@Utah Jazz

Will Hardy s development in year 2 and Trade Deadline Preview 4 teams

Will Hardy s development in year 2 and Trade Deadline Preview 4 teams

When I did the mid-season report last week did I forget the single most important development of the Utah Jazz this season one listener thinks so so we’ll fix that next on locked on Jazz you are locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of the

Locked on podcast Network your team every day how are you I’m David lock radio voice of the Utah Jazz Jazz NBA Insider and this is locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz on today’s show Dario tweeted to me and I actually saw

It and it wasn’t a bot and it wasn’t somebody who either wanted expose nudity or retweet something from 32 years ago that was tweeted and destroyed this great format but I saw it and he thinks I forgot the single most important thing about development and that’s will hardy

So we’re going to touch on that Ryan Smith and hockey fun we’ll touch on that and then we are about 10 shows away from the trade deadline so for each show the rest of the we’re going to grab three or four teams over the next seven or eight

Shows analyze them and see what the Jazz can do with them so today we’ll look at Atlanta Boston Brooklyn and Charlotte as I mentioned I’m David lock radio voice the Utah Jazz Jazz NBA Insider and this is lock on Jazz it’s your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz giving you Insight

Expertise geeky numbers and hope making it way better to be a jazz fan each and every day thank you very much for making lockd on Jazz your first listen of the day we are free we are available on all podcasting apps we are free and available on YouTube you can join the

Comment section on YouTube if you could take a second and give us a follow on any of those on YouTube hit Bell button so you’re notified and then thumbs ups are always appreciated it’s kind of funny I do that if you’re watching on YouTube where you’re supposed to thumbs

Up I have a fake green screen behind me of the washingt of the N nation’s capital and my thumb does not exist when I do that I can make my thumb It’s Magic boys and girls my thumb disappear um Today’s Show is brought to you in part by priz picks prize picks

The easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to locked on NBA and use the code all lowercase locked on NBA the first deposit match up to $100 so Dario who says he’s been an every day or for eight years tweeted at me said enjoy

The show you probably ran out of time but I thought the development of Will Hardy was worth mentioning as well love the Pod been almost in every day he’s probably right when we did the kind of where we stand at the Midway point we probably forgot the single most

Important important point in any of person in any of jazz development really at this point will hardy is the face of the organization um will hardy is probably the single most important piece of the organization even though players are generally more important than coaches in this circumstance I think Will’s

Development and the fact that the Jazz have a highlevel high developing fa seemingly fabulous head coach is I think as important as any other piece Lowry Market into where the Jazz are as a franchise right now um develop an interesting word for Will Hardy because the number one thing that

Has impressed me the most about will is how ready he was last year at 34 years old he’s very open and talks about just what an incredible process it was how he didn’t have any idea what’s going on how much calmer he is this year all those kind of things but quite

Frankly jumps out to me about Will Hardy and I don’t know exactly when this happened so so I’m making this up a little bit but to me I have this vision of him at 29 years old sitting in the Spurs film room he might have been out

Of the film room by 29 but just about then go with that looking around and realizing wow every other person that ever has had this job ever became an NBA head coach and then I’m going to become an NBA head coach and I think he started preparing

At that moment he talks about the book that started with Jack vaugh teaching him all the Spurs offense and and just every not he’s ever kept from every conversation he’s ever had and certainly by the time he’s in Japan for the Olympics with Steve Kerr and Po and all

Them he knows he’s going to be head coach at some point Lloyd Pierce and the rest of the group so what actually struck me the most in will hardy is just how ready he seemed to be last year at 34 years old and how unfaced by everything that was

Taking place and we just didn’t if they were there I didn’t see those like awkward first year head coach moments they happen usually right I mean Ty Corbin is a was a first day head coach when Alvin Gentry calls the timeout kind of for him um you know we saw them just

The game’s fast it’s hard to be a head coach um some of the most interesting conversations I’ve had is with people who did summer league for the who’ve coached summer league for the first time and they share with me like how you know everything from like diagramming a play

And then not having the right players in the game right you just like it’s really really hard when you go through it for the first time so I if there were those moments I missed them um so I think the first part that’s just like I I get a

Little nervous in will Hardy’s development because he seemed so already yearo this year I do think we’ve seen a versatility and a flexibility um you know what he sat down and talked to us about in Hawaii is probably not what they’re doing at game 40 like he in the offseason and his staff

