@Dallas Mavericks

Why the Mavs Need to Make a Change After Loss to the Suns, Jason Kidd? Mavs Trade?

Why the Mavs Need to Make a Change After Loss to the Suns, Jason Kidd? Mavs Trade?

A change must be made the Dallas Mavericks lose an embarrassing loss to the Phoenix Suns what do they have to do is it the coach is it players is it a trade Nico has his work cut out for him on today’s lockdown Mavs I’m lukic and this is lock on maveri Mavericks NBA

Champions it’s and the Maverick have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you were locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and NBA channel manager of the lock on podcast Network

Where I’ve never believed in the if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here any less than I do right now today thanks for being part of the show Mega lock on maps your first listen today with the best way you can help us grow the show

Is to listen every day leave a five star review like the video if you’re here from the Suns at least like the video you’re going to comment something stupid at least like the video too yeah and comment anything below let us know in the comment section what’s

One thing the maps need to change after this loss of the Suns this episode is brought to you by priz piix the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon MBA and use the code lockedown NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 and joining me

As always on a post game the post game Prodigy what you got for me slightly bias you know it’s serious folks when Nick starts with a statement that serious staring into the CA speaking to your soul speaking right into your soul cubes if you’re watching this loyal listener if you’re watching

This s Marshall I know you’ve listened to the show before you listening a change must be made that would be shocking whoever listen whoever listens on behalf of Jason kid please please send send along a change needs to be made it’s just funny cuz Nick’s like all

Right here we go 3 two 1 a change must be made I’m like whoa this was an embarrass embarassing loss for the Dallas Mavericks yeah this one’s embarrassing there was after the Mavericks have lost several games this season that I have gone off on that I

Have said these are bad losses I looked at them I blame Jason kid for a lot of them I said hey there has to be a change made for some of these because they lost the teams that they were more Talent they were more talented than right this

Is not necessarily one of those losses the big three for the Suns has been amazing since their start to the season they started the season not great since they’ve been together do you know that the three of them together have a 132 offensive rating yeah their offense is

And like 113 defensive rating which is like still really good it’s really good in this league right now and so those three that team is has been very good since they’ve gotten healthy and gotten together they should be very good they’ve got three freaking Allstars and

It was just Luca versus them but the way that this Mavericks team collapsed it doesn’t matter who the opponent is this is not like the Celtics game after the Celtics game the other night there was some fans on you know there were some fans were saying oh this is so

Embarrassing and I was like you know what you just lost to the best team in the league and they at least stuck with him it was like a nine-point loss I didn’t feel like it was that embarrassing they had their opportunity it hurt that they didn’t get it this one complete opposite embarrassing

Completely embarrassing 44o swing in this game and yes you had the lead because you’re shooting an insane percentage from three but this has been my thing I’ll let’s slightly talk eventually this has been my thing with this Mavericks team if they don’t hit threes what the hell else are they doing on offense

Right like what else second quarter 623 left in the quarter they’re up by 16 by the 38 second Mark in the third quarter down by 28 a 44o swing in like a quarter and a half that’s almost unbelievable hey you are you ready uhhuh why why was there a swing that bad 44

Point swing how and why how swing this is this is the first game this season there’s been embarrassing losses we’ve come on here and said oh this might be the worst loss where they look completely they look completely checked out and not focus this was one of the

First times where I felt like they like quit in the middle of the game almost right like they got punched in the mouth by the Suns like we said they’re an incredible offense and you knew that you know after the first quarter that wasn’t going to hold for the rest of the game

The the Mavs weren’t going to shoot 70% from three the Suns weren’t going to shoot 10% from three or whatever it was you know you knew things were going to stabilize but then the sun started pouring it on and the Mavericks just got punched and got taken out of the game

Again by external things by getting mad at the officials getting into a little tussle they’ve never won a game when Grant Williams has got into a tussle I appreciate it you know I I like the dog but it’s like we’ve lost every game because the other team’s like hey you’re

Not going to do that to us and then they punch the Mavs in the mouth and like oh my God now the Mavericks are scared and now it’s just like their backs against the wall and they have no idea what to do and that’s what happened again from

