@Sacramento Kings

Sacramento Kings vs Hawks recap & reaction

Sacramento Kings vs Hawks recap & reaction

What is up everybody how’s it going welcome into the sack toown Sports Kings recap my name is Chris Watkins joining you live from Golden One center after the Sacramento Kings take down the Atlanta Hawks by a score of 122 107 snapping the Kings 4 game losing streak

Yes it is finally over the beam is lit I hear uh rumors I’m hearing allegations that the beam is lit uh here in Sacramento after a interesting to say the least night uh wow really did not expect tonight to be the Harrison Barnes night but here we are uh sitting as

Harrison Barnes has a I believe he tied his season high with 32 points tonight uh just absolutely came out of nowhere right when you thought Harrison Barnes uh was was giving the Kings nothing all season long he comes out and has his best performance of the Season uh maybe

Even better than his opening night performance in Utah where he has well scored 32 points uh obviously tonight’s big story is definitely about Harrison Barnes and uh his impact shout out to HB who you know it can’t be easy right now uh at this point in the season to kind

Of deal with all the noise of of the trade deadline and and all that stuff that’s going on uh on the outside to just kind of push all of that aside and put together a performance like he had tonight uh is is really big and you know

Maybe it it does uh some good for his trade value as well in the long run of course uh that’s going to be on a lot of Sacramento Kings fans minds but just a a really really good win and uh not really something that that the Kings have had a

Lot this year is a game where dearn Fox just is not him I mean 12 points tonight five of 16 from the field 0 of five from three uh it it was not a good night for Deen I mean he he just he was never in Rhythm his shot wasn’t falling he was

Getting good looks was getting a lot of things short a lot of things falling off the front of the rim and uh you know it’s it’s been uh that that kind of slump for dear here recently where he just hasn’t really been able uh to find the same success from Beyond The Arc

That he did at the start of the year and and I think uh you know it’s it’s really tough it’s really really tough to be a 30 per Point per game scorer it’s really tough to be a 40% three-point shooter and uh it’s it’s really really tough to

Do that for 82 games especially and I think Deen’s kind of learning about the fatigue and the uh the amount of energy that it really takes to be elite on the offensive end to still contribute defensively and to put up efficient numbers uh the way that he was in the

First stretch of the season but this is exactly why basketball is a team sport it’s not just about one guy yes it’s always nice I mean you see Joel embiid have 70 points tonight you see Carl Anthony towns have 62 in a loss it’s not just about one player and that that’s

Absolutely why uh you have teammates to bail you out when you don’t have it and it’s great uh that tonight when again I think the story these past four games even though they’ve been losses you’ve gotten really good contributions out of HB or I’m sorry not out of HB you got a

Big contribution contribution out of HB tonight but you’ve gotten really good Kevin herder games you’ve gotten some good Malik monk games deonis sabonis putting together incredible performances night after night uh but they haven’t been able to get the result and uh it’s it’s really good that on the night where

None of those guys really had it going HB took it and and and ran with it I mean we we’ve heard all season long about how HB doesn’t have a clear defined role yet with this team which is insane um and and how you know he’s he’s

Doing things that don’t show up in the box score and he’s not really asked to be a scorer when when there’s so many other guys who are scorers out there uh man HB just just took it tonight and he looked incredibly aggressive and he can just Channel a bit of what he had

Tonight I I think that that’s huge for this team and you know I I don’t think I know I’ve been talking like he’s all but gone on these live streams but I do think that there is a world where the Kings want to keep Harrison Barnes he’s

68 um he’s he’s a guy who you know on his on good nights like tonight he can definitely provide some scoring but maybe in a condensed role he can simplify his role and and just kind of find a couple things a couple ways to impact the game every single night uh

Instead of I don’t I don’t would say he’s overwhelmed or anything right now but uh just again simplifying the game sometimes can really do uh do wonders for somebody and I think a bench roll for HB if they do bring in somebody who’s a a quality rotation or even

