@San Antonio Spurs

This Dejounte Murray Trade Rumor Is WILD…

This Dejounte Murray Trade Rumor Is WILD…

With all the rumors flying around right now in the NBA trade market there is one rumor that we have to talk about it involves a player that probably needs to get traded in a team that definitely needs to make a move and it would be absolutely hilarious there are rumors

Right now that the Spurs are interested in trading for dejon Murray from the Atlanta Hawks and we’ve gotten a lot of dejon Murray rumors at this point I would be very surprised if he is still a member of the Atlanta Hawks by the time the trade deadline’s over and San

Antonio definitely needs guard help the reason this is funny of course is that Deon maray was drafted by the Spurs traded to Atlanta a couple offseasons ago for multiple first round picks and now the rumor is that Atlanta could be interested in flipping him back to San

Antonio there’s a couple of things to this I don’t think this has ever happened like players have been traded from a team and then traded back to the team or resigned with the team at a later date but it’s never happened with a player of this magnitude and with this

Many assets going back and forth because if Deonte Murray does get traded one in general and two back to San Antonio it would not be for the same amount of value that the Spurs got for him when they traded him away a couple of all seasons ago they got three first round

Picks in exchange for Deon Murray Atlanta’s not getting three first round picks in exchange for Murray the latest rumors that we have is to get two first out of Deon Murray but prior to that it sounded like maybe they were interested even in just salary filler and the first

In exchange for Murray the other funny part about this is that Atlanta made this move to bring in Murray it was kind of this surprise thing right like they were rumors that Murray might get moved but he was still kind of seen as this foundational piece for San Antonio and

All of a sudden Atlanta came out of nowhere and made them this big offer one it hasn’t worked the Trey young Deonte Murray fit has been weird pretty much the entire time it’s something I speculated about at the time that they made the move where it was like okay

Who’s the off ball guy because Trey doesn’t play off the ball even though theoretically he should be a good off ball player because shoot um Deon Murray does not shoot threes very well is very much an on ball Creator mid-range pull-up shooter kind of guy and theoretically it was supposed to be

Let’s take off the ball more cuz we have a primary ball handler in Deon Murray in addition to Deon Murray being a good Defender alongside Trey none of that has happened they haven’t figured out how to play together offensively and Murray is significantly worse defensively and as a

Result not only has Atlanta made a move where they gave up too much for a guy that hasn’t helped them win not only is his trade value now lower than it was when they made the move partially because things haven’t worked out in Atlanta but also he’s on a gigantic new

Contract which was part of the reason that San Antonio traded away to jant marray in the first place it wasn’t just the fact that they wanted to try and have you know maximize their chances to have a top draft pick and finally tank of course it worked out because they

Were able to get Victor wanyama but they also knew that dehant Murray was going to need a new contract extension and they didn’t feel like being on the hook for that money and now they might end up being on the hook for that money anyway but they can get you know net out

Multiple first round picks extra in exchange for Murray and still have Murray on the team this feels like a real possibility right now and it would be absolutely hilarious now from the San Antonio perspective it seems a little bit weird that they would make this kind

Of move right because most of the teams that are kind of rumor to get marur teams like the Lakers that need a significant upgrade in the backourt that feel like you know at least semi close to potentially pushing for a title this year and Murray could maybe be the piece

That kind of puts them over the top uh San Antonio was bad and they are going to continue to be bad for the rest of the year even if they add Murray and so it seems weird that a team that traded a guy away a couple years ago and now you

Know wants to bring him back in that seems weird right but theoretically it does make sense from a basketball perspective because they need a lead guard desperately alongside vikor wanyama like Trey Jones is fine Devon Vel is fine but like they don’t have very many like starting caliber NBA

Guards they might only have one and it’s just a absolutely brutal team to watch at times offensively and Murray would fix a lot of those things and he’s still young and he can guard and he could be a nice piece for them moving forward and from a basketball perspective it does

Make a good amount of sense especially by the way if let’s just say this was the deal this would be the funniest thing ever let’s just say that it’s Murray to San Antonio in exchange for like salary filler and Atlanta’s 2025 first let’s just say that San Antonio

Sends back one of Atlanta’s first round picks and it’s still pretty valuable one it’s valuable to them because then they could potentially tank in that season if they wanted to and two Atlanta doesn’t look very good and they’re going to get worse without Murray so Atlanta would

Get their own pick that would be hilarious because the Spurs would have gotten two first round picks and not have had to pay for a year of De jonay Murray salary although now of course they would have to too that’s a deal that if I’m San Antonio I would at least