That point forward the game was like over every single person listening to this that has taken their dog to a dog park and knows like there’s the dog that’ll like Yap at your dog outside of the fence soon as like your dog walks by soon as they’re like yapping at them they’re

Like like they’re going at that dog yeah and then all of a sudden you get in the gate and then the dog’s like hunches back and like the tail goes down and it’s nervous and you’re like that’s what I felt like the Mavericks were they were going at them they were hitting their

Threes they were they putting in the effort on defense like I felt like Grant Williams was getting into nkit and he was getting in his head and then getting into KD and like there was the triple technical thing and like the Mavs had this momentum and then all of a sudden

The call started going the other way the thre stopped falling in the second quarter and they fell apart they fell apart man and there they have to make some kind of change because like you said they quit and so it it’s either the coach or the players right it’s one of those too

Those are the those are the ones that participate in the game it’s not a Nico thing it’s not an ownership thing cubin was walking out of the arena and I was and like there’s a couple of booze like here and there as he walked by and you

Know there’s a couple of things and I was like I looked over at I was standing next to Landon Thomas I was like they can’t even scream sell the team at him anymore like they can’t even do that so what does it have to be it’s either the coach

Or it’s the players and here’s my thing on both fronts first of all there was no Kyrie in this game it did hurt them for sure he has stepped in as like a a leader really great influence role and so they basically had like you know

Dwight palman out of the rotation he was out because he got hit in the face apparently Dwight pal too close to the Sun for lack of a better term they they didn’t have any of their leaders basically on the court LCA you know we’ll talk about him for sure and his

His actions during this game but they didn’t have any of their leaders out on the court and so as soon as it started going the wrong way it it went downhill for him and so here’s my thing about both the player the the coach in Jason

Kid and the players who I will use Tim Hardway Jr as the like poster child of it it’s not completely on him but I’ll use him as the poster jop if you’re going to replace Jason kid and there’s a ton of Nick you better come out on this

Show and say fire Jason kid you better come out and say you got to trade Tim Hardway get rid of that bum like okay if you’re gonna say that you absolutely have to replace him with somebody that’s better either the coach or the player Tim Hardway Williams name whatever

Player Derrick Jones Jr name Luca freaking name name whoever they have to be better or else the bottom will fall out like last year yeah okay that that’s where that’s where you are right now so if you’re like just fire the coach and I don’t think if they just fir the coach

Or if they just trade Tim Hardway it automatically gets better there are problems with this team and problems with this roster and they have not fixed some of those and there’s it it it’s a problem that has was gone back to Luca’s rookie year right like go go back like

Go back farther than that where they didn’t tank long enough to get better players look at what the Thunder are doing slightly how good is that Thunder team right now they’re incredible they are like a legit Championship Contender right now like it is insane but no this is

This is like I just want to win man I I just I want this team to win I’m a fan first and foremost I want to watch this team win and this was an organizational failure tonight top to bottom top to bottom an absolute organizational failure

Because uh they just uh the the the roster kid had some comments after the game the roster you could just tell the sun’s out class them top to bottom the Suns out class them uh coaching was pathetic I mean how many times are we gonna hear the same exact thing in the

Press conference that’s what I want to know I agree with you with the coaching thing I’ve said it before people think I’m like a Jason kid Defender and like oh I want Jason kid I want a statue of Jason kid you say one half positive thing about Jason kid and you’re a Jason

Kid Defender I I I’ve I’ve said you know maybe kid deserves some flowers for the fact this team has been so injured and they’re five they were five they’re now four like it’s creeping towards 500 but now at a point it’s like all right how

Many times are we going to hear in the post game presser oh they need to be more locked in they need to be more composed okay are you guys gonna do something about it I mean you’re the coaching staff and if you guys can’t do anything about it then get your get the

Bleep button ready I’m ready are you actually ready we’re because if if the players these professional NBA players man like we’re how it’s like every other game this team just gets completely taken out of the game they just do yes they they get frustrated at the refs they yell at the refs

Um they yell at the refs they they get into it with players they get into it with role players and they get frustrated when their shots not falling that’s what’s really frustrating first first quarter three they’re reigning threes their defense is really good man the in seven 10 from three

