonight and hey balls out is better than balls in Drew holiday jayen Brown Jason tanam Al Horford and use the force Luke

Cornette are the starters for the Boston Celtics I figured Horford would be in the starting lineup I wasn’t sure about who else it is going to be luke cornette for our San Antonio Spurs it’s going to be Jones Vel champen soan W mayama the the tried and true what we’ve been using

For well since Mal Brown pull from the starting lineup which was definitely the right move I Trey Jones should have been starting way way way back before this as soon as a Jeremy son point guard experiment ended what should have ended sooner might I say Jones should have been a

Starter uh yeah hi hi you know I shaved it all in the ice cold you know I’m a little crazy like that ak2 good evening to you good evening Jorge physique what’s up and uh Jamie durren good evening too I did not see that aggressive but they both went off didn’t they

Porzingis is out with a knee white is out with an ankle if you’re just coming in Derek white is out for tonight for the Celtics we not going be to see our former guy playing against our our current team you know what it is what it is hopefully Derrick’s okay sooner than

Later and hopefully our Spurs hopefully Spurs can get a surprise win tonight you all know I have no love for Boston teams I don’t really have much venom for the Celtics the the Red Sox I have one of these and for the Patriots I have two of

Them uh and those are interchangeable we got two of these for the Red Sox one of these for the Patriots I mean it’s kind of equal and then the Bruins I whatever I’m not a hockey fan so they’re they’re I guess they’re okay Li good evening to

You Garrett good evening to you and the players are on the court in way we no tingus Pingus or tingus Pingus that’s an interesting name SS family good evening to you and the Celtics are actually going to win the jump B you’re welcome for the broadcast by the

Way I I’m just sitting here in shocked about three first rounders for Pascal seak he’s a great player but giv up three first rounders he ain’t worth that in my opinion nope nope nope nope nope Jason Tan gonna get in the paint throw it up he’s get the first bucket of the

Game the home team’s up two to zero this is in Boston and uh we kind of looked out tonight Spurs fans usually these games are blacked out for me for whatever reason the Celtics games have not been blacked out this year I live in Connecticut maybe they’re not

Considering part of the market anymore which they shouldn’t where I live is nowhere near Boston so it was always BS that I couldn’t watch the games by the way that’s a Jeremy soan three to start us off for San Antonio soan shooting the three much better than he has well ever

Because he’s only in his second year but the South come back and answer to three with a three by Jaylen Brown five to three aru three good evening I don’t know about the i soan in the paint misses a layup gets the ball back and he’s going to throw it

Down and miss the dunk gets the offensive the ball again gets it to Champ peny for a little jumper and it’s good yeah I don’t know what’s going on uh the Nets games haven’t been blacked out the Celtics games haven’t and they shouldn’t be I’m in Central Connecticut I am nowhere near Brooklyn

And I’m sure as hell nowhere near Boston they’re both an hour and a half plus away so I think maybe they finally changed their uh maybe their rules on blackouts in my area it made no sense that I couldn’t watch the games with them being in different states on top of

That I can understand if I live up north and like nfield connect Alle to WAN you know that’s oh yeah under dunk of justice that pass may have been from soan Spurs the youngest team in the NBA 23 and a half years I I didn’t see you

Got the assist on that that may have been a Jeremy soan assist well there’s another three for the Celtics as Drew holiday drains it drew looking pretty good with the dreads and headband I like it I like it looking good I would do it myself but well I my hair doesn’t do

That so never mind one be for three Okay g be that kind of game no defense all right all right Brea don’t be guaranteeing else I did get lucky alele Spurs vamos sprayless vamos go Spurs go we’re gonna have a fell Garrett I didn’t grow up in Connecticut I grew up in Western

Massachusetts was a Giants fan any Yankees fan Growing Up in a New York household nobody in my family liked basketball so I just kind of discovered the Spurs on my own via David Robinson Robinson became my favorite player the Spurs became my favorite team uh I guess it’s kind of

Lucky for me that happened because right when I started getting into the NBA Jordan’s Bulls were starting their Dynasty so I could have easily jumped on the bandw and followed them I I chose not to Wendy with the ugliest looking layup I’ve ever seen and throws it up on

The backboard and out of bounds and that’s going to be a turnover or I guess a Miss shot um you know what it is it goingon be shacked in a fool when go find himself on Sha in a fool with that one Daniel Barry good evening to

You I hope the Hey listen I will root for any team playing the Lakers just just putting it out there I can’t stand their super team thing they’ve been doing the last few years so I always root for who playing the Lakers Jason tanum gets in the paint throws up the

Layup it’s good we have a tide game at 10 Trey Jones will bring it up for the Spurs on the other end looking to get it to weny Wy in the post one-on-one with Al Horford Wy with the spin and turns the ball over left his feet and probably shouldn’t have did

That Drew holiday with the ball for the Celtics and the Spurs have Jeremy soan guarding Drew and Trey Jones guarding Jason tanum I don’t know if that’s gonna be like that all night because Trey is like three feet shorter than Jason who just hit the jumper over him I mean not

Three feet but you get to drift 12 to 10 Celtics up by two and uh wheny for three again okay um all right I don’t like him chucking threes but he’s made two threes so uh what the hell do I know Drew holiday with a three of his own this is

Ridiculous this is a a lot of points for the first four minutes the Spurs are three to three from Beyond The Arc the Celtics are three of four in four minutes we have 28 points soan for three he’s going to miss that three that’s a first Miss three

It is Celtics well pull up jumper on the paint is no good by Jaylen Brown Spurs ball and and wh gets a little butter fingery and loses the ball out of bounds on the Celtic side kby good evening to you uh Anthony I have been to San Antonio I went last

Year it’s a that was like a what tickets maybe like a $2,000 trip so it’s not something I’m going to do yearly but maybe every other year I was thinking about going this year and then the Spurs ticket prices skyrocketed and I was like I don’t think

I want to do that now I’ve kind of already got one I shouldn’t kind of I do have one vacation booked I might have a a UFC event I’m going to go to in March it’s UFC is going to be in my area in New Jersey which isn’t too far away in

Atlantic City so I’m going to see if my buddy Jeff wants to go to that that turnaround jumper is no good by Tatum it is Spurs ball down 1513 7 and a half minutes to go in the first quarter Jones drives in paint kicks it out to Vel

Catch and shoot three oh likea wbby with the rebound the put back is good and Wy is on fire deisel misses his first shot and let me just say this about Devon he has struggled mightily the last two games I hope that doesn’t continue tonight we are absolutely going to need

Him if we have a chance to beat the Celtics and we’re also going to need Kellen Johnson to play much better than he did against the Hawks T number three no good Spurs ball Jones will bring it up seven minutes to go in the first queue Jones out three-point land starts

Drive back to wemy wemy shoots the three and he misses his first three in the game did he Lama I I didn’t catch that does does w have 10 points already good grief Jaylen Brown for three there’s literally no defense in this game no no I I Anthony I would have gone

To this game tonight because it’s in Boston the ticket prices are ridiculous I talked to beown breakdown a fellow YouTube content creator and friend about going in the game and no tickets were 250 and okay tickets were 400 we both agreed that is ridiculous when I went to see the Spurs

It was actually not last year but the end of 2022 I sat one game four rows behind the Spurs bench and one game six rows behind the Spurs bench and both tickets were 400 or less now granted the team was bad last season but the Celtics prices right now

For tickets are astronomical Bobby from me toown break was telling me they’re essentially playoff ticket prices and I was like I’m not I’m not playing inflated prices I’ll stay here on YouTube and hang out with you guys instead term he shouldn’t be on a minute restriction but he probably

Is shoot if the Spurs play too well he’ll have to watch more quarters I’m sorry but not sorry bad shooting is like the flu spreads through the team yeah Nicks or nuts neither Anthony don’t like either Devon needs a haircut the extra weight is throwing them off watch out

There Veronica we’re going to get a a chocolate from Miss TSR she likes she loves Devon’s hair you know what spur the moment I won’t be shocked with pop does take them out now yeah the tickets here at the Frost Bank Center yes they did H they went way

Up kerm Wendy rolled his ankle like three weeks ago now it’s been a while since he rolled his ankle and he uh he’s been on a mintion for a uh a long time no back Tob backs either so need to get out the way and let L me through the

Board I love the Marauders what’s up I love the whe deal part of NBA I hope Spurs looking depleted Memphis Washington and now Toronto uh Ronald good evening from Jonesburg or in Jonesburg I’m in Connecticut good evening to you I always have mixed feelings when wheny shoots a

Three I’m angry when he takes them but I’m happy when he makes them yes yes I agree and yes Veronica apparently she does like the p wow the pineapple look I’ve never heard it called that cuz I’ve seen a you i’ SE a lot of dudes

Well not a lot but some guys uh when I went to an eye exam one of the guys that worked there had I guess it’s called the pineapple look um yeah I guess she does like it well Anthony you have a major advantage how wait how long is jannis out

Jacob Anthony if he gets the minutes he could have a 40o game which I would love to see wy’s career high is 38 I think against the Suns I would love to see him go for 40 that would just make make my day it really would make my I mean that

Would be awesome if see go for 40 tonight he’s in the game he is still in the game do I see he’s on the court so maybe he’ll play till about the six or five minute Mark we’ll see he has the ball right now and gets pushed in the back

From Al hor Al Horford that is a foul Odyssey I was thinking that too with Pascal being traded it’s looking very Bleak to get that Toronto pick in this slauter coming up Bill’s a poet Lonnie oh God Phil I don’t think I ever showed her lony Walker’s hair like

Original lony Walker hair I’m gonna have to wh’s coming out Dam bar in and uh I doubt we’ll see Wy again on the first quarter we’ll see Jeremy soan in the paint pass it out to Tre Jones for three no good I’m going get our first week bought two

Tickets for $58 total wow yeah tickets are probably cheap right now uh Spurs tickets are like $40 in the balcony so how much is it like I could still think of no I can’t 2015 Celtics up and now the Spurs are going to have a turnover

This going to be an over and back yep oh come on guys is Mike McCarthy staying around I thought for sure they would move on for him well you know as a Giants fan good minut restriction is code for tank time Ronald I agree and catsu 10 I also agree

The minutes thing is getting extremely annoying he seems fine on the court that’s for darn sure four for three oh boy and wy’s out and the lead for the the opposing team starts to expand I’m going to Dallas I’m firing in myself Veronica please don’t do that Jones

Drives and gets to lay up in the paint nice job Trey Trifecta good evening to you I’ve have never been to a nixer Nets game so I can’t comment I have no desire to to go to see either of them in their respective cities that’s a miss and Kellin Johnson

With the rebound for the Spurs 2317 5 and a half minutes to go gets it to try back to Kellman he lines up for three and he will miss I’m a little worried because kelman and Devon were awful just terrible terrible terrible against the Hawks I’m hoping that doesn’t continue tonight that’s an

