@New York Knicks

Knicks trade deadline options with Scott Perry & Dan Graca | The Putback with Ian Begley | SNY

Knicks trade deadline options with Scott Perry & Dan Graca | The Putback with Ian Begley | SNY

Welcome to putback on I’m Ian Begley sny’s NBA Insider and I have two great guests today we got Scott Perry ESPN front off off analyst former GM of the Knicks longtime NBA executive and we have Dan graa the pre and post host of uh Nick games there on ESPN Radio uh

Jack of all trades Dan is and he’s gonna join us to break down the Knicks but let’s start here guys last night at barlay Center Nets excuse me Nick short-handed they come back against the Nets Mel Bridges was very hot early on and then the Nets just fell apart in the

Fourth quarter Nicks Tak it Advantage Nicks now 10 games over 500 I think this was a game that maybe past Nick teams lose and you know leaves Nick Nicks fans feeling disappointed but they figured out a way how to get it done in the fourth quarter and uh Scott let’s start

With you what was your big takeaway from this game last night well first of all thanks for having me on Ian and my big takeaway last night is the Knicks did what good teams are supposed to do on the road they went into Brooklyn um the better team they kept the game

Close uh and in then the fourth quarter as you mentioned they made the decisive plays both on the defensive end allowing their defense to create offensive opportunities to get out get some easy run outs to create some separation I also thought they were the more aggressive team throughout as is

Evidenced at the free throw line I think they were 18 or 19 at the at the free throw line while Brooklyn was just four or five at the line so a lot of when I see that disparity uh that says to me uh the one team is more aggressive at

Taking the ball to the basket and uh and again Julius Randle Jaylen Brunson you know they did what they’re supposed to do and this is why they’re a good team They Carried the scoring load and then you know guys like OG and um Josh Hart made big big defensive plays

Down the stretch to help them get the win Dan what did you see what was your big takeaway from last night big takeaway and first of all always great to be with you guys is you know even though it was a road game you could have fooled me I thought that it

Sounded like it was at Madison Square Garden with all those Nick fans in the building uh that traveled across the East River to get over to the Barkley Center but look I I just kind of echo what Scott said there I mean this is what you’re supposed to do if you’re a

Team like the Knicks who’s had a really really good season and consider themselves one of the better clubs in the Eastern Conference Nets are a team that you should be you know the Nets had that awful performance out there in the West Coast where they blew that big lead

In the fourth quarter did it again last night and for a short-handed Knicks team to come up with that type of effort it could have been easy to just roll over and say hey you know what it’s not our night they made the plays Scott mentioned Randall and Brunson I mean

We’re going to start to have conversations here if we haven’t had them already just about where these two guys rank like all time in the history of the Knicks as far as like Dynamic Duos they’ve been that special for this basketball team and you know that that

Sequence at late in the game when it was tied when you had Josh Hart that big block down on the defensive end of the floor and then springing the transition game which led to the big Randall Jam I mean this team is so fun to watch they

Play hard and you know what it’s been a long time coming for the fans another thing there with last night was I thought Jericho Sims out of the rotation for a while comes in and starts and I thought he did really well particularly early on in that game I think he had

Four blocks in the fourth quarter and then you had precious aoua last couple games he started to look more and more comfortable I thought he really impacted the game on both ends but Isaiah hartenstein I mean that Achilles something he dealt with last year so I

Think the Nicks have to be careful there Mitchell Robinson may be back late in the regular season but Scott if you’re looking at this thing do you think the Knicks need to go bolster their front line ahead of the trade deadline or do you think they can stand Pat

There no I think they should stand Pat and here’s why and you’ve kind of touched on it in Jericho Sims and now press Chua joining the team you have two guys who have shown that they’re capable of holding it down at least in the short term at the position Jericho has shown

The necessary athleticism great footwork uh he’s super strong and he can match up at that position and give and and really does a good job of switching out he’s a very switchable Defender too for a big so he’s proven that presses has done that in spots at the his two previous

