@San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs vs Detroit Pistons Live Play by Play & Reaction

San Antonio Spurs vs Detroit Pistons Live Play by Play & Reaction

Are you ready for the greatest night possibly in NBA history as a San Antonio Spurs the second worst team in the NBA take on the worst team in the NBA the Detroit Pistons if you’re not excited about this then ain’t nothing going to excite you in life what everybody Welcome to TSR

Sports we doing a live reaction live play byplay game clock scoreboard who’s on the court interactive chat whatever you want to call it for Spurs versus the Pistons and uh a lot of people are calling us the toil bowl of the NBA it is the two worst

Teams going against one another but you know what maybe it’ll be fun the Pistons will be out without Kade Cunningham was really hoping to see him play tonight he’s going to be out so the Spurs will have a bit of an advantage there then again this is our Spurs so who the heck

Knows what’s going to happen no matter what happens hopefully we have a good game Ronda good evening to you spur the moment Dallas Daniel Barry Leonardo happy birthday by the way a a high this is a win for the love yes it is kokoso good evening to you and let me

Just say right now if the Spurs manage to lose this you may actually see me cry on stream I I don’t know if I’m be able to handle that that would be rough Ru 3 this is the NBA finals from many many years ago this is not a nationally

Televised game I’m watching this on NBA league pass and same intensity like game seven 2005 the Rival ledge you aren’t kidding you can feel just the you can cut the electricity in the air with thunder lightning Don Reynolds good evening to you ghost first go to all of You baby coyotes excited to see the worst teams in the NBA Victor oneyama is in the chat good evening Victor Gabriel llama this should be a this should be a nationally televised game Tommy thank you for stopping in Brian the less worst team is gonna win well we have the worst Point

Differential in the NBA that being the San Antonio Spurs the the Pistons have the worst record I think might be interesting at least on my uh behalf tonight is Jaylen Duran is a player I really wanted two years ago in the NBA draft and instead the Spurs took Jeremy

Soan we’ve had mixed results with soan not all his fault of of course the point guard experiment really derailed this season this year so I’ll be curious to see what durran does on the court and what he does against Victor wama I mean people might tune into this

Aru 3 to really just see like the two worst teams go at each other and the Pistons are coming off a back toback as well they played last night versus the Kings the Spurs are very well rested so the Spurs should win this game they’ve been very competitive lately against the

Cavs and Bucks almost beat both teams we just you know so close so I think the Spurs win tonight which means they probably won’t because I said that bavis good evening to you very nervous physique good evening Azie so you’re say we always have a chance I mean there’s there’s always a

Chance I feel like they should win but I wouldn’t put any money on it Cameron good evening to you is it your birthday well happy birthday 3 and 34 is actually wait are the Pistons 3 and 34 it’s your boy Rico uh Fair Zach it was a good day

I had a good day work went well I worked out twice today I’m trying to get back and working out twice once on my lunch and then once on my second break I get a half hour and 25s the first 15 I’m usually doing a video for YouTube or

Uploading something just you something for the channel on that first 15 minute break and uh finally got in the music studio and recorded some vocals today I was halfway through the song that one of my friends called and that just kind of took me I couldn’t get back into the

Mood you kind of have to you know to be that angry voice you got to be in the right head space so I’ll hopefully get back in the studio tomorrow which means the song will be done now it’s got to shoot a music video this weekend I’m off

Monday because of MLK so hopefully the song will be up next week if you’re like what song are you talking about well I did a cover of rage against machines Killing In The Name Of it’s Wy in the name of Mr Z good evening to you Jack’s quty

A lot of people are are worried your birthday it’s not my birthday I said happy birthday to somebody in the chat it’s it’s definitely not my birthday my birthday is months away I did I did not hear Tyrese H Burton is injured how long is Tyrese

Hton I did hear Jean Mor apparently is out for the year he just came back and right back out again so that obviously Grizzlies playoff hopes are are now done they’re gonna I don’t think they do very they have a lot of injuries isn’t Stephen Adams out for the year as well

Aquaman so injuries are just decimating that team J Mo thank you for stopping in dropping 50 this game ich Rico I would love to see that that would be that would be incredible it is a throwback game we’re going to cook the Pistons let’s not get Al penisy and and

You know what I mean Mr dog want said if we lose the game this I might go into a hibernation I’ll tell you I would not I don’t know what my reaction would be if the Spurs lost this I think I would be in shock I think I would be just

Disappointed beyond belief and I don’t know what I would say to that Fons will try to win but we should win I agree see even if we’re very bad we’ll be able to come back kings came back down 26 in their last game these Fons have no mental toughness it’s our home

Tonight well we shall see I don’t know who the Piston starting lineup is I don’t even know who our starting lineup is it’s Trey Jones Devon Mel I think it’s gonna be the lineup we’ve been going with Victor wanyama Jeremy soan and then I’m guessing Julian champeny oh didn’t see the fifth person

Is I’m guessing it’s Julian champen it’s been like that for a while 135 to 120 that’s the high scoring game my favorite NFL playoff match up this Sunday J Mo I actually haven’t looked at the schedule yet I have no idea who’s playing when and who I’m

Going to keep an eye on the NFC East uh Rivals of my New York Giants the Philadelphia Eagles I don’t know if I the Cowboys play this weekend Cowboys and Eagles play the Eagles must be playing I just don’t know know who they’re playing I don’t know if the Cowboys are playing K

Uh I did not keep that ending in beas is I try not to swear on this channel too much I try to keep it PG rated and Killing In The Name Of would definitely push that that would be an R-rated song as there’s a multitude of f bombs on

There so when I put the song up next week you guys will see how I I alter the lyrics hopefully next week what what’s going on Roy thank you for stopping and hopefully you’re doing well is Joe Flaco going against his own team this weekend is he going against the Ravens I

Know he played for the Browns now and had a decent run at the end and certainly played much better than I ever thought he would and most people would dang Savon good evening to you Ronda thank you for stopping my favorite player is Mr Robinson number 50 over

There I I got to say I’m a little nervous for this game but you know you can you know you can crunch those nerves how you can smash those nerves by Smashing the thumbs up they’re showing a picture of Wendi and durran right now and I’m excited to

See Victor Wy versus Jaylen durren that is going to be a lot of fun so starting lineup for the Detroit Pistons Detroit basketball do they still do that I remember them doing that back in the day I don’t know if they still do it Rond

Out a by week well there you go good morning Mr mg ship Moon let’s see Killing in Hayes Jaden iy in the starting lineup kind of expected that bonov will be in the starting lineup Duran I don’t know who the fifth player will be Isaiah something is out

For the Pistons shoot drawing blank on his name sorry K Cunningham is out Jaylen dur showing him right now I uh he’s an athletic dude I I wouldn’t mind him being our starting center not gonna lie all right so Isaiah lever is is it lever or livers

Liver is like the food or body part bovic rounds out the starting lineup Z good evening to you y you got it those things Hayes Ivy banovich no not wisman uh liver is in there wisman the one that wisman be coming off the bench probably going to start the game

Any minute now I would think the players are on the court they announced the players so usually it’s a couple minutes after that let’s go Texans you don’t see that often in the the Buccaneers and that’s a money night game right Zack I think Cowboy xfactor told me the Eagles and The Buckaneers

Are playing Monday night which I’m not used to Playoffs being on Monday but with the extended if you will call playoffs I guess they’re playing Saturday Sunday Monday this weekend well Dan I’d like to see Victor get 10 blocks Jones oh I like Jones in the starting lineup it gives us a

Natural point guard Julian champen still being in the lineup I’ve already done a video about that so I don’t need to regur all my feelings on that yersi hello to you they have hard they’ve been very competitive so uh we’ll see wem’s gonna have his hand full Duran’s a strong dude

But wem’s got the height we’ve seen wemi go against bigger centors in the NBA this year and his defensive positioning and his length have really helped him not get as beat up as or get taken advant you know get pushed around or bullet as much as I think people thought

He was going to his rookie season I hope this is a good game I’m a little worried I like a a little nervous players are on the court and away we go super w super Wild Card Weekend there you go super Wild Card Isabelle I understand if you’re not here late

Tonight because you are five hours ahead thank you for stopping in Phil good evening to you yes if we lose tonight don’t even get me started and that the good evening to G Studio thank you for stopping in big bet on first B good luck

Anthony jump ball is on the way the tip off and just a tip I’m rocking my KJ Jersey tonight Spurs win the jump ball yeah Julian’s in Zack that was a great show Yannis versus wemy was that was a fantastic game wemy with the ball right now for

The Spurs drops it off to Trey Jones Jones in the paint flies by the entire Pistons defense and easily gets a layup and the Spurs get the first bucket of the if you put money on Trey Jones then that’s your uh then you won if you didn’t then I guess I guess you

Didn’t Trey Jones almost would have seal bonovich with the ball throws up the jumper over wemy no good wemy with the rebound and wemy will bring it up for San Antonio they are holding on to a two lead W is going to take off at Duren

Drops it off to Trey Jones going back door and that’s an assist for Wy and two buckets right now for Trey Jones M uh I don’t know Adrian maybe wide open three is going to be no good for Jaden Ivy wide open and the Spurs will leave players open from the

Perimeter he could not hit the open three Jones with the ball finds a wide open demel for three and he is going to not hit that shot and W’s gonna try to get the rebound and falls on the floor he’s okay Trey Jones gets run over by

Jaden iy no whistle ivy with the layup if they’re going to let him play tonight I’m on board wheny with ball right now a little jumper off the glass good 6 to2 Nintendo Lego NBA F who’s ready for the greatest NBA game of all time I am I

Am hand over fist good evening B Ryan thank you for stopping in this is the irresistible Force versus the immovable object the Pistons versus the Spurs the Spurs versus the Pistons that jumper is no good by Ivy it is Spurs ball Jones with the ball three-point land takes off

Into the paint crosscourt to devel Bell going to drive himself right back to Julian champeny nine on the shot clock back to deell Deon just going to launch a three nope ivy with the rebound all right I don’t know how nothing was called that we’re finally going to have

Our first whistle of the game a charge a block anything F there was a lot of contact on that play and I kind of shocked that there was nothing you know what they’re going to call a game like that tonight though if they’re going to limit the fouls then so

Be it San Antonio Hotspur good evening to you I’d rather see less of what we’re about to see which is free throws J and I be at the line for two last night against the Kings he had 226 and5 the Pistons are on a back toback so the Spurs should

Have the advantage here of being well rested just saying pop in his 28th season as a Spurs head coach the longest tened active coach in any of the four major sports football basketball baseball and hockey made one to two 6 to3 uh Adrian it’ll be rough if we lose

This I man I can’t imagine how much I’m going to get trolled on the channel Wy into the paint throws it up off the glass and that is good Wy with four points to start the game looking for a foul didn’t get it Jones and Wendy with all the points

For the Spurs right now n and a half minutes to go they are up 8 to three Ivy way out on three-point land drops it off to bonovich bonovich is three switch kill the fish 8 to six I know Nick Sav retired I I was a little surprised too I was a lot

Surprised Tomy we start well finishing that’s another story Wendy with the ugly looking three that only God only backboard did not get any rim and that pullup jumper from hay is good we got a TI game I’d like to see Wy do more work in the paint though him launching threes

I’ve I’ve said it every game i’ like to see a little less of those sewing him with B right now I’m going to start to drive gets into the paint back out to Jones seven on the shot clock Jones going to drive he’s going to lose the ball out of bounds and it’s

Turnover the first champagne going to score six points tonight aie I’ll take it because he’s had quite a few games of zero and two over uh the last six games so six points actually be an improvement P Carol did get fired all good gr BAC I thank you for

Stopping in appreciate you uh well stopping in that pull up jumpers no good by Hayes champen with the rebound hopefully you’re doing better I think you said you had shoulder surgery a while back so hopefully you’re healing up nicely with that soan tries to an

Alley oop to wemy that was a bit off and that’s another turnover for the Spurs wow ivy with B now one-on-one with Wy just going to launch to three Wy playing far off of three is no good ball fall to down Mel and there are some

Plays here that are really uh making me realize these are the two worst teams in the NBA wy’s a little jumper on the paints no good fights for the rebound and and it will be Pistons ball Victor looking for another foul didn’t get it and then taking it all the

Way down the other it’s Jaylen Duren throws it down hard and it it’s pop timeout pisses up 10 eight Phil he should Jamie Duren good evening I know no relation to Jaylen that’s spelled differently as well he did me easy he did I think he’s frustrated he’s not getting the calls

And he’s got to realize whether you get the call or not you got to get your button down the other end I don’t like that three took there either for the moment although in general I don’t like the large amount of Threes we see in the NBA I was telling a