Yeah and the defense is really good they’re flying around they’re locked in they’re forcing turnovers they’re forcing tough shots and the Suns to their credit made adjustments and started making threes but then once the MAV stopped making threes and things stopp going the way the defense was

Pathetic I mean it it was horrible rotations were terrible not getting back on defense you know hanging your head after misses uh walking up the court because you’re yelling at the refs that just can’t happen it it feels like a mentally weak team that that’s just

Really the the situation at hand after a game like tonight how do they change it how do they change that defense how do they change the defense that’s seems to only be relying on 100% complete total effort and if they don’t give it then they lose they lose like fully I asked

Jason kid about that we’ll hear what he has to say coming up today’s episode brought to you by grammarly grammarly is something I use every single day maybe every single second of every day because I type things and if you’ve ever read my tweets

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On lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day we appreciate each and every one of you even if you’re a Suns fan we do you’re a Suns fan you got to listen to you got to watch the the Kardashian Pez dispenser every single game I just

You know I respect that what’s the Kardashian Pez disp dispenser that’s the nickname we gave Booker during the during the 2022 playoffs Pez dispenser does he look like a Pez dispenser yeah have you ever seen those pictures of him when he drives and he He Flops in his mouth is wide open I

Got I always get push back for my Deon Booker opinions I but you know but you know what’s worse than being a Pez dispenser getting beat in getting beat by 40 by the Pez dispenser and him going off for 22 in the third quarter they had

No answer on defense and this is a problem we’ve had with the Mavericks defense for I don’t know two years now it’s ever since they went to the Western Conference finals and tricked us they tricked y’all they tricked us into thinking they a good defensive team and

I asked Jason kid about it because I wanted to know how do you go from this full effort team is it just not sustainable so I asked him about it and I think I think he had some really interesting things follow me here on this uh he also talks about some things

That he wants to see changed and I think he pretty much was pointing up to the front office on this one Luka mentioned that when the when you guys defense puts in the right amount of effort for a whole game you’re really hard to beat and that’s been true this season but

Then when you don’t have it you have the 44 point swing that we had tonight how do you either change the defense so it’s not just totally relying on that or get them to put that effort in yeah it’s hard when you’re playing these many minutes with minute restrictions uh

Injuries you know it’s you you’re running these guys hot you’re running Luca hot and you know kai scratches so one of your best players is out and so you have to insert and so things change someone’s um you know preparation changes from coming off the bench to

Starting um and so again again you know we got to be Pros next man up we weren’t good enough tonight give credit to the Suns but it comes down to effort Luc is right it’s really simple if you give the effort good things will happen that doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to

Win but it gives you an opportunity and that’s all you can ask for and we just didn’t do that tonight are you still looking for that defensive leader on that side of the ball yeah he’s somewhere out there on a different team no he’s on our

Team it just you know we we are not con consistent you know we have role players who have to play at a high level that’s just the nature of our roster it is we got you know we got guys who are making minimals that are playing

At a high level we stretched them here in the first half of the season and they’re going to make mistakes and they’re going to miss shots uh but we’re going to keep encouraging them to continue to keep taking those open shots and at some point they’re going to

Bounce back but they they’ played a lot of menes these guys and so um we we just got to understand that and we got to stay together and keep fighting we’ve stretched our roster isn’t he looking straight up at the front office and saying hey look I’m

Playing Derrick Jones Jr a lot of minutes he’s on a minimum I’m playing Dante exam and I should have started him tonight probably uh but he didn’t even he didn’t play that great uh he had some funny quotes about that too but he’s on a minimum I’ve got a rookie Center

Because he couldn’t find another Center you know before and we were playing a we were playing our starting center 9 Minutes a game even in the playoffs two years ago when we were good it he’s he stretched the roster at this point and it sounds like kid is to the point where

He wants he wants a change and kid obviously wants it in the roster the fans want it in kid what’s the what’s the right change to make to me the it can’t be you can’t be fully relying on effort all the time there’s there’s always going to be some level of effort

