@Toronto Raptors

How long until the Toronto Raptors are competitive again? Quickley RFA worries? | Raptors Mailbag

How long until the Toronto Raptors are competitive again? Quickley RFA worries? | Raptors Mailbag

On your Thursday episode of lock on Raptors we open up the mailbag you the listeners have asked some questions I am going to answer them as best I can we’ve got questions about Emanuel Quickly’s RFA status we’ve got questions about whether it’s better to be an all offense

No defense team or a team with a little balance all that and so much more coming up on today’s show thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of lock on Raptors part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day it is Thursday January the 25th and I’m your host Sean Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms

You can follow my work over on the website that don’t work so good at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us over on the lockon Raptors Discord server the link is in the description come hang out with

Little sickos just like you who love the podcast and want to talk about the Raptors all the live long day pretty good alternative to like answering work emails I would say if you want to come and procrastinate away please come and do so in the lockdown Raptors Discord

Server again free to join Link in the description of course you can find the show for free wh get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend always appreciated when you do that it’s also appreciated when you go to the YouTube channel And subscribe over there

You can also hit the notification Bell and when you do that you’ll get a heads up every single time the show is premiering over on YouTube or maybe I’m going live to react to a big trade whatever it is you’ll be in the know when the show is going live so you never

Miss it right when it’s fresh and hot off the presses or the editing machine or I don’t know what doesn’t come off the presses whatever it comes off of it’s hot and piping and ready for you to gobble up like the little content Piggies I know you all are okay uh

Today’s show is brought to you by our friends over at prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to locked on NBA use the code all lowercase locked in NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 and let’s get rolling here on a

Mailbag edition of the show we were going to do a mailbag show last Wednesday and then a franchise icon got traded last Wednesday and so we did not really get to work in much of a mailbag we got a couple questions in on the Wednesday morning after to the Shams

Report but you know we got a lot of backlog to get through and we are going to make our way through that backlog today reminder to get questions answered on the podcast Discord is the place to be we got a mailbag chat in there I did however because I was feeling charitable

Open it up to the Twitter people as well and I got a few good questions especially from a dear old pal who has been missing from the mailbags of late because he has yet to join the Discord I’m talking to you Freddy we’ll get into all that we got questions about the

Rebuild when will it end we got questions about uh offense versus defense and so much more I want to begin here though a question came in from our pal cause in the Discord asking with the manual quickly in RFA this offseason and the fredb vet departured only six months

Old what is the annual amount a team would have to offer IQ that would make you want to walk away from the table if you’re Messiah jiri is there one a team like the Spurs could in theory be very aggressive similar to how the Rockets

Were when they threw the bag over to the Houston Rockets let’s kind of get in here look I’m not one for restricted free agency fearmongering I guess is my first response to this question uh and I’m not really at all worried about Emanuel quick Le restricted for agency the same

Reasons why it might be damaging for the Toronto Raptors to pay $40 million to AEM manual quickly are the exact same reasons why it would be disadvantageous for a team like the Spurs to pay $40 million or something like that for Emanual quickly and I just don’t think

The RFA boogeyman is all that much of a thing we get maybe one offer sheet every like two or three off seasons and they almost always get matched and I I just don’t see there being a world in which a team comes out of the woodwork when it’s

Very clear the Raptors traded for Emanuel quickly with the intention to keep Emanuel quickly build around Emanuel quickly I don’t think it’ll be worth the squeeze frankly worth doing all of the paperwork that goes into making an offer sheet to a guy like quickley to hopefully lure him also you

Know quickley has agency in this as well yes he’s a restricted free agent but like he doesn’t got to sign an offer sheet and if the Toronto Raptors have traded for him and put a bunch of belief into him spent the whole season or last half of the Season kind of building this

Thing around him Scotty Barnes and RJ Barrett I I can’t imagine quickley is going to be eager to go jump to a terrible team with lots of cap space either like I’m not worried about the Pistons and the Spurs and those types of teams I know the wbe Allure is a thing

But I I just I don’t think the Spurs are going to go to a point where the Raptors will be like no we’re not comfortable keeping this guy we very clearly traded one of our most beloved pieces of all time for um so you know I think it would