Spots two previous places he’s played in in both Toronto and Miami and then you have Julius Randle still there as an emergency five if you need him and I think they can hold it down uh very well until Isaiah hardenstein gets back I’m sure he’ll be back before Mitchell Robinson and hopefully eventually

Mitchell will be back uh toward the very end of the season yeah I I agree with what Scott saying with one little cavey out there if indeed you are confident in the fact that Mitchell Robinson will indeed return later in season right because other than that I would be a little bit

Leery look I’m encouraged by the last couple of games with precious ATU as Scott said right the Toronto game on Saturday was probably his best one as a Nick and he filed that up last night if you looked at precious and Jericho Sims last night I mean they combined what 12

Points 13 rebounds four blocks that’s a good effort from your two bigs now what I have been saying even before hartenstein went down with this latest foot ailment which you know again we we don’t think it’s going to be too too serious here but the one thing that I’m

Concerned with a little bit and maybe Scott could speak to this is somebody who’s you know built teams before in the past Isaiah hartenstein is a guy who even last year guy was playing about 20 minutes a game you know this is not a guy who’s logged heavy minutes so far

Since coming into the NBA now since he’s taking over that starting role yes he’s producing but playing 35 minutes a night you wonder about that wear and tear over a long season if you’re asking somebody to do that consistently if the production is going to start to WAN a

Little bit that would be my only concern no great points Dan you know when you go from being a bench player to a starter it is a lot different not only are your minutes increasing the level of competition that you’re playing against you’re playing against the other team

Starting center now which is going to require a little more quite frankly so that is a concern for sure but I think when you’re talking about adding to the team prior to the deadline I still think there’s a more pressing need even with the injuries right now up front and

That’s probably finding someone who can be a score Off the Bench who can create off the bounce and give them some viable scoring especially as they start to play the better teams yeah let’s jump right into that Scott because clearly that is a position that the Knicks are looking

Into ahead of the trade deadline uh I believe that excuse me Bruce Brown and and Alec Burks have been squarely on their list uh Malcolm Brockton not as sure on that not sure if there’s been uh big conversations there between the Knicks and Portland uh maybe that comes

Prior to the deadline but clearly that’s that’s an issue that the Knicks are looking to address and for you Scott is that how you like if you look at this team look at what you have to move out is that the deal you’d be focused on or

Would you be focused on something else ahead of February 8th you know I would be focused on trying to find somebody again like what I just mentioned earlier can feel that role come off the bench uh can score you capable of getting you 20 points if needed uh uh and and also not

Sacrifice the Integrity of of your game defensively the name that stands out most to me obviously is Alec Birds because he’s been there he’s been in the locker room the players know him so he would seem to be more of a seamless fit a guy like Bruce Brown and I love Bruce

Brown’s game I think he’s tough he’s physical he fits a lot of places but he’s a little more of a duplication for what the Knicks already have in a guy like Josh Hart and somewhat in Dante dant chenzo and somewhat in uh Quenton Grimes uh they’re you know more

Defensive oriented uh players and not guys who really create off the bounce for you Burks can do that he can go get his own shot uh doesn’t cost as much and he’s played for the coach there already so he knows the system again when you

Make trades in the middle of a season uh you’re not only taking on a player’s statistics and his abilities but you’re taking on the personality and so uh to me if you have a known quantity that you could get back in your locker room uh

That would be the ideal thing to do not that someone else who’s never been there couldn’t make it but just if Alec Burke is in fact available he would be someone that I think would fit seamlessly in what the Knicks are trying to do right now and I think another component to the

Alec Burks acquisition if it indeed happens Scott and and Ian is think about how much highly motivated a player you’re getting I mean if you told anybody hey you can escape getting out of the NBA seller to come play for the New York Nicks a team that’s a

Legitimate playoff Squad I mean that’s all the incentive you’d have to tell me I go from I go from the ouse to the penthouse I’m doing that where do I sign but I I think I I think Scott hit it right on the head right I mean it’s a

Guy who’s been here and and you know Scott knows this and he and you know this when he was here he was you know I think a selfless player for this team you know he kind of did whatever the team needed he needed him to do play