To the defense but it’s just not sustainable and it we’ve seen it this season and obviously last season yeah this is why I was saying this is an organizational loss there’s no singular fix I do think more like what’s a bigger need a coaching change a roster change

Easily a roster change easily in my opinion trading for a a bigger player who can play defense for you will do a lot of Wonders for this team and somebody who’s hopefully not Uber onedimensional because this roster is just filled to the brim with onedimensional guys and uh even then

They’re inconsistent with the one dimension that they find themselves in It’s like a it’s Roost to remind it’s like this team currently is like Saving Private rind at the beginning of the movie when the guys have like their intestines hanging out of their body but see like that was the

Maver do the players have their intestines fans have their I felt like I had my intestines out at the end of last year the Mavericks had their intestines out and the medic came and stuffed their intestines back in and now we’re starting to heal up the wound but it’s G

To take some time and it sucks as a fan it sucks man I I get it I get it I I want you guys to know because I see some people say this oh we’re not on the Mavericks payroll do you guys know that I don’t think a lot of listeners

Understand that the Mavericks do not pay us I’ve I’ve had people tell me it’s called lock on Mavericks it’s Mavericks in the name you you’re paid by the it’s like no my co-host used to be Isaac Harris he’s gone the the new co-host is not let me tell you something he doesn’t

Get paid by the Mavericks I don’t get paid the thing about the Mavericks and their their roster is I agree with Jason kid that like they’ve stretched it thin got they’ve got salaries on the roster that are not pulling their weight basically you’ve got $12 million in Ran

Holmes is not getting played at all you’ve got 17 million in Tim that he he’s either awesome one game or he’s just like so detrimental the next game I just such a swing either way and that’s a symptom of of the roster you know you’ve got you know your your best start

Your third best player is a rookie Center is a rookie Center who against certain teams like against this Suns team it’s just it’s hard to play him same thing with the Celtics where he didn’t play a lot in that second half because they played smaller and they

Switched a lot and you’ve got to run out and you like close out to Shooters it’s just hard and it’s too hard in the NBA right now you can’t just have two stars and that’s it yeah you look back at some of these teams you go man if only if only had

Another star by next to Luca then then they’d be set right well look at the Lakers are 22 and 23 they have LeBron and AD who both might make the All-Star team this year you look at the Warriors they have Steph and you know and I guess

Clay and you know whoever else I guess they don’t have Stars anymore but like you just look down the down the NBA and it’s like the Hawks have dejonte Murray and Trey young and they’re 18 and 26 like it just it’s not just two stars anymore you’ve got to have complimentary

Players around which is why I talked about OKC they’re tied for number one in the west right now well it’s also more than that the Lakers are kind of similar to the Mavericks they have their two stars but then they they surrounded them with a bunch of one-dimensional players

Where it’s like if you need offense you sub this guy in you need defense you sub this guy in and that’s that’s a tough situation to be in because you know do we need Tim Hardway Jr out there for points and and and shooting and scoring

Yes we do okay well then our our defense is gonna take a really big hit then if we get some other guys out there like Maxi or Derrik Jones jior at this point we give them out there for their defense well we know offensively we’re going to

Struggle a little bit and that’s that’s really the next Direction like for me personally when it comes to the coaching thing I I’ve a fire kid tomorrow for all I care I I don’t I just I don’t feel super tied to him like you said earlier

The the coach needs to be better whoever you bring in next needs to be better um which you never know the grass isn’t always greener in that Milwaukee Bucks Milwaukee Bucks um the Los Angeles Lakers like we’ve seen it before where fans like so done with their coaches the

Hawks how many different times how many coaches have the Hawks cycled through over the last five years Quin Snider he’s like regarded as one of the best coaches in the league and he’s 18 and 26 yeah they’ve fired coaches midseason like four times and they just keep

Cycling through him but uh the first time it worked the first time it worked the Lloyd was it the Lloyd Pierce one then Nate McMillan but Nate McMillan that was anyone who’s followed basketball is like Nate McMillan you guys are committing to that okay but uh it’s like that’s like the Great Value

