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Erik Spoelstra PostGame Interview | Miami Heat vs Orlando Magic

Erik Spoelstra PostGame Interview | Miami Heat vs Orlando Magic

We just missed a lot of those open looks so it can kind of skew you know what you think is going on um but I think those misses um and some of the turnovers momentum shifting turnovers uh even early in that game um affected our offensive

Uh you know mindset the rest of the game which it which it shouldn’t sometimes the ball’s going to go in sometimes you you’re going to have you know rough patches during a game or a season um but you you as long as you’re generating the right you know type of looks um you

Can’t just be obsessed with the result even if it’s a little bit frustrating and then you just grind through and you figure you know out how to um play some efficient basketball enough to be able to put yourself in a position to win and

You know as the game went on it just uh compounded uh on us and um you know you also have to give uh Orlando a lot of credit you know they were very physical tonight they took us out of a lot of our um normal relief um actions and um kind

Of blew up a lot of our movement um and we didn’t you know react with force and detail uh instead just kind of flattened out um and our details uh just kind of got worse as the game went on and then you know Miss shots turnovers um and

That’s kind of what you’re looking at when you talk about efficiency is it a matter of guys not running what they’re supposed to be running not doing it well enough or is it just the end of The Possession that you’re just not finishing yeah a little bit of uh

Everything and we’re going to get to work on this is you know and we have been working on this uh you know like I said um in December we were trending in in a better Direction and it’s just uh you know been a rough stretch for us

Offensively uh you know the last handful of games uh you also don’t want to totally overact that’s what you know I want our group uh to understand you know after the Charlotte game you know we are feeling very good about where we were I I believe you know seven games uh over

500 and we felt that we were gaining some momentum and learning how to to win games and then all of a sudden a 4 game stretch where you know we are where we are um and you know there’s always going to be some disappointing uh parts of a

Season and you just have to Rally around each other and get to work and um and start to find Solutions and that’s what we’ll do your thoughts on the lineup where it stands now two games into this mix this rotation sort of obviously two losses but are you seeing anything there

That says push forward are you seeing anything yeah look this is not necessarily about the the lineups or the the rotation right now it’s about uh you know having the fortitude to play through rough stretches uh that’s going to happen in this league regardless of who you are

You have to develop a collective grit uh you know I I say this all the time you can find different ways to win while you’re working through what you’re trying to work through your identity how you want to play a flow players being in Rhythm uh all of that type of thing uh

You just put yourself in a position to win by grinding it out uh and we weren’t able to do that uh tonight you know and um you know that’s what we we’ll get to work on we’re not going to uh feel sorry for ourselves nobody cares about you

Know what what we’re going through uh it’s it’s about getting together um rallying around each other um and then come up with Solutions when we get back to practice is it hard for guides or difficult to adjust to different roles obviously with Kyle out uh yeah but

That’s not an excuse we’ve been doing that all year come on we can come up with any excuse and the excuses will only lead us to misery like what do we want to do that that’s not the solution for sure uh I can think of a bunch bunch of

Different things that we can do um starting on Tuesday at practice that’s not one of them for sure uh because that won’t get us anywhere um and nobody in the locker room will will go to that is it you know like every team has to go through that yeah that’s what I’m saying

Figure out how to win and we have that ability how much of the ches continue process when it’s not like this is like a a 25 game like let’s get to work we’re gonna have a a day off or uh tomorrow um we’re gonna have a great Gala tomorrow night

Or we’re gonna roll up our sleeves and get to work on Tuesday you know this is literally one week after we felt that our season was starting to turn uh Jimmy’s coming back feeling like we’re getting healthy uh seven games above 500 this happens in in the league

And it it it’s all about how you respond to it and so we’re we’re going to Rally around each other um get to work find some solutions and grind through this you know that’s that’s the the character you have to develop and reveal during long NBA seasons

Erik Spoelstra PostGame Interview | Miami Heat vs Orlando Magic

Erik Spoelstra PostGame Interview Miami Heat vs Orlando Magic


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