Whatever role he needed I mean the guy was starting a point guard there for a while just because they needed somebody to do it but you know there really hasn’t been that much of a difference in his game with the Pistons versus what we saw in New York he’s still shooting at

About 40% from three and being here playing for the coach being with this team some of the guys it would be a perfect fit for sure next we’re going to go to my friend and your friend Matt spendley he’s got a fan question for us Matt what’s up

So here I am just I like to make a grand entrance that’s all I like to give it a second James 21 Z james21 on YouTube is asking considering the significant lack of bench scoring in creation and the stress it’s putting on Jaylen Brunson why not going for Deonte Murray and help

The star you have rather than look for a new one yeah you know what it’s a it’s an interesting point it’s a name that’s come up we were going to get there anyway but I I appreciate the question because you I know that there are people

Within the Knicks that see deante as a great fit next to Jaylen Brunson alongside Jaylen Brunson but I think what you see here is you see an Atlanta team that’s going to be looking for a lot in return for dejonte Murray considering what they gave up not that

Long ago to get him in the building so I could easily see Atlanta you know holding on to dejon Murray past the trade deadline if nobody meets that high asking price and also to me if you’re the Nicks and Nick fan you’re looking at the Lakers because they’ll be in on

Dejon they’re in on Bruce Brown I don’t think they’re trading for both of those guys right so you know one of those guys if they go to La that leaves the other one still kind of dangling out there but I I I still struggle to see the Knicks

Meeting that Atlanta price point unless it comes down Murray very talented player but you look at what this Nick starting five has done lately they played really well team’s playing well I’m not saying that Murray wouldn’t benefit the Knicks I really think he would I just based on everything you’re

Hearing I don’t think that they would meet that price point based on where it is right now but let’s say they did let’s say Murray comes in and and he’s a Nick and let’s say Quinton gri 7 4 Picks go out uh do you think Dan that he would

Really really help this team in the short term how do you see him fitting it I mean it’s a splashy move it’s a big name right and individually we know that he’s an extremely talented player but is he the right fit for this team you know

Like that’s why when the trade was made with T when OG an anobi came over you thought okay OG’s a perfect fit for this team I look at Deon Murray it’s he’s almost like the anti OG right he’s not really somebody who spaces the floor I don’t think he’s that great of a

Defender and you’re talking about adding another ball dominant player to Julius Randall and to Jaylen Brunson is that going to help the greater good of this basketball team moving forward like I said if we’re playing fantasy and just you know getting a bunch of All-Star type players in the lineup that’s great

But as far as the fit in the roster construction I don’t know if that’s necessarily the best way to go yeah I do oh go ahead Scott I was gonna say Dan you ready to be a GM those are excellent points you make no those really our excellent point

You’re talking about fit you know is he a more talented player than Dante Devan chenzo right yeah the answer to that would be yes but in terms of fit now the one thing I think we lost Scott for a second the one thing that I would say uh also with the Knicks and

Hawks I don’t think it’s just about de jante Murray or bust with the Nicks and Hawks I think you know there’ll probably be discussions on other potential deals we reported that the Hawks are are one of the several teams that have interest in quitting Grimes uh along with Utah

Memphis Houston and many others including including Dallas so you I think there’s going to be other deals on the table for the Knicks to potentially make uh but you know Nicks Hawks I don’t think it’s just de jante I think a lot of those Hawks players are going to be

Available uh as you get closer to February 8th I think Atlanta is one of those lynchpin teams at the deadline where once they start to make moves maybe then you see some subsequent trades if they hold things up until the eth then there might be a flurry on the

Eth but I think that’s one of the teams along with Chicago and a few others that everybody’s kind of waiting to see which way they go with some of these players but you guys should know for now that we are also on the putback on podcast Forum

So be sure to download us wherever you download your podcast because we’re there for you not only here uh digitally but we’re there too so check us out there but then you know for you once you look at the the big picture of this team you know its strengths you know its

