@Sacramento Kings

Sacramento Kings vs Los Angeles Clippers FULLGAME Qtr JAN 23, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

Sacramento Kings vs Los Angeles Clippers FULLGAME Qtr JAN 23, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

14 Terrence man had been one his senior dribbles in lets it fly in high pace and strain Plumley was the starter later on with Christina sabonis multitasker at the immediately taking the ball strong that in the opening weekend has been a great pick up for Sacramento M and now Fox throws here in

A win over the West D inside the big man right in front of the room nice and he’s he’s a very serious fox looks ins plumbley shooting the ball with his right here he said not to look at he has made it work such an amazing role for this team collides a

Whistle and a foul will be the third is out for an nether he shows up every night by the way shots there is an advantage of me how great it is passort is really rebounded but they come to this receiv it plenty of time on the clock for for five I

Don’t know how he saw Paul George in the corner flippers grabbed their first lead Capital City H her on a breakaway after by three this season and certainly something that age and just put a focus on that selfless player and he’s pretty exact movie that she was in and allows

Us to talk hurder clean look at a three that’s a player SP shows off the handles a guarded Westbrook to the rim and lays it in laad basical approach not perfect bounce F finish but possibly be winning the significance for everys in the league and getting Mitchell out there

Transition theis Mitchell has been able to get that of sabonis just Cally for tyo ter twisting and turning tough down wi Leonard has taken four shots but easily taken a break and around the the catch cow for the Clippers a whistle was supposed to get the ball to let him keep operating the

Way he isall to Kawai rookie was lucky to be here for the dish Theon the catch it couldn’t have done any better pain and then there is Theon wa for Nicholas Paton knock down his first KCK out three and that’s where he was called for coming over such a professional at all

Times they have to bring that kawh Leonard guy in fans will receive a freak visit Clippers lead 34 to put for three I really like the F starter yeah you want to go thepoint line but swings it over to pow for three the front Fox stumbling that his team is

Finding good Shooters flippers by five and well you make a mistake against transition defense spot always been known as a defensive head coach will be over that they are currently with with Christina a little bit later Sacramento underated job rather than making an attempt to block dripping off the line but into the

Rim that’s one way to look at but it’s a massive game as as fun as that breakdown takes place Leonard gets it beats the buzzer not start for your prediction man man 65% man a catch and shoot three it up that the ball is pass mon the ball knocked out of bounds

Fourth giveaway paint there’s man on the left hand Zone number goes to the rim B accelerates down the lane goes to the plumbley plays back in the corner to D A contested three go to Cabo as he fires a three aren’t we all with oh God it’s a

Head of steam up and turns balance take that ketchup and mustard suggesting that Gordon lops It Roll happens Howell draws the contact that left hand side actually he’s coming since joining the clipper his guy and I asked him about thrilled to be a it’s

Part of the job we have to play as a team what are you trying to you’ve got the Kings Tonight you’ve got tyo knows how important you think it’s going to dictate Brook finds George open for three all I need to do with this team to for everyone doesn’t get the whistle PL

Trying to lined up on him with switches you with career numbers sweeps to learn more Murray oh monk hangs inside can’t leave bumped going up doesn’t get the Whistle by pow a catch and shoot to know where your teammates are to play in the half they’ve had the belief since early

Credit as he deserves offensive quarter bouncing into sabonis hangs but for as sabonis once again not play Mitchell coasting sing back and cutting it down to points they Aver 15 just under 12 turnovers again game a fly by by kaai opportunity to Cheng more win Separation

By that much GS because go see the minutes and the numbers go back to mid December and we are very much looking forward those are things he would not from the field the T shot stop him from moving and you know let’s be honest you know why was tray well in

The by a long players Morris steps kind of limits is inside two and a half to Tri to do it every day against steps up and stepping up a little bit turn up only 11 fast break points they they get after it Georgia catch and shoot 22 shot for

The to the rim placed himself into the% just a rumor here very nice effort here in the first down two times in a row no but two is Barnes tough Runner hand and a veteran hand and now like Harrison Barnes are going to be pow field toow shoot W Brook pushing

At Full Speed Ahead the three lets it flop in the west has begun cold BR in that starting lineup one work the 42 points that theyve brought the fact that not on the floor so two throw the ball to him and he and swelling down they talked about

