@San Antonio Spurs

Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs Live Play by Play & Reaction

Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs Live Play by Play & Reaction

What is up oh my God what the what up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports my camera just moved and now everything’s there we go welcome SL welcome to TSR Sports a little technical difficulties so heads up if you’re planning on watching this game on ESPN they’re showing a college basketball

Game which is far from being over so it’s now on ESPN 3 so ESPN as normal doing a terrible job handling the games that they’re airing and uh if you’re at home watching this make sure you put it on ESPN3 so welcome to the stream live play by play reaction

Scoreboard you you don’t if you’ve been here before if you haven’t been here before welcome Spurs fans Thunder fans and hope we have a good game and hopefully you smash a thumbs up to uh you know see we get some new fans in here that’d be really cool tonight we

Have a huge match up Victor one Mama versus Chad hog the second time they’ve met in the regular season and last time we saw wheny he well Jo be went for 70 but that is not all on him the whole team defense was well just they could

Not stop him they could not contain him hit the thumbs up make sure you subscribe let’s get win tonight and let’s say hi to the folks in the chat good evening Daniel Barry Vera butterfly uh it’s on ESPN Bobby but ESPN is showing an Auburn college game so

Last I checked there was like eight minutes left left in that game and oh my gosh I’m watching Spanish ESPN well uh noo uh espanol let me put the English version on if I can because well if if there’s stats up there and it’s in Spanish then uh well

The English version is not even going on Wow ESPN sucks did I ever mention ESPN is awful so I guess I’m going to watch the Spanish version because that’s actually airing the English version is nowhere to be found and regular ESPN is sucks at least Alberto is one of the the

Announcers so there is that spur the moment pack good evening butterfly Adrian uh oh boy I’m miss a whole bunch in the chat so Random kid Anthony Sal 77 I am watching it on TV so okay you know one nice thing about sling is you get a

Whole bunch of ESPN there’s ESPN 1 2 and then 800 versions of ESPN 3 which also shows the ABC stuff so we do have that going for us one of the first games aired over the air well C 77 good to know Wyatt Warren finally you to watch a whole podcast are

Yall playing my team let’s have a good game yes good game Kix still good evening to you and uh Marco probably I mean Blake Wesley’s getting the start all right I I heard Trey Jung was out I figured Blake might get the start thank goodness they’re not starting Malachi brandham because well Malachy

Brandham one of the worst defenders in the NBA you guys said he was the worst oh boy uh based on some stats I couldn’t find the stats that prove that Odyssey good evening to you I’m excited as well who’s getting the 10 first I’ll say I’ll

Say wheny gets to 10 first because SGA is the leading score for the Thunder Shay gilders Alexander probably going to drop 40 on the Spurs tonight I mean that’s just that’s just what he does so he’s not the number one option in Oklahoma City whereas Wy is the number

One option in San Antonio so I’ll say w gets a 10 first I’m sorry you don’t have ESPN 3 I’m thankful I do for the time St two times thank you for stopping Cowboy ask good evening about what happened in the NBA the past 24 hours that is very

Open-ended statement what happened in the NBA I know there was a firing of the coach and then a hiring of a coach but I forgot who it was that left and who wi uh the Bucks fired the coach right and then got somebody else was it was it Doc

Rivers I am so out of it B good evening to you Ron a good evening Roy Garza doing the Ravishing Rick rot thank you for stopping in uh Mr Z vamos spoil vamos I mean yeah gett I only have I only Spanish option too BL BAC and good evening to you it is

Doc Rivers okay listen are only transparent you guys I laid down me and baby coyote needed a little napperon and I woke up at 9:10 I didn’t mean to stay asleep that late so I’m like half out of it half I’m in like zombie mode but uh

We needed a we needed a nap so I’m waking up show him Vic cheers Rick show show him old mate what am i showing what am i showing Jack good evening to you fired former Spurs coach Mike and off the Bron and gri yes I did see the dock R

Stuff I uh I feel bad for you guys that are trying to watch this game on ESPN correct me if I’m wrong but are they not showing a college basketball game I think it’s Auburn and somebody else and there’s still quite a bit of time left I

Don’t I understand why ESPN always does this they try to schedule events in like the tightest window that are clearly not going to fit in that window and then they constantly overrun into the next game is is constant is not St it always happens yes Anthony fabrio verto in the house my

Packers got rid of Joe garbage I did not know that Bo Rico Auburn and Bama thank you Garrett yep ESPN Deport this is what is happening tonight and yes it is BS it’s number one BS is Conor M not Conor would say Kaba this is number one bur my

Miss TSR is trying to watch I told her it’s on ESPN3 I don’t think she gets it and she does not it’s last time we look at the phone though for the night well until till the game’s over so uh I assume ESPN one will switch to the Spurs in the Thunder game

Once the college game is over or to torture those of us on the East Coast they’re going to delay the game start the game late and I’m going be up to like 12:30 in the morning BJ good evening it’s on ESPN 3 Odyssey or I’m actually watching ESPN3 tundo or ES ESPN

3 Deportes I guess I’m watching on the CW Bill land and shin light switching audio back and forth with you two computer screens The Best of Both Worlds watching on the CW so is that where it is where you live interesting yep that’s what I I Above

The Rim View on ESPN zenah holic weight Above the Rim is that wait is it not going to be in the normal side side view of the court is it just going to be constantly on like the backboard oh boy baby Yoda’s here let’s not forget

About baby Yoda good evening am Mario JJ Sports coverage good evening to you I wonder if this is on uh regular ESPN yet Above the Rim the port is so I don’t know what this Above the Rim is I’ve never watched Above the Rim I guess

It still says your event is about to begin well I guess I’m not watching it so back to ESPN depes all righto uh hey I can learn some oh there’s English translations on the commercials all right yes chat versus one I don’t think today decides rookie

Of the year we got a whole lot of season left son of Scar good to you almost Yankees time not too far away uh that is true cow xor yes don’t watch Above the Rim camera just stays above oh oh okay uh fashion flexing we don’t put links here in the channel uh

You’ve been here before that’s not what this is about um but thank you for stopping in B is pretty bad but considered a classic uh I’m hoping I don’t hate this that’s all I’ll say I’m hoping I don’t hate the way ESPN shows it I’m not watching Above

The Rim I’m just watching ESPN Deportes and since I don’t listen to the audio anyway from the game and I I obviously I’m doing play byplay I guess it won’t matter if I can’t hear what the hell they’re saying ESPN sucks yes David yes Jamie Duran good evening to you zenah

Holik is when off the minutes restriction Dela good evening uh Jay Francisco I hope we see a lot of that too absolutely Ashton I hope he does why you guys are pumped up tonight I’m having a little trouble keeping up with the chat that hasn’t happened in a while I’m glad

You guys are excited for the game tonight I’m excited I’m rocking the you know the oel Jersey but we got Wy in the background one of our loyal subscribers you guys have seen the alien in the chat a lot I say Phil because I know him on a

First name basis he’s at the game and uh Wendy for 70 it’s a 30 minute restriction okay July 26 the game hopefully starts any minute I don’t know how ESPN’s f up on ESP ESPN 1 is going to affect this game as in they have a college basketball

Game still running are they going to delay our game because their game is not over yet and this is supposed to be on ESP it it on ESPN now please C the game clip H okay I’ll show the game sucker I is it not no there’s still six

Minutes left of Auburn and uh six minutes they better not delay our game for like that this basketball game is going to take like another 15 minutes between Auburn and Alabama Alabama’s up 65 to 60 I don’t want to sit here and wait that

Long it’s not on ESPN 2 I did I ever mention you guys sometimes I just really hate ESPN really don’t the game starts in four minutes I think I saw I found an English version too well you can’t actually watch it on there but the game starts in four minutes

Okay uh no I’ve not made the no no no I have not yet it’s going to start on ESPN news so if you are watching if you have ESPN news apparently it’s on there it’s on ESPN for three ESPN 3 for me so if you have sling or some type of streaming

Service fubo YouTube TV it’s probably going be on ESPN 3 yeah I got your event is about to begin as well good evening the kerm or just kerm excuse me kba good evening Co Ronald wow uh I can’t talk apparently uh no Anthony uh it looks

Like they were trying to delay the game and uh they’re gonna it’s going to start in about three minutes because they probably realized this college basketball game has about 15 to 20 minutes more and they can’t just indefinitely delay the game so terrible SK scheduling by ESPN looking at it looks like they

Had the college game start at 7:30 and we’re assuming that it automatically end at 9:30 you can’t do that hogm Williams SGA giddy dor are the stars for the thunder tonight um here in that Blake Wesley is in the starting lineup for the Spurs I believe this is his first ever

Start for San Antonio we’ll see if they put him on sgaa he defended Trey young pretty well espn8 there’s an ESPN oo there’s Phil in the chat the alien at the game TS falling asleep during the street C X Factor I’m not falling Street falling asleep during the Stream Julian

Champeny Jeremy so and Victor wanyama demel and Blake Wesley’s getting the start which means Trey Jones is out hopefully he’s not out too long but this is you know this is interesting Blake Wesley was a first round pick by the San Antonio Spurs in 2022 I believe the 26th

Overall pick and it was looking okay his rookie season blew out his knee was out for a couple months came back and didn’t look quite the same looked awful In Summer League this year didn’t look great in preseason a lot of mistakes we were season last seeing last season were

There he went down to the g- league for a while came back and slowly slowly he has gotten better now his three-point shooting is atrocious he can’t really shoot to save his life so he’s not going to spread the floor but he is a defensive upgrade over it’s a

Huge defensive upgrade over Malachi Brandon when he was starting and he’s really starting to find a rhythm as a point guard with this team is he our point guard in the future I don’t know based on previous performances probably not but he’s very young and he is f especially in transition so I’m

Excited to see Blake develop I mean if we can have two hits out of those three picks IE Jeremy soan and Blake Wesley jur Malik brandom I think he could actually use some time in the g- league to work on his game because his defense sucks and his scoring is just uh he’s

Not doing what he did in college here in the NBA uh yeah well I hope I’ll be back soon try and a cowboy xfactor good call I put up a picture on our Channel yesterday I found the picture from my first Spurs game ever that I went to was

From 2013 so it was the championship team and I didn’t realize it was exactly 10 years almost to the day from when I saw my first Spurs game ever to when I found my saw my first Spurs game in San Antonio because I went to see the Spurs

Oh no was on 10 years because I went to see the Spurs of 2022 shoot nine years nine years Cowboy X Factor but still it was almost nine years to the date which is cool uh kokoso I’m hoping we have very very few fouls tonight good evening it’s been a heck of

A day it has well I hope that you’re doing well Roy Gara drops the $5 super chat with the five it is actually the fiveyear anniversary of TSR Sports in about two and a half months Roy you put a five up there two and a half months

It’ll be five years for our Channel John Mar update Hawks want two firsts and a starting player so how about two protected first and Julian champeny fast food toy box good evening to you Cadence uh no idea but thank you for stopping in and uh oh the Spurs do

Have their poopy Brown cord out there today which means we’re wearing the cating uniforms I’m not a huge fan of the white and brown some of you like them some don’t I get why they did it it’s all good I’m happy for Blake to Adrian I am

So happy for him I am rooting hard for him if we can take that draft pick that looked like Buster and turn it into a quality backup or a quality starter and mean if Blake Wesley plays great the Le the rest of the year and proves that he can be the starting point

Guard for this San Antonio’s first team the Spurs get a top three pick this season and end up taking somebody like Alexander SAR and have the Eiffel Towers out there I’m just you know I’m just dreaming I’m just I’m just just hoping one wet banana is going to drop 30 I

Hope he drops 40 tonight congrats good man good man cave channel uh Jamie not sure what you meant by that but we’ll take it P2 sweet good evening we we got to wait a whole another year just to get a first round pick well not a whole another year the lottery is

In let’s see it’s decided what in May and then June’s the actual NBA draft this is in San Antonio by the way San Antonio will be uh at home for I believe five or six or seven games and then it’s the rodeo road trip and they’re going to

Be away for a long time the players are on the court in a way we go I’m excited hope you’re excited and uh yeah let’s chat versus Wy chmi in the house we got a little chmi action you know me with my chimies we are we had a

Good crowd tonight let’s have a good game thank you all for being here and go Spurs go as the Thunder do win the jump ball and Blake Wesley will be on Josh ginea uh I don’t know who’s going to shut down SGA well Thunder already coming out

Firing was that a two or a three ESP ESPN not updating the scoreboard so I’m going to say that was a three finally the update it is Spurs B demell out a three-point land that may have been Jaylen Williams with the three to start us off I think it may have

Been anyway Jeremy s with the ball right now starts to drive gets in the paint he is being guarded by Chad hogm throws it up and off the rim no good gets his own Miss back tosses it out to Julian champeny he’s going to launch to three off the

Rim no good champ Penny all right champeny champeny driv crazy CH Hogan with the ball right now thinks about the three wemy is guarding chat on the defensive end interesting chat not guarding wemy when you when the Spurs have the ball that’s a miss and we have

A rebound for Julian champeny Wy will bring it up for San Antonio looking for their first bucket three Z Thunder in the lean W’s going to take off into the paint spins around gets into the paint throws up the layup good B breakdown drops a $5 Super Chat

He says TSR my guy bro me and my girlfriend’s offer on house just got accept awesome Bobby awesome congratulations my man be to breakdown buying his first house with his lady and I so happy for you my man I missed the bucket during the Super Chat but that that most

Important thing my man’s getting the house and that is great Mell gets it to Wendy Wendy with the bucket no good fouled going to go to the line for Two Shots awesome Bobby so happy for you that is great good evening Toby and you know what Bobby just for you you get a