Airball I don’t know shot the airball for the Celtics to get the ball back 10 on the shot clock pay Pritcher with ball for the selt he’s going to take a three that is no good soan with the rebound five minutes remaining Jeremy will bring

It up for the Spurs gets it over to Tre Jones Jones will survey the courton now just launch a three all right I I know Trey hit some threes I think it was against was against the Hawks he started off like four or four but now he’s taking two

More threes and he’s 0 for two on this and he uh Simon down a little bit as Jaylen Brown gets in the paint throws it up and in Zack good evening to you my friend uh capsu 10 they are less exciting what about wian there johns

With the pass of Vel in the paint Vel is going to get fouled and go to the line for two c by good evening to you Jacob I guess as Spurs fans I think we all need to be concerned about that Toronto pick with Pascal seaka being

Traded I don’t see the Raptors winning a lot of games the rest of the season unless somebody has like a breakout breakout year what is that movie called where they asked that guy who’s your baseball time team and he said Boston and they beat him up yes Jacob League

Pass Mel free three throws good I don’t know that movie I have no idea Jam SES $90 in the Hunter ERA you talking about spus right now are they that cheap devell had a good game last time they played the Celtics he had 22 points

On N9 of 15 shooting the Spurs need that tonight he makes both free throws at is 25 to 19 423 this game is on NBC Sports if you live in New England if you live outside in New England NBA league pass if you’re in Texas Bailey Sports and

It’s going to be Spurs ball after that Miss by the Cs that may have been a turnover I’m not really sure what that was soan with the ball thinks about a three starts to drive gets into the paint stops spins kicks it out to Malachi brand was checked in Brandon

Back to soan soan for three nope I’m seeing our guys Chuck 293s I know we start off the game making them now we’re still chucking him and we’re not making him no chucking the only Chuck we want to see is this Chuck turnover by the Celtics Spurs ball

Kellen Johnson drives gets bumped in the back no whistle and now a whistle out of timeout I don’t know why K just get whatever I say look got run into I was taking a shot but no whistle I guess they’re GNA let him play tonight so be it Spurs ticket Skyrocket at the

Beginning of the season now they can’t get it now they can’t give them away that sounds all right Odyssey Vel the last two games has been bad and not really cooking yet tonight not yet uh I don’t know who Quita is all right qua

Yes I do qua Cuda Q I’m just call him Q There you go I’m doing good fres zero what what’ you miss um well Wy got off cooking and pople them out still in a minute restriction and now the team is chucking threes and uh they’re not going in

That’s another good score for me Advent I agree I mean Kellman I thought Off the Bench would be terrific and he’s had a few good games but he’s been like a lot of our Spurs this year consistently inconsistent uh no James no senorita no senorita tonight I was

Supposed to see her last night we had a snow and then ice storm in Connecticut so unfortunately the ice SE blocked me did I just say that I did this is why we always losing pop always tell players when they playing good c c prean i man I remember a game a few

Years ago deant de Murray was off to a career game he was having the best start ever in the first quarter and then pop pulled them after like seven minutes maybe seven and a half minutes that’s when they had that that minutes rotation where Patty Mills and Rudy Gay always

Came at the same time every game no matter what he pulled them and then he just never got back on track and we’ve seen that a lot where somebody has a hot hand it’s like look look Victor I know you scored 18 points in six minutes

But gota take you out that drives me crazy yeah Anthony outre with that AR that still good evening to you and they’re not doing uh when any flavors flavors they’re not doing them any flavors Julian I I’m sure he’d like to get Rookie of the Year he’d like to help his

Team win he’d like to be on the court and uh well he’s just’s he’s he’s get he’s getting uh Rookie of the Year blocked by pop getting R blocked I don’t know what do you think about that [Applause] Selena oh what the what’ I do ah where where’s what what

Happened where where’s my co-host what did I do Selena where where are you at I don’t know what I did what did TSR do oh I totally screwed everything up and now ka’s laughing at me and I don’t like it all right back to game 2719 I’m gon damn

It K with the ball going to start to drive three on the shot clock and in the paint forces the shot gets a little jump hook I know I mean how’s that I don’t know what happened that three is no good by brassette we’re goingon to have a

Whistle and a foul on Boston she left because the Spurs players suck Don Allen good evening dude I was at the Spurs game Friday versus the Bobcats there was great crowd there and Below Plaza level was decently expensive okay Um did I move her off the screen where is she Spurs ball I’m trying to get Selena back hey okay welcome back my friend all right it is Spurs ball Kellen Johnson with the ball right now four on the shot clock drops it off to Blake

Wesley but Wesley going to dry in the paint gets it Brandon for the layup as the shot clocks expiring again so somehow Selena got below the camera so in OBS you can have layers and Selena went below the camera layer so my apology she’s back or maybe she was hey hey

Heyy ious relationship I would never do anything with Selena Gomez although I have a feeling I would get a hul pass two to something with Selena if the opportunity presented itself but I wouldn’t take it I would yeah I was kind of confused when he said Bobcats you mean the Hornets done

Scotch crushes I knew she was under the desk yes Selena is on a minute restriction as well nice that’s a good one no B oh okay you did there it is Celtics ball Celtics are only up by four Pritchard with a pull up jumper no good fight for

The board and Maly Brandon will Coral the loose ball the Spurs are hanging in here with Boston so far and then Malachi turns the ball over because I was you know saying something positive about our team flying into the paint is Jason tanum lose the ball but

We’re going to have a whist some probably two free throws coming up Ronald they’ve been keeping most of the games close yes they were getting annihilated by the Hawks in the first half but they came out and you know I didn’t realize it at the time but pop

Benching the starters was to light a fire under their butt I guess he didn’t like the energy he saw from Vel uh Wy and who else got a Trey Jones and bench their butts and you know what maybe it worked so and Spurs didn’t win the game but they sure did fight back

Hard T was at the line for two first free throws good 2823 let’s go Osman I’m glad you enjoyed the game Don that is awesome misses the second free throw and cheddy Osman will fly in for the rebound Spurs down 28 to 23 and Wy is set up half the first

Quarter brandom’s going to drive and force a layup in the pain off the glass and it’s good 28 to 25 little over a minute to go my friends three-point game hopefully this means when will get more minutes later in the game when you know hopefully things are close Hower

For three Hower my name is quid not Hower get your butt get your butt J holiday in the paint is goingon to get we have another foul another foul in the Spurs dang it few I think got fou for the Celtics head man oh you didn’t know

Howy Don if Wy drops a 60 this year that would be that would be incredible he’s gonna have to use the force a lot to get that look how cute I am I don’t know sounds like I’m saying booby but I’m not but although looks like Gru’s playing with booby so I just

Stop that too all right we’ll just stop all that nonsense 30 or 25 Deon good evening to you that’s a good point today’s game I look at all the guys scoring more than 30 points a game back in the day 28 or 29 would lead you the league in the 90s

Or 80s we have like what six guys averaging 30 or more this year Brandon’s going to launch a three no good Q with the rebound it is Celtics ball about a two second differ between the shot clock and the game clock an ad playing on ESPN so let me

Shut that off so that doesn’t crash the stream Drew holiday out in three-point Land seven on the shot clock he’s going to take a step back three in and out and that’s a Miss Blake Wesley with the rebound Wesley Sprints up the court Runner is off the glass and no

Good but Spurs are down by only five so a good first quarter all things considered when we’re playing you one of the best in the Eastern Conference or maybe they are the best I’m not sure Celtics first or second right now I don’t know I haven’t looked in a while

But we need more Wendy I got a fever and the only prescription is more Wy all right that’s not making it UNS live ever but it’s the truth I need more Wy I got to have more Wy I’m just saying I need more Wy Spurs need some Wy and some milk

We need some cheddy chedy bang bang nice marage I like that pop would shut that what’s pop shutting down I guess all you got to do is hard f one me pop G to sit in unfortunately yes nor Sparks good evening to you the Spurs are looking

Good probably the only bum news We Got Tonight with this game is Derek white is out I really want to see Derrick play tonight yes Mike McCarthy safe as Cowboys head coach according to my sports update I would do a reaction to that Zack but I’m already I’m already like live right

Now the scoring is moners Cowboy X Factor your Wy Dunkey short cheered me up so i’ like to say thank you for I’m glad you enjoy that calbx factor I put that up because I didn’t have any content really I want I I had hadn’t didn’t really have anything

Planned for yesterday and I I think it’s good to have one video put up a day no matter whether it’s a live video uploaded video or a short and I was like maybe some people didn’t see that and I thought it was a weird call because it

Was one it was not intentional I just got excited in the moment and Wy Dunkey uh there there you go Blake has look been looking a lot better by the way a lot better we need some Wy Dunkey oh boy let’s write pop and tell him to lift wy’s minut restriction

Darren I wish it was that easy you think the minut Restriction extension is punishment from pop for Wy trying to force himself into a game no I I would hope not I think the Spurs are being extra cautious with the ankle injury he had a

Few weeks ago and it’s a damned if you do damn if you don’t as Spurs fans if we keep complaining about the minutes restriction you know him playing lman minutes we’re going to keep complaining but then if he was to get hurt in any way shape or form then we’re gonna all be

Like and then you’re going to hate pop you be like why did you BL you restrict his minutes he belong his ankle he’s out for a month we told you we shouldn’t be playing him so I mean you know it’s a lose lose situation double edge sword Julian I think they really thought

Zack Collins was the guy Zack Collins is not the guy I like Zach I Like Him Off the Bench not as a starter is Wy back in the game wy’s back in the game he’s got douge cheddy Kellman and malkey so he’s got Shooters around him that’s the goal from

Pop got people that can spread the floor brandom drives in the paint throws up a 11 but Malachi brandom is aggressive tonight I like it Zack leine for Vel straight up sure I mean if that’s a trade why not I don’t think that’s going to happen Conor

As I looked away the Celtics dropped to do on the Spurs 32 to 27 Spurs shooting 40% on the night the Celtics are shooting a little better at 46% Spurs are three of 11 from Beyond The Arc I think they started the game three of

Three so that means we missed eight in a row Osman with the layup we missed eight three-pointers in a row started three of three now three of 11 not like the band holidays jumpers is no good ball is going to go out of bounds Spurs ball

3229 cow xor I’m glad they always cheer you up they are going to be in the next music video for TSR Sports I’ll announce it again if I haven’t done already The Music In lyrics and well the music and vul MBE for three misses a three that’s

Nine Miss threes in a row Kell almost gets to rebound and said takes a shot in the face for his trouble Wendy in the name of which is a cover of rage against machines Killing In The Name of the song is done I just need to shoot a music

Video I don’t know what I’m going to doing it yet I might parody The Rage Against machine video look Q drives on the paint floors is Wendy no foul throws down a dunk 3429 so I’m hoping to have that up maybe this weekend um shooting videos takes

