@Chicago Bulls

Trade buzz on Zach LaVine, DeMar DeRozan, Alex Caruso & other Chicago Bulls | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Trade buzz on Zach LaVine, DeMar DeRozan, Alex Caruso & other Chicago Bulls | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Applause] What’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to Cho Bulls podcast coming to you live on Tuesday early evening uh I am peek you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls corek joined by my guys big day bow bwl Sports and Mar K MK Hoops our pal producer Mr Greg Braggs hanging with us

Behind the scenes until of course at some point he will pop into the front of the scenes oh I want I want him to pop in now I got a question for him I want you to pop in right now BR I got a question yes sir I wanted to know and I

Really do want to know this how did it go after Purdue be Illinois like how did the trash talking go with Cody how bad did you let him have it you know I this time of year I’m very superstitious so I’m not want to talk too much trash because I know what’s to

Come here later in the year so I was pretty easy on him to be honest with you no trash talking to him or herb Lawrence if I was GNA give that smoke to anybody it would be herb Lawrence though because he gets pretty Lippy with me in studio

But I stayed away from it because then I know you know what goes around comes around the sports gods are always watching and we know Purdue’s got a March Madness uh dragon to sleigh so I I kept my my lip zipped for one time in my

Life okay see I feel like you got that backwards brags you should be talking crash now while you can because we all know Purdue is going to choke in the tournament as they always do you know this this is where I leave leave the leave the

Ship oh we love hanging out with our guy brags uh gentlemen crazy day in the NBA today all kinds of breaking news all over the place we got a big trade the heat uh making a big swing to bring in Terry Rosier sending uh Kyle Lowry to Charlotte Lowry still might be flipped

Again before the deadline we’ll see what happens there Tristan Thompson gets hit with a 25 game suspension even though he’s a guy playing maybe one and a half minutes off the bench here and there uh but the biggest news that uh I think was jarring to a lot of folks even though

Maybe some people felt it coming uh is that the Milwaukee Bucks today dismissed their first year head coach Adrien Griffin uh W breaking the news at about 1:30 central time this afternoon um wild stuff and then if that weren’t enough we also got uh W and I

Believe Shams had at first the update that on top of this Griffin firing they’re naming um one of their assistants the interim coach but they are expected to be in talks with Doc Rivers who is currently working as you know a broadcaster there you see that quote from Shams has emerged as a

Serious candidate to become the Bucks new head coach sources tell the athletic uh wo and Shams actually had conflicting reports uh after those uh Shams with his article that he put out for the athletic suggesting that Doc and the Bucks are you know deep into talks already on that

Job W said that they haven’t actually reached out to Doc to talk about him replacing Griffin yet but this is wild stuff for a team that’s 30 and 13 right now uh and you know is a lock to uh head to the playoffs in the East what did you

Guys make of this move Big Dave I’ll start with you all right all right I’m G be I’m GNA be completely honest with you I love this kind of [ __ ] I love it they’re like yo I’mma tell you why because for me it’s the difference between those teams that are okay with

Where they are and those teams that are just like this is just not good enough I don’t care about 30 they don’t care about regular season 30 and 13 if you recall they were really good last year weren’t they and they got sent home so

In the first round by a team from the playin so it does not matter I could tell the way they were playing this season that something wasn’t connecting if you were just kind of watching them they didn’t have that same kind of stink on them like I I would expect them to

Have because when they got Dame Lillard I remember doing the show with you fellas we all thought it was about to be domination City going on in Milwaukee when you get that kind of guy on your team we thought it was about to be oh man this is about to be probably the

Most formidable team in the Eastern conference right here and they they’ had some really ugly bad losses to some teams that they just should not uh be losing to and even games that the teams were just in they just they just all they looked flat you know they just

Didn’t look like they were together it’s not the offense it’s the defense and the Bucks were kind of built on defense especially if you remember that championship year they were a defensive team a Defensive Juggernaut kind of team now of course the Personnel is changed you don’t have a holiday of course

That’s a big you know person that’s not there for your squad and Dame lard is not gonna help your defense in that kind of situation but they didn’t have that intimidation Factor about them they just really didn’t they didn’t have that stank on them that I remember them

Having on them even last year they kind of had that stank on them like oh man this team is formidable I like it because they’re like this isn’t comfortable and if my best player isn’t with it because when it happened I immediately said this is feels like

Giannis like if Giannis is like I ain’t with this you gotta go that’s the rules my best player is not comfortable with this you gotta go it’s just really that simple they don’t care about the regular season this is all about the postseason push I really do enjoy this kind of

Stuff because it’s it’s uncommon but it’s stuff that I wish teams would kind of do more honestly if you’re not comfortable with something and I’m not just saying it for coaches I’m saying it for players too if you’re not comfortable with that and you kind of

See the roads you’re going down and and you have expectations of Champions ship expectations you make these moves the heat do this stuff all the time Pat Riley would do this kind of stuff you know what I mean like if it’s not working not comfortable he’ll change it

Mid-season because it’s not working the Lakers another team that’ll be doing this kind of stuff what do these teams have comment that I just mentioned they’re always in Championship contention like these are the moves that they make when they’re trying to uh do something like this so honestly I have

No problem with it it’s a cold business it’s a hard business and it’s harsh man but hey if your stars ain’t comfortable and they not playing right you you got to make the move yeah I think that’s the that’s the takeaway that and if you were going to

Hit on a Dave that I certainly was like this is a I wouldn’t say it’s all on Yannis because it’s it’s not seemingly the rest of the locker room weren’t maybe aligned with what Griffin was putting out there so it wasn’t just a Yannis thing but yeah if Yannis isn’t

Bought in if Dame isn’t bought in there was reports about Bobby poris challenging Adrien Griffin a couple months back as well so there’s been a number of instances whereby or a number of reports already like three or four reports whereby you get this event which in the moment when you’re scrolling the

Timeline is shocking seeing it pop up on like a word notification but then when you take a moment to digest what’s actually happened and think through it as sort of Dave alluded to all the reasons as to why this kind of makes sense it’s like okay well yeah I I kind

Of get exactly why we landed in the situation we’d have but this is so much driven by Adrian grien like as much as like there’s a there’s a part of me that wants to not blame Yannis for it because if he doesn’t if he’s not vibing with

Adrien Griffin then he’s not vibing with ad Adrien Griffin and to Dave’s point I think it’s the right decision to move on if your best guy isn’t doing that but like this was within Adrian Griffin’s control to not get to this point we had the whole thing with Terry stots in

August or whatever it was with the the training camp stuff we’ve had him redesigning or changing both the offensive schemes as well as the defensive schemes which Dave touched on again like in terms of changing their identity of who were players clearly not responding to that early in the season