Doc Rivers yeah but my thing is is like if you get a new uh head coach the roster problems are still going to be there like and and that’s the reality maybe maybe a new coach can change the scheme change the scheme or tweak The Tweak the rotations here and there like

I I think just to go away from the Mavericks a new a new coach Doc Rivers is going to have the same problems Adrian Griffin did where yeah our defense is bad but guess what you still have two not very good perimeter defenders in your starting lineup and

That’s going to make things difficult maybe he can change it I don’t know but uh to me I think roster changes are needed more than coaching changes but again like I don’t care like if you want to fire a kid cool I’m not I’m not going

To sit here and argue and to me I don’t think the change that they can make is going to H is is is able to happen this year they make a change for a coach this year he’s not going to come in and add a scheme or like reinstall a new offense

That changes it midseason so rarely ever happens and they’re not going to make it they don’t have enough assets to trade for a player that completely changes everything that you do during the season so coming up let’s talk about this roster right now and let’s start with

Luca because it does start with Luca what happened with him his attitude he apparently threw out a fan and so we’ll talk about that a little bit talk about all that and get into it coming up today’s episode is brought to you by hungry roote hungry root is the answer

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Veggies hungry root lockon don’t forget to use the link so they know that we sent you locked on shut it down let’s go all right slightly let’s talk about this team we’ve like talked about what happened in this game like 0% so so far it feels like it’s just same story

Though for a lot of these games it just fell apart and it to me like this team is taking on Luca’s it’s taking on Luca’s uh problems and his and taking out some of his weaknesses right he still for as good as Luka is he’s got

The he’s got a couple of weaknesses that we’ve talked about and one of them is is complaining to the refs he got a technical at the end of the you know the the the first half where he’s going to the locker room and they get a technical

So then you’re down you’re down one like zero seconds into the into the third quarter because of the technical free throw that Booker hit by the way the Suns went on an eight a 90 run in a minute 22 to start the third quarter game over right there and kid called a

Timeout for all for everyone that’s like looks at kid and is like call a timeout just stop top a run it was an 80 run in a minute 22 he called the timeout and then they went on some another run and then he called the timeout again it just

Nothing changed yeah but with Luca the attitude towards the refs and some of these things I think the injuries he was holding his ankle he was questionable before this game I think like that wears on him the calls wear on him the Miss threes wear on him and then all of a

Sudden it just goes completely into a mode where it it’s almost like just I can’t drag this team every single night sometimes especially with the roster without Kyrie like they have right now yeah it kind of sucks because the last time we did this like a month

Ago against the Suns we were I came on here said Luca is the best player in the NBA like it’s time he’s reached that point he’s reached that point as an offensive talent that he’s just in such complete and total control and he obviously still is that level of player

But looked at it in this game at times yeah yeah no the suns were the Suns made an adjustment to hard double Luca and force everyone else to beat them and no one else beat them so that’s really what it boiled down to offensively for the

Mavericks but um yeah no I agree i’ I’ve shared the same sentiment it’s a sentiment that’ll get you yelled at but it is true though like the team goes as the best player goes even if the best player doesn’t necessarily want to be a vocal Captain which I don’t even know if

That’s true or not for Luca but it felt like early in his career at least that was the case like they were cool with Dorian being the vocal Captain Stu he’s gotten a lot more vocal sure agree that’s just what it looks like to as an

Outsider but uh yeah the yelling at the officials and not getting back on defense that stuff does trickle down and if and if you think it doesn’t it does if you’ve ever played Sports at any level that’s just true you go as your best player goes always and uh yeah I

Mean can’t blame this game on him at all but as I said earlier it was an organizational game I think everyone involved has a share of the blame Kyrie it’s not his fault God bless him but he’s missed so much time and it’s hurt this team and it’s just true and he’s

Been incredible when he’s been on the floor uh his Pace his activity all of it has been amazing when he plays and I love him to death and I want him to play every game but his absences have hurt the team and that’s just it’s not his

Fault obviously it’s no one’s fault but you know it just and they were they were an underdog at home going into this game yeah without Kyrie they were not expected to win this game no itself doesn’t doesn’t isn’t what’s the problem no they playing against three all three