Time and I’m not sure what I’m going to do 100% yet when me with the ball right now getting double teamed throws up the leftand layup off the glass no good it’s going to be Celtics ball they are up by five Koso we are right now hoping you just

Jinx us three beards I know York a musician I guess never asked pton Pritchard for three and it’s now an eight-point game that is the biggest lead of the night for the Celtics I am a metal musician three beards uh metal SL death metal although I don’t really do death metal anymore

Because one the lyrical content is not my thing anymore but two I find people don’t like that lyrical style I do put death metal vocals as a uh a supplement song Still maybe the chorus will be in a death metal Voice or there’ll be a back you know backing track in Death Metal

Voice but it’s not the only voice I use that three is no good it is Spurs ball chedd osma will bring it up for San Antonio who’s going to score for the Spurs we need some offense and some milk Osman with the layup in the paint no good he is a

Liability cback factor seak for three first round picks I think uh Payton prri just hit a three by the way and that’s 11-point game who don’t want to see the playoffs do the NFL playoffs do you mean like the the Super Bowl hurricane Megan the Celtics are

Undefeated we’re in a Timeout let me see if I can catch up to the chat a little bit but the Pacers traded away three first round picks I don’t know if those are all unprotected if they are that is way too much for Pascal cakam I swear

The NBA needs to limit teams to five three-pointers per quarter Benjamin I can’t wait either winning is not my mission I’m here to CH young kins about life I hate the three-point shot play Rock okay you had a billboard song at what shut the front door three beards that is

Awesome is the name of your band three beards good evening Greg another mus consider a I do consider a drummer a musician I have a drum set in my basement thank you very much I also play all the drums on the TSR sports music playlist it is an elisis SR16 it’ll be

Transparent it’s a drum machine a lot of it I’m playing by fingers though just and I’m just tapping everything tap on the base a snare uh the only thing that’s really programmed is a double Basse and maybe a couple Tom rolls and a and a snare roll everything

Else I just I play manually I just play Everything by my fingers which you know it’s easy to do because I can play a real drum set I’ve been playing on my actual drums for my drum set since 2010 so 14 years now and then I’ve been using an elisis SR16 since

1998 so know my way around the machine uh Wy had 10 Mr J’s Pokemon world in the first quarter and right now he was has 10 so he has not scored in the second quarter yet cooled off a little bit the whole team has cooled off a little bit at the

Moment that was the worst woman I’ve seen why spurs why yeah we we have a we have I have to check out your channel three beards I can actually do that now open link new tab all right I want to subscribe you up and I’ll have to check you out you probably

Can see your Channel right now and you just got added to the subscription list congratulations yeah I definitely want to check you guys out that’s awesome the three-point chucking is boring as hell yes it is not a 20po game James we’re down by 11 let’s not let’s

Not let’s not let’s not start 20 point uh let’s not talk politics not the place if you want to talk politics by means you’re all welcome to do that elsewhere two of the three first round picks acquired from the Raptors will be in the 2024 NBA draft Indiana’s pick plus a

Pick originally acquired from the Thunder that will be the lowest pick among the Jazz all right thank you Zach KJ’s energy is a bit low like the last game W defens of rotation in last play suaps he did not look good against the Hawks and he’s not looking great

Tonight the Celtics are an 80 run in the last minute and 20 seconds Wy with the ball gets into the paint little jump Hook is no good Oso with the rebound wy’s starting to struggle now missing everything the whole team is missing everything Wy with the ball

Again out to Trey Jones Jones for three Celtics on a fast break Spurs get back in transition oh boy Jason Tanner with the ball pulls up over Kellen no good Osman with the rebound can somebody get some offense going for the Spurs we have 29 Points

What do we have in the first quarter we had 25 we have four points so far in this quarter and the Celtics clearly have a lot more Wy with the jumper three beards TSR Ricky leardo R jmo nice what did I what did you like specifically take Cowboy xfactor about Trey

Young I made a few points but I’m not sure one specifically I think the huge contract he has around the next three years or we’re trading a or we’d have a 61 Trey Jones just substituted for a 61 Trey young so 61 to 61 Drew holiday for three

Good are they the best team in the NBA hurricane Mangan do they have the best record wheny pull up jumpers are W be a starting to heat up which means Pop’s gonna pull him out we do need veron’s Jesus sandals we 14 points on 61 shooting could easily

Drop 30 tonight if he gets to minutes wow no defense there Jason tanum just walks up through the paint walks by everybody and throws down a d What The Hell by the way if you have not done so make sure you hit the thumbs up it does

Help the channel you’re a Spurs fan make sureit to subscribe button to join our wonderful Spurs Community go SPS go AKA like And subscribe Darren I think he would too good evening why not Jack the contract got me in that ah oh that yes I thought that was a a good point

Countback Spector and that was actually Off Script you know I usually have a few bullet points I like to talk about in videos and then it hit me as I was talking about it he’s got three years left on his contract he’s got a massive contract Wendy has three years left in

His rookie contract yeah I don’t like that timing Luke cornette in the paint that might be his first bucket we’re now 14 come on Spurs theel at the ball right now for San Antonio out three-point land I’m hoping Vel to start becoming passive because he’s been playing so poop the last two games

Traveling Kell and Devin Odyssey they’ve been they’ve been rough Cowboy x fact I’m Ru for Mavericks tonight just for the record get him get him Spurs have four turnovers the Celtics have one the Spurs are down by 14 right now last time we played the Celtics they whooped our a well here on

A Wednesday night they’re doing the same Jason tanum for a long three in the Celtics just dropped Mr Robinson’s number on us I have not seen that Mr Scott crotch as I turn away douge hits a bucket real quick 35 to 50 Spurs down by 15 halfway through the second quarter maybe Kell’s

Getting traded Tan’s going to pull up again that is no good Trey Jones with the rebound will bring it up for San Antonio Wy traing wants the ball not going to get it douge goes up for three then pulls it down Jeremy gets the ball back to Wy Wy

Back to soan the ball’s going to go out of bounds and maybe a little too much passing there this is in Boston this is in Boston down 15 and for the record Celtics do not have Kristoff spingus or drick white they went out two starters tonight we

Got everybody for the most part I mean Zack Collins is still out but whatever P PR the ball right now for Celtics then get over to Luke force it out to Horford for three oh my God Celtics are on a 21-6 run in the last five minutes have you guys noticed

Lately Quarter Two has been a bad quarter Devon drives in the paint throws it up off the glass no good he still can’t buy a bucket but remember when the third quarter was our worst quarter every game it seems like the second quarter lately is starting to be a

Quarter where we lose it we’re down 18 right now we’re getting smashed right now in the second quarter I I’m kind of speechless right now Jaylen brown with the ball spins around in the paint gets it over to cornet cornet misses the shot fight for the board and

Jaylen Brown gets the ball back back to Luke and Luke’s gonna throw the ball out of bounds it’s going to be Spurs ball they are down to starters XD gamer I don’t know and piggy back on the Mr J’s Pokemon world we have a million draft

Picks to trade we have way too many second round picks there’s a lot of speculation the Spurs might trade kelin de jonte may come back Brian Wright’s been very active the last few years I it’s really tough to tell what the Spurs are going to do because let’s be honest didn’t think

Drick white was going to get traded or did J maray and they both got traded within a year and anything’s possible de with the ball right now get to the champen champen Runners no good soan chases down the loose ball it’s Spurs ball 12 on the shot clock

Back out to Dev Mel four and a half minutes to go sewing in with the ball again back in the paint turnaround turnaround jumping left hook shot no good and our team has gone ice cold in the second quarter holidays wide open for three yeah Kenny it feels like that it’s

Lately we do need that Toronto pick and Toronto’s going to tank now but s to the paint gets the layup I feel like it’s our first bucket in like five minutes H yeah and kushima our defense is this bad and people want to get Trey young into this lineup it going to be

Even worse I know thought processes will just outscore our opponents holiday pull up off the glass good Well Ron we knew they were going to pull Wy I mean that was that was obvious holiday with 14 points already Trey Jones for three Trey finally hits a

Three yeah they need to wake up now yeah yeah K you did jinx us I called it didn’t I you came and you said wow it’s close no actually it’s not no it’s not it’s not close at all right now holiday in the paint travel on Celtics All Right

Toby and yes Zach protected picks are annoying very annoying it’s okay coacha it’s okay man but as soon as you came in and set it’s close I had a bad feeling I was like oh boy here we go sorry I just sneezed all over Selena hopefully she’s okay with it forced the

Pull up jumper good and one all right all right let’s go you know if we can cut this lead to single digits we’ll be okay we can get it down to eight or n we’ll be good you know what Veronica earlier said that Dev Mel has pineapple

Here and he’s wearing the yellow shoes so I see it he’s a pineapple okay he he’s got a nickname pineapple all good thank you Darren F Toronto Raptors why you got to start the tank now the Spurs could get it yeah honestly I know I’m not happy

Either I want to punch Steph Curry in the face for ruining I want to punch him in the face when he’s chewing on his mouthpiece I find that utterly disgusting good evening Leonardo Celtics have hit 11 threes in the first half well that’s not good that’s I don’t know

I’m just going to do this because I can uh tell you that Devon’s playing better he’s shooting 50% from the field he’s 204 so that’s that’s that’s that’s better right um I don’t know maybe he did just need that layup maybe he did it was 19 degrees this

Morning at San Antonio AI hi it was cold here in New England cold and icy almost call in to work ah Odyssey I did see some of the new HB commercials finally I did we’re doing can’t on defense as just Celtic can’t miss a three you know what Mohamed sometime

That’s going to happen when we play the Atlanta Hawks on when we play Monday and MLK Trey young was throwing up threes from just throwing them up left and right in the first half and they were going in sometime that’s going to happen no matter how good of a defense you’re

Playing the other team just launching them and they keep going in there’s nothing you can do Raptors up 59 to 26 versus a what are the Raptors are going to be are they going to be better without pasel seaka which would be fine with me because we have their lottery pick this

Year as long as it’s not a top six pick wama bomb block track cuz I’m inclined to stoop down hand out some beat down I did not probably say that correctly so I’m sorry Helen they played great against the Hawks so I’m hoping we have a second

Half turnaround and we do need more Wy Dunkey we need some wemy Dunkey damn it but I am shocked the Raptors are blowing the heat out every opposing player becomes Steph K when they Spurs HG yes they do uh XT gamer I don’t watch college basketball per

Se but I have been to to Yukon u c o n n I’ve been to two Yukon games with my girlfriend this year and I assume we’ll probably go to at least one more before the season’s over and if they are not if when they make the you know when March

Madness starts I’m sure she’ll be watching some games and will ask me to watch some with her which I’ll do I’m not a big college basketball fan never have been but you know it’s not like I don’t enjoy it it’s it’s a basketball where’s my d at I know where mine’s