Kind of thought was was The Logical correct thing to do which when he explained it why seemed totally to make sense with the Personnel didn’t parlay out the way he would probably want it to or the way they would want to it just did it didn’t go as anticipated and he’s

Kind of pivoted a little bit the other thing I would tell you from being on the inside on Will Hardy this year that’s been most impressive to me has been a stick tutiven there were just a lot of things early in the year he was working on

Doing with this team and the team wasn’t doing them like I remember vividly in Memphis coming up to him after practiceing being like okay so I’m watching you practice this again and again and I’m watching game film and like it’s just not happening it’s like

You just I like what do you do basically I was like how long I’m basically asking indirectly like how long do you just keep trying and he’s like oh you just mention it in every practice and you do it in every practice you mention in every huddle and eventually it happens

And and it certainly has um in this particular case part of our transition offense and our transition’s gotten so much better um so I think there’s been both and this is really a fascinating con combination a vers a a flexibility and a versatility in altering what they do and change and try new

Things with the same time having a really solid stick tutiven on the things he knows he believes in it will work if I’m being fully transparent like I literally sat down with him recently and I did off the Record so I don’t want to get details because I am

Been so wildly impressed by two aspects of him one is his calmness and two is his culture he’s really built a culture this year to show love last year was team 49 but this this is what you got to do you’ve got to give people an identity

And a tribe and give them something they’re a part of or else it’s aimless and in a by definition selfish business the team will become very very selfish and then the other thing is I just think in 18 months of doing this job or whatever it’s been now he’s just

Incredibly calm not always in a game but just outside as the face of the organization I think he’s been impeccable so in regards to the word development which is what Dario used because that was what that show was the Midway point I don’t know but I do think that when I

Did where we sat at the 500 at the 5th 40 game Mark I probably should have led with Will Hardy because I think we’ve seen flexibility and a willingness to adapt we’ve seen a stick tutiven on the things he thinks important I think we’ve seen him build a culture which is wildly

Important we’ve seen him bring a group together that was not together at all when the year started not like badly but I think I’ve shared like you just looked at the group and the group just didn’t naturally do this last year for whatever weird reason it naturally did that when

They all got there they all had a chip on their shoulder all day they all came together this year’s group it it took e it took something for them to be a part of to get to know each other better to understand they’re just like if you

Look at Chris Dunn they’re just wasn’t someone for him to hang with if you look at oaji there wasn’t someone for him to hang with this this group doesn’t naturally gel together and he’s brought it together and then the culture and C this so will Hardy’s development

Probably think jazz fan should be most exited about so far this season all right we’re just getting started we will talk about just how awesome what Ryan Smith is doing with hockey and how fun this could be for Salt Lake City and where Utah is going and where this man

Is driving us it is great and we will discuss whether there’s anything in Atlanta Boston Brooklyn or Charlotte that would be at all interesting to the Utah Jazz that’s coming up as we continue here on lock on Jaz Today’s Show is brought to you by intercap lending intercap lending is a

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Ryan Smith Sports entertainment crew made their formal appeal to get the uh hockey into Salt Lake City or the surrounding areas and I mean this is just big time like this is where I really think Ryan Smith is awesome Ryan Smith just believes in Utah at the highest

Level it’s not that other people and I’m not comparing them to the Millers I know that’s like whatever I’m like it’s not other people people don’t believe in Utah but what Ryan Smith believes that is going to change who we are as a state is that we can do all these things I

Think other people loved Utah and other people in our state um understands value but I don’t know that there’s anyone actually believes in it the way he does believes oh we have enough corporate sponsorship for two maybe three professional sports teams um we have enough um business to be able to support this

We have enough people to support this we are you know like the easy answer here is you have the NBA franchise the Jazz are doing fabulously well they out Chris Barney LED sales crew is outkicking their coverage a great deal and you’re like oh well we’re good and the risky

Thing is to say oh no we’re going to turn this place into something great and we’re going to bring people here through through sports and entertainment and change how people view the state and we’re going to do it by bringing in another major franchise which actually could you know make corporate dollars

Harder to get have now if you own both of them but right like it’s still hard he’s done some things in how they’ve done sales with the Jazz that are going to allow them to do this in a way that was not the case specifically when the Miller owned it there’s less sponsors

Bigger deals meaning that there’s other sponsors can get involved by getting involved in hockey but it’s a really it’s a big risk to like decide that we are big enough to be able to handle that corporate ask on a market our size and he’s all in and it just is