Have to be something like $40 million a year some kind of very toxic contract and I’ve said this before I think there’s a very real chance that whatever Emanuel Quickly’s next contract is he delivers something approaching max value on that contract he’s not going to earn a Max contract because RFA supresses

Players markets and makes it so they probably don’t earn what they should on their second deals when they’re in this sort of tier of player where they’re not supermax or rookie Max extension guys but they’re not you know bad players they’re clearly good with let plenty of

Room to grow I think there’s a very real chance that quickly delivers Max production on his next deal so even if you have to go to 35 million year to keep them I think you do that maybe you hold your nose a little bit but I have

No problem with it if that’s what it costs I just don’t think that’s what it’s going to cost I think the RFA boogeyman is this thing that we sort of tell kids about to keep them well behaved but it actually never really comes around to bite you so yeah again

40 million is probably the number but I just don’t think that’s even a realistic thing to entertain for either team because the second apron’s a thing for everybody every team is going to be under the financial stress that the new CBA is bringing into the NBA and they’re

Going to be just as disincentivized to overpay for players as the Toronto Raptors would be so not worried one iota frankly About Emanuel quickley and his his offseason and his restricted free agency what he earns we’ll see obviously it depends how the season closes it’s

Been a bit of a rough go for him on the offensive end at least in the shooting and scoring Department the playmaking has still been incredible um I I I still feel like you’re pretty confident paying him whatever it’s going to take my guess right now is probably like 2 5 mil

Something like that and I think that would be totally fine and again probably turns into a very very Surplus value contract very Team friendly sucks for quickly that he can’t make more money on his next deal because of the market factors but it’s the way she goes I

Suppose we’ll come back on the other side and we are going to continue on with this mailbag episode of the Pod we got lots of good stuff again uh we’re going to go back into the Vault and think of role players who would fit on this Toronto Raptor’s team again offense

Versus defense how long is this rebuild retool reentering thing going to take we’ll examine all of those very very interesting questions sent in by you the lovely listeners coming up as we carry on here on your Thursday episode of the podcast Today’s Show is brought to you

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Easy all right we continue on here with we can car continue carry on continue whatever the word I’m looking for we’ll blend words who cares uh it’s your mailbag show we’re digging into more of your questions thanks to those of you who sent them in again the discord’s the

Place to be to get your questions answered for sure on the podcast and apologies I know there are lots of questions that came in I probably won’t get to all of them today I have a big bunch of them in the rundown here today

But I might not get to all of them but those of you who sent them in you’re the true heroes let’s go to this question from loquacious Drew who asks what season do you anticipate the Raptors to exit this rebuild SL retool first of all I think it is probably important to kind

Of try to Define mind what it is this team’s doing I’ve said it before I said it during the Pascal SE AUM live reaction show I don’t think this is a Reb rebuild in the sort of traditional definition of the word to me what a rebuild means is you strip everything

Down to the studs and you like kind of try to lose games to play the draft lottery game for however long it’s going to take for you to get your dude who you build your whole team around that to me is what a rebuild is I don’t think

That’s what’s happening with the Toronto Raptors and I know lots of folks just like they see games being losses and are like oh time time to tank now tank tank tank I just I don’t think we’re going to see this team intentionally try to lose basketball games this year next year any

Year in the future I don’t think they’re going to try to go and contend for Cooper flag next year because they already have their dude they have Scotty Barnes they have very clearly said we think this guy’s our dude and now is the time to build a team around him and not

Strip it down further to the studs yeah you might see trades of Bruce brown or Gary Trent Jr to kind of reshuffle the decks a little bit get a little bit more in terms of you know future cost certainty or uh you know young players

And picks or whatever it might be but I don’t think we’re going to see them move any of the core elements that make this team work right now and I think with Scotty Barn going into year four 18 months away from what will presumably be a rookie Max extension you don’t have

The luxury of playing the lottery game for 3 four five years you also don’t have to play the lottery game for 3 four five years and so I I don’t think this is a rebuild I think this is again a reentering and I think it’s kind of all

Right we’re back to sort of it’s not square one we’re at like Square two or three and we’re trying to build up to square 10 if that’s makes any sense at all either way I think as far as when I anticipate them to kind of burst out of

This phase and into sort of a competitive window I think it could happen as soon as 2025 26 Scotty barnes’s fifth year I don’t think that’s off the table you’re going to have Emanuel quickly will be 26 then RJ Barrett will be 25 Scotty will be 24

