@Sacramento Kings

Why it’s important for De’Aaron Fox, Kings players to talk to the media

Why it’s important for De’Aaron Fox, Kings players to talk to the media

There are some things going on though and Jason Anderson put out an article two days ago and it’s like I said he did it in the dead of the night the only reason I was I saw it was because I was up with baby girl and now it’s starting

To get some legs and we have some Sam Amic sound that we will play a little bit later in the show where he discusses it we know that when it comes to fans and media and players fans are always gonna side most of the time on the side

Of of the players I get that but Brendan we haven’t really got to discuss since the article came out just your take on where we’re at with this is it overblown and by the way just maybe just walking back some of the Kings fans that we’ve seen on social media on Reddit worried

About dear and fox and like the organization I don’t want to I don’t want to misspeak here but I would like to let them know that I don’t think it’s that deep yeah it ain’t that deep right right I can’t we can’t really go into the details too much but from what we

Know it ain’t that deep right I don’t think it’s that deep I I think it’s um it seems to me that it’s dearen upset that after that New Orleans game where they got blown out by 50 and um this all stems from the media side and I think

That they attempt and I attempt to kind of try to speak for the fan base a little bit sometimes in those media sessions is after they got blown out in Boston by who knows how much Keon Ellis gets sent to the podium and it’s like all right that’s not really fair but I

Guess he was a backup point guard at the time like it’s not the worst thing pretty bad it’s pretty bad but it’s real bad when it happens again seen we’ve seen it before though yes for sure is also it is it is bad for sure but it’s

You know kind of reaches another point when it happens again when you get blown out at home against New Orleans when you’re about to go on a long road trip as well and you’re down like 4050 getting totally beat by this team that You’ already lost to three times and

Keon didn’t play play in this game until they were down 40 I think at this point in the fourth quarter and he only plays so I got to come up with a better term but garbage time minutes and then goes to the podium and so Mike Brown kind of got asked about

You know well I’ll just start by saying that’s not fair to Keon and I think there’s about seven dudes on that team that could have talked you know there’s the typical starting five and there’s Trey L and Malik monk those guys play every single night that they’re

Available really and I think it would have it’s not just a dear thing it could have been any of those other guys but dear got some crap for it after the fact for not showing up and his frustration is that he didn’t even get asked to do

Media that day and so from his perspective I’d imagine it’s like a why is everybody mad at me I didn’t even get asked to do this yeah and now everybody’s on me about it and I think that it’s just kind of guess snowballed from there and you know not going to

Speak to like where he’s at mentally or anything right now but that seemed to sort of be the the peak of it or what kind of started this not really preferring to speak to media and that that’s where we’re currently at really and we get one more practice today that

I’m GNA head to at noon and we’ll see and then he’s they’re going to be gone on the longest road trip of the season so my question to that and I don’t think that there is an answer but I think what you’re saying is I think really really

Great stuff but do we have an answer to why dearn chose to sit out those 16 press conferences or whatever 16 days that it was not really at my understanding is just that there was a frustration that stemmed from again that New Orleans game um where it if he did

Not get asked which is my understanding that that is unfair to him that like why is everybody on me I didn’t even get asked asked to do this um and I think after even the the Boston game or it was some game previously in the year I could

Be remembering specifically which one he got asked like why you didn’t do media and he’s like well I never turned it down I just didn’t get asked you know so I I think there’s kind of a frustration there but that’s really the extent of kind of what I got on that and maybe

That’s building up like maybe there’s behind the scenes stuff going on with him in his personal life I’m not saying that there is and I know about it I’m not saying it I genuinely have no clue but like feel like it’s important to acknowledge each person is human and I

Feel like it’s easy for people to kind of forget that and you never know what somebody’s going through but this is a contractual obligation so I get why this has become a big thing you’re you’re losing four in a row which I think I’ve blown out of proportion a little bit but

I get it from a fan base perspective and at that point the fan base wants to hear from their franchise Cornerstone so I get the frustration from the fan base’s side um but that’s my understanding I couldn’t really tell you why it’s extended as long as it has but that’s my