Boop from coyote Boop man I am fired up tonight that that late nap really did me some good very late nap well C character when there’s a super chat I I obviously you know I got to respect you know the donation and and read what the person said even if they

Said tar you suck I would I would actually read that you it is what it is when he missed the first free throw gray good evening to you and Selena saying hi wheny second free throw is good Spurs are up five to oh sorry down five to

Three all right let’s get a win first fans let’s I don’t know how we’re going to stop SGA I really don’t but well is what it is he’s got the ball right now rocking the head man back to chat hogm and turns the ball over that’s going to be a steal for

Wemy Victor will bring it up for the Spurs gets it over D Vel Vel out on three-point L pick and roll with Wy starts take off in the paint Vel little pump fake throws it up and may have been blocked and the loose ball is grabbed by

Luken D it is Thunderball on the turnover by the Spurs Jan Williams is the P get block by Wendy from behind Thunder do get the ball back nice job Oney getting back in transition to block the Williams shot SJ with the ball right now in the paint and finds a wide open

Jayen Williams for an easy dunk seven to three 73 nine and a half minutes to go Blake Wesley going to take off in the paint and take off right back out of it get the ball to the Dell Mel pick and roll with Wy over to champeny champen is going to take off

Over to soan thinks about the corner three going to drive on chat into the paint back to Blake Wesley Wesley’s layup is good and Blake Wesley has been doing so much better job at this point in the season at finishing at The Rim than he did the first 1.5 years of his

Career he used to get blocked all the time relentlessly blocked they’re going to have SJ with the ball 8 seconds on the shot clock Shay starts a drive cross over crossover cross over steps back and over to Giddy giddy open for three oh that was ugly no good Melle will get the

Loose ball it is f ball under nine minutes to go he y menz good evening to you ESPN still not showing the game good grief W with the ball drives in the paint throws up an awkward LP but he’s going to get fouled and going to the

Line for two Wy is the only spur I believe this isn’t no wait no Wesley scored I’m excited I’m sorry let me know what ESPN shows a score because I think regular ESPN is a little ahead of ESPN Deportes and I don’t like being behind so uh man I’m

Pumped up that nap did me some good I am pumped up I am full of energy I’m wide awake now 3 minutes till college game is that wow still three minutes of game time left student and the savior wy’s first free throw was good it is 7 to six so if

There’s still three minutes of game time in that college basketball game there could literally be almost 10 minutes left of that game wow that this is bad Wy is going to play 30 minutes in the next back-to-back so Toby he’s off the back-to-back restriction good to

Hear he makes a free throw we are all tied up at seven and Adrian I’m liking the aggressive two maybe he’s excited he gets to play at least 30 minutes tonight SJ into the paint get blocked by Wy another block no no no champen with the ball drives and loses the ball oh

Champeny oh champeny SJ with the bar now guarded by wemy oh boy nope switch champen leaves him up for three he takes three he makes a three F champen cing to you David we doing those Rems Jack Cy good evening to you my friend good evening to everybody

Thank you for being here if you are new to the channel I a huge San Antonio’s first fan we stream almost every single game we stream a t of summerling games tble preseason games and just his first three of the year was that was Blake Wesley’s first three of the year holy

Moly Dort for three no good so I’m a huge San Antonio Spurs fan I was doing the math will have streamed over 90 games for the Spurs this season between summer league preseason and the regular season is sound gets loose in the paint under dunk of Justice good evening machine 78 so if

You’re looking for a great Spurs Channel a great well no I’m not gonna say great Spurs Channel sorry I’m not gonna say that that’s I don’t have that that type of ego if you’re looking for an awesome Spurs Community make sure you hit the Subscribe button we have a lot of fun

Here I don’t know where the Subscribe thingy went uh there it is right there chat for three swish chat hogm is now on the board Chet holam the favorite to me second place Rookie of the Year in my opinion I am very biased in that although I do think

Wy should be the Rookie of the Year based on the fact that he’s the guy teams are trying to shut down my clock’s a little headit in my apologies when your game planning for the Spurs whereas you’re game planning for the Thunder Chet Hog’s a good player you’re not

Trying to shut him down and did they take that three away wow the scoreboard is really slow and ESPN Deport that say Jay is supposed to be on ESPN but they’re showing a college basketball game as deon’s going to get in the paint passes it out to

Champeny champeny for three oh my god did that get blocked a better up because that was an air ball but s gets loose ball put that up and in the game is supposed to be on ESPN ESPN is showing a college game and it’s taking forever for

That college game to end apparently jet hog thinks about a three pulls it down takes off drives in the pain all sorts of out of control layup and one if you guys are head respectfully stop being mean and putting what happens ahead of the stream yes I’m watching on

My Roku and I’m streaming ESPN Deportes which is usually behind because regular ESPN I’m going to be behind a little bit anyway but regular ESPN is not showing the game yet they are still showing apparently that college basketball game still two minutes left Malachi has low basketball IQ ET say killer

Uh he’s not been that good good evening jene Chong Hugo good evening to you so 2 minutes almost left of that college game thank you enter I appreciate that that game is going to take that game is going to take about seven or eight minutes if

There’s that much time left and it’s a close game which means lots of times out lots of spot stoppages speaking of timeout we’re in a Timeout right now so I appreciate you guys stopping in tonight I’m excited hopefully you’re Excited Duo P versus P you’re welcome Dao play player versus player gamer I take it y I don’t know who the fou was on because I’m watching on ESPN Deportes uh I don’t speak Spanish so the little audio I can hear don’t make sense to me two minutes left but there are six

Minutes left 20 minutes yeah ver it’s it’s a call it’s it’s a tight game and they’re calling a lot of times out games on kbvo on YouTube TV I have no idea what kbvo is P2 sweet somebody was saying in the chat earlier that the

Hawks want t two first round picks and a starting player well I said how about two Lottery protected picks and Julian champeny how about the uh how about The Hornet’s first round pick this year and the Raptor’s first round pick and Julian champeny for Deon Murray would you do

That actually I would me too kokoso he’s probably fired up fired up because he’s going to play more minutes tonight and mostly fired up I’m sure because Chad hog is on the other side you know he’s probably fired up too cuz a lot of people are saying he got toasted when

Joel embiid went for 70 and yes embi scored a lot of points on wemy a lot of that was wemy was sto not playing defense at points because you didn’t want to get another foul he’s in foul trouble most of night and then and be just owned Zack Collins Zack Collins was

A Turn Style Zack Collins did nothing he did nothing offensively or defensively night he I could did just to good out there I could did just a good job out there seriously don’t want M no I that’s G no no wait to start watching game in

Spanish damn it I’m clipping this sh I well Damian I have to I trade champeny for a cheeseburger Hugo uh yes did they did they say be at 16 on Wy for the whole game I feel like goes a lot more than that come on now uh ashon Wy had

Has five points Vel has four Wesley has five for the Thunder hogm has five Williams has five SJ has three giddy has two Dort has yet to score he’s the only player on the Thunder yet to score champ peny has yet to score for the Spurs and

So yet to score and champeny starting off with a nice uh 0 for two because uh julan champeny is Shaq a certified Wy hater I is he Barlo over Zack Collins trade Zack he could be we can’t trade Zack L and bacon glazen bacon I heard based on his

Contract from you guys that we can’t trade him this year we have to wait till next year uh K embiid went went for 70 against the Spurs the other night Monday night and beid went for 70 on us H’s first free throw is or he

Missed them both oh no that was an n one that was an N1 never mind he missed the free throw first well my apologies I they’re in that commercial break so long I forgot it was an an1 1514 Thunder up which is also I believe their hashtag Wy

With the ball right now in the paint spins around gets in the paint throws up a little hook going and wemy is very aggressive tonight I like it one more point from deffer Roy I’m not saying that wait you compar wh to buo again are you serious what the

SJ with B now guarded by Wesley starts to drrive Baseline gets in the paint gets blocked by demel it knocked out of bounds this is shq I like eating a lot and I’m a DB ass cuz I think we are the same type of player a multi type

Champman because I was fat people could stop my big dumb big butt in the paint I don’t know there you go that’s my shack impression Shaq you were great because you’re fatter than everybody else on the court you big dummy that’s turnover for the Spurs I think it it’s turnover by

Kell and CH hog bring it up for the thunder drop it off to SGA Shay’s going to drive in the paint and gets blocked by Zack Collin soit Wy is coming out of the game damn it wemy is out Wesley flies in the paint gets it to soan no he

Doesn’t that’s a tur for the Spurs Spurs getting a little sloppy with the ball got to keep those balls in your hands guys ball in your hands slip hog with the ball dries in the paint reverse layup is good imagine it to watch your your your guy play minutes instead of getting

Benched every game at the five to six minute Mark every game in the first quarter cel’s just going to pull up for two put and drops the two we’re gonna need a big game out of demell tonight we’re going to beat the Thunder de’s gonna need to earn that $30

Million extension tonight I’m rooting for him K’s going to take a quick three off the back rim no good Zack Collin rebound and Zack Collins needs to play much better too he was awful against Philly absolutely awful 0 for seven from the field I think took five three-pointers in that game missed every

Single d one of them s the ball pick and roll with Zach starts to drive gets into the paint back to Collins Collins going to take a little hop a jump and a hook and starting off the game with a miss and a fast break for Josh giddy

Down the other end Thunder pick lead 19 to8 wedley is going to be good and that I hope so one of my dogs was staying on my staring your phone you’re doing your Shack uh Mr bayana Wy is on a 30 minute restriction from what I’m hearing from

The chat as soan takes an open three blink no good giddy with the rebound Zach was a ghost last game 71 likes yes let’s get 100 can we get 100 before the first quarter is over into the paint going to kick it out three-point attempt is no good gidy gets

The rebound follow three-point attempt by Doris air ball oh ball fast break for the spur the K Dr the little hammer it home swinging on the rim a little bit hopefully he doesn’t get get teed up for that Thunder dunk of Justice yeah Thunder going to take a time

Out we’re up 2019 aren’t we yeah man ESPN Deportes is really really slow updating their scoreboard it’s driving me crazy Bobo is not in the same league as weny uh sosoo has hurt his ankle so he is out for uh I I don’t know how long he’s gonna be

Out Le this is gonna be a dog fight absolutely that Auburn and Bing game is still going Collins got his money and fell off the cliff and that Cliff wasn’t even that high to begin with oh damn ouch but yeah fast Mr Z roll one for me we to

Seriously work on defensive rebounds teams get offensive boards a lot that’s been happening the last few years Toby this isn’t a recent development our team gives up a lot of Second Chance opportunities and Stevie two times no it doesn’t Shaq talks poop about everyone Robinson Duncan

Really has he been talking to some poop about this first Collins thumbs down bar thumbs up I mean if Zach keeps playing bad pop make the switch I mean it took him a while but he finally I mean I don’t think Malachi braham’s going to play again

Tonight I think he’s in the doghouse I think Pop might bring in Devonte Graham to back up Blake Wesley over malkey brandham I don’t know I think Shaq was saying bbo completes a spectrum of seven Footers who can dribble and run yeah I would take Wy over bbo in a heartbeat

Bobo’s been on what three teams already possibly going on his fourth at some point doesn’t get any minutes I mean they’re they’re both seven Footers okay they’re definitely not the same type of player M does dunk card Calvin good evening to do su bro your Spurs deserve

A dubing into of Thunder my son’s play playing the maps best fight imminent rooting for you guys thank you callin appreciate it long time Channel subscriber and I did see you guys were playing the the Mavs and that’s that’s got to be that’s G to be a good game caps lock the Ken

Win there you go J Francisco you just said it there’s a reason there’s a reason Victor wama is the number one overall pick this year and there’s a reason Bobo is sitting on the bench duck MP said he didn’t deserve him talk oh did he and that I don’t remember

That well that that’s well yeah okay he says Bobo can be just as good but he’s lazy well you know what a big part of being good at something is that putting the effort into it putting the effort into it being and being passionate about it like

Obviously I think it’s safe to say I’m passionate about our San Antonio Spurs and because I love our team and I love hanging out with you guys and interacting with the community that I think I do a decent job at the play byplay or stream whatever you want call

It reaction hang out watch party whatever whereas Bobo if he’s not putting in any effort that’s probably showing and you know what there’s a reason he keeps getting bumped from Team to team teams can see that they can see your hearts n in it with perfect example

For our San Antonio Spurs was a few years ago when Luka salinic gave up on a play in the preseason and there was questions about his effort and that was a final nail in the cofin if you’re not willing to put in the work doesn’t matter how talented you are I mean Shaq

Is probably bit because Shaq could have been so much better than he was but he put on a ton of weight and he wasn’t the best player that he could be that’s just a fact I think he’s even said it himself pullup three is good for Jaylen

Williams Jaylen j a y l Williams they do have two Jaylen Williams on their team so number six Williams with the three 2220 Thunder up I keep hate saying that Spurs ball Zack calls the ball on three-point Lane cat hogman is on the bench now as well get over to demel 10

The shot clock we’ll drop it into Kelvin Johnson six on the shot clock for your Kellin Kell’s going to throw it across Court to soan back to Collins Collins in the post gets it back to soan and we’re going to get a shot clock VI well actually just turned the ball over never

Mind it’s a straight up turnover SJ into the paint throws it up no good and he’s going to get the foul and go toine for two game is almost there’s still 11 seconds Peter 11 are you kidding me penalty cuber good evening to you Bobo was born on a bench yeah Del the

Work ethic work ethic is such a key part of being you know good at anything really I mean yes some people have god-given ability It’s that or they not really they just have a great ability to be good at something regardless of how much effort they put

