@Philadelphia 76ers

What are the Philadelphia 76ers’ trade deadline plans? | The Athletic NBA Show

What are the Philadelphia 76ers’ trade deadline plans? | The Athletic NBA Show

Like his thing is if his thing is I got to win a championship yeah to be serious to be taken seriously then he’s going to rest back to backs you know like he is he has to like I get it that becomes like what you know like we’re were

Talking about like did you win in a postseason like I mean he’s gonna have to deal with the reality that he could play 65 games win MVP and it’s not gonna it’s not it’s not going to change anything if he doesn’t win in the playoffs right so right to me I’m

Curious if we’re all gonna fall for the banana and the tail pipe and feel like Philly’s good they’re straight look how great Joel is and you still got Boston and you still got Milwaukee out there and this is gonna end the same movie as always like or you know or do or does

Philly say hey we got Joelle cooking cooking cooking we need to make a move yeah to jump to get this thing to another level they’re in a different space just because of Maxi’s emergence this year he’s so good he’s been so good um but to your

Point they if they gonna be Boston they need another guy I just think they need another guy because Boston’s defense is too good Boston’s Milwaukee’s vulnerable defensively they’re not that good defensively to me um certainly not compared to what they were um so if Philly’s gonna beat and Milwaukee

We not doing that they need another dude they need another another yeah watch it watch it watch it I know I know what you just did there I saw that we ain’t hating on Dame but Dame a ain’t no lockdown dude let’s not get it twisted now man DA’s out on a limb

There come on now come on now you know so that’s why I thought Philly would be all in on seak it’s time to play defense is that what you’re doing it’s time for somebody else to play y y’all play D I’m about to win this

Game I ha I love da but like uh uh Terry Rosier ends up getting traded to the heat uh right so like something I think Phil gotta do something I think they need to make one more move I don’t think they have enough yet as good as they’re playing I don’t

Think they have enough not to be Boston four times or Milwaukee four times I don’t know who that I thought it was seak I thought that was the play you know that to me that was the play both from Cameroon makes sense yes yes all checks all boxes

Yes um but you know they didn’t get it done well if they were trying to get it done I think they were waiting until the summer to be honest they I think that’s what they wanted to do yes but yeah but I think Marcus is right at some point

Them dudes in the locker room are going to look at you like yo man like we we pretty damn close we just need somebody to put us over the top and go get go get me whoever Kyle kosma or whoever you know like bring him in we need somebody

So um I don’t know it’s gonna be fascinating to see what Philly does at the trade deadline because I know darl Daryl’s patient he’s gonna wait it out he’s not gonna rush into a deal but you only get so many shots at this thing and and Joel’s not gonna play better than

He’s playing this year like I think we all can agree like this he can’t there’s not another level for him to go to after this this is it this is Pete Joel yeah I I I agree and just I don’t know they they were G to I think keep

Their powder dry and the Pascal thing feels you said what keep their powder dry what that you’ve never heard that expression you never heard of that Marcus no’s weight that’s all oh gunpowder gunpowder I’m like is that like a pow of your nose thing like what what does that

Mean I don’t know what that means dropping cosmetology references over here I was so confused Sam like bro we’ve talked how many hours of our life you’ve never mentioned this you’re into pow I loved it I loved it in the chat we got maybe it was the other kind of powder da yeah

Right I’m not trying to be on this pod and get canceled that’s not what that was the chat over here dave4 saving resources Marcus that’s how Dave I get it once once Dave put gunpowder in the chat I was like okay I got it got it but

It there was some chatter from other teams that the Sixers had their eye on somebody this summer and that there was kind of a quiet plan you know what I mean like something in the works and and I think it if there was I think it was

Cakam you know and and then when they get to Indie when Pascal gets there and immediately obviously he’s getting indications that they’re willing to give him the full boat contract wise because you know his Camp real quickly went from he’s going to be wide open he’s going to

Be a free agent to you know we love the Pacers we good yeah good it was pretty instant oh yeah you ever have stuff that you know we’re only as good as what we’re told at the time and so I had like if anybody wanted to

Give me a hard time and and do a compare and contrast like here’s what Sam wrote last week here’s what Sam’s writing this week these two things are very different you know well things change no but I love the Circle Center Mall now yes oh

Man they got a stin and Shake let’s go oh that’s all you needed to say Man City baby Samuel in in pul fiction that’s all you needed to say so I don’t know who that dude is but uh you know they’re they’re good but Marcus to your question yeah it might

The movie might end the same way you know shoot we mentioned that the last time Joelle had 20 points you know it was against Boston like they they took care of him so that’s what I need to do that’s what like they’ve got the Personnel

To to slow him down not stop him slow him down make him less efficient that’s all I got the guy who’s the guy I got the guy they could get who’s the guy me out Sam don’t don’t don’t judge me initially think about it before you react all right I’m ready Carl Anthony


The Athletic NBA Show discuss the Philadelphia 76ers and what they should do at the trade deadline.


  1. As a Sixer fan, we need to trade for Djontae Murray! There’s no big time FA this offseason so what are we saving for! Plus we can’t keep wasting years with Embiid playing like this!!!!

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