@Milwaukee Bucks

Giannis Antetokounmpo on the Bucks Firing Adrian Griffin HC, FULL POSTGAME Interview

Giannis Antetokounmpo on the Bucks Firing Adrian Griffin HC, FULL POSTGAME Interview

Oh what we got um you’ve been through coaching changes before um just kind of how do you react when you find out that news and how do you try to comprehend Building from here um you know obviously it’s tough um you know you build a relationship with

People um and all of a sudden boom them you know they’re not here um for a coach like like grief I think from day one was everything was about togetherness was always leading this group um you know into the direction that we set in the beginning of the year and him

Not being here at the end of the day you know like we’re human it’s it it hurts everybody but I then got to keep on moving forward we have a goal in our head which is to be the best basketball team that we can be uh obviously there’s

A lot of high expectations uh from the ownership group from the front office from ourselves um to be great and this is this is the business of the NBA you know I’ve been in a situation like that in the past I understand how things works I got to keep on moving forward

Today Joe PR is our our head coach we played a very very good game and guess a very very good team that we last by 40 uh a week ago and tomorrow Coach P is going to be our coach again we going to watch film we going let Coach uh Joe lead us

In uh towards the direction that we’ve set as I said in the beginning of the year and um Can TR to be better um I think 38 games left as whoever comes in to to coach you guys just as you’re like trying to think of the the idea of getting ready in 38

Games with a new coach for a playoff run do you feel like that’s enough time to to mesh in the way that you need to to kind of prepare for for a stretch run that’s a very good question um at the end of the day I I am not in meetings uh

That’s been taking place with I don’t know who ultimately makes a decision like that probably the GM and the the owners um I this time I don’t know if there’s going to be a coach that’s going to come and uh take over so I don’t want to make assumptions

That there’s going to be a coach obviously there’s um a lot of media Outlets out there that have uh put some names out there but uh as I said today my coach is Joe priny and I gotta respect him I got to respect that and

Um I cannot assume that we going to have you know uh in the near future another another coach when that happen I can uh I can you know comment about that more 38 games also do I know if it’s going to be enough no I don’t know I’ve never been

In a position like that before I don’t know if 38 games enough to come together and uh try to win the a championship so I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how how how it goes but at the end of the day like we we play the game

Players play the game uh we getting we getting together Chris is dunking the ball all of a sudden dunk last game d this game I don’t know what’s going on um I made the three this game last game too like we just switching rols

Like I think I mean Chris milon is in my body actually no I’m mean Chris milon body he’s in my body now I’m joking but um players players play the game you know and and at times we we need direction but at the end of the day our

Talent will take over and we we’re going to read the play we’re going to make the best uh possible decision um and I think we’ve played a a season that guys have been healthy we’ve played a lot of minutes together like me and D we’ve played 40 something games together

And we going to play 70 80 who knows but we on the court together me Chris D Brook like we on the court so we playing good or bad sometimes we lose sometimes we win um sometimes we we don’t play well sometimes we play well but it’s good that we are out there

Together now who’s going to come and give us that direction um in the future I don’t know right now I know the D the guy is giving us direction is Coach Joe and uh today he was he was incredible was able to get a win we play

Them again on Friday hopefully we can get a win again um John John was up there pregame and said one of the factors behind the the decision was he felt there’s another level the team there’s a gear um this team can be better and I know you just said players

Play so I guess I’m curious where do you think a this change can help you play better as a group and get to a different level because that’s that’s why JN had said they made the change so I’m curious how you feel that can help help you all

The the change yes the change I don’t know um you got to I think Jim you got to ask John I do believe like I can break it down and you know go from defense offense from my chemistry from the way we practice from our our our level of uh Focus you know

When we go out there like there’s a lot of things that we can do better from a Twan game with me and day more for uh me and Chris to also connect more from up BR like there’s so many things from not giving up a lot of Threes like you know

Today we were trying to do some went off but okay um there’s a lot of things that we can do better so I probably assume maybe I’m not sure you got ex that he’s uh referring to those things

Cleveland Cavaliers vs Milwaukee Bucks – Full Game Highlights | January 24, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season


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  1. lmfao get rteady to blow a 3-1 lead in the playoffs giannis, idk who smoked crack and decided on doc

  2. Doc won’t help you beat Boston, sorry. You as a team will have to decide to play a level of defense you haven’t so far in order to do that. And that level of defense necessary will take its toll on the offensive pace.

  3. Soft move by Giannis. I am not a Lebron fan, but Lebron took the coach to the finals. Giannis is using coaching as an excuse for not winning. This is the third coach in a one year span. I don’t think he will win with this attitude.

  4. I look more at Gianni’s now just very mature confident nd nobody is going to stand in his way man is just 29 too still young young another 9- 10 years in his belt honestly

  5. Giannis has always been a villain backstory that the media loves to push so no one really thinks about his bad side

  6. Giannis channeling his inner LeGM which is completly fine, dude has won an championship and is the bucks but hopefully man learns that its not easy to be both an MVP candidate and make solid sounding basketball moves, aint no fucking way an first year head coach should've gotten an championship or bust team ( 4 year deal shows just how far gone the front office is btw )

    Everyone knows giannis got AG the job and just as giannis desires if its not working you're out.

  7. Bottom line is players have to do their jobs for team to be successful. Love Giannis Antetokounmpo drive, passion, competitiveness and humbleness. Gos bless the Greek Freak. 🇬🇷🙏🏽💚

  8. front office needed a scapegoat for making the poor choice of trading away Holiday for Lillard. You traded a DPOY level player then expect defence to stay the same? And now Holiday is on their greatest rival in the Celtics. Just stupid. By getting Lillard they made Boston stronger, and somehow it's Adrian Griffin's fault.

  9. I get it. Griffin had to go. My family and coworkers here in Milwaukee were over the guy too. But man… Giannis' ego lol What was that at the start?

  10. So now if the Bucks win the chip with Doc rivers we all know Doc is gonna have a lot to say …like Bruh you won a chip with a stacked team already in Boston 🤔🤔

  11. Giannias is a coach killer, gets coach fired. Diva. All cause he wants his brother on the team, when a better player deserves that roster spot. Oh well.

  12. He the one that got him fired and Bud. 2 coaches in less than a 1 1/2. Need to fire his bum sss bruthas

  13. Giannis has fully become an NBA player, getting his coach fired and acting like it was tough to lose him and he had nothing to do with it. LeBron has been doing that for 2 decades

  14. They were 30-13 because they had fucking super stars on the team! Anyone can pop on there and give the team a good record.

  15. Giannis is a jerk. The power and the money has gone to his head. He ain’t going to win anymore chips.

  16. For context, I’m not the biggest Lebron fan. Saying that, his critics would’ve fried him up for a situation like this, ie David Blatt. Giannis stuntin right now 🤣

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