A coworker of mine today that there’s literally games where I’ve watched with you guys and we watch we’re in a commercial break by the way we see a team with a fast break a three-on-one fast break and what do they do somebody stops and Pops a three like you have a

Three-on-one fast break that should be a guaranteed layup or dunk and you’re going for a three and of course you probably miss it I’m the only person I’d be okay with shooting a three on a fast break is Steph Curry everybody else should be taken to the hoop yes he did

Um yeah OC the Spurs are looking uh spursy both teams are making early mistakes and you would expect that it’s early in the game I don’t want I don’t want to you know overreact at this moment oh I did not know that Zach wow well wink is gone so I mean it

Is what it is now sure he does Koso hurricane Megan both teams are horrible I mean I love my San Antonio Spurs are San Antonio Spurs but they’re struggling this year and the Detroit Pistons they’re struggling too both teams combined have less than 10 wins both teams combined actually I think the

Record is what eight and 60 is I don’t actually don’t know how many losses the Pistons have it’s a lot it’s a ton I don’t know the record though let me pull up the record right now Spurs are 5 and3 I do know that what’s Detroit’s record we’re 5 and 30 they are

3 and 34 so 8 and 64 eight wins and 64 losses between these two teams that is that’s special okay 864 we we we can work with that no we can’t uh yes Jacob I did and the how about the Knicks being five and0 so they’ve missed like 30 games this year

Or do you mean five and0 in their last five 8 and 64 that is uh Rolo we’ll see I hope when to get DJ back because I gave away his jersey to the AC repair guy when he’s traded talk I I watched a recent interview from

Him that was posted on Facebook about a three-minute interview and he actually had a lot of nice things to say about the organization about the fans I think the year I think him being traded he had really sour break grapes and acting immature I’m not saying I

Want him back but if the Spurs bring him back obviously I’d root for him wheny with the tough jumper and a heavily contested jumper that was a heavily contested when you’re 7 fo three w at six of the Spurs first 10 points so got that going for

Us bonovich going to start to drive on soan pullup jumper is back rim front rim no good we’s goingon to throw a huge baseball pass down to soan and so’s going to finish the play on The Fast Break under dunk of Justice well that was a nice pass by Wy

Wendy with a couple assists tonight already as well Spurs starting the game six of 10 from the field the Pistons starting four of 10 it is Detroit basketball jayen iy out in three-point land starts to drive gets into the paint throws it up over Wendy shot is no good

Wy with the rebound and Victor will bring it up Wy drives in the paint off Bal shots no good his own fall up is no good and I think he probably should have passed it off to one of his teammates you don’t mind me saying so myself Duren with bar right now

One-onone with Wy spins around throws it up off the glass no good rebound Victor wama bring it up again W’s going to drive in the paint find soan again it’s soan with another dunk and another Wy assist under dunk of Justice all right well let’s just I guess Wy Point Wy

Tonight why not everybody else is playing point guard for our team at some point or another Zach who knows trade rumors are always crazy what they could be 1% true 99% true the DJ talk was by Shams but the Spurs could just be their interest exploratory interest could mean they’re just like if

We can get for a second round pick will take him back which will never happen triple double by Wy WBY just got subbed so he played 5 minutes and 47 seconds oops oh clock is good it is Detroit basketball four-point lead for San Antonio and by donovich with the ball

Right now three on the shot clock he’s going to drive into the paint throws it up off the glass wow nice job with the play clock running out never believe that dude who Shams he’s usually pretty accurate isn’t he so on is the paint throws it high off

The glass good jery off to a good start tonight he’s got six points all the scoring is by sonan Jones and weny Jones with four sonon with six and weny with six I just just know those three guys are scored Duran going to kick it out to Ivy ivy you step out of

Bounds turn him before Detroit he does get tired quick and no we don’t have any per protection now not at all I like Dominic Barlo but he’s not the same type of Defender that that wimy is of course Knox is in the game and I don’t have his number gosh dang

It shot clock play clock I thinking football is that shot clock play clock you know what I meant denell pull-up jumper is good he’s the first Score first person to score of the Spurs not named Jones wmy or soan Spurs have 18 points in the paint tonight what Duren tough Jumper in the

Paint no good gets his own Miss and loses the ball it’s going to roll out of bounds and it’s Detroit basketball yep Detroit basketball Leo good Kate is out apparently uh he’s being reevaluated I don’t know what happen to King hunting ham but his he’s injured and I didn’t really find that

Out until it’s kind of too late I was like well I already made the thumbnail he’s on there he looks happy we’ll keep him there bar has been getting more playing time and he’s look good at times Edgar I mean that’s one thing with injuries next

Man up and that’s your chance to prove to the organization hey don’t send me down back down in the G League or keep me on the bench give me some minutes can contribute to the team dur with the ball nice bounce back to bonovich bonovich in

The paint throws it up off the off the glass and no good this is not getting any kind rims here Kell with the ball wide open for three finally decides to take it and hits it and we’re have a timeout by Detroit our guys are up a nine is Sohan good

Uh depends on the game he might not Adrien but uh I’m sure the team does Leonardo I’m watching an NBA league pass I don’t know where the game is being televised but Bailey Sports Network I think this is the one game coach papa is not going to let let

Lose you don’t want to lose to the worst team in the league we’re the second worst team in the league yes I get that but you don’t you don’t want to feel like Chuck Norris is punch you in the face like this because if you lose to the Pistons

People are going to laugh at you like that oh see I mean there’s a he’s shown us some good I he’s up and down but the whole team has been up and down all year the Spurs really haven’t been the same since really quite Leonard left I set myself up for that one

Anyway playoffs you time playoffs you got to win a game first Han or fist I think the 49ers are obviously team to watch out for in the NFC over in the AFC I don’t know I don’t TR you know I don’t really trust anybody this year

Like I have before I mean the 49ers were winning and then they were losing and then they were winning with all due respect I never trusted Dallas Cowboys in the playoffs anymore the Eagles have been atrocious the last six weeks I don’t trust them in the playoffs I

Thought the Dolphins were going to win the AFC East and then the bills passed them by on the last game of the year Kansas City’s not the same team I I don’t I don’t know that a lot of people are saying 49ers Ravens that would be a rematch

From gosh when was that that was Kaepernick flacko right is that like eight years ago is I’ll be honest I haven’t been too impressed with sohan’s game so far I know he’s young but I expect a little more from him as a ninth overall pick yeah I get

That did oh did he sign 153 million extension the pist or it’s not the Pistons sorry the Lions would be interesting if they can make a nice nice run shown David Robinson former number one overall pick for the San Antonio Spur 1987 winning his first MVP now they’re showing the Spurs drafting done

All right I see what they’re doing I see where they’re going Cowboys playoff rating is like their logo only one star ouch llama uh uh I don’t want to hear so good after this because we’re playing Detroit Joshua thanks for stopping by the way I trust myself more to Wi a magic the

Gathering tournament than Cowboys to not disappoint in the playoffs and gab you’re new to Magic the Gathering correct what think about the man it’s calling for next four games Dan I mean the easiest part of our schedule is coming up that reverse L by Thompson is

No good going to go out of bounds and it’s going to be Spurs ball what do we have the Pistons we have the horn Hornets we have I think the Wizards twice I don’t know about winning four in a row um I’m not on TV Leonardo I’m on YouTube I’m not on

TV de South bar now for the San Antonio Spurs starts drive and Chucks it out to Barlo Bar’s little jumper good and that’s a shot we Sumit him a lot in the summer league and preseason and the Spurs are up by 11 this three is no good and that was shot

By I don’t know who that is uh knock I think shot that shoot Spurs on a 15-2 run in the last four minutes the S tough Jumper in the paint gets it to go 25 to 12 three and a half minutes to go Spurs now in a 17-2 run as

They are smacking around the worst team in the NBA don’t worry if you’re a Pistons fan the third quarter will give it all back and now bar with a big block in the paint Ball’s going to go out of bounds and it’s going to stay Detroit basketball baros dominating I don’t know

If I get carried away here oh OC uh I do think soan approved a lot last year I will give him credit from where he started the first game of the year to his last game of the year he got a lot better I hope we see that

Progression this year now that he’s not playing point guard anymore that Runner is good and Marcus Sasser gets his first basket of the game we have been here before Ana we have Dominator bar though I like that 2514 Spurs up by 11 Kelvin with the bar now going to

Start your drive into the paint kicks it out to Malachi brand who’s been a little rough this year but his pullup jumper good what do I know pistons in two to four quarters plus 39 on the second and fourth quarters really James wisman is going to get

Fouled as he was going up for a dunk and I think he’s going to go to the line for two I like your J Murray video I doubt Spurs will go for him I think the moved on besides him coming up to us probably wouldn’t win for us right now we would get

Better but we’d kind of be where we were when it was with the team I think we would start winning some games here and there and start climbing up the NBA lottery or down the NBA lottery if you get my drift I don’t see him coming here

But if the Spurs could get him on the cheap would you take him back back like the Hornets pick that we have this year which is not going to convey some second round picks throwing like I don’t know Osman or mcder I that’s not going to happen because the

Hawks gave up a lot to get him from us they’re not going to they’re not going to take you know a rate they’re not going to want that little back Barlo drives on the paint misses a life that may have been blocked it is Detroit ball

Down by 12 2 and a half minutes to go gosh I don’t know a lot of these players for Detroit now they have their backups in Burks though Alec Burks I think he played for the Golden State Warriors at one point with the ball right now passes it across court and

Pass it right out of bounds Murray I think is shooting 37% from The Arc this year not horrible mil a good evening showing Cade Cunningham on the bench right now for Detroit he is out I’m not sure how long he’ll be out for Detroit they obviously need him

Brandom’s pull up jumper is no good and the loose rebound will fall into champagne’s hands brandom’s going to fall up with a three and he’ll make it oh my L it’s 30 to 15 Spurs are up by 15 yes I feel like I think he still is

On a minutes butri kokushi when it’s driving me bananas Burks no good at his Spurs ball two minutes or less than two minutes to go excuse me c b right now for San Antonio passes it out to Osman Osman for three that is no good rebound

Will find its way into Mal bram’s hands champeny for three no good and Osman with the offensive Board Detroit can’t rebound apparently ausman drives in the paint layup no good we’re going to have a foul and apparently he’s going to Al for two the sports are out rebounding

The Pistons 16 to7 ver Wy did play he’s on the bench at the moment no 37 point is not bad it’s 37% three-pointer is not great with all du respect it’s much better than Trey Jones our current starting point guard he’s shooting what 24 25% and neon would give us a little size

I know a lot of fans don’t want him back I’m neutral if he was to come back I think an apology for the way he left would be appropriate doesn’t have to you doesn’t have to be a five minute speech Just hey you know I’m sorry I left I was

Disappointed I you know I acted a little mature I’m glad to be back San Anton done just done I don’t see it happening super Gabriel good evening mro investigate thank you for stopping in what if the worst team in the NBA gets really the worst team in the NBA goes to

The G League what is this premier league is it Premier League the one that does that like the the foot foot ball teams he made one of two get demoted Premier three-o okay well hurricane Megan they are playing well the team they’re playing is also playing bad so it’s it’s working both

Ways there wisman what huge stuff the paint former graph pick of the Golden State Warriors was James wisman a number one or number two overall I don’t remember but he was expected to uh contribute you know contribute a lot to the Golden State Warriors and contributed nothing just wasn’t getting

Playing time was injured sucks high expectations now he’s off the bench in Detroit soan pull up jumpers and arrow oh come on Jeremy I was a turnover by Detroit Alec burst gets the ball back for Detroit 14 on the shot clock 3117 this pullup jumper is good that was uh Marcus

Sasser that’s Bo R it seems like people are fairly split on what to bring Dante back Jim I think the Golden State Warriors run is over they’ve gotten older K’s going to drive in the paint the ball going to go out of bounds it’ll be off of Detroit Spurs ball it is I

Mean I’m not a fan of this rotation with no big man out there if I’m guarding Wy and Mar I’m letting Murray shoot Fair Leo that’s a big if he’s been on a severe minutes restriction for a long time and I’m sure he’s tired of it they

Get the ball on the cin it’s going to get immediately knocked back out of bounds SS wall exactly Phil it makes me kind of feel it’s like look I understand you’re protecting but at some point can we have him played more than 25 minutes I think was the

Restriction previously or .1 seconds on the shot clock not the game clock soan with the ball going to drive in the paint off Bal jumper is no good and Detroit can hold for the last shot 31 to 19 the three-pointer is going to be a brick Marcus Sasser airballs that one