At oh defense defense okay I kokoso the contract he has such a huge contract that expires at the same time as wy’s and this team has enough defensive issues he’s only going to make the defensive issues likely worse I know that you’re salving about the him and wemy connection not you

Specifically but Spurs fans and that’s a turnover for the Celtics I I’m good champ penny for three damn it champ Penny damn penny Celtics well Jason tanum G to shoot it over Dominic Barlo and so good Yukon met yes I saw that Zach Yukon men’s team is now number one and I

Believe the wom’s just got into the top 10 as well that’s a Miss it’s Celtics ball up by 17 Browns going to drive in the paint throws up the L good 19point game I just said I would like the Spurs get this to single digits hell they’re heading in the wrong direction right

Now Trey said that he could be the best player ever no W me dunky because pop tanky tanky nice Keith uh faal statement champagne is going to blow by the sth this defense and get in there for an easy layup Jessica I would think at least two first

Rounders and the Hawks if they’re going to be breaking their team up they’re going to probably want at least two of their picks back maybe they leave the pick swap but I think they want two of the picks maybe a player who that knows almost gets to seal falls down and puts

The hand the ball right in the hands of Jaylen Brown who getss an easy jumper at the bucket 64 to 45 ich by riko waving the light flag and he’s out Leonardo Tony wasn’t a great defender either he wasn’t and that’s turnover for the Spurs that’s turnover for the Celtics to

Watch that fast break Malachi’s open for three down the other end that a huge brick I didn’t see who it was who tried to get fancy on a pass for the Celtics but he turned the ball over and this is an ugly second quarter for our Spurs ugly

Ugly W Jack I’m actually F I’m fine with them not trading for anybody I’ve always been a bill through the draft we’ve done it before why can’t we do it again tm’s going to wow Tatum takes a very contested three-point shot and makes it Weir down

22 how speechless that’s a Miss in a Celtics ball they can hope for pretty much a last shot there one second between the shot clock and game clock and we are down a million you know it’s games like this that are frustrating because you’re watching your team Horford for three oh my

God they just dropped a 70 on us Mel’s three at the buzzer no good not really Keith I don’t know maybe I already answered that my brain is squishy right now I was just thinking like I could be hanging out with Miss TSR watching a movie getting some cuddles like actual

Cuddles I’m not being dirty right now spending time with the loved one and I’m watching our team get killed again Tatum is just that good Jamie uh yes hel the SS threes are ridiculous so let me put up the half we’ll look at the halftime stats I don’t know if we’re

Gonna I don’t know if we’re going to want to look at them this this that was a terrible second quarter I I don’t even know what to say let me put 12 minutes back up on the clock I’m afraid to look at the scoreboard because I I just know that

Second quarter is going to look bad goost first go get that number one pick you kind of’s best basketball program in the world uh hurricane Megan all right we got scored 40 to 20 in the second quarter 40 to 20 I’m feeling like this right now 40 to

20 yeah yeah kaai we get it you think it’s funny we know you’re laughing at the Spurs misery well the Spurs came back against the Hawks the Celtics are a much better team but maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe the Spurs can come back again tonight four the Boston Celtics who come into

The game 31-9 and 19-0 at home that’s right undefeated tanm with 17 just cooking us left and right in the first half Horford with nine cornette with two holiday with 14 brown with 12 yeah uh Celtic starters plus 22 plus 19 plus 17 plus 17 plus 19 that’s

Expected Off the Bench Hower with four brassette with two Q with four and prit with six for San Antonio Spurs by the way the Spurs are four of 20 from Beyond The Arc they started three of three soan and wemy and wemy again they are one of 17 since going three of

Three one of 17 this want you to think about that one to 17 anyway champeny with four soan with three Jeremy n having a great game offensively only one of six from the field he does have five boards and three steals so that’s something wemy with 14

Points no blocks for wemy yet Trey Jones with five devel with seven Devon having another kind of an offn night shooting is only two of six so far from the field Off the Bench Barlo with zero mcder with two Osman with two Kelvin with two Blake

Wesley has six I’m sorry malkey Bram has six Blake Wesley with the donut uh Blake is the only player with a positive on the Spurs for the record Blake Wesley with a plus one everybody else in the negative D say Blake was a big part of that comeback against Atlanta he pretty

Much shut Trey young down he’s been looking good defensively he has gotten so much better in certain points of the game over last year whatever reason he can’t hit the three-point shot he’s missed all his threes this year and he’s an abysmal free throw shooter absolutely

Terrible I actually want to look it up I’m pretty sure Blake Wesley is below 50% from the year I mean he’s shooting Shack level free throws right now Blake Wesley last season 59% from the free throw line which is awful for a guard this year

47% and he has yet to hit a three he’s only taken 10 this year he’s 0 10 so while his field goal percentage is way up can’t hit the three and he’s a horrible free throw shooter 47% man 47% from the line come on man practice your free throws practice

We in here talking about practice not the game not the game that you play to win for you play to win the game practice we in here talking about practice because he is who we thought he is I hear The Imperial March right now what what is happening with the Cel Celtics halftime

Show like the cheerleaders I don’t get it they’re playing the P March but they’re wearing gold and maroon what the hell does this have to do with and and aren’t the New York Yankees the evil empire are you are the Yankees living rent free and and Boston fans so they’re

Even playing their their theme at the Celtics game we might not get that Toronto pick and yes 70 at halftime we won 100 not getting that Toronto pick didn’t Timmy Miss like 15 or in a row uh free throws or three-pointers or yes I never understand NBA players not

Hitting free throws I mean Shaq shot what 52 or 53% from his career from the line if he shot 70% he easily would have averaged what one or two more points per game just cost his team in himself so many points Will Chamberlain Will Chamberlain was a terrible free throw

Shooter and averaged 30 points a game for his career eily could have averaged like 32 if he could hit be just a little bit better Anthony I don’t know baby maybe one of the Vets D git and cheddy Osman are rumored to be available for trade what’s going to actually

Happen before the trade deadline which is only a few weeks away it’s right around the corner isn’t it a lot of people are like that Big Sean you’re not alone coach should make the Spurs listen to DSi and some uh I don’t know about DSi how about well let’s stick with death

Now how about suffocation instead or you know something a little more mellow not much mellow but mellower Jing chong good morning to you wesle be gone next year a failed first round pick slap Jones I hope not I would rather see Rich handle the point guard position than soan take a

Shot well I’ll tell you this if TSR is running point guard you know what I’m doing I’m passing it to wemy and then what I’m doing after that I’m passing it to wemy and when I don’t know to the ball I’m throwing it up in the

Air for Wy that’s all TSR is doing at point guard where’s Wy where’s Wy where’s Wy he said uhuh where’s Wy I don’t know that’s what I’d be singing and I’ll would be dancing and and the players wouldn’t know what to do you like he’s doing all

This kind of like Fruity moving and dancing and it was weird and I don’t know what to make of it and and then I would and and then and then I would get the ball wi me and my FR I mean weird not anything else Rich how many push-ups you think I can

Do 397,000 and six challenge out there not a fishing nothing shooting Victor has the best percentage and our players players don’t take enough shots I’m thinking of Vel in particular Vel takes a lot of four shots he’s very good at creating his own shot but sometimes that shot he’s

Creating is a little too contested little straight two second round picks for Luca donic sure I don’t know if the Mavericks are going to go for that because actually I don’t know if the Spurs are going to go for that because that’s given up a lot that’s two second round picks which

Could easily convey into like Nia joic and Manu so why would you give up on a second round pick for just a regular old Allstar like luuka Don so I I don’t think the Spurs would do that I would pass toy on the bench and I would get 10 assists per

Game you have to make it past half court to throw it to Wy though might have some trouble there pass it to I don’t remember that episode Big Sean breaking news Spurs are sending wama for rich in what I can’t see the second part of that the little YouTube emojis on the

Since you mention baby coyote or mini coyote that’s what it says on his jersey coyote number two you know what time it is it’s time for coyote let’s go for a Ride right hand’s a little easier I’m I’m [Laughter] right-handed oh poor coyote he doesn’t want to watch the Spurs lose my 25 it’s okay budy it’s okay they’ll be good just just maybe not this year he’s he’s going to go to sleep now he’s young he’s got to get his rest we need Lucas defense though he’s known

For will he average 20 assists per game as point guard when only passing the ball to wemy if I can get the ball if the Spurs are passing it to me up to half court which it’s debatable I can because I’m slow and old at this point being a pushing

47 uh if I can get the ball past half court then I’m just passing it to Wy and Celtics are not the Hawks I remember watching you when Spurs play nuggets the playoffs keep on growing your CH Anthony Buon you are going back to uh April of

2019 that was the first time I uh called the Spurs and the Spurs lost those two games against the nuggets and haven’t been in the playoff since I’m not counting the play in so uh I remember raging in one of those videos raging in both videos because at the end

Of one game demard Rosen got a technical for throwing the ball to ref he may have been thrown out of the game I don’t remember the next game the Spurs were down and there was like 25 seconds left and they just stopped playing like they weren’t fouling they weren they weren’t

Trying I think they had a timeout left and I just scream my head off like why are you throwing the towel now so good times back then 46 baby I’ll be 47 soon how soon very soon butterfly good evening to you we uh it’s the struggle real tonight we’re down 25 it

Uh yeah we’ve had better better first halfes the Dixon way raid showing some love I’m not familiar with the the Dixon way I’m have to check out your channel here are you live for the Spurs oh live for uh the magic and the Hawks you are a well thank you for

Stopping in Dixon way fans I am not familiar with your channel if I’m being transparent I whenever make something up let’s see you you are I can’t tell who you’re a fan of looks like you cover a little of everything bikes to do that props to you

That is that’s a lot of work when this channel started in 2019 TSR Sports was covering and I I do this as a lone alone sort of alone I would call every NBA game during the playoffs and man that was that was tough if you guys are able

To do it and if there’s more than one of you doing it I’ll have to check your Channel let me actually subscribe so I can I can check you out nope I’ve clicked on the wrong person TSR fail it’s just there it is just say we’re all YouTubers we’re

All trying to grow you know trying to show some love right there you are the Dixon way experience is the ultimate destination where sports fans whether you’re a oh Atlanta there we go what D support Atlanta Falcons Atlanta Hawks Atlanta Braves or Georgia dogs all right so

Atlanta man I’m going have to check out your channel see if you did anything about all these trade rumors because there’s a lot of talk right now about joh de Murray and Trey young being up for trade and certainly be curious on your thoughts on that I think it’s good that when

Experience this losing situation that can grow more as a player uh Anthony I we’ve had enough this year we’re good dude I need a behind the back dunk by wemy tonight I need uh the Spurs to win Pat we play well good news by the way so I’ll announce it tonight the next

