@New York Knicks

The Knicks Have Been Rolling But Now The Real Work Begins | Fanchise On WFAN (Audio)

The Knicks Have Been Rolling But Now The Real Work Begins | Fanchise On WFAN (Audio)

Joining us right now Nicks fans this is your main man CP the franchise what’s up CP my man Keith mcferson first off shout out to either you or Connor for the J Electronica intro to come into the show man I like that I like that man I think

Every time I’m on we get that uh Exhibit C beat to come in it’s it’s Monumental it’s colossal it’s a great way to bring you in man I don’t think you need any intro Nicks fans Know Who You Are fans know who you are I know Evan’s always

Talking about how he keeps up with the Knicks through you and your channel trending up I I think you guys passed the 70,000 subscriber Milestone couple weeks back where you at now 70k yeah we’re we’re creeping up on 71k and and uh you know the the anobi trade really

Shattered things man we had a record over 7,000 live viewers as well man so it’s been been a big year for kftv you know when you brought up Evan Roberts it brought a smile to my face because just yesterday we had Evan on on on our matina show just previewing the Knicks

Versus the Nets game talking trash and then in the evening time or actually earlier this morning rather I saw the picture of the four you you lugie Evan and Tiki at the game and you know with the Knicks winning it just put a smile

On my face man I I bet it did and you know Evan is defeated Evan gave you some blood all the Knicks fans today he said everything I’m not the same as Evan though like I’m not I’m not defeated I know the Nets are trash like I I went in

There and not expecting the win I go in there rooting for the team but like I just watch them lose to the Clippers and the Clippers close them out with a 22 nothing run I watched them give the Trailblazers their 10th and 11th win on the season I watched them lose to the

Wizards I watched them get uh find $100,000 for resting healthy players two days after Christmas in that Bucks game this is a sinking ship like I’m I’m not feeling the way that I felt about the Nets in the past years I know they’re cooked so tonight I was talking about

All the the Knicks fans kind of pounding their chest about taking over the arena that’s no accomplishment yeah well you know and you can add a 32 to 18 fourth quarter uh collapse there by one of the worst fourth quarter teams in the NBA to

To add to the misery but you know what you know for the for the Knicks fans in there gloating it’s like I told Evan yesterday on my show for the last 20 some odd years I mean the Nets have really dominated these matchups whether

It was through the kid era yes sir or it was through the uh the the KD Kyrie era you know the Knicks have not had much success against the Nets so it’s like I told Evan yesterday I like it because it this this is now the time for the Knicks

To take advantage of the Nets being the inferior team and stacking up some wins in the win column so now they’re up 20 in the uh in the season series yeah stay down till you come up this is the get back right all all those L’s you took in

A row was it seven or eight in a row that the Nets had on the Knicks now you’re stacking wins and and what I’m trying to tell the Knicks fan out there is like you’re you’re stacking wins against the Nets but that’s nothing to write home about that’s nothing to be on

Twitter writing about for the last 24 hours you want to Stack wins so that you get where you want to be in the Eastern Conference you want to Stack wins so that you feel confident about what you’re doing going into the playoffs now speaking of the playoffs in the Eastern

Conference I keep saying that you need to make one more move watching that group that had ogan anobi uh miles McBride Quinton Grimes pre like watching that group and it was like OG versus Lonnie Walker in the the beginning of the fourth quarter last night I’m like

They need another score OG can score but like you need a microwave score you need a a IQ type you need another guy that in the playoffs when all the starters are resting you can either close the gap on a team or you can hold the lead on a

Team because you have a guy that can create his own shot and put the ball in the hoop absolutely right the the Emanuel quickly trade has left a huge hole in that Nicks bench and every night when you’re in that you know end of the third in into that fourth that stretch

Where you you’re looking to buy some time allowing Jaylen Brunson and Julius Rand to get some rest so that they can close the game properly it is I mean it is pulling your hair out it is cardiac Nicks as we always say you are sweating it out because that unit just does not

Have a capable reliable shot Creator or playmaker a guy that you could really go to and trust that he’s going to deliver that’s what Emanuel quickley was able to do over his last couple of years with the Knicks and so you’re right they definitely do need Firepower uh but for

Now you know during this stretch what what I do like is that I like that it forces a guy like an OG anobi to kind of switch his role and become more of a dynamic player become more of a shot Creator because look by the end of this

Season the Knicks are GNA have an announcement where o anobi is going to get a big big deal and some Knicks fans are going to be like you know what he’s worth it and others are going to be like whoa this is this is kind of an overpay

Here and so what I want to see him doing is continue to work on his his game because he’s going to need to show that yes the 3 and D is Elite but if he can show a little bit more in the intermediate it will allow fans to

Digest his new contract and really see how much value he brings to this team yeah well you you got to keep him because you don’t want him going to Philly anyway like you don’t want him going to a competitor you made the trade for him you gave up homegrown drafted

Knicks that were beloved you got to pay him and the fans will get over it the same way fans kind of overreacted to the trade they got over it pretty quickly when they saw his fit and how the Knicks were winning with him um speaking of