Allst stars against one right but I will say whenever you know because the LA the last episode we said that that was an embarrassing loss and some people didn’t like that and stuff I will say as a fan when the losses start to pile up they

Get worse and worse and worse over time so like one bad loss in a sea of wins doesn’t really matter much because it gets washed away but three four five bad losses in a two-e span each each new additional loss hurts more and more and more well and the Celtics loss also

Wasn’t a 16-point yeah like lead that turned into a 28 point deficit in a quarter and a half right that’s and that’s where that’s where the frustration comes from that’s where and I think you listening to this feel that same thing is they let it just completely get away and they gave up

They quit yeah that’s why how do you change that cuz it’s not coming from the coach we’ve gone over that several times where he’s not going to be the guy that comes out and goes rah rah screams and even defends players to the refs and screams at them like just just making it

Like Rick Carlow did this all the time where he would just make a demonst he still does this I saw him do it the other day he just makes a demonstrative like scream at the ref he knows that he’s probably wrong about this but it doesn’t matter he’s defending the player

Yeah and kid doesn’t do that at all for whatever reason he doesn’t want to do that anymore no or doesn’t want to do that at all doesn’t want to doesn’t want to even raise his voice very much you never barely ever hear him raise his voice uh and puts his hands in his

Pocket and that’s how he gets the Kevin James meme that’s that’s been going around that is so funny to me uh so they have to make some kind of change and I I don’t think a coaching change will fix this in the middle of a season

If they do it’ have to be in the off season so they can start something new I don’t think that they have the assets to change this I think that they’ll be what they are and to me I talked to a fan about this today where the fan was like

Hey I don’t understand why people are so down on the Mavericks this season if they knew what the Mavericks were going in this is a gap year for the Mavericks figure out what luuka and Kyrie are together which has not gone great because of the injuries but they’ve been

Pretty good together figure out what they are together and then figure out who else you can take with you to a title potential Run next year when you make a big Improvement this off season with the three first round picks and Lively’s a year old you’ve got second year of exom hopefully

Derrick Jones Jr stays around like you’ve got some of these pieces that you feel like can take the step forward with you man well unless unless this team fixes their aord problems it’s none of it’s going to matter I’m telling you right now like genuinely this is a problem

That’s plagued this team for a long time now and it has to get weeded out you’re gonna lose games that’s cool you’re gonna You’re Gonna Lose heartbreaking games and you know what you’re gonna have a game here and there where for whatever reason you know maybe you got

Maybe it’s a back toback and you got in late the night before you’re just tired you didn’t sleep well you’re like the team’s going to have games where they just don’t have it and that is what it is yeah I I mean how many losses of

Their last 10 have we come on here and been like that energy and effort was horrible it’s really bad right and we’ve seen Luca like mature a lot from last year to this year and it’s not just Luka take and take a step forward he’s the

Leader of the team right yeah yeah he is we’ve seen Kyrie take of a leadership role like so they’re they were trending in the right direction and they’re trending in the right direction but they are trending from their guts being out of their body right you said ear I want

To take the last couple minutes and talk about so Tim McMahon tweeted in the middle of the game Luca donic asked security to eject this Suns fan who is sitting two rows behind midcourt press Row the comment the fan made that Drew Don’s wrath was Luca you’re tired get

Your hold on hold on get your on a treadmill and apparently that was the quote that made that made Luca turn around and ask that fan to be ejected Luca gets on the stand in the presser and says to Tim McMahon of course you’d be the first one to say something about

That to put something out about that to be negative about me and him and Tim McMahon went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and I was sitting right there and he you know they’re going back and forth and all the other reporters who were all sitting

There because the fan was literally two rows behind where this section of media sits not where not where I sit but it’s where they were and he’s like literally right there and Luca insists that that’s obviously not the only thing that that that fan said the whole game it’s not

Like they just said that one thing you know get your ass on a treadmill and he just ejected him but he was screaming at him the whole time and he was you know that fan was doing that and that’s why that Luca eventually got fed up with it

Got the the frustration got the best of him and that’s when he asked that fan to get ejected and he says I don’t want fans to get ejected they pay the they pay money to that’s literally what he said they pay money to come see the