Starter um I I think it might do uh really well for HP so I’m not completely out on him being a Sacramento king um in in the future but man if if tonight was the last night that Harrison Barnes is going to play here in Golden One Center

It was a really really cool sendoff uh and really incredibly unexpected one which is really fitting uh just for how HB is hb’s career has really been here in Sacramento uh you never really knew when you were going to get a big HP KN but man every single time you got it it

It usually led to good things which is again makes it almost even more frustrating uh when he does play well because it’s like man if we can get a version of this guy every single night I mean look out that that’s how this team uh could could get dangerous and uh you

Know I think that we’ve seen uh that you just can’t really rely on it but it’s really really good to see HP uh have a big night and uh really really pick up the load for for a lot of guys in that starting unit that didn’t have it dearen

Again five of 16 Uh Kevin Herer was three of six I’m sorry uh the other guys uh deonis sabonis was four of 10 Keegan Murray five of 12 uh so when you have your you’re I mean usually Malik I guess is is typically in that that top top three scores when you

Have three of your top four scores going quick math here 14 of 22 38 uh yeah quick math says 14 of 38 uh really good to have HP be be efficient as well four of eight from three 10 of 20 from the field uh I can’t remember

The last time HB took 20 field goal attempts so uh shout out HB uh for yes absolutely his his veteran veteran presence um veteran Pres tonight absolutely in short cake absolutely he he he has heard me throughout the years and he said yeah you’re you’re going to

Miss me when I’m gone he he’s uh he’s been watching a lot of uh what is that Pitch Perfect shout out Pitch Perfect in the the cup song that took the uh the nation by storm but yeah HB definitely is like you’re you’re 1,000% going to

Miss me when I’m gone so keep talking all that now uh but just remember okay i’ I’d be shocked I would be shocked frankly if uh if HB makes makes the Kings pay for this but again shout out HB for for just a huge night and I really think tonight

Was I think I can at least say today was the best defensive effort on this floor that the Kings have had they held uh Atlanta to 38.7% from the field 35% from three this is only the third time this season that the Kings have held their opponent below

40% from the field funny enough at Atlanta uh it happened against Atlanta on the 29th of December uh they held them to I’m sorry as uh as I guess we can get the Twitter portion of tonight uh started off because I did tweet this fact out here let’s go over to Twitter

And uh we will go here we go profile uh this is the third time uh that the Kings have held their opponent below 40% from the field uh again the first time was on the 29th in Atlanta against this Atlanta ATA Hawks team they held them to

39.4% uh then the very next game and arguably their best performance of the Season flat out uh they held the Memphis Grizzlies to 36% and then again tonight held Atlanta to 38.7% uh from the field they were just flying man they were flying around all

Over the place and uh again I I think that this was I I would definitely say their best home defensive performance of the year but it really might be up there just as as their their most tenacious defensive effort I guess you can say it just felt like they were flying around

All night long and uh you know they talk a lot about how when they’re at their best it it’s almost like they’re defending on a string and tonight you really saw that as one guy moved out another guy filled in his place and uh that’s exactly what team defense is

About and you just haven’t seen it too often from this King Squad uh we’re going to move on again as I said here let’s throw on let’s throw on the lights let’s throw on these highlights let me see if I can uh change this view here uh I haven’t

Really messed around with the view too much let’s see you can’t really see me in that one which why would you want to uh this might be this might be the best uh who that’s definitely not the best we’re going to go with this view um so

Yeah I mean right here you have uh HB again get getting at it early he was incredible to start this game and and that’s really what made uh tonight so special for HB was it wasn’t n just a big pop he had 12 in the first seven in

The second uh what is that four in the third and then uh finished off with nine in the fourth he just consistently was pouring it on and uh you love to see that because I think even in the Utah game uh to start the year if I’m not