Think about it feels like a lot of draft compensation to trade for a guy that’s going to be really expensive and isn’t you know one of the top eight point guards in the league uh but still fills a position of need for them and someone that obviously they’re comfortable

Having on their roster and it would just be hilarious if I’m Atlanta I probably would also say yes to it as well if there’s first- round picks that I could get I’d like to get my own back uh just kind of helps the team building process

To have your own first round pick if for whatever reason you’re a disaster in 2025 which at this point feels relatively likely and if they want to continue to move forward with the Trey young thing um at least they have the flexibility in 2025 to say hey maybe we

Need to move on from him and then you know get a high draft pick in the 2025 class which obviously it’s way out from now but right now looks like a pretty deep draft class and this is something that I’m rooting for and I don’t really

Know why I think partially I want the Spurs to have a better guard partially I want the Hawks to move on from the Deon Murray thing but also this is just one of those things that we’ve never really seen you know I mean I guess ironically the Spurs are also involved in something

Pretty close to this they traded for yaka Perle Toronto in the Kawhi Leonard trade and then just sent yaka Perle back to Toronto last year for a first but like this is a little bit different I feel like just because of the amount of draft picks that San Antonio got in

Trading away Murray and mostly just as a sign of of how big of a of a disaster I don’t think disaster is too strong of a word for how the Murray trade Murray young era has gone in Atlanta and it was at least a little bit predictable there

Were reasons why it might have worked but uh this would definitely be the funniest way for that kind of era Hawks basketball to end and honestly Atlanta might not be able to get more than this for Murray there’s rumors that the Nets have been interested if they did you

Know salary fill like Den witty and some stuff and a first to Atlanta uh the Lakers of course are always going to be involved with these kinds of players maybe it’s maybe it’s a first round pick for them but I find it hard to believe

That Atlanta is going to be able to get more given the contract get more than a first round pick plus salary uh from any team around the league for Deonte Murray and if that’s the case why wouldn’t you just want to get your own first back in

In let’s say 2025 and for San Antonio that might seem like kind of a lot but at the same time it doesn’t look like you’re going to get a ton of help in this upcoming draft class and you desperately desperately need guard help you can’t go into next season with Trey

Jones and and Deva Vel is the back cour guys I mean Vel is good but like Tre Jones is fine like they they they just can’t continue you know this very weird start to the career of Victor wanyama without better guards and you can say what you want about the contract of

Maray and all these different things but it’s something that I would at least explore just honestly for the sake of the development of wemi this is not a normal situation for a team that is obviously a couple of years away from being really really good it’s a

Situation where their backourt is as bad as any rebuilding team’s back court has been in a while which necessitates potentially a move like this but bottom line this whole like rumor this idea of Deon Murray going back to San Antonio it’s just the best thing for for the

Content it’s just it would be so so funny to look back on the Marie trade from a couple seasons ago and then look on the basketball reference page and and see you know 18 months or 24 months later Marie going back to San Antonio for completely different value on a

Completely different contract and honestly I mean Atlanta when they were good they did have success when it was just kind of tray running everything and then Shooters around them and maybe they can get back to that and maybe getting rid of Murray is the piece that allows

Them to kind of rebuild things there and it’s also worth pointing out by the way that like Deonte Murray just kind of by himself without Trey young been playing pretty well just feel like that needs to be in the video I really really hope this happens because it just be probably

One of the funniest NBA trades we’ve ever seen

Dejounte Murray is in a ton of NBA trade rumors right now, including a deal that could send Murray from the Atlanta Hawks back to the San Antonio Spurs.

#nba #nbatrade #nbatraderumor


  1. I think Murray might end up on the Sixers. The Kings are interested in Harris and they have players that the Hawks may want (Hueter and Mitchell). Plus, the Hawks get their picks (they'll probably have to throw Hunter in to make the contracts work

  2. For me, it would be a good move for the spurs. Dejonte is a good point guard with a great size. You don't find that type of player in a draft easily.

  3. Why do the Hawks need to move him before the deadline? He's on a team friendly deal for the next few years. You can get more attractive offers in the offseason when teams have more financial flexibility. It's just not worth it to call it quits on young star guard like Murray when you aren't going to get even half of what you gave up for him back.