Fits the best fit in a long time at that point guard position is Jaylen Brunson did he say something about the WNBA back in December Becky Hammond had smoked for him and then cand Candace Parker last night like why are they why are they discrediting this man why are they

Talking down on this man why are they taking shots at Jaylen Brunson who is the savior point guard for the New York Knicks you know what it is man I just think that over the years the media has gotten so used to to dumping on the Knicks that you know these media members

Feel like they have to do it because it’s it’s the end thing to do it’s a popular thing to do but if you look at recent years the narrative is changing and Jaylen Brunson is a big part of that you look at these last two years he’s

Been one of the best players in the NBA make no mistake I hope he makes the All-Star team this year because he’s he’s very much deserving of it man I mean you you look at the way that he operates the way that he creates separation with his size either using

His physic Al it or using his footwork the craftiness with in which he’s able to get into the mid-range I mean it is just a sight to see every single night and so I I think you know a lot of these these pundits like to to kind of build

On the old Narrative of the ncks but it just shows that they’re not watching every night right and you know that’s why they come to Nicks fan TV no no no Shameless plug here but that that’s why they come to us because the fans know

That we we tap into this team on a nightly basis and so they know that they’ll get an accurate perspective on things yeah good and it’s great to have fan-made media it’s great to have fans that do watch the team every night that have been seeing the progression over

The years that can speak on it because these pundits helicopter in and like if people didn’t hear Becky Hammond was basically saying that you know Brunson is a small player like size-wise he’s not going to be able to stand up to like a LeBron James and she even threw Steph

Curry out there Steph Curry is not a big man in this league um but also those guys have been in the league for a decade plus Brunson is just getting started and even last night with Candace Parker she’s going back to the Jaylen Brunson that was in Dallas yeah that has

Nothing to do with the jayen Brunson we’re seeing now yeah yeah that that’s just that’s just not doing your research and a big company like TNT you you got nerds behind desks all over that place at least you know pull out some stats and give us some accurate figures there

But it’s like you said you know brunson’s only been on the scene this is a year and a half as being a starter in this league and so it’s going to take a little bit of time for him to to get that that respect but I I think slowly

The league is coming around to it Nicks fans certainly Embrace him but he needs help man he he definitely needs help they they won over the Nets which is great you had him and Julius Randle both scoring 60 points but what happens on an off night what happens if those guys are

Misfiring or what happens if a a defensive team is successful in slowing down a Jaylen Brunson that’s where that extra Firepower is going to be needed and so it’s left to be seen how this team will move forward between now and the February eighth trade deadline yeah

Or God forbid one of those guys gets hurt not to speak that into existence not to put that out there but you know Isaiah height hartenstein was was hurt and you know talking about pundit right I I always reference Stephen A Smith just like three weeks ago talking about

Oh I got to watch some guy Isaiah hartstein like clearly you haven’t watched him clearly you haven’t been paying attention he’s the least of your worries he plays hard he’s he’s he’s a guy that you should be happy you have with Mitchell Robinson going down uh he’s obviously out last night Jericho

Sim steps up um you’re thinking that you’re going to get Mitch Rob Back by the end of the season obviously hartenstein will come back but like I mean they have the depth how do you feel about the center position the five position with with the Knicks moving

Forward it I I would say you know one to 10 concern I would say about a seven only because you know I I love the way that hartenstein has been playing his defense is really stepped up I I mean you know he he was looking like Mitchell

Robinson out there for a couple of games uh when he played for Mitch and then offensively what he gives to Nick being able to space the floor for them a little bit being able to run offense through hartenstein that’s one thing that you you couldn’t really do through

Mitchell Robinson so I I love the the change of dynamic that he brought to the team now when he goes down what happens they went to Jericho Sims they went to precess atua in the win over the Nets and I thought those guys really gave it

A great effort I mean Jericho Sims of first quarter had four blocks in that game so he had great energy precious atua closed very well in that game now they were the denied the disabled player exemption by the league uh for for Mitchell Robinson thinking that Mitchell

Robinson may be back by the end of the season now the problem is is that what shape will he be in by the time he gets back when Mitchell Robinson came back from a broken foot two years ago to start off the regular season he was in

Pretty bad shape he was laboring a little bit and so there’s no telling if he’s going to come back and and just jump right into form I think it’s hard to assume that because and and this year he I mean he came into camp in great shape and that’s the most disappointing

Thing about losing Mitchell Robinson was that he was really having a great year he was in great shape great spirits and really dominating at his position so I still think even at trade thaton I would love for them to go out there and get more depth because you just don’t know

What’s going to happen with hartenstein between now and the end of the season they need a more veteran presence there but primarily uh it’s going to be on the perimeter where where they need the the biggest upgrade yeah last thing before we let you go you know as I’m telling

Fans tonight hey don’t don’t be worried about the measley Nets the Nets are a bottom three team in the league Here Comes speaking of the five position Nicola yic and the Nuggets coming to the Garden tomorrow and then you’ve got a stretch of games between now and the

Trade deadline where you’ll see the Miami Heat you’ll see the Pacers you’ll see the Lakers the Mavs like you’ll see the Pacers again this is an important stretch for the Knicks to lock in beating the Nets by five coming back to win is is cool or whatever but I know