Weaknesses is there a player we haven’t mentioned uh that you might Target at the deadline if you’re going out and trying to get somebody yeah actually you know what and he’s somebody that just got traded yesterday and I think you know who I’m talking about right a guy who gave the

Nick fits in the playoffs last year with the Miami Heat and I’m talking about Kyle Lowry who got shipped over to the Charlotte Hornets and look I I don’t think that Charlotte has any designs on keeping him past the deadline for what Charlotte’s not any good so they’ll

Either buy him out or look to move him I mean that to me and I understand that you know he’s not the player that he once was but you don’t have to go back that far into last spring and you talked about how CR for Miami in that second

Round victory over the Knicks he seems like he’s a tomoto type player and besides you can never have enough Villanova Wildcats on the Knicks roster right so why not just add one more to the bunch looking for somebody to hold down that for it is the backup one behind

Jaylen Brunson who better than a guy who knows how to win in Kyle Lowry yeah you know the interesting thing there is with any player on the buyout Market the Knicks actually have their buy annual exception to use and so you know there are teams that don’t they would just

Have you know minimum money to use so they could have an advantage there financially where you’re able to offer more more money in the first year and Tack on another year to the deal so that’s something to keep an eye on with Kyle Lowry uh I think if pardon me if he

Wants to play significant minutes you know that’s not gonna I’m not sure if he’s gonna have that opportunity here in New York giv where the roster is right now maybe I’m wrong maybe they see Lowry as the answer as opposed to like an Alec Burks or a Bruce brown or or Jordan

Clarkson or what have you but I I’d be a little bit surprised if they had him penciled in that role that they’re looking at ahead of the deadline so if you trade for somebody else then you have Kyle lry I don’t know how many minutes you could offer Kyle lry in that

Role but I think buyout Market certainly something to keep an eye on because of that exception that the Knicks have and I know that they’ve been tied to Jordan Clarkson here and there and I I said it earlier teams in touch with Utah believe that price is very

High because the Jazz will value him very highly obviously he’s helping them win games he’s on a great contract and uh yeah he just he has a high amount of respect within that organization so I think you’re going to have to Pony up and offer a lot to Danny a if you’re

Gonna go out and get Clarkson do the Knicks have an appetite for that I’m not sure but we’ll see how things unfold here over the next couple weeks Dan and uh for you this team right now uh obviously playing really well I think you look at these this 10 and two Mark

And they haven’t blown out a ton of bad teams they had a great win and uh but some of these games have come down to the wire so while the record has been good they’ve beat the teams they’re supposed to beat I think uh on many nights you’re seeing where that need is

For this team as a as a secondary score Off the Bench ball handle Off the Bench but I think you have to give a lot of credit to Miles McBride the way he stepped in and made shots and defended and you know again similar to Jericho

Sims not easy to do that coming from out of the rotation being able to stay ready be a professional uh when you’re not in there he jumps in and he I think he made a big impact for this Nick team regardless of of what happens here at the deadline no you’re absolutely right

About that and and look even though the the record is gudy like it is at 10 and two and I don’t know how many of us thought that they would play that well in the immediate aftermath of that trading but when it was made I think that okay you’re subtracting two

Valuable players for you RJ barard and Emanuel quickley and we all know about the role that ojan and Obi fits for this team but I mean that was the thing that stuck out initially about who was going to replace that scoring that IQ Gave You Off the Bench right that jolt of offense

And they haven’t necessarily found that but now what’s interesting is that they’re still winning games even though that the bench production is not anywhere near what it used to be and they’re winning games while the other teams reserves are outscoring the Knicks reserves you know so you’re putting way

Too much of an emphasis on your starting five and and making them produce granted you’ve got two Allstars in Randol and Brunson and Devon shenzo has been good giving him consistent you know double digit scoring each every night hartenstein rebounding machine OG does his thing and just kind of blend in but

There is going to come a point here where you’re going to play teams that aren’t Bottom Feeders that are playoff caliber teams when you’re going to need some other guys role players to step up and you know we’ve spent a lot of time talking about it already on the show