Two Spurs games I will not be alone she won be joining me on stream that’s not happening yet but maybe someday soon in 2024 but miss TSR Sports will be here for the game against the Hornets and who do we play I see some ads are coming coming up I’m

Sorry the Horn uh hornets and wizards those are winnable games we could possibly win those both I can see ad they about to run I’m sorry for some of you I’m sorry I have no control over it I I could shut them off but I do put

Money to the channel so I mean I want to keep in mind yes spurs why exactly butterfly yes the Hornets then the Wizards it’s a back to back so we probably won’t have one on Saturday night the Hornets and wizards are both bad yes I I know we’re bad too but I

Think we can win both those games I can’t wait for the OKC versus Spurs game where puts a better show between Webby and CH between cheni and wet is going to win Rookie of the Year possibly Anthony buson possibly that game could you know those the rest of

Those Spurs and Thunder games could really weigh which way the Rookie of the Year voting goes now if they’re going on record wey doesn’t have a chance I know and I’ve said this before c might be more efficient than than wemy and well not mik he is more efficient from the

Field he’s benefiting heavily from having sgaa on his team jaet Hogan does not have to be the best player on the Thunder on any night whereas weny needs to be the best player either on offense or defense are both for us LeBron and his son no no way bronnie

And LeBron and I hope not if I’m being honest yes Anthony Bart when I started this channel was the beginning of the era of the Spurs sucker I’ve only known suck on this channel yes I’ve uh I’ve seen the New York Giants have one winning season since I started this channel since we

Started this channel I’ve seen the Spurs have zero Wy with the ball kicks it out to Jones around the world to so Hamp for three nope so yeah I’ve only we’ve only known losing on TSR Sports the Yankees have made the playoffs most years of this channel but have done nothing with

It at all absolutely nothing which is what you are about to become say goodbye to your say goodbye to your two best friends and I don’t mean your PO in the win of Bago that’s a three for Drew holiday I’m gonna start getting silly here if we keep getting blown

Out Drew holiday with 17 points he’s five of five from Beyond The Arc five of five champeny goes back door and blows the layup at The Rim hits the bottom of the rim you bum stay down I’m just kidding hope he’s okay and they’re give up an easy dunk to

Luke cornette we’re down by 30 I don’t know what to say anymore when me for three in and out Drew holiday 3 m uh can you get the thumbs up that’s what I’ll say because I don’t think we’re get many people coming in here for the the

Second half of the Spurs just keep getting dig keep digging deeper into a hole horp for three no good did Devon change his shoes he did change his shoes he’s not wearing the highlighter shoes anymore he’s not a pineapple soan out to Devon Deon going to drive in the paint throws up the

Runner it’s got to be the shoes you’ve been a first fan since David Robinson’s last game ah David ROMs was so much fun to watch I started watching him halfway through his rookie season Anthony so some point in 1990 turnover for the Celtics Spurs have numbers Trey Jones Al to Vel all right

The shoes help under dunk of Justice those damn highlighter shoes we’re holding them down no Shane I’m not upset but I I hate seeing our team I hate seeing our guys get blown out Jaren Jackson Jr Klay to Klay Thompson at this point in his career I

Don’t think so getting older Ronald has two severe injuries within the last five years probably still has a pretty big contract I’m that one I’m passing on that pullup jumpers no good by Jaylen Brown Ball’s going to go out of bounds and it’s going to say Celtics ball right somebody clo Line Drew

RoR though would to be opposed to that I would love to get AO out of that list AO from the Bulls yes I’m on board there actually change it is fur ball down s ball right now starts to takeoff and in the paint pullup jumper is going to bounce twice and bounce

Out uh not a fan of car Malone Mr Scott crotch and I know why you’re asking and the answer is no tum pullup is good timeout Spurs down by 28 Jared good evening to you Adrian hates watching champeny yes I hate seeing him on the starting

Lineup I feel like we could do so much better with somebody else in there start Osman help put Kellin back in the starting lineup I I just don’t like champagne in starting lineup but I hope he proves me wrong let me pull up jumper good

Rob I don’t know who I would compare him to as far as current players I would compare devell to um devel yeah devel reminds me of devel because he’s gonna be the first and only devel and now fou in the Spurs 7751 Jared I’m doing good the

Game well I mean this game is good right here SU but the Spurs and myself we’re getting Chuck Norris in the face tonight I think wemy just had his first block while was getting Chuck Norris and a fast break for champ Penney he throws down the weakest Thunder dunk of Justice

I’ve ever seen Thunder dunk of Justice hey we cut the lead to 24 though let start right uh the guy that passed away yes Jared he actually put up a like a rest in peace thing at the start of the game I didn’t know who it was and it turns out was

Him so he was uh Jared he was born the same year I was I saw him 1977 of 2024 and that was a little scary I was like dang I’m just like that means you know I’m can’t I’m just imagine myself checking out this year not not

Intentionally but it’s like you know if it all ended for me this year I like I I I’m Waring this terribly he passed away I’m guessing at like around 47 which means this would be my last year on Earth and I just you know I’m not

Ready to go I’m sure sure he wasn’t either we are down by 24 devell looks like vevan Dell nice that’s what what to do there speaking of which Deon with the ball right now takes off gets into the paint flies all over the place throws it up and in and one

Damn those highlighter shoes never wear those again what about pein Mel oh boy here we go wow at this point Greg poch needs to retire Jared coming in with some Thunder and some lightning Trey young and Steve Kerr added to the Spurs roster Steve Kerr as a

Player No Adrien wemy is not going to play backto back he’s going to play one of the games there’s no way he’s playing a back toback he’s on a minute restriction now I don’t see him playing Friday and Saturday we’ll probably play Friday take Saturday off how about t

Jadden i mean I’ve told you numerous times my favorite player is Ravid doson um drive to the paint and Jaylen Brown gets it in there over Wendy no you’re fine Jared Moses I thought the minut Restriction was going to get lifted last week and it’s still

Here I think it’s just going to be here all year champagne for three all right Julian start hitting up and prove us all wrong exact Adrian I was just saying never going to lift them off of it 7959 Spurs are slowly crawling their way back in the game CL claw crawling clawing clawing

Their way back in the game jeez I can’t talk four on the shot clock for the SS tum pull up jumper and in and out burger Wy with the rebound Victor will bring it up for San Antonio Sprints up the court into the paint and a bounce pass right to Drew

Holiday he’s not on your team Wy he’s not on your team down the other end fast break layup and Pop’s going to call a timeout Jaylen Brown gets the layup what about rst stra oh jeez Megan Wy rolled his ankle like three weeks ago now and he’s been on a

Minutes restriction ever since I get it for the first couple weeks but come on man enough enough it’s not his call Anthony B Barton it’s not and I hel I think he does have four turnovers today Adrian that’s fair L yes if you haven’t H the thumbs up please do so it does

Help the channel trust the thumbs up Ralph Simpson 2.0 no don’t say that exactly ver it’s not his choice he actually came into a game against pops wishes a couple uh what a week week and a half ago wemy has no say over his minutes restriction whatsoever and Phil yes I

Agree the Spurs and we got it down to 22 we are down by 30 to start the quarter if you can get this manageable down to 14 or 12 before the fourth quarter starts which is possible the game the NBA game is about a game of

Runs then we have a chance but they’re gonna have to make it happen here we can’t go to the fourth down by 20 or more Adrian he should you definitely should off the men restriction you know what Ronald he’s played five and a half minutes I wouldn’t be shocked if pop pulls

Him Phil somebody said that earlier that he might be getting punished for checking himself in the game I can’t think that we you’d like to think the team’s not that you’d like to think a team wouldn’t do that P2 I’m sorry PT to Sweet 84 good evening you’re not alone some people

Would like Murray back on the team I’m more neutral if he comes here great hopefully don’t give up a lot for him if he never comes back great we didn’t give him anything for him can we tell the guys to stop shooting threes when we literally saw

His last game how he played close to the basket but decided to start shooting threes when he’s close to the basket when he was crushing Atlanta now the Celtics defense dare I say is a bit better than Atlanta Hawks Shane fair enough yes Drew holiday still in the

League and Phil do you think he’s that petty you think this is punishment still how you doing buddy comfortable okay Mike Gorman the Celtics are 20 and0 with Mike calling the game I think that’s more the team than him someone who does to beat the Celtics at home it’s going to be Spurs

Ball about six and a half minutes to go in the third quarter and vasel bringing up for our Spurs and get it over to W’s out Dominic B’s in five and a half minutes for Wy you the usual BS Vel catch and shoot three that’s no good champag flies for the

Rebound and we’re going to have a foul he may have been pushed in the back and we are going to have a Celtics foul I believe I want Spurs fan to calm down with the whole Wy talk it’s just his first season and we are seeing talked about ending his greatness in

Leaving I I think Spurs fans are worried that he’s frustrated and the minutes restrictions are going to alienate him with the coach and or team but I’d let or not think that he’s w a nice tough drive to the hoop and gets the layup we’re going to need a lot

Of Deon to come back we’re need a lot from Kell whenever he checks in the game t with the ball throws it up off the glass in and out champeny with the rebound let’s cut this let’s get this lead and let’s get this lead down Spurs we got plenty of time

Here Trey Jones with the ball right now for the Spurs driving in the paint over to a wide open B for three what okay new me good evening to you Spurs on a 196 run in the last 4 minutes and 40 seconds so they are coming back the

Thing is they just played so crappy in the second quarter and dug themselves in a huge hole holiday for three no good champ penny with the rebound much like the Atlanta Hawks game they put themselves on such a huge hole by the time they finally came back they just

Ran out of time Jones layup no good bar with the clean up good it’s a 15-point game that was a lucky three Dan I can’t argue that point you just made he did not come here to play 20 about 20 minutes a game but I think this

Is a this year thing only as holiday misses the layup in the paint this Celtics get the ball back four on the shot clock Tatum’s going to force a three no good soang with the rebound the Celtics have gone a little cold this is our chance Jeremy into the

Paint and the offense will reset with Tre Jones 14 on the shot clock Tre is going to drive in the paint himself run ra back out of the paint out to D Mel vel’s going to drive in the paint throws up the layup no good going to get

Fouled we’re coming back a little bit they do usually come back at the end and usually it’s too late so hopefully that’s not the case tonight oh Anthony bar I appreciate the $2 super chat but I don’t I don’t like reading when as r sson 2.0 Baden no

Don’t say that Samson had what three or four good years and then his body just totally on him de going to be at the line for two we’ve cut the lead to 15 de with 16 points on six to 12 shooting having a much better game than he did his last two

Games Adrian I think I was in Virginia what year was that I’ll need the year on that Adrian to answer that correctly but I think I was living in Virginia when that happened kin only has two points Leo we’re going to need him to be much

Better in the second half D’s first free throw is good well it’s not even joke about Greg at own 2.0 one pun to compared him I mean is that somebody for like ESPN Anthony I mean whatever I’m not going to compare him to Ralph Samson no disrespect to Ralph Samson but

