@Miami Heat

POSTGAME REACTION: Miami Heat vs. Memphis Grizzlies 1/24/24

POSTGAME REACTION: Miami Heat vs. Memphis Grizzlies 1/24/24

Obviously they were very very very undermanned where they stood you guys were mostly whole um and then you sort of get into that Malay third quarter down by 14 what happened and what still is missing there that sort of has to be corrected with the losing streak at four

Yeah I mean I I I think uh you know right now it’s just one of these periods of time in an NBA season that that’s funky um I can’t even explain it you know and that’s basically what I told the group um there were a lot of just you know uncharacteristic you know

Plays uh offensively I thought like again we did a lot of good things um offensively and then it it would lead to a Miss shot or a shot that would Rim in and out um uh and then um you know it’s just going to take some fortitude and uh you

Know there’s it’s okay to to have you know a grind uh in this business where things are not necessarily going your way and you just have to stay with it and you develop that uh Collective toughness um nobody’s happy or or comfortable uh with

This and you know I I know a lot of guys are trying to do the right thing offensively I see it um and I don’t want the group to get frustrated with that uh because a breakthrough is right around the corner um and then in the meantime you know while you’re you’re struggling

Offensively you can still uh defend and and get a game in the mud and just find a way to win ugly as heck I mean this was an ugly offensive performance two games in a row uh and it still could have been a very winnable game and I

Obviously when when Terry had that step back three I mean that that’s his shot that had an opportunity I I felt like wow this would have been a a beautiful moment not not just for Terry just I’m saying have an ugly game uh offensively uh and then find a way to

Win at the end um and then something like that can spark uh your group and unfortunately that didn’t happen tonight but um I think it’s it’s good we have the number one team in the East coming in tomorrow and uh we have a group that’s very competitive

Um and uh I think everybody will be just looking forward to a super high level of competition tomorrow night Eric thoughts on Terry’s first night I mean it’s tough uh to go through 24 hours um of a battery of uh of physicals and doctor appointments and

Just change of life and I’m not making an excuse for the guy I mean this is this business that uh we’re in uh but it’s not easy uh and I I think you see the possibilities you know there um he he is extremely skilled offensively you know off the dribble and

Um even some of the things he can do uh on the catch uh defensively I think once you know he he gets uh accustomed to how he do things I think he can be very disruptive he’s a physical Defender he’s got long arms I think he can really uh

Create some havoc on that end of the Court uh and that’ll take some time while it takes some time we just have to figure out how to you know win some games uh in the process while this thing um you know starts to get a little bit more

Comfortable is there any common thread in the uncharacteristic turnovers that keep popping up over the past week yeah I think you know this is part of the mental toughness that I think you have an opportunity to build you see the right play happening over and

Over that leads to an open shot and you miss the shot it it’s human nature you do that over and over and over then uh you start to lose a little bit of concentration and then some of your fundamentals or spacing or um you know whatever just making a

Mistake that that’s where I can start to break down and uh clearly uh some of the turnovers um the last handful of games um you know been costly for us that also has really contributed to a lack of rhythm right like if you’re missing shots and they’re open shots and then you’re not

Getting shots on goal I mean that that’s what happened in that uh second quarter there was about 6 minutes of of really uneven play well it’s hard to get anybody in Rhythm at at that point if you’re not getting shots on goal and then it can kind of do one of two things

Either you can get that grit that I want to see our team really kind of develop I think this is a great opportunity for our team at this point of the season to to have a breakthrough of of mental toughness you have six eight 10 of those those opportunities during the course of

Of the Season or it can you know frustrate you and and and and it can start to go the other way and uh we’re not at that point right now I just think we have an opportunity a golden opportunity to really um have a breakthrough and mental toughness you know playing through some

Uneven play and and even there are some I mean probably had close to 10 In-N-Out shots um lob plays that were open that we just couldn’t like complete the play uh missed catches that are routine plays uh those are the uncharacteristic things I’m talking about um and

Sometimes that you just can’t explain it but I see it as an opportunity an opportunity uh um you know for growth and and we’ll get there you know coach I know it ended in the loss and I know blocks are not always what makes a total defensive performance

With bam had six of them a career high for him you know what did you see from him on the defensive side tonight it’s a really tough cover you know I think that’s part of Bam’s greatness is a game that’s really uneven uh and where nobody was in a good offensive

Rhythm that he could still have a a stellar defensive impact and he really did uh you know Jackson has a way of of getting to his spots and drawing fouls uh and Bam I thought was technically superb uh and then also finishing the play uh I I haven’t seen anybody really

