@Utah Jazz

Two Devils Granted Leave, Mrazek Signs Extension, Utah Jazz Owners Want NHL Expansion

Two Devils Granted Leave, Mrazek Signs Extension, Utah Jazz Owners Want NHL Expansion

Welcome back all right so news of the day video for all you find people for your Wednesday January the 24th starting off with what we were talking about earlier this morning Danny Brier at a press conference uh answering questions regarding Carter Hart leaving the team and not really giving much information

Because he can’t uh there really isn’t much he can say and you could tell he wanted to say more basically that uh he’s looking from guid looking for guidance from the league on what they can and can’t say and all that and up until then you’re going to have your

Legal team saying don’t say anything so Hart’s on leave he did say yeah Hart was playing well and and that’s basically where we’re at Hart was playing well he believes in Sam Arison there’s not much else he’s gonna like he’s not going to come out and say he doesn’t believe in

Sam Arison I’m not saying he’s wrong to believe in Sam Arison either because yeah Aron’s played well this year uh but they’ve got Peterson called up now to be the backup so for Danny Brier uh he’s going to do his best now that this press conference is done to get back to

Business as usual uh it’s it’s not going to be easy and then the the New Jersey Devils uh that fourth and fifth name uh there at least there are now five names and whether it’s just the five we’ll see like we’ll see if other players end up

On leave or anything else happens uh but Michael McLoud and Cal foot are on leave from the devils and it’s an indefinite leave of absence the wording of this almost identical to uh Dylan Dubay to uh Carter Hart and of course Alex formenton uh being on leave from his team in Europe

That’s five players so we’ll see what happens uh Rick weste head saying that uh he’s he’s dug into it and usually when when people are told they have a deadline to report to the police uh it’s normally a week maybe two weeks so uh I I would think that the players

Involved would turn themselves in sooner rather than later there’s really not much point in delaying but again it’s a developing story we shall see so with McLoud and foot gone from the team uh one positive right now with New Jersey is Andre poot seems to be ready to

Return telling reporters he should be good to go for Thursday’s game so again those are your five names we’ll see where that goes all right uh in other news today Peter morzak has signed an extension with the Chicago Blackhawks the team that I really think’s turned

His career around and he said saved his career uh it’s a 2-year deal worth $4.25 million per season so again a player that the Hawks could have rented out of the deadline they decide to keep him instead uh and his numbers are good this year 127 And1 is his record considering

The overall record for Chicago 127 And1 is respectable uh 907 safe percentage and again considering the defense in front of them that 9007 safe percentage is kind of fantastic so moric deciding to stay in Chicago you got Felino Dickinson staying in Chicago I I guess we won’t be talking about the rentals at

The deadline looks like they’re ready to just lock everybody down uh so yeah I I think it’s the right move for both morzak and the Hawks I think he’s playing some of the best hockey he has I I want to say back to when he was a

Redwing uh back that far uh the last time I can remember mazic playing as well as he has is a Chicago Blackhawk uh so Ottawa they have won three of their last four they’re sitting 16 points out of the playoffs and so you’re in a position

Now where it seems like jacqu martan has got them playing the right way they’re playing so much better than they were before it’s not doesn’t even look like the same team on the ice however um do you sell at the deadline and so there’s a lot of discussions about whether or

Not chicken could be on the Move now remember last year at the deadline peorian did went out of his way to make sure he gets Chan and sold them on the idea of Chan and he’s been very good but this is a team that has a lot of pretty

Solid defenseman and I could see them trying to move chan chan on the other hand when those rumors uh were at were basically brought to him uh he is publicly stated he wants to stay in Ottawa he has no idea where the rumors are coming from he has no intention of

Leaving the Ottawa Senators uh and you got to be careful if you’re Ottawa you you got to be careful because you’re a team that’s at or near the bottom of the league and uh you you want to make sure that players want to come and play for your team so this is