In but you’re you find most most people that are good at things they they put the time in Jay is the guy we drafted so before is it I don’t remember that Joshua good evening to you 24 to 20 Spurs down by four nice it’s your boy Rico uh Zen I

Think Wy had five when he checked out I can’t see his score right now because he’s out of the game he’ll probably be back in I would assume at the start of the second quarter Devon S the bar now gets tripped 24 to 20 Homer are you saying the Spurs going

Get 47 wins that means that uh we don’t lose another game adri does w have seven we ran like six plays in a row just for son and obviously didn’t care for all of them in his last game on the roster oh Dan I was rooting for Sonic back when he

Was on the team but he sucks he sucked he just he sucked I hate to say it Malachi brandom is playing get the ball in the Kel He misses at The Rim so brandom is back in the rotation Mr no defense himself we’re going to have a long three

Attempt and that is another three for the Thunder they are now up by 727 to 20 oh boy this is not what we need at all devell the ball for the with Spurs right now deon’s going to get into Collins and Collins almost turns it over gets the

Ball back guarded by Jaylen Williams backs him up backs him up throws it up and a little jump Hook is no good Zack Collins is struggling Lately from the field nothing going in SJ with the ball guarded by kelv that is a mismatch crossover dribble kicks it out for three

Again poon call timeout we’re down by 10 Williams with a three wow wow they are scoring Fast and Furious Wy is an apex predator like a lion bbo is more like a scavenger like a raccoon there’s still time lefts in that college game good god oh boy 10 this this wow this went

Bad quickly nice Homer yes spur shooting just a bit outside 0 five in the college game come on now I don’t you know what I’m not opposed and I’m sure you guys aren’t either if Zach keeps playing poorly give Dominic Barlo some minutes Barlo is playing well and yes I know we

Gave Zack a contract extension but if you’re not playing well you’re your butt needs to be on the bench Brandon mccollins need to be taken out no good exactly uh jbg I’m hearing Wy is allowed to play backto backs now that’s what the chat is saying he’s

On he’s still on a 30 minute minute restriction but he can play back to backs amario this the college game’s over good good good and Adrian yes without lmy our interior defense is non-existent because Zack Collins is not a great rim protector you’ll think he’d

Be at his height and a great re as well but he he’s awful so wey comes out all of a sudden we have no protection in the paint and our our offense just dies now let’s not forget Malachi brandom’s in there too and he has been awful so yeah Collins who’s been very

Streaky and currently playing awful you got Malachi’s been playing awful you got chant Pen’s streaky as all hell Brandon for three nope and we’re going to have a whistle the clock is not running clock is not still not running get my clock fixed while we’re

In a little pause here is it on ESPN now thank you we’ll go on ESPN one where I assume the stream is a little more ahead I can’t believe they put a college basketball on that late hate I freaking hate ESPN I hate ESPN I hate ESPN I ever tell

You guys I hate ESPN since I was in a tie R about hating ESPN my clock went a little ahead so Zack is at free throw line hits them both bada bing bada boom and now I can hear the game in English the Thunder were on an 110 run

Until Collins hit those two free throws SGA with bar now guarded by brandom pull up jumper over brandom is good Malai has no chance against Shay Gildan no chance i’ say uh possibly Ken drives in the paint gets a shot and one I was worried that would be a

Charge gets in on Williams by the way the Thunder have a lot of Williams Jaylen Williams number eight Jaylen Williams again number six ten Rich Williams number 34 why is Malachi guarding anyone that is a good question they could have switched that game with Spurs game spur moment I I

Can’t stand ESPN I can’t but I have to watch it because that’s where the game is I I like to do this to ESPN right about now and a steal in the pass by the Spurs and then chedy Osman throws up a three and misses

It 3225 Spurs are in the bonus a little over a minute to go in the first quarter Spurs defense I use that term loosely there isn’t much oh an unforced turnover by the Spurs and SJ throws it out in the crowd it’s going to be Spurs as

Well Lewis uh he’s not been good Amaro the core is orange because that’s the Spurs city city Edition colors so they they’re wearing uh yeah they wer they’re using orange chedd Osman goes back door nice pass by kelman that layup is good and we got a five-point

Game Anthony they do that all the time you guys there was one of the Spurs first games this year on ESPN whatever they were showing ran ran really late and the Spurs game was delayed like 15 or 20 minutes SJ step back three so freaking good

H averaging over 30 a game already 10 points for sh SGA and he’s going to talk the MVP conversation K will bring it up for the Spurs 14 on the shot clock so about a 12se second differential between the shot clock and the game clock Spurs

Are down by eight K way out pre-point Land seven on the shot clock Still Standing There starts to drive and we’re goingon to have a foul on the Thunder which means we’re going to get two free throws for the Spurs the people who say chat is rookie there because they’re winning are the

Same people that are blind to see how bad our roster is Garrett I I agree no disrespect to chat hogm Thunder fans look he’s having a great year but we also does look at context he is helped immensely by the team that is around him and I hate to say this

Because I’m a Spurs fan but wemi is hurt by the team that is around him and he’s still putting up similar if not better stats in some areas so my vote you worst case scenario I would do a co- rookie of the year but Chad’s on a much better team and

He’s in his he’s not in his first year he’s in his second year and there a quotation mark because he’s he’s considered rookie by NBA standards but he did get a year to learn the system which is an certainly not hurting I am glad he he’s overcome the

Injury though you know you want to see you want to see players on the court not on the sidelines 3528 chenny makes one to two SJ will bring it up for the Thunder Blake Wesley’s back in the game guarding him and now a foul off the ball good evening James Sanchez

Thunder’s going to be good for a while they are is ESPN milking that Marauders are they because ESPN likees to talk about uh LeBron and Jordan the goat conversation like 800 times a week it’s Jay with B now guarded by Wesley crossover gets on gets in the paint and

Turns the ball over nice defense by Blake Wesley all right Blake all right I see you from here going against one of the best scores in the league and you were able to stop him on that last play not going to be able stop him every play but that was good that was

Good put 12 back on the clock and we’ll get ready for the second quarter second quarter where’s my quarter where’s my 25 cents right there terrible joke Wesley has some solid defensive schools good grief why are you streaming This Isn’t it past your bedtime this game started

To oh Robert it’s all good man it is 10:14 p.m. where I am as the life as a Spurs fan and a content creator they’re thankfully are not on the west coast like if I was like a a Suns fan or Clippers fan or Warriors fan or any of those

Teams actually I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to do this I would not stay up that late every night but you know I enjoy doing it I enjoy watching the team I’ll probably take one or two more games off this season which means we’ll call 78 to

79 games on the channel when we add in the summer league and preseason that will means we’ll have called well over 90 Spurs games for this season I’m actually very proud of that and a lot of you have been here for just about all of them if not all of

Them yes for Wy leads allor he in a lot of stats he lead him what points per game rebounds per game blocks per game is he leading in steals per game too probably not I don’t know kokoso I I did a video well you said you guys I was say you know irony

Irony TSR on Monday did a video about Blake Wesley possibly taking Malachi Brandon spot and now as he taking the spot now he’s a starter tonight granted because of a Tre Jones injury but he’s gone from being kind of the Forgotten guy out of that draft two years ago now

Getting his first start I think it’s awesome he is fast kokoso he is he is very fast Garrett yeah 90 is a lot 90 is a lot it’s but it’s been good get R of char sorry but Jeremy s new nickname is butterf fringers there’s no reason for

One minut to still be sitting for seven yeah Phil I agree and I know you’re at the game and Malachi brandom is reminding me of Lonnie Walker at se killer a lot yes he does ver what do you mean Chad and Victor don’t like don’t like each other I haven’t heard that

Marauders and they just making stuff up Lewis you can get a ghost spurs go right here Wow everything just got is it is the picture okay everything just got a little fuzzy on my screen like everything’s looking fuzzy well now just cleaned up no I don’t know is the stream looking all right I don’t know what’s going on here could be my computer I don’t know is it my

Eyes make sure nothing else is looking fuzzy I’m like am I am I am I having some kind of like mental nope all right my vision is fine everywhere OBS is just looking fuzzy but as long as the stream is okay the preview screen is like got got some

Weird stuff going on does the rest of my computer look okay no it’s my screen my screen’s acting weird oh might be time for TSR to buy a new laptop soon hello there what did I miss and where do we get where do we’re not getting a Hornets first first round pick

They are awful it’s Lottery protected we’re not getting it no chance that sucks if my computer’s dying damn it hopefully makes it to this stream at least Blake Wesley with the ball right now for San Antonio we’ll get it to Malachi Brandon Brandon thinks about the three pulls it

Down pulls up for two and misses thank you Deliza ESPN just making got a fers keep them guessing right cheni chmi damn it wemy and Chad are back in the game that was actually 40 and slip like I said chimy by accident C Hogan for three nope

Pulls up for two instead off the back rim no good and Brandon will get the rebound Kell Johnson will bring it up for San Antonio gets it over to chady Osman Osman will get it back to wemy wemy versus chat W with a little crossover starts to drive and tries to

Get it to Blake Wesley and that is a turnover for the Spurs and now almost a turnover for the Thunder ball gets thrown out of bounds but it was deflected it is is Thunderball I think Blake’s going to be okay what’s up Doga uh Chris I don’t know what the

Hornet pick turns into next year it’s sure as heck we’re not getting it this year absolutely no chance we’re getting it this year the the Raptor oh actually that is a turnover by the Thunder I don’t think the Raptor’s pick is going to convey either the Raptor’s pick is top six

Protected and they are just trading away all of their team and uh yeah uh that that’s not gonna that’s not going to convey either Kell with bar now gets it into Wy Wy in the paint out to cheddy Osman Osman pull up three no good it is Thunderball Aaron Wiggins with the

Rebound I keep forgetting Aaron is on the Thunder chat with the ball right now on three-point land thinks about the three instead passes it off and the layup is good for Aaron Wiggins who I was just talking about 37 to 28 10 and a half minutes to go Oso with the ball right

Now for San Antonio gets it out to Wy Wy takes a three W’s going to miss the three rebound by Jaylen Williams Jaylen wearing an orange shoe and a blue shoe interesting he’ll pull up for two good 11-point game that is the biggest lead of the night for the Thunder yeah cheni

I do that all the time it’s by accident I did it once on a stream accidentally said chmi and now it’s now it’s the the channel Kell the paint little turnar around jump hook no good and chat Hogan with the rebound 10 minutes to go we could possibly get the horns pick in

2025 okay R shim uh Kell’s off to a somewhat slow start K Wallace for three and this is the biggest lead of the game the Spurs are down by 14 as the second quarter collapse continues as we’ve been bad in the second quarter lately and right now

We’re down by 14 Wy shooting yes me e he is not a good three-point shooter and OKC is on fire from three which is not helping our cause whatsoever I don’t know what’s going on with my uh oh what the hell what the hell uh my my computer screen is am I still

Alive what is happening here um I can’t see you guys what the hell wow what oh man I think you know I imagine my computer might be dying I uh I can’t I can’t I can’t see anything stop stop piece of crap oh my War commercial timeout TSR is

Stressing because I don’t know what’s happened with my computer I can’t no no no no no no no not during this game don’t do this what is happening what is happening hey I think my computer just died all right I don’t know if I’m back yet um are we here how we

Going so I just have to restart my computer look everything working again but might be uh you guys might be right might be time to look look for a new uh new laptop or I could be just one of those weird things where I just having an issue and weird all

Right let me get the score updated I’m so sorry um quarter I I’m like frantically trying to get everything back and I’m like screwing everything up all right all right 40 it’s 44 to 28 that was extremely annoying well if you want to see a YouTuber like Panic on

Stream there you go because that just happened with me all right 856 to go I’m sorry if I’m missing anything in the chat because I’m still trying to get up and running here I literally just reset everything so I could call this game all right it is Thunderball 4428 so we’re down 16

Okay pull up three is oh my gosh Aaron Wiggins everything they’re thrown up is going in everything’s first fans let me get my chat back up all right chat back up all right now the computer didn’t want to watch but everything’s good everything’s good to go again that was weird I’ve

Never had to happen before Teddy Osman in the paint hits the layup and one my apologies I didn’t miss anything I you know I was watching the game you guys if you were here the stream realiz like man things are getting blurry and I didn’t know if I

Was having a stroke not joking if something was wrong with me I’m like nope everything looks normal everywhere else but my my computer screen started getting blurry and next thing I knew the screen went black and I was like well that’s not good free throws good 4731 it’s not you know for whatever

Reason the Spurs have been bad in the second quarter very bad in the second quarter we had been bad in the third quarter lately the second quarter has been in Albatross Forest jet hogman in the paint spins around throws it up and it’s blocked from behind from

Wy Wy gets up the court and SP couldn’t get it to him he was he was catching people around him anyway Wy with the bar now gets to to demel 4731 let’s get a run here Spurs let’s make this a game again Mel dries the paint throws up a

Very difficult layup it’s good let’s get some momentum going that was a great block for sure I don’t know who’s making the call his pin I can’t hear him it is Thunderball Williams with the ball guarded by whing get it over to Wiggins Wiggins going to drive in the paint back

Out to Williams straight up three no good butell with the rebound wh he keeps taking off in transition they finally get it down to him he’s in the paint puts the shoulder down and throws it up and in exactly ody your big man gets a blocking reward him Bryson have they not well

Unfortunately I’m sure we’ve had worse second quarters much worse good evening Jedi and we’re out the foul as uh v v VI met gets fou man I can’t say that dude’s name I could go for some cake but not this late I’ve been working out I don’t

Want to I don’t want to kill him on diet well thank you all for hanging out and sticking around we did lose some viewers with that crash actually we lost a lot of viewers with that crash um it is what it is um nothing I can do about it pop challenging