Incredible because it feels like in the next 10 years that 10 years from now Salt Lake City in Utah is going to have had another Olympics and maybe have three pro sports franchises two colleges still like two major college like wow and Ryan is just spearheading this it’s pretty

Awesome um I get asked a lot it’s probably the number one question I get is what’s it like to work and it’s been fabulous like the I mean I I was super tight with again I don’t want it contrasting it’s it’s not there’s no need to do that so I can just isolate

The Millers actually isolate the Ashley and Ryan Smith outside of the Millers I’m not is not contrasting it’s been fabulous there’s a quest for greatness that’s clear in the organization right now that makes it super fun to work there there is a community obsessed feeling of trying to make sure

That we’re making the community better which makes it awesome to work there there’s a togetherness in the Jazz community and staff that has been built that’s makes it awesome to work there and I don’t work there every day I can’t imagine how cool it is to be inside the

Building every day I’m kind of jealous don’t misunderstand that I don’t need to go to the office every day um but it really is it’s a wonderful place to be it’s great place to show up to work there’s a super environment it’s great to wear the gear and like represent the

Organization right now um Ryan has got guts Ryan and Ashley I think we gota like we gotta be good better about that like it’s a little I understand Ryan’s the front person it’s a little like if we didn’t learn with Larry and Gale that like Gail was pretty important brains behind the

Operation like let’s make sure we don’t do the same thing here and then in retrospect like oh we forgot about Ashley like so Ryan and Ashley are have guts and are driving this thing in our state in our city and our surrounding areas into places that most

People it’d be easier to sit on the sideline be like yeah we’re good we’re good we we don’t really no no we’re just Salt Lake there’s no there’s none of that we’re not just Utah so it’s really exciting and it’ be it’ll be super fun if we have hockey um be

Super fun if we got baseball too if Steve Starks and that group can get that done that would be terrific it’ be fun if the A’s came like they’ve talked about this week this is just wild to be a part of the growth of this I mean my dad opened

Up business in Utah in 1976 and like I think Western Airlines had just come into the market and you I don’t honestly like I don’t think you can get fish sounds crazy but like there wasn’t like the like there wasn’t just this like like and then Delta buys

Western Some Mo Monster moment in the history of of Salt Lake and then the Olympics come and so on and so forth and like but we’re just such a different place it’s so awesome I mean I remember from a restaurant standpoint day after James speard semi-finalist come out know

What we did this year it used to be like well there someone used to ask like well have TI restaurants no you had one yeah you had one like we had Cafe trying and if you liked it then you had like I think they were Vietnamese you had a

Vietnamese restaurant you could go to you actually didn’t have more than one you just had one was not the most diverse ethnic food scene you’d ever been around it wasn’t the most diverse place you’d ever been like we’re just evolving in such a beautiful Manner and

Adding so much to who we are as a city and people and who comes to our city and I mean that’s what’s driving Ryan I believe is that by opening up more doors to more people and more different types of people and more we increase our business because diversity of thought and belief

Is good and it adds more and the more you do that the more will the best employees in the world will come to Utah because Utah’s amazing and you can’t have Outdoors like that you can’t have summer and winter Recreation Southern Utah’s mind-blowing and if you can open the

Doors to people and get over some of the humps that we have where people aren’t quite entir sure what we are we’re going to have the best and brightest people in the world wanting to come who once they realize what’s going on and then our business is just going

To flourish well he’s using sports and entertainment to get that done it’s pretty great so tip of the hat to Ryan and Ashley uh and what they’re doing all right let’s let’s start we’re going to look at about three or four teams a day is the way I have this planned

Out and we’re going to start alphabetically so we’re going to start with Atlanta and I’m not I’m not big into proposing trades up the other players lives so I see every day but I’m going to take a look at their rosters and try to understand from looking at their roster who’s available

You guys can then decide in the chat in the chat room or via Twitter and then whether we have the salaries to match so that’s the one thing just throughout this conversation and I’ll I’ll bring up the whole time so our numbers are the following John’s at

25 million John and Jordan are basically at 25 million this is just kind of the easiest way to remember this so that that we have like two $25 million pieces now Jordan gets interesting because next year he’s 14 Collins like Colin and low at like 15 16 17 we’re not we’re not trading

Probably either of those but Kelly and taen are a little over 10 and they’re unrestricted free agents and then the iies are all between two and five rookie and second year players okay so those are kind of your pieces right like Jordan and John are in the

20s Colin and Lowry are in the High Teens Kelly and tayor are in the low teens and then the rookies the two unrestricted free agents are Kelly and Taylor um otherwise Lowry SC the year Colin’s got three Jordan’s got three John’s basically got three because he