They then changed back their defense a little bit from my understanding not look I don’t watch every bux game but again just following people who do that that’s the impression that I get and from the bux games that I’ve seen um and then you’ve had all these other things

That I mentioned before so it’s not surprising that we are here where we are here but at the same time like uh Griffin was someone that jannis endorsed at the time there was I can’t remember who reported it previously there was on the timeline earlier today when all this

Was breaking but apparently jannis didn’t want to play for nurse which is why nurse didn’t end up in Milwaukee and ended up in Philadelphia so whilst I go back on my comment I’ll go back to my comment before where I don’t necessarily want to blame jannis like some of this

Is kind of of on him too in the sense that Griffin was a yanis endorsement I assume Bud was out as well because jannis was pretty pissed off in the playoffs too so I get it like you have to at some point you know do what your

Best guy wants to do and when your best guy is Giannis you kind of have to do what he has to do what whatever he wants to do but sometimes when you do that bad decisions get made too yeah like I think the bringing in Terry dos obviously

Something that they did in an attempt to make Dame feel more comfortable and more at home I mean Terry STS and Dame spent nine Seasons together in Portland and by by all accounts even though Portland always came up a little bit short you know when they were trying to to win a

Title with that core round Dame like for the most part they had a solid relationship and that Terry stots you know know after spending training camp and the week and a half of preseason trying to find a common ground as you know Adrien Griffin’s right-hand man as

A first-time head coach and then said I I believe on the eve of their final preseason game I’m out I don’t like the looks of this I don’t get what’s going on here it’s not just Giannis as y’all wol are saying it seems like Dame has also been struggling to figure out what

His role is on this team all season long and probably didn’t love that this season started with his with his guy Terry dos walking out on on whatever this season experiment was going to be and like yeah Dame hit and a classic you know Dame time gamewinner in one of

Their recent games but all season long it seems like Dame has not fully fit into what they’re doing and then you know Mark you touched on the defense a little bit we all wondered if you know swapping out Drew holiday and swapping in Dame would have an effect on one of

The best defenses in the league over the last several years and just how big that effect would be and well maybe Dame’s presence and what he could do for them offensively could make up for for that or at least some of that the Bucks have fallen all the way to 22nd in defensive

Rating so far this season they are putrid and when it comes to Giannis and it clearly being something that sounds like Giannis was having a problem with Griffin multiple of the reports came out today saying Giannis was one of the players who had lost faith in Adrien

Griffin’s Vision in sh’s column he had a quote from Yannis after one of their embarrassing losses I can’t remember which team was Houston or Utah where they gave up 130 or so points to a middling offense and Jan is saying we need to know what we’re doing out there

Defensively and we don’t know what we’re doing and talking about how are we a team that that takes away the three-point line are we a team that takes away in interior looks or are we a team that that does you know Elite work on the glass because we’re not doing any

Of those things consistently who the hell are we as a defensive identity team and if you’re super meast star player who you just brought in his co- a new co-star for who you just got to sign an extension but has started to say things recently like if I don’t like what I see

When I look around and I don’t see Championship aspirations when I look around then then I’m not happy then yeah if it’s if all evidence points to him losing faith in Adrien Griffin and his vision sorry Adrien Griffin you’re out and all of that makes sense to me for a

Team that is absolutely Ely regardless of what Giannis may have said after they got bounced from the playoffs way earlier than he and everyone else expected last season like oh it’s not always Championship or bust no you swung big to get Dame here you you know you

Have a superstar player in his prime it is absolutely Championship robust and yeah they’re 30 and 13 but they’re only six and five so far in January and they’ve played like you said Dave some ugly games recently so all of that adds up here’s where it loses me okay we’re

Gonna fire Adrien Griffin because Giannis is not bought in Bobby poris has a problem with him Dame also probably has a problem with him and we’re gonna replace him with Doc Rivers like okay I get it and it sounds like also from that report that they brought Doc in as sort

Of like an unofficial babysitter earbender influencer for a first year head coach firsttime head coach at Adrien Griffin to have his arm around him but then that Evol D into you know the higher ups in Milwaukee saying hey maybe this guy should be our coach instead but a coach who other than you

Know won Championship with Boston nearly 20 years ago now is notorious for not getting it done in playoff series when by all accounts his team talent-wise on paper has the upper hand that’s that’s where they lose me in all this if they do in fact hire Doc Rivers to replace

Him yeah that’s that’s very interesting too because doc you know his seat isn’t even worn yet you know sitting in the broadcast Booth I probably he’s probably been on that broadcast at least two or three times total you know since he started there at um at ABC and

Definitely need no real Prime Time games they haven’t really gotten into those so like yeah like it’s it’s it’s so interesting then his son you know moved over there as well with him to ESPN also so this is it’s such an interesting Dynamic and what all this also shows me

Is the organization of the Buc is with the players period that’s it they’re with the players man they’re not worried about the coaching or the staff if the players ain’t with it they’re not with it they’ve made their stand and they’ve made their choice again and again and

Again because these coaches are getting out of here as you mentioned because of the players not because of it’s def damn sure not because of their records their records are good you know what I mean like first was it I believe they’re first in offense or or close to it uh

When it comes to the Bucks like they’re they’re they’re not trash that’s not that’s not the point we’re trying to make here it’s just that Championship aspiration it just feels different but if the players ain’t with it then the organization isn’t with it and I find that interesting because you don’t see

That stand so often you know what I mean like in in the NBA I’m not saying it doesn’t exist because obviously it does but you don’t see it this egregious only person the people who popped into my mind were like Jerry bus you know like that’s what popped into my brain like oh

Man Magic’s not happy well fine bye you know well you gotta go dog not gonna happen you know like don’t that’s the thing that pops into my head like it didn’t even happen that way for Mike you know what I mean like like it’s it’s just like that so I they’re for the

Players and the coach whoever comes in here obviously Doc Rivers is the one as you just mentioned Matt who who they’re looking at and I’m with you a little bit on that I I like Doc Rivers probably more than some other people might like them but you can’t deny those points you

Just made at all because that is the absolute truth like when they get to those playoffs and especially when they get to that second round round it’s collapse City you know whether you’re up 231 it’s been collapse City for for Doc Rivers and they haven’t been able to

Move forward there’s a reason he’s talking basketball and wasn’t coaching it you know what I mean there’s a reason for that because they could not move forward with Philadelphia who look they have that stank on them that I was talking about earlier with with Nick nurse they definitely had that stank on