That core will be kind of moving into its prime and you know Scotty Barnes is already pretty bloody awesome you would assume 18 more months of development plus we’ll have him in an even better place for that 25 26 Season I also anticipate that at some point there’s

Going to be some kind of itive trade where they use these extra picks they’ve collected from the Pascal trade from you know a Bruce Brown trade if that happens whatever it might be and parlay that into a player who helps the team now and I I think that’s just kind of the

Mindset they have to have they can’t go spinning their wheels for three four five seasons waiting to get more Lottery luck to help Scotty Barnes like they got their dudes right now Emanuel quickley I think they project as being like a number two or number three on this team

Long term uh you know RJ Barrett they very seemingly have him in the big plans for the future and man oh man is even awesome and warranting that belief I think they kind of have the hard part figured out obviously if you can add another legit high-end core piece no

One’s going to complain about that but I do think it’s far more likely that comes via trade than it comes via the draft just simply because time is not on their side they don’t have a high pick this year even if they finish with the sixth lowest Lottery odds which everyone’s

Like keep the pick keep the pick even if you do everything to keep the pick and try hard as you might to be that number six team you’re not going to be one of the five worst teams that just those teams are awful awful awful bad it’s

Going to be you and The Grizzlies maybe a couple other teams that fall off as the season goes along kind of in the running for that six spot in the draft lottery the Raptors only have a 45% chance of keeping their pick if that happens and so they’re not really going

To be banking on high-end picks this draft of course is not exactly rich with people very that the scouts are very excited about at the top of the draft anyway and so I don’t think you can bang on getting a blue chipper in the door

Who’s going to be ready to go in a year or two in this year’s draft by the time you’re at next year’s draft again Scotty Barnes will be going into year five The Following Season you’re running out of time here to wait for guys that you take

In the draft to turn into legitimate core pieces it’s the timeline’s just a little bit off it’s just the way it is the draft takes usually three four five years to actually bear fruit and winning style players who can pair along with a group that’s trying to win and so

I I think that next move is going to come via trade and that is where the answer to this question comes is it’s hard to answer that right if they go and make a big swing in the off season with these extra picks they have and get

Someone in the door who helps them go and be competitive next season then you could see it be kind of an accelerated thing where they’re fighting for a top six seed as early as next year depending on the type of player they go and land you know they’re going to have cap space

They’re going to have some tools at their disposal to go and try to find somebody maybe a player shap makes loose after a playoff flameout by some team that changes the sort of calculus here and changes the timeline because if we know anything about this Raptor’s front office they’re opportunistic and will

Strike when the iron Tau when the opportunity is there to go and improve the team so I think it’s a hard thing to you know really pin down but I would guess that by the time 2025 26 comes around the quickly Barrett Barnes Trio will be so good and have developed to a

Point in their trajectories and arcs as players to the point where they are just like a very obviously competitive team I think that’s probably the year that you kind of shoot out of this retooling reentering thing but it could happen sooner depending on how they play with

These picks right they have extra picks now and in the future from the SE yakum trade and that could totally change the timeline we just have no way of predicting that but that is kind of where I’m at on this it’s a 25 26 feels like the safe guess but we’ll see it

Could be accelerated as well we got a couple more questions here let’s get to a quick one here this one comes from Matt T asking if you could bring back one role player in Raptor’s history to help the current team who would you pick and I always love questions like this I

Usually have like a stable of kind of answers for you know old role player guys I really like who I’d like to see on the Raptors you know I think for example Patrick Patterson always comes to mind oh like a very versatile defensive four who can slide down and

Play a small ball five can make a little bit of an extra play off the bounce although not really hit his threes at a pretty you know reasonable rate defend the best opposing player on the other team for stretches I think Patrick Patterson goes a long way maybe he

Doesn’t quite have the high-end Talent you’d want on a team like this to kind of elevate things he’s maybe more of a final piece on a really good team that kind of ties lineups together sort of like a tall Bruce Brown honestly in some ways the peak Patrick Patterson was very

Much that kind of player so I don’t know if he’s the exact answer right now of course this team needs a little bit more beef in size he was tall I don’t know if Patrick Patterson necessarily was like a beefy guy who was bringing that kind of