Understanding of like when it started because it’s just a little bit confusing that if you and I I yeah I understand I completely understand why dearen would be upset for people being upset at something that he in that moment had no say over but if you’re upset about

Feeling as if something is being miscommunicated or you’re being misunderstood in my opinion the best way of getting a more clear understanding is by coming out and saying it yourself and so I think that’s where I think Daren loses a little bit of his legs to stand on there when it’s

Okay yes I’m upset about whatever the specific situation is well if you’re upset like I mean he definitely let us know with that interview that he had breaking the 16 day streak that that pregame press conference showed all the frustration that he’s feeling but say say something about it I mean to me

Again if you’re really frustrated this p no one likes anybody being passive aggressive and it seems to me that’s the approach that he’s taken and I just I I mean I again I understand why he would be upset but I I don’t think that he’s

Gone about it the right way yeah I I definitely get that um there was like five years where the team sucked and he was the kid all the time and he’d be really annoyed after losses and I always use him as honestly like a comparison of

Like my one of my realizations of how normal these dudes are like there’s days he clearly does not want to speak with us and I think that’s totally fine and normal human behavior there’s days I don’t want to do certain things at my job sorry Joe I are great isn’t that but

Isn’t that why you get an allotted right well let me say that let me ask this what I’ve heard I don’t know if it’s necessarily completely true or not is that he was up against it as far as the NBA was concerned so him talking to the

Media in that pregame was it actually dearin saying I’m breaking this or was it saying I don’t want to get fined yes I I think it was probably um more of the latter but that’s just kind of guess and I don’t know because he is I’m not

Trying to like defend him I’m just kind of trying to present the other side of like you know if he wants to eat a fine and not talk he technically could do that and like I I think that some people can kind of think that and again this is

Just me trying to think of presenting the other side not saying that I believe this or anything um is that like I think some people could be like well why do I need to justify myself to you guys right you know what I mean and so I I don’t know but

Like yeah I I mean it’s it’s kind of up to him and if he wants to eat the fine if it got to that point and I’d imagine that talking pregame kind of reset that timer yes um big Marshon Lynch I’m just here so I don’t get fine by yes very

Much so which is hilarious to me um but yeah I mean you know if it doesn’t help that it’s also coming at a time where he’s not playing well and people want to hear about that te’s not playing well and yeah and this is his contractual obligation like I think that for the

Sake of the fan base he should be out there he should be talking this is part of your contract um and I I’d imagine that eventually this will all blow over but I think there’s just a level of frustration and he could go out there and give us super short backhanded

Comments because he’s done that before and that’s fine that is always my thing all right we got to get to a break when we get back we do have sound from Sam AMC we’re gonna keep this conversation going and again there is no the beef is

Not as deep as as you think to all the kings fans the beam regime everybody out there listening at least as far as we know right at least as far as we know the beef with with dear and this whole situation I just saw some crazy stuff floating around some some some account

Said dearen has unfollowed the Sacramento Kings on Instagram and someone said homie he was never following the Kings or that was four years ago so we’re trying to just give everybody clarity as much clarity as we can keep listening we will be right back Styles Watkins joined by Brandon nunz

Our sack Down Sports Insider we’ll be right back join us for Championship Sunday as the Ravens host the Chiefs at noon and the Lions battle the 49ers at 3:30 the NFC and AFC Championship heard right here on your home for the NFL playoffs and Super Bowl 58 sack toown

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Business technology Toshiba Studios this this this it’s sa Town Sports Live and local live and local this is sack toown Sports Brandon Nunes joins us what’s up what’s up Brandon you got up early today you got what’s your coffee drink what is that uh this is a flat white oh that’s not what I was a what excuse me a flat white apparently yeah I like to think of

Myself as more of a curved white but this is a flat white you know so here we go so so here’s my thing and I Pro look if you were just now tuning in because we’re we’re shouting it out on Twitter we got some deep info here but but I’m

Just like I’m trying to figure this thing out do you like Ranch this feels so how we youever coffee a ranch because you got the May Mayo you because you got the Mayo on the hot dog you’re drinking a flat white which I’ve never heard of are there egg