Them shout out to 70 points uh from embiid but yeah man like if that’s who Giannis wants and he feel like he can get something out of Doc Rivers then you kind of have to go try it and again the reason I think it doesn’t make sense man

Because the things you just said what you’re just looking at but the reason to make total sense to me is because jannis said it like that’s like if he’s here then there it is it’s really that simple like fine I I want him he’ll be the coach we’ll move forward what will it

Look like I don’t know I I think their defense will improve under under doc but I’m interested to see what it would look like with Dame Dame is not a defensive style I don’t care what coach you bring in that’s not going to happen so they’re

Still going to have to find another kind of guard or another kind of player who is willing to play that kind of Defense so I I feel like this isn’t the last move I feel like they’re gonna make some moves uh before the trade deadline to try to get some kind of uh

Defensive-minded player in here that can actually Ser be serviceable and help this team yeah completely agree I think personnal is still an issue uh where Griffin got it wrong was trying to Institute a really aggressive scheme with the Personnel he had whereby you had these point of attack issues like

You probably shouldn’t be doing that when Dave and Malik Beasley are starting in your back courau so like he got that wrong defensively straight up which is why Again part of the reason why we’re here and Dave similar to you I I feel like I’m probably higher on Doc that

Maybe than what the consensus is not to say that I think he’s a great coach or anything like that but parking whomever they decide uh you know whoever they decide to put as coach whether it’s a doc or someone else that coach that’s coming in is is coming into an extremely

Extremely difficult situation not just because it’s a mid uh like coming into a championship level sort of organization where that’s the expectation but coming to any team whether it’s Championship level or you know the Detroit Pistons or Charlotte Hornets whoever it might be like the the drgs of the league coming

In midseason without your own guys not understanding what has happened previously well I guess doc maybe does a little bit because he was part of part of their organization let’s say um but it’s just going to be aough tough tough job for him to come in in the middle of

The season and try to you know steady the ship and I say steady the ship which is kind of silly to say given the Box a 30 and 13 like it’s this isn’t the end of the world type situation but assuming Doc com’s in or whoever it is I think

Kenny Atkinson was also linked to this as well in in the Shams report too whoever comes in is going to have just uh you know an unbelievably difficult job to try to achieve what the B the Buck’s ultimately trying to achieve and to your point Dave like I don’t even

Know if any of this really matter without Personnel change because there’s only so many things you can do from a scheme point of view whether it’s on offense or defense like you can’t out out coach a defensive back Court of uh you know Damen l m Malik Beasley Malik

Beasley even if you go back to what they were doing defensively previously it might help you might not be 22nd but are you going to be top five like you were previously probably not you might be able to get from 22nd to 15th or something but is 15th even good enough

Like it’s it’s it’s going to be a tough job for DC assuming he comes into it or whomever it may be and you know it’s interesting that with with that significant hit you’re you’re taking to your defensive uh perimeter you know your defensive back court uh Griffin

Made the Bold call out of the gate this season to take Brook Lopez who was Defensive Player of the Year runner up last year playing primarily a drop coverage system he had Brook Lopez out on the perimeter and out guarding at the level of the screen and out setting

Traps and you’re like re re really you know is that because you’re trying trying to get Brook to help your now weakened you know perimeter defense because that’s not exactly the version that of Brook Lopez that makes him a great defensive player you you make up for those weaknesses by having the

Interior defense and the interior size that you do uh and you know between Giannis and and Lopez and some of the other players they have but I mean this uh this gamble the the holiday for Dame uh Gamble like again they’re 30 and 13 but it doesn’t matter what their regular

Record is if they get bounced early in the playoffs again then then it is a failure fascinating to see where this goes if they do ultimately hire Doc Rivers as an inseason head coaching change I will laugh uh and I will be morbidly curious to find out what

Happens because again like that’s and and ALS man this is so we I don’t I don’t know what’s going to happen with adri and Griffin either like I’m very interested to see where his career ends up man this was like his first head coaching position he couldn’t even get

Through a year you know what I mean like this I’m I’m interested to see what happens with him wasn’t this like his 15th interview or something stupid like that I don’t know what the exact exact number was but he had been for a number of coaching jobs and and he’s been an

Assistant in the league basically since he retired I think he’s had a decade a decade and a half of various assistant coaching jobs um in four or five different organizations and this was the first one um I agree AR Guy Fish said that he’s not a big fan of like you know

The coaching recycling bin in the NBA like I I if it’s a midseason coaching change I I understand that you would want to go with somebody who has a wealth of experience which is what doc does have but I mean at at some point you’re like you’re gonna hire this guy

Again really you’re gonna hire this guy again like where where where are the new people find find you like [ __ ] Pat Riley found Eric spola in a room full of you know V old VHS tape and he was like you’re my head coach now gundies yeah yeah I mean I guess everybody doesn’t

Have the Evil Genius Brilliance and and balls that Pat Riley has uh okay so obviously huge news uh uh obviously affecting a bulls Central division rival so we wanted to touch on that to start out today but of course plenty going on in the world of Bulls trade rumors and

News as well so we will get to that on the other side of our first break while we are doing that yall know what to do hit that Thumbs Up Button if you’re hanging out with us on YouTube we appreciate it do it for our friend Greg

Braggs who uh is not even wearing a hat today the poor bastard um there he is and uh make sure you subscribe to the CH Sports YouTube channel as well Big Dave tell the Bulls fans where they could score dope tickets well I’ll throw it

Back to you Matt peek what time is it I believe it’s game time who oh yes yes it is remote peek is more chill when it comes to the game time ho I enjoy it you shouldn’t have to worry when you’re buying tickets to your next big event l

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Tickets lowest price guarantee because Mar what time is it game time who C Bulls also brought to you by our friends at Midtown Athletic Club all of you healthy body and mind people in this fresh calendar year looking for a new spot to make yourself feel better uh

Check out one of midtown’s four Chicagoland locations Palatine in the Northwest BBs banic bur uh in the NorthShore Willowbrook in the southwest suburbs and of course the Midtown Athletic Club and hotel in the middle of Bucktown and Lincoln Park it’s Greg brags approved yes it is uh Palatine has launched a multi-million dollar

Transformation of the club which will be completed very soon uh later this year Midtown is offering a no Initiation fee offer this January at their banic bur Palatine and Willowbrook locations whether you’re just a single person looking to do something good for yourself get some exercise uh maybe

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Pools plus hot tubs and can I get a hot tub yes you can at Midtown Athletic Club um wonderful features of course we know about the tennis courts both indoor and outdoor uh our guys Karm and hog from Cho Bears big fans of those pickle ball basketball courts our Guy Greg Braggs