Juice and so maybe he’s not the right answer I think for me it comes down to two guys and another one of them is a guy I always kind of lean on for questions like this Anthony Parker was just like a perfect role player shot really well from three very Stout strong

Wing Defender maybe a little small for what the Raptors need right now he was 66 you know there about 67 um but I think you slide him in at the two or the three next to RJ On the Wings you got Scotty you got IQ you got Perle you’re

Kind of cooking with something there but I think my real answer here is Doug Christie Doug Christie never gets his du as a really good Toronto Raptor I think he still probably comes in around as like a top 20 Raptor of all time uh for a very long time led the franchise in

Steals was hitting threes at a pretty high rate well before that was a thing that we realized was extremely valuable really excellent Wing Defender he might have made an all defense team at one point or another maybe with the Kings uh Doug Christie to me you throw Doug

Christie at the wing on this team as sort of a large two who can defend basically anybody at the one two or three RJ with his rebounding and his beef and bulk playing at the three with Scotty and IQ and yaka purle man that wouldd be pretty sweet Doug Chris’s my

Answer he would be a super fun role player to bring back and toss into this mix we’ll come back on the other side round it out with a couple more questions about uh you know the goals from here to the end of the season IQ versus RJ uh offense versus defense all

That we’ll try to do a little rapid fire to close up the show coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at hungry root trying to eat a little healthier in 2024 hungry root is here to rescue you from short-lived resolutions by making meal

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We sent you all right rounding out the show here on your Thursday just heads up this will be your last episode coming out for this week I am taking a day off tomorrow because I’m moving next week New Studio very exciting times uh but either way

This will be your last show for the week again you can go back and listen to the back catalog from this week as well talked about feelings with Katie on Wednesday we talked about a nasty game against the Grizzlies and the Knicks loss on Tuesday and Monday big views

Along Monday day uh lots of good stuff for you to go and peruse from the previous few days this week if you’re finding yourself stared for content on your Friday uh also you can go to lockdown sports today 247 and get all of your National shows and local shows

Covering the biggest stories on a 247 Loop over on that channel on YouTube as well all right few questions to get to here let’s try to Rattle them off quicker and I will try to keep myself brief and uh Breezy on these answers this one comes from Duncan asking would

You ra would you w the Raptors fully dive into being an offensive juggernaut with no defense or be happy with the offense where it’s at and the defense begin to develop more of an identity uh this is a tough one because typically I do skew towards liking defense I think

Defense is an underappreciated art and the teams that do it really well I tend to quite enjoy watching and it was really one of my favorite things about the Toronto Raptors of say 201920 where the Raptor offense was okay their defense was absolutely devastating and

Made that team to me a whole lot of fun to watch you know I get just as much joy out of watching a team completely shut down an opposing Squad in crunch time and kind of use their defense as a crunch time weapon as I do a team that

You know sizes up a team and scores with ease obviously it’s nice to be able to score with ease and you know the NBA is skewing more towards offense being the driver of positive play I’m still a little sicko for good defense though that said considering where we’ve been

With this team with the offense having been so Mor abund for years I think I’d be all right with a couple years of like Sacramento Kings ball where they play just kind of this free flowing happy gol lucky we’re going to score a million points give up a million points have a

Great time while we’re at work type of thing I’d be fine with that for the next couple Seasons honestly um I don’t know if they have the defensive Personnel on hand to even really have an awesome defense I think they’re are pieces I think quickley is a very nice rotational

Defender with someon ball chops I think you know yaka purle is a perfectly cromulent rim protector not amazing not bad though and I think Scotty Barnes as that sort of backline rim protector is you know he’s got the potential to be one of the better defenders in the NBA

So it’s not like they don’t have any pieces for for good defense here but I do think with the way they play with Darko ball taking hold the way that they when I think they have sort of a set roster where they know who’s playing how they’re playing with one another I do

Think they have a lot of offensive upside side even with just this group I think they have a chance to score pretty well once yaka PR’s back in the mix greasing them Wheels but yeah for now I can live with all right we’re gonna have like a top 10 offense but the defense

Will be bottom five and that’s whatever it’s lots of teams make their way doing that and yeah it doesn’t have super high upside in the playoffs I’m not worried about playoff upside just yet you can go and add yourself a wing defender or a rim protector or whatever it might be