I got put on this by somebody else I got put on this by somebody else I’m just saying all right I I don’t food shame just something that’s something to deal with the the foam right sure honestly have no clue I got put on this drink

Like a week ago right okay all right shout out flatl I don’t know all right let’s hear from Sam Amic as we get back into good as we get back into the king’s talk and you know a lot of this stuff is starting to get revealed as we go and

That’s why we’re here we know that there are certain things and obviously you know you are listening to the flagship and there are certain things that we honestly it’s not even that we’re not at Liberty to say it’s that have you ever played the game telephone I don’t know

You guys are a bit younger than me you played teleon AB right the the ending message is always completely different and we don’t want to be associated with telephon so if it’s not something that Brendan Chris or myself have heard experienc or experienced from being in there and understanding what’s going on

We’re not going to give you bad information because that’s not good for you and it definitely is not good for us let’s hear from Sam Amic and what he had to say on the athletic pod and and you see stuff it’s been a weird to like and

You never know I don’t want to connect outs that don’t exist but like the tension and and the energy is is strange right now uh you might have seen in the news this morning and it was honestly a little slow to come to light like dearen

Fox has has not spoken to the media um for for he went 16 days without talking to me what yeah is that right yeah and it it uh that’s the part that I mean I do have a decent amount of clarity on it I’m probably not going to share

Everything publicly but it’s like he’s it’s a weird one where he got criticized after they lost to New Orleans and at one point they were down 50 in a home game a couple weeks back yes remember that yep and it got highlighted uh and Mike Brown was asked essentially why in

These one-sided blowout losses um is your Leadership Council which he’s talked before about who that is it’s I think Fox and sabonis I forget who all is in it but it’s a small group of guys so the question was basically you know why don’t these guys talk after blowout

Losses they had Keon Ellis up at the podium um you know to me it’s a fair question but I I think in the wake of that um you know Darren was upset with the the way that that you know he took some criticism there uh it was reported

In the Sacramento be today that that that night that he uh he had actually not been asked to talk he had had a bad game and they were trying to give him a night off I believe and it just it’s a bad set of circumstances to where um he

Just went dark and So that’s its own thing but then you have you know in a little speculation here but like Harrison Barnes is not talking much um and it feels very much like you know he he’s a a grown man who’s aware that he’s on the Block and doesn’t he’s been

Through this before yeah yeah and now this ends right right so it’s like there’s a lot of that it’s the anti dejonte Murray Vibe if you will um you know these guys are not taking it as well I don’t think and and everybody’s playing the waiting game so I don’t know

What they’ll do you know lately and some of this is out there uh this is in your neck of the woods da you know some Kyle kman shatter yeah that I think could be real I think a Jeremy Grant kind of aspiration that Portland probably is not

Going to cooperate with um yeah you know but they’re aggressive and I think they know they got to do something Sam Amic right the the Harris and Barnes thing I mean I have I’m G be honest with you guys you know I’ve obviously been doing it this season I don’t know that I

Have been in a post game with Harrison Barnes now I haven’t been at every game yeah but I can’t recall one well it’s funny my first season was like the year that buddy hee was on his way out and I think I talked to him like twice like

The whole year you know so some of this is I think that’s why Harrison Barnes is getting a pass here and why we’re we’re focusing more on jar Fox but your initial thoughts to kind of what Sam broke down and a lot of people are are asking for more clarity some fans don’t

Care some fans want to know some fans just want to know that like we keep saying it’s not it’s not it doesn’t have it’s not a a actual beef with stuff on the court it ain’t a buck situation or anything like that as far as we know

This is more of the things that you don’t really like doing at work right and and just a matter of who you know the blame I guess for La better term the blame game and whose responsibility is it in these situations where nobody wants to do anything my initial thought

When I’m Dearing is after a 50o loss right the second time around I understand where he’s coming from but are you telling me as he’s leaving the building he wasn’t just a little bit relieved that he wasn’t asked to speak right are you telling me now if he

Didn’t know that there was because after the first time with with Keon a lot of people in the media brought it up yeah right and so maybe he wasn’t aware of that or whatever but after the second time you you you sure you just weren’t a little relieved right I mean give us