Today they need to go out and add one more of those guys it’s a little bit more dependable to ease some of that scoring burden off of your starters right right and and then but in the here and now I mean you look at jayen Brunson

You look at Julia Randle I mean these guys they’re playing at such a high level together and I just wonder big picture like how much do you like that pairing in terms of the here and now but also the future because we always talk about this big trade that’s coming and

Uh I don’t is maybe is Julius Randall showing you so much that you almost can’t put him in a deal I don’t know it’s just one of those things that you think about but let’s let’s stay in the present for now because one see one thing you’re seeing with this Nick team

Is the ogn and Obi effect coming in here and just not even really knowing the system early on and impacting the game at such a high level one thing I thought was interesting from last night was that he he was saying that H precious D Chua and himself Malachi Flynn couple other

Guys they’re going to practice early every time the Knicks practice or work out they’re showing up early hour early more and they’re watching film with coaches to get up to speed on the Playbook and I think with it’s Chua you’re seing that work pay dividends on

The court but with OG it just seems like his Natural Instincts early on uh were enough and now that he’s starting to learn the plays learn the sets I mean the way he covers ground on the defensive end just extremely impressive and for you do you see like what’s

What’s the biggest factor for you in this 10 and two stretch well I I think like you said it’s just all the pieces fit together you know it’s not just necessarily about going and getting guys that are going to fill up the stat sheet and prod in different categories you mentioned the

Traits of those three players in particular I think they’re selfless players you know doing the things that they have to do to get caught up to speed with some of the other players that have obviously been here a lot longer getting up to par with the system

You know it it’s worked fantastic for them and and and to the point that you made a little bit earlier about you know Randall and Brunson I even like tweeted this out last night which remember Ian back in the day the old NBA Jam game how

Great it was like imagine like if they had the updated version how fun Randall and Brunson would be is like the dynamic duo for theck to play in the NBA it would be great you know and you know you’re getting two All Stars doing their thing um I don’t think fans could have

Asked for anything more than what you’ve gotten and I’ve always been a Julius Randall Defender even though he had his slip UPS in the playoffs and he was battling injuries and this and that when fans wanted to run him out of town I mean the grass isn’t always greener

You’re talking about a guy two of the last three years Allstar all NBA you know those those guys don’t come around here that often and they haven’t for this franchise for a long time Dan I was a Hornets guy on NBA Jam I was LJ and I

Think it was Mugsy b or LJ and Alonzo that was my that was my go-to but Scott thank you for for jumping back in with us here we’re talking about Julius no no problem no problem it’s a modern technology right we’re talking about Julius and uh just you your your

Perspective on Julius is unique obviously you signed him 2019 and you you saw his progression his UPS his Downs how he handled things what how do you reflect on how he has played from when he came here and how he’s playing now and just kind of his

Path first of all I’m just so proud of Julius Randle and to have been part of his journey uh there in New York from the very beginning you you see no one more than Julius wants to do big things and accomplish big things as a basketball player and not only as an

Individual but as a teammate and helping that organization ation win and so it took him a little while to adjust to playing in New York like it does any basketball player well before I got to the Knicks that was always talked about amongst players that it’s different

Playing for the New York Knicks and Julius had to go through that I think he was trying so hard to please so many people in the beginning that it led to some of his struggles but I’ve watched the growth and maturation over the years that guy every summer goes He studies

His play he watches a ton of film uh but he he he goes on that court and figures out where he needs to get better and the beauty of what he’s doing this year is he didn’t have the opportunity this off season to work like he normally works on

His game due to surgery that he had yep and so he came came back the beginning of the season a little rusty not having been able to play five on five on the off season and he struggled early but what I think it allowed him to do

And this is where the maturity came in he didn’t he quit trying to force things he became a much better passer he was always a capable passer but he wasn’t forcing things as much early in the season he was leading the team and assist and then he started attacking the

Rim and that’s really the strongest suit of his game you know yeah we we live in an age where people want to see more three-point shots but the bread and butter who Julius Randle is is his force and physicality at attacking the basket and when he establishes that each and