Loves using the basketball courts at Midtown maybe sometimes there will be a tooth casualty involved but that that wasn’t the Court’s fault right brags nope no easy no easy buckets no easy buckets playing that Ron arest defense y uh also the uh the chgo Bears crew brags

And along with the chgo sports pod hosted by our guy Kevin kic are going to be doing shows live from the Midtown banic burn on Thursday the 25th uh the show is complimentary to enter uh guests of the show are complimentary to enter that day so come

Check out the space and catch the show that’s exciting brags yeah fired up for after tomorrow that’s right and it’s close to Lake Forest so maybe I’ll pop by halis Hall and give him my thoughts do you know what your thoughts are have you figured them out yet yeah

They change they change dayto day honestly dude so did mine I don’t know where I stand and how I feel as a Bears fan right now but yeah definitely come out to Midtown banic bur we’re excited for it check it out also head over to

Chto to find out more and to tour the Midtown Athletic Club nearest you you um before we dive into some Bulls trade talk also wanted to make mention of RC show Bulls takeover speaking of fun CH events uh coming up in the near future February 6th Bulls taken on the

Timberwolves at the mad house we will be there we got uh a group bundle of tickets in Section 105 come hang out with us at the Bulls tea Wolves game we’re going to do a pregame Meetup at a bar uh TBD on witch bar but it’ll be somewhere in the

Neighborhood of Us in West uh West Loop uh just down the street from the mad house on Madison Avenue so come hang out get a ticket watch the game with us and uh it’ll be a fun time also of course ucgo die hards will get a discounted

Price on that ticket and you know when you’re talking about banging for your buck Section 105 the price point on the CH takeover uh tickets is real real nice yeah and even more so Matt the team that the Bulls are playing you’re not going to watch a bum team you’re going to

Watch a legitimate team the best team record-wise in the western conference right now with Anthony Edwards Who Matt and I had the pleasure of watching up close it’s worth your time to see up close ladies and gentlemen my God so yeah I’m excited and then you just saw

Cat drop 62 oh my God like yes absolutely this is a game that you want to be at to go see UC should be rocking and we will add to that come come hang out with us man and add your voice to it baby indeed uh our guy brags through the

Link to our CSO Bulls takeover event in the comments section so if you are here in the comments and want to come hang out with us There’s the link grab yourself a ticket February 6th uh and yes Eli we will talk about the Bulls we just had to talk about the crazy

Freaking bucks firing their head coach first because that was nuts but let’s get to uh let’s get to Bull stuff um nothing massively different uh in the last few days as far as the Winds of of possible trades going on as we near the two week Mark uh removed from the

February 8th trade deadline we did get sort of a a a doubling down on what we’ve heard primarily on the lack of suitors for Zack LaVine from Matt Moore of the Action Network and his latest column from yesterday or the day before in case you missed that here is what

Matt Moore had to say uh if you have that one brags still no takers for Zack LaVine and there’s increasing expectation of him remaining in Chicago fair or not uh LaVine is seen as a distressed asset on account of his play style injury history and most importantly contract that takes him through

2026 I feel like this is just the latest in several reports from several different sources that are saying very similar if not exactly the same thing which is that Zack LaVine there there aren’t a lot of fish biting in that pond right now um what do you make of this

Mark well I don’t know look there’s still time there’s still time right so there’s still two and a bit weeks until the trade deadline things can change maybe yeah maybe things change but at this point every data point that we have every credible reporter that has gone on

To talk about the Zach situation whether it’s National people whether it’s our local guys like KC they’ve been very clear on this that uh prepare yourselves for Zach being here beyond the trade deadline oh and by the way we as the NBA the league more generally don’t want

Zach either because we don’t like Zach the player or we don’t like Zach the contract or whatever the situation may be it varies from Team to team uh but very clearly the message that we as fans should be accepting and receiving and hearing all that sort of stuff is that

The league is not interested in taking on someone like Zack LaVine and if we are steadfast in the situation whereby you need to move off him if you want to I say need I guess that’s the first question is it a need or want situation

But assuming you want or need to get rid of Zack LaVine the whole you’re not getting a hall basically I was going to say the hall that you want to get isn’t coming but you’re not getting a hall you probably I don’t know maybe you need to

Attach stuff to get rid of Zack at this point like again based on everything we keep hearing which is not very positive maybe that’s just where we’re at and like I’m sort of coming to acceptance on this situation that I’m not going to be someone who just discredits these

Reports or think that Zach is worth more than what he hears because if the market is saying no he’s not then that’s what the market is saying and that’s how we should be forming our opinions based on that so it’s concerning it’s not ideal particularly given lavine’s stance in

The first 19 games and you know the way he carried himself in those first 19 games and I’m assuming he still wants out of here again based on what KC has said and paraphrasing in some senses but it sounds like both parties LaVine and the balls still wants some sort of

Separation whether it happens now or in the offseason or whenever it may be like that’s still the plan so I’m assuming he doesn’t want to be here if he doesn’t want to be here then I don’t want him to be here as a fan but it doesn’t sound

Like he can go either because of the situation well you know what let me let me ask a question first before I before I say what I want to say but marqu do you think that um we should be like be changing uh or even the Bulls front

Office should kind of be changing their mentality of how they’re looking at Zach and his value because when I hear these kind of things I I think like when they say there’s no value for him around the league I think they’re just like they they’re not going to give him what you

Want you know for for to trade him so is it something that we should be coming to grips with like we should be okay with trading him and not getting something great back for him but being okay with that yeah look coming back to a point

You made before Dave about like the bock and them being ruthless and if the Vibes weren’t right and things just weren’t harmonious in the locker room or whatever the situation may be and just moving on like in some respects you could take that that line of thinking

And applied to the Bulls in a number of different matters whether people I know I certainly know people would do the or have that you know attributed that thought to Billy Donovan can you do the same thing with Zack LaVine as an example a guy that doesn’t want to be

Here the Bulls are seemingly trying to do that whereby they’re trying to trade him now they tried to trade him in the offseason maybe even tried to trade him at the previous deadline but to your point like I do think there is an element of this of Saving Face in some

Respects like not moving on from a guy who was a two-time Allstar for you know an expiring deal and maybe a few second round picks or something like that like there probably is a PR element to this where the Bulls don’t want to settle for something that doesn’t read well in a

Press press release I think there’s an element to this you know beyond that as well like obviously Zach can be a good player has been a good player can add value so I also understand from them wanting to do the due diligence and to extract as much value for the team

Putting aside all like that PR that PR side of things I guess or the the the way people would view the trade I think AK and and Mark evle are right in trying to extract as much value for Zack LaVine as well not not just because it makes