Does have four fouls his dad was 96 begins four and is and it gone by catch a two three time now Murray for three let dicks early Leonard to catch a two getting the idea just get a little shuffle pass Behind George another clean look at a three who was trying to catch up the pull George eight Points great ball movement for mov it quickly found 81 the floor show remaining for the Clippers in this third quarter kawh catching it in the time that’s a multitasking what a pass to herder for three in the another turnover Murray the AL plate here Clippers with Leonard signed step three late in the

Byi sabonis Run over now you got to make it fo was down before the contact a whistle and a technical foul sabonis picked up free throw line coach sometimes you l f that type of thing a mature enough player smart enough TR to explo it to attack from the basine for

Them bups no the third hurry the other he’s made nine of them tough shot by play here in the third 54% last George the back there you are Almost tough shot for Fox defense can’t get back around the same time that we saw on the take a SE l two for Fox drew the Short Straw join it 9 and0 this year great very welcome the fox ahead to monk you turn it over they know what they’re do thrs off the

Handles fires a three monk for three Morris Le for the Kings L not way to go Paton for three Fox two points three rebounds couple of look Hawai Leonard we know he covered to the rims nice play ins side hit painted area little I would I’ll just he’s

Overqualified Fox tries to tear it away from letter finds Batum for three Fox ahead of the horn against the Kings the west standings with just 20 to play over 61% quarter from theint line look Christina mon back the other way flashes the Lea feeds inside going anywhere Mitchell clean looking to beat

Himed a couple of rebounds on two assists he’s made third but to the direction knocks it down for two from the field fires gets the contact from corner catches turns you would imagine the time is [Applause] now with one more from the field Jo quickly ahead

Lake Lane to the rim and Davis for a catch and shoot Davis to the rim no team George down the lane two there’s the hit excellent minutes B Davis guys stepping up know sometimes it can tell a bit of a story but Clippers out in front put to

Bat for three’s fourth out west find Powell in the corner you’ve seen a couple of crazy kaai is the franchise High GE Los Angeles one once again next week the past couple of months tough shot over but 38 Westbrook to the Rams and tapped over to

Letter pow for three having to play the next night while the other splits a pair of Defenders point five through over official second half of the season five from late the clock call a 24 Westbrook to the rim special for him tonight this is bonus was going to be there Barnes is

Takes it back the other way another giveway Murray I feel the frustration for the heads of shelving the defender there playoffs and they will look back to the ring Fox wal is right to the rim blocks have put will be free thr can Batum ba find Sabonis possessions five turn careless passes Cross Court from Sacramento 113 still helpy defens League this year for three in the ti for three zigs and zags his way down the lane off a real bright spot last year for big free throws here for 147 Thro the cash cow with 40 Westbrook

To the rim and back to that right hand well that score is a Moment Like This Clippers have no time Fox going for the two lays it up I thought it was Russell Westbrook first and two for oh I tell you what Punk for the tie played last night against the Blake

Be Garden George for the lead Seas 155 mon splits a pair of Defenders Westbrook in the corner for three this back in the early part of the fourth Best In and [Applause] Out in couldn’t catch up and square to a whist 35 off the bench has been a fun one fox for

The 10 Advantage they have it tonight box to Baton for for [Applause] Three Fox wall sh gets it off over the out fingertips of Monk for three in the lead Powell for three in the lead gets a good draws the contact from the L P spins Fades clean look the clock plumly to the r power for Sacramento whist a foul round and enjoyed this

Game Barnes monk for three I’ll take the first pass monk for three B down if you don’t know where the Defenders by Fox knocking down and he whistle against in but him with a rebound foro wins in double over the All-Star break winners of 10 of 14 Terence man had been

One and Marcus moris senior dribbles in lets it fly into playing at a very very high paac and noot tonight with a cap strain plumbley was the starter in all of his abilities a little bit later on with Christina sabonis bow area so he’s a handful he is a multitasker at the

Five Spot Al Westbrook in the attack mode immediately taking the ball strong has won both of the games Clippers did that in the opening weekend every Mile in the Hyundai Tucson in terrific form Kevin herder has been a great pick up for Sacramento by Plum that’s what he does night in and Night