One of those situations where if you get a reputation with players players talk to one another and if they’re like yeah you don’t want to go play there it could be difficult to to attract players and to switch get that reputation uh turned around winning does go long way towards

Making people want to go play for you though so if Ottawa wins a bunch of games between now and the trade deadline uh they can put themselves in a position where maybe they don’t want to sell so we’ll see what Steve stos does and what the plan is but it definitely looks like

Chan could be on his way out Shabbat name’s been out there too and rumors I’ve seen I just don’t really get into the rumor side of it the only reason to mentioning Chen is because it has reached the mainstream level and he has addressed it and saying he wants to stay

In Ottawa and I think for for the S it’s important to have players that want to play there uh I I’ve never understood trying to trade a guy just cuz well we could get an asset but if he wants to be there you know find a way to keep them

Around uh now this is also big news today and I thought about doing a video on this just in and of itself but I thought no I’ll put it into the news of the day and then we’ll see if anything happens over the next couple of weeks

That’s going to change things so the Arizona Coyotes and I’m mentioning the Arizona Coyotes cuz this has always been sort of the speculation in media circles the Arizona Coyotes should have an announcement this month regarding their new building I would not be surprised if it’s over all-star weekend I would not

Be surprised if it’s while I’m down in California and if it happens while I’m in California I’ll take my phone out I’ll make a video and I’ll upload it to the channel saying congratulations to the coyotes I’m figuring this out I may even bring a coyotes jersey with me down

To California just in case but it’s been speculated that the NHL doesn’t want to get into the expansion process until the Arizona situation of finding them a building has been really and truly resolved in their eyes and so in this case Arizona will be building the arena

With their own money there’s no public money that would be involved why do I mention this because Utah is now pushing for the expansion process to ramp up now what’s interesting is Salt Lake City has been seen as maybe the backup if things don’t work with the coyotes so if they

Don’t find the building maybe we just end up going to Salt Lake City and again it’s been widely speculative and all the speculation being as it is but um it it just feels like yeah that could make some sense a team in Utah could fit into the central right Salt Lake City would

Absolutely work in the central so you’re not needing to move teams around so for instance if the Quebec crowd got their wishes and you move a team from Arizona to Quebec well now you’re going to have to move teams around in divisions because Quebec can’t be in the central

So so Utah coming out and saying publicly hey we we want an expansion we want an expansion team so the parent company of the Utah Jazz has requested that the NHL open the expansion process the reason I find this endlessly fascinating is Salt Lake City has already been talking to the NHL about

This process so does this mean that the owners of the Jazz are not happy with how slow the process is going maybe they feel like they can juice things along a little bit by hey hey NHL expansion process let’s go so they they also acknowledge they’re going to build a new

Arena because basketball and hockey the sight lines are completely different the Arenas don’t necessarily work for both Sports there are exceptions in the National Hockey League but those are truly the exceptions and the building currently occupied by the Utah Jazz wouldn’t work for uh a Utah hockey team

So I do find this interesting because I think the NHL has this process in place where they want to have Arizona settled first and then they’re going to expand remember Gary bman hasn’t said they’re not going to expand just we’re not expanding right now we’re not in that

Process right now so for instance if Ivon said to me said are we getting divorced if I said not right now she would have some questions so it’s not a no is what I’m saying and and the answer to that would be no but yeah it’s just

It’s one of those things that it feels like it’s going to happen we’re going to get a team at Salt Lake City uh Houston’s been very much uh hopeful for a team but they’re not pushing this hard we have not seen Houston come out and say so NHL team now and that

Basically seems to be the kind of idea here with Utah is pushing the NHL towards the expansion process I still think the expansion would probably be around 2030 like not soon this is not a league that I think is looking to expand soon but at some point do I think it happens

Yeah the NHL and the NHL owners like to have money the NHL PA would be perfectly fine with expanding the union and for all the discussions about watering down the product I have heard that discussion since 1990 when uh the San Jose Sharks were coming into the league and all the