Them look better but because it’s the best thing to do for the team but to your point like do they or should they adjust their ask or their want in a Zach trade I think they might need to if they want to move on from him in the next two

Weeks or six months or 12 mons whatever it might be like Zach still has three years on his deal post this season and if the situation remains if the market remains as is that that context stays as is then maybe the blls need to just assess the situation and realize what

The situation is and take less than they ideally want just to to move on yeah yeah it’s interesting that you guys both brought up the whether or not the Bulls have to and or should shift their frame of mind as far as what they might be looking for in

Return for Zach if they and he are still very much you know aiming towards finding him a new team because that was some of the other latest Zack LaVine updates that we got from you know NBA uh people who have a lot of uh you know Birds reporting back to them from all

From all over uh a bunch of different teams you may have missed it because it was behind ESPN plus uh pay wall but Bobby marks uh this morning put out his giant NBA trade deadline preview for every NBA team and obviously he had a lot of thoughts on Zack in his uh Bulls

Trade line preview and I just wanted to kind of hit a couple of the highlights he framed it as the Bulls need to ask themselves three important questions when it comes to Zach one are they willing to dump uh are they willing to salary dump Zack for his contract and

Exch for expiring salaries and perhaps a future first round pick if so does free agency offer the opportunity to reshape the Bulls roster if all you’re getting out of a Zach trade is dumping salary and then giving getting yourself some cap space He also mentioned you know you

Could also free up cap space if you do just let let demaro maybe I’ll add even more if Lonzo ball is deemed to have a career-ending injury then all of a sudden the Bulls could be looking at 50 million in C space this summer but Bobby also noted that the 2024 free agent

Class that we have approaching this summer is fairly weak so maybe the Bulls would look to trade Zach now for young players under contract for at least one more year instead of draft capital and then this was the last question that Bobby marks posed to the Bulls front

Office that I think is really really important and interesting uh brags I think you have this one uh in a graphic finally is Chicago’s best option to wait until the offseason when there could be improved trade options the risk there is that because of the new roster restrictions that start in the offseason

High spending teams like the Lakers can only match dollar for dooll in salary in addition Los Angeles could not aggregate contracts going out if its team’s salary exceeds the second apron so those are a couple of very important wrinkles in the new CBA that’s going into effect this

Off season which could affect the return of that the Bulls might get and and the amount of legitimate offers the Bulls might get for LaVine if they wait until this offseason to trade him instead of trading him between now and two weeks from now um what do you make of that

Dave I mean it’s it’s such a weird position Man part of me wants to say you know and I guess I’m I’m thinking of it from the standpoint of where AK and Mark everley have said what they want is they want the postseason that’s what they want and

I do too it’s what they want and to get there and to you know get to that postseason we’ve seen the team that the Bulls you know give the Bulls the best shot to get there and it doesn’t include Zack LaVine so if your shot is to make the

Postseason then do you take that hit you know if how bad do you really want to make it does Zach even hinder you from that because again I like to point out when Zach was here they still went like 5- two when Z when Zach was with the

Bulls and he was still playing they were still they still went five- two when he came back but it does feel different and I think we all can agree with that it does feel different it does look different we l we saw it yesterday in that game uh Phoenix game yesterday it

Looks and it feels a little bit different as far as the cohesiveness of that team so are they comfortable with making that trade and saying we know we are better we’re a better playoff team without Zack on our Squad we’re gonna go all in that way

Or do they say maybe we could make the play in and you know still be cool with Zach on our team and wait till this off season and then you know get a better deal for him and you know some better assets because he’s valuable it’s just

The team doesn’t want to the league doesn’t want to give up nothing for him right now at this point in time but they know in that off season they could probably get something of better value for a guy like Zack LaVine that’s I don’t know the answer to that I really

Don’t and that’s again that’s why they’re PID the millions of dollars that they’re paid to make these decisions because it’s a tough one um so Zach is gonna come back and do what he can obviously to help this team try to win you know he is that kind of player that

Wants to help this team try to win uh and be better we saw there’s there’s a way he does it where he ramps himself up to it that kind of slows stuff down sometimes you know what I mean on on the Bulls where there’s an extra pass that

Shouldn’t be made where there’s a shot we think he should be taking that he’s not aggressively taking but when he gets ramped up to that level because you know we’ve seen Zach at that level uh especially in that second half of that season of last year you know he just

Looked super duper Elite he looked absolutely ridiculous but he hasn’t looked that way this year came out flat then he got injured then was trying to build himself back up didn’t look quite right I believe he was averaging 17 before he went out still didn’t look quite right

It’s such a tough uh tough situation mat it really is man because I when I wrote that article that he’s playing for his career this exactly what I meant by by this stuff like right here this exactly what I meant yeah this this this is just

What I meant by that man like these kind of situations for him so it’s a tough it’s a tough one I don’t have the answers honestly I just have more questions than than I do answers which is why I was asking Mark K questions like because I I really don’t know but

They’re going to be in that situation where he’ll be healthy very soon and you can not you can’t not play him you have to put that kind of dude on the basketball floor and see what happens with your team does it help does it hurt

How long will it take him to get back to that level will he still be here on the February eth is he still playing to be traded is that still the mentality for him does he still think that there’s a hope that that can happen are the Bulls

Even still looking were they looking at packages you know putting it I don’t I don’t know man but it’s a lot going on and we’re going to get answers soon because it’s a sprain he’ll be back what was he was supposed to be out one to two

Weeks so we’re going to find out soon man about what it is really with with Zack LaVine but Mar K like it’s just it’s just not an easy answer that that for this situation well I agree Dave like I certainly don’t have the answers um and I can’t answer the questions only really

Zach and AK can just in some respects but I think these are the questions that need to be asked and the first question be does Zach want to be here like that’s a question AK ownership Etc need to ask of Zach that’s a question he needs to

Ask of himself if the answer is yes that he wants to remain and he would be happy to do so then okay that that’s one thing but if his answer is no and your intent as the Bulls is to resign dear d rozan whether people agree with this or not

Like if the Bulls want to bring back dear and if they want to resign Patrick then that’s going to cost the Bulls and if you don’t move Zack LaVine now and you don’t move him at the draft and you have to enter into the offseason with Zack on your books to resign Demar

To resign Patrick and to have Zach still on the books the blls will be over the tax in all likelihood let’s let’s just park the Lonzo thing for the moment because then that could change that calculus a little bit but assuming you know Lonzo isn’t deemed as a career in injury the Bulls

Are over the tax at that point now they wouldn’t be charged or be paying tax dollars at that point it would come calling you know at the end of That League season but they would be over the tax at that stage meaning they would have to move someone or if they don’t

