@Philadelphia 76ers

Take a deep breath, don’t think about the future yet. And appreciate this moment. A 7-footer playing like MJ while breaking Wilt’s record. This is not the day you take Joel Hans Embiid for granted.

Take a deep breath, don’t think about the future yet. And appreciate this moment. A 7-footer playing like MJ while breaking Wilt’s record. This is not the day you take Joel Hans Embiid for granted.

by st-christian


  1. and not a degenerate gambler or womanizer. Just a stand-up family man who lives right. Still can’t believe what I witnessed the other night. Jokic vs. Embiid debate settled.

  2. madeupmoniker

    Tim Bontemps called him “Kevin Durant plus 100 pounds” on The Lowe Post yesterday. Definitely one of the best comparisons I’ve heard

  3. allstar278

    The amount of regular season games that I watched that straight up brought me joy is insane. The 70 pt game and when he dominated Jokic this past week I was actually euphoric. Embiid really deserves a deep playoff run.

  4. Aquatic_Ambiance_9

    We should thank our lucky stars ever day that not only do we have a generational talent, but also that despite all the bullshit throughout his career here, not once has he demanded a trade. If he wanted to be in LA or Miami he’d be there by now, but he wants to win *here* and thats special.

  5. Downunderphilosopher

    Being able to separate the regular season from the anxiety of the playoffs is the key to enjoying the season imo. Putting all your joy in a finals or bust mentality every single game is a zero sum game. Being able to step back and appreciate greatness without the looming spectre of the playoffs makes each game infinitely more enjoyable.

    When the playoffs arrive, it will be full on dread, a series of relentless PTSD inducing wars with the only two potential outcomes leading to either momentary respite, or alcohol fueled rage and depression. Enjoy peacetime while it lasts.

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