This pop is challenging the call aelia I don’t think we’re going to see Devante Graham really much this year unless it’s a blowout I would the Spurs are probably going to try to move him I just don’t think they can get anything for him whoever contest a shot he doesn’t

Try to get a rebound he just RAC it Toby he does do that off often sometimes he does take off to the end of the court and since our team’s terrible rebounding uh that’s it’s obviously hurting our chances for a rebound oh man well the stream went down

For so I had to restart my computer real quickly for whatever reason uh like five or six minutes ago just it it went haywire you know computers do that it’s everything seems fine now and I think we had over 200 people watching at the time and unfortunately a lot of people left

When that happen which I get it they probably thought I wasn’t coming back I’ll be PE it off if mcit is on the team that’s oh no I think you guys should Josh yeah I know a lot people stuck around but a lot of people left to

I get it I would assume the stream’s going down and not coming back at the bummer they are challenge that they’re I think they’re challenging the foul or the ball going out of bounds on the Spurs and it’s getting cold in my house so I put put my hoodie

On I just don’t want to see us get blown out because one I don’t like being you know seeing blowouts I don’t like calling blowouts and one of our loyal subscribers is at the game I don’t want him to have drive you know driven six hours to see a blowout nobody likes

Blowouts even even when your team’s doing the blowing of outing it’s not a lot of fun to watch I I mean Spurs haven’t really blown anybody out and I can’t remember last time we blew somebody out but even when your own team’s up at like 25 or 30 it’s like right like

Whatever Graham ain’t no garbage time player but that’s where he hasn’t I’m not saying he is that’s his role on the team right now uh ghost Bill Cooper I don’t know if I missed that block or not I know I was not paying attention to the game when I

Was trying to get the stream back and running so I may have missed something has he a about actually he’s a I mean we need three-point shooting you we have three-point guards on the team Trey Jones Devonte Graham and Blake wesling and it took us forever to eventually start starting the point

Guard in the starting lineup Mike Smith it’s early but the Thunder are really good team and certainly much further ahead of us in in the uh the process right now if you will four turnovers in the first half um that sounds about right what the heck happened my

Towel when I was bringing out the second unit is atrocious it’s like five forwards all at the same San Francisco our second unit does have some issues Ryan what’s going on well the Spurs are down by 12 and right now we’re in a Timeout and no Adrian we don’t have a

Lot of offense outside of wemy kokoso SGA is an MVP MVP type of player this year so yes we uh yes this is going to be a difficult game and I don’t know why when he continues to shoot threes uh Keith I’m just oh it is sex Festival challenge call return actually

Just came in like literally three seconds after you said that so it’s going to be a jump ball the origin called a foul so jump ball Wy and chat a little cheni action seven minutes to go in the first half Spurs down by 12 and the Spurs will win

The jump ball the ball was tipped backwards and Malachi brand was going for if I was going I was going to say if he gets beaten to get to that ball bench him for the rest of the game Brandon will get the ball Wy wy’s double team kicks it out douge for

Three dang it hold him with the rebound you just need 16 from kelman Thea these this is only for this year these spurs colors are this season only I hope Wiggins for three my goodness the Thunder are on fire on fire from three right now Dev now starts to drive in the

Paint throws it up and gets blocked by Chad Hogan from behind 5035 another pull up three that one’s no good by Wiggs soan with the rebound Li shoots above League from three on both Wednesdays and at home cor second spect shooting splits mcder for three down the other end dougy with the

Corner three that’s good Bryson good evening and thunder up to not a thunder fan but I’ll I’ll say your team’s thing alth the Thunder are up literally that three is no good by Williams and is Spurs ball man they have so many Williams on their team so many

Williams theel Way Out three-point Lane guarded by hram he’s just going to launch a three no good weny gets the put back Wy gets the offensive born and slams it hard dunk of Justice I love watching Wy dunk cuz he throws it down with righteous Authority ferocity and anger and fury and Justice

Whatever it’s 5040 what he does have to work for his stuff caps 210 he does is not nothing easy for him who would who you trying to stop on the Spurs seriously aside from Victor oneyama who I mean I’m not trying to be mean but who else in that roster do you

Think better shut him down tonight don’t want him beating us nobody has one have three blocks already uh Cowboy X Factor so this coyote is a little undersized to to play basketball you know I mean being like what 88 inches tall probably not to guard a lot of I mean you’re not going

To get around you he’s got some moves try to go left try to go right you’re not going to be able to dribble around him but because he’s so small you can just like step over him and and you know he’s not going to block your shot cuz

You know he doesn’t really have much he can’t even reach over over his head though I mean he might kick your ankle Boop but that’s not really going to hurt have you seen bleach report shot short of Pop coaching no I have not Francisco I need two more blocks from

WBY I need two more blocks from Wy this quarter and then two more in the third two more in the fourth San has had five Ines of rain in the last three days but we needed every drought well that’s good you guys getting you know glad you’re getting wet with

Rain I hear forar is now on the Spurs radar if kaid was a size as first Mas he could play yes yes he could a lot of fans want Trey young Armando I’m I’m more on the fence there I think we’re going to have to give up

Way too much and his he’s a defensive Turn Style himself will the offense be enough to make up for his lack of Defense I don’t know he’s obviously Improvement or Mali Brandon but you know what I like what I’m seeing out of Blake Wesley he defensively I really like what

I’m seeing he’s still got things he’s got to work on the offensive side of things but you know he’s young and he’s improving and that’s the key he’s improving now you’re seeing Improvement well kosiba I mean that the Thunder is such an efficient scoring team I mean SGA shoots like around 55%

This year Jaylen Williams is shooting around 55% I mean they just they get so many buckets and easy buckets they’re I mean they’re they’re playing well they took a point away from the Spurs I guess a three-pointer was a two 5039 according to ESPN right

Now gar going to drive pull up jumper at the buzzer is they’re going to wave it off shot clock violation you also should give up what you got to get to building around wemy right Bryson yes but it’s got to be the right move you don’t want to rush to

Rebuild a great example is LCA donic with the Dallas maricks he brought it Chris forus and you know tried to win right away and you know that’s an example of trying to rush things we don’t want to do that mcder for three douy hey h Burton is I wouldn’t mind H

Burton G D I heard Donald Mitchell might be uh might be might be available or maybe and Russell is who I’m hearing my gosh the Thunder can’t miss a three as a J Joe drops a triple on us they’re three point I I’m G to look at obviously

Look up the stats at halftime but their three-point shooting seems off the charts right now as douge misses the three Collins put back is no good because Zack Collins you know fast break giddy layup good Spurs back down by 13 just as we started calling our way

Back Spurs fall back down by double just Collins for well Zack Holland just lines up and shoots a three so I’ll shut up now 5545 four minutes to go we need some defense though we need some D who’s going to give us some D out there not

Many people on this lineup SGA pull-up jumper yeah brand has no chance against him adro Wy saw a 30 minute restriction is soan wearing okay colored seat what Jeremy soan is wearing OKC colored shoes Zack Collins gets in the paint he’s going to get fouled San’s wearing

Blue I think those shoes are blue and orange soan is wearing OKC colored shoes well Jeremy so this one’s for you uh Keith Shay gilders Alexander is a really good player Collins misses the first free throw you think he did that to screw with them you you know I was actually thinking the

Same thing Vera that Jeremy probably did that to mess with the Thunder kind of in a way I was just going to say a taunt yes maybe he’s hoping that they’ll be looking at his shoes when they make the pass and they’ll think he’s on the

Thunder uh players are who are on the quarter right here over to the right of the screen if you are watching Kellen Johnson is n and Kellen uh he had one bucket in the first quarter it’s about all I remember him doing turn over by the Thunder Brandon will bring it up

Drives the paint the layup is no good we’re going to have a foul though and I think malke is going in line for two all right just keep it close keep it the single that it’s going in the half that’s all I ask soan should go old school and wear

The sonics colors was that green and yellow the Seattle Super Sonics man I liked watching them back in the 90s the glove Gary Payton and then Sean Kemp man Sean Kemp was a vicious dunker like man he just threw it down hard and powerful and those are the kind of dunks

I like he didn’t just you know throw it in like he would hammer it down just really hard it he was awesome the Rainman Sean Kemp I think he also has like TW like 12 kids or something ridiculous he’s got a lot of kids I I

It’s I remember hearing that I think he has a lot of kids and he has he also had a may have had drug and alcohol issues later in his career gained a lot of weights and it’s too bad his career went cuz he was so fun to watch that’s a Miss

Three by Dort offensive rebound for the Thunder Ball’s going to get knocked out of bounds it’ll stay with OKC that left shrim yes no don’t you dare put my Seattle son our damn team back you know I wish they never left Seattle SOS I was bummed when they when they

Left G with the ball right now in the paint four in the shot clock for the Thunder again into Williams Williams back out to Giddy for three at the buzzer no good knock out brand will pick up the loose ball does sgf 14 mcder for a quick three no good Collins with the

Rebound has stepped out of bounds turn for the Spurs going to be Thunderball by n is checking back in good we need him yes Keith we suck at rebounding we we seriously do we we’re we’re we’re terrible at rebounding terrible boxing out and Ball’s going to go off Ham’s

Knee and that’s going to be a turnover by the Thunder Seattle versus OKC rivalry Wy with 12 minutes 11 points and 12 minutes for Wy his usual efficient right around a point per minute he’s been doing that a lot lately and like in the last 10 games I think he’s averaging

23 or 24 points a game in around 25 to 26 minutes imagine if he actually got plank time when me for B shaaka right over chat under dunk of Justice W be with 13 now thr the ball for the Thunder 10 on the shot clock way

Out in three-point Lane gets it over to C hog hog is going to want a little revenge on that one and a moving screen that’s a foul and a turnover on the Thunder all right all right showing a replay on that hey it wasn’t he didn’t posterize him chat was

Right to the side of him but still you know just saying chat with seven points Wy with 13 W with three BL chat with two so the battle is on Spurs ball they get back to Wy in the post Wy gets double team pull up jumper tough shot o that was no

Good wi Omer I appreciate the dedication whims with ball gets it out to SGA SGA is going to start the drive back out to Williams Williams covered by Doug mcder gets it to Josh giddy giddy in the paint throws up the layup and gets by soan and gets the L up 59 to

50 Brandon down the other end lay up good is he got loosen transition all right Malachy Malachi looking a little better offensively tonight I am rooting for him I they say oh good you know critique his horrible play but I’m so hoping he turns into something special for us

Because he was a first round pick two years ago the Miss by giddy spur B Sohan brings up the courtman soan hasn’t done anything offensively tonight has he I don’t remember saying his name at all for scoring well he’s got the ball now and takes it at Chet H and gets blocked

Man I was hoping Jeremy would stuff his face like that just boom as SJ gets in the paint and he’s going to miss the layup but he’s GNA get fouled by McDermot I was hoping Jeremy would just happen What Chad hold is down to one knee oh he took a knee to the

Junk he blocked uh he he blocked jery shot but got kneed in the in the JBL for efforts SG at the line for two first one’s good he got hit right in the Hogs a second chat suck it consensually earthquake what it’s your boy R hope you’re

Okay I thought I heard Bruce for gidy Vera well done soan it wasn’t intentional 6152 5 3 seconds to go in the first half a good game so far I’d like the Spurs to be a little closer both teams are in the bonus brand out threo land looking for a screen with

No just going to drop it off of the cell cell cross it over throws it over to a wide open sew for three and he air balled it SJ pull up jumper Sohan with the old air ball three soan the scrotum Destroyer we did not need an air ball

There down by 11 let’s get it to single digits a 4 second differential between the shot clock and game clock they’ll get into Wy one almost loses the ball gets back to vasel three on the shot clock Vel loses the ball shot clock violation all right that’s good your boy Rico

Turn over by this person we are so bad so bad sometimes at the end of quarters how many times have we had the ball and could have held for the last shot of the quarter and or half and turn the ball over it happens a lot a lot more than

I’d like to admit for whatever reason we just I don’t know SJ with the ball three-point attempt oh he got a lot of contact there and they’re not going to call the whistle he jumped forward into the defender and they’re not calling that anymore in the NBA which I’m glad

They’re not if your defender’s here and you’re jumping into him maybe it should be an offensive foul but Spurs going be down by 11 the second quarter’s been bad for us so hopefully the third quarter that we’ve been playing better for as of late we play you continue to play better and

Come back in the third we is visibly frustrated he keeps rolling to the basket again yeah Phil they missed him a few times they have definitely missed him let me put up the halftime report or halftime on there and we’ll pull up the halftime stats here in just a

Moment but a good game and a weird game for those of you that weren’t here earlier I had to restart my computer early in the second quarter I have never been so I that’s the most I’ve been stretched out in a while on a stream because when your computer all of a sudden

Crashes the only option is to restart it and I did but we’re back we’re running we’re up and running and I’m happy to be here late be a late night here in the TSR household it’s almost 11 o’clock let’s pull up the Box Score first for the Oklahoma City Thunder holam with

Seven points four rebounds three assists and three blocks in 17 minutes Jaylen there many Williams here jayen Williams with seven SGA with 16 points and six assists he does have four turnovers though so struggling to keep the ball a little bit tonight giddy with eight points Dort with zero really

Struggling tonight he’s 0 for four from the floor man the Thunder been playing a lot of players tonight the other jayen Williams with six William uh kendri Williams with zero Joe with six Wiggins with eight Mitch with two Wallace for three and it has Davis bons listen on

There it says minutes minus so he must have came in for like a second like he even play minutes worth but bons came in for at some point the Thunder AR shooting the three very well tonight they’re shooting a 50% right now they are 11 of 22 for San Antonio Spurs who