I don’t want to compare any player especially in the rookie year to a player whose career was cut short by injury that’s just a douchy thing to do I mean well all du respect to Greg Odin I don’t want to compare anybody to his career he lasted what what do you

Have two two okay years with Portland and then just that was it for the most part ts are going to kick it out the pitard for three three’s no good and we’re going to have a lot of contact in the paint and is that going to go against Barlo I think it

Is if Duncan learns hake and Duncan moves he I mean if Wy learns Hakeem and dunan moves I agree and kokosa Wy is doing a ton to protect his body either are the Spurs 8168 13-point game at is Celtics ball 10 on the shot clock that’s a foul on Trey

Jones payt printer got him off his feet and Jones is landing right on him 2013 I was in Virginia Adrian April 15 2013 I was definitely in Virginia that year Christian I mean they’re trying to come back first free throws good for Pritchard they just had such an abysmal

Third quarter they got out scored I think it was 40 to 20 in the third take that quarter away what we’re probably winning we would be winning we’re down 15 my clock’s oh my clock is way ahead my clock is running stop running yeah way ahead I’m sorry 355 to

Go and there’s another foul Trey’s been good as a starter Ronalds he has W is more like Abdul Jabar and he play 20 I’ll take a Kema dual Jabar type career 8368 deel going the line for two was Wy flopping from I don’t I don’t think he’s flopping I don’t think he’s flopping

Jing did you just say so has a Kobe on is he wearing Kobe Bryant Shoes by the way KOB Bryant’s uh I don’t know if I want to call it anniversary but his passing isn’t that like uh by the way it’s first 69 the Celtics Deon misses

The second free throw but he they do 69 them but wasn’t did copy pass away like January 24th I think I think it was around this time yeah em he is attacking a lot more I’m glad to see that the last two games he’s been just settling for jumpers and

They not been going in Pritchard drives to the hoop gets the lamp good 8569 I think we 26 okay I knew it was close I knew it was really close nine days away dein it’s in the paint out to Malai Brandon bram’s not going to drive in the

Paint himself tries to EUR step and gets blocked by q q wearing some really bright red shoes by the way nth qua Cuda I just G to call him Q the Celtics have five blocks we have zero wey has not gotten a block yet tonight as Tatum loses the ball out of

Bounds it’s going to stay with Boston Mark I would agree with that Helen you actually just said the same thing zero blocks we need to WR we want wemi in unfortunately it’s not up to us Q with four points four boards and two blocks doesn’t have the legendary stat

Line of former San Antonio Spur Legend quiner Witherspoon who had six fouls in 10 minutes is Kellen Johnson’s out of bounds holding his face face I don’t know what happened to him but he took a shot Hugh’s going to get the ball third down to dunk and we’re back to an 18-point

Game Tatum only has 19 tonight we’re getting crushed like that deisel drives in the paint turn around spin around Jay a little short and the rebound is going to fall in the hands of pton Pritchard pritch will bring it up for the Celtics getting in the paint off’s going to reset speaking of

TM he has the ball right now spin in the paint and falls down and a whistle like tripped on his feet time out I think people are frustrated for how long the minutes restrictions going Toby feel like it’s been going on for far too long I can’t believe Tatum is only 19

Years old which T are you talking about Jason TM is not 19 years old this like what his sixth year in the league he ain’t 19 man has 10 points in the first yeah Adrian he’s not going for 30 tonight he’s really not it’s CA Cher up with some some You is there a a Jason tanm 19 I don’t know of it I know he’s a lot older than 19 heck I’ll look it up now I want to say tanm is 26ish I go 26 what’s the Google say he’s 25 he’ll be 26 March 3rd of this year so I was close

Definitely not 19 not even close to 19 look at all the sandals from my girlfriend she likes Wy there’s a joke around that tum is 19 why that doesn’t make sense he doesn’t look I guess he had to be there Anthony uh he he’s been not been

Playing well lately P Mark good evening to you the Spurs are getting spurred up right now and we could use some quick buckets we could get some good stops we need some good stops if Wy doesn’t miss any games he would be so close to 1,000 points right now he’s at

683 I think he’s only missed like five games though Adrian and at 20 points a game that puts him at 783 so I don’t think he’d be as close to 1,000 as you think we need another big I have not seen that commercial C Sho kind of losing help in

Kellin uh yeah he’s not having a very good game he’s not having a very good stretch second game in a row where he’s kind of disappeared and this team can’t have guys disappear they can’t we’re not good enough where other players are going to step up Mark with a $2 superj says a

Definite switch in their approach Boston’s good Boston is good a technical on pop pop trying to fire up the Team 88 is Q it’s your boyyo uh nimus Cuda the only 19 t on is like 19 in oh stop right there Melle and Tatum both have 19

Points tonight tm’s on the line I guess the technicals missed while I was looking away at the Super Chat it’s back to almost a 20 point game but it’s 88 to 69 I don’t think Lonnie Walker’s coming back to his furs maybe pops trying to fire up the team Ronald something Daman hope you’re doing good tonight my friend long time supporter of the channel like many of you are but everybody that’s here whether you’ve been here for a year a minute and

Everything in between appreciate your support Wy has checked back in the game good Brandon going to dve in the paint throw up the layup and it’s good and to his credit malkey has been attacking the paint more tonight and he has been fairly successful getting to the

Rim we are down by 18 I was saying if we can get this lead down to like 12ish or 14 maybe we’ll have a chance I don’t like going down around 20 into the four so hopefully we can get a couple stops here we need a couple

Stops that a turnover by the Celtics has a turnover Spurs ball thank you Mark I try you know sometimes you don’t realize how much time you put into a channel but between you know a 40 hour job I probably put anywhere from 12 to 15 hours a week

Into YouTube it it heads up quick 88 is pretty you canque Adrien he sticks out the red shoes the headband and the 88 wheny turnaround jumper over Q is no good and now we’re going to have a late whistle and this will be on the Celtics V says I think I’ve started to

Move away from some of our guys not being consistent to just accepting they’re bad and need to go should need shouldn’t need to have an on night every night to be of value I’ve started thinking about that myself ver Joe K to they might make a change we’ll see

When’s at the line for two right now I mean if we’re being kenned for a moment and take our Spurs goggles off have we as Spurs fans overrated Kelvin Johnson and down Vel I might be guilty of the first one a lot of folks I remember seeing Devon’s

Going to be an Allstar deon’s gonna be this deon’s gonna be that and I look and I’m like I see flashes but I saw flashes in Lonnie Walker I saw flashes in Kellen hell I saw flashes in Brin for at times are we being homers know home home teamers and

Overring some of our guys I don’t know offensive foul on Tatum Conor that I mean if if Kell knows he’s getting traded and that’s why his energy is zero I I don’t think he would know that I can’t imagine team would tell him hey you’re getting traded next

Week because uh I don’t know that’d be weird Wendy with an Ali oop reverse layup no good G get fouled he’s going back to the line for two Vera I do I do like their personalities I do like the kids on the team and I’m old enough to be their dad

So they are like kids to me but I I I Toby I’m starting to feel like maybe we overrated some of our guys too a little bit the leue has overrated wama I’m going to disagree with that they’ve hyped him too much but to say he’s overrated the

Special things we’ve seen this kid do on the court I don’t think he’s gonna be overrated I think he’s be just right but he’s not going to get there overnight like Timmy or David did and that’s where I think people are all thinking he’s going to come into the league

Immediately Chang the game no Christopher Romo with the $20 Super Chat thank you my friend he says go Spurs go got to see the Spurs at the Spurs versus Hawks for your birthday please like And subscribe this awesome Channel you were at that game man that was a rough first

Half but you saw heck of a second half in an amazing third quarter with when me going nuts I’m so happy you got to see that game on your birthday man that is awesome thank you for support and here’s a special ghost spurs go to You and you know what you and get a baby coyote Dance unfortunately during the baby coyote dance Jason Tatum threw up a three and made it so we’re back down to 18 Wy with the ball when will drive in the paint bit of a Euro Step very off-balance shot that was ugly as all heck but it went

In okay wemy is very special the things he can do it his T’s going to force a pass I thought he was about to shoot he actually just passed the ball off instead and they’re finally going to find pitchard open for three Dam damn it we didn’t need that you’re welcome

Christopher 957 whoops maybe that was a two was a two maybe I hit the button a little too many times a 5sec differ between a shot clock and a clock wy’s going to drive in the paint throws up a very awkward layup and it goes in again wey’s forcing some very

Difficult shots but they’re going in they could be exactly they can be as ugly as they want as long as they go in I think Kelvin just got in the face for the third time tonight what happened with kelvin’s face it’s going to be Celtics ball with under a second

Left I I like to see wom we get 30 hopefully he’s in there long enough Lance soan inconsistent start out the buzzer that’s not even close by o shaper set all right we’ve made it close and this seems to be the script a lot of time this year twoo where the

Spurs are getting blown out and they make it close and they might not just have enough time to catch up at the end we’ll see I’ll be here to the end sugar J Cherry it at least he been better lately I mean we also have to remember this

Boston Celtics team is the best in the Eastern Conference and they’re undefeated at home so I don’t want to criticize the Spurs too much for being down to a team of this caliber we’re the youngest team in the NBA playing a team that’s going to be competing for the NBA

Finals we should be losing to them we being honest we don’t want to see them lose like this we want to see the game be closer at least they’re not laying down they are still trying their down by 16 they did have a a good third quarter 33 to 24

The where actually won that quarter thing is I don’t know what’s happening but as of late the second quarter has been bad for us we were outscored 40-20 which is it’s absolutely terrible trade in like three teams where Chicago Lakers goes first his go what do

You mean Jim three teams you try to trade for or three teams that uh KJ’s face is hitable or three teams you think would should try to trade with my win forecast originally was 38 s 77 originally was 38 it ain’t get anywhere anywhere near 38 that’s not

Happening Daman I’m not bringing back UFC streams that’s not happening me and my friend Jeff go to UFC live events at Hooters it’s much cheaper to order a pay-per-view now it’s $80 which is absolutely ridiculous I’d rather go to Hooters with Jeff get some food watch the event and plus the

Atmosphere is something that I I really appreciate when something big happens you hear the whole place go oh ah and you just can’t recreate that at home so we are definitely probably not ever going to do live streams and the problem with the UFC is is I would do UFC shorts of the

Reactions of the Hooters crowd but you never know when something’s going to happen I I I can’t just sit there I don’t want to sit there and like just keep recording one minute at a time one minute at a time one minute at a time a short hoping something

Happens uh I suppose I can record every fight on my phone and edit when I get home the problem is I don’t get home till like 1:30 or 2 in the morning so just that’s not happening where youf see mik come back I was talking to my