Got a player option on third year um and then the rookies are under rookie contracts so Atlanta first you know wild piece is Trey young like if you believed in Trey young he has four years and two five he’s in the midst of five year $250

Million deal he’s got four years left on it so you’d have to believe that Trey young is your franchise piece he’s really good offensively and really bad defensively still really questionable whether he gets along with anyone um that story just continues to haunt him around the NBA Circles of whether or not

He gets along uh with teammates all the way back to Oklahoma I don’t know if it’s true or not I’ve never been in a circumstance to know um but that story is always out there and he’s unbelievable offensively and not very good defensively Clint capella the Jazz could trade for I don’t

Know why you have Walker I don’t know why you do it DeAndre Hunter is a player I have looked at a million times he’s super interesting he’s got four years 20 million left I I I honestly have watched him so much this year and I just don’t see it I

I on a personal note like the numbers are really good the value is there maybe if we had him every day I would be able to see it but I I just don’t I watch him and I’m left yearning for more every time I watch him

Um and really the only way the Jazz would do that would be Jordan Clarkson so it’ be just to get off money if they thought Hunter was the right piece at least flat straight up you could piece some other things together um I think everyone on Atlanta’s available so if you have a

Player Trey young Clint capella DeAndre Hunter bdon bogdanovich Deon Murray uku they’re all I think they’re all available Jaylen Johnson actually might be the one player that’ be unveil hard to trade for just because his numers so low and he’s pretty good Deonte Murray is the most talked

About he has five years left on his deal it gets up to 31 it’s a pretty good deal frankly dejonte Murray’s contract might be the most appealing part of trading for him pretty good player wildly inefficient offensively under team control at 25 next year 275 295 and 315 he’s long supposed good defensively

I’m not sure he is as much as he once was is with his knee surgery but it’s pretty interesting frankly largely because of how decent that contract is with the cap going up the jante maray like a a main starter is going to be 30 million and he’s below 30 million so he

He’s he’s an NBA starter if you can get him to be efficient he’s not a great points gain player that’s an interesting piece and then the question is how many picks are you willing to give up for dejonte maray for the Jazz you guys can discuss that amongst yourselves but that

It’s obviously the most talked about and most interesting name there the Jazz would have to piece together you know 18 million that’s not hard for us to do um we could put that if you’re just doing picks you could Kelly and tayor it together and just go get to jeante

Murray if you’re you could Kelly and some other in a young piece and picks and jante maret so that one’s not hard um let’s go to Boston Boston name has been mentioned like with Kelly alen and others I I Boston has two tradable pieces Al Horford at 10 million which I

Just don’t think they’ll ever trade he’s just so valuable Payton Pritchard at 4 million who then goes to six seven fiveyear contract at like 11 million and then they just have contracts Luke cornet’s 2.4 Brett’s 2.1 mahil look’s 2 million Lamar St they would have to piece the other five

Players to get to 10 million and they have to be with they’re up up on the cap so they have to be within 100 the only they really have is a trade exception they have a trade exception for the Grant Williams trade of $6 million and they could slide someone

Into that that doesn’t really work for us we could but if there was someone that we could try slide in under $6 million and get a first or second round pick for and that we’re willing to trade we can do it but for us that’s Taylor Hendricks o Keon George Simone fonio Walker

Kessler omir JK Saven Chris Dunn Bryce sensal the only one I guess there would be Simone for a first round pick but a Boston first- round pick’s not that appealing so I I think there’s very little to do with Boston Brooklyn’s interesting Brooklyn doesn’t control any of their own picks

They control everybody else’s Houston controls their pick so they have no incentive to lose games but they have everyone else’s picks from trades Philadelphia um uh Phoenix’s but their pick are all going to Houston for the James Harden deal um so it’s a little little tricky

For them 2024 and 2026 just go to Houston 2025 is a pick swap 2027 is a pick swap so they they’re they they need they have no incentive to lose so someone like Mel Bridges who would be fabulous who’s $20 million contract for each next three absolutely

Fabulous be probably type of player we should go into our Cadre of picks and go get is a is a difficult piece I just realized I forgot did I I forgot to take a commercial break I got all into this forgot to take a break I like only run

The company I forget to do these things all right we’ll get back to Brooklyn in a second we’ll continue here on lockdown Jazz that was silly wasn’t it uh today’s show is B brought to you in part by priz picks prize picks your daily fantasy sports fun no competing against