Guard Jackson like that now he has great touch around the rim and he knows how uh to draw contact UM and Bam was able to to keep that mental toughness to be able to do that and also when Jackson was out of the game he was anchoring our defense

Uh you know for large portions of the game and um it’s just a shame we couldn’t turn those kind of defensive performances into one of those ugly wins that we really like SP I know you said it’s tough to evaluate given the circumstances with Terry but iel like

Him and Tyler were very were playing off of each other kind of very naturally there give and go what do you think about their dynamic in their kind of first minutes together I it’s tough to be like excited right now like come on this this this a buzz

Kill right now at this point in the season to have this what we’re dealing with but it’s also you know this is what keeps it you know you feel alive uh in these kind of moments of the season when you’re trying to figure things out and come together um through

A little bit of uh you know frustration uh but I definitely see the possibilities you know with those two guys and it’s not a shock you know to to feel that that way because you have two supremely skilled players um that can do a lot with the ball they’re both

Unselfish they both can do things at all three levels uh in this game the driving kick game is is great uh I just think we’re really going to be able to build on on that chemistry that we just quickly saw tonight um and they’ll get a ton of more minutes

Together so um it’ll happen one way or another all right thank you Tyler just where would you say where would you pinpoint things going wrong in the game tonight um can’t think of you know one area but I think just our you know our focus our

Energy um you know our approach to the game I think can just be a little bit better um obviously the offense is continuing to struggle and uh we’ll figure it out where’s the level frustration after dropping four straight uh I mean we all have we’re all competitors in this locker room and um

Obviously we don’t like losing so you can imagine where we where we stand right now but it’s it’s about um coming together and uh doing this as as as a team and you know as one and uh we’ll figure it out teams obviously go through these kind of stretches

Throughout the course of a season what’s key to getting out of a stretch like this um I think not going away from each other and coming together is uh is going to be key um you know just not pointing fingers and everyone coming together and trying to collab on

How we can make this better quick turn quick turnover with Boston tomorrow what’s got to change and What needs to improve to get the win uh probably a little bit of everything before we let you go um small sample size but playing with Terry tonight just how comfortable

With him out on the court uh very comfortable he’s a a Hooper he plays ball the right way and uh he makes it easy on the rest of us cuz he can attack he can hurt you so many different ways um and he’s a he’s a really good

Defender as well he was in here and he just said his thing and he didn’t throw his hands in the air but he said it’s a funky time for us you’re just going through this sort of funky period right now can you just sort of explain like inside the locker room like what’s

Happening is it just miss shots you can’t believe you’re missing is it offensive sets that go sour at the last minute is it defensive mistakes that come because you’re not making shots like what’s contributing to this sort of sustained run of of troublesomeness uh uh I feel like we’re all trying to

You know obviously play the right way uh and you know that’s sometimes gets us in trouble passing up shots um double driving some dudes uh when they’re open they pass it um it’s a whole lot of things that go into it but you know it’s uh it’s one of

Those I don’t want to give it an out of uh you know it’s that it’s that funky time of the year uh but feel like everybody’s just trying to really bind to what coach is saying and uh you know I guess it’s in trouble sometimes I know it’s not like you and

Terry ran 20 pick and rolls together tonight or anything but just off the the few actions you did get to play with him what were your first thoughts I mean I’ve uh I’ve worked out with Terry in this summer we’ve played pickup uh together and against each

Other so you know I’m used to having Terry out there uh you know biggest thing is just him getting comfortable you know I feel like he he’s usually more aggressive uh you know but today was kind of his his fill out trying to figure out plays sets um and also so

Trying to figure out the flow with all of us bam in terms of trying to play the right way sometimes it gets you in trouble do you think you have to play more instinctively as a group looser is there some tightness going on what’s no I just think it’s

Uh we we we pass up shots that are open uh you know I feel like we we overdrive and cuz everybody’s trying to do you know get in the paint paint dry uh paint touches and you know sometimes it gets us in trouble uh you know the thing is we just need to

Get to the film and really hone in on shooting the open ones and uh everybody being aggressive B you know having six blocks a career high in A Night Like This does that even sort of matter to you that much even though it is a crazy

Line but again a loss uh no I want the W uh you know I feel like I’ll get six BLS again you know I want the W uh Ben when your team is in a skid like this for you as a leader of the team are you thinking about how you can