Girlfriend about this it kind of hit me I was like you know what I have some really heavy songs that could be fight Anthem type songs that don’t really seem to fit with like the Spurs and or the GI or the Yankees why don’t I make a UFC fight

Song right I have a song that uh I need to get back in the music stum and check that out actually uh what parts of the song have but I have a song that I love the chorus I love how heavy it is the chorus doesn’t fit anything I’m doing on

The channel the chuses I just growl Slaughter to Prevail which is a death metal band and I was like wait that that’s totally the the attitude in the UFC Slaughter to Prevail I mean you’re not actually trying to kill the person in the Octagon but I was like that song

Would be a perfect UFC fight song it’s heavy as you know what so I’m going to see if I can do something with it I just got to get in the music studio and see if I have if I can what parts I can change to make it

Fit the channel and fit a UFC fight song Let’s Start the fourth quarter will miss their fourth quarter himself wide open Wendy help the Spurs come back we shall soon see Browns open for three oh not going to come back like that leaving players open for wide open

Threes it’s $80 plus the es yeah exactly it’s it’s not worth it Runner by douge no good the put back by wem’s no good Wy will finally get the loose ball and then loses the balls we have a whole bunch of players tangled up it’s going to be Celtics ball

9778 hurricane Mangan I do like death metal I do I got into it uh I got into my journey was Metallica panta death metal so I start getting to Cannibal Corpse Suffocation Morbid Angel deide cryptopsy dying fetus you know the really really obituary you know carcass

A lot of the big bands of the 90s we are six of 25 from three in it your boy Rico we started three of three we started three of three which means we’ve been three of 22 since then you’re not going to win games shooting like that brandom to the G League

Armando I don’t think it’ll happen but a lot of fans are a little disappointed in his progression in year number two second free throws no good Kell what the remound man Kell’s been quiet tonight I struck you as a Neil Diamond guy uh definitely not I mean I do like

Sweet Caroline and like a couple other songs Neil was a talented guy but definitely not Neil G guy uh Anthony Bartons nobody knows about my channel in the Spurs organization as far as I know that’s not true some people that work at the Spurs Arena at the frost

Center are subscribers so I I suppose in that regard some people in the Spurs organization do know about the channel I missed my holiday a put back by Luke cornette and we’re back down and we just turned the ball over they turned away to fix a

Score and a quick layup by OA Bret now it’s 24-point game just like that we’re down 24 joea good evening loving the rocks a good te good song H Daman I I’d rather just still go to Hooters I’m not really into those type of sites I’d never have

Been missed by douge at Celtics ball and they’re going to turn the ball over Kellin with the interception on an easy easy steal butell for three no good I can’t believe we’re down 24 yes I can Celtics ball 10 minutes to go this pullup three is in and out for Sam Hower

How Wy with the ball is he going to take a straight up three nope and get it back to deel pick and roll Mel with the AL to Wendy and he missed the dunk but he got fouled McNugget should start another Booby dance I wouldn’t say the team’s garbage

Caps you 10 but they’re they’re not playing good we need to get you some attention from the organization Mark I I mean that would be great I certainly would be just if I could ever get a spur on here or Sean Elliott or anybody that would be

Great but I just I don’t know I mean to them I’m probably a small Channel they’re going to see 21,000 subscribers and probably think too small when we get to 50 when we get to 100 then that might C catch the eyes of the Spurs organization but if I’m being transparent probably too

Small of a Channel right now in their eyes a right P2 sweet K’s been a little rough lately I’m I’m under sing that kelvin’s been really rough lately you’re so good against Chicago and since that game he’s not been the same Wy makes both free throws how many

Points Wy got he’s got to have over 20 now right 25 somebody said they wanted Wy to go for 25 Wy went for 25 Drew holiday into the paint we kick it off for three Hower for three swish we’re get beat by guys I’ve never heard

Of he always was a role player Joe he always was 30 bench points for the Celtics and 19 for the Spurs Trey Jones for three no good not the shot we’re looking for Azie it’s tough watching a team lose like this it really is but you know what

You can do even though team’s losing I could still use a thumbs up for me if you wanted mine I don’t know where we’re at but we would like to get at link to 125 go soan on The Fast Break gets the layup 10582 Drew holiday is going to kick it

Out and wow OA reset was wide open for three I thought he was going to launch to three he didn’t M AA Trey Jones Just Hits the ground we’re going to have an offensive foul on the Celtics time to come back watching is a great passer imagine what

He could do with Wy I don’t think that came out Leonardo the way he wanted it to who’s a great passer swe 84 I mean I’ve I’ve watched every game this year there’s two games I I missed that I couldn’t call one I was having an eye issue and the other one I

Just took the night off but I have watched every Spurs game this year and there’s been some tough games to watch we’re going to have foul on Wy as he fouls o Brett going into the pain two free throws coming up he congratulations to the Packers win

It’s your boy Rico that’s not going to be a popular opinion on the channel as uh there’s quite a few Cowboy subscribers and they’re not too happy with the Packers win man the Cowboys just cowboys in the playoffs I don’t know every year every year they’re a great team during the

Regular season almost every year and then the playoffs come and just just foret first free throws good 10682 oh the Packers play the ners oh I didn’t realize that uh that could be tough no those are jerseys these are real you can see him moving go Damian those are five jerseys

I also have a kelman jersey in my closet which you guys see me wear on occasion and the Lions oh that’s right Dam I forgot two division Rivals are still in the playoffs Spurs down by by 27 I forgot that other free throw Kell’s going to launch a three W rare Kellen

Make Spurs down by 22 the old starting lineup is out there right now 107 to 85 Jaylen Brown in the pink gets blocked by soan nice defense by soan that’s an off very difficult off balance block by Jeremy Jery’s going to take it coast to coast and he gets blocked by Luke

Cornette should have passed that one up and down the other end Jo shaper said it’s blocked by Wendy three blocks in a row block block block Dak Prescott is like the James Harden of the NFL oh danam that is Harsh that’s just mean but not tooo far off 10785 at a Celtics

Ball 14 on the shot clock for Boston Jaylen Brown just kind of standing out there dribbling around dribbling dribbling four in the shot clock now finally going to take off in the paint pull up jumpers no good but he got fouled we’re going to have two free

Throws coming up DJ shroud looked great by the way for the Texans that kid is just I had no idea he was that good actually I dare I say probably a lot of people did not think he was going to be that good this quickly for the

Texans I’m sure most people wrote the Texans off and now they’re playing great Brown at the line he’s got 196 and five first free throw is good make that 20 I don’t think they will Conor but you never know wor Murray and Webby would be good for each other off the pick and

Roll pick and roll game would be beautiful Dak Prescott is the CM Punk of the UFC oh oh I don’t think everybody will get that reference Damian but I get it at some point I think Pop’s going to wave the White Flag Mark we’re we’re we’re down by 24 I

Mean I’m here because uh this I’m a Spurs content creators Wy throws it down hard under dunk of Justice all right even though the Spurs are losing Wy gets a little poster action I do need a thunder block of Justice Drew holiday for three the Celtics three-point shooting tonight is

Just on fire Spurs with the fast break and Dell with another dunk under dunk of Justice we’re down 23 though Running Out of Time trade soan let me only five rebounds that it he’s scoring though he’s got 27 thing that kills me is when’s 10 of 19 from the

Night but he’s two of six from The Arc yes he h his first two threes and he’s over four cents he took a few less threes his efficiency would be so much better you know what we’re having some really bad games for quite a few players Jeremy San is two for nine

Tonight Five Points Trey Jones is two for seven five points does have 10 assists Kellin Johnson only has five points he’s only taken four shots he’s two of four he is very passive tonight I don’t know I I I don’t know that’s that’s what I got I don’t

Know yes pt2 Murray would be a defensive upgrade at point guard for sure we’d go from a 61 point guard to a 65 I don’t know you know that team cancer stuff with Murray I know he said some stuff after he was traded I really think he was butt hurt I think

He was really mad about getting traded I thought he wanted to be the fren you know the guy I think he wanted to stay here now it doesn’t I’m not saying it’s what he did was right with what he was putting on the social media left and

Right but I’m just saying I think he made a mistake he made an immature mistake and I think he realizes that because you see him latly talks about how much he likes San Antonio and this that and the other it says has positive things to say I think he realizes he

Made a big mistake and if he came back here so be it I’m not rooting for him to come back but I’m not going to be against him coming back if he came back for the right price uh yes his shot selection does need better trade because very stupid

Player Hawks got worse with muray I think they actually did it was a Spurs sing do short don’t mind Poppy’s almost that 30 pull him out right uh Adrian Lopez I I get it some of the post game interviews get me a little bit the wrong way not saying

It was justified Anthony Bartons not saying it was justified whatsoever I’m just saying I I see where he was coming from I do mean I have to like it I don’t think I don’t know if you want it out I don’t know who knows only he knows

In the end it is what it is I don’t think it’s coming back and it’s not going to matter DJ start hang out number two uh Alex you know it’s just one of those weird nights he’s not getting many rebounds he has no assists it just you

Know you’re GNA have Knights like that when you’re a center it is Celtics ball the Spurs are down by 23 I’m just hoping we can make it respectable and cut the lead to like I don’t know 12ish get W be maybe a few more points get him to 30 that’d be cool Tatum

Pullup jumper is an air ball s get the ball back they get it back to Tatum he’s going to miss this three it is for as well Jones will get it up the court gets it into Wy Wy in the paint back to Jones Jones Le hey wy’s got an

Assist there you go that’s an assist for weny for those you talking about wy’s assists there’s one and there can be only one Mr Scott TR you’re true you’re you’re true on that statement at Wy heard you guys he heard he doesn’t have an assist and then sure

Enough let me double check ESPN yep he’s officially got an assist all right Wendy you show them you get that one assist buddy Anthony that that set the franchise back trading kawhai for Demar to Rosen I like dear but he’s not he’s not kawhai Leonard both players when they’re at the top of

Their game one of these is not like the other it is very much apples and oranges and that really started decline of the franchise yeah why we still trying I the Spurs are still trying we have a jump ball uh wy’s out though Pap has pulled

Wemy with 541 to go now we have a timeout I don’t think when’s getting to those 30 points no tanking no Wendy I forgive the Spurs management for all decisions made prior to the 2023 draft fa outex well the Spurs are waving the White Flag more than likely yes they are

You know why because we had Devonte Graham sighting and when devant grams in the game the Spurs have given up that’s the official that’s the official we give up oh well I’ll stay here till the end it’s actually kind of early it’s only 9:30 we’re two hours into the

Stream So the game’s been going by at pretty fairly good quip uh we had one Wy Dunkey it’s your boy riko I don’t actually I don’t think I actually said Wy Dunkey during this the dunk because I don’t think Wy Dunkey when it happens that was a legit 4ian slip where I was