Something here give us something no yeah I think that’s that’s a it’s it’s definitely again where where dearen kind of doesn’t have a lot of legs to stand on because I do think at some point you got to know like um this is a little strange that I haven’t even been asked

And I understand why he might feel like hey it’s again it’s not my obl to stand up and Spartacus this thing and say I will speak for this team hold on hold on because now it’s like a movie right so they’re in the locker room heads down

Hey Keon do you want to come speak yeah Keon starts to stand up dear come next to him hold his sit down young pup Keon you go home man I got this and the music comes in and then HB puts a shoulder on Fox and

Says no Fox I got this then sabonis puts his shoulder on just a long train of that go Ahad that’s what should have happened um your thoughts your thoughts yeah um it sounds like a great movie it sounds like a what is it game of game of

Zones like one of those episodes um I’ll say I don’t think that I don’t know but like everyone’s postgame Locker R team is going to be different and we don’t know how many guys were aware that Keon was getting asked to go up and so I I get that initial frustration and

I don’t think it’s necessarily on him to be like okay I’m gonna go talk today you know like he probably doesn’t want to do it you know he probably does not want to and I don’t think I I think that that’s reasonable but um there is a if you’re

Asked that there is kind of a contractual obligation so I get frustrated with not being asked and then getting a bunch of crap for that and you know it extending on as long as it has obviously is its own different story um but you know if if he doesn’t get asked

And he’s not really aware his job is to go perform on the court and yes to talk to Media when he’s asked but if he’s not asked then you know I don’t think it’s on him to go out of his way to do it now I’ll say like Damonte sabonis does talk

Pretty much every single game if he doesn’t talk to the podium getting him at his locker he’s a real one and you know maybe his post game routine is just a little different like he’s got a long Trek to to get back home and I I don’t

Know what dear Trek is like but I’d imagine it’s not the same extent as sabonis is and you know each game each person’s postgame stuff’s going to be a little different domas is doing a bunch of stuff and then he’ll talk to us at the very end of it and dearen seems to

Get out of there pretty quickly from what we can tell um so you know that plays a factor I guess a little bit in some of this postgame stuff and I do think he could take it on him to talk a little bit more but I also understand a

Sense of frustration of it’s not my responsibility to figure out when I should and should not be talking and so if I don’t get asked somebody El then like right if you’re somebody that’s like I’d rather not and I don’t get asked then I probably would be happy

About that no I I don’t doubt it and there is a part of this that maybe dearin didn’t know it was Keon maybe he thought it was yeah we don’t know he probably didn’t know right we we’re not in the locker rooms I know you’re in the locker rooms after that happens right

But we don’t know if it’s okay well I know I’m one of the leaders but if it’s domas and HB they got it domas and herder they got it right whatever the case is maybe he didn’t know it was Keon but I’m I’m still it’s still tough for

Me because once you get and I know I don’t know how active he is on social media or whatever it is that you you maybe not the first time but the second time which is when this whole thing started like I said we love blame pie on

This show I think everybody gets a little bit of blame here and ultimately guys this is what it comes down to this is what happens when you trick off games and it never happens if you’re not down 50 yeah right it doesn’t happen because dearin doesn’t really mind talking not

That he likes it after they win either but he he doesn’t really is it a surprise that this boycott correlated with them playing like basuda is it a surprise can I also think so I want to add something else though to this this whole media conversation that no one has

Brought up I’m even surprised from the media side another issue with the fact that we got Keon Ellis on that night was we only got Keon Ellis on that night typically it is I think it’s correct me if I’m wrong it is NBA protocol to get

Two players and a coach So Not only was the one player we got sent not somebody who is satisfactory or somebody who frankly impacted the game on that night or we would you know want quotes from no disrespect Keon Ellis but he was the only person so not only were they in

Violation of just sending out two guys you then violate ated a a personal code or an unspoken code of at least if you’re only going to give us one guy give us a sabonis give us a fox give us somebody that we can at least say ah

They only send us one person but you know it’s fine we can write tonight’s story with sabonis his quotes we couldn’t do anything with just getting Keon Ellis’s quote and then yeah I mean Mike Brown pretty much said I you’re gonna have to ask somebody else this

