@National Basketball Association

[Charania] Wes Unseld Jr. is out as Washington Wizards head coach and will move to a front office role.

[Charania] Wes Unseld Jr. is out as Washington Wizards head coach and will move to a front office role.

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. slysonic7

    He got promoted rather than fired?!? They really must have liked the tank

  2. YouStillTakeDamage

    It’s fire your coach week, everybody. Get your firings in before Sunday’s end.

  3. ZusunicStudio

    How did he fail up into a new role? Can the Wizards not afford to just completely fire him?

  4. BabaBrody

    Wizards pouncing on the chance to hire Adrian Griffin.

  5. gezerim00

    i wonder why atkinson is not getting hired he was really good at nets

  6. Shoddy-Media2337

    Wizards need a new head coach? I think I might know a guy..

  7. crustydemonburgers

    Anyone know if Doc Rivers is available?

  8. I think there are things Wes is good at, but HC was never really one of those things.

    I guess you could say the Wizards are being cheap in keeping him on board in a FO capacity instead of firing him, but I could imagine there’s a possibility Wes wanted to just stick around too. This is definitely an area of the country and a franchise he identifies with (his father) so maybe this was just a nice lil workaround.

    He clearly knows some great basketball, being on that Nuggets staff. HC just didn’t seem to be in the cards.

  9. Nomorenightcrawlers

    Sorry guys, Doc is taken. Suckerzzzzzzz

  10. nullstellensatz1

    Are they worried he’s hurting development for their young players? Who do they care about aside from Coulibaly?

  11. FuckingTeemo

    firing a coach midseason is legal? can we do this?

  12. KangTheConqueror9

    I didn’t get an espn notification on this yet. Interesting

  13. boydivision30

    Wes Jr just became Assistant ~~to the~~ Regional Manager

  14. I_Set_3_Alarms

    So is he getting paid a new salary to be in the FO as well? Or is getting paid his coaching salary and would have been getting paid that even if he went home to not work?

  15. BigSportsNerd

    I remember when the Wiz held a town hall after he was hired and afterwards Wes posed with pictures for the fans and chatted with them. Very down to earth and nice guy, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to being a good coach. Sad that his time is coming to an end.

  16. “In a shocking turn of events, the Wizards have also hired Doc Rivers, stating there are no rules saying he can’t coach 2 teams at once. We reached out to Adam Silvers for a reply but he was busy punching the air”

  17. israelipm

    Can you imagine if this happened a week earlier and suddenly Doc Rivers becomes their head coach?

  18. MrBuckBuck

    Dude is getting promoted after he got fired – nepotism due to his father (was a fantastic player, a legend, but a horrible coach)


    Jokes aside Wes is a really nice guy but clearly didn’t have it in him to succeed… its gotta be tough coaching a tanking team so good luck to whoever is next

  20. WHAT IS HAPPENING WTF? Please Jeanie fucking follow the other orgs

  21. StraightCaskStrength

    As long as there is an unseld somewhere in this teams front office. As long as there is an unseld and/or a member of the Grunfeld exec tree in the front office this team will never wash off the stink of the curse des chaussures de merde

    This was all true 10+ years ago. At this point the stench of the curse is ingrained into the team. It has infected Ted. It has infected the MCI Center. This team will never be able to wash it off and will never win >49 games in a season. (Streak currently at 44+ years… just think about that).

  22. TheInfinityOfThought

    Literally mirroring his father’s career with the franchise. 

  23. Dymatizeee

    Imagine being bad at ur job and then getting promoted lol

  24. paddiction

    Imagine being told that two head coaches would be fired before half the season was complete, and neither of them was the one who went on a historic losing streak

  25. PickpocketJones

    Our franchise has an unbeatable addiction to Unselds. Even when we fire them we still keep them.

  26. l31fm3al0n3

    WILLIE GREEN AND JAMAL MOSLEY are still standing though! Chauncey must be getting hot in his seat though.

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