Mistaken he had 27 in the first half and then only had four in the second uh so it was really good to see HB stay aggressive uh because again it’s it’s not when when he’s having an out of character game you don’t don’t want to

Just see him be out of character for a quarter and a half it’s really good to see him you know really embrace the entirety of the game and recognize I think I might have to take this the entire way I don’t think someone’s just

Going to turn it on here so good for HB for just again keeping his foot on the gas and and recognizing this is my night and uh I’ll be I’ll be damned if someone else is going to get in the way uh Davon tonight I thought was really really good

Surprised to see minutes from Davon frankly I I know uh I know it’s it’s been a common theme with Mike Brown to just kind of spring guys in and out of the rotation but I cannot say that I had Davon Mitchell and javil McGee on my bingo card tonight but yeah I thought

This this is exactly what Davon did the second he got into the game I need more of this I I know davon’s not an elite three-point shooter and I know that’s been a lot of the focus when it comes to davon’s game but I really think if you

Can coni con if you can consistently provide this Rim pressure and and and just using your speed because he he Davon is a really really quick guard um we just don’t really see it a lot on the offensive end you see how TJ McConnell the other night gave it

To Sacramento from inside the perimeter that’s the kind of things that Davon needs to do is just be a menace use your speed and get crafty get tricky you see even on this layup he goes up and under to the other side of the rim more of

This absolutely more of this from Davon Mitchell uh and I don’t know if he’s going to be here the next time this team comes home on on February 7th but this if if daveon is going to stay around here in Sacramento this is how he can get back into the rotation is by

Attacking like this and having defensive efforts like the one he did tonight uh again you see javil and Malik connecting on the lob uh really really interesting one for JaVale to go up with his left hand and just kind of paw it in um you know javil and and Malik are are just

They’re a really special tandem in the pick and roll and I was watching I think the other night for Jail’s birthday uh the Kings posted a bunch of javil highlights and it’s all set up from Malik I mean he is really really special and uh earlier this week funny enough I

Know this might not be the right setting to talk about it but we were talking about you know some other teams that might be interested in Malik Monk’s Services uh next season as he is a free agent heading into this offseason and just the thought of him going to San

Antonio potentially and throwing lobs to Victor wenyama man it it it is crazy to think about that just just what Malik uh could bring to to uh to Victor’s game I mean I think that would be incredible I think it’s exactly what he needs is a

Pick and roll partner who would look for him but also be a threat on the other end so uh shout out Malik uh for for really making javil valuable this year because if if Malik’s not looking for him on those pick and rolls like he has been uh I

Don’t know if we really would notice jav at all this year because he he’s not the rim protector that he’s been in the past and uh and uh you know without his his lobs his offensive game is pretty much nothing so uh shout out Malik for being

Uh an enhancer of of others that’s exactly what you want out of a primary ball handler and I have not heard this audio yet from Kevin herder uh I really want to hear how this sounded he connected uh with uh what’s his name the uh the Kevin herder lookalike so let me

See if I can hear this in my ears I cannot sorry if you all can hear that I I cannot well uh hold on one second here unplug this go in here and now let’s see if I can hear it okay now I can hear it so we’ll hear this uh

Kevin herder talking to the Kevin herder Doppel gamer hey how many jerseys you got do you have them all yet I got you I got that is hilarious he said how many shout out this dude who does sit like I don’t know three rows in front of media

Row uh I’m sure everyone has seen him at this point but the Kevin hder doppelganger uh shows up to every single game he somehow shout out uh I think it’s Kings uni tracker on on Twitter uh always posts the whatever Jersey the kings are going to be wearing for that

Next game the dude must follow him because every single game he shows up in the correct full uniform as you can see with the headband and all uh and he is very very noticeable very hard to not notice doppelganger Kevin herder out there there uh let’s see here uh Sasha oh my