Fix yourself I guess individual to do more or is it about getting your teammates more involved in getting everybody’s confidence back up getting everybody confidence back up um you know as much as I want to will this thing uh you know you need guys ready prepared um confident and

Wanting to go through a brick wall uh you know the biggest thing for me is just to get all 15 guys ready and uh get back on this winning this this this and winning habits um when you look at it like this SPO just was in here talking about how

It’s such a whirlwind you get traded physicals doctors hello don’t all the plays go in what was it like out there did did it feel confusing at all were you playing off of instinct compared to a typical game you’ve had with the Hornets this season what was the

Whirlwind of tonight’s game like for you uh it was definitely different definitely different but you know I I I make no excuses if I’m going play um you know I’m going give it my all and I just uh I didn’t play pretty good today and

Uh so you know just on to the next one uh thoughts about how you meshed uh with with Tyler and some of the other players and obviously it’s going to take time yeah I mean like y’all said it’s going to take it’s going to take a

Little time we don’t expect things to be perfect day one but uh you know I feel good playing with those guys uh as time go things will be way easier cuz we all you know we all play basketball so we all feed off one another Terry understand that you’ve had very little

Time to watch film and get and pick everything up how different for you are the systems on both offense and defense here uh you know it’s just more togetherness obviously uh over here and you just you just playing basketball playing off one another so you know uh

I’ll be fine I’ll be fine like I said it’s day one uh you know things don’t get judged off one day so uh I’ll be all right figure it out you know Tera obviously when looking at the the couple games when you’re coming in here into Miami obviously today you have to work

On a tight schedule and then tomorrow on the tail end of a back toback you’re facing your former team in the Celtics what’s sort of been just the mindset for you personally kind of getting through this whole process of you know getting traded and coming back here and and

Preparing for a game uh just get get as comfortable as I can uh again like I keep mentioning is it’s not going to all happen in one day so you know just making sure I understand that making sure I’m not hard on myself and uh you know just figuring this thing out with

Those guys in the locker room cuz we will Terry uh they used you excuse me they used you off ball some they used you as a screener some throughout the game and I know it’s obviously the rush circumstances are a little tough to get you acclimated but how did you feel

About the way that you were kind of able to fit into what they were already doing and still be able to play your game you know break down the defender get to the pain and all that uh how was it being able to fit all that in in your debut oh

It was good it was good like I’m say I’m going to figure it out uh we got a lot of guys that uh can play off the ball and on the ball so you know just trying to adjust and do what I can uh to help

This team and you know I can play off the ball too so we’ll figure it out whether I need to be a screener uh or handle the ball we’ll figure it out

The Miami Heat’s losing streak was extended to four straight after Wednesday night against the Grizzlies. Hear from Erik Spoelstra, Tyler Herro, Bam Adebayo and Terry Rozier after the defeat.

0:00 – Erik Spoelstra
8:32 – Tyler Herro
10:15 – Bam Adebayo
13:34 – Terry Rozier

#NBA #MiamiHeat #BallySportsSun


  1. its time to address the elephant in the room and that is herro is a good shooter but he sucks on defense and is streaky as a scorer. its time to bring him off the bench. yes you overpaid him, yes we had to. but no that doesnt mean he has to start. bring him off the bench like lou williams theres no shame in a scorer off the bench to spark the offense when the starters are resting.

  2. enough with this 'mental toughness' bullshit. spo, u blamed lowry when the team was struggling. u chose the chicken route and now ur getting exposed. take some accountability. for a hall of fame coach u sure love to blame certain players for ur shortcomings.

  3. The grizzlies played great so thats why they losss tonights game..and once terry rozier knows the system miami team will be scary

  4. Weak ass line up. This mf keeps starting highsmith and we get terry rozier but we start Wtf are you doing bruh? Start Jovic and scary terry. Simple.

  5. Spo is shit coach in my opinion. Since Lebron got to Miami I observed this coach, and he has no clue about psychology, team and players chemistry building, he only knows statistics and has some creativity with plays in the huddle. Good as assistant. Coach? No way.

    Is it so hard to see that Butler and Herro must not play together?
    Is it so hard to see that calling a time out, but keeping the same players on the floor doesnt give different results?

    Popovich is 100x better, and I always hates Spurs.
    Pop is truly a great coach.
    Same with Phil Jackson.

  6. Why didn't u start rozier this lost is on the coaches if he would have started we would have won why did u trade for him if u not gone let him cook

  7. Coz u dnt play agressive and no energy jimmy not playing last year szason play off used love at pf. And bryant as back up and Haywood 2nd unit

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