Games and I think this is if I’m going to go like armchair psychologist here for a second LCA gets frustrated and he gets flooded and when he gets flooded when his emotions are too much for him that’s when he gets TCH then wants fans to get thrown out and it’s gets to his

Last nerve and runs into three players on defense and then throws a terrible turnover like I I think he just gets overwhelmed by it because it is a lot they’re asking a lot and he’s been so good in his career that to be on that level all the time is impossible and

They haven’t put the support around him to help him to not have to be that all the time especially when you know Kyrie is going to be out and then other players on the team aren’t stepping up because the roster is what it is and it’s an organizational failure and

That’s what slightly said earlier because it’s completely right and that’s why they lost this game and the changes have to be made it has to come and there’s not a great answer as to what it is they’ll continue to play like this they’ll have some good stretches where

We’ll be like yeah this team oh great they’re making threes and do all and then off stretches like this we go man they cannot beat any good teams yeah that’s it that’s that we just want this I just want this team to win Den ABIA get on the

Phone okay now I said that I said that yesterday I was like I don’t know enough about Denny abdia but he is that like in the mold of like an Aaron Gordon move oh I’ve been I’ve been watching some film working on something I’m I’m actually being dead serious that’s my guy now

Okay we’ll talk about trades and all kinds of stuff tomorrow I think I got Dana Larsson on uh so if you want somebody to maybe talk you off the ledge Dana Larson will probably do that tomorrow because she is she is very she’s a positive person so we’ll be back

Tomorrow with her and then slightly now of the Hawks game and the Kings game this weekend and then a magic game on Monday the Mavs keep playing games man I thought we got a week off thanks thanks so much for listening to loog down Ms peace out Boom

The Dallas Mavericks suffered an embarrassing loss where they bottomed out again. How can Jason Kidd, Luka Doncic, or Nico Harrison make a change after a loss like that?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased react to the Dallas Mavericks awful loss to the Phoenix Suns and why Luka Doncic, Jason Kidd, and the Mavs need to make a change.

0:00 Its Time for a Change
10:30 Kidd Wants a Roster Change?
22:11 Luka’s Attitude & Fan Thrown Out?

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  1. Losing is a habit. So when you do it on purpose like they did last year, it carries over. It there lost this game because Lukas ankles were still broke from the Celtics game.

  2. They came out trying to bully the suns and then folded when their shots stopped dropping and their defensive intensity dropped with it.

  3. LMFAO! This is exactly who the Mavs are, especially when either Luka or Ky sits. I've been beating the drum on needing a talent upgrade from the jump! DJJ & Exum, 2 vet-minimums, can't be arguably your 2 best forwards. A 19-year-old rookie can't be your 3rd best player. Mavs are literally tying up $60m+ in salary cap for mediocre play at best (or DNPCDs) from THJ, Green, Grant Williams, Maxi & Holmes.

    Teams who are spending as close to the 2nd apron line as possible are trying to compete for championships… Teams who are consistently among the bottom 5-10 payrolls in the league are just here for the NBA's license to print money… Which category do the Mavs fall into??? So not only are the Mavs FO cheapskates, but also the money they do spend is horribly inefficient LOL! Add having one of the worst coaches in the league, and Luka is in NBA Superstar purgatory.

  4. Let’s be honest. Losing Brunson then desperately trading for Kyrie who doesn’t compliment Luka’s glaring weaknesses set this team back 3 to 5 years.

  5. I think we got tricked after the great early start and forget:
    -We haven’t had a fully healthy team
    -We are actually just a bunch of basic role players, many of which wouldn’t be getting near as many minutes on the upper tier teams
    -Dwight would be our center if it wasn’t for a 19 year old
    -Team is fairly young and not battle hardened, and unfortunately, most of their personalities are all similar when it comes to poise/checking out of games
    -There is no elite on-ball defender which changes the defensive dynamic
    -Luka still isn’t 100% and with the bad whistle, he’s not as impactful despite the stat lines
    -Kidd is ok enough to get to a WCF, but this roster still has holes, some were filled, some are larger

  6. Kidd doesnt coach anymore, he looks like he's checked out. Is he trying to get fired? It's really weird energy. Is this roster good? who knows?! Some quarters they look like one of the best teams in the NBA then the next quarter they look like a bottom 5 lottery team. So is the talent there?