God y’all this three from Sasha is incredible we had a perfect view of It Right Down the Line This is literally the most perfect Swit I’ve ever seen just absolutely hits bottom of the net and uh it’s it’s incredible in he was really really good tonight um I I think

He’s kind of found a level of comfort in the rotation I know Mike Brown’s kind of yanked his minutes in and out and it’s been really hard for Sasha to just kind of find consistency especially you know coming over from Europe and just all the insecurities that come with that and

Then to not be put in the rotation after I’m sure he was guaranteed some promises uh when he first came over here he he’s done a good job of sticking by it and I I definitely think every time Sasha has came in he’s positively impacted the

Game and uh on the defensive end which has been his biggest question I really haven’t seen anything that’s too alarming I mean maybe it’s because this team as a whole isn’t great defensively but I definitely have not thought that Sasha’s defense has stuck out in a

Negative manner uh really at all so um I I know that’s really the biggest criticism on him but I I really haven’t seen much of it and I think if he continues to be a factor hitting his shots and uh we’ve seen him be effective

As a cutter as well if he’s going to continue to do both of those things I think Mike Brown’s going to have a hard time keeping him off the floor uh and Shout Out HB here who uh who this is just this is how you know HB is just in

His bag for them to run in ISO at the end of the half uh for HB is is just insane it’s not something I’ve seen all year long I’m not saying it’s a bad idea at all but it’s just it’s crazy that we uh that we just had this game tonight

Where HP completely took over shout out Keegan Murray who uh also um had a had a pretty impactful night hit a couple threes was good on the defensive end I thought this was going to be a bigger moment in the game so I had it bookmarked Sasha end up coming back

Interesting thing about this actually is Sasha was questionable pregame for a left ankle sprain and uh as I don’t know if you can really catch it here but he twists his right ankle there so uh apparently he is now having left and right ankle issues so uh that’ll be an

Interesting thing to Monitor and I if I had to guess I mean I know the Kings don’t play again till Thursday but if you have both of your ankles messed up and you hurt one ankle uh possibly overcompensating for your other hert ankle I I just think maybe Sasha should

Take one game off and then I don’t think the Kings play again after Thursday until like Monday or something they have just the weirdest schedule upcoming uh so maybe uh maybe one game off for Sasha just to let those ankles heal because ankles you can get them massaged you can

Do all you want but all that’s really going to heal uh an ankle is time so uh wouldn’t surprise me if Sasha ends up uh back after uh after Golden State or who knows maybe maybe he will play again I just personally I mean maybe I’m soft I

Probably am that’s probably the right answer but uh you cannot catch me out there on Thursday after uh injuring both ankles this week uh this was really really good shout out uh King’s film room sack film room uh who pointed this out this is this is a great defensive

Possession from Davon Mitchell here look as he literally I mean he’s just all over the place let’s start this over uh let me not have audio here uh so yeah I mean as you can see here Devon starting off in the paint uh as this kind of gets just by the way

Terrible spacing here I don’t know what Atlanta’s doing terrible spacing here uh you see them get bogey just nobody sets a pick or anything you’re going to see Davon this looks like an open look here for Patty Mills most people cannot close out that far you can see bogi’s already making eye

Contact with Patty this thing is pretty much going up Davon really quick to recover pass isn’t even halfway there Davon sprinting Out full Sprint good on him look at that right here is exactly what Mike Brown preaches all the time see how he’s not flying out

So the Kings have this thing called hot guys or hot Shooters where if somebody is labeled like if this were bogdon bogdanovich davon’s flying out he’s just he’s letting care he’s Carefree just flying past bogdon bogdanovich he’s going to try and run him off the three-point line but since this is Patty

Mills and Patty Mills is a little bit older in his career is not as much of a threat from the perimeter you’re going to see Davon here do exactly what Mike Brown wants you to do and that’s break down defensively and instead so instead of going to contest the shot he’s going

To essentially dare him to shoot it and say look I’m just going to stand in front of you and you’re going to have to try and get around me so look as Dave he kind of overcommits a little it’s tough because he was closing out on a full