Complaining about how that was going to water down the league because wh expansion had already watered down the league thus the wh Jersey this is the LA sharks so I got this yesterday I fig I might as well wear it in the video today so we’ll see if they end up going to

Utah and what look like if that happens let me know your thoughts regarding and I know there are people who are absolutely opposed to expansion but it’s going to happen I I really believe it’s going to happen I think it’s just a matter of when because when somebody

Says we haven’t opened that process right now we’re not in that process right now they’re going to expand so uh yeah we’ll see how that goes and the one question I have with this is the NHL has answered basically with uh we know it’s a good Market we know it’s a good market

And and we believe in hockey there but the NH has gotten kind of ticked off when they’re pushed uh Jim balsley uh of course famously tried to get teams into Hamilton a couple of times and the NHL made it pretty clear that they were going to living Stone him uh and that’s

Basically what happened uh Bley never got a chance to actually own an NHL team in part because the NHL didn’t like how he was going about it he was going to just buy a team and move it that’s not how it works he was just GNA buy I’m

Gonna buy Nashville and move them no you’re not I’m gonna buy Pittsburgh and move them no you’re not I’m going to buy Arizona and move them no you’re not so we’ll see we’ll see if this this is different of course because this is a team just saying we have an expansion

Now how about expansion now is this going to irritate the Board of Governors is this something because while we talk about bman a lot if the Board of Governors get irritated with this expansion demand then it’s not going to happen because the Board of Governors has to approve expansion um I I’m sure

If they get irritated you could still say but money and then they go okay and rubber stamp but we’ll see uh Mark shley gab Gabriel valard are to miss the game tonight against the Toronto Maple Leafs this is great news for Toronto uh shley an excellent forward and valard uh

Really honestly has fit in better I think with the Jets than he did with the Kings so we’ll see how the Jets do tonight minus both players and of course the Jets should be looking for a bit of a bounceback after after a night against uh Boston where they allowed four goals

The very rare night that they’ve allowed four goals this year uh Cole Smith has signed an extension with the Nashville Predators it is a 2-year extension worth $1 million per season so there you go let me know your thoughts in the comments section below as always don’t

Forget to hit like And subscribe in the event that you’ve not done so already and yeah let me know if you think that uh you know them coming out and saying hey open the expansion process does that make the NHL more less likely to to want

To go there right away or does it not have any effect are they going to be like ah forget it it’s fine it’s fine ah they’re just blowing smoke let me know your thoughts thank you guys so much for all your support as always and I will talk to you again soon

Hey all and here’s a Wednesday news video.

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  1. The league won’t have to realign anyone if they stick new teams in Utah in the Pacific, Houston in the Central, Quebec in the Atlantic, and Atlanta in the Metro.

  2. My guess is Utah has some inside info that AZ has locked down an arena. Since Houston would also be in the Central div, Utah probably thought it wise to beat them to the punch and try to call "dibs" on expansion.. OR.. They have info that the AZ situation is not looking good and want to make a play to move the Yotes to Salt Lake, but I think the former is more likely at this point, since moving a team wouldn't require "expansion"

  3. NHL and NBA are in a pretty peculiar spot, where they have a lot of room for growth internationally, since both sports are widely played sports and the two leagues are seen as the ultimate goal for the most talented players. MLB and NFL lack the international interest towards the sport itself, and the MLS is seen as a beer league. So if the international playerbase keeps growing, as it has been continuously since like the 80's, I don't think it's impossible that somewhere down the line, there's enough top tier talent available to support a 34, or even a 36 team league.

    There's also a big, largely untapped revenue stream potentially in marketing the league for international fans, selling matinee games to international TV channels and making streaming packages for enthusiastic viewers such as myself more readily available. But that's a different discussion entirely, perhaps you could do a video on the international growth of the sport and diversification of the playerbase over the years Shannon?

  4. 32 is already way too many teams, looks like we'll have 40 teams by 2040.
    IMO 24 should be the max # of teams in this league.

