@New York Knicks

Knicks take over Brooklyn!

Knicks take over Brooklyn!

And we’re coming you live for the build for tough Studio Boomer asci and Greg G it’s Boomer and goo on the fan simcast across the country on CBS Sports Network and wherever you are on the free Odyssey app good Wednesday morning I have to tell you I was watching Nicks Nets last

Night with a Perma smile even when they were down because I had no fear they were going to come back in that fourth quarter I wasn’t worried about it they’re the better team they got the better players they’re better coached it was a home game in Brooklyn for the New

York Knicks the fans were into it and then watching them complete that comeback that I knew would happen when they were down nine going into the fourth quarter I just went upstairs with that Perma smile on fell asleep and I said man we got a team here I knew we

Had a team but I still even though the Nets suck and are worthless and nobody cares about them I still love like grabbing that pile of dirt and rubbing it in their face and walking away as they cry in the sandbox good morning Boomer how are you good you know they

Are um quickly becoming irrelevant the Nets I mean they have been even when they had the big three here they the only reason they were relevant wasn’t because of anything they were doing on the on the basketball court that’s for sure um yeah it was uh it was

Interesting you know there was a big disparity in free throws here you know I think the I think the uh Knicks were like 18 of 19 and I want to say the Nets only had four three free throws or only paid for four or five or something like

That yeah I mean there was a real disparity in that area but even with that it was like the Nets couldn’t hit a shot the last three minutes of the game that’s right and that’s you know that’s basketball that’s that’s the NBA who’s making a shot and who’s not making a

Shot and it’s it’s pretty much that simple and I will say as a Nick fan uh I could go on record I’m you got to wait until the end of the season to see what this record looks like this could be their best team in 25 years

It could be yeah and and to be that you know you’re they’re going to have to and obviously 1999 was when they went to the finals so you’d have to at least I would say 2000 in from from 2000 forget 99 let’s talk about 20 on 2000 on

Yeah I mean you you you have to win a playoff series which they did last year and I think this team because they made it to the second round it was a competitive second round against Miami you got to at least get to the conference final the way the team is

Constructed now who knows maybe trade deadline the roster is even better and the expectations are higher I mean you see teams panicking in the Eastern Conference like the Milwaukee Bucks who fire their coach at 30 and 13 because they feel like they’re not going to be

Able to get to the finals as presently constructed with him as the coach I mean it’s crazy stra that is strange well I mean in reading into it it’s it’s not as like it’s strange at face value but basically they they had hired that coach prior to getting Damen Lillard and if if

This is what WJ was saying too which makes it makes a ton of F that if if Damen Lillard got there and the head coaching job was open at that point they probably would have had a different coach there’s like no way that Lillard and Giannis together they would have

Gone uh in that direction so now they’re like we need a veteran coach we need somebody who’s going to hold them accountable defensively because they’ve been terrible defensively and if we can’t play defense in big moments we’re not going to win a championship so pull the plug that is UN that is unbelievable

I mean like I I thought there were going to be some other issues or something and then when you read into it and you understand that this guy was in over his head yeah yeah basically basically I mean even though he’s been an NBA lifer

It feels like he’s been in the NBA for like 18 years or 16 or 18 years he just he was a guy who couldn’t be a head coach and it looks like they’re going to go with Doc Rivers and he he had lost the locker room apparently the craziest

Part about this Buck situation is they hired Patrick W to replace him which is even crazy no no the know Doc Rivers probably going to go there and Doc Rivers of course had his his failures and disappointments in the postseason with the Philadelphia 76ers and they’re

Going in that route we know that he won with the Boston Celtics but they felt like they needed a a veteran head coach but you know the Eastern Conference has great players it has great teams but I mean the Knicks are just so solid about what the heat just did though the heat

Just made a trade yes and I you know everybody’s wondering whether or not the Knicks are gonna go after Kyle Lowry and everything El that’s I don’t necessarily know that’s what they need I mean I we all kind of know what they need uh and right now they’re playing kind of minus

A center really I mean something of so even though the guys uh auua and um Sims played last night I mean that ain’t going to get it done no and that’s why I think the news that Mitchell Robinson is probably going to come back towards the

End of the season now and not being out for the year and out for the playoffs is huge because a healthy Mitchell Robinson gives you that guy that you feel like can you know obviously how many games did they lose down the stretch and they’re on a four-game winning streak

Now though where they couldn’t get a rebound that changes the defensive big man in your face you know to to it’s tough to slow down guys like Joel embiid but still when Mitchell Robinson is out there you have a better shot so I think

That is going to be a huge key as we know and and I don’t think that you’re going to get that next Superstar at the trade deadline but they’ll they’ll do something else and you got to trust the front office and Leon rose right now for

Doing the right thing I mean hell they brought in Josh Hart last year that was a huge deal for them propelled them this year OG anobi huge deal propelled them so whatever they end up doing at the trade deadline now I trust them yeah you can’t argue with it yeah I mean and