Ain’t on me Brandon what I want to ask you and maybe this is a a lob of a question but I think it’s it’s the other side of where I think a lot of fans are coming from Brendon why why why do we need to care about this why should I

Care that dear Fox isn’t talking to me why do I care that after a 30 point loss Keon Ellis is the one stepping up I’m a fan I care about the games I don’t even turn on NBC Sports I don’t look at the Kings YouTube to see their postgame

Press conferences I don’t care I only care about the games why should I care about this yeah and I’d say that I think that fans were worried amid a four-game losing streak and that one of the most calming voices you could hear from even if he’s frustrated would be dearon Fox like

That’s one of the guys that you want to hear from and you’re probably even growing more concerned as a fan when you’re not hearing from him is what I’d imagine if somebody does not care about hearing from dearin then you know that’s its own thing but in my mind it’s a like

It’s become a thing because he is the F face of the franchise and I I would imagine and definitely people corre correct me out there if I’m wrong that most of the fan basee wants to hear from him especially when he’s in a little bit

Of a rut and when the team is is struggling a little bit and again it’s a four game losing streak it’s not that bad right right but it there was some cause for concern with the way that those games were blown at the end of

Games yeah for sure the the couple of uh definitely blown leads against higher caliber teams on your East Coast road trip for sure I get it so I think it it honestly has been a tricky situation for me and kind of the first time I’ve dealt with something like this since being in

Media and initially I kind of had the same thing of like well if a guy just doesn’t want to talk for a little while like to each his own but it is a contractual obligation and I think the reason that it is is because the fan

Base wants to hear from you yes that’s the big thing to me right and honestly I I think fan bases are really are really stuck right or they’re conflicted because on one end we know that we know that dearen has a baby and we know that he is a real person and he

Shouldn’t be forced to do these things right and that’s where a lot of fan bases will kind of bang on the media but at the same time maybe it’s just the line maybe to whatever fan it’s a different line to where it’s right oh well four losses that’s whatever like

You don’t need to be on him for this because I’m seeing right here from David Meers why do we keep talking about media obligations I’m more concerned with his play on court injury David there’s no injury they’re not reporting an injury so the only thing we can also think of

Is This correlation well and I’d say we’d have CL like we if he was able to come out and say we there’s no injury that would help a lot too we don’t know we had Mike Brown in the postgame presser say he he he talked about ups

And downs okay and he said dearen is still young we have said it on this show time and time again I’m in the postgame Brendan’s in the postgame we’re posting articles Chris does the postgame we’re in the pregame they’re not saying anything as far as dearin even being

Slightly banged up as a matter of fact sabonis yesterday they asked him or the other day asked him like Hey daren’s slumping a little bit and he looked around and said I don’t think he’s slumping at all yeah and like that would have been a perfect opportunity to I

Mean what almost sparked all of this was Malik saying oh bumps and bruis remember de and fox bumps and bruises we got to pick him up none of that like so it doesn’t seem like it’s an injury at all I will also give on to kind of wrap a

Bow on it all and and answer my own question in a bit it’s also important because it’s it’s a bit of hey it starts with we don’t get dearen at the podium but it’s also we don’t get anybody on our show and Sam Amic won’t get anyone

To do a a hit uh hit piece to do a a feature piece on like it’s a slippery slope of okay yeah you don’t get them here but it’s also just the lack of access that fans are going to get is going to be less and less and less the

More and more that we try and normalize this I mean if you enjoy reading long features on Keegan Murray uh Anthony Slater just had one in the athletic all that stuff happens because we are given the availability to speak to these guys and if they’re going to continue to hide

Or to not be asked to do media fans aren’t going to get the coverage that they want we just can’t like the thing for me when and we got to get to it Simone’s giving me the Damen Lillard Andor the Tyrese halberton the the bottom the bottom line is if you want to

Be one of those franchise guys and I hate to do it because he’s Chris’s favorite player obviously I’m joking around but Steph Curry stands on business there compare the two seasons compare the two seasons you have one R spurt and you go dark and sethh Curry is