Want to be over the tax in that situation then by keeping Zach you’re having to say goodbye to someone else whether that’s Patrick dear maybe someone else so these are the fundamental questions that Bulls need to ask does Zach want to be here do we want

To resign Demar do we you want to resign Patrick Williams if the answers to those questions or depending on those answers to those questions that determines what you need to do right now if Zach doesn’t want to be here if dear and Patrick want to be here and you want to keep them

Then to me it’s a very simple decision that you have to move Zach now and if if doing so means that you know instead of getting two first round picks you get one first round pick or instead of getting two first round picked sorry instead of getting one first round pick

You get multiple seconds like whatever the scenario is if he doesn’t want to be here i’ been I’ve been very blunt about this and clear about this but I don’t want to I don’t want players who don’t want to be here to be here yeah to your

Point Dave I’m okay with them going into a rebuild I’m also okay with them trying to win games like I I’m you can take you can talk me into both sides and I know how you both feel about both situations so one’s the angel one’s the devil in

This scenario I’ll let people decide as to who who that is but you can talk me into it but the point being like to what you noted before Dave like if you want to go for it now and Zach doesn’t want to be here then why prolong this thing

Just just make the move now cut the situation should move on it’s probably best for both sides in that scenario and and let’s just reset and pivot from there but again it all comes back to Zack and what he wants all right let’s take our second

Break there still plenty to get to Dear de R rozan has popped up in recent trade up uh rumor updates so is Caruso so has Andre Drummond so has IO dumu uh so we can touch on all those after the break if you didn’t do it the first time

Around hit that thumb right now give us a like uh we appreciate it it makes our Guy Greg bregs very happy uh SI show Bulls today brought to you by our friends at DraftKings man it’s sad that we only have three more football games and then football’s over but we have three more

Football games we’ve got a Sunday AFC and NFC Championship uh on deck and you know what makes that more fun making bets on it making money on it you know I mean we also have a Bulls game that Sunday night but you know that my

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Triple double in three quarters and call it a night but you know that Shay is going to come out determined after seeing a 70o game from embiid you got 60 or so from Carl Anthony towns the NBA stars shined bright on Monday you know SGA is Gonna Want To Shine his own star

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Chev all right ahead other updates about Bulls players who may or may not be on the Move let’s touch on Caruso briefly I feel like there’s not a whole lot to discuss with him um in his big trade deadline preview Bobby marks made note of Caruso the fact that he’s on another

Very team-friendly salary next season Mark said that uh the Bulls should not have any urgency to move off of Caruso’s contract unless a team is willing to surrender multiple first round picks or young players on a controllable contract uh Matt Moore in the same report that

Touched on the lack of market for Zack LaVine said that the Bulls continue to shut down calls for Alex Caruso which is more of what we’ve heard have you guys changed how you feel about Caruso and and where the Bulls stand on not trading him at all recently no I I haven’t

Changed anything I I told you that I quit talking about it because once Tory Craig went down I knew it definitely wasn’t gonna happen but yes I still feel like they they should trade him like and get some nice value for this guy and because you can still be a formidable

Team even without Alice guso of course you won’t be as good of course your defense is g to suffer but you can still be a play in team man with without Alex Caruso and still build towards your future yeah I I feel similar I think you know I’ve been on the trade Caruso

Bandwagon not because I don’t realize what he does or disrespect his game or any of that nonsense because I think everyone can very clearly see how valuable he is to this team but I think you noted that M like there shouldn’t be any urgency to not that that were your

Words but BBY marks or whomever it was I think there should be some urgency in in dealing Alex Caruso because we’re in this situation with Demar roosen where you didn’t maybe look at him dealing him at the last deadline now you’re get into a situation where he’s on his expiring

Contract and you know we assume the value of an expiring contract is less compared to someone who has maybe one and a half or two years left on the deal which is what Caruso has so this time next year is Caruso going to is he going going to Garner the same level of

Tradeing interest or potential Assets in a deal now compared to in a year’s time like I don’t know the answer to that question but I also don’t maybe want to explore the answer to that question knowing you know Caruso’s injury history and those sorts of things and I guess

The balls have to be urgent about it too in the sense that are you prepared to pay this Duty’s next contract like no one is talking about this and everyone who wants to keep Alex Caruso keeps just assuming that Alex Caruso wants to stay or will stay with Chicago but why are we

Going to be assuming that is true now if the Bulls make the play in but miss out on the playoffs and if things are trending again next season you know similarly if this whole continuity thing continues and the Bulls are in that still same to 7 to 10 11 12 range like

Why is Caruso going to reup here in Chicago and and if he doesn’t have you missed out on your opportunity to get some real stuff for Caruso so that’s my long way of saying no I haven’t changed my opinion I think the blls need to have some urgency around the Caruso thing and

I think it’s still clinically insane that they are not you know taking on it’s way more enticing to get yourself a Caruso right now for a you know back third of season and playoff run and then also have that player uh on your books for under 10 million next season like

That that value as you just kind of touched on Mark goes away if the Bulls wait and hold on to Caruso um thousand eyes uh thousand eyes 85 in the comments saying no ‘s giving the Bulls a first for AC meanwhile Anthony’s saying am I

Crazy to think AC can get us a first round pick from a playoff hungry team no like I I tend to lean towards I think they absolutely can get a first for for Alex Caruso I do I I don’t know if they could get two firsts for him which you

Know we’ve heard in some pockets of NBA trade rumor Mills but I I think they could get a first for him if they dealt him within the next two weeks uh shout out also to Dwayne knight uh appreciate the kind words thanks for tuning in um let’s let’s move gentlemen to Dear uh

There have been a few different updates on dear in few different uh Corners recently Matt Moore and that same update uh mentioned uh some insiders wonder if dear D rozan on an expiring contract will have a new home by the All-Star break uh I believe it was also Sam Amo

Of Amo Hoops who yesterday in his report said that the Sixers heat and nicks are all expected to show interest in demard De Rosen Maybe after today’s trade where the heat go out and get themselves Terry Rosier that changes things for them and maybe they are no longer interested in

Dear but that’s that’s three playoff bound teams reportedly interested in Demar to Rosen Bobby marks also touched on Demar in his deadline preview saying the Bulls could certainly hold on to Dear pass the deadline and look to work out a new contract leading up to or during free agency but there’s a risk

The Bulls losing tomorrow for nothing if he’s on this roster past February 8th um what what do you guys where do you guys sit right now on Demar and whether the Bulls should keep him or trade him in the next two weeks Mark I’m about to say