They’re not going to get a superstar there there there’s no way trade deadline maybe basically what this team is this team is a hardworking defense they do share the ball let’s let’s face it and uh as I watch what goes on in Toronto compared to what happened here

With the Knicks since the trade I mean it actually has turned out to be a no-brainer me literally a no-brainer I mean it’s like okay we we let guys go that we like but now all of a sudden the team Dynamic changes the game changes on

The floor and if if jayen Brunson I mean Jaylen Brunson is the engine he’s the guy that makes it all go and I think that Julius Randall has obviously deferred a lot to him over the last year and a half which is good which is exactly what we were hoping for yeah

Because we would we didn’t want to see Julius just dribbling the ball and taking bad shots and his bad shot selection has been minimized because he doesn’t have the ball as much yeah and I know that he has been a dominant Force offensively in the past for the Knicks

And that year when they first went to the playoffs it was all him and all NBA and MVP chance and all that but this version of Julius Randle is the best basketball that he’s ever played and it’s all because of jayen Brunson because the pressure is off him and it

Took you know a year and a half for him to really settle into that role because it wasn’t completely like that last year but now he’s figured it out and I think that he probably prefers this too because he didn’t seem like he could handle all of it on his shoulders when

He was the guy when he was the main guy and then those bad games would pile up and he would grind against the fan base and it would just be a problem and now he’s like not that he’s a role player he’s a great player but his role is

Different and the pressure is off him a little bit and he has thrived and and Jaylen Bruns is pull putting him in the perfect places to succeed and and now they’re just they’re they’re attached at the hip it’s it’s great to see and I

Also it also I I see it looks like a thinner Julius Rand yeah I would agree and especially the way he was running the court uh at the end of the game yesterday yeah I mean he only had one like really bad play late in the game

Where he had the ball stolen away from him but other than that he’s he’s I got to give him credit if you if we’re gonna we’re going to kill him like two years ago well even at the end of last year with the with the with the screaming at

The referees with the p in on the bench with all the stuff that was going on with the fans he’s come out of it doing a large part to I think this group of guys that now are are on the team and have taken the pressure off him he’s

Still their lead guy don’t don’t get wrong don’t get me wrong I mean the ball is always in brunson’s hands and it should be especially late in the game and then he’ll find Julius if he needs to but um I I don’t know it’s just it’s

Actually a pleasure to to turn it on and watch it and watch defense and watch hustle and watch you know this is a game that probably two years ago they would have lost yes you know down nine in the fourth quarter against a bad basketball team they didn’t look right really uh

The entire game till they they uh they sprinted by him in the fourth quarter I would agree with that and I got a text yesterday after the show from Evan Roberts who offered me a ticket to this game he goes I know it’s a long shot but

We have an extra ticket it’s it’s me it’s Tiki it’s lugie it’s morash or would you want to go oh I like it you know I like that kind of thing yeah I mean reaching out to you reaching out to our show and seeing if you want to go

And hang out with the guys I mean thought it was great that’s that’s a very nice thing that Evan did there I thought it was great and and I know you probably won’t believe me but you know if I didn’t have I had a different circumstance at home because Gina is

Sick and she’s just not uh being able to handle all the situation with the girls and everything they have to do right now so I had to be home but I I would have seriously considered putting in the time to get to Brooklyn stay over and then

And then come in from the city because I wanted to see the Nets fans and sha Mar is a Nets fan to and Evan just sit there and and stewing it you mean like the Ford net fans that showed up for that game last night that that was a that was

A Nick game last night it was home game but to be around Evan and and other Nets fans that I know and to see that is just it’s the greatest because the during that time and I understand why they got cocky but during that time when Kevin

Durant and Kyrie Irving came here they just couldn’t wait to take over the city and nobody cares and the Mecca’s not the Mecca and we’re the number one team and Brooklyn all that just shut up shut up you losers it was terrible terrible one of the biggest

Farces in the history of New York Sports James Harden too losers I died yeah all right in your face all right listen to me he asked you to go to the game last night yeah and the way that you twisted that thing and you twisted it and you kept twisting and

You kept twisting and then you went for another negative another negative you a bunch of losers I mean he did ask you to go with him but you’re and and I understand how that’s the way you took it Evan as a man I love uh and I

Appreciate and I told him I appreciate you inviting me and he knew how I was going to be in that situation you he probably knew that I would probably rub it in his face but he he likes that he could take it just the net fan as a

Whole and right see that that right there and the net fan in him that you know it’s not it doesn’t Define who he is it’s the net fan in him that I despise and that’s why we have this little picture over here the the pi

Piper of the loser net fans and we have a whole cartoon that was made there and uh and he just he he hates the Knicks with such a passion that I I want to give him that same energy back with the hatred of the Nets which is hard to do

Because they’re just completely irrelevant once again I mean even when they had the superstars here nobody really cared about them how many times we say they’re a national story not a local story nobody cared and nobody cared is right now they got like 10,000 people watching the games is it even