Every night it takes some of the pressure off of the three-point shooting so now you can lower his number of three-point attempts you know but he’s establishing a good game early on by attacking the rim getting to the free throw line seeing the ball go through the basket makes those three-point shots

When he does take them a little bit easier for him more in Rhythm less forced and therefore I think it makes him a better team basketball player for this New York group and I heard heard Dan talk a little bit about him and the last thing I’ll say about Julius Randall

There’s no player on that roster that wants to play 82 games each and every year more than Julius Randall and I would say that across the league that means something to him and that meant something to us you know when we wanted to sign this young man he loves to play

The game he’s going to be there to compete each and every night and again to watch his leadership evolve and his growth as a a a personality took a lot of criticism in New York he’s come through on the other side and I just think you’re getting the best version of

Him now this season and let’s see how far he and Brunson and the rest of the guys can go Dan your perspective on on Julius and where he is right now no I mean a Scott’s point and I think that you’ve seen a maturation with Julius coming

Into this year and I’m glad that he brought up the fact that you know his three-point attempts aren’t where they were in previous Seasons I think this year he’s shooting Maybe maybe three or four less threes per game I mean look at last night last night he took 19 shots

Only two of them were from Beyond The Arc right you don’t have to necessarily Force things and you know Julius one of the great traits that he has that not a lot of other players have I mean think about the size and the strength that he

Brings to the court each and every night why wouldn’t you want to use that to your advantage you know play a little bully ball get down in the pain area use your muscle to get easy baskets near the rim and you’re seeing that this year and

I think that it’s been the best version of Julius Randle and I and look a lot of players do not like facing that physicality for 48 minutes too there’s very few to do and so Julius is really using that to his advantage and uh I think it’s working great for him and

It’s working great for the team and standing next to that guy in the locker room I could see why even the biggest guys in the league would not want to deal with that possession by possession that’s a lot that’s a lot um we’re going to segue uh because it involves Julius

But we’re going to segue to segment we call stargazing where we kind of look ahead big picture with the Knicks because the Knicks let’s face it we all know they’re in the market for a star player eventually whether it’s at the deadline which I don’t think it’s at the

Deadline or in the off season or next year uh Nick Governor owner Jim Dolan on the record is saying you bring a guy like Leon Rose in here because he can get you the best talent so it’s not a secret Nick’s looking to make a big deal

At some point now who is this going to be you know I think a lot of that depends on what happens in the postseason uh I would keep an eye on Minnesota particularly with the financial implications there of the Big Anthony Edwards deal uh McDaniel’s extension Nas Reed you signed him last

Year to a big deal and obviously gobear so it’s a lot of money a lot of a big bill to pay for the Timberwolves and then you look elsewhere just to see how things shake out in the postseason but in a in a big picture sense I’m wondering Scott like you know there’s

Not a ton for them to trade outside of the first round picks that they have so like Julius probably not probably is the best uh player asset that they would have to move you know is there a a world where you bring that big star in and you

Have Julius and you have Jaylen and it works or do you do you not see a world where that particular scenario depending on a player works well let me first say this when uh you know I hear this often about the Knicks needing another star sometimes you end up having

Homegrown stars and look Jaylen Brunson was signed last summer look at him now know this is his second year there more than likely he’s going to be an Allstar right Julius Randle has been all NBA twice so you have two very good players already in the building Star level

Players players now they may not be the marketable Stars you know they may not be Giannis and embiid and and yic but do they need another star to go with those guys or do they need just another very good basketball player who could do some of the things we talked about earlier in

The show create some offense score um and take a little the the scoring load pressure off of both Brunson and Randle so uh yeah the Knicks are in position to be fluid to go after somebody if they become available but I wouldn’t just put all my eggs in that

Basket just to say well they got to go out and get you know the biggest name in the league in order to be successful let’s see what this current iteration can do because we we haven’t seen them with Mitchell Robinson as well too so even

You know OG’s come over has made a a big big impact thus far especially on the defensive end um adding size and versatility with his ability to defend but let’s you know I would like to you know personally just kind of pump the breaks on saying hey they gotta get