Out M go they come right back at him and now Fox throws here they fell down 19 to4 last night in a win over the has begun West D inside defense Defender leaves his feet finds the big man right in front of the room ni plumbley when we

Were in Phoenix last week and he’s he’s a very serious didn’t think about it fox looks I I seem to remember plumbley shooting the ball with his right Changing Hands which he did last year he said not be a pleasing shot to look at he has made it work everybody is ready

To roll he is going to have such an amazing role for this team George Tri to get around herder collides a whistle and a foul will be the third Good Start in cases like this where your starter is out for nether so you can run offense

Through him he shows up night we haven’t seen it from Kawhi Leonard he’s made both of his shots what might be on the tail end of a back to back there is an advantage of I’ve never been there but you keep telling me how great it is passports to

A rush yard of the year 0 and four really rebounded but they come to this who juggles pa George is there to save it plenty of time on the clock for has not missed a shot here in this first quarter five for five fine now spins

Into the paint whips a pass I don’t know how he saw Paul George in the corner Bon right there great pass flippers grabbed their first lead teams will play again next Friday in the capital city her her on a breakaway after timeout we take it with him Kings by

Three six assists per game this season and certainly something that started the playing the position at a very young age and just put a focus on that the thing that stuck out to me was that he’s just a selfless player and he’s pretty exact her highflying bird movie that she was

In and allows us to talk H her cllean look at a three that’s a this is all new for him playing with this group of players he has been outstanding as George shows off the handles a guarded bonus and now the Clippers look to push

Westbrook to the rim and lays it in not happy with the laad basical approach not forget the deflection you have numbers perfect bounce pass finish but the one that rules them all could possibly be winning the round one but possibly round two as well there’s a significance that

Everyone say no they are one of the quickest teams in the league and getting a by Westbrook Mitchell is out there her transition here tonight seven points in the first quarter fers pull two within two Mitch 18 points in the last 14 games hasn’t been able to get that of course

A sabonis the starting lineup well it’s a whole line change essentially for tyoo teren quter for why Leonard twisting and turning tough practice is over it’s getting the footwork down getting ping down F wide Leonard has taken four shot the first quarter throughout Paul George has usually taken enough break and around

The Leonard picked up by herder he’s been the casat cow for the Clippers a whistle have figured this much out right now we’re supposed to get the ball to time to get the ball to kaai let him keep operating the way he is common play

That is called get the ball to Kawai I thought he was great as a rookie was lucky to be here Norman Powell the drive in the dish Theon the catch you talk about creating shots for your team they couldn’t have done any better Paint Powell gets in the paint and then there

Is bat we three heading into the All-Star break for Nicholas baton knocks down his first Sacramento Mitchell KCK out three kept backing into him kept that contact and that’s where he was called for coming over I like he is such a professional at all times to

Do our job try for a win they have to bring that kawh Leonard guy inber wolves on February 28th first 10,000 fans will receive a freak free slim cam koozie Vis it night last night their win over the Blazers Clippers lead 34 the two for five Fox finds mck put for

Three a tick inside the three minute Mark I really like the F for Sacramento Fox the lone starter and fox leads it ahead to monke go with to protect the front of the Rim Yeah you want to go to thepoint line but leans into his Defender swings

It over to power for three the 34 to 29 they’re out in front Fox stumbling well so it isn’t just early offense that his team is finding good looks or he got a bunch of two the shooters flippers by five and the fox able to poke it

Free has four for Sacramento well you make a mistake again tonight number one concern trans position defense for Mike Brown’s Squad always been known as a defensive head coach huge reason why I think that drought will be over that they are currently we’ll have more on the drought with with

Christina a little bit later along side talking about the front office as well for Sacramento underrated job too many times watching guys dunk it rather than making an attempt to block2 well above that right here good defense by Powell Lyall driven off the line but into the rim a road

Ahead that’s one way to look at it highly entertaining but it’s a massive game as as fun as and then all of a sudden the breakdown takes place road ahead for the Clippers Leonard gets it beats the buzzer nine points in the first quarter is not a good start for your prediction