Are not shooting the three well they’re three of 15 which is 20% we’re lucky we’re only down by 11 we talked about the game Hogan was having Wendy has 13 points four rebounds one assist one steal and three blocks in 15 minutes champeny with a donut the usual jery

Soan not off to a good start he had zero points on 0 for five shooting organ a lot more from both of them if we’re going to have a chance to win this game deisel with eight points and four rebounds and five assists Deon as of late his assist numbers have been

Trending in the right direction so I’m glad to see Deon getting more involved the playmaking and and getting the ball to his teammates very impressive and no turnovers either Wesley in his first career start in 13 minutes two of two from the field one of one from three

Made his first three-pointer of the year he’s now shooting about 0.10% from three-point Land Two rebounds two assists one turnover one foul Five Points not playing great but certainly not playing bad and playing some good defense out there as well Off the Bench Zach Collins still struggling one of

Four from the field six points douge with five cheddy with six Kelvin with five and brandom with four wow uh Kell rocking a team worst minus 17 and Brandon right behind him with the second worst minus 14 wow bench really uh not not doing any favors in this game the Thunder

Outscored is 35 to 28 in the first quarter the Spurs were outscored again in the second quarter 28-2 24 so uh time for us to outscore let’s get let’s get some wins here at home I mean let’s get some wins from the home crowd seriously the team has been playing bad

For most of the year we’ve had a few good games uh eight of them specifically well probably a little more than that you know we’ve had some losses we played well and but the home team the home crowd has not got to see the Spurs win a

Lot of games as a matter of fact the Spurs are 3 and 16 at home they’ve won more games on the road than they have at home I would really love the Spurs to win tonight because I am a Spurs fan get a win for the home crowd

And one of our subscribers is there at the game but also you know let’s get a win for Wy versus Chad you know so it’d be one and one for the old cheni I don’t know let me look at the chat I’ve been missing a lot yes Moss AA random

Absolutely exactly hello there that’s the problem with Malai brand when he was starting when he wasn’t giving us any offense he wasn’t giving us anything because he sucks on defense so those type of players that are onedimensional can only give you one end of the Court

When that end of the court is not firing all cylinders then there’re an extreme liability out there another case in point would be dou McMan when mcder raining his threes he’s an valuable asset to the Spurs helps the floor spacing he moves good with you know off

The ball and CA The Defenders to chase him around a lot but when his offense isn’t there his defense sucks so then he’s a liability on the court wogram nice slide 26 I want Trey young so bad I hope Spurs shock us that would be a shock we need a lot more from

Champeny and from Sohan as our starters I mean kin’s not doing a ton he’s only scored five points kin’s gotten a little passive on the bench lately I’m not sure why because the whole thought of him going to the bench is he could be a spark plug Off the Bench bring some

Energy in and early in that Ro he was taking 15 to 20 shots a game now lately seems like he’s not taking 10 Trey young is a hell nah Jay Francisco there’s a lot of things Kellman can work on I like kelman he takes a three-point shooter a three-point shooter takes a three-point

Shot or he puts his head down and drives in the paint that’s about it he’s you get a little predictable on what he’s going to do when he’s playing well those moves work for sure but he’s inconsistent and the problem is what our guys and really this team the last jeez

This 5year losing streak is so many of our guys were inconsistent really probably one of the most consistent players when he was here was deante D roza was fairly consistent deante was but a lot of our our young guys Lonnie was always inconsistent Derek when he was here was inconsistent

He’s found his consistency Gene apparently in Boston but when he was here he was up and down a lot especially in the last year and a half um yakob was pretty consistent and then you look look at our current roster kelan’s all over the place Devon’s all over the place

Deon’s a little more consistent than Kellin but still he’s up and down uh wen’s probably one of our most consistent players right now especially offensively especially in the last few weeks he’s been just you know doing terrific but man I I just how can you win when every night two or three of

Your Starters play well and two your Starters play Bad you we we just can’t put it together every single night when this team is all playing well like all five stars are contributing and we’re getting some bench some good bench play we can win games the problem is that

That has not happened a lot this year K there seem to spot up but we give them more responsib on offense because we have none right now we we have a lot of problems on the team hello there you know I’m torn on that um thanks for thanks Benjamin I

Think I do have a face for radio but you know it’s hard to you know I was gonna go for it you know I was gonna be a mean joke but you know what I don’t care H because you wouldn’t say that to my face because I’ll probably kick your ass

Because I know keyboard Wars when I see him anyway you know what I’m not g to let you get to me because I got baby coyote here and baby coyote likes my face and that’s all that matters right baby coyote all right anyway uh I thought I

Was going with this um I thought I got sidetracked by a keyboard Warrior uh so good job what were we talking about talking about the Spurs oh Alexander s so I understand a lot of you guys are looking forward to the Eiffel Towers you’re thinking you know Twin Towers David

Robins with Tim Duncan two SF Footers and then with SAR and wendley we have two SF Footers again I get that but who’s running the offense are you confident with Trey Jones as a starting point guard do you see Blake Wesley as a starting point guard next year sure as heck is not

Gonna be Devonte gr or mal brown with starting the point so do you see a lineup of wemi SAR soan Basel and then Jones or Wesley I mean Jones is a good player but I don’t think he’s our point guard our franchise point guard over the next decade and the jury

Still on Blake Wesley as well Wesley has a lot of the problems that Jones has is that he he can’t shoot can’t shoot at all he made his first three tonight prior to that he was like 0 for he was 0 for everything oh I don’t know nor not now

If your thought we’re going to get Trey Young and the starting lineup would be SAR wemy Doohan vasel and young I mean we would we definitely would have a massive upgrade three-point shooting would we have enough defensively to make up for Trey Young’s deficiencies on defense I don’t

Know wa when the Pistons win what who are the Pistons being we’re going to get a top five pick and I I like tyes procer out of Duke 65 guard with great vision and shot making Max I’m not too familiar with him I honestly don’t follow college basketball

Much I do follow it more than I did before because my my girlfriend’s a huge Yukon fan but I still don’t follow it that being said when we get when we find out what our draft position is and maybe a little before that and there’s a

Wasing on that that’s when I start doing some scouting on players at dispers May draft I usually like to scout about three maybe four players that they could possibly take I’m not going to scout guys that there’s no chance in them taking though that being said the year

They drafted Joshua Primo uh he was certainly not on my radar and did not Scout him at all but I think a player that players that we would look into on the channel around draft time are Alexander SAR Nicole atopic Isaiah klier probably one or two other guys and the

Spurs right now are projected to have a top three pick barring a weird Lottery type thing like last year where everybody kind of you know there was some flip-flopping going the Rockets and the Pistons the Pistons dropped down substantially they were the worst team overall and went from the first overall

Pick down to fifth so Pistons fans are not happy about that I believe the Rockets were the second worst and dropped to four the Blazers moved up from whever they were to third or wait or second wait we drafted first was it Portland second shoot I can’t remember

The draft order now or the third I can’t remember Charlotte Portland drafted second I think Portland drafted third it was a Charlotte second on the Spurs first dang it I don’t remember um shoot anyway we’re rejected to have a top three pick and I know this draft is

Not as deep as last year’s but a top three pick is should still be a quality starter Charlotte was second I have not seen Reed Shepard I have not I know we have some proteced picks but if we can get lucky maybe we can get a few first gr Rounders

Max the Charlotte Hornet pick this year is not going to convey whatsoever that is Lottery protected Charlotte sucks we’re not getting that pick this year the Raptor pick is top six protected uh it’s not looking good I don’t know where the Raptors are right now in the

Standings let me actually see where they are the Raptors are that’s important that’s something to keep an eye if you’re a Spurs fan you should you should be rooting for the Raptors to not be bad but if we look at the standings right now overall in the league not the conference standings but

The actual league standings from worst and up the Pistons the Wizards the Spurs the Hornets the Blazers the Raptors the Raptors are the sixth worst team in the NBA right now they’re two and eight in their last 10 games they’ve traded away a lot of Trader Pascal seak for picks so

They’re heading they’re trending in the wrong direction if things continue as they are they will wind up the sixth worst team in the NBA and if they get the sixth overall pick the Spurs will not get their pick this year now if we get lucky and The Grizzlies or Nets jump

In front of them and they get the seventh overall pick then we take it and the Grizzlies are actually they’re playing fairly well in their last 10 they’re six and four the Nets are actually falling apart they’re 2- eight in their last 10 good grief the Warriors

Are 3 and seven in the last 10 golden state is four games under 500 18 and 22 I had no idea golden state was playing that bad right now I knew they weren’t playing great but I didn’t know they were actually that bad damn they got people out or just is

Age finally catching up to the Warriors what what is happening with them I’ve not followed them at all this year so if you guys know in the chat I’d be I’d be interested um but I have no idea what you can do though is while you’re looking in the chat while you’re talking

To folks make sure you hit the thumbs up we’re close to 150 we love to get to that sooner than later so who can we realistic trade for to compliment Wendy so what I’m hearing from you guys with the Atlanta Hawks is for Deon de Murray they want two first

Round picks in the starter hear me out hear me out if they’re looking to move Trey young I’d have to think they’re going to want four first round picks that’s my thought I don’t necess know they’re going to want a player might need a player for salary purposes

Maybe like a Doug mcder one of those guys or Devonte gr somebody that’s you know 12 13 million year whatever they probably going to want four now my question use first fans is would you trade the one of the Atlanta Hicks uh Hicks Atlanta picks back and maybe some

Of these protected first round picks we have for Trey young I’ve always been the type of fan that prefers building through the draft than via free agency And Trades I you look at the jerseys on this wall draft pick spent his whole career with the spur SPS or drafted by the

Spurs spent his career at the Spurs drafted by the Spurs spent his career with the Spurs drafted by the Spurs spent his career at the Spurs both drafted by the Spurs don’t know what’s going to happen there yet hopefully both spend their career at the Spurs but

That’s you know that’s the type of fan I’ve always been the New York Giants my favorite player of all time Eli Manning drafted by the Spurs or drafted by the Spurs drafted by well no actually not drafted by the Giants was traded draft night but he spent his whole career with

The Giants Lawrence Taylor spent his whole career with the Giants Tiki Barber spent his whole career with the Giants I wish I could say Tony Parker spent his whole career with the Spurs but he played that stupid one season that I don’t know to talk

About it is what it is but I just you know I’ve always been a fan of guys that start the career with my team and stay there not a you know a traded player I don’t know no Trey cannot play D NL his defense is atrocious if it’s if we get DJ it’s

Still built but not bought I mean if we were to trade two first rounds in a in a player for dejonte we would would eventually have rented him to the Atlanta Hawks for a year and a half and got more for him than it got well he got

Wy by not having a jante on the team but we would also probably have a little more draft capital from that trade we have seen that happen with the Spurs before for younger fans that weren’t watching in the 90s Sean Elliot was a San Antonio Spur was traded to

Detroit Pistons for Dennis Rodman played one year with Detroit failed his physical came back to the Spurs I don’t remember if we had to trade anything to get him back or if we signed with free agency but Sean Elliott’s career with the Spurs was literally his first I

Don’t know four or five years with San Antonio one year in Detroit and the rest of his career in San Antonio I wish his whole career was with San Antonio but it’s it is what it is kin Johnson plus two first round picks ah yeah see so I try not to think

About that Primo pick I trade four picks for SGA I don’t think he’s up for trade Keith um yeah he’s not up for trade third quarter on the way the Spurs are down by 11 Cooper flag 2025 Nicole toic and Cooper flag aren’t they both point guards though

Paul how many points did Booker have but sell for three to start us off that is no good Wy with the offense of board how many did he have uh how many Booker have Champ pen with the ball Ball’s knocked out of bounds it’s going to stay with San

Antonio pry young is a fantastic offensive player Dan he is considered one of the worst defensive players in the NBA for a reason uh he’s he’s bad at defense that’s not that’s not me just making stuff up for the channel that’s he is bad on defense but he’s also fantastic on

Offense so AEL pull up jumper no good and get a fouled going line for two coper Flags the power four is he I don’t know a lot about him I honestly had no idea Cooper flag is a power for so that would cause some friction in the TSR household because

Miss TSR Sports is not a Cooper flag fan because she wanted to come to Yukon and he went to Duke instead so now he’s an enemy for life so he became a San Antonio S I don’t know what what that would mean first free throws goodby down P the

$10 Super Chat thank you so much for contributing to the channel looks like I’m using these super chats to buy a new computer soon because my computer crashed earlier it is four years old which isn’t that old but I dropped it once off my table in front of me which

Broke one of the hinges and I spilled water on it once so I don’t think it’s going to last as long as it probably normally would so thank you very much I’ll probably start laptop shopping I’m hoping this makes it through this season but I’m going to

Have to get it this year year I I don’t think this computer will make it till next season I’ll keep the computer to edit videos and just have three laptops apparently in my house cuz I I still have this old laptop this is the original TSR Sports laptop this very old

HP this is from 2015 and it still works Spurs no defense on the inbound pass as dor gets a bucket I the computer still work so no point G dang that thing is N9 years old holy crap still works I do my my day videos on that computer the the the

Videos I shoot during the afternoon or the morning when with the ball gets to the sell and selling reverse layup good well she can get over it are they still saying W yama’s name incorrect Shay into the pink gets SGA with a layup and one Anthony Barnes with $5 Super Chat says

Get today’s version of Bruce B or Shane Bader who would it be oh I don’t know so hand hurting me than Super Chat Anthony I really appreciate it um I don’t know who would that be in today’s NBA I certainly don’t know who that would be in the draft is he hits