The Nets got the Knicks got to lock in for this next run what do you expect to see I mean at least you got the nuggets and the heat in your own building yeah they they’re definitely going to need to lock in um the the game against the Champs is always a great

Measuring stick and and always uh a fun environment they did beat Denver last year at MSG which was a pretty fun game that that I was at but the this Miami game to me is more important they’re 1 against the Heat in the season series The Heat just upgraded by adding Terry

Rosier uh to their roster and you know it’s going to be important here because this Miami Heat team they’re two and a half games back of the Knicks Nicks sitting in the fifth spot and you have the Indiana Pacers who are sitting there in the seventh spot who are three games

In back of the heat the Knicks will face them twice between now and February 10th and so these games when you’re looking at the fourth through say eighth seed in the East and the Knicks having to play the Heat the Pacers the the Orlando Magic these are going to be like playoff

Games Kei because you have to factor in tiebreakers these teams are all fairly evenly matched and so you can’t slip you have to take all these games seriously the one good thing I like about the Nicks is that in this month of January it’s a home heavy schedule and so the

Next eight out of the the next eight out of the eight out of the next nine games they will be at Madison Square Garden and so while this team is a work in progress and they have a lot of work to do they will benefit from having a home

Heavy schedule and hopefully that will help them capitalize and uh and and get into shape yep Nick fans go pack your own building it’s easy to get a little cheap ticket a couple months in advance to go to Barkley’s go pack your own building the Knicks are going to need

Y’all CP you’re the man uh last thing I’m rooting for Julius Randle I know people are already preemptively expecting him to just you know fall flat on his face and in the playoffs I’m rooting for Julius Randle to silence his critics this year I hope so because it

Means success for the Knicks because the Knicks need him then make no mistake the Knicks will need him to have any type of success past say the second round of the playoffs so uh he he he’s due for a big one you hope that he can shake the

Demons but for right now I I I would say for Nicks fans just enjoy what he’s doing for this team for the regular season because he’s changed his approach he’s changed his shot selection he’s opted for Bully ball which is where he’s playing to his strengths and he’s

Leading out there and for most nights both ends of the court so I like this version of Julius Randall we’ll let the play off Julius we’ll let him speak for himself when that time comes but for right now he’s looking good man CP thank you bro that’s CP the franchise from Nick fan


The Knicks Have Been Rolling But Now The Real Work Begins | Fanchise On WFAN (Audio)


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  1. Great to listen to this. In terms of visuals it would be good to have the text on screen and shuffle through different Knicks highlights so that the content is more engaging. Happy to help

  2. i wouldnt listen to kieth id someone paid none, the worst in the history of wfan, of which i dont listen any of at all anymore.

  3. the bozo made his debut on wfan talking isht about the knicks ill never forget it…i cant believe i even caught that five minutes, sounding like someones house ibtch😆wfan is hot garbage

  4. My guy at the beginning of this interview was sounding kinda hurt about the Nets! 😂😂 "That's nothing to be excited about" … bro it totally is something to be excited about.

  5. Right when the nets were beating up on the knicks that didn't have much talent everyone was on that bandwagon. When the role is reversed now everyone is in their feelings and winning in this rivalry doesn't mean anything. Knicks all day !!!

  6. Is there a bigger loser than Keith in sports media? Guy's such a salty loser whenever his teams get embarrassed after he runs his mouth (which is often)

  7. Trade Fournier, Hart, Grime and 3 first pick for Muray and Huter.
    Trade Huter and a First for Bogdanovic.

    In a less realistic scenario I would trade Grime and 2 first for Jordan Hawkins, yes that kid is a superstar in the making. Fournier, Achiuwa, 1 first and 1 second round for Jonathan Isaac and Okeke. Then, I trade Okeke and a First for Saddiq Bey.

  8. We have to stop saying we need another IQ player coming off the bench for the playoffs we actually need better remember IQ was trash in the playoffs

  9. Dwight Howard and lance Stephenson would help this team both are defensively fit and have playoff experience and it wouldn’t cost us any picks or players

  10. Those Jersey days don't count. Those clowns decided 2 come 2 NY(&displace bk residents, but diff. Story) & "steal" knicks shine during Melo days!!! Remember the Brooklyn nots accomplished nothing w/"stars", a cupcake, a choker & a misunderstood player. Where's the chip the Russian owner promised in 5 years!!!

  11. That other guy you were saying we need off the bench is…Alec Burks. He does exactly what we need at the moment plus he'll be relatively cheap and is very familiar with the team and Thibs

  12. I don't like this guy's energy at the beginning of the video. Like bro why Can't we be happy about our team winning against the New Jersey Nets? 😒🙄

  13. Listen, as a Knicks fan I really started hating on the Nets under the Kidd K Mart and Jefferson Era, because those teams would beat my Knicks like a drum but then act too uppity afterwards, didn't show any class (not Kidd), but K Mart, Jefferson, kittles…when the Knicks had Patrick and the crew we kill the Nets, but we showed class about it.

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