From the field in that stretch man perfect pass catch and finish by man five rebounds three assists and shooting 65% man a catch and shoot three R very seldom do you see after they give it up that the ball is [Applause] passed monk away turn over Clippers and the

Ball knocked out of bounds fourth giveway pass on the floor Powell gets into the paint there’s man on the left hand looking inside to L calls his own number goes to the rim Powell accelerates down the lane goes to the line walled off by plumbley plays back in the corner to

D ow a contested three he enjoyed his time he did go to Cabo as he fires a three nine was he looking for me aren’t we always the first down Clipper is out in front by six oh God comes off that stagger screen he gets a head of steam

Up and turns a nice work kind of life balance fusions and Tiny tacos are the perfect pair take that ketchup and mustard with the tacos yes I thought you were a recycler that’s all I was suggesting there Gordon lops it the left hand side of the floor so

When the pick and roll happens off plumbly on the roll Howell draws the contact there’ll be nobody left on that left hand side actually he’s coming hon plumbley has not missed a shot since joining the Clippers I talked with him in Phoenix he’s a very serious guy and I asked him

About really didn’t matter and he is thrilled to be AAS you understand that look it’s part of the job we have to play Win games depending on what you want as a team what are you trying to more for the Clippers you’ve got the Kings Tonight you’ve got Team all of

This will happen in the next week tyo knows how imports are going to go by in a blur and I really think it’s going to dictate Brook returns to the floor finds George open for three Russell Westbrook that’s all I need to do with this team things will come a little easier for

Everyone felt the contact doesn’t get the whistle plumly trying to going on nowadays guards will wind up on him with switches comes in even with career numbers as a Lexus sweeps to learn more 5851 Murray all Gordon Bluffs the three that’s great ball movement here

For the Kings monk hangs inside can’t L it pow bumped going up doesn’t get the Whistle by Westport pow a catch and shoot stop you from laying it in and then you have to know where your teammates are Lakers we’ve got a timeout 619 to play in the

Half B’s done this season he said that it they’ve had the belief since early coach I don’t think he got as much credit as he deserved and they ran such wonderful stuff offensive in all quter M there as well Paul George looks to attack bouncing into sabonis hangs but

457 was a quick start for Sacramento as bonus one again Damen leard Jeremy did not play Mitchell coting three quick scores coming back and cutting it down to just against his team they have 11 fast break points they average 15 weeks of protecting the basketball averaging

Just under 12 turnovers a game as of the N for kawh Leonard Mon and the Fly By by Kawai to the Finish Line the Clippers have a golden opportunity to challenge lose right they get one more lost you get one more win it separates You by that much game as you approaching the

Playoffs because the goal the tomb will check in you can see the minutes and the numbers where would his efficiency be you can go back to mid December Leonard is that guy once again and we are very much looking for multiple pivots and fadeaways those are things he would not

Try lead by two Sacramento 11 of from the field 68 in the PT Le tough shot you saw sabonis put the hand on him and stop him from moving and at the three-time allstar sabonis and you know let’s be honest you know I was with everybody thinking that was a crazy trade well

Indiana who do you think would favor Indiana by a why didn’t we get him out you know sometimes coaches trust players oh that’s that is not Morris steps it through sabonis hands it kind of limits who makes his own numbers puts up the shot loses inside two and a half

To transition defense they used to do it every day against each has the defender next man steps up and stepping up a little bit terms of in a good way they give up only 11 fast break points a 22nd in the league but boy they get after it

Patum Georgia catch and shoot three B Jordan second assist for bat 22 made shots for the I hope you took the over here’s Barnes inside goes to the rim right back to ball George Who basically replaced himself into the open Sacramento 63% needless to say defense has been

Just a rumor here but 17 points very nice effort here in the first half a fun entertaining game Morris can he do it two times in a row no but tomb is Barnes tough Runner with He’s just a steady hand and a veteran hand here and now people are coming after them it’s players like Harrison Barnes that are going to be four games remaining Miss shot pow field to low shootting offense from Russell Westbrook pushing a Full Speed Ahead 80 points here in the first

Half horis George is open for three lets it flop as again the Sprint in the west has begun cold sha what did he think about Russell Westbrook in that starting lineup one work the defensive end of the floor and the 42 points that they’ve G physicality on defense and he also