    Well here's the thing, the roster likely wont be changed completely. The only change that can be made NOW is the head coach. Whoever steps in needs to bring energy. Get your guys fired up and hyped. Get a tech defending your guys. Create a better offensive system that isn't just Luka doing everything and hoping guys hit 3s…. This is a mental block. The players feed off the coach.

  7. Watching the recent nuggets – Celtics game , I was struck by one thing… Not a single player on either team… stopped to complain to the refs…. They got up off the floor and ran back. Why? Cause they all wanted to win… Mavs / hawks don't want to win…. As long as the team doesn't discipline the players for screaming at the refs, they will never win.

  8. I'm putting two, TWO?!, comments on here because this deserves a 2nd thought: In Kidds first year, i think the players bought in because he was a new voice. They all tried harder, they were all bought in. A new coach doesn't fix roster issues, but a new message and new motivation might help push this team over the edge and get them bought in again. Plus some of these roster issues … what if its bad coaching decisions on minutes that exacerbates them? Lively barely getting minutes some quarters over Kleber who's getting trashed? Hardy or Lawson not given a chance when the team goes an entire quarter where they cant hit a single bucket? OMAX never gets tried, when they need defense more than anything. Again not saying any of these are the hard solutions, but why does Kidd run away from even trying these things? He continually plugs in the same formula over and over no matter how bad its breaking. Imagine Lawson comes in and hits a couple 3's, then Luka gets some steam from it and starts playing better, then Lively picks up on the energy and rolls harder to the basket. Its crap like that that gets the other team out of their long runs. But Kidd doesnt even try! Holmes came in after the game was punted and had 2 put back dunks. Why wasn't he tried earlier? And i mean more than 1-2 minutes… let the man try to find a groove. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

    There are 2 former bucks coaches available right now. One won a championship. Both would have a new message, they'd bring some fire and energy, and they might get the players to buy-in more. Stop slamming our heads against a brick wall with Kidd and make a move to try something different now before its too late. At this rate we miss the playoffs again… Which, im sure in everyones opinion top to bottom, is completely unacceptable.

  9. Grant should not be in the rotation. Period. If Kidd benches him, they split these two home games. They must be trying to feature him for trade. Kidd said the only tool he has is playing time…..

  10. What I think is that the essence of the problem is in the approach to the game, for example, Luka gets beaten almost every time he gets to the basket, but on the other side opponent are promenading the way to the basket,… Mostly surpassing him! 

  11. Kyire..everyones enamored by him and he’s got you all fooled, still living on the hype of the big shot he hit for Cleveland. Seriously other than that what has he done. For all talk he gets about how good he is you can’t really win with him because he can’t consistently stay on the court, last nights game is a game he shoulda pushed through and played, but of course he sat out, and he’ll probably miss a couple more, it’s just what he does!
    Midway through and he’s already been out close to 20 games.. you can’t win with this sh!t, expecting role players to win games for you it’s insane! Mavs we’re in decent spot last season then Kyire shows up and what happened guys are giving exit interviews after the regular season. Trade him and bring back multiple pieces and some picks it’s Luka’s show anyway they don’t need Kyire’s unavailability!

  12. Teams that started out poor are finding their rhythm (Kings, Clips, Suns) while the Mavs started hot and now literally falling apart. Yes injuries have been a factor but we can't seem to find any consistency and it doesn't seem like this team can find their rhythm and gel as one unit. 😢

  13. I've been an advocate for Jason Kidd, but it feels like he's given up on this team. That cannot happen. He's gone

  14. I love the mavs and well I’m just gonna say it, they can’t win with an attitude like that from luka. He’s so soft man it’s sad, Kidd doesn’t know what a timeout is. Kidd also doesn’t make any adjustments whatsoever it’s terrible. Luka not gonna finish his career as a mav here kyrie trade probably coming in the next year too. Cuban sold his soul and team gtfoh

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