@Phoenix Suns

UNDISPUTED | Softest star in the NBA! – Skip reacts to Luka Doncic asked security to eject Suns fans

UNDISPUTED | Softest star in the NBA! – Skip reacts to Luka Doncic asked security to eject Suns fans

Back down near the end of the third quarter last night in Dallas as the Mavs were on their way to losing 132 to 109 to the Suns LCA donic asked security to eject a fan in a son’s Devin Booker Jersey who had yelled at Luca Luca you’re tired get your ass on the

Treadmill Michael Irving you’re a Mavs fan inbounds or out of bounds for Luca to demand that this fan be thrown out for that comment let let me listen to to answer your question directly and I know we quickly here I rather to say this out of

Bounds it’s out of bounds but I love that I love Luca and I love how Luca is I love that Luca fights with everything about everything and everybody about everything that’s just who he is but this was out of bounds and all day we talk they talked about here in Dallas

This big great battle he has with Devin Booker he was mad book was getting the best of him and he messed and the fan got into it yeah yeah book was booking book was booking and and and he took it out on the fan but I like that he hates

Losing and fans leave him alone and that was a phoenix fan he was trying to get under the skin get him out out yeah no it’s inbounds for me I get him up out of here man yeah because skip how many times have we said the

Fans are annoying and if they get under your skin and guys want go over there and slap him we said no no don’t do that he did the right thing we always say go get security go get this go he did the right thing said just dud up out of here

Because if it if it was just that in the third quarter the guy could have kept going on and on and on and could have turned into something else so he did the right thing he did the right thing by going and saying just just get him up

Out of here man so we can play basketball and we don’t have to deal with those sort of things the man said go get on a treadmill man didn’t call you any it wasn’t a racial issue hate issue go get on the tra I understand that that’s why I said it

Could turn into something else then we would be having a different conversation we always complain and say that the athletes shouldn’t they should go get security and a man that went and got security now that’s a problem he damned if he do damned if he don’t he is okay

But but Kean remember they had just gotten blown off the floor in the third quarter book had gone for 22 I think it was 44 to 20 just yeah he was lighting them up in the third quarter so so Luca was out of his mind frustrated as and

That and that may be true skip you you you put the security person on on a in a tough spot because he can’t be the judge and jury on it he can’t go ask the guy exactly what did you say well that’s not that bad you know he almost has to do

Luca’s bidding when Lucas says get him out of here you almost have to get him out of there you guys are unbelievable because if if Westbrook had did that then it’ be a whole another conversation all all he did was tell the dude to go get the dude up out of here be

Regardless if he was getting cooked wasn’t playing well whatever the case is he did exactly what we’ve been asking for the athlete to do is that not true was that comment that out of bounds that that was yes that’s the question that’s the question

If if if if they start off one way and they keep going it can turn into something different and if it turns into something different now our conversation on Undisputed this morning is something different than inbounds out of bounds I don’t have a problem with wait wait wait

Wait let me get it right let me so so so you don’t have a problem with it because you’re saying everybody pay your money come in here and only talk when Luca wants you to talk and only be able to say what Luca think you can say that’s

The only way so so ridiculous what I read Rous from from what from what I read and and saw it wasn’t just get on the treadmill it was some other language that was implemented into getting on the treadmill that’s why I’m saying can take

A life of it can take a life of it own and that’s what Lucas said but the reality was that this guy was sitting right by all the media and the media all have said we didn’t really hear anything bad okay so then his de Jersey out here get Booker Jersey we but

Out of here after book went 46 7 and three you know what I’m saying all right enough of that up next we got to deal with this concept is it possible that Jordan lovees Packers will win the Super bowl next year man I love L I love

L Grant Hill I mean I don’t really I don’t really love this statement because over the summer I mean look you you we here we are in January they don’t start playing till the summer so you got six seven months to go you know rather than just say what it is

Which is he got suspended we don’t want those issues we don’t trust those issues coming to play with us in basketball quite frankly he’s already played before he really give them the best opportunity to get gold are there other players that are better and if that’s the case then

Just say that rather than make me as an observer feel like you using his on court issues as an excuse to not involve him in USA Basketball even if he wanted to play I don’t even know if he wants to play it it or not it seems like a lot of

Guys are like yeah we don’t know what we want to do yet but no I don’t think think no they could probably find somebody and do just fine doing that but if he wasn’t in this situation they wouldn’t even have to uh release a statement because people