Sprint um but he has to also give Patty Mills some sort of room there or else he’s going to uh run into the risk of getting a defensive foul for completely cutting off his path so he does a great job he stays on his hip there he does

Get shoved off a little but there’s two guys here to help so davon’s going to recognize that he’s going to float around he looks over to the corner notices that instantly flies out to Jaylen Johnson closes out on Jaylen Johnson prevents him from hitting it and

Uh really good contest here on a much bigger Defender I don’t know if Jaylen Johnson hits it or not uh oh and Davon gets the rebound as well what a possession from Davon there uh and again more of that will keep Davon Mitchell on the court shout out Davon who just kind

Of came came out of nowhere uh and had a really really productive game today uh really love to see uh that that kind of performance at a Davon it’s got to be tough when you haven’t gotten any minutes all season long let’s take a look let’s take a look at this inongo

Poster because I got something to say about this this is a charge I’m sorry it’s a sick poster it is a really really good dunk it’s bodyto body maybe you can say Trey uh he gets this left arm a little bit into a Kong but I mean

Like look at that feet positioning I’m going to get a different angle here as well I mean jeez that is nasty here’s another good angle shout out Matt see you can kind of see here Trey does get a bit there but oh my God the fact he finishes this is

Crazy just absolutely crazy and uh I think there’s one more angle here I wanted to yeah this is the this is like the uh the sky view angle where I think you can really see here look at Trey’s positioning you can see the whites there that

Is that’s a block or I’m sorry that’s a charge his feet are set outside the restricted area the only thing you can say is this forearm right here is just it’s just there but like he’s trying to not get slammed on what else is he is he

Really supposed to stand there like a complete statue get all the way down floor sets up the dho with sabonis and that’s easy money I mean that’s Jaylen Johnson not knowing your personnel there buddy you can’t you can’t go under on this screen you just can’t lazy defense

Here I mean he’s he’s not on him he’s not sticking to him he’s letting him back it out he probably thinks he’s about to get ISO um but this is just bad IQ he still has no idea what’s going on it’s so clear at this moment that a dho

Is going to get ran he still doesn’t recognize it not until it’s literally being handed off does he recognize it and look the ball’s already in Keegan’s hand he’s still on the other side of this sabona screen by the time this Ball’s up he’s still not even past

Sabona so uh great great recognition there from Keegan to get an open look too uh let’s see here this is again yeah really good defensive possession by the Kings this is the one uh where I thought the uh I did I yeah I think they make a

Shot here but look at just all the activity here this is what they talk about about them being on a string look at that out there out there look at that good recovery good recovery there from Kevin I mean he’s just going to make the shot let’s kind

Of slow this down a bit do it bit by bit uh let’s see here so once the drive happens they at least Force capella to get the ball high this is exactly where you want capella receiving the ball he is not a threat from here he’s really

Not a threat in until he gets to about those dotted lines there that’s great honestly sadique Bay needs to be cutting here if sadique Bay Cuts it’s an easy two points you can see HB and Keegan have absolutely no idea he’s there so if sadique Bay just cuts right there easy

Two points for Atlanta uh you see they’re still scrambled Keegan’s not going to commit to either guy yet because he doesn’t know good on Keegan here uh to recognize that to then go out HB to recognize Keegan’s going here to then X out over to Jaylen Johnson force him towards

Outside this is I mean this is a tough close out here from Kevin but he recognizes it about as soon as he can gets a good flyby contest I’ve got no and then the tech and say this is my city or like I do this or something like

That just hilarious pulling up on the rim is why he got the tech he absolutely cannot do that you definitely cannot do that so shout out javil um and yeah man again tonight is is really about HP and uh his his big big game his big moment so shout out HB

That was fun uh to go on there next time I’m planning to have uh next time I’m planning to uh get sound effects up in here so be prepared for uh for that uh that’ll be on the road as the Kings uh embark on a long long road trip here