  5. The only reason this Utah stuff is being pushed out today is to distract from the obvious story they don’t want people talking about.

  6. Why do you think we are hearing about Utah today? 24 minutes after, The Global news ran the story about the 5 player's. Sad on the nhl for putting this out today,

  7. Spending a lot of time talking about expansion in Utah. Yeah, the Smith's made a public request to start the process, but the NHL response, on Twitter no less, sounded like "well, bless your little heart" to me.

  8. I'd be saying it was for how they played…but they won that year. Was waiting around for the 2024 Habs to surrender to the Montreal Gendarmerie.

  9. As a citizen of Utah I can tell you they literally have mountains of money to throw at this. The LDS church is so entangled in the real estate and development and it's all part of a huge financial cycle. People give money to LDS, that gets put into real estate and a lot of the big business owners in Utah give tons of money to it because it'll make it's way back around to them.
    This isn't news, it's widely known. Members will tell you how profitable their religion has become. This isn't me bashing it either, just saying. This is how it works so if it seems like SLC wants to push the expansion plan ahead of time it's because they can literally afford to.
    Also, Utah has a pretty decent sized fanbase for the Grizzlies and their just an ECHL team. Been to a few games, it's a good time.

  10. we've been game going coyotes fans since opening night sept.21, 1996 ,, there has been no word or update from fake hockey men=dumb & dumber=[ coyotes owner meruelo & pres. gutierrez ] since the speech 2 months ago , where gutierrez proudly stated the new arena site would be confirmed really soon ,, coyotes have 1 more year lease at az. state university mullett arena #1 .meruelo wants an entertainment DISTRICT with his name up in bright lights ,, and 2nd = hockey arena ,that is one of the reasons for all his delay ,it takes 3 + years from start to finish to complete an undertaking of this size if everything goes even if it was announced today the new site was confirmed , the coyotes have no plan of where to play for several years , we feverishly want our coyotes to stay ,…but utah appears to be one of the logical choice if it comes to that.

  11. When teams in the NHL use the Montreal Canadiens as a crutch to start playing better. Edmonton didn't start winning until after Kent Hughes criticized their players.

  12. Actually, the arena the Jazz play in used to be a hockey arena for the Salt Lake City Eagles, it's why so many think the sightings for the Utah Jazz are the best in the league.

  13. What would we even call a Utah team? Pioneers?

    Personally I vote for taking the Utah Grizzlies branding to the NHL, or my endlessly fun EANHL expansion, the Salt Lake Sunhawks

  14. Why even mention Quebec City
    Vexatious, punitive and borderline bigotry is the long time approach to any english corporation going into Quebec. Why would the NHL want to entertain that pipedream. There's a constant problem of politicians ringing a cowbell to eliminate english in the Canadians franchise. After 30 years the management has decided NO ,we need to put the best players, who want to play here on the ice.

  15. I'm sorry but SLC shouldn't be a market considered for expanding to or relocation before Quebec City. I know they got an arena already but with Winnepeg being a huge success…

    Canada deserves another team.

  16. I live in Utah and I’m telling ya it will be a sellout every game. We love our sports here and will support no matter what.

  17. I’m all for expansion but they have to get the divisions right. Tampa Florida Detroit and Columbus shouldn’t be in the same division as Boston Buffalo Toronto and Montreal

  18. I think Salt Lake winds up getting their team. They want it, and they deserve another sports team. They're probably hosting the Winter Olympics in 2030 so they need an arena for that anyway, so if they could more easily justify getting that arena for the Olympics on the grounds that it's also for the NHL team

  19. The hockey locker room was the most toxic place when i was growing up. I wasnt very good so I got to see the environment from almost an outside perspective as no one is friends with the worst players at those ages. Those kids were absolute poison looking back. I cant imagine what a team full of teenagers who all get treated like they are gods in their small pond act like when they all get put in the same room together.

  20. Utah seems like a terrible city to have an NHL team. Surely there are bigger cities to go to first?

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