When you’re in a ready time to go and compete for actual stuff in the playoffs for now score some buckets have some fun and uh do some cool passes and hit some threes and I feel like that would be kind of all right for the next year year

And a half something like that good question Duncan let’s go to the next question here this one comes from our pal Freddy Rivas who is a longtime question asker on the podcast from the Confederacy of dunks pod one of my favorite pods to join as a guest he asks

Fans were rightfully excited about IQ but is there a chance that RJ is the better player I guess let me first kind of stop the discourse and I’m not saying Freddy’s doing this because Freddy’s a thoughtful guy but we simply need to stop with the sort of constant comparing

Of guys even within the the same team it just it’s not a fun way to talk about basketball I can’t imagine how is this fun for anybody where you end up because of like a desire to be right or desire to have your personal tastes you know

Fed that you need to sort of Stack guys on a team up and say this guy’s actually better than this guy like who cares man if they’re good they’re good if they fit well together they fit well together if the team’s winning the team’s winning who cares what the actual hierarchy is

I’ve already seen this a little bit kind of per you know percolating with oh R.J is actually better than Scotty and it’s like well one that’s wrong and two like who cares like why is this the thing we have to do two weeks into having a new

Cool thing on the team it’s just it’s very silly to me again I’m not saying Freddy’s doing this I think it’s actually pretty interesting question um but that’s just a different gripe that I’m kind of getting across so with this one with the IQ thing I do think just

The style of player that IQ is is probably more conducive to driving positive play which to me this is just my personal sort of way of viewing it I view a quote unquote better player as being a player who drives positive play more effectively than another player uh

You know obviously that’s maybe more of a basketball ball player versus Hooper argument uh and we don’t got to get into that discourse but that’s kind of how I view things if you’re a player who when you’re on the floor your team wins A bunch of minutes and it’s like a

Consistent thing you can track then I think you’re probably a pretty excellent player you know this is why I continue to think Nico yic is like the best because when he’s on the floor the Nuggets paste teams and when he’s not there’s a very clear lack of Nicole yic

And they no longer paste teams it’s just kind of the way it is um obviously there’s lots of context with all of this and you know every team is different and built and the construction are all over the place and you know kind of inform this conversation quite a bit

But yeah I I am a believer that if you drive positive play that makes you a good player so when it comes to quickly and RJ I do think IQ the sort of spacing movement shooting you know rim rim pressuring you know floater having playmaking point guard is probably more

Of a driver of positive play than the slashing Wing type who kind of has suspect defense obviously if RJ barretts going to be like a 65% true shooting guy there’s a conversation here because he just seemingly can’t miss inside the arc it’s pretty awesome um but I think in

General the type of player IQ is in today’s NBA is probably a more valuable type of player um you know obviously things have not gone great for IQ on the scoring end of things of late it’s been a little bit up and down it’s a little

Bit a little bit of Rocky like a lot of that’s tied to yaka purle like a lot of it’s also tied to sort of getting a climatized to the role that is being a lead guard and you would imagine that that climatization period is a lot harder to

Navigate when the guy who makes your life the easiest on the floor in yaka purle has not been available for most of your time on your new basketball team uh I’m not worried at all I think when yach’s available him and IQ have great chemistry I think Yak opens up a whole

Lot for IQ as far as his movement shooting goes and I think you know it’s just a it’s it’s a growing period right it’s he’s got to build some strength he’s got to get better scoring through contact this is all development stuff that you can work on in the offseason

And things like that I think the style of player IQ in the modern NBA is a little bit more valuable than what RJ does but uh you know I’m open to being wrong on this and if RJ turns out to be a better player than IQ I’m not going to

Complain that’ll be cool as well both guys rock and I think that you know can just be kind of the way we look at it um RJ I think the way he’s played has been a little bit of found money and the the way he’s adapted to the system and

Paired down his his Focus as a player and is just really kind of doing things that he does extremely well and doing them a lot that’s fantastic I do think IQ though is sort of like a all-encompassing impact on winning guy probably has a little more upside Let’s

Uh quickly round out with this question from James Sorenson asking would it be worth for the Raptors to pursue herb Jones as part of any additional moves they make before the deadline his perimeter defense is sorely needed but will negatively impact Grady’s role I think we got to stop just with the herb