Before coming back to Golden One Center again like I said February 7th the day before the trade deadline let’s do our three stars of the night unless we have press conference audio which by the way y’all let me tell you if you guys I’m going to give you a little bit of inside

Tea here since you guys are uh joining me on uh on this live stream which I very very much appreciate if you join us after every game you are incredible if this is your first time joining or you just check in periodically I appreciate that as well but let me give you some

Tea for listening today uh um yeah there’s uh there’s there is there’s a new chapter being added to uh to Podium gate is what I will say um we we did get to hear from dearen Fox today we have not heard from dearen in a very

Very very long time and there is a lot of stuff going on in the background and uh it’s I think it’s only the beginning so uh if you were tired and didn’t care about Podium gate I would say too bad cuz I think you’re going to get a whole

Lot more of it and uh for I I would definitely recommend everybody check out dear and fox pregame today it was on Shan Cunningham’s uh uh Fox 40 um it was on Sean Cunningham’s Twitter page but uh obviously Sean works for Fox 40 I would definitely check out uh that interview

With dearen and I’ll just say that there’s going to be some things there’s going to be some some things that come out uh I don’t know when they’re going to come out but I think it’s going to all come out pretty soon so yeah that’s all I’m going to say

On that um and yeah we’re let me see sorry I’m checking for uh if there’s any post game uh comments here see if there’s any videos dropped uh yet from coach post game I see Malik monk spoke with the media um and it looks like that is it so far so

Interesting uh interesting interesting we’re going to do our three stars of theight as you can see uh listed there on the bottom ticker my first star for tonight uh it was kind of a tough one because again HB really went crazy tonight and uh we only had sabonis uh

Score 14 Keegan had 13 dearen had 12 Malik had 13 as well uh just a really spread out just a really really spread out effort um across the board there I I’m sorry I’m seeing that I’m scaring people I don’t want to say nothing’s nothing bad is happening it’s just it’s not

Going away it it just seems like there’s uh there’s a lot of tension and uh I don’t know I’ve I’ve heard that uh you know people are working on some things and uh I would just say that there’s I just think that people if again if you

Were tired of hearing uh about about availability and all that I just I think that you’re going to to be hearing a lot more of it uh so no no do not say no there I’m not reporting fox in any trade rumors dear and fox I believe is is all but

Happy here in Sacramento uh if anything this is just all politics and uh really doesn’t the fans really it doesn’t concern them I really don’t think that fans cared the first time about Podium gate and uh I I just I I don’t think that it I don’t really think that fans

Should care because frankly is a pretty inside baseball and and pretty in the weed stuff and uh it definitely seems like something that media cares a lot more about than fans but it’s it’s nothing bad it’s just it’s it’s hilarious we’re in the middle of the

Season y’all so there’s just a lot of a lot of balls in the air and a lot of things uh happening and definitely I think uh it’s just it’s just funny so sorry don’t there’s no there’s no issue or anything like that but it’s just uh it’s just really funny there’s just a

Lot of people talking um we’re going to do three stars of the night first star is going to absolutely uh it’s going to go to Malik monk who had 13 points tonight but eight assists is the big one for Malik how many times do we have to talk about this

Man dishing and uh and just setting I mean again I talked about him setting up javil earlier uh and how special he he’s been there but uh just really really good night from Malik nothing crazy I think it’s been a while since we’ve really had a crazy over-the-top Malik monk performance um

But he’s he’s just going to continue to do what he does he’s still going to be in the conversation for Sixth Man of the Year um definitely is is not at the front of that case but um this man Kyle Hamilton is stressed I’m so sorry I

Don’t know Kyle I’m sorry I’ve seen Kyle mention a couple times can you please show meik steel I don’t know what happened man I I was not tracking that I did not have uh Malik on my prize picks tonight so I did not see the steel that