Brought up the fact that D’s not on the floor for Leonard and the Clippers are out in front by seven this is going to match up again so you can go to for the ball to him and he will and took a couple of weeks to get

The swelling down they talked about Sur but does have four fouls Heritage of sabonis his dad was seed recepted was born May 3rd 1996 begins four and is 8378 Clippers minut it gone by in a Lumley catch it sh three leaves it short Barnes right place right time now Murray

For three led by as many as nine trailed by six early Leonard to catch it two I think Russell work getting the idea why and how we should get him the basketball just get him there’s a little shuffle pass Behind way as herder gets a good look at a Three George another clean look at a three so that defendo was trying to catch up to Paul George have led to 15 Sacramento points gives to herder now Murray great ball movement for Kings really moved the basketball moved it quickly found the open up for each othering on my it’s

81 on the move on the fly out on the floor showed High here 21 games tonight included remaining for the Clippers Sacramento just three for 10 in this third quarter kawh L across his body moving from right to left catching it in the dog and talking to the officials at

The same time that’s a multitasking doubled by both plumbley and George what a pass to herder for three in the and so often four pass another turnover Murray the allstar game with the amount of defense that has been played here Clippers would help boost that offensive rating Leonard sign step three late in

The count on him right in and I’m out was steal by senior the lead 9788 sabonis runs over having his head over there now you got to make H’s right foot was down before the contact there with the lead ballooning now and a whistle and a technical foul

They’re challenged back in the second quarter when sabonis picked up and so now Paul George will go to the free throw line you blind during the heat of the battle as a head coach sometimes you lose fat quarter when it gets to three in the second quarter that

Type of thing you go up to you do you want to roll with it do you think he’s a mature enough player smart enough a chance and then he picked up his try to exploit it but fox looks to attack from the Baseline committed by the Clippers so

It’s another turnover for them and goes to work on plumbley bumps no year long 540 to play here to third hurry the other and kawh Leonard he’s taken 11 shots he’s made nine of them George looks the other way four to [Applause] shoot tough shot by when he gets me again

One five to play here in the third team from the free throw line they shot 54% last night to play in the third George they are coming at you and you’re the only defender back there you are almost but Leonard there to recover no shooting tough shot for five in an open

Court situation so the help defense can’t get back another line change and again at around the same time that we saw on the Paul George and Westbrook take a SE 10297 big it part one out of two for Fox the goes ISO on Murray who drew the Short Straw and joining the

Clippers coming into tonight 9 and0 this year to mid December it has been very great very welcome the gas here is Fox ahead to Monk do not hesitate a second as soon as you turn it over they know what they’re doing to shoot leard shows off the handles fires a

Three monk for three going up and stayed up W came Down Morris not a dominant player on the other side physically for the Kings L are not even close to being out of the woods a long way to go butaton for three [Applause] Fox second three for Baton eight points three rebounds couple of let’s make somebody else be this not Kawai Leonard we know [Applause] he covered by Barnes to the rim Fox nice play in white shirts back the other way Barnes inside hit Ka gets into that painted area 15 of

15 shooting I would I’ll just Salt Lake City is an all I told you he’s overqualified look like they’re going just for the single shot Fox tries to tear it away from Leonard jren B strong drive inside finds Batum for three Fox ahead of the horn going nuts

Clippers looking to win against the Kings over the team that is a game and a half ahead of them in the west standings with just 20 to play often you see both teams shooting over 61% at the end 65% at the end of the quarter from the

Three-point line guys Kings win the tap thank you Christina monk back the other way Gordon flashes the leather feeds inside spot Zer Sacramento not going anywhere Mitchell clean looking as much as you prach defense for certain nights at the other team is said you’re going to have

To score points that night to beat him has it missed a shot eight points three assists and a couple of rebounds on to him as far as the made buckets he has two assists he’s made thir Batum to the corner turning in the opposite direction knocks it down he’s

Been somewhat quiet here tonight 0 for two from the field fires George gets the contact from Terence man the tomb running to the corner catches turns 18 points here for for the Clippers and fox off the floor you would imagine the time is now going to get the ball [Applause] clean that on Eric monk with one more for 63% from the field exhibit a your honor Mitchell quickly ahead to L’s Lake man from the wing to the Lane to the rim and Mitchell Baseline Drive Davis for a catch and shoot number 14 Davis to the rim no Li time to go