Wouldn’t even ask if you know if he wasn’t being suspended and just coming back we wouldn’t even ask the question about why he’s not on the team or why he wasn’t selected we just would assume he wasn’t good enough yeah but there’s the question key and Skip there’s a question you guys

Think he’s good enough you see this list you know what Draymond Green has done in the National Basketball Association do you think he should be on this list there two things we can talk about whatever has happened with the suspension but we’re talking talent wise do you believe Draymond Green’s Talent

Can help this team yes opposed to the guys do opposed to the guys that’s on the list Yeah well yeah it that that’s what we’re asking I mean he’s long he’s long he’s long in the tooth okay correct he’s he’s long in the tooth and and I I think

He could I think he could help if he need if if they needed him he certainly could help are there better players and younger players that give him more and they get the opportunity to when he’s already done it that’s that so yes but but but but younger players and

And everything listen younger players are building their career making their career and they want to take a moment Dray mg green does the dirty stuff nobody wants to do you talk about Draymond but they also but they also USA basketb green has success go Dray M green has had success

We go shoot he plays with two of the greatest shooters ever live I’m I’m sure you GNA have some great Shooters on that team the reality is you guys remember how this thing has changed International ball used to have the wide Lane and those big guys used to run the floor

More when we take big guys over there they with the wide Lanes they wanted to run more now that’s how our big guys are running more over here we had almost positionist basketball we used to have a center forward now the whole game everybody’s running that’s why we got a

Seven foot tall Kevin Durant dribbling like a point guard because of all that they saw over there now they got big guys over there now on international basketball you’re running the big guys when you want to change up when you got a big team and you can’t match up

Because I don’t know if we can match up sizewise then you’re going to go to a smaller team you want to move the ball quicker you want to move somebody to drive and kick that ball out somebody that can rebound and a big man that can

Pass my green can help that I’m saying if we’re not talking about what all is happened I understand they don’t want to give him a world stage to

UNDISPUTED | Softest star in the NBA! – Skip Bayless reacts to Luka Doncic asked security to eject this Suns fans in Mavs’ loss


  1. Theres no way Luka was getting heckled more than Booker and Durant IN Dallas. Only reason Luka heard the fan in the second half is cuz the Mavs fans went silent during the beat down.

  2. Imma en this debate right here the the next time another player from the the opposing team starts to trash talk him is he gonna ask security to throw the player out ? Of course not lol the moral of the story luka threw him out not because the fan said something highly offensive, luka threw him out because he knew he had more power status to do so and his ego couldn't handle the pressure. And for all of you luka lovers justifying him saying the fan crossed the line , then let me tell you that your superstar could have never handled playing against Larry bird lol

  3. Whatever Luca said…if it was hey watch that guy over there OR hey get that guy up outta here, the security would decide what is appropriate for the circumstance. Either way I would assume the security would just keep an eye on the guy or tell the man to chill with the heckling. And I would think Luca knows better than people who aren't in an NBA game all the time what security is going to do. If hen did get booted the security must have had a legit reason to boot him. They cant just throw out every paying fan that looks sideways at a player. There would be a lot of fans being thrown out every game.

  4. Everyone in the comments acting like the audio of the heckler and Luca was heard, and they know the exact situation how it happened.

  5. The NBA needs to look at this!
    This was a very bad look for Luka Dallas and the NBA.
    There is no NBA without the fans. There is a freedom of speech in this country. The fan never said anything that was racial threatening or personal.

  6. Keyshawns' a freakin clown!!! These nba players get paid millions and the fans who pay for the tickets which pay their salaries shouldn't be able to express their feelings in a passionate game scenario? Tell me your a soft azz B** without telling me your a soft azz B****!! "Keyshawn the clown".

  7. Biased …. but what happens when .. EVERYONE says 'REF YOU SUCK!" do you throw out those fans? – What is acceptable vs unacceptable? Curse Words & Racial / Ethnic stuff – agreed toss. But 'Luka you tired / suck – get on the treadmill" … sounds benign to me… but again biased…

  8. For music fans, it's like when Axl Rose ejected someone from a concert for wearing a Slash shirt. That's what Luka did. Found the first guy with a Devin Booker jersey on and ejected him. Weak.

  9. I mean cmon what kind of person goes to a game to trashtalk a certain player multiple times. I don't feel sorry for this dude. These are athletes but still they deserve respect like everybody else. Just my opinion

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