The free throw it’s a 12-point lead come on Spurs I’ve heard her Jones name and a travel on I think it’s on soam that’s turnover is her Jones not playing with OKC right now is he or not OKC the Pelicans is he in the house what is going on with

Him uh Spurs Friday night on NBA TV 9:30 versus the Blazers so we have a lot of televised games this week two games on NBA TV and one on stupid ESPN every stupid penis knows of week that’s all that’s what I came up with ESPN I don’t

Know I was on the Fly Williams pullup jumper good 7056 down by 14 come on Spurs don’t let this be a third quarter nightmare wedley gets in the paint kicks it out to Vel Vel thinks about the three pulls it down drives in the paint himself pull up jumper

Good one of the awesome players really giddy gets in the paint gets a layup good PJ Tucker you guys want to get a vet yes they’re going to keep going Josh K just I’m waiting for pop to tell people to stop doing that I have to F on the

Spurs I think call Wy on the F that one the dude the def defense doesn’t look that good and the offense is trash uh I don’t want to say it’s trash but we have issues Spurs fans we have a lot of issues Isaiah kler is definitely a

Player I’d like to get Homer if you know if so be it good evening adir the sports critic what’s up is not the first chances a winning this game we are down by 16 it’s on ESPN if you are at home looking to something for something to watch

Tonight champen with the ball starts to drive throws it way that deflected out of way over Blake Wesley’s head go get Anthony black hello there you know soan finished around the rim great last year and then this year he seems to have regressed he’s improved his three-point shooting improved his his free throw

Percentage but and wy’s goingon to turn the ball over one a f not going to get it the New York Giants may lose Brandon Bean it might really and a foul down the other end and they suck Zach I mean let’s be honest our Giants are terrible they’re a mess

The offensive line has been crap for for forever and it still sucks our quarterback situation the mass Daniel Jones I did find out Daniel Jones next year is guaranteed and then the last two years of his contract are not so the Giants could choose to part ways with

DJ SGA at the line hits the first free throw and this the Thunder are starting to pull away and this needs to stop no faith in carer uh I haven’t done enough research on him I will do a research video on him a scou obviously I’m going looking at somebody else’s scouting

Report and giving my two cents as I’m not an NBA Scout but we’ll look at him we’ll look at SAR we’ll look at toic we’ll take a look at a few of the guys first M draft theel ball gets it over San s Drive Baseline on hram gets it back to

Wesley Wesley’s W around nice job by Blake Wesley getting the ball to where C hogm could not get it that’s a shot that would have got blocked very easily at the start of the Season definitely seen Noble Improvement Blake Wesley’s ability to Shield the defender from getting the ball as so’s

Going to foul and SJ is going to go to line for two more bl’s been looking good and Zack yes I mean W’s been great this year yes he takes too many threes I will concede that you’re never going to hear me argue that point with a Spurs fan if you tell

Me when shoots too many threes I will agree with you I don’t like seeing him taking around five threes a game he’s had issues with turnovers that being said continue considering what he’s had to work with this year I think he’s playing very well is Julian champeny a star on any team in

The NBA anywhere no a lot of people would argue soan and Basel are not starters either and then obviously Blake Wesley would not be a starter Trey Jones wouldn’t be so I mean he’s he’s just not not a lot to work with he’s got the bar

Right now gets it to Wesley the paint Wesley’s pull-up jumper is gonna bounce around and going Blake all right come on Blake champeny should be on the bench three beard from Cancun my thank you for stopping in the Detroit Pistons for Julian champeny J J with the ball gets it over

To Williams Williams finds giddy gay is going to drive kicks it back out Dort with the wall D’s gonna get fouled by Champ Penney lot of fouls in the third quarter you know the Pistons they might have players that are up for grabs Collier is a good passer and has

Handles and think colie are a really good finisher at The Rim champen just needs to get released uh spur the moment Josh giddy uh hold on for three airball Josh giddy got accused of some stuff earlier this year this season and I’m not going to go

Into it on the channel just look up Josh giddy online and you can research it yourself G Studio were you one of the folks ready to cut Blake I did a video on that at the start of the season I said time to give up on

Blake Wesley in the video I said there’s a lot of problems with this game not ready to give up on him yet and it’s probably because you could see he has ability at times but also he was a first round pick in 2022 you don’t give up on

A guy that’s only around 20 years old this early and I’m glad to see he’s progressing he gets in the paint right now kicks it out to se and so round of aell back to so and so’s gonna take the three oh my gosh oh my God that wasn’t even close Jeremy

Jeremy I think I hear the fans booing did this Boo the soan SGA spins around the paint throws it up and misses the layup Wendy with the rebound 7862 can we get a run Mel is gonna take a quick three all right Devin Josh K will not be charged last

Update and we’ll leave it there thank you Zach that’s that’s that’s as much as we want to touch that SJ pull up jumper over soan no good champeny with the remound get to Wesley Wesley zipping up the court like he does Wesley back out to DL 16 on shot

Clocks first down 7865 a little over 7 minutes to go de will get the ball into Wy Wy in the post gets blocked G with the ball gets booed again misses a layup D wide open for three he misses the shot we can’t get a freaking rebound giddy with the three-point nope nope

Pulled it down drives in the pinkt and gets BL he suck it giddy Spurs on the break Al to he’s going to get foul G’s getting booed relentlessly I turn the volume up just a little bit so I can hear it yeah he’s getting booed every time he touches the ball I was

Shocked when he just tried to alute that and didn’t try to dunk that are we going to a timeout we’re going to timeout when with five blocks they’re booing giddy for off the court not on the court Bryson and that’ll probably happen probably for the rest of the season in some some

Towns Marauders I don’t know what to do with that one I’m just GNA leave Phil the entire Arena has been booing giddy all night every time he touches the ball thank you for the $5 Super Chat my man I hope you are having a great time at the

Game um at some point at some point In Our Lifetime we are gonna go to a Spurs game together it will happen I don’t know when but it’ll happen apples and bananas good evening I could go for a banana pop is going to say stop booing giddy that’s I hope he

Doesn’t he might I’m worried he’s going to grab the microphone at any point apples and bananas now there’s a big difference there’s a big difference here pop has a good relation with Qui Leonard sorry for his fans I know like the way left but it appears he has a good

Relationship with Qui Leonard pop is aware of the situation what happened with giddy he might not be I gota assume he’s aware might be not might not be wanting to say anything in regards to that he might just want keep the old mouth shut on that Josh Kitty oh goodness oh Boy Apparently not odyy but I don’t know anything we should be buling our offense you know Moses fair enough greetings from nasty I35 Donald how how fluck gota be careful saying that good evening to you oh Carl I mean wemy is just going to keep getting better and better and

Better a good evening to fish what’s up thank you for stopping in I mean we look at what what Victor is doing in his rookie season and he doesn’t have great players around and it hurts me to say that I’m a San Antonio Spurs fan clearly and to sit here and

Have to say that it kills me but Julian champen is not a starter on any team in the NBA not even the Detroit Pistons and he we’re we’re so lacking for talent that he’s in the starting lineup I do wish Kell was still in the starting lineup they made the

Decision to have come off the bench it is what it is but Kell’s been he’s been so up and down this year and really up and down a lot in his career I I wish he could find a nice some nice consistency in his game but he just hasn’t found yet

Like a lot of guys oh boy the giddy stuff you know you guys know I’m not going to repeat a lot of that in the chat I just can’t I can’t do it uh well Omar you know it happened coming back from the timeout Spurs down by 13 and just you know

Let’s get this to single digits let’s get this to fiveish going I how that let’s just get a lead never mind get to five ESP pushing chat as work of the Year narrative all game long they were so high in chat why can’t he guard one

Be alone oh yeah he can’t they move chat out in the long yeah feel I you know what ESPN can suck it I can’t stand ESPN um they suck but the are the number one sports network on the planet and they are televising the game but I don’t like

ESPN I know why a lot of folks Wesley at the line for two he is an atrocious free throw shooter that’s one thing he needs to work on this year they’re officially saying Wy has four blocks I thought he had five but I guess they took one

Away Blake slow down with the free throws Wy gets the offensive rebound Verizon pay gets fouled by CH I was gonna say chmi man Blake shoot a learn to shoot a damn free throw um I know that’s why a lot of folks you know like to hang out in these type of

Streams want for the community but some of you actually say Rich I’d rather listen to you than the ESPN announcers I take that as a compliment because they’re professionals getting paid to do this and I’m just a very passionate fan on his couch Wy at the line for free throw is

Going to bounce around and finally go in K go peace I for play now yeah Mohamad I I wouldn’t want on a team I mean you I just I can’t say anything on it I I don’t 7866 both teams in the bonus make a second one

7867 well mob I get Google ad Revenue in super chats but they do this for a career this is not a career this is a hobby as Jaylen Williams gets loose for a huge dunk I do make money off of YouTube I I freely admit that I love

Google’s ad revenue and I wholeheartedly appreciate super chats um but I don’t look it as a business SJ and the fast break up the Spurs turn relay up good like I don’t do memberships I don’t do sponsorships I don’t do patreon I do this because I like doing it I’ve been a YouTube

Content creator since 2006 this channel since 2019 but YouTube since 2006 and for 13 of those years I wasn’t monetized and didn’t care just did it because enjoyed it we’re have a foul on the Thunder I think wy’s going back to line for two I mean some of the videos been putting up

Lately I know they’re not going to get a lot of views Kristen press is Wonder Woman Eli Manning is a Terminator but I like them the music stuff on the Channel music doesn’t get a lot of views but I love making music which I am shooting

The Wy in the name of video this week and I got something I got a prop and I know what I want to do for the video and I’m going to shoot it this weekend and hopefully have it up early next week turn off is to list you there you go

Nick appreciate it yes he did Jacob wey’s got a few blocks tonight he’s got like four wy’s first fre throws good 8268 the leaf blower I got a sponsor from a leaf blower what the hell does that have to do with anything on this channel somebody’s like hey how’ you get

Promote I feel bad but every sponsorship email I get and I do get quite a few I just delete it wheny second free throw is no good I don’t want to sit here and promote a product that has nothing to do with the channel the only only thing I I

Won’t do a sponsorship but that I would advertise on the channel if it was San Antonio Spurs related or from the Spurs themselves and that hasn’t happened so let happened once F came out with Tim duckin bobblehead I said he came out the bobblehead in one video and that was it

H for three no good Mell at the rebound five and a half minutes to go 8268 okay Homer if you making a card again good luck I’m imagine going player myself play Commander Basel the ball gets out to soan soan thinks about the three gets into Wy instead Wy with the jumper off

The backboard and it’s good Wy is playing fantastic he’s the only one really cooking for the Spurs tonight as usual the other guys need to step up already come on you’re having youngest player on the team is doing all the work and on the shot clock for the

Thunder out to Dort D’s going to drive kicks it back out to Williams Williams step back three no good Wy with the rebound he’ll bring it up for San Antonio he just going to launch a three no good Blake Wiley with the rebound out to Kellin Kellin for three no

Good stop chucking threes set up guys set up hes on a fly suck it chat chat bringing the ball up the court gets in the paint went before right behind RM I don’t I don’t want to do sponsorships though because I hate channels that sit there and advertise

For like three or four minutes I fast forward through all those I don’t I can’t do that to you guys I can’t and I won’t sorry there was a foul on the play I don’t know if it was on Wendy or so chat’s at the line for

Two Carl I’ve never heard that I haven’t heard anything that they don’t like each other that sounds like it just could be media nonsense like the uh I like to reference this because I think it’s stupid I saw on a dispersed Facebook page that some betting website said that

It is likely the next place that LeBron goes to is the Spurs and I was like no freaking way chat misses a second free throw and then he falls down trying to get his own rebound Spurs on the on the run and now we’re have an offensive foul on Zack Collins because Zack

Collins so just SLI down a banana I have a better idea TS have Ricky Lombardo Ron Jamma coyote and yod to sponsor the channel instead I’m sorry look I’m not knocking anybody has sponsorships please do not take it that way everybody can do what they want on their own channels because

It’s their channel for this channel I just don’t want to bring that in here I want people to know this is about having fun cheering for our teams being part of a community and that’s the most important thing the time I put into it you know some people

Say well you deserve to get money from the time you put in I’ll get that from Google’s ad Revenue I’m fine with just hanging out especially when Miss TSR joins me for the stream at some point being able to watch the games with my girlfriend that’s going to be awesome I

Mean she watched them with me now when she’s here here but she’s you know not on camera yet col has been awful Jared Williams good evening he andon and gab says you’re so cute I hope you have a great day I hope you have a great day too Collins has

Been not good brandom’s at the line for two first free throws good no K never apologize you’ve been a supporter from the channel for a long time and by the way supporter just being a subscriber or hanging out hitting the thumbs up which I haven’t asked for that

For a while thumbs up that’s being a supporter hitting the thumbs up I think Zack Collins was over for seven last game Brandon Lee by the way rest in peace Brandon Lee and his dad SJ with the bar now starts a drive kicks it out to whoever that is for

Three Williams for three one of the many Williams on the Thunder gos is a guaranteed brick the ball gets it out to Deon Deon on the cat and shoot three little short no good jayen the Jaylen wings with a rebound thank you for H the like M appreciate

It hello there I’m 6’4 and I probably rebound better than Zach Collins seriously what’s going on here Del team SJ he kicks it out for three Isa Joe and the Spurs are down by 19 the biggest deficit of the game for them Ball’s going be knocked out of bounds it’ll stay with the

Spurs Jared they’re tough to watch and we’re have a timeout Jack was talking about that look as in Jordan kobic C and that Zion doesn’t have that look I personally think Victor has that look and is sending a message to chat tonight I think he has that look