  4. Kinda happened with Sean Elliot. Kidd and Nash of course ended back up with there original teams. I guess Alex Len has done it before

  5. Atlantas problem is Trae Young. You just dont win with a guy whoes playing 35+ minutes a night at such a bad defensive rating. Hes a liability on 1 side of the court for 35 minutes of the game. Youd need a 4/5 relaible 3 and D guys around him to have a chance, and thats the most valuable commodity in the modern NBA. Its just not gonig to happen. If Im the Spurs I trade for Trae Young. Wembys shown he can be a really good defensive anchor, would fit well with Traes court vision and passing and San Antonio is a really good bet for covering up his weaknesses and surrounding him with talent that masks the holes in Traes game. So long as theyre not giving up a ton of draft capital, Id rather they make that move than Murray.

  6. You keep talking about his contract like it is bad he signed for like 4 and 100 that’s a good deal for a starting point guard

  7. Murray can definitely help the Spurs, but who’s else could the Spurs get with those the 2025, 2027 hawk 1st round picks and 2026 1st Round Swap? The Spurs also have expiring contracts to throw in.

  8. If that's all Atlanta wants for him, teams like Utah and OKC should get involved. They have better draft capital and expiring deals for the Hawks to choose from.

  9. Murray talked shit of the Spurs when he left and has an immense ego, whoever gets to the Spurs needs to understand that it is there to help Wemby, not to compete for team leadership.

  10. As a Spurs fan, I feel like you’re underestimating Murray’s impact as the primary guard in San Antonio. 21/9/8/2 is a fantastic two way guard, maybe offensively he’s only top 12 but including his defense he’s absolutely a top 8 PG. The Spurs were better than expected (definitely not great, but respectably in the play-in) with him as the only real focal point.

    Trading back for DeJounte would mean the Spurs rented him out for a couple years in exchange for a net gain of 1-2 firsts, the opportunity to (and subsequently do) draft Wembanyama, develop the rest of the roster that was around Murray, and pick up where you left off.

  11. The Spurs doing this trade is the same thing as NFL teams signing their mid QBs to the new biggest contract in history at the time of signing. It's not that they're not top 8, or mid, it's that they are the best available at their position for now and it's the safest option to ensure some kind of decent consistency if not improvement.

  12. They are going top 4 pick next year If they keep going they way they have been. If they would trade they should trade in the offseason also draft Bronny James and you will have a supper star on your roster

  13. Spurs have actually done this before — they traded Sean Elliott for Dennis Rodman to Detroit. Elliott was such a disaster in Detroit, they flipped him back to San Antonio the next year for a couple of backups. Sean Elliott, apparently thrilled to be back in SA (where he is even today, their play-by-play guy), started producing again at his previous levels again, eventually leading to the Memorial Day Miracle shot on the road to San Antonio's first championship. Seems weird to say, but sometimes guys just don't want to play on certain teams and underperform. Spurs unloaded Rodman for Will Perdue in a lopsided loss for SA, yet it's highly likely Rodman probably would've been a malcontent on ANY other team than the Bulls, where MJ and Phil could get him to play — after Rodman left the Bulls, he couldn't last on either the Mavs or the Lakers more than a few weeks. Charlotte was real happy to get the loafing Boris Diaw off their team and he ended up being an extremely vital piece in two straight Finals runs. Just all depends.

  14. I mean, the spurs are already competing for a lottery pick. Bringing in dj is a win now move. They should definitely trade for another gaurd, but not dj. Just doesn’t make any sense.

  15. I know u got your own thing going on but you should be an NBA analyst. Id listen to you over perk,
    Stephen A and malika andrews anyday.

  16. Almost seems purposeful that he, a Nets fan, never mentioned that DJM to the Knicks could be a thing…

  17. As a Spurs fan:

    Pros: he’s a 20ppg scorer, 8 Rebounds, 5 assists and CAN give you defense. Everyone saying we gonna draft a PG. well you don’t know how it turns out looks at scoot. You know what you’re getting with dejounte

    Cons: While Dejounte held it down in his time; his true nature came out when he left and some of the stuff he said during and after is just no bueno. He’s a rich Paul dude and I feel like getting him back would be a step backwards with a negative culture fit


  18. I see this trade happening. It's one of those meant to be trades, it's meant to be this way. DJ is a SPUR ALWAYS!! He's a part of the Spurs family the Spurs culture… He fits like hand in glove

  19. As a Spurs fan, I want him back. Tre Jones is a solid player, but Murray is a clear cut upgrade at the starting PG.

  20. As a hawks fan, I’m offended by your repeated use of the word “hilarious”. My team’s suffering is not for your amusement 😂😂

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