I guess was never uh Kyle seems really upset about some steel that never happened uh I I I did not track that I did not see that um so I’m I’m sorry you’re going to have to take it up with your local bookie but man that’s uh oh

It was called the Kickball I hate that dude I me and uh me and Allan have been talking a lot about we’re doing prop talk on the show and uh we’ve been doing a lot of talking just about how how trash it is man not to just not to go on

A random tangent or side uh side speech but it it’s uh don’t just don’t G don’t bet don’t bet kids don’t gamble sports betting it’s an illusion of of of knowledge okay nobody knows what’s going to happen in any given game and to try and bet on it is one of the craziest

Things that we do as humans uh I was again I was talking to Allan the other day I don’t think he’ll mind me sharing this he had uh he had I don’t know let’s just say it was David Montgomery over the weekend uh to have over 60 yards and

He was like oh yeah like uh I looked and at at prize picks and and David Montgomery had 68 yards and I was like cool we’re chilling looked at the end of the game David Montgomery finished it with 58 yards because he got tackled for

Loss so you know I just I I can’t I can’t with betting I can’t with gambling especially when this Kings team you’re seeing it with your own eyes like they they’ll be you know they’ll be 15-point favorites over the Charlotte Hornets and then blow the game uh it’s just it’s

It’s nuts it’s it’s just don’t again don’t don’t gamble kids just don’t it’s it’s so it’s so sick um yeah I mean it’s it’s crazy man yeah absolutely nuts interesting interesting Kyle I’m going to have to I’m going to have to take a look at it maybe I’ll look at the

Uh I’ll look at the the film after uh after tonight and uh and I’ll see I’ll see what the Kickball was uh I’ll see what the Kickball was oh interesting uh let me know what you think let me know what you think Chun uh do you think yeah

Yeah yeah very awkward right was it not very awkward uh just you know here maybe I’ll show it how about instead of talking about it here we go let’s I’m going to be a good host here and instead of forcing you guys I’m sorry thank you

Chun for for doing uh for doing the work that I should have done in the first place uh so here hey what up Drew uh so here is dearn Fox in the pregame share Sean Cunningham here shout out Sean uh who is always on all of this stuff oh

And we got Malik mug presser as well uh we’re going to do this dear Fox presser real quick as my computer battery is dying quickly so we’re going to play this uh we’re going to talk about it and then we’re probably going to head out

That been a um games away games away has that been a um a tough one to kind of swallow knowing that a lot of these wounds are kind self-inflicted with this team oh yeah I me I think we could be in a better spot but uh here we are to see

To see this team kind of also play well on that road trip before you guys came back is that kind of like the kind of whoops sorry y’all my bad my bad my bad we’re going to skip ah here be in a better spot but uh here we are to see to

See this team kind of also play well on that road trip before you guys came back is that kind of like the kind of the gift and the curse of this little stretch oh I mean you have to be able to finish games and we haven’t we haven’t

Done that well to have 3 days off how good was that for you guys uh I mean had a lot of practice so was it good like physically or mentally or both um mean there are times where you want rest but at the end of the day we still get after

Each other try to make each other better Keegan talked about how it was a little bit ofet I mean is that something you can kind of identify yourself and and kind of say What Might Have Been needed yeah I mean not many times are you’re going

To have a big break like that so um know you have to take advantage of it when you can short answer a huge road trip coming up right after this gone till February just um longest of the Season how do you approach a trip like that

With with this team I mean you just got to go out there and be ready um I mean I think I saw the Philly game I think for that entire road trip we play play well for the most part so um like I said we

Have to be able to finish games and um we think we’ll be in the right spot we had talked to you in a couple weeks what uh what can you say just about you know your reasons for deciding not to talk interesting question not play did see that y wait I have

I have not seen this y this is legitimately the first time that I have watched this entire thing I I saw like 30 seconds of this pregame this is the first time I’ve seen him answer this question oh my gosh oh yo that’s crazy um all right I’m I’m