Against a very confident Sacramento team George down the lane still concentrate one two there’s the hit Jackson Terren man takes a seat excellent minutes Ben ly most recently Davis guys stepping up I know if you are a big fan of plus minus sometimes it can tell a bit of a

Story but 113 to 129 Clippers are out in front from the line to the Lane in the corner to Batum for three kings third out west Clippers fourth out west takes the three they find Powell in the corner could have taken it and shot it right in

Front of the rim you’ve seen a couple of crazy you watch his pass Hawai if you wonder 25 is the franchise high on the bright side of the road here in downtown Los Angeles and these two teams are going to lock horns once again next week through

The tape they have had issues over the past couple of months Fox tough shot over but wi Leonard leads all with 38 Westbrook to the ramp and deflection tapped over to letterers what a play by Sacramento howw for three so playing one night traveling having to play the next night

While the other men well they had a sharpness to them as George splits a pair of Defenders here in this fourth quarter however to your point five thr and over what a way to kick off the kind of unofficial second half of the season 11 coming from the bench five From late in the clock fors are they not going to call a 24 4 second by Westbrook to the rim Le for’s birthday can you do something special for him tonight this is monk plays back that sabonis was going to be there Barnes is quite positive with that fox takes it back the

Other way another giveaway M this is incredible see I feel the frustration for the hits a foul on pal shelving the defender success and their failures in the playoffs and they will look back to the r to the tap five-point lead Fox Walt is right to the rim mental blocks

Have put and whistle against Sacramento will be free throws can Batum bail it now find [Applause] sabonis they’ve had up in their last six possessions five turn running over defenders throwing careless passes Cross Court no stretch of the imagination pull away from Sacramento 113 for Sacramento here so you got to think about who’s over there on the bench that can help you defens fox has been as clutch as any player in the league this year for three in the tie for Sacramento patum for three get time to shoot zigs and zags

His way down the lane off by The Defenders he was a real bright spot last year for way back and now two big free throws here for mon this 149 147 throws kaai Leonard the cash cow with 40 Westbrook to the rim and never hesitated back to that right hand

There well that score is a that man right there very good in moments like this Clippers have no time before they get fouled right away Fox going for the two lays it Up Paul George was the one that was fouled I thought it was Russell Westbrook first and two for Jo out a play it oh we’re going to stay right here I tell you what monk for the tie for the win tired legs for Sacramento they played last night against the blers were

Last in overtime in Madison Square Garden George for the leadpoint line five or eight for a variety of reasons 155 [Applause] Leonard mon spls a pair of Defenders seven to shoot for George Westbrook in the corner for three having said that and we talked about this back in the early part of the fourth game situations of overtime so that’s why you want your best Fox the floater in and out MET

Playing by himself by the [Applause] r drives in on Barnes in the defense without the ball couldn’t catch up and square two but a wh like a norm power performance 35 Off the Bench needless to say this has been a fun one fox for the the tie 32 for

George 10 the very few times the Clippers have a rest Advantage they have it Tonight Fox George in the corner to patum for three for the Lead Fox wall shoot for the rookie Murray just gets it off over the out fingertips of opening from the back court and never stopped monk for three in the lead Powell for three in the lead monk gets a good Powell draws the contact from the LI power play Leonard spins Fades ly’s clean

Looko it five on the clock plumbley to the r nice save by baton power shot right there those long fingers sticking out leads don’t matter much in this game for Sacramento Barnes looks to attack on Gordon whistle foul be honest with you as much as I enjoy

Being around and have enjoyed this game plane’s leaving in like 12 hours Barnes has life monk for three I’ll take Sacramento doing a great job of denying the first pass Sacramento has a chance to take the lead monk for three mental mistakes can’t put the ball down if you don’t

Know where the Defenders watches this tough shot by Fox knocking down again down by one plenty of time to play and he whistle against [Applause] sa recovers floats it up not in but to him with a rebound and Sacramento wins in double over

Sacramento Kings vs Los Angeles Clippers FULLGAME Qtr JAN 23, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season
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