The Spurs will take a 12-point lead into quarter number two Spurs looking for their sixth win of the year uh JN lamp is over there on the right brandom Johnson Osman so and champen for anybody that doesn’t know because I know you’re probably looking

At the live chat but if you look at the video screen not at me but to the right of me that’s my left your right and whoever’s on the floor is on the is on the uh there can’t talk apparently Q2 coming up good start for our San Antonio

Spurs let talk to the chat for a little bit just connected and I see when played six minutes and has six points five rebounds and four assists already Yes Marco he played very well if he gets enough minutes tonight he’ll have a triple double he hit Sohan for two dunks

Soan was open underneath the rim he found him and then so was on a just took off on a Miss from Detroit and wheny with like a Bullet Pass Tim Duncan is like pass if you will that found him for the fast break dunk so yeah four assist

He also found Trey Jones going back door I I me if wheny could finish if he multiply those by four if he could finish with 24 points 20 rebounds and 16 assists that would be crazy I don’t expect those numbers to hold especially if this turns into a blowout which I

Hope it doesn’t I want the Spurs to win I don’t want to see Detroit get annihilated tonight this lineup is poop well yeah we get a large enough Fleet I could see Pop yes exactly Phil just saying that Spurs organization lets to be helicopter parents someone gets a

Scratch on their arm and they out for three gam BBY Joseph good evening is champany still scoreless yes he is Handover fist he’s been yeah uh Jesus Christ uh yeah a got too far off yes Dan that that lineup I mean heck put me in there

Selena Gomez is dating a Lakers fan and been going to the games I just hope oh no Sakira Parker thank you for stopping in a triple double in 24 minutes would be nuts he probably the youngest player to have a triple double in that amount of

Minutes ever I mean if imagine had like a triple double at halftime we do have a little winable games Jorge I’m actually to pull the schedule right now and I thank youall for hanging out tonight if you haven’t hit the thumbs up please do so make sure you

Like And subscribe you’re Spurs fan we have an ABS absolutely awesome Spurs Community I’m also Giants fan so please don’t hold that against me sorry any y fan don’t hold that against me either the Spurs coming up Detroit right now Charlotte Friday night very winable Chicago Saturday Atlanta Monday

Charlotte again January 19th the Wizards January 20th yeah we got some mowl games coming up we got some losable games coming up too play the Celtics again and last time we played them it did not go well I missed the Miss shot by Detroit my apologies K’s going to drive and we’re

Going to have a whistle Wy is back in the game g777 they better win this game Darren leer says he’s been looking for this game like who hasn’t been looking forward to this the greatest night the shadow of a doubt in NBA history where all the dust settles and the Smoke

Clears and we’ve lost the we’ve seen the irresistible Force versus the immovable object we will know that this was got a sh window the greatest game ever in the NBA and we’ll never see anything like this again out the line for two makes them both probably yeah SOA oh you got a

Triple double against the Pistons 33 to9 this pull up three is good by corn roter guy Knox I think Knox is 24 he’s got me all right he’s on there Spurs turnover as I was updating my roster knocks with the runner in the paint he’s saying you better recognize me I’m sorry I was Sasser with the

Runner apparently not I don’t know this Detroit team I’m sorry I just don’t watch much Detroit basketball kin is not try about taking shots Off the Bench stats for sure Roman Martinez the game is on I don’t know I’m watching an NBA league pass as far as regular TV

If you’re in Texas it might be on Bailey Sports Network if you’re at of Texas I have no idea Ken look I try to be very optimistic on this channel I really do 30 wins seems really far away we’re five and 30 so that’s what 35 games that gives us 47

Games left we got to win 25 I means we have to play over 500 basketball we’d have to go 25 and 22 to win 30 games I don’t see that happening I would like to see us get at least to 23 wins so that way we’re we can say at least better

Than the last year’s team you’re welcome Roman thinkers was are 16 to 20 from CRE other night and Raptors were one of two one of two that’s like the referees were telling the Raptors that they can Jared Williams good evening my friend hope you’re doing well Phil I I’m

A little worried that we might not get to 20 wins which would make this the worst first team of all time and I’ve said it before on this channel I know people like well who cares it doesn’t matter I’m like well I care and I’m sure

The players care Pop might not care he might be like whatever we’re rebuilding trust the process whatever I I don’t want this team to have that attached to them they already have the worst losing streak of all time by the San Antonio Spurs and they’ve done that two years in

A row last year 16 the second set the record this year they broke it with 18 I really don’t want this to be the worst team of all time baby Coyote’s falling down we don’t want that to happen going well we’re so bad defending pick and roll on middle

Pen you got to defend the penetration Raptor’s game was rigged but Tim if the Spurs win 12 that would 12 and 70 would be wow I’m I fres zero good evening to you Tracy I agree like you know I haven’t put one up in a while put ghostb go Up I can’t put my finger on Malachi’s development either all I write about him when he was drafted was three LEL score three level score yeah you had things to work on not a great defensive player blah blah blah blah and his game hasn’t translated yet to the NBA he’s still

Only 20 or 21 he’s a former first round pick so the Spurs aren’t going to be ready to give up on him he’s definitely not should not be starting at Point like he had man no no no way no how Spurs are up by nine we were by up by what up 15

At one point so the Pistons are slowly cutting into our lead when with the ball right now on three-point land and there’s a whistle that is not a bangy kangaroo that is clearly a baby coyote go spur go need to forget the Twin Towers uh you mean the Eiffel towers as they’re

Calling them AAR and Wy looks like we got most of the stars back in no we don’t Jones with the runner in the paint falls off the rim and it’s going to be Detroit basketball 10 and a half minutes to go flying into the paint Sasser

Misses the layup Wy with the rebound Wy will bring it up for San Antonio thought about the three took it down Kell gonna get into the paint kicks it out to Osman who’s open for three there we go 3624 oh jeez hi to everyone in the chat there

You go Jared I see good evening to you a wolf really trolling baby coyote Burks with the pullup jumper off the rim off the backboard and in 3626 the Spurs are both these teams are near the bottom of the league of turnovers that should not be a shocker

To me Kell going to dry in the paint throws up a very awkward looking layup but it went in 38 to 26 Kelvin having a pretty solid game Off the Bench ched’s been very I would rather see cheddy Osman start than Julian champeny just my two cents they’re the same height chedy

Plays with intensity bck creating his own shot gets to the rim but champen is’s not scoring he’s not really doing much he play a little defense but that three-pointer is no good and it’s going to be Spurs while Trey Jones will bring it up Alo to wemy

And wemy little off Target but he is going to get fouled and looks like he’s going to line for two we don’t send any players to G because we are G leag team a the steady cheddy steady cheddy I like that Mars what’s up W’s at the line for two La hookies GH

First eat the week champen should be Ser string yes dog she evening to you again I think I said hi earlier maybe not uh Megan it h very low scoring for the Pistons so far 3926 Jaylen dur checking back in Jaden iy checking back in

You can betting on cheddy oh boy are we gonna have the cheddy things in the chat now this is Julian champeny his twin brother is in the NBA I don’t remember who he plays for at all when be at the line for one more and it is going to

Bounce around and bounce in Spurs back up by 14 good start for the Spurs well since say Good Start so far a good game for our Spurs bovich with the ball right now for Detroit starts to drive gets into the paint throws it off off the glass layup

Good is he play the Bucks Pistons tickets are $2 no get tickets for this game are $2 women with the ball out on three-point land don’t shoot a three don’t shoot a three okay he’s starting to drive throws off of Detroit Player and now fight for the ball and multiple

People hitting the ground Osman fighting for the ball Ivy fighting for the ball Ball’s going to roll out of bounds it’s going to be Spurs ball with 2 and a half seconds on the shot clock as Jaden Ivy may have taken a shot in the face he took a cheddy to the

Face nice scramble by both players and fighting you know both teams think they obviously both oh yeah he took a shot to the took the people’s hand did jayen Ivy does he F I didn’t follow Jaylen dur back in his college days has he he leaned up a little bit

He may be finding that the lighter body the less mass is easier on him than you know carrying more bulk around and Ivy took a shot to the mouth he’s getting worked on right now might be bleeding from the mouth Spurs gonna have a whole oh actually yeah see he’s got a cut

Lip he just showed MD donov driving wemy making a face I it was just funny I’m sorry I’m being a majer most of the starting lineup back in I see three fifths of it for whatever reason we saw deell on the bench and also Jeremy soan we got mcder and Kellin

In there Kellin getting a lot of minutes off the bench essentially the first six-man now and I think he’s been doing okay he’s been inconsistent like the whole team he’s not afraid to shoot off the bench we’ve seen plenty of games where he’s taken 15 plus shots I think

He took 20 shots Off the Bench one night jannis said wemy don’t need to get bigger wemy will get pulled in 90 seconds Phil don’t say that don’t say that B’s gonna probably launch a quick shot here to get into wemy wy’s mid-range jumper is going to go in and

Out and banovich with the rebound Spurs up by 12 40288 and a half minutes to go in the second quarter no wh does not need to take steroids don’t say that Knox pullup jumper no good mcder with the remound or something you like to call him slug mcdorman

They get wemy Spurs trying to go fast break to wemy the pass is just a little off wemy couldn’t handle it that’s a turnover for the Spurs Ivy drives in the paint and he’s goingon to get fouled Justin John champen sou fall Sky Force in the NBA G

League okay Penny got the full name in there I was not expecting that when you need see more TRS a seriously he got to be trolling this game is a little fugly Joshua it’s by fugly mean fun f for fun U for understanding the game the G and L is a love

The kelin yells the yells from Kellin Ivy at the line for one more he missed the first one can you imagine Wy like just like jacked that would be really scary at that height he was like a freaking comic book character let me with the ball right now one-onone with

Duran starts your drive throws up a very awkward layup and is going to get fouled and go back to the line for two I know I was just being tool yes Jay let’s get this rad one I have you guys notice is it me or as YouTube playing more commercials and longer commercials

So I went to watch a video today I got my first ad for like 15 seconds and the next ad break was 45 seconds I like 45 seconds like I couldn’t skip it I was like I have to watch 40 I’m out of here I I know the ad revenue is not

Going up for me at all so I don’t know what’s happening there first free throws good for w me Robinson was Jack Joshua 71 and he he you could tell he was lit hit in the gym he was definitely not the biggest you know not the biggest biceps in the NBA

But as far as just being cut he’s got to be in the top one of the top physiques of all time especially for his height wheny made them both 4229 how so to so get a game about one my he’s good for one air ball game I think it is Detroit

Ball Duran’s GNA fly into the faint throws a layup good uh Amazon Prime is bringing ads in this month or you can pay $3 a month to not have ads hopefully it’s kind of like peacock where they play like 2 minutes of ads before you your program and then

You never see an ad again 10 shot clock for the Spurs champ penny is going to launch a three no good he can’t hit a freaking shot nice ker 96 all right turn around and Detroit just missed a jumper at Spur ball Wy with the rebound I think he was almost a double

Double already Victor get over to champeny 14 on the shot clock back over to brandham great champen and brandom a team Brand’s pull up jumper on the paint short gets his own Miss gets it to weny wy’s going to throw it down hard under dunk of Justice Remy’s having a really good game

Problem is not getting any minutes Spurs oh and we’re going to have a foul and Kellin knocked bonovich down champen watch still at zero Wy 10 and four how is Julian so good in the summer league and can’t hit crap now exactly Darren he has been awful especially as of late and I’m

Rooting for him I don’t want anybody to think that I’m you know I’m against him I’m rooting against him he’s a Spur I’m rooting for him but he is just he’s gone from suck to blow not in a good way Detroit ball wh checks out as usual

Playing very well pull him out of the game Duren going to throw it up and in and one fouls going to be on Dominic Barlo I think Prime commercial oh Edgar I hope not I have Tu me and having all those commercial breaks I just don’t even watch

Anymore champeny mcder and brandom all in the same time yep uh band stay on my mind he just he just came out of the game h doesn’t get any playing time five and a half minutes in the first five and a half minutes in the second so would he played 11

Minutes Spurs are challenging this we’ll have a timeout Spurs are up 44 to 33 six and a half minutes to go and I guess we’ll chat with the chat whoa sweet Jes I PG rating inuendo PG can be inuendo you did Phil you did say Wy would be out and sure

Enough he is dang it Cowboy xfactor good evening thank you for stopping in yeah I’m G to chat the chat with the chat OC wh’s played 11 minutes having a fantastic game possibly triple double 11 minutes Spurs going play tomorrow you don’t need to rest them 11 minutes 11 great

Uh the r friends this channel is rated RF this CH I definitely not rated R I uh g t tto I definitely was wanting Jaylen durran in the draft in 2022 no doubt I like your channel s because you stay always positive realistic but not turning into a hater