Another big name guy to be successful you know let’s let’s see what this group does the remainder of this year and if it’s going to happen it probably would Happ have to happen in the summertime anyway I don’t see anything on the Rising here prior to the deadline so I

Would uh not be much too much worried about that right now yeah yeah it’s an interesting point just kind of letting things stimmer letting it letting the pieces kind of develop chemistry and seeing where it goes uh big picture sense I think you know obviously that’s

On the table for this group but you know we’ve been screaming about a star for since Leon uh took over and again I I don’t think it’s based on just us uh uh you know pulling things out of thin air I think that’s a real thing uh whether

It ultimately happens or not we’ll see but Dan when you look at the landscape you look at the roster you look at what could be out there you have an ideal candidate as far as big play bigname player Nicks could should trade for well

I I mean I’m a little bit partial to the guy who scored 70 the other night and who’s the reigning MVP I think he would be a nice too you know but but I really no not a bad player I think we might have lost Dan there uh

For a second he was getting into Joel and beid and Jo over the last few years and they had their big three or at least they tried to construct some version of a big three and it didn’t work out for them so what the Knicks have with these

Two players right now who are Allstars who are Dependable players you know what you’re getting from Randall and Brunson night in and night out would you rather have that even though it’s not a quote unquote big three or would would you rather roll the dice and hope that all

Three guys are on the court at the same time or two of the three and that it’s for extended periods of time where you’re getting that production here like the Knicks have a good thing right now okay it might not be necessarily one that’s going to lead to a parade but you

Don’t always just want to punt on something that’s pretty darn good and I’m kind of siding with Scott in terms of let this thing play out and see how far you could take it first Scott one one other thing I wanted to hit on just in terms of the current

Nicks and and obviously we you’re here just analyzing the team and we really appreciate that we’re not going to jump into the the history of of everything in New York we just want to talk about this year’s team and Evan fornier um with a with a player like that I mean he’s been

On ice for so long and you know his you almost like really hurt his you did hurt his career with the way things went it’s a business he’s he’s making good money so I know there’s not going to be a lot of sympathy for him but there’s a human

Element here where I think sometimes teams they want to do right by a player and put him in a better situation if the situation with them is not good for with Evan for they have the team option uh for next year so they don’t have to do

Anything they could pick up the team option include him in a trade but then you’re having him sit around for another three months let’s say at least how do you balance the human element of of wanting to do uh the right thing for a player in for any situation versus doing

The right thing for your organization when you’re in that seat great question uh first of all let me just say the professional that Evan forier is you know I’ve known Evan for a long time worked with him in Orlando so I know him well before he even got to

New York and just how he’s handled everything since coming there both playing to not playing uh he’s been a tremendous uh professional but those are you know these are the the tough things in the business uh trying to balance what’s good for both player and team sometimes they don’t always

Align um my guess would be you know coming up to the deadline he is an attractive trade candidate for other teams because again he’s viewed as around the league as a expiring contract you mentioned the the fact of if they kept him past the deadline they could

Actually pick up his option and use him in the trade this off season I think you know he’s been sitting so long right now um the key if you’re there you just got to be open and honest with him keep him uh looped in with any kind of communications that you’re having

Regarding him and whether or not a trade before the deadline is going to be possible or not I think that’s the you know that’s the best that you can do right now is be open and honest with him and be inclusive with him in terms of

What what’s going on with his future so he can set himself up mentally that okay I could be here past the deadline so I know how I have to approach this thing or if they giv me the the feel that I might be gone I can you know start

Getting myself together mentally to go somewhere else and maybe have a chance to play uh before this season is up it’s a great perspective and I think the human element is lost on fans sometimes which is understandable you’re rooting for the Jersey um but it is there kind

Of behind the scenes Dan another name that has been kind of dangled out there with the Knicks and they have taken calls on him is is Quinton gmes uh where you sit how do you want to see this Grimes situation handled you think they should move him for one of the the off