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You all right back to Brooklyn um Brooklyn’s got some pieces on their roster that I think are like at some point Jazz have to go into their cache of picks and make moves and they just have to decide who the players are they think that are that special

So Mel Bridges is the obvious one but he’s 27 years old and Brooklyn has no incentive to lose so you’d have to blow their socks off but again they don’t have any incentive to lose the second one would be do you believe in cam Johnson I I don’t know

What I think on that the contract’s great the contract’s 25 23 21 23 again that’s below average for an NBA starting player so if you really believed in cam Johnson the this is a like these contracts with the where contracts are going and the numbers from last year

Like 10 million is a bench player who doesn’t always play 20 is a rotation player 30 is a starter cam Johnson has just kind of plateaued now stunningly in six seasons in the NBA it’s a 39% three-point shooter he’s been higher the last years he got he got lower when he went to

Brooklyn and had took larger role he’s averaging 15 16 points a game five rebounds two assists he’s 68 and he he’s he’s a really nice NBA player and if you like have a vision your Justin zanic and Danny Angel see how he fits in it really well against

Next to Lowry or something like that then like yeah let’s go see what we can do but Again difficult to do with Brooklyn because of the fact that they don’t need picks they don’t have any dead weight salary either like that’s one of the things you’re going to kind of come up

Is dead weight salary um it Spencer Den with’s $20 million free agent he’s just a free agent of the year there’s no reason to go give anything up for him finny Smith is 30 years old and a nice player but that’s the kind of player you add when you’re

About to win trying to win a title we’re not there otherwise unless Lonnie Walker Jr I think’s played really really well and I would look into but he’s again he’s an unrestricted free agent at the end of the year and we’re not any rush to go get that done let’s look at

Charlotte Bobby marks has floated around on ESPN the idea that the Jazz trade for Miles Bridges I who’s I guess he’s an unrestricted free agent at the end of the year he never got his deal done and that we would take back second round picks for that second round pick

From Charlotte’s pretty good acquisition we would send either Kelly tayen I I don’t entirely understand why Charlotte’s doing that I saw that Charlotte now is Kyle Lowry Gordon Hayward $30 million each expiring um it’s not entirely clear like Brandon Miller is really good lamelo ball is I I

Thought was going to explode this year since he’s come back they’ve not gotten better he’s about to max out like what are their pieces Cody Martin sitting on a 788 million contract four years like a they trying to get off money to just clear that and is that Cody Martin

Someone who plays hard and you like he plays hard PJ Washington has been an interesting player that’s kind of been talked and baned about former 12th pick of the draft he kind of similar to cam Johnson actually he’s now in his fifth fifth year he’s kind of plat toed at 12 points

A game 36% three-point shooter just does like a lot of things but nothing wow he’s got three years left at 14 this year 16 15 two years left after this year at 15 and 14 again this would be one where if our scouting staff just has

A player they think is can be a lot better than he is and then they go they just go make the move and they go get him so four teams in and we’ll continue to do three or four teams a night like right but I don’t see this as a

Trade deadline the Jazz are GNA be able to go find that guy some franchise changing piece of who they are the question is whether the Jazz thin the roster out a little bit gain a few pieces from thinning out the roster to be able to open up time clear it up a little

Bit as we head into the second half of the Season that is locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz thanks so much we’ll now send you over to the first ever 247 National Sports channel locked on sports today thank you so much to the

Every dayers and thank you for making lockdown Jazz your first listen of the day

Will Hardy’s development as a head coach might be the most important piece for the Utah Jazz. Ryan and Ashley Smith’s commitment to making Utah big time is awesome and trade deadline preview for the Utah Jazz looking at Atlanta, Boston, Brooklyn and Charlotte

Locked On Jazz Podcast 💻

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  1. Appreciate the effort / sacrifice to consistently put this on at the same time every day…. Very productive/ professional.

  2. I do not want Miles Bridges on my team. I don't care if hes good or not. He should not be in the league and it's an awful look to trade for him.

  3. Mikal Bridges would be great fit. I wouldnt mind Hayward back either. Time to move on. Millers/Lindsey/ were cheap on him and he screw Jazz back. Its different ownership now.

  4. I want Danny Ainge to swing on Trae Young. I think he a is a potential top 15 guy (est conference finals run) and with Lauri would be an amazing pick and roll game.

  5. THT, MIN 25 1st & Lakers 27 1st to ATL for Murray. I think he thrives here at the point with Sexton/Lauri

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