Of the team thank you Rolo I do try to stay positive and realistic but I’ll also call it things I don’t like like I haven’t liked a lot of Pops rotations at times I don’t like Julian champany starting right now he did have two decent he actually had two good games

When he first became a regular starter his last six games he’s not been good so stuff like that I mean you got you also got to call it like you see it D trade Murray trading rumors I for fun did a video on D Murray 12 days ago just like would the Spurs

Bring them back just for the heck of it and now there’s actual rumors that the Spurs May me slightly slightly slightly interested but in the end you know I always close out my videos with or a lot of times I’ll mention you know you may disagree with what I think is good for

The Spurs I may disagree with you but in the end we’re all rooting for the team we want to see him win we want to see him grow and seeing the team lose the way they have this year and losing so often it’s it sucks and it sucks seeing

Them at 5 and3 I wasn’t expecting 500 Ball but I was not expecting I don’t know what five and 30 is percentage wise but it’s not very good yeah I heard qu got an extension zahal good afternoon I watched Sports Medicine he said that that the Mr

Always show bruising but that he play back to and play I surpris he’s not playing 30 minutes caps 210 good evening to you Jason night gaming says Julian was amazing in preseason but Rec scored zero points in two games after 2 he scored his last six games he’s had only one

Good game he’s had three or four of his last six games with zero field goals that that is that struggle real Zack Prime is bringing ads nobody’s happy about it I was shocked when I I shouldn’t be shocked everything’s turning into streaming services that’s one of the big reasons I

Talk about on this channel I don’t want to do sponsorships on this channel because an noise the crap out me when I’m watching something and they’re talking and you hear you know it’s coming that’s turnover the Spurs B donov in the paint layup good you can just tell when when the

YouTube Channel’s talking you can feel like they’re going to segue to a sponsorship and then they do for two or three minutes or more I’m just like ah fast forward fast forward fast forward I don’t want that here I just really don’t dev’s Finally checked back

In he has the ball right now for San Antonio he’s going to force a pull up jumper no good and headband guy with the rebound for the Pistons I have no idea who that is oh it’s a turnover for the Pistons and get the ball to Jaylen durren in the

Paint spins around throws it up in and one again Barrow fouls him again this is a second and one in like the last minute and it’s now a seven-point game Jason I didn’t see that pop on the Chanel to be honest with you unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it watching

The game doing the scoreboard and talking to you guys I can’t catch everything unfortunately I try to but I can’t oh was he foul before the shot he might have been foul before the shot he’s at the line uh or maybe I put a bucket up too quick all right well I

Don’t know what I did it’s 40 4436 oh ads are and the ads are terrible now on YouTube they’re so long and I’m sorry I I would shut the ad Revenue off but I do like Google’s ad Revenue I’m going to be transparent there which is why I don’t do memberships

Sponsorships or patreon I’m fine with taking Google’s money I don’t want to ask you guys for it that makes sense by the way Dom is scored in the paint we are back up by 1046 36 and by we I mean the Spurs not me spurs with 28 points in

The paint the Pistons have 24 a lot of scoring in the paint tonight during turnaround jumpers an airball airball with another pull-up Jumper in and out good evening Greg thank you for stopping in I they are Zach they are and d one another jump sorry lay up in the paint Mark Lancaster good

Evening well thank you John do appreciate that thumbs up looks like this in case you haven’t hit it get the ball to champeny Shan penny with the ball G to get back to Bar Bar a little reverse SL good and one Bar’s got who headband guy here for

The Pistons I have no idea who that is that must be uh must be Harris harrris is not playing much this year yep Harris 31 par all the guys I figured won’t be playing much tonight are are getting in there there Harris with I think the foul

Anyway Dominic bar at the line for one good Barlo now with seven points I don’t know what his career highs in the NBA but I can’t imagine it’s to Too Much bar secet trying to fou so pop Subs in Wy there you go Duran gets the AL dunk from Killian hay

Is we don’t want him to get going it’s it’s only a n-point game c with bar now starts Drive gets to to Deon Deon in the paint layup is blocked late whistle that’s be two free thr with the Spurs best coach in the NBA today I actually did a video on uh Brian

Wright yil kind of gave my thoughts on him Duran has three fouls the best coach in the NBA I mean do I just have to say pop because I’m a Spurs fan that how that goes that makes sense right now pop an I drop in so we’ll we’ll go firsts go out

While I do That de missed first reth throw B I feel like wy’s been on a minutes restriction for over two weeks now best coach is TSR thank you Rico I’m tired of Pop I’m sorry that’s fine look you guys if for those of you that say Hey trust pop no matter what I

Respect your opinion on this channel for those you say it’s time to go respect that too I totally get it Elias it seems like there there’s some talk out there that the spur could be interested in bringing him back I don’t see it happening hay with the

Jumper on the paint no good the Hawks gave up so much for Murray they’re not going to get the same thing return from us soan misses in the paint loose balls going to fall in the hands of bar Bar’s reverse layup is no good hit the bottom

Of the rim I think that was a kind of ugly possession for the Spurs it is Detroit ball down by 10 340 to go he’s going to drive in the paint we pass it out to I don’t know who that is the pullup jumper is good BS there’s so many different Pistons

Playing tonight that I’m getting thrown off I’m I’m sorry B carer 21 against last year thank you H3 he he draft 21 last year did he really I don’t remember that so crossover dur pulls up and he is good 5242 I’m in the middle of that but

That’s where I am that’s actually right where I am I’m kind of in the you know if the Spurs are horrible again next year and then that should probably pops last year Jaden iy drives in the paint gets the layup no defense by the Spurs

As he just Parts the Red Sea the Pistons are 11 and 18 this quarter the Spurs are only only six of 15 we have been getting some points from the line though 10 on shot clock D three-point L pick and roll with Barlo gets it over to cin Ken

Thinks about the three pulls it down dries in the paint little Runner good 54 to 44 Veronica good evening to you spank that spank that like button 5444 Burks with the ball dries the paint throws it up and he’s going to get fouled and two more free throws coming up

Even though we all want to pop out a lot of people call him the so-called goat and he’s he’s one of the greatest of all time 5 and 30 record the season for the Spurs worst through 35 games in team history no spit I mean come

On got some substitutions bar I think B might have three fouls now honestly I’m will to wait until next year obviously it’s not up to me I have no say on what happens but he’s certainly you know we’ve this is the second fully committed year of the rebuild I do question his rotations

Though yes he does need to come back hurricane he’s drinking water right now I I don’t think he’s coming back in the game this quarter or this half so that that kind of thinking I kind of disagree with Mr Z everybody fals from gra at some point everybody

Time always wins Bill b I can’t win in New England anymore my favorite UFC fighters at the end of their career couldn’t win very I mean David Robins my favorite player of all time he was not the same in the last few years coaches I mean the

Game has changed a lot since pop started coaching I just can’t be a blind trust no matter what that’s in anything that’s not just relative to Greg papovich that’s like anything in life Devonte Graham does he have an injury yes uh he has the my butt stuck

To the bench injury because the team don’t want to playing I Believe In Timothy Theodore Duncan there you go I wasn’t happy with the coach of a team on Australian Rules Football and then we went on to win four Prem PR and nearly four in a there you

Go Spurs ball both teams are in the bonus we near the two-minute warning SE in with B now drops it off to Kell Kell is going to start to drive into the paint up off the glass and good Ken’s been having a very good uh very good first half so far for San

Antonio Burks for three no good Trey Jones going to get the rebound Spurs not on the Run Detroit gets back in transition Jones over of a cell cell back to Trey Jones Jones going to drive in the paint pull up off the glasses good 12-point lead for San Antonio we are definitely getting

Another lottery pick very well could be a top three pick M Donovan fakes out Jones Jones Goes P into the crowd and bonovich bonovich hits the three 5849 three out three-point land starts to drive pick and roll up Dominic Barlo into the paint right back out of the paint out to

Kellen Kell going to start the drive he drops it off to Jeremy soan eight on the shot clock for the Spurs soan with a little jump hooking gets absolutely rejected by James wisman but it’s going to be aend okay I would love to see cerr being

The next coach of the Spurs by the way say what you want about Kel he always plays can’t say the same for everyone else oh got fired by donovich drives in the paint hits the layup I don’t totally disagree with that Toby good evening to you 6051 Trey Jones Way on three-point land

10 on the shot clock for the Spurs looking for a pick and roll with Barlo Jones now going to take off in the paint stops throws it up off the glass no good Pistons well I don’t think they’re going to try to two for one no maybe

They will Burks misses the layup in the paint it is spur ball wheny played 11 minutes in the first half 11 seriously I I I don’t know what to say man Jones D in the paint throws it out to soan soan with the three Banks the three okay it went in

Whatever opens three at the end of the quarter or the half and it’s no good from Knox Spurs going to take a 12-point lean in the half yeah so I mean wisman was what a first overall pick or second overall pick and now he’s just he’s on the bench for the Pistons

The worst team in the NBA he is yeah he didn’t win a ring though at Golden State did he not so he is he is an NBA champion is what it is baby coyote is fire we’re gonna get into the halftime stats after I change the quarter to half

But a good first half for the Spurs banging three points are back in well J the teams been playing better in the second half lately so I think they can hold it when still a minutes restriction I thought that was over I thought they were done with the

Minutes restriction that is that really still on have we confirmed that pop change system get our get us our last champion not timy nothing for it’s not working with any of the other guys we have on the team all right let’s pull up the halftime stats because that’s what I

Do all right anyway I don’t know do a little dance Get Down Tonight get down tonight all right for the Detroit Pistons livers with zero banovich with 14 to lead the Pistons Duren with 11 Ivy with six and Hayes with two Off the Bench and yeah they are going with 11 man rotation

Thompson with zero Harris with zero Knox and wisman both with three bur’s taking a of shots two of eight from the field he is having a very inefficient night and six points and nothing else to contribute to his team except for a turnover and a foul Burks no rebounds no

Assists no steals no blocks just a bad shooting night in the foul on the turnover and Sasser with six for San Antonio Spurs champen with donut yeah he’s got four rebounds and an assist but in 13 minutes he’s got zero points zero for two from the field but

You doing up there Jeremy soan has 11 Victor W Miana in only 11 minutes 12 points nine rebounds four assists and they did take his block away Trey Jones with six points and deisel with seven Off the Bench for the Spurs Dominic Barlo with seven points mcdermit with

Zero Osman with four oh things just move because of an ad Brandon with five and Kellan with 11 points and three assists in 16 minutes four five from the field having a good first half SPS out scored Detroit 3119 in the first quarter second

Quarter was all tied up 32 all so a good good first half for our first so far I talked about Julian champeny earlier that he’s been playing a little uh not well as of late and we’re not here to beat up on him I’m not here to do that

Just calling out the facts just calling out the facts his last five games he has scored from most recent to the furthest away 20207 and he’s had three out of his last five games he did not hit a field goal he is on a slump right now offensively

He’s 0 for two tonight I’m rooting for him but he I me if you look at uh his season for the Spurs if you look all the way back to the start of the season did not play did not play s minutes 3 minutes did not play 6 minutes 16

Minutes 3 minutes did not play did not play had four games of a starter we played okay did not play did not play back up back up start game back up and and then his minutes got actually crushed 4 minutes 6 minutes 8 minutes 6 minutes 9 Minutes 13 minutes 2 minutes

10 minutes boom now he’s a starter again what I I don’t know what Pop’s doing with him this year he’s all over the place there’s got to be a better option I think cheddy Osman would be better we are getting close to 100 Thumbs Up by the way just see we definitely have

Enough people in the chat so if you are a TSR subscriber or Spurs fan make sure you hit the thumbs up if you’re a Detroit fan thank you for stopping in I would appreciate thumbs up from you as well we got each other and that’s a lot

For love oh it’s so many balancing thing on their face I don’t like these yeah Josh you just said the guy that bounces crap on his chin again this guy again really oh man this is ridiculous nobody wants to see this I don’t want to see

This do you want to see this here is look at this dumbass show you that dumbass real quick he’s going to balance a ladder on his face this guy here I know you can’t really see him but this is what he does this one I’m stuck watching with during halftime this butt

Munch oh well what are you gonna do what are you gonna do a change thank you for stopping in Wy I need 12 more 12 more points man be by the way if you are a Wy fan because I know wem’s got a fan base of course now as a San Antonio

Spurs fan I do plan on covering the Spurs a lot but I Do cover wemy a lot so and we’re doing a Wy song I’m currently in the process of recording the vocals for Wy in the name up which will be a cover of Rage Against