The bench players that we’re talking about hang on to them what would you do well I think that the status quo was probably something that’s going to have to be executed here moving forward because I mean the reality of the situation guys is that for you know I

Guess reasons unknowns to us I mean he’s kind of falling out of favor a little bit with the staff I mean look since the trade was made with Toronto I mean Quinton Grimes his minutes are down and everybody thought that before the trade was made him being moved to the bench

Would give him more of an opportunity to kind of get into the flow offensively a little bit more remember he was in a starting five that had Julius Randall that had Jaylen Brunson had RJ Barrett three ball dominant players so it was tough for Quinton to kind of get his

Shots so he moves to the second unit you thought that that would help alleviate that concern and it just hasn’t happened yet here for him so I think that there’s still value around the league for Quinton Grimes into what he could bring defensively and if he could ever consistently start knocking down those

Shots I think there are teams in the NBA that value him but you also just don’t want to give him away either because I do think he could be a valuable he is a valuable asset for you in some way shape or form yeah there’s no doubt and I I do

Think to your point then there was an expectation from Grimes and even some people at the Knicks that Grimes was going to get more minutes in the wake of the an and Obi deal uh it hadn’t happened but I do think like if he was shooting the ball lights out and and

Defending really well he would still be starting and the idea that Dante dienzo has come in and really played well in that role I think that hurts Grim’s opportunity for minutes uh I I think right now if I’m guessing more likely than not that he’s moved by February 8th

But there’s always moving parts and things changing quickly at this time of year in the NBA that’ll do it for us we are going to come back Wednesday at noon next putback we want to thank Scott Perry forx GM longtime NBA executive currently and ESPN front office analyst

So you can see his work there and also our good friend Dan graa obviously prepost on the Knicks and also the Dan graa show week nights on ESPN Radio Dan we love hearing you there thank you for jumping on with us and again for the putback we will be back Wednesday noon

Talking more trade deadline talking more Nicks and different options out there and we look forward to seeing everybody Then

On the latest episode of The Putback with Ian Begley, SNY NBA Insider Ian Begley is joined by former Knicks GM and current ESPN Analyst Scott Perry and 98.7FM ESPN New York’s Dan Graca to discuss possible additions for New York ahead of the trade deadline.

Today’s Show:
00:00 Welcome to the show
00:48 Recap of last night’s game
01:20 Takeaways
03:42 Jericho Sims? Isaiah Hartenstein? Bolstering depth at the center position
07:07 Trade deadline?
08:03 Alec Burks?
10:21 Fan question – Why not go for Dejounte Murray?
14:37 Kyle Lowry?
16:44 Jordan Clarkson?
19:24 10-2 stretch, Juluis Randle? Jalen Brunson?
27:00 Star gazing
32:35 Evan Fournier?
35:32 Quentin Grimes?

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  1. After watching last night's game against the Nets, I see the Knicks needing a third offensive option instead of always going to the same two guys in Brunson and Randle. They were all over Randle last night and then double-teamed Brunson as well. If there was one more star player that can spread the floor to limit double teams, the Knicks wouldn't have such a hard time when teams step up their defense.

  2. Scott Perry is absolutely right Knicks don’t need a superstar they need a superstar in their role and that guy is Mykal Bridges Give them whatever they want besides Brunson/Randle/OG

  3. Maybe the worst production of any video ive seen in years!!!!! U have to upgrade to at least 200gb service SNY and ask more Qs of the guy who acquired 90% of the roster, not Dan. Crazy waste of time

  4. No to Bruce Brown, he's just another copy of Josh Hart. They need an upgrade at the back-up PG spot with someone that is a more capable ball handler and floor general. The best fit is Malcom Brogdon as he gives you much of the same things that IQ did off the bench, and has the size to play the SG role in a closing lineup if Dante isn't making his shots. Between Brunson, Dante and Brogdon you'll always have two ball handlers on the court at all times.

    I like Deuce's energy, especially on defense, but his limitations in size, athleticism and as a ball handler really make it hard to have him your back-up PG. He's perfect as a third PG, or someone you can pair with a combo guard,

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