Out there as the team is a complete mess and he’s out there in blowouts he’s out there Klay Thompson is out there darn in tears and you can’t handle softball questions like it’s the NCAA World Series give me a break we got to get to a break when we get back finishing the

Conversation one more one more segment and we’ll get into some trade discussion Styles and Watkins Zack toown Sports what’s the latest with the San Francisco 49ers Carmichael Dave and Jason Ross keep you up to date on all things red and gold during the ners at 9 every weekday at 9:00 a.m. on sack

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Nunz though has one more segment with us been great Brendan thank you for all of your insights are we good are we good on it are we good on it okay okay can I add one thing sorry I I know I’m going I’m trying to move on from this

Topic too but I’ll say that um when it comes to him speaking with the media is that yes they get paid a lot to be really freaking good at basketball yes yeah but a big reason that they are that the NBA has the finances that they do is

Because of these big fan bases and so I think that’s where sort of the obligation quote unquote comes in is that technically these are kind of the reason that you’re able to make the money that you are and it’s not that you owe them an explanation I I mean to an extent it

Kind of is actually um and uh that’s just kind of the one thing I wanted to add is that part of this is because the fans are really the ones who make this happen the NBA does not exist without its fan base absolutely and I think

That’s more so who he needs to speak to and I think that’s where media is coming from a lot as well is that it comes off as like we feel obligated that he has to speak with us and really we’re the middle is really all it comes down to so

We can definitely move on but just wanted to get that one out there I mean yeah to again WP a bow on it I mean it’s it’s the point of like you guys said I mean people are wondering is this is De Fox hurt well we haven’t even spoken to

De Fox so we can’t as the as Brendan’s Point as the middlemen we can’t tell you because we don’t know that’s why it’s so important I don’t care about media availability is he is he hurt okay well his coach said he wasn’t but he hasn’t said anything right that’s the end of

The story that’s all that’s all we know yeah that’s all we know I mean I don’t know if it’s if it’s hurt like you said Brandon these people are humans a lot can go on you know I always think about to be completely honest I always think

About these different jobs where and our job is kind of like that but you can you can figure it out but these different jobs to where you might be having a bad day but it doesn’t matter right the person that I always think when I was on

My honeymoon when when you that person that like leads all the games right and they’re like getting People Pumped up like what if that person’s just having a terrible day right they figure it out I mean I’m sure they are and that person is not getting paid NBA money sure isn’t

Okay so to me like that’s just why I don’t have a lot of I don’t I don’t have a lot of leeway for for this type of thing it’s very simple most of the time you give Co ath or athletes speak anyway and to be completely honest it’s now become a

Bigger deal because of the quote unquote boycott if you had just said man I didn’t even know people were upset about the Keon thing all right let’s just keep it pushing right where wherever wherever dearn was trying to to let Ste this steer this or wherever dear was trying

To make it known he wasn’t happy all he did was make this a bigger deal he could have just showed up next game and just said all right whatever hopefully we stop getting blown out by 50 and if we do I know that that’s what they want I’m

Just going to go cry on my Millions that’s just how I feel and maybe it’s too old school but that’s how I feel like I said I’m talking about people in so many different jobs and I hate to be that guy but come on now come on yeah no

What are we talking about yeah and and to your point Steph talks every game and I think there’s other guys around the league that are more closer to dear’s side than Steph’s side for sure that maybe are are difficult to access and I don’t think like dear’s alone in this

Necessarily obviously to this extent would be different but um I guess the one thing I’ll add is you know Steph’s getting asked to sure right go Raymond Ritter right best best guy uh and I think it’s tough too because I mean you know you know whatever let’s let’s just

Move on let’s move on let’s move on let’s move on we we we’ve talked about this enough I get it I I think that you know to work this as a transition is that I don’t think that this sort of stuff is affecting on court play and not

Not necessarily at all there could be some nights like when you’re doing postgame right or you’re doing pregame and you’re addressing this before the game wouldn’t surprise me if that’s in your head a little bit like just going through warm-ups and stuff I’d imagine that was before his warm-ups that that