The Machines Killing In The Name of the music’s all done half the vocals are done I’m hoping to finish the vocals either tomorrow or Friday after work depending on if my voice is fine tomorrow I’ll do it tomorrow after work and hopefully shoot the video this weekend that’s going to be the thing

That takes the longest is actually shooting a darn video I’m not sure what I’m going to do on at all on the video end as S Pen T and soan is he I thought champen was like 67 and soan is 68 are you sure about that

Toby uh my screen just moved that’s not good let’s fix that I said let’s fix that come on ESPN don’t make me mad all right and I’m we’re balance things on my face guy is still out there so whatever Joe good evening to you thank you for the thumbs

Up matis T matis boes no I’ve heard of matis Ty I don’t know who that is K he’s cooking but he’s still on a damn minutes restriction I don’t get it by the way if you’re looking for something to watch during halftime I got a little something

For you I put up a video today with Eli Manning playing the Terminator and it is sports related I I do have a couple video Goofy videos like that but uh be appreciate you checking it out and let me know if you’d like to see Spurs content like that so I’m going

To drop actually the link right here it’s only 30 seconds it’s very quick hopefully that’s the right link and not some kind of weird porn thing I think it’s the right link I volunteer to translate the lyrics of the Wy song in thank you appreciate that there’s not many lyrics thank

Goodness the original song Killing In The Name Of if you haven’t heard it by rage against machine repeats itself a lot a whole lot now the song closes with f you I won’t do what you told me over and over and over again spoiler alert

That will not be in the song on this channel I’m not doing that Mr Z I’d like Steve Kerr is it the wrong link was it Steve K contracts coming up he’s a former San Antonio Spur he’s a former NBA champion as a player a former NBA

Champion as a coach has said good things about San Antonio from what I hear I I would love to have Steve Kirby our next coach the window on the Golden State Warriors is closing rapidly while the Spurs that window is going to start opening in regards to course Championship so Steve Kirby

My my pick now get your boy riko P would have been the most French part of the song Chim some people have said Avery Johnson a lot of people say Tim Duncan I don’t see any place where Tim any way shap or form Tim Duncan

Wants to be the coach of the Spurs mono job’s been mentioned I don’t know if he has any desire to be a head coach Tim did that one year as an assistant coach and he said I’m out so I don’t think Timmy wants to do

It rich wild for that link is that was that a weird video y plusus by quarter 2023 to 24 first quarter plus 56 2 minus 105 3rd – 102 4th – 19 what in the wow Mt caric was here well thank you for being here champagne’s listed at 69 is he

Really I I that’s that true story Zach Rich should be the next head coach no definitely not Kevin is going to be the Spurs next coach that would be hilarious because when they’re in huddle you won’t even be able to find him at all is Steve Carr having problems with his young

Guys I honestly don’t know what’s happening in Golden State I don’t really follow much what’s happening outside of Link when you guys tell me like um John Mor being out for the year I didn’t know that happened until Cowboy xfactor one of our subscribers and loyal viewers

Said hey John Mor’s out for the year I was like what okay all right Jared I don’t like how Draymond Green handle yeah draymond’s got trouble Queen Jedi good evening to you Kirk could bring curry with him to S now Steph Curry getting up there in

Years but he still I’m sure has a few good games left in him and he’s a three-point specialist it’s not like he’s lives off dunking the ball over his opposition he feasts from the three-point line that as long as he can stay healthy I can see him doing that

You to the same you as long as LeBron plays D yeah you got talk on Draymond yeah he’s he’s got 99 thumbs up we need one more thumbs up can we if not for me how about for baby coyote I don’t know I know I’m like a little kid with this thing I’m

Sorry Veronica no no oh I see you’re number 100 all right when going to play eight minutes the second half that’s not funny the Spurs get to jante we won’t have to waste the top pick on a point guard what you think about that rich arnesto that’s

One thing that I think Spurs fans need to be careful with is I see a lot of Spurs fans in the videos N I don’t want the johur we’re going to draft our future point guard in this year’s draft how many point guards don’t pan out scoot Henderson right now is struggling

In Portland point guard is the hardest position to learn in the NBA and it just assume that whoever we draft is going to be the guy for the next decade and you hope it’s going to be whether it’s Nia or Isaiah whoever it is you hope that’s

Going to be the guy but lottery picks and high draft picks don’t always pan out did we not draft the point guard 12 overall a few years ago and he whipped his wingy dangy out and now he’s not with the team you never know what’s going to happen

You can’t just we just can’t sit here and say for sure we’re getting our point guard of the future in the draft and we’re good you don’t know that and I’m not the biggest AJ Murray fan but at least you know what you have in Murray you have a

Guys that’s can score you 18 to 20 points a game get you maybe eight assists going to grab seven or eight boards play solid defense I know it’s a tough spot I don’t think he’s coming here but you know what you have with one player and I know he

Said stuff about the Spurs we don’t like I get it and you have the unknown factor of the lottery so many players get drafted and have high expectations and never meet them and that could happen to us we’ve been very lucky we’ve had a lot of busts

We definitely have had a ton of busts but we got very lucky we’re drafting Timmy and then Tony and Manu let’s not not forget Tony and Manu were late picks they were not expected to be the players they were I’ve SE I’ve seen Rob Dilly’s name

A little bit think about we already have a cell Jeremy Wy picks Etc you’re talking about like we have enough Nico Topic’s name I see all the time please don’t let anything distract you from the fact that Eagles lost the Cardinals and Giants Queen Jedi they’ve lost five of their last

Six they’re a mess right now and in the last game against the Giants a few of their players got injured I don’t know if they’re severe injuries the Eagles are cooked I think they’re going to get knocked out this weekend I can’t I mean they could get lucky but I think they’re

Done they are they don’t look anything like the Super Bowl team from last year yes we did Mr Scott TR uh was Parker 29th pick I don’t remember where he drafted Eagles are a joke I mean so far we drafted Murray and white I Mr I say that’s fair I think he

Definitely helped develop Murray since we’re tanking all the time let Brett Brown be the coach game’s about to come back in 1 minute and 15 seconds I appreciate those of you that watched the New York Giants video if you did and hit the thumbs on it greatly appreciate because that video

Did not have many thumbs up on it so certainly can use the help there and just curious you know everything on this channel will be sports related but you guys know I like to be very creative and doing little shorts like that or funny things with the Yankees or the Spurs

Might be something I like to do in the future there’s obviously the music side of the channel but that is also sports related only so everything will always say sports related but I might venture out into different areas of entertainment if you will while doing the sports stuff because I just I like

To get the creative juices rolling once in a while he didn’t develop spit okay well fair enough I how would you feel about they think the Hawks are going to want first round picks back for Murray they are there’s there’s no way they would trade him back to us and not expect at

Least one first round pick and I’m fine with trading the plethora of second round picks we have we have a million second round picks trade them away you want to trade that Lottery protected Charlotte pick from this year go ahead because the Hornets are a lottery team

You want to give the the uh Hawks the pick swap back you know just fine take that away but I just don’t see it working out M we had a lot of guys uh Queen Jedi we had a lot of guys that were drafted 29th that

Panda well K with a 29th overall pick see some hands up in the chat that is funny all right players are on the Cor let’s get in on the second I put quarter one up rich what are you doing it’s quarter three that is so wrong all right back to the game Pistons

Will start off with the ball down by 12 I’m going to sneeze any second now hay with the pullup jumper no good Wy with the rebound and I think he took a shot to the eye he’s kind of hole in his face I think that’s also wy’s is that his

10th rebound and he’s right vel’s going to try to toss it in Wy Wy with the reverse jam and one not a good pass by De when he gets the ball and then is able to throw down a little reverse Jam his height just lets him do such great things do of

Justice they make their best picks at 29 it seems like we made some great picks at 29 Joshua W 14 points 10 rebounds and four assists and this is all in 11 and a half minutes missed the free throw though but s a lot of folks are saying they like Trey

Young I see his name come up a lot and the Hawks might just blow it all up who the heck knows in which case those first round picks we have in 25 and 27 are really going to convey into something good that’s turnover for the Pistons down by

14 Spurs ball wey gets it to devel butell in the paint and he’s going to get a dunk the dunk of justice that should be another assist for wemy that pull up three is no good by jayen iy rebound for the Pistons by donovich with the F three good it is Spurs ball

6754 so thinks about a three pulls it down drops it off to Trey Jones Jones back out to Victor and now get to soan in the paint soan turnaround jumper is a airball gets his own Miss and puts it in and the San Antonio Spurs have just 69 Detroit fiston 69 oh yeah

69 sorry get getting a little too into that and we’re gonna have a kickball on soan oh and a foul a reverse Thunder dunk of justice video I mean could I just play the Thunder dunk of justice video backwards would that count fer says I don’t think W is going to get

Enough minutes for a triple double Rich we need to skip the third quarter facts Jing chong good evening Jing did you see that there are rumors going around that the Spurs might bring your favorite number five back how excited are you Detroit basketball banovich they go around the world and

The corner three is no good by jayen Ivy it is Spurs ball Wy will bring it up for San An anonio get to champag oh my God Julian champen scored with a layup Julian champeny has scored stop the presses James Sanchez good evening to

You for my for real my ears woke up what happened how uh who’s 54 but say I don’t know anybody that’s 54 N 9 first coaching staff oh 69 I see what you did there got it four away from a trip dub Wy is doing everything

Tonight let me look at the stats right now wy’s got 11 points I’m sorry 14 Points 11 rebounds and I’m telling you six assist Point Wy make it happens first point Wy we don’t need a point guard we got Wy Wy will just 69 call okay yes champy scored pop the

Champy wheny pass fck I don’t think it’s intentionally going for the triple double I think it’s just happening but a triple double would be nice and no not never will oh that’s okay Spurs are up I were up by 17 Spurs are having a good game tonight

And are we up in the third quarter cuz usually we lose a three quarters the third quarter we’re up 8 to three and this you’re not familiar with the storyline the Spurs have been terrible in the third quarter this year absolutely just a nightmare one of the

Worst third quarter teams of all time not just this year but of all time but lately just a little bit I’ve been getting better in the third quarter getting better overall and I I do think we should win this game tonight with Detroit missing Cade Cunningham and Isaiah

Stewart and this is I mean we’re bad at 5 and3 but the Pistons are 3 and 34 they are the worst team in the NBA the Spurs should win this we’ll see on a good night Wy is likely to record quad a quadruple double you know the last person do that my friends

Right last quadruple dou in the NBA believe it was in 1994 David went for 34 10 10 and 10 34 points rebounds 10 assists and 10 blocks now I have argued Russell Westbrook has had quadruple doubles but apparently don’t count if you get over 10 points rebounds assists

And turnovers because he’s have plenty of those type of quadruple doubles the NBA I guess doesn’t count it like that should keep him a man down I sure the spur the spur had to have been favored yes keep spanking only spank the like once if you spank it

Twice you’ll hit the like and then you’ll unlike it the seven game tour mohamd I believe we can win like three or four games out of this can’t we we play some bad teams and if anybody knows bad teams Spurs fan because we’re we’ve had a bad

Year that shot’s no good Ball’s going to go out of bounds it’s going to stay with Detroit yes he is James Spurs might make a trade only after the draft we’ll see I’m curious to what they’re going to do we have a couple contracts Doug mcdermit chedy Osman

Don’t know what’s going to happen with them B donov for three on the inbound pass no good deel with the rebound me too Zach you know it’s coming you know it’s coming I think as Cowboys fans came and like talks I mean think could talk smack that the giant suck

Which I accept that but if you say that Dallas Cowboys are probably going to get knocked out this weekend a lot of Cowboys fans are realistic and probably going to think yep that that might just happen Spurs B wheny with it going to pull up for jumper no good BD donovich

With the rebound 7154 17-point game to get the ball up to Killian Hayes Hayes back out to bogdanovich banov going to drive on soan passes it crosscourt and finally a pullup three is going to be in and out for isaah livers Spurs ball Jones will bring it up for San Antonio

Nine minutes to go in the third quarter Tre Jones going to throw it over to champeny back to soan for an open three no good Tre Jones tips the ball over to Wy Wy behind back pass to soan for the layup Wy putting on a passing clinic

Tonight what up Luka goes at Spurs Luca Sonic no we’ve already had him that’s the only luuka that’s coming to us Flex resist in next year I don’t see donic coming to it open three for Ivy Good a assist for weny is that his eighth assist oh he’s getting the triple

Double tonight don’t take him out pup let him play let him get a triple double as a rookie when with the ball right now running the point gets it over to deel Vell for three no good just missed another assist there and now a foul on the Spurs that’s G to be on