Just excited in the moment and uh yelled out what I yelled out you know I was excited Spurs fan by we’re 10 thumbs up away from 150 it’d be really cool even though the Spurs are losing if we could get to 150 thumbs up so you only you can

Get us to 150 and prevent forest fires but I would love to get 150 if we can so I would appreciate your support you just got to be patient yo you we’ve been trying it’s it’s tough not the losing but sometimes how bad we’ve lost throughout the season like

Those really bad losses where we lost by like 30 that’s where my patience is a little where’s a little thin thank you Mark appreciate it hey we got two easy games coming up I don’t think there’s any chance and you know what that Wy plays the back to back but

We got the Hornets and the Wizards those teams suck as do we but we can win both those games is he up to 26 now alen so could be up to 30 soon I hope number two problem is hereditary are any players League wide averaging more than 35 minutes a game so

77 the last decade minutes have been cut I mean you look back in the day Jordon was playing 40 minutes a game Allen Iverson was averaging 42 to 43 minutes a game Mr Robinson was playing almost 40 minutes a game Tim Duncan was playing almost 40 minutes a game I think I don’t

Did Robinson actually average 40 minutes a game in his career I’m G look that up real quick the year he averaged 30 points a game 29.8 I know don’t don’t hashtag me he had to have been close to 40 David did average 40 the year he

Averaged 29.8 points a game 9394 D rson played 40 and a half minutes a game they talk about how much more athletic everybody is today and this that and the other and how better you know how technolog is advanced yet I feel like the players are playing less

Minutes and they’re playing less games they’re taking games off all the time so how’s that work how is it everything’s better but nobody can play 82 games anymore same thing with baseball you see baseball and it’s like baseball players are so much bigger stronger faster this

That and the other well how come the guys in the 70s could pitch 300 innings in 25 complete games and the guys in the 80s were doing kind of similar things and the guys in the 90s were kind of doing that and then now nobody can pitch past the sixth

Inning Trey Jones Runner is good NJ played 82 games with the Wizards his last year his very last season I mean he played 82 he played the full season Celtics ball I’m surprised the Celtics have their starters out there you’re up by 19 like what are you playing for here

Jaylen Brown will get it over to Jason tanum Tatum’s gonna throw up a floater off the glass no good offensive rebound will fall in the hands of Payton pitchard pritchard’s going to drive Baseline and gets Drew holiday in the paint and the bucket’s good H Bo Dodge is probably Our Winning Jared welcome

Back glaz and bacon those four shots are kind of iffy to me and that’s a turn before the Spurs sparts got really soft it just doesn’t make sense right when you look at all the technological advances we have with working out in medicine and nutrition and while the players do seem

Like they’re more athletic they’re much more fragility is that the cost of being more athletic your body can’t withstand anything they plays 82 games anymore nobody’s playing 40 minutes a game anymore and this is a softer League too might add you back in the 80s 90s you

Could foul the crap out of people and knock the crap out of them and it would just be like a a technical you get thrown out of games today anyway we’re in super garbage time because Dia Kai is in there uh before the Spurs I don’t know why Jeremy San’s

Still out there but whatever that three is no good Spurs ball and I’m to not know some of these Celtics guys shortly here M with the ball for the Spurs gets it over doic Barlo Barlo is going to start to drive in the paint stops spins

Around pops in and out brown with the rebound Mel three for 26 from his from three his last five games o three of 26 that’s true Jena UFC fires with fight four main events year now they fight only two sports have changed a lot of course the NBA is a three-point

Shooting contest now so I mean that’s a biggest change why does the Boston Coach have brown right am easy he’s finally he’s finally gone to the bench he’s gone full bench uh Jared yes unfortunately this could end up being this worst Spurs team of all time after this loss the Spurs

Will drop to 7 and 33 that’s almost exactly halfway through the season which means we’re on Pace to win maybe 15 games which would be the worst first team of all time right now the worst team is in 96 97 Spurs they were 20 and 62 that’s kind of an assers year because

David Robinson missed 76 games Sean Elliot missed half the season just their two best players were out most of the season so whatever no injuries on this year this is just they would just be us being that bad we’d have no excuses at least that team can say deid Robinson

Was out for almost all the year we have no excuse Q with the Miss in the paint for the Celtics gets the ball back a new 24 on the clock Boston up 114 and 93 and interesting Spurs lineup right now Mamu di Barlo Graham and Wesley the

18 that’s a Celtics Miss at least we beat the Pistons there you go Mamu gets it to misses in the paint follow up is no good we’re going to have a foul and Q no that’s not Q who is that on the floor is that q q on the floor for the

Celtics starting pitchers in baseball only go five innings now and these teams still give them hug contracts is it five innings now is it down to five who’s number 20 for the Celtics CU he’s got some great hair there actually two free throws coming up for the Spurs my man diakite

At the line rocking Eric Dickerson’s number 29 first free throw is good spur I cut the lead to 20 who the hell is that coming in for oh gosh there’s some people I don’t recognize at all where this out Neno surprised at his own threes and sub like chips he ain’t shooting no

Thre we did destroy the Pistons butterfly I don’t think so I think the Trey young stuff is just a lot of rumor mill I don’t see it happening which means it’ll happen tomorrow because I said it won’t happen three minutes to go my friends three minutes to

Go and I’m G jump on my Xbox because why not three point by bearded dude is no good hair with the rebound Ball’s going to go out of bounds and it’s going to stay Celtics ball number 20 for the Celtics he got some great hair he got a lot of hair I

Don’t know what this dude’s name is he got a lot lot of hair Davidson Herman at the line for two hair drops the first free throw Celtics just subbed in a 2K generated player players they got dudes out there I’ve never seen before in my life JD David’s the guy that’s Mr

Hair Blake Wy with the ball for the Spurs Blake has been playing fairly well dude can’t hit a can’t hit a free throw save his life M with the ball drive off the glass good Spurs have cut the leading in 20 there’s still plenty of time on the

Clock Celtics well dreadlock guy passes it and that’s a turnover Wy at I think 27 Jared he had a good game he had 27 to lead the Spurs Jason tanum led the Celtics with 24 just you know anotherone one of those nights of Spurs just we’re playing a

Really good team Wesley kicks it out to Mamu for three no good bald dude with the rebound dreadlock guy will bring it up for the Celtics kcks it out to number 50 not David rollinson uh number 50 Miss bearded number 50 guy with the Miss Barlo with the ball for the Spurs drives

In the paint all over the place throws it off the glass no good gets his own miss the put back is no good and domic barle just uh putting a lot of effort in dreadlock guy for the Celtics will take it up the court gets in the paint pullup

Is no good he gets his own Miss and we’re gonna have a f I think dreadlock guy is going to the line put Victor’s sister in rotation when he comes out okay the spread for the sports book is 19 and a half well well well you don’t say oh be careful baby

Coyote # freed duing is that going to be a thing here for the spur # freed douy baby maybe Boston ball guy reminds me of Spurs Lloyd from back in the 90s I don’t know who any of these Celtics guys are at this point I don’t

Know who any of them are so don’t please don’t feel like I’m being disrespectful I can only go by what they look like now because I don’t know who they are Bobby February good evening yeah a rough one for sure tonight but we got two winable games

Coming up as Blake Wesley turns the ball over in the paint Spurs down by 21 fast break for the Celtics bearded guy with the ball gets in the paint out to hairman swings around the dreadlock guy dreadlock guy for three no good di with the rebound for the

Celtics wasley for three down the other Rend no good Wesley has missed all his threes this season all his threes my man can’t shoot threes or free throws I don’t know what’s happened with him Herman has it for the Celtics gets it out the ball dude around the world the bearded guy

Hand on the shot clock beard guy drives in the paint and kicks it out we go around the world to hairman back to ball dude ball dude for three total brick shot Spurs trying to run a fast break Wesley to diete and he’s gonna throw down a monster dunk under dunk of

Justice and the Celtics are going to go to 20 and0 at home no we’re going to stop at 98 we’re going to stop right right right below 100 well Sarah we played bad really the second quarter the second quarter killed us tonight we got out scored 40 to 20

The rest of the game the Spurs were were fine that quarter not so much are the Spurs trying to score what are we doing just dribble it out don’t don’t be like that M good night to you thank you all for stopping in tonight these guys are really trying to score again

You gotta be kidding me Barlo for three air ball you you deserve that you deserve that air ball just got it dribble out I know they want 100 no when the other team dribbles it out you dribble it out too you don’t do that I’m sorry the other team says the game’s

Over you agree and you say the game’s over and don’t try to score again J hall good evening to you ah well we got two win bowl games coming up and I’ll be live with Miss TSR for both of those on the weekend but let’s look at the final stats for this turd

Burger tonight Spurs dropped to 732 or 7 and 33 I don’t know we have a lot of losses 7 and 33 excuse me we got Charlotte and Washington coming up 7 o’clock Eastern both times on Friday and Saturday so I’ll obviously be live for that we’ll be live for that as far with

The box score we’ll start off with the Boston Celtics Tatum with 24 Horford with nine cornette with six holiday with 22 brown with 21 so just across the board very consistent The Big Three Tatum holiday and brown all scored over 20 Off the Bench Stevens with Zer Hower

With seven brassette with seven Q with six Pritchard with 12 MAA Luka with zero Davidson with two bton with one Walsh with zero for our San Antonio Spurs champ Penney with nine soan with five he did have seven rebounds four assists and three steals you like that but the two

Of nine shooting just ain’t going to get it done Wy with 27 did have five turnovers though Trey Jones with nine and 10 assists and deisel with a bounceback game with 21 points Off the Bench mama with two Di kite with three Barlo with five mcder with two Osman with two

Kelvin with five he played 23 minutes he only took four shots you got to be much Five Points two rebounds two assists one steals no turnovers so four shots in 23 minutes the team needs a lot more out of You Off the Bench Graham with zero Brandon with eight and Wesley with

Zero you look at the game the cel outscored is 30 to 25 in the 1st we outscored him 33 to 24 in the third the outscored is 23 to 20 in the 4th it’s that damn second quarter that we got outscored 40 to 20 we lost by 19 the

Outscored is by 20 so really that second quarter obviously cost the Spurs in the game yeah you know it’s it’s a team that’s developing it’s going through a lot of growing pains and tonight’s one of those Growing Pains thank you Carlos i h thank you for

Stopping in my man I uh I trimmed it up that NBA short that short video I did with the Wy Dunkey I realized I got quite a bit of gray right here I like it so hopefully this makes me look a little more youthful and uh hopefully uh now

Hopefully everybody thinks it looks better I guess I don’t know so that’s all I got and uh thank you all for hanging out tough loss but we’ll get them Friday and Saturday right anyway I don’t know how I beat the Suns twice Jared I’ve been asking myself that year

I still don’t know but all good thank you all for tuning in until next time what you going to do with TSR Sports runs wild on you Spurs go

The San Antonio Spurs face the Boston Celtics!

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