I want to hit mark on this one well I I am a Demar loyalist so let’s be clear on that but putting bias as aside like I think if you’re moving on from dear and you the plan is still to move on from Zach then you need to

Have a good plan in place to find someone who you can put next to Kobe to support him from an on ball perspective because is people will get their wish in that scenario whereby D rozen’s gone and all the late game situations go to Kobe but you know what the defenses are doing

Though in those scenarios too as well like they’re sending two they’re sending three to Kobe and like what does that do for his development so I think I think someone like dear is super helpful for this team um whether others agree or not is you know remains to be seen But if

You have a plan to get another ball handler to put next to Kobe you know next season and Beyond fine move on from dear if you want if you can get some real stuff in a trade that is now that again that that’s an important question like what potential options do you have

In a trade if I can get some real stuff that help cool let’s trade d rozan if I can’t then I’m not trading D rozan particularly if I am trying to win also I don’t I’m not subscribed to this absolute theory that losing dear in the offseason assuming that even is the case

I still think the Bulls will want to extend dear but let’s just assume that dear wants a stupid you know huge contract that’s not fair and the Bulls don’t want to do it and they can’t trade him for something that’s reasonable in the trade market you’re only getting bad

Either bad salary or you know you know shitty second round picks whatever it might be in said scenario losing Demar in free agency isn’t necessarily a bad thing because of the point you raised before Matt about potentially it creates cap space now again there’s not a lot of

Great free agents out there but it gives you more flexibility more optionality to do do other things and I would rather lose Demar in free agency for nothing than taking on bad contracts just to say you’ve traded him or signing him to a deal that doesn’t make s in an extension

So uh I would be shocked if if dear moved I would only do it if it makes sense and you can get positive value back for him I question if you can get positive value back for him but yeah I don’t necessarily think he’s going

Anywhere yeah I I don’t want to trade I don’t think he’s going anywhere um I don’t want to trade him right now only because I’m noticing just how the team he listen he is adored by that team he is beloved by those players in in the

Locker room that is who they hug that is who Kobe loves and hugs all the time this is who Patrick Williams and dalen Terry hang out with and talk to you know this is who Vu knows you know what I mean there’s too he has too much connective tissue to be removed from

This team and them to still survive is he’s too connected to this team right now and that’s just off the court I’m talking about on the court obviously you all know it when it’s Demar de Roan time it could come in the second third or fourth quarter you know you know when

It’s demard de ro in time like to get busy and do his thing so yeah like I don’t think they’re in a position to let him go especially again if they trying to make that postseason and and do something uh in the post you can’t do it

By letting demard D rozan go like it’s just not gonna happen uh that way uh of course I’m sure you know marquay wants him to go so you know Pat Williams can you know finally be freed up to but but I don’t think it had to be

The case here man like you you’ve got to hold on to to this kind of ball player and I think on another kind of level he’s kind of earned that right here in Chicago to kind of walk out and make his own kind of decision on his own because

He has been Stellar during his time here he has been absolutely Stellar on and off the court as far as what he done on the court and what he’s done for the young players uh off the court he’s been absolutely stellar so I feel like he’s earned an opportunity to you know leave

On kind of his terms or stay on on on his term however he wants it to however it’s going to work out personally I’m okay with him leaving as as a free agent I’m completely all right with that um I feel like that’ll be your time that’ll

Be your tenure you know what I mean we appreciate everything that you did you know go forth be fruitful and multiply like you know do your thing it’s great but I feel like he’s earned his time to finish finish it out here uh with the bulls because man those he’s just too

Connected it’s just he’s just too connected y’all like he really is that’s that’s a fair point I guess not I guess it is a it is a fair point it’s just one that does not move me at all where I am emotionally as a bulls fan right now yes dear is a wonderful

Vet who is a wonderful teammate and mentor to some of these younger guys um you know who are who are starting to Blossom Kobe in particular maybe even D Dal Terry you can say that a little bit um and we know that that Dal has already

Formed a strong bond with dear but to me I the only thing that I’m thinking about is if they keep dear through this trade deadline and whatever they can get for him you know an interesting player and a second round pick like whatever I don’t care honestly about the return as much

As I care about if he’s here past February 8th they are going to sign him to a new contract this summer and it is more continuity and I’m going to go up to the roof of my condo and jump the F off cuz I am done I am done with this I

Am done with the ninth seat again I swear to God and if they have dear for yay playing tournament again they’re gonna sign him to a new contract this summer and I’m gonna hate it not I don’t hate dear I will hate the Bulls front office for doing that because we all

Know what this ceiling is and it’s the [ __ ] playin tournament and that ain’t good enough for me it’s not well I spoke about before about not dealing in absolutes but like I’m not going to say extending Demar is a bad thing until I know what the numbers are

Like if it’s a completely fine and reasonable deal and you nail all the other periphery moves around it then it can work I also not going to say sit here and say a life without de demand Beyond this season is wrong either because if you do have a good

Contingency plan in place if you can get another younger guy that you can put next to Kobe to support Kobe and I think this is this gets overlooked in the whole we just want to give Kobe the ball now kind of thing that you know 99% of

The fan Bas seemingly has at this point like Kobe is succeeding because he’s playing next to guys like V and dear who enable him to do his thing I’m not saying they’re the only reasons that Kobe is doing what he is doing because he has in his own right has been

Fantastic but having that pick and roll partner for Kobe to operate with Vu is extremely important because Kobe gets downhill in pick and roll that’s his game similarly with de Rosen like dear draws two all the time that helps someone like Kobe so the point being I’m

Cool with moving on with dear I’m cool with moving on V or whomever it may be but you better have a good idea as to how you’re replacing those guys because their Replacements are going to be critical in making life easier for guys like Kobe and Pat and I and those sorts

Of things which AIDS and helps in their development so irrespective if we’re talking about going for the eighth seed again or going for the rebuild again whatever it might be you still need to be nailing your moves you still need to be making or putting together your best

Basketball team around your younger guys because you need to support them in their development which is what the previous regime didn’t do with the last iteration of this rebuild which I don’t want to witness again like that’s the thing I don’t want to see again I don’t

Want to be in a world where Kobe is dominating every single possession because the Bulls don’t have another option which is why I value the dear the way I do but if you’re telling me you can get a 25y old or a Jaden Ivy or someone else who can step in that dear

Role to put next to Kobe and move on from dear cool I’ll sign up with that but until you tell me what that looks like that’s where my reservation is uh guys we’re running short on time so I did want to touch on these two players real quick and and get uh