Champany he had seven assist or eight assists H sheung thank you for stopping in douan had a quadruple D with a scorekeepers made a mistake and gave two of his blocks to Robinson from San Antonio I am from Massachusetts but a San Antonio Spurs fan up here in North the Northeast

Currently living in Connecticut and I for stepping in this is primarily a San Antonio Spurs Channel we live stream almost all the games I’ve only missed two games this year blly missing only one more do a lot of daily videos some shorts and that’s a turnover for the Pistons Spurs on a fast

Break try to get up to champeny and the ball’s going to get lost roll and champeny finally gets the loose ball out to soan so’s going to drive in the paint and the layup is going no good come on Jeremy you got to finish those or just go dunk it you’re tall

Enough it is Detroit basketball ivy for three no good and Victor can’t get the rebound but Tre Jones will 7357 7 and a half minutes to go also covering the New York Giants and the Yankees and that’s about it Trey Jones going to drive the paint gets the layup there’s a

Foul I don’t know if he’s going to get the an one or if the foul is before the shot we have to wait on that well thank you for subscribing appreciate that I think we have a wonderful Sports Community we don’t always agree which is fine we can agree to disagree it’s an

And one for Trey Jones but we do cover the Spurs a lot on here and I like to have fun I’m also musician so occasionally put music videos up of sports related you know Sports songs and uh other weird stuff like the Eli Manning has the Terminator video I put

Up today just because I can Queen Jedi we will see has any player ever got 10 points 10 round 10 blocks 10 10 10 10 10 I don’t think so not not like that Detroit ball they are down by 19 and duren’s going to get an alleo dunk as he throws it

Down all right I’m getting a little nervous we’re at that point where pop likes to take out Wy Wy with the ball going to launch an open three ball will go out of bounds and Spurs ball wheny all over the floor like a six foot point guard is he sitting no Jing

Wy’s 5 minutes and 15 seconds I don’t like that three-point shot he just took but my man is not getting any minutes tonight Vel for three no good during with the rebound ha they’re they’re not too good this here I did sayic I was actually half joking and half not joking mdov drives

Gets the layup and pop G to call timeout wy’s played uh 16 and a half minutes roughly tonight and putting up huge numbers getting a lot of five by fives five by fives a quint you mean double digit points rebound score points rebounds assists Steals and blocks

Sorry Phil I don’t I don’t like the uh the heavy Min restriction tonight Sean ell and David Robinson went to the church my mom preached at and we have a picture of holding what you’re what wemy needs eight more points man B I hope he played long

Enough wemy is going for a triple double hunt young my apologies I say that incorrect he’s a couple assists short but man he’s not getting any minutes my guy could have a triple double in 20 minutes Doug MC is getting traded to the Wolves is that actually a step that’s

Right Chim that is the last triple double by Mr Robinson 3410 10 and 10 oh Five Points five rebounds five blocks five steals five assists isn’t that what Charles B say triple single Spurs will save when for the Mr fourth quarter g777 what I call W me a while back uh

He’s had some big moments in the fourth quarter for us sure the Spurs have won very few games this year they they’ve actually won five games so very very few games but that being said the team is it’s getting better and he’s a big part of that fourth quarter hopefully he

Win tonight I can’t even fathom Spurs losing the fistance he’ll get a five coule double someday okay you have a signed wening jersey I’m a little jelly and Andy good evening to you Spurs decided before season start they’re not going to injure our potential All-Star rookie in the first

Year rebuild in progress yeah but at least give them 28 to 30 minutes I can’t move to San Antonio a high high I work for the state of Connecticut I I can’t live that far away from the state I just can’t so it’s I’m a I’m stuck here in Connecticut

For at least probably 15 more years probably 17 maybe 20 we’ll see last yep it was 1994 thought so so many people like knuckle sandwich D mcder has the what has the sloth eyes oh I’ll say that to Veronica notable recent injuries Kate Cunningham KNE strand out at least 7 to 10 days

John Mor shoulder sublation out for the season Tyrese halberton out for two weeks Chris Paul fractured his hands out for at least three weeks and uh all guards all point guards actually I don’t know if K Cunningham’s a point guard is K the point guard or shooting guard of the

Pistons I should know but honestly don’t it is for as well Jeremy s with ball right now for the Spurs out to deel sell back to soan five on the shot clock for Jeremy drives in the paint the runner is off the back room no good Dominic barl with the offensive board

Will get the ball to Tre Jones Jones looking for a pick and roll with Dominic Barlo gets the pick gets the roll back out to cell four on the shot clock but cell’s going to drive in the paint turnaround spin around jumper is nice Phil what happens when they say I

Have to come into the office because occasionally I have to do that what if they say you have to come to the office tomorrow now I got to book a last second flight to Connecticut I it’s not worth it plus I own a home in Connecticut BD donovich spins around

Gets in the paint tries to throw behind the no look tried to throw a pass it did not work Kell Johnson caught the pass that’s a turnover Kell’s going to fly into the paint down the other end and we’re going to have a foul by bonovich Kate is shooting guard okay

Jayen I thought soan I thought that was the case the hurricane saying Kate is a point guard are they both point guards for the team think jard is Boing pop when he oh they were they were flexor assist I think when they got the pulled out of the game

I think Detroit fans were actually I think they were booing him a little bit cuz he’s just not playing I get it I’m frustrated with how little he’s playing tonight and he’s playing phenomenal yeah I don’t like the three-point shot attempts aside from that though he’s shoot he’s scoring he’s

Rebounding he’s getting assists my man is close to his first career triple double and they just showed him on the bench and he does not look happy just sitting there like probably thinking why the hell am I on the bench again damn it Grandpa put me back in you know

He’s thinking something something like that couple multiple multiple misses in the paint by Knox and finally a tip in Kevin Knox I think he just had three or four offensive rebounds and that’s that possession 80 to 63 Spurs up by 17 deisel will start to drive to the paint

Out to Kelvin kelvin’s going to take off he’s going get into the paint Little Euro Step and lose the ball out of bounds he’ll stay with the Spurs they boo pop in have they my boy pop in San Antonio if they boo pop in Detroit he is

Going to tell him not to boo boo himself no he won’t do that yeah he did OC yeah he did Adrian I think that’s where a lot of fans are like you want to believe in pop you want to believe in the trust the process believe the system but the losing

Is it’s a lot Vel for three from the corner 20o game all right point point game I’m hoping you know the Spurs take a huge lead in the fourth we might not see Victor again that sucks he could have his first triple double and it’s so close and the

Heavy Min restriction tonight stops him from having that Al B dries to the hoop gets the layup off the glass good Detroit needs to play a little better actually I can’t believe I’m saying that play a little better so Wy comes back in damn it don’t don’t go into the fourth down like

25 points or more uh Queen Jedi that would not work four on the shot clock Kell with the wall he out the force of three that’s an airball we’ve had a few air balls tonight it is piston ball Marcus sass the ball three-point lay of 410 in the

Shot clock starts to drive on kelman I’m sorry on gets it over to Duren duren’s going to kick it out they go around the world finally an open three is going to be good for Knox if po played one five to seven more minutes per game we could have five to

Seven more wins I don’t think I can disagree with that well Sans family thank you for smashing the thumbs up I appreciate that I don’t know who the youngest is ever to have a triple double by the way Flex or assist so I I can’t I have no idea Knox the reporter

From bat and that’s yes he is he knocks it down Mr Z one thing I can say about our Spurs is a lot of our guys are consistently inconsistent and we’ve seen that the last few years Pistons have 21 assists on 28 made field goals so they are passing the ball

Well Mal random at the line for two made the first one Spurs are in the bonus and for the first time tonight Blake Wesley is checking in the game can’t believe I’m saying this I’m praying Pistons make their shots CU you’d like to see womy back in

The game I get it hun I agree 100% although I’m a Spurs fan Michael Jordan I feels the greatest of all time and it’s not even close 8568 Spurs up by 17 three minutes to go that’s not the take away from LeBron LeBron the second greatest player

I’ve ever watched I just think Jordan he’s in a class of his own SW on The Fast Break Blake lesli with the layup good 19point game yes Andy exactly I think nice nice Joshua it is Pistons ball and they’re down by 19 I’ll start Thompson with the

Ball gets in the pink get SL and one I haven’t sent Thompson’s name much tonight as far as hitting buckets that might be his first bucket if Brian wins under ring he’s to go let me just cross 20 right Luca I think uh yes he just turned 20 on January 4th I

Believe Luca donic is about to be you mean Luka no Don has been in the league like this is like his fourth or fifth year isn’t it he is definitely older than 21 I want to say he’s like I think Don is what 23 anybody

Know I can’t I can’t fa being there’s no way he can be that young osman’s runner in the paint good Spurs are going to get close to 100 before the third quarter is over my top five of all time in random order it’s your boy Rico and I don’t put players I

Did not get to watch the game because I just I don’t feel I can fairly value evaluate them so Will Chamberlain is not going to be on the list I didn’t see Kareem play I saw magic and bird at the very end of their Prime so for me it’s

Pretty much more modern day basketball 1990 up so Jordan’s on the list LeBron’s on the list Kobe’s on the list Jimmy’s on the list kind of torn between Shaq and Curry at this point I’ll do that my Mount Rushmore we’ll do four Jordan Kobe Timmy and LeBron I find

That’s much easier it is Detroit ball pull up in the paint is going to be good by Burks I love monor joli I would not put him on my M Rushmore though Chim I I I I yeah I just that’s just me but the great thing about all time lists is they’re

Completely subjective which means you can put whoever you want you say your Mount Rushmore is Joshua Primo Luca salonic and two other scrubs that never made with the Spurs I’d say okay I don’t get why they’re on your greatest of all time but it’s your

List both teams in the bonus and I think we have two free throws coming up for the Spurs Kellen at the line made the first free throw Spurs got the 90 Mark Lancaster I don’t think Timmy was on that much of a minutes restriction we’re going to a timeout I

Think Timmy played over 35 minutes a game you got him on your third alltime second oh okay gotcha gotcha I think uh Timmy played a lot more minutes per game than you’re remembering I want to double check we’re GNA look right now Tim Duncan as a rookie averaged 39.1 minutes per

Game 19798 at the age of 21 he played all 82 games and averaged 39.1 minutes per game he was not on a minute restriction and if he was those games were few and far between because he averaged almost 40 minutes a game back in the 90s when players actually played

40 minutes a game David Robinson his rookie year at the age of 24 he averaged he aage just under 37 minutes a game he also was averaging over three fouls a game because he was also blocking four shots the game and also almost two steals but he played all 82 games and

Average just under 37 minutes a game the year Robinson LED leing and scoring he averaged almost 41 minutes a game it’s just a totally different game now play players don’t average 40 minutes a game anym do they does anybody average 40 minutes a game my goodness anybody remember alen

Iverson there was a reason I bring up Iverson Iris led the NBA in minutes per game six out of seven years in the early 2000s almost 44 just under 43 43 42 43 42 42 he averaged 41 minutes a game for his career that is nuts we’re back to the

Game tell Johnson’s going to make his free throw and it’s 9173 you got ion Jersey on your wall nice I like AI my only criticism Allen Iverson is I hate how inefficient he was from the field he shot under 40% from the field a few years was not a good

Three-point shooter I know the team around him was not very good either but I really wish I hate seeing players have seasons where they shoot under 40% for the year it just I don’t know for some reason that just really bothers me Johnson drives the paint can’t get the

Shot going to get fou going to go back to the line for two wheny 40 minutes a game I don’t probably not they did have something to play for the rookie reflector sis he did wisan is a big guy Rob Dillingham reminds you of AI really okay that’s not a bad

Comparison V Ram doesn’t skip practice Kell’s first free throws good the Spurs are up by 19 I really hope we see Wy at the start of the fourth quarter I’m really hoping we do he’s so close to a quadruple double I’d like to see him get it K second free

Throw that’s hit the front of the rim hit the backboard and finally went in 20-point game Le that pad wh there you go Koso that pad and Whi Kell with 17 points tonight eight of eight from the line I didn’t realize he got to the line

That much bar would a fou we’re going to have two more free throws this time for Detroit Kyrie Irving reminded you of Allen Iverson with the handles Alec Burks at the line for two he’s got 10 points tonight on four of 10 shooting Jers is riding up into the

Unknown a fire pop if wemy doesn’t get 24 what so wemy would be the youngest to get a triple double is that confirmed first free throws good oh oh no I don’t know what I just hit there we go apparently the E button on my keyboard means edit so don’t hit that

TSR Adrian I pedal for the metal I don’t think at this point we can’t hit we can’t make the plan we’re so far behind Five wins and 30 losses no at this point we’re trying to develop guys get the best rotations that’s about it random te back three nope rebound by osar