Jones fantasies for now I don’t think herb Jones is getting traded in season Mark Stein reported that he’s not going to get traded in season like I think we can put that to rest it was an interesting rumor that flew around there a little bit VR Palm Mo but you know

Rumors fly and I just I don’t think that one ever made a ton of sense as like a trade that will happen right away I think herb Jones is awesome and the Pelicans know that and the Pelicans are good and the Pelicans also don’t have to worry about Trey Murphy getting

Expensive for 18 more months I think the herb Jones thing might be a bridge that gets crossed down the line and if that’s the case 1,000% he’s someone the Raptors should be doggedly pursuing absolutely but I I don’t think the Pelicans are going to move him before the trade

Deadline it doesn’t make any sense they just got under the tax by making the Kyo Lewis move and they are at a fine spot for now offseason maybe things change the summer after that absolutely things change as Trey Murphy gets expensive the second apron continues to make its crush

On the league and you know Financial decisions are going to have to be made you know in general I think the Raptors if they’re going to have cap space they should be taking advantage of spots where teams have to offload players for financial and second apron reasons that’s I think a pretty reasonable

Argument for their move to have cap space being a good move for this summer is you know things are going to shake loose the Wolves for example like I’m not saying they’re going to go trade for Carl Anthony towns but that becomes a possibility if they flame out in the

Playoffs and they need to go cut money and you know you’re probably not going to get max value back for Carl Anthony towns in the offseason after a playoff flame out like that becomes an option potentially again this is no reporting or anything like that just saying names

And like just drawing two two and two together but um yeah I I I think herb Jones 100% would be awesome and if you brought in herb Jones and it impacted Grady’s minutes I don’t think that matters I think that’s fine also there’s room for multiple Wing players to play

Basketball on a basketball team and if you had herb Jones among your top five there’s still plenty of bench minutes for a Grady dick to play and I think that is a is a perfect ly fine way to ease him in have him play 15 20 minutes

Off the bench while also having herb Jones hell having herb Jones guard next to Grady dick in this fantasy world we’ve concocted would be pretty awesome not not many better ways to insulate a maybe porest Wing defender in Grady dick by pairing him next to the least poorest

Of all the wing Defenders arguably in herb Jones um so yeah I I think we’ll see I do think a move like this is something they’ll have their have on their radar and keep tabs on if if a guy like herb Jones becomes available these

Sort of three and D Wing types who don’t really come around all that often as the Raptors well know having just traded one of them away uh after the whole league was like we want that guy because no one has these guys so we’ll see but yeah

Herb Jones that type of player 100% the type of dude the Raptor should be after and if they could make a trade for him before the deadline you a th% do it I think and you deal with the rotational ramifications elsewhere down the line and uh you don’t wor think too much

About it lose any sleep all right we’re going to leave it there thank you so much for tuning in thanks to everyone who sent in questions if I didn’t get to your questions I apologize there’s only so much time in the day we will work through the backlog and continue to get

Through more mailbag questions as we have more off days coming up this felt like a perfect time third of three off days digging into the mail so thank you everyone for sending them in and we appreciate it very very much of course over here at lockon Raptors HQ you can

Uh again find the show for free R get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend we’re on YouTube subscribe there hit the notification bell all Jazz and we will speak to you again on Monday from a brand new studio in my new house very excited to talk to

You from there on Monday uh thanks so much for hanging out we’ll talk to you then and have a lovely weekend bye bye

In Episode 1564, Sean Woodley goes solo to entertain some Toronto Raptors questions from you, the listeners, about Immanuel Quickley, the length of the Raptors’ rebuild/retool, and much more. Off the top, Sean digs into a question about Immanuel Quickley’s pending RFA status and whether there is a number that the Raptors would walk away from should some team come out of the woodwork with a massive offer sheet this summer. The number would have to be very high, one would think, not the mention how unrealistic it is that the someone might come with a godfather offer so rich it would make the Raptors balk. Fear not the RFA boogeyman! Next, Sean discusses when the Raptors might power out of their ongoing retool and into a competitive window, and makes the argument for why 2025-26 feels like the season where things might really start clicking — but could it happen as soon as next season? Plus, which former Raptors role players would fit in well on this team? Could RJ Barrett end up being a better player than IQ? Would it be better for the Raptors to be an all-offense, no defense team, or to have a little more balance? And more!

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