That much whatever it was it’s bad it’s bad this is why Shawn Marx has got to do it all over again I mean he’s got to try to get LeBron to come here oh my God no I don’t think so first final two years well that that was the big joke that

Jerry was putting on us about how LeBron and bronny were going to be here and give it a shot while LeBron’s like 45 years old uh but I don’t think so I mean they we got a team right now man I don’t want to mess that team up man I mean

This San anobi trade was great he fits right in it’s just nice to be actually turn on TV and win as opposed to like the basketball team is like surging the hockey team is like dwindling you know it’s like I the beginning of the year the hockey team

Got off to a great start it was and thank thankfully they did because you know right now they are just stuck in mud but the the basketball team all of a sudden that that one trade so you know the question is what is Chris Drew gonna

Do with the Rangers now what’s the one trade what’s the one thing that is he’s going to get here whether it be Filipino back in the lineup or is there a trade out there to be made that actually un unleash and unlock the potential that we

Saw the first say five five weeks of the Season compared to the last seven just like muddling and just uh uninspired you know what I what I see now from the Rangers this last little trip was the team that I saw lot losing to the Devils

Last year in the playoffs you know did they forget that yeah that was supposed to be the impetus about coming back this year new coach were you know we so disgusted in our performance back then I I think some people forgot about that yeah but I mean I think that the start

They got off to is gives you a a sense of hope that they get back there it doesn’t start until April anyway you know what I mean I was saying at the time you know I was like well you got the you know only with eight more months

To figure it out but you can’t lose like to the worst one of the worst teams in a league when you’re when you’re up two goals in third period San Jose last night yeah just can’t do it just can’t can’t have it happen yeah I mean they

Were out they went out on a trip trip played four four games a potential of eight points they come home with three points against four teams and I know Vegas is one of the best teams but who are missing a number of key players and

Got housed by them go play a team that was just in an awful State they lose to them uh then they have to come back and beat a a horrendous Anaheim team and then they lose in overtime to a crappy Santa team yeah it’s that it’s unacceptable got to get into the

Playoffs once you get into the playoffs you got to get your hot good power play I’ll tell you this think so maybe we will and by the way you know two more games and then they go on a 7day Hiatus it’s you know Allstar Weekend and everything and get

Away from everybody and then come back and be ready to rock and roll the second half of the season so we are in the doldrums of the NHL season and the NBA season for that matter in the middle of January yeah but it doesn’t feel like

Doldrums for the niick no I know it doesn’t I because they because they made a trade yeah and and that trade has worked out just like the Josh Hart trade worked out last year yeah and this one even bigger and better than that I mean

It really is were they 10 and two now I think since he’s been a Nick ogn anobi so it it’s just it’s it’s fun it’s great I don’t know where it ends up I don’t think you know this is this is the year that they win a championship but my Lord

I mean how many terrible regular seasons meaningless regular seasons have we gone through looking at tank ofon hoping they’re one of the three worst records all of that I mean now you’ve got legitimate fun regular season basketball with the team that plays playoff like basketball most of the time in the

Regular season now some people will knock that with Tom Tibido because it’s like you’re using too much energy in the regular season but they actually play defense in the regular season so you’re not watching a team that’s mailing it in and standing around and then turns it on

In the playoffs I mean they they play their asses off every night they play hard for each other that’s look that’s all been screaming about since I’ve ever sat behind this microphone that’s right just please play hard please play some defense you know don’t play selfishly

And they’re not and I think a lot of that is a credit to Leon Rose somehow getting jayan Brunson here you know and and uh that that to me we we haven’t had a point guard like that since wall Frasier I I don’t care what anybody says

I mean this guy is in the middle of his Prime and he’s playing like it hi pumer and Gio just getting started on this Wednesday morning Jerry joins us just a couple of minutes Al brought in the reads or no he did not bring in the reads okay yeah they’re coming right in

All right they’re coming right in fresh so Al was just doing some research on the uh Baseball Hall of Fame yeah he loves that yes he was going through how many Allstar games Adrien bele went to as opposed to Gary Sheffield he was he was very fired up about that how could

You leave out Sheffield is what Al Dukes was saying he actually ruined his morning

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  1. Mitch is missed but I Hartenstein has been more than good. Don't be surprised if Mitch comes off the bench.

  2. I’m glad the Knicks fans flooded the arena and embarrassed the nets. Why should any net fan spend their money on that team? The owner has run a circus for the last few yrs and is still charging top dollar. Better things to do with your evening

  3. Ok i like boomer and gio again.. talking about the knicks and being positive lol and actually know what they r talking about… should be talking about the knicks most of the show anyway…. They r the most popular team in New York and nothing is more New York then the knicks

  4. NYC will always be a Knicks town! Whenever the lease runs out, the Nets should move! Nobody cares about the Nets! They are the Chargers of the NBA

  5. Yall was not talking like this 2 years ago so i let yall knickerboppers have ya ll time lol

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