Student only way I want LeBron is if he accepted playing the second or third option being a playmaker can’t deny he does have a great quarter IQ and ver at his age he probably would not be the primary cash L Crow is a great movie yeah well unfortunately this is

The this yeah we are getting outscored 28 to 20 in the third quarter we’ve we’ve been outscored every quarter tonight the Thunder God in the first quarter 35 and 28 second quarter 282 24 third quarter 2820 the thunder coming in this game 30 and 13 we come with the

Game 8 and 35 one of these things is not like the other I mean we’re we’re expected to lose this game and Bing a miracle we’re probably going to um but I’m not giving up on our team yet I’ll be here till the end I almost

Always here to the end unless we’re down by like 40 with four minutes too or five minutes too once on Blue Moon I’ll call it but lately I’ve been just staying to the end no matter what Colin sucks Leon yeah as s g 27 points seven assists yep he’ll get his

Average Mel mlo I have not seen that that press short reminds me of be I was fine with that cowo factor I don’t know if I’ll do any more shorts like that with athletes playing a role in a movie but I’ve done things with I’ve had Victor wama singing

In one of the Spurs videos Spurs music videos man I just like to be goofy I Lucas Sonic sang his whole song whole song unleashed the sandwich sort of sang his song So if you haven’t seen that one that one was a lot of fun to

Do all our for is it our our all for unit Vel Collins Osman Johnson Brent well they’re not all are all Wing unit minus Collins four out of 22 for three pointers for the Spurs con’s playing great for the Thunder yeah four of 22 that’s less than

20% h always B hooted for his efficiency but he’s three of seven for eight points and six rebounds that’s all he’s doing tonight Carl wow Chad is absolutely not contributing to the OKC win tonight mainly everyone but him is touching the ball his overy talk needs to stop

Yeah I Victor’s having a much better game I don’t know Victor’s statline well heck we’re in a we’re in a Timeout I I can pull up real quick I pull up the box score from es the old ESPN box we get some M AO while I’m doing so and

Hopefully we can get this lead down to 12 before the quarter is over or less progams played 25 minutes he’s got eight rebound sorry eight points six rebounds three assists no steals three blocks two turnovers two fouls 25 minutes wemy in 23 minutes 6 to 12 from

The field 18 points 11 rebounds four assists one steal four blocks three turnovers two fouls I mean wh’s out playing him tonight is he greatly out playing him H he’s playing a little better but J does have a plus seven Wy has a minus s that’s more the players around them than

The actual player Victor is having a better game it is Spurs ball and turnover by Spurs that’s cool at least mono is in the house yes he is playing better in less minutes yes Odyssey he’s been getting less minutes all year than a lot of his counterparts

SJ misses the shot and what do you know Second Chance opportunity for the Thunder to get the offensive board because well we just don’t rebound and kenri Williams going to drive in the paint and now it’s a 21-point game yep turnover off timeout Brandon classic Spurs K with the ball drives in the

Paint gets blocked gets the ball back throws it up and in 9374 Robert I like what I’m been seeing out a Blake he’s been he’s showing a lot of improvement there’s still a lot of things he can improve on certainly SGA pull up jumper good and one gets fouled by

Brandon Osman is allergic to defense General Chicken good evening trade everybody except when me Koso take that you just put in the chat and take the word perimeter out yeah zenin he got the free throw 22-point game still he has earned Malai minutes Robert Malai is one of the worst defenders in

The NBA from what you guys have told me statistically speaking Shay got the Shay got the 30 Shay Shay got the 30 I always butcher his name SGA got the 30 Wesley at least he gives us some defense if his offense isn’t cooking and Collins gets blocked

Wow con has been awful of late awful kri Williams are three is no good I know I’m right I think conell just turned the ball over was with the foul on SJ and he’s going to go to line for two we are falling apart here in the second half

There’s only four people like on the Spurs wemy Vel Kellman sometimes and Trey and maybe soan what I’m cting five when you did that SOS Melissa good evening uh Cas Bo B’s not hurt Collins is taking his minutes but you know what if Collins keeps playing like this Bar’s gonna start

Taking his minutes or at least be given an opportunity to take his minutes Real Talk have we really been good with any of our first- round picks in the past years other than Wy no no uh City well so was second R so the previous year Jeremy soan Malachi

Brandham and Blake Wesley coming with a crazy wild shot off the glass that did not go in all three our jury still out prior year extreme Dead with Joshua Primo before that demel a miss and a kendri Williams putback we we are getting blown out now it’s officially a blowout that officially a

Blowout I don’t know if when’s going to come back in now Zack Collins bounces the ball off of somebody’s leg kickball we have the second worst starting five in the leag Mr Salvage let me look at Zach’s stats I don’t think they’re very good he’s one of five tonight six points and three

Rebounds sorry one of six and last game he was what 0 for seven yeah one’s not in there this team falls apart cins with the ball right now gets it to Blake Wesley Wesley back to Collins open for three nope nope no you know what James in

Retrospect we should not have given cols that contract we shouldn’t have it’s looking like we grossly overpaid that three is no good I think that was Isaiah Joe Thunder get the ball back shot clock is off why is the shot clock off sh in a minute 14 SJ with the wall starts to

Drive out to Dort Dort around the world to Joe Joe for three no good Brandon with the rebound eight seconds to go in the third quarter which has not been kind to our Spurs cins going to lose the ball out of bounds last Touch by the Thunder under 3 seconds to

Go Zack is new leader for the tanks Squad Theo Zack Collins if I’m inbound I’m in range if I’m inbounds I’m in range uh bobit yeah we we’re we’re we’re struggling get the ball to Collins Collins drives in the paint the runner is good at the buzzer hey Zach did

Something cut the lead to 24 is Sean Elliot ripping the Spurs Adrian I mean it’s it’s on ESPN so I can’t hear his commentary it’s not on the league pass actually the replay will probably be on the league pass is Shawn really giving it to the Spurs right now

I’m sure he’s tired of losing I mean Sean or not he he’s he’s tired of seeing the team lose I mean he should be ripping the theme whoa crispy I like the name thank you for stopping in thank you all for stopping if you haven’t hit the thumbs

Up I know we’re getting killed but the thumbs up still does help the channel so I greatly appreciate it if you could give a guy a thumbs up and get us to 200 with the old quar of four up there but we are down whoop Selena come back

We are down by 26 it’s just it’s rough right now losing [Laughter] like really you going to laugh at getting blown out Qui wow rolling trong you called it as I was doing it you must unagi poor coyote doesn’t want to watch us anymore he’s tired night buddy I mean

You know baby kyes want to watch a Spurs lose like this you can’t no okay buddy all right get get comfortable good night buddy they do deserve to be ripped on and we did need tradeon Mr OG uh I’m hoping wheny comes out in the fourth to start the fourth I don’t know

How much how long he’s going to play if we’re down by this Wy and Trey young please make it happen the Spurs organization move move move I’m fine with the Spurs training Kellin and cheddy Osman and Doug to get Trey well it wouldn’t just be those three players it would be picks as

Well DVS I don’t know Brian Wright has really confus me on what he’s going to do with the franchise because you going back a few years trading Derek white was a surprise I was like oh back court for the future supposed to be Derek white and deante Murray okay

We’re moving on from White and then he traded to jante I know there’s some issues with the contract situation and D but still trading Jon was a shocker and then just you know trading yaka and a lot of the moves I really don’t know what the plan is we have a million

Second round picks over the next 5 years we have too many second round picks so I would have to think he’s going to try to move some players and picks for what I’m seeing from any analysis sites is maybe for players that you know maybe for the

Trade deadline even this year is guys that aren’t really be giving given a chance that had a lot of potential in the draft and now in their second or third year and their minutes they’re just not getting minutes but whether he actually does anything you we constantly hear Kellen

Johnson’s name in trade talks we heard him last year he didn’t get traded we’re hearing some stuff this year I think if the Spurs make a move Kelvin probably one of the players that has to get moved and that’s going to suck for me having

One of his Jers I have two of his jersey for that matter um it is what it is I have no control over that I I just don’t I something tells me he’s not going to get moved he’s on a very team-friendly contract and the team seems to really

Like him the organization seems to really like him so I think Helen’s not going anywhere if we’re going to get a Trey young type of player it’s going to be for a plethora of picks and I don’t know if this Spurs are going to want to

Part with a ton of draft pick Capital first round picks that is to get a v veteran point guard or vet period I’m gonna mess this up but alardo goo thank you so much for the $20 Super Chat says thanks for always doing a great job calling the Spurs game

Watching from Honduras thank you for the Super Chat appreciate it thank you very much that that’s very kind of you especially since tsr’s computer kind of broke tonight and it looks like buying a new computer this summer or sooner than that couldn’t get my clock going the

Thunder missed the first shot Hogan with the rebound I love doing this you guys know I love doing this I mean it’s just it’s a hobby and you guys are my spurs Community you really are I appreciate you Chad just dropped a three we’re down 27 come on

Spurs make this respectable this is chat versus Wy to Wy drives in the paint and D he pushes ch all the way back and St down under dunk of justice and now an offensive foul in Chad Holdem clearly frustrated Wy just pushed his ass right in the paint and

Threw it down and stare him down I don’t care I’m down my million I’m showing you his boss I love it wey absolutely just bullied that toothpick wey St but chat’s a freaking toothpick come on and then chat frustrated on the way down the other and gets an offensive foul I love

It when be bullying chat on that one that was great I know we’re down by 25 there’s any Thunders fans and now Chad with the steel and Wy these two are starting to go at it Chad sprinting up the court into the paint and gets the

Coast to coast layup and then falls out of bounds and hits his head on the apparatus Spurs come back the other way they’re going at it and I love it I love it and an offensive foul on somebody for the Spurs I guess that’s got to be on

That’s got to make the uh that’s got to make the ESPN top 10 Blaze I I look I know we’re getting killed the Thunder are absolutely crushing us but I’m glad to see wemy fighting and case walls gets in the paint gets a Laing we’re down by 29

We’re we’re baring an absolute Miracle we’re going to lose but having cheni cheni gosh Wy and C go at it here in the fourth quarter is fun it’s funny I’m calling Chad a skinny a s but wy’s just a skinny for being honest a little less skinny I think Lem

Is a little thicker a little thicker as Wiggins gets in the paint gets a layup chat chat hold room did I say chat I mess his name up all the time Melle dries in the paint throws it up and tough layup by Devon hey we just got to

80 wait did he cry in head what do you mean he’s gonna cry on Twitter with a headbutt well well crispy I hope he gets the four points for you 10980 we’re down by a million hold drives in the paint again he throws a dunk on Kellen Johnson so hor is fired up

Now the intensity dial is going up for Chen the chmi situation that’s Victor WM versus CH ham chat versus Wy chmi for short on this channel Wy with the bar right now starts to drive on Chet gets him into the paint throws up a very difficult layup and it hit gets tipped

In these guys are going at it that I mean I know it’s a blowout but this this part of the game was fun I wish it was happening at the start of the first quarter better late than never I guess Jaylen Williams with the ball starts to drive gets in the

Paint had a knocked Away by Oney Thunder keep the ball and meic walked [Applause] traveling I think Wy taking junk to chat uh to talking y’ I think they are talking a little Trash to one another I think they are Wy with 22 points chat with 15 Wy with four blocks chat with

Three Brandon with the ball right now out on three-point Lane gets it to mcder he’ll get the ball in the wemy weny versus ched in wy’s pullup jumper why where was this at the start of the game these two taking on one another what was this at the start of the

Game oh well better late than never B for three no starts a drive oh a travel CH just to left his feet came down and then took a shot after that what where’s a travel on that how about that one eight minutes to go and the Spurs

Are getting killed but Wy and chat putting on a show at least I thought that was a travel kokoso I literally just saw the man run jump land and then jump and shoot I was like wait a minute you can’t leave your feet twice brandom for Wow Mal brandom actually hit a rare

Three we need bulbo and Ben Simmons No and Ben Simmons is awful he has totally lost his All-Star form from a few years ago he’s not the same guy chck with the bar right now guarded by Brandon that is a huge mismatch height wise starts to drive gets

Doubled out to wings wings in the paint turn around Jay over mcder good wow these teams are actually going at it even though it’s a blowout they’re going at it Bobo can do that in practice but he can’t do it in game Bobo and Ben Simmons one two punch

Yeah one onew lottery pick here we come punch wey in the paint P his chat and goes for the huge dunk he missed the dunk he actually he missed the dunk and wiggin for three Wy went for a monster dunk and missed it guys are very fired up though Vel is

Going to launch it out to mcder for three douge for three and time out time out I mean we’re getting killed 1890 but man for a blow this fourth quar has been fun right for a blowout oh Carl that move had very bad intentions Wy was looking to posterize Chad hram there he

Was looking for an absolute poster he missed the dunk yeah that had bad intentions all the way we’re finally having an you a blowout but an entertaining blowout as he see the two young guys just taking it at one another Wy bullying chat he learned some he learned some bullying from

Embiid I’ve heard Kyle L might be available he’s really up there man RM I could go for chocolate right now I don’t care about the SW because we have Gio exactly you know what we’re getting blown out but at least it’s this is part of the game has been entertaining DC

Buckets trade VI going up a little every game you know what Leon I feel bad for whimy too because if things progress the way they are this will be the worst San Antonio Spurs team of all time they have a long way to go to get to 21 wins

They’re probably not going to get to it and I feel bad for wemy that he’s going to be associated with the worst Spurs team of all time when he is doing everything he can to get this team a win but the players around him I mean look