Y’all’s thoughts on him Matt Moore in that same report mentioned that IOD dumu is a name that several team teams could be calling the Bulls about in the next couple of weeks personally real quick you can’t have them the way that Iowa has been playing this season and the

Contract the Bulls just signed him to that is a valuable piece worth keeping regardless of who is on your team next season you can’t have him also the always hilarious Lakers stand Dave McManaman uh mentioned that the Lakers are interested in Andre Drummond so that they have another option for guarding

Joker in the play off S so many things about that report are hilarious to me um what playoffs you see where the Lakers are you see where they’re headed um I look Andre Drummond has been a fun experiment for a couple of Seasons I I

Wouldn’t hate to see him go if they if the Lakers are so desperate that they would give the bull something of value for Drummond as a half season loner so here’s where I stand you can’t have Io if the Lakers want to give us something for Drummond great what do you guys think

Yeah they could give me something for Andre Drummond absolutely uh and I you know Drummond has been really solid this year and really really has like you can’t just poo poo 20 points and 20 rebounds like it ain’t nothing like he has been an awesome coming in off of the bench and

Field in really really excellently um when he uh would start in the starting lineup so he did honestly a great great job and continues to do so his his his Antics have been left you know he’s been more 40% on the Antics and more 60% on the solid basketball this year which is

Really awesome for me uh to see so yeah he’s he’s earned that right to be looked at by other teams I really hope he gets another contract I really do but yeah if you’re gonna make a deal if you’re gonna give me something for Andre Drummond I

Absolutely I’d be listening to you and would make that deal if it was right yeah look Andre Drummond potential free agent or will be a free agent in the offseason are the Bulls bringing him back does he want to come back in to and

Be a backup again to vuch I doubt it I guess Money Talks at some point but if you can give me two or three seconds for Andre Drummond yeah I’m doing it now I don’t love Andre Drummond the basketball player I love Andre Drummond the person irrespective of my my issues with

Drummond the person sorry the basketball player I I would do a deal like that because you might be losing him in the offseason as well so do do the Andre thing uh IO no you absolutely keep him people have banged on about the Bulls development all the lack they of of

Their younger guys IO is showing real signs we know what Kobe has done this season I think Pat has the ability to do you know some good things as well so I would not be moving on from any of those three so yeah iio is a bll next season

Yeah yeah to me with with Drummond in his perspective I just don’t see him wanting to stick around Chicago not we haven’t heard any reports like Drummond doesn’t like being here but we have heard things about Drummond saying I still think I’m a starting caliber

Center in this league and so if his if he sees some options this Summer that are one of these two things sticking with a aging Veteran Center in a backup role but getting to do it for the similar you know low veteran salary the Bulls have been paying for the last few

Years but on a real contending team which the Bulls are not that’s more enticing than staying here or a team that is desperately looking for a legitimate Center and maybe even starting center and Drummond you know taking salary that pays him more like a starting center and gives him that

Opportunity to prove that he still has that left in the tank both of those things that he could get uh on his you know offer table this summer are more enticing than staying here so you know if I’m anticipating how drum Drummond’s thinking about this upcoming summer and

You can get some value for him now do it freaking do it AK just do it um all right wow we covered a lot of ground we are out of time thank you everybody for hanging out with us um hit that thumbs up button on your way out if you haven’t

Done it yet helps us out a lot make sure you also subscribe to that CSO Sports YouTube channel get yourself a ticket get your friends a ticket who our CSO Bulls takeover coming up February 6 Bulls wolves gonna be a a good time and

Uh we got a fresh HQ for y’all on Deck tomorrow correct Mr Mark we do I have no idea what we’re going to be talking about hopefully there’s more breaking news around the lake so that the league can give us something to talk about but

William and I will be uh on the airwaves tomorrow so looking forward to thaton as a special guest uh ideally no uh that would be not ideal but look you if the schedule says brags that you’re producing then I will accept what the schedule says okay

Okay and you know nobody and also nobody you know mentioned my music reference and the thumb th nail I’m not gonna I’m not offended that’s Dave’s territory all right because jelly jelly recognize it in the chat I didn’t even see it till till right now man like honestly I didn’t even see

It congrats well done there you go thought if you wanted to sing the song you could that’s no well hit it kick it off want me to sing it you want sing it all right here we go here we go here we go what is happening to take me on

A night we’re Bull’s nation of Tomorrow Dreams Away In The Wind of trade trade yes that was worth it for me mar K one time before the show was over there was no way we were leaving without me not doing I thought we were going to go in entire show without me

Having to trash you but um couldn’t help yourself you couldn’t help yourself my God I mean don’t quit your day job Rags but I I admire the commitment I admire no one no one commits to Commitment more than Greg Braggs Jr when he’s doing a bit that’s a

Fact he’s all in he’s all in much love always to our guy brags uh enjoy when he uh swings through D Bulls uh follow Mark on Twitter FK Hoops big Davis at B bwl Sports I’m Bulls follow our guy will the goat as well willor godle read his coverage weor

Bulls HQ on Deck tomorrow 5:30 central time and then we will see yall again Thursday night for a late one Bulls Lakers 9:30 tip off 9900 pm. pregame until then thanks for tuning in much love and appreciation Bulls fans see R be [Applause] good May

The CHGO Bulls crew break down the latest trade buzz surrounding Zach LaVine, DeMar DeRozan and Alex Caruso. Matt Moore of the Action Network reported that there are “still no takers” for LaVine. In his trade deadline preview, ESPN’s Bobby Marks suggested the Bulls could wait until this offseason to find LaVine a new team. Both reports confirmed the Bulls are still very unlikely to deal Caruso, but DeRozan could be moved before February 8th. Matt and Big Dave also touch on other reports on Ayo Dosunmu and Andre Drummond. Plus, the guys react to Tuesday’s breaking news that the Milwaukee Bucks fired head coach Adrian Griffin and may replace him with Doc Rivers.

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  1. Can't believe people ever thought LaVine was a good player. I thought we should have done a sign and trade before giving him a big contract.

  2. Let go of the other big three players besides Demar. Lavine and Vuc can go for some dynamic young players. If not, then we may have to get so more shooters around Colby.

  3. My guess is Bulls won’t do anything cause they are delusional and happy to be an average team
    Been following them for 35 years and I can’t see any major changes
    Who wants Vooch??? Who wants Zach???
    Bulls ain’t doing anything

  4. So was it a smart move to sign Zach Lavine last year? Everyone said they had to sign him!!!! Now nobody wants to trade for him.!!! Why in the sheol did we give him a maximum contract?!?!?

  5. you guys gotta get proper in home video and audio set ups. you got 46k subs….time to level up duders. invest in a more professional set up and you will level up

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