Thomson he will be the youngest Center to get Triple dou okay that’s a turnover by the Pistons Wesley on the fast break and the paint layup good well that’s not going to help get Wy back in the game there you go high high Detroit oh gety did a 19 okay Detroit

Basketball Pistons wall bur going to drive in the paint it’s going to get swatted out of bounds and it’s going to be pist ball yeah make the play in no chance future spur Josh giddy was actually Rising Phoenix I can’t see him coming here fashion flexing good evening

To you I R he got one at 19 Pistons ball 10 on the shot clock they’re going to force a three air ball balls in the hands of Killian Hayes Hayes with a put back that is good and Spurs can hold for the last shot go Spurs go Ray

Indeed w got a few blocks tonight doesn’t he Spurs are up by 18 they will take the lead going into the fourth there’s no chance that’s not going to happen K way out three-point land going to start to take off gets into the paint throws up the layup no good and that’s

How we’ll end the third quarter the full court three is not even close all right do we have a good third quarter we outscored the Pistons 32- 26 that’s right my friends the Spurs had another good third quarter are we turning things around I know it’s against the Pistons don’t get

Me started or don’t don’t I know let’s not get I I get it’s against Detroit but they’re playing a little better lately and they’re not losing these third quarters now the big question is is pop gonna get Wendy in there so he can get this damn triple double be the youngest

Center ever to get a triple double I think that’d be cool to have on his resume right I don’t know he good evening to you B’s getting a lot of minutes tonight he actually has just as many as wemy he might have more than wemy I’m really a Sixers fan I put money

On the spur at minus three Mark all good I appreciate you hanging out everybody’s welcome here Spurs fans Pistons fans Sixers fans my Uncle Don’s a Sixers fan he’s been a Sixers fan for a long time I remember uh talking to him he always made me laugh he’s like Richie I’m like

What’s up he’s like Iverson 33 points last night I’m like oh really like yeah Iverson 9 of 40 from the field like okay then he would fall he sucks I’m like well he doesn’t suck he just we did make it out of third quarter we did and yes if you haven’t hit the

Thumbs up or the Subscribe button subscribe button you know what that likes thumbs up if you don’t know what looks like it looks like this just D I’m a Pistons fan no not sure why you would would think that would all due respect the background should you might be trolling you might

Be it should be pretty obvious who I’m rooting for I would love tyres halberton on the Spurs but uh he’s he’s not there I mean at least we know which team is the worse and how the differen is far bow although with all the respect to the Detroit

Pistons the armis and Cade Cunningham and Isaiah Stewart two are their starters tonight when we play them again if both of those players are are playing we’ll have a better idea of who’s worse Spike that like it’s your by R Yankees fan Martin Zack Collins is a good player

I just don’t think he’s a starter personally I think he’s better off the bench he’s a good stretch five but defensively he doesn’t give us a whole lot that’s one of the worst things we have on the team as our defense Dan I became a Spur because of the number 50

Back there David Robinson discovered David in 1990 and I’ve been a Spurs fan for well actually now 34 years rich is a raptor fan on morale scale of 1 to 10 the Pistons are two I’m sorry the Spurs are two and a half the Pistons are at a

One there’s Sean weny wy’s coming back in thank sweet baby baby Jesus Paul Peña i’ like the Spurs to draft a point guard um I know a lot of Spurs fans would like the Eiffel Towers with Alexander SAR and Wendy with the reverse avalu Thunder dunk of Justice Thunder dunk of

Justice another dunk for wemy but he needs a couple of assists and I hope he gets hope he gets it turnover for the fiston baby coyote really wants wom to get a quadruple double K with the ball out to mcder for three good and Spurs just hit 100 hurricane

Megan wy’s in there he needs uh let me take a look I think he needs two or three assists Wendy’s got seven assists he needs three more knocks with a dunk better KN that off yeah that just happened sorry that terrible it is first B Kell without

Without three-point L gets it over to Wy Wy running the offense old point point point Yama drops it off to mcdermit for three off bals three is good is that another assist is that an assist two more assists for the triple double iron sharpens iron I like

That Spurs are up by 24 I’m getting worried that Pop’s going to pull wemi out any second now Mike Smith I feel pretty confident in that now too they’re up by 24 and the Pistons just don’t have the offensive Talent on their team right now to come back that

Much right Leo two more do not pull my man do not pull my man right now it is Detroit ball hay with the ball 14 on the shot clock he’s going to start to drive kicks it out for three that’s good Al Burks Christian good evening to

You it is f as well let me with the ball he’s going to launch a three the one thing I’d like to see him do less of and oh my goodness knock driv in the paint throws out a hard dunk and Pops calling a timeout was pissing have cut

The lead in 19 Popp like it they say he can’t be killed they say he drinks blood I say you’re full no well we got a timeout you Pop’s got to call timeouts yes kokoso from three-point Lane he’s over for three that’s the one thing I’d like to see him

Cut back on is taking the threes he’s so hard to guard in the paint and around the rim he does such good work there and I see him just you know occasionally standing out in the perimeter chucking a three not a big fan if he’s on he’s had

A couple shots in a row and he’s feeling he launches a three makes it so be it gu Shooters going to be shooting Golden State or New Orleans are they playing tonight just Darren just donon go I don’t know Golden State’s been playing lately they’ve been heading in the wrong direction haven’t

They I don’t know is there anything I haven’t oh I haven’t shown this tonight get that up there a little slen action I think I’ve shown everything else I have but if you’re just coming in and you need a little wake me up how little Chuck Norris bbo or

Deante I’ll take deante if we get him on the Cheap on that one sandre I I have no faith in Bobo I just don’t if the spur can get Bobo for a second round pick fine whatever but I would take the jeiver B if Greg takes one before the

Triple double he going be the biggest party pooper ever who are you I’m the party pooper when he doesn’t have any block well he had a block they took it away Mark Lancaster I agree David was a physical phenomenon he was just Mo chiseled beyond belief wheny give me

Four more points to hit on my bet and then take him take him out please all right Lucas I hope he gets at least four more the oh P are up 298 okay wow dang I think Golden State I’ve said it before on the channel I that window’s

Closing fast this maybe this the window may have already closed Steph’s not getting any younger Clay’s not the same player he was had two he missed two years because of a ACL tear and believe an Achilles tear or ailles ruptor that’s that’s a lot he’s

On the wrong side of 30 I’m sure he still can play well but the guy he was in the in his 20s and no how’s Shaq looking these Days I Don’t Know Jack did actually say that recently he thinks Curry’s better than him definitely better better shooter wheny with the ball right now on the post and he’s going to get fou Robinson is Jamie for sure crazy I was crazy once it does feel

Like an end of the era but I mean all the things come to end the Warriors Lakers and Suns I mean I mean the well the Lakers were bad before LeBron got there were they not and then Davis came in and became a championship team so they

Didn’t have a long run definitely not like golden state did Golden State pretty much had a I would I would say it’s a dynasty and they didn’t win three in a row but they won four when they win four championships and did they lose in the finals lost in the finals twice LeBron’s

Cav and he lost to Ka Raptors wemy in the paint tries to get to Brandon Ball’s gonna get knocked out of bounds gonna stay with San Antonio I try yersi I try if when gets hurt then we get the pops should have restricted his minutes scrutiny it’s

Tough that’s fair Adrian that’s fair ni I know I saw that cowb X Factor Pop’s going to be gone soon at some point sooner than we expect Bill b i mean there’s where you could say end ofas are are closing out Bill bellich time in New England looks like it’s just

About done who knows how much longer Poss going be head coach of the Spurs and that’s when you really see things changing but yes I saw those twoo it is Detroit basketball and Knox for three no good Osman with the rebound Joshua why in a couple years is

Something happening I’m not aware of wheny in the post right now still a couple assists short bounce pass to ched Osman Osman layup good and one that’s one more assist Wendy went nine assists 12 boards and 16 points he’s over for four from three that’s the only criticism I have

Of his game tonight stop chucking the threes otherwise M man’s one assist away from his first career triple double let’s get it tonight first fans let’s Dr tonight I figure what when’s got two and a half more minutes CU Pop’s going to pull him at the six and a half minute

Mark so two and a half more minutes again in assists Mr Z think he’ll coach for three more years he’ll be what 77 at the end of his of his contract I think it’ll definitely coach next year depending on who’s available though if pop if somebody’s ready to pass you know

Have the torch be passed to him now I could see Pop stepping down and just staying in the front office banovich for three you know I know he wants to coach he also wants to do what’s best for the team and if there’s a you know that the

Guy is available or girl is available now then he’s going to W me with the turnar around little jump Hook off the glass no good Duran with the rebound Duran Sprints up the court behind the back pass Jad and Ivy ivy couldn’t get a shot off immediately

After the pass but finally gets a lay up in the paint nice dish from durren though Sandro the Spurs play what do we play next buckets for three is that number that’s 10 assist for Wendy first CER TR though my friends we play the Hornets next F thank you

Aussie I’m sorry I’m happy he did it Osman in the paint good pop to take Wy out now if he needs to ah yeah we don’t need a point guard what I told you point Wy Kevin good evening to you you watch we’re going to see people saying Point

Wy I might even do a video Point Wy tomorrow R for three no good D Hayes with the rebound 11188 I like seeing the go Wy go how about a thumbs up for wy’s uh trip first career triple you haven’t hit the thumbs up would appreciate it does still help

The channel even if you’ve been watching and commenting looking to get to 25,000 subscribers before the end of the season we got a long way to go six oh no he’s coming out now youngest spur in history with the triple double 16 points 12 rebounds 10 assists

In 21 minutes he’s coming out sorry B he’s coming out we well that’s a nice game we’ll take it that jumper is no good sewing with the rebound I think that was dur who shot that nice that’s ni wh’s gotta be happy about that and a Spurs win of course bar

In the paint with the ball up off the glass good Don bar having a good game and a timeout by the Pistons we might be seeing the g-league roster come in for both teams here shortly as a Pistons played last night they’re down by 25 a triple double that’s

Right triple double in 21 minutes think about that up sorry lcas oh yeah definitely standing alter not on the road Timmy has been working with Wendy I mean we knew that going to the season that was going to happen um I don’t know if he’s been working

With David Robinson or not or manu or Tony Wy might actually become the greatest o or the greatest goat that’s fair SRA my wife tell me I’m crazy giving Wy a St standing o all by myself in my room nice Edgar that’s awesome if we get a legit Center Wendy

At the four SE at the three and a point guard Deon at the shooting guard I presume at the two we have a very good passing core I I think we’re a I mean I like wheny at the center I mean I talked to you guys about this in the Deon Murray

Video yesterday say they were to get Deon Murray and Alexander SAR they picked the able to get him in the draft to say we we won the first or second he was probably the first overall pick I mean can you imagine a lineup of wemy SAR soan Vel and

Murray I think that’d be a pretty damn good defensive lineup I say so myself the turnaround layup for Mid key was bad oh oh of okay so go essentially I also stood in clap for Wy nice I put my hands up I feel weird standing up in my I

Can’t stand up I’m I’m I’m blocked in here Spurs biggest regular season win is by 14 so far well Gio there’s only five to pick from this will be the sixth one in the six wi in the season tonight City Soko sighting would be nice Jim I can get a board on that

Why do people think son pass is so good he’s as basic as can be I don’t think he’s a great passer I was shocked when you were going to try the point guard experiment and I was rooting for the point guard experiment to succeed but obviously didn’t coming up on Pistons live Wy

Wilds was triple double so the first thing the Pistons announcers you going to talk about is Oney triple double tonight good he’s not well drolling he’s not going to have any blocks I I have two Spurs hats Cowboy xfactor you’ve seen me wearing this one

That is a Spurs hat just a little Spurs logo on the side then I have the Spurs hat I’ve been wearing uh during the daily videos which have a Spurs logo right here but it’s a little too small it’s a fitted hat and I should have went

One size bigger so I’m still stretching it out and then you know I have a giant app yes Gabriel that size is huge so I was thinking about that lineup probably not going to happen prob almost 0% chance of that happening but that would be one hell of

A defensive team hey there’s a three for livers I think he’d still be out on the four who do we have on on the four so we still have starters out there on both teams all right well Pistons aren’t given up to their credit Vel going to

Drive into the paint pull up jumper is no good and a foul one he up for the night he’s definitely done first care triple double Spurs are up by over 20 he’s definitely done yes they are hurricane agree 6 and a half minutes 113 and 91 Mell first fre throws good

11491 stuck in 8 look like Gordon muu know that I think what baby Joseph says come on Detroit you can do it go on a run and put wemy back in oh is the four quarter oh my gosh I surprised nobody else has noticed that Toby I was totally sleeping on