At who we have on the cor now champ Penney sucks he’s been awful this year Team friendly contract yes he’s a bench player he’s not a starter but cell has been very good in spurts and has had some huge games for us but he’s been inconsistent mcdermit is a bench player

Brandom terrible absolutely terrible defensive Albatross and wildly consistent offensively just there’s not a line around him wheny accept the challenge in him yes he does ESPN really hyping chat wheny got high or not wait are they only showing chats High you know it’s not like ESPN it’s not like ESPN you know

Why because the the Thunder are a winning team and they’re going to go in the playoffs and the Spurs are losing and don’t draw as much rating so they’re not going to I they’re not going to highlight anything the Spurs and you’re going to see this cyclically with ESPN

YouTube content creators everybody won the Spurs or well maybe not so much Wy but channels like ESPN they’re going to show our team some love when you know there’s hype around them and then when the hype dies like it’s died down right now because the team’s losing they don’t care about our

Team you see you even see it now uh people aren’t following the Spurs the people that the nons Spurs channels the Spurs channels were still following the Spurs but the non Spurs channels are only following Oney they don’t care about the team anymore just

Wy it sucks that’s the way it is it it is what it is you know we’re here because we love the team I’m glad wem’s part of the team but I’m I’m here to root for the team and wem’s been entertaining but I want the team succeed

And right in a team is just not they’re worse than last year and part of that could be we don’t have any vets um yakob is gone Josh Richardson’s Gone John Wall’s available as a free agent I saw a website say maybe this first should go after

Him I’d rather not I’d rather see what we got in Trey Jones and Blake Wesley if we get John Wall is he going to start over them what does that do for us it does give us some vet leadership but is it is it really I mean don’t we not have

Veterans that are with the team on a regular basis Tim Duncan’s supposed to be hanging out with the team David Robinson Tony Parker mon janobi they’re all in Texas I think my camera moved at some point tonight I don’t know when that happened but probably hit my hit my table at some

Point all right Thunderball up by 286 and a half minutes to go and wemy has checked out of the game and probably not coming back in the old brick layer himself Zack Collins is in the game wow they can’t miss from three case Walter the like the Thunder are on fire from

Three RDM it’s expensive to get out to Texas we’ll see cins gets in the paint hey Collins with his first dunk of the night under dunk of Justice you know son scar I’d rather have Penny Mills over John Wall too at this point you I’d rather have a former

Spur with championship experience with this franchise to help coach the young guys than you know John Wall is a great player he’s always injured though he’s missed hasn’t he missed like two out of the last four years a rare Miss three by wiggin but giddy gets the putb and chat versus Wy

Is over for the night but uh it was a lot of fun there in the fourth quarter seeing him go at like really go at it champen with ball for the Spurs get whyel still in there Mel will drive gets the layup why is Devon out there why rck Devon out there put

Somebody else in pop seriously get one of your starter get your starter out of the game Josh giddy goes in there tries to get a dunk and gets blocked Williams right now it’s ball for the Thunder we pass it off to Wallace Wallace is three

Is no good a fight for the board board Falls in hands of get why is Josh giddy still in there why are the Thunder playing a starter Aaron Wiggins for three it’s good wow we are getting smoked now oh my goodness Moses uh we need a

Lot more we need a lot than more just rebounds we need we need some milk Vel dries pink gets live I don’t understand why deon’s in there we’re going to have a timeout and I got to think the Thunder are pulling whatever Stars they have on

The floor which I think it’s just Josh Guinea pops got to be pulling with cell at this point yes Zach I know he’s in in Atlanta yeah a terrible game Jared our last nationally televised game I’m not counting NBA TV and we’re going to go out with the

Blowout the Thunder are killing their three-pointers tonight they are hitting everything from Beyond The Arc I I got to think they’re shooting about 50% I’m going to check the stats right now while we’re in a Timeout but I think the Thunder are shooting 50% they are on fire let’s pull it

Up Oklahoma City is 17 to 38 that’s around 45% so just under 50% the Spurs are shooting 6 of 26 23% wow that is bad by the way champeny has zero points and so has two so two of our starters are combined one of 10 from the

Field for two points how the hell are you going to win a game in the NBA when two of your starters go for two points we’ve been out scored every quarter by the way in this game every quarter every quarter we are 11 thumbs up away from

200 if y’all could get to two help Channel get to 200 I would greatly appreciate you and if you’re a Spurs fan you haven’t done so make sure to subscribe we have an absolutely wonderful Spurs Community dare I say the best Spurs community on YouTube would

Love to have you join it that’s the button there and this is the button here right here all right let’s get back to the chat we can beat the Blazers in DC 715 he still could win Rookie of the Year I know the Thunder are a winning

Team rookie of the year is not based on team performance it’s based on individual performance performance and C ham is not the best player on the Thunder that is SGA I think even Thunder fans would agree to that wy’s clearly the best player on the Spurs already

Never betting on the Spurs again I wouldn’t I would have bet on the Spurs llama vel’s a lot of people thought you know hey Vel All-Star team no no he’s not making an All-Star game not this year Nets couldn’t be yeah Jared what’s happened to the Nets they

Are absolutely falling apart right now do you guys have injuries or just that bad I honestly don’t know yeah Theo chip England’s really turned helped turn I mean I don’t know I can’t give all the credit for him but they are shooting great you got to think he’s part of

That okay so King this is a one-off year I don’t think these jerseys are coming back I can’t imagine they were killing the sales with these these City Edition jerseys so these will be one and done done like Collins exactly Tech litz Nets have been garbage okay hi check Torres good evening to

You Isaac I don’t remember what happened with chip I don’t know if uh his contract expired I don’t think it was anything bad just end up parting ways we still have 446 of this rookie of the year is one we got to stop of the

Stupid team yes James a lot of you are saying chat rookie of the year because thunder have a a record rookie of the year has nothing to do with that mvp does Rookie of the Year does not if the voters have a half a brain they should realize that Chad is

Benefiting greatly from the roster he is on weny is being hampered by the roster he’s on Chad is getting to play with an MVP type player in sgaa wh’s got Julian champeny come on and half the season he didn’t even have a point guard they were run to jemy soan Malachi brandom

Experiment which failed miserably on both ends that Runner is no good by I don’t know who the hell that is for the Thunder that guy we are deep into garbage territories I don’t recognize a lot of the players on the court for the Thunder I recognize all the Spurs

Because I’m a Spurs fan Osman for three good Blake Wesley still in there for whatever reason I guess just to get some practice practice we know about practice not the game practice Thunder ball and that is Aaron Wiggins in the paint gets the layup man they are

Just smash oh I forgot a bucket for the Spurs I put a bucket on the wrong side 12899 buet matters we’re getting killed Devonte grah is in the game where Deonte Graham sighting toss it out the Blake Wesley Wesley is going to drive and turn the ball over a little sloppy

There I don’t like watching like this games like this either P2 pt2 I hate it absolutely hate seeing our guys get Crush like this but but Chet’s team is winning he is the Rookie of the Year Lou William Lou Williams said that he does realize rookie of the year is not a team

Performance right like you guys can we’ve been making fun of Shaq tonight because the joke is apparently he doesn’t like weny sha has said wy’s even Rookie of the Year over chat I think one of the best questions I think Kenny Smith asked if you put Victor wama on the Oklahoma City Thunder

And take CH Hong away are the Thunder better and they all universally agreed yes uh that dude’s uh D white guy for the Thunder Discord I don’t know who that is Pabi p pek p p whatever wesling the paint jumper good and one go Blake oh with Blake Wesley it’s usually

An an none because Blake Wesley cannot shoot free throws what’s up SJ is done for the night his team is up by 30 Mr Savage he’s benefiting from the system I’m glad you didn’t go huge nice channel name Wy and OKC it’s NBA Finals Paka POA POC POA is that his name

POC POA All Right Wesley hit a free throw holy crap hell is frozen over axis it is hurting us a lot but we probably would still be losing maybe not by this much though hot check I don’t think we’re going to make any moves I really don’t as we have a dunk

By case Wallace and one Ron Bergen would score against us kater KO style you are stopping in you are I’m surprised you were still up my friend bill I was actually just thinking that the arena is empty it’s absolutely empty tonight I’m sorry I mean at least you got to see

Wy versus Chad for a while and that was a lot of fun but man this this Spurs team just can’t gr for three just can’t put it together I’m happy Blake is playing fairly well though I’m happy he’s getting a chance wace pull up jumper dang K walls is

Having a good game against us Aaron Wiggins Adriel Aaron Wiggins in the game and yes we did see whimy bully chat that was great Ball’s going to go out of bounds it’s going to stay with the Spurs 14 on the shot clock or Jackie Moon A lot of people fear that way aie

You’re not Alone ESPN hotheads chat elevates players around him wheny doesn’t Elevate or levitate very well really is that what they’re saying if you notice W went at CAD night punk him chat never challenged Wy one time it it looked like Yes W was challenging chat a lot more and Aaron Wiggins would have dunk

In the paint Jared yes and RM I agree Darkness smile friend I’ve come to talk with you again because the SPs are losing so badly and you know we’re losing 53 Ry still doesn’t get many minutes every game cuz he’s on a minutes restriction my clock’s not moving I’m over here

Clowning less than a minute too no do not put the Spurs to Las Vegas and Lee I know you do not believe that Wy sucks if you say the Spurs suck I don’t have much to argue that point but Wy definitely does not suck

Joe we camp I don’t know where he is is he still in the NBA champeny for three hey garbage time champeny coming through hits a shot in garbage time like he always does NBA and ESPN channel posting Victor highlights not chats OKC shooting 70% tonight odfi is that the dude’s name I

Don’t know who the hell that is Weis captains and Austin okay Aussie I I don’t know how I do it champeny for three no good and Thunders are just holding on to the ball and they will that’s the end of the game there is nobody left in the crowd there everybody’s

Gone I think I just heard the Thunder have a second night of a back toback n just did this to us please hit the thumbs up on the way out go the end of game stats because that’s what we do here we almost outscored him in the fourth quarter they

Only outscored us 40 to 38 they outscored Us in every other quarter in the Spurs lose by 26 140 to 114 uh congratulations JY Thunder fans in the chat you guys look really legit this year might be able do some damage in the playoffs that being said Victor W was Rookie of the

Year I’m saying it right now I might be wrong and if uh if C gets it I’ll congratulate him and also make a rage video at the same time for the Thunder hog with 17 points nine rebounds three assists one steal three blocks in 30 minutes of action Jaylen Williams with

13 SGA with 32 and 10 assists and two steals giddy with 12 and Dort had a very quiet night only two off the the bench everybody played for the Thunder it appears Johnson with zero Williams with six pusi with two Burton B I don’t bons was

Out there he had a three Williams with seven Joe with nine Wiggins huge Off the Bench with 22 Mitch with two and Wallace with 13 thunder hit 45% of the threes tonight and finished the night shooting 56% from the field for San anonio Spurs champ Penney was awful he had three

Points his only shot he made was in garbage time Jeremy soam was a tonight two points on one to seven shooting Wy had 24 points 12 rebounds four assists and four blocks I would say he won this matchup his team didn’t win not sure what else do you expect the guy to do

Butel was also solid tonight 21 points five boards and seven assists wesling in his first NBA career start got 28 minutes actually was perfect from the field five of five hit is only three still terrible from the line one of three finished with 12 points four rebounds six assists no steals one block

He did have four turnovers so he did struggle with turnovers tonight he’s also playing a very good team so me the team as a whole had 18 turnovers so the team struggled with turnovers but you know for his first start thought he was okay he’s only going to get better in

Time Zack Collins Off the Bench had 10 he still sucks Mamu with four McDermot with eight Osman with nine Kellin quiet night we need more out of him three of eight from the field seven points he’s been disappearing a lot lately Off the Bench only only 19 minutes as well he’s

Really wonder if he is going to get traded is he falling out of flavor with the Spurs are they cutting his minutes to protect from injuries I’m just saying I don’t know Graham with three and Brandon actually had a solid G Mal one of his more well one of his better games

Of the year Grant he had a minus 28 but he had 11 points on three of five shooting three rebounds two assists two Steals and a block so nice to see him up Play Better Off the Bench that being said we lost by 26 this team does not play defense everyone

Should be on the training BL except wheny yeah um son of Scar it’s rough having only one weapon yep and Carl I thought Luca was going to be good and boy did he not pan out two thumbs up away from 200 so before we go would love

It if he get us to 200 my friends we greatly appreciate it Collins does suck and and DM at soft warriors uh Sohan has been very inconsist another player very inconsistent some games he looks great other games like this just doesn’t get anything done offensively uh good luck

Carlos wish you the best on that interview I’m going to call tonight as it’s midnight where I am so I need to get my butt to bed so thank you all for being here appreciate you until next time on behalf of myself Selena Gru and the sleeping baby coyote what you GNA do

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  1. After this game, I'm convinced Blake should either start or be the regular backup for Tre.
    You do not just put up those numbers the first time you start without getting any minutes afterward.
    Although he's still raw af offensively, he's a defensive demon + shaping up to be a decent passer.
    With a good size and length 6'4, and an almost 6'10 wingspan.

  2. To be straightforward, the Spurs should consider trading for a solid point guard while also drafting someone like Sarr as a second option. Devin can then be our third option. Finding a reliable point guard who can contribute around 15 points per game and excel defensively is crucial. 
    Although Derrick White would be an ideal choice, it's unlikely the Celtics would part with him given his value. As for Sochan, he should be moved to small forward but he needs to work on his game during the summer. Given that he's only in his second year and was thrust into an unfamiliar role for half the season, it's understandable that he might need some time to adjust.But next year if he doesn't improve the spurs need to rise his value and trade him for a solid role-player.

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