Took place um but I’d imagine once you get out there that like this is all fine and I don’t think that this is like a reason to be worried about the Sacramento Kings you know I mean I think there could be multiple things there’s the media part of it there is something

That we don’t know that we’re not going to speculate on possibly I don’t know and then there’s just his play on court right you put all that in ja pot and you have what’s going on right now and really de’arra you know Chris was looking at the numbers and I know some

Of it may have happened we’re going to call it get your work in time instead of garbage time okay some of dear he he’s maybe saved some of his numbers during get your work in time right Chris but they’re not as bad as I guess what we

Think he just started out on such an elite level and that’s what coach Mike Brown said during the postgame he came out on a heater so any type of drop off right is is going to look tough than it really is and we know the clutch time

Stats have been bad but besides that he’s been he’s been rolling real quick before we get into some trade stuff and at this point we’re just flying along here but Allstar are you worried about dearen Fox making the All-Star team um yeah I mean I don’t think his odds are

Very good I I think that there just escalated so quickly yeah I I mean it definitely did I mean there’s also a lot of I don’t know about not very good it’s probably like a coin flip near nearly you know like I don’t have it all in

Front of me at top of my mind but like the other day I kind of went through and tried to lay out the guards and then lay out the forwards and there’s it’s just less congested really when it comes to the forwards and that’s not to take

Anything away from from dearen I think that he’s been great and I think Mike Brown’s comments on like kind of why he’s been struggling make a lot of sense to me as as a potential reason like this is part of the growing process is this

Guy’s 26 last year it was oh he’s great in the clutch but maybe these other first two three quarters he’s not really doing it beginning of this year we see him do it for pretty much the whole games and now the next step in his development again a 26 year old guy in

His seventh year is learning to do that consistently for 60 games and then eventually you get to 70 or kind of that slow progression so I think this is kind of part of the process of a guy learning and growing into a potential Superstar um but for the All-Star question I think

His odds are pretty tough because the West is just super stacked I think that there’s definitely a chance that he still makes it but I would say domas is pretty close to not a lock but I feel pretty confident about domas making it and I have questions about dear what a

Switch Yeah because we were complaining about the other way around but you know dear gets on a heater here and and you never know all right we’re already up against a Brandon this has been great stuff so we only have one trade question for you Atlanta Hawks asking price for

De jonte Murray first round pick first round pick two first rounds pick and a starting level player so basically Harrison Barnes and two first round picks you in or out yeah or if it’s Kevin herder like I’m I think I’m in I think de is really really good man gotta

Do it we just saw him cook in in Golden One Center I think the defense is there even if it’s falling off a little bit this year he could shoot fairly well why is he gonna play defense in Atlanta why am I gonna waste my time doing that get

Him to Sacramento now Brandon Nunes sack toown Sports Kings Insider great stuff if you missed the beginning of this segment he was here for an hour and you want to catch it you can rewind on YouTube we’ll cut it up we’ll also have a separate segment on YouTube and go to

Sactown to catch the segment if you want to hear about dear and fox and the media beef Styles and Watkins sack Down Sports the 49ers earned the nfc’s top seed on the first play of the game CMC Dino M join all of our shows the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross

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The Kings Roundtable with Brenden Nunes discusses the Kings’ upcoming road trip, if it is a big deal when players don’t talk to the media, the latest trade rumors, and much more.

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  1. Really great discussion. Every athlete should get some passes during a season. 16 days is a long time. Maybe the Kings need to work with their players to adjust their media policy around postgames. Think the whole thing snowballed because a 2-way player wore it 2x. We don't need to blame anyone (players, PR, coach) for it, but fix the media policy and make it clear going forward

  2. What Fox does not understand is that it’s not about whether or not he was asked to speak, a TRUE LEADER does it without being asked

  3. Us fans careless about Fox talking to media.. only a few local media members are whining about this. Us fans don’t care.. we care about WINS

    ** and also, personally, I’d rather the best players (Fox or Sabonis) be soo pissed off after a bad New Orleans loss that he DOESNT want to talk to anyone! lol that’s how I want our star players, mentally.

  4. What does it matter if Fox is talking to the media or not who cares it’s not that serious I mean he’s just going through something but he’ll be fine

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