That geez I’m sorry I totally forgot to change the quarter my bad both freear were hit by the way I’m I’m really surprised nobody else caught it I am slacking on the cor is llama somebody going to watch replay and want to see my reaction to the the

Triple double they’re going to be like where’s the fourth quarter D what a hugee dunk in the paint 11593 SRA I don’t know what the Pistons need new coach New Management new G new GM new owner mcder goes Baseline with the r layup good 11793 Carlos jader good evening Carlos

Victor W had his first career triple double tonight Jan fips you’re not alone Duran won another dunk it’s fair aie I’m actually very tired too I’ve not slept much the ma last month uh because I’m still taking a steroid for my eye and that is just killing my sleep 11795 pmart what’s up

My friend yes ouro Jamar is out for there so and pull up jumper no good Del with the riv rebound that’s fair James and Goen on the Spurs yep Goen on Barlo I want people see my thing with the Super Chat thank you for the5 appreciate the little dancing kitty thank you so

Much for that thank you appreciate it and uh we’re gonna have a you know just for you you’re going to get your own personal and for the Super Chat you’re also going to get a little coyote dance under five minutes to go and MC bugets for three spur are just

Ran in points on the Pistons tonight 120 to 97 douge is having his own little Three-Point Contest that’s true Mt he does know the Playbook apparently still has a very good relationship with papovich gosh another foul and we’re gonna have an an one this R are calling a lot of fouls

Tonight Jaden iy with the bucket going to go to the line when we go 21 minutes in a triple double and he’s probably done for the night they need Ben Wallace and rased Wallace 12099 4 minutes and 31 seconds to go Spurs are so close to their sixth win six win in the

Year that free throw is going to be good and the Pistons get to 100 12100 wenty with his first career triple double the youngest San Antonio he the youngest spur in history to get one no surprise there Jones dribbling around running around going to kick it out to douge for three that one

Short kilan Hayes sprinting up the court Spurs get back in transition a little over four minutes to go J iy for three when is fi is going to be haters they shoot 37% tonight I know he missed a lot of Threes he missed all threes and any over

Four Spurs ball Trey Jones going to drive and run around into the paint run around running around running circles around Jaylen Duren finally get to the bar bar falls down gets it back Trey Jones with the ball again going to take a three and that is short so much for

Trey Jones hitting threes he had hit two in a row streak is over I think I hit two two in a row I’m not sure just kidding and another three by the Pistons In and Out Burger Dominic Barlo with the rebound gets it to Trey Jones Jones will

Bring it up the court for the Spurs think gram should be people maging the most intriguing person J’s layup awkward shot is good flies out of bounds W the foul no whistle okay mighty Williams taking a timeout I believe yes that is W’s line 16 12 and

10 and he played what 21 minutes I want Cooper fly with one me well that’s not this year’s draft that is the would possibly be the fallowing year Toby so what are you thinking Alexander s this year and then we somehow still suck and next year get Cooper

Flag man they’re not blowing this there’s 19point lead with just over three minutes to go it would it would be one of the biggest collapses I would think of all time if the Spurs blew this I don’t see that happening but now you got me worried we’re on a timeout 122 103 Spurs

Lead Dilly Dilly see a Philly this weekend I don’t know I have no idea who’s playing when for the NFL no I want topic next year and then flag the following year oh first of our three- game win streak wow the Hornets we can definitely win no no

Amia Lisa or Lisa Amaya thank you for stopping in the Hornets should be a win we could get a two two game heater going here Sakura the game’s not going to get bad yeah I didn’t think you had a a shoulder thing Carlos it was something something else I think GL

Bacon hand the shoulder thing I’m neb good evening want me had three days of rest and yeah I know gofun good evening to you the ro road trip is next month I think isn’t it it’s every February right I think it’s next month so it’s like right after the

All-Star break I believe I’m trying to remember the timing I think it’s next month and after the All-Star break a little alop and man Jaylen Duran is feasting at The Rim right now you tell me you would want him being in an Alle monster in San Antonio with weny uh Brandon Miller

Was was he the third overall pick this year bar going to fly in the pan Bar’s going to get a dunk of his own under dunk of Justice all enough so yeah we don’t need to put wemy back in there the Spurs should easily win this game barring divine intervention at this

Point kilan Hayes with the ball pull up jumper is no good ched Osman with the re I can’t believe that we still have starters out there both teams why is dur in there for the the Pistons he played last night you’re not winning this game

You’re down 19 with two minutes to to go let’s see some City Soko and whatever Osman for three no good during with the rebound we get to Jay and Ivy I will bring it up the court two minutes to go Ivy out to Hayes hay goingon to drive

Loses the ball OS will pick up the loose Vault Don will be at the game Friday good evening Don thank you for stopping in I hope you enjoy the game good win we far next losing streak n James we’re we’re going to beat the Hornets we’re good I feel it I feel it

In the cockal part of the heart Blake Wesley with a reverse layup after the dish from Trey Jones and I guess we’re just not going to get any substitutions okay yeah scoot’s having a scoot is having a very inefficient year I think he’s shooting like 37% from the field

And 30% from Beyond The Arc he is really struggling with a shot we have a timeout three beards good evening for you yes a triple double and only like like 21 minutes they’re finally taking the stars out hurricane Megan let’s see Mama’s coming in diakite I diakite dite coming in no City Soko

Maybe he’s down in Austin I don’t know it’s Detroit B that’s a dude we signed recently I don’t know the dude’s first name I really don’t well there’s a three four liver why is he still out there well the Pistons are the worst team in the NBA Carlos so we should beat the

Pistons jump Hook is no good mamadi diak is that what what what how do you say his name yes he will sugar Cherry but a Wonder game in Cloud 10 yes Wy got a triple double tonight in 21 minutes as fashion Flex is saying 21 minutes a

Triple double the youngest spur in their franchise the youngest spur ever to have a triple double and somebody put in the chat the youngest Center not the youngest player but the youngest Center ever get a triple devil so we’ll take it d k d uh D sounds like something I would say if

I’m chopping something that’s an interesting name di misses the second free throw I’m not going to remember how to say that next time I see him out there which probably who knows when that will be D good evening to you well I can’t say kbd he’s not either one of those

Players that three-pointer is no good makak with the rebound that’s how I’m G say his name he’s number 29 though I like number 29 Eric Dickerson was number 29 in the NFL like Wesley pullup jumper no good uh sugar day probably not this year maybe next

Year six wins win number six yo you good evening to you six wins Spurs making some noise well I must be way behind in this game because the ESPN thing just flipped off wow I think that was Blake with the shot then just all right it’s 13108 I don’t know

What’s happening here what bananas that pull up jumper is no good Wesley with the rebound and the Spurs should just hold and will Spurs are going to win 103 to 108 wow and Wy with his first career triple double in extremely limited minutes 22.1 for the Spurs well take it Jeremiah good evening

To you a Spurs Win sports center were they new I’m sure Sports Center they better cover the triple double on Sports Center all right we’ll take a look at the final game stats if you’re on your way out please hit the thumbs up on the way out it still does help the channel

That being said uh we’ll take a look at Detroit first Detroit basketball livers with six bonovich with 19 durren with 21 points and 12 rebounds ivy with 19 had a little rough night from the field 78 and Hayes had a enough rough night as well

Two of eight four points but did have 12 assists for the Pistons Off the Bench Thompson couldn’t find a shot one of six three points Harris with zero Knox with 12 wisman with three Burks with 15 and Sasser with six for San Antonio Spurs the man of the hour not sweet and sour

Not is sweet but but not sour I don’t know what I’m trying to say Victor W well only six of 16 from the field and part of that his over four from B The Arc everything else was fantastic 16 points 12 rebounds 10 assists didn’t put anything on the defensive stat line

Tonight no steals or no blocks but he also had no turnovers and he had that triple double in only 21 minutes of play so that is awesome soan with 15 points champ penny with he actually scored with two points in 21 minutes so he’s still

Trying to find a shot and and he’s not really taking shots either so he’s going to find it when he’s not shooting Trey Jones with 11 points Deon Mel with 16 and Off the Bench we have pretty much almost everybody played we’ll just go down the line here Mamu with zero Dia

Diakite with one Barlo with 11 points eight rebounds four assists and two blocks and no turnovers in 24 minutes Dominic barle had a really good game 118 and four plus two block shots five of eight from the field I don’t R he was playing that well awesome Doug mcder

With 14 cheddy with 11 Kell Johnson led the bench with 17 he also was eight of eight from the line so good good efficient game from Kellin four of eight from the field Malachi brandham struggling from the field still two of seven with seven points and Blake Wes

Blake Wesley I don’t realiz scored nine points in six minutes shut the front door he was going off in garbage time nine points in six minutes that’d be on Pace to score about you know 63 points in a game if you played about 42 minutes that would never

Happen and the Spurs outscored the Pistons in every quarter except the second we tied at 32 points in the second so the scurs the scurs the Spurs did not have their usual second half collapse this was a good game for the Spurs this is a really good game we’ll

Talk to the chat for a couple minutes your thoughts on wy’s first career triple double how happy are you I know I am actually I didn’t realize that Pistons or sorry kelin led to Spurs with 17 points Bown breakdown good evening my man when he had his first career triple

Double the youngest spur ever had one and just turned 20 years old Hornets Friday are 8 and 26 we definitely have a chance to win against the Charlotte Hornets no doubt they should win that’s win number seven playoffs here we come all right probably not playoffs but we do have a

Fairly easil schedule coming up Adrian Blake Wesley has looked better recently and a lot of folks are ready to give up on him I had not been impressed with him last year and the knee injury really screwed him up last year but he wasn’t really showing a lot of development in

The the preseason and in the summer league he was getting blocked in the paint a lot playing out of control turning the ball over but he seems to have turned a corner a little bit playing much more in control and playing some of the best basketball he’s played

In his young NBA career and I would love to see him find a spot in this roster the first round pick from 2022 yes our last first round pick but you want to see those first round picks convey and we’ve had look what L’s first round picks in the past mon Jovi comes

To mind but even recently Kell Johnson was a 29 the overall pick so I’m hoping Blake works out will he be our starting point guard someday maybe not but you never know the ceiling for one yes he’s got oh his ceiling is it it’s monstrous just his his minutes right now are the

One thing I think that uh is frustrating Spurs fans and I’m sure frustrating him is that he’s just not getting minutes he was on heavy minutes restriction tonight only played 21 minutes yeah I get we didn’t need him and I got to think that he’s not going to be playing any backto

Backs I don’t know when our next actually we have a back toback this weekend right don’t we have um we have a game Friday and Saturday Friday’s the Hornets and is Saturday the Bulls I think it is so Friday we play the Hornets 8:00 pm Eastern and then

Saturday we play the Bulls at 8:30 p.m. Eastern I think he’s going to miss I assume he’s going to miss the Chicago game or he’s going to be on a heavy minutes restriction on both games and maybe only played 20 minutes in both games I don’t know when the minutes

Restriction is lifted I was under the impression it was going to be lifted already that is not the case and then we play Beantown breakdown Celtics on January 17th by the way if you haven’t subed up my man Beantown breakdown great dude he is a Celtics fan don’t hold that

Against him and a Patriots fan and a Red Sox fans and a Bruins fan but he covers all four of those teams does a great job a good dude and one of only two people I’ve actually met on YouTube and have become friends with out of YouTube so great dude oh

You know we were talking in the chat earlier somebody mentioned Tim Duncan had a minute restri restriction his rookie year Timmy played 39 minutes a game granted the Spurs were a playoff team with him joining the roster and David Robinson coming back from injury but he was playing 39 minutes a game I

Don’t expect women to play 39 minutes a game but I was hoping he at least get 30 and he hasn’t seen 30 minutes in what feels like forever pop post game interview now I just shut it off and there you go hurricane Megan next up a quadruple double Ric Flair what hey

Adrian he is only going to get better so that’s it my friends if you can if you can hit the thumbs up on the way out I would appreciate it it still helps the channel even though we’re about to wrap up the stream we’re 25 thumbs up away

From 200 if we get to 200 on a Spurs win that’s great if we can’t I totally understand but I’m going to wrap it up and when these first cre triple double that’s pretty cool glad we could be here for it together thank you all

For tuning in until next time what you g to do when TSR grou Selena and baby coyote run wild on you go Spurs go

It’s the best of the worst as the San Antonio Spurs face the Detroit Pistons!

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San Antonio Spurs vs Detroit Pistons Live
San Antonio Spurs vs Detroit Pistons Live Stream


  1. I'm glad the Spurs proved that they're still miles ahead of the Pistons😅
    Still aiming for the top3 pick+the Raptors 7th tho

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