Rewinding it back y’all watch this this is hilarious I saw the Philly game I think for that entire road trip we played well my we have to be a not expecting that a couple weeks what to what can you say just about you know your reasons for deciding not to talk for a

While to have Trey not play tonight have Tre oh yo I want I want to get a still crap on that face decid not to talk I don’t know yo I don’t know if I’m the only one who finds find that hilarious I think dear’s hilarious y’all I really do

Like he’s cracked me up for a long time I don’t even know it’s I mean something like this is not intentional but I just think he’s so real man like he has been uh he’s been through it like he people forget or I don’t know if people forget

But uh maybe people are quick to forget that this dude had to deal with one of the worst teams in the NBA uh for like the first 5 years of his career and you know I don’t know I just think that’s why I think this whole Podium gate thing is really funny

Because we’ve seen dear and talk when this team has lost I don’t know I think what they had two n game losing streaks or something like that in the Luke Walton era we’ve seen him talk when uh when things have gone bad for this team

So I just I I think this whole thing is hilarious I think it’s kind of blown out of proportion but I understand why uh they have to do make it a thing but again just for just for him to just say’t talk to you in a couple

Weeks can you say just about you know your reasons for deciding not to talk for a while sorry I got nothing to tell y’all I ain’t got nothing to tell y’all so uh Yeah have Trey not play tonight you know we’ve seen guys with step up absences it’s it’s just really really funny really really funny uh I mean so um obviously not playing to have let see if I can find I don’t see a charger over here so blame King’s media

PR for not grabbing me a charger but I’m going to have to end this stream as my laptop is dying now um man what what a weird night here from Golden One Center if you want to hear more about uh if you want to hear more about Podium gate you

Can check out Styles and Watkins tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 2 PM I guarantee we’re going to talk about this I think this is so funny uh shout out Dear for again just being real keeping honest uh I love his his reaction in that moment I I I there’s a lot more I

Wish I could tell you guys but uh unfortunately again my laptop battery is dying and I just I don’t really I this is it’s not a nothing Burger but um this is really just as as behind the curtain as you can get it’s really really funny

To me and Shout Out dear who’s who’s been I think a good sport about all of this uh and we also haven’t heard like I I don’t I also don’t think Daren had anything to do with this I think Darren wasn’t asked to go uh to speak to the

Media I think this is a whole I I I something would tell me that Daren fox has a lot of words for all of this and I would just say this is not dearn Fox’s fault if there’s anything you’re going to take uh from this live stream or this

Whole thing this is not dearn Fox uh being mean this is not Daren Fox being extra this is not dearen Fox avoiding media uh I think that this is something completely different I don’t think Darren is mad at anybody I think he’s upset that his team is uh in a in the

Throws of a losing streak right now and I think that he’s upset that uh people are questioning the team’s leadership and I think that’s really all it is I don’t think there’s anything uh I don’t think there’s uh anything malicious or or angry going on I don’t think dar’s

Going to request a trade I just think that all of this is really really funny and uh maybe I can talk more about it on Thursday um but I just can’t right now because again my battery’s going to die I wish I could be on here with y’all 247 but uh yeah unfortunately

That’s going to be the end tune in again tomorrow 10: a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or on Thursday uh if y’all remind me you guys can definitely uh remind me on on the next stream after the Warrior game and maybe we can uh we can talk some tea and

That’s the exclusive that you’re going to get here right here on sack Down Sports Kings recap I will see y’all all tomorrow or Thursday again sorry I have to leave but uh that’s that’s what we like to call teas ladies and gentlemen y’all have a fantastic night as the

Kings win uh here from Golden One Center 122 uh to 107 light the beam

Chris Watkins breaks down the second matchup between the Sacramento Kings and Atlanta Hawks.

#sacramentokings #atlantahawks #kingsvshawks

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