@Golden State Warriors

Atleast JK is continuing is excellent play 🔥

Kuminga is averaging 25 points, 6 rebounds & 1 assist over his last 5 games

by roscochicken90


  1. Bahamut_Prime

    I would have argued that Kerr should
    ‘Ve continued making plays for him by the end.

    Curry and the others kept forcing 3s at the end

  2. cock-a-dooodle-do

    His jersey number looks like this 👀

  3. Practical_Sir_510

    Is it me or did he take a massive leap in like two games.  He’s playing like he’s the #1 option.

  4. it’s becoming apparent that kuminga is probably the 2nd best player on the warriors

    imo it’d unwise to trade him right now when he’s just scratching the surface of how good he could be

    no matter who the warriors trade for this trade deadline, most realistic options probably being murray, bridges, or lavine … none by themselves is making the warriors a true NBA title contender … and that team likely would get bounced in round 2 of the western playoffs anyways

    if kuminga continues to play like he has recently for the rest of the season then his trade value increases even more and maybe an actual disgruntled super star demands to be traded in the offseason or before next season’s trade deadline … like a giannis, embiid, george, etc if their teams fall short yet again in this upcoming postseason and any of those teams struggle early next 2024/25 season

    i think kuminga if he continues to play at this high of level could be a major trade asset the warriors could have & use in a big game hunting acquisition for a legit super star who can elevate the team back into legit NBA title contention like those 3 players mentioned previously … but i honestly wouldn’t trade kuminga at this time for a very good borderline all star player that probably will be available between now and next month’s trade deadline that again unlikely puts the warriors into serious NBA title contenders this season

    if none of those kind of super star players do become available over the next year and kuminga again continues on this trajectory than at the very least you have a very exciting young player to build around post curry, thompson, green which isn’t a bad place to be in if you’re the warriors franchise long term

  5. candyman58

    Until he’s benched by Kerr and we lose the game

  6. It’s time to get him back in the starting line up with dray. Steph, Klay, jk, dray, saric new starting 5.

  7. He should be the number 2 going forward lmao. Run the offence through him when Steph isn’t on the floor.

  8. So gutted they couldnt grab that board in one of the last possesions, it really shows we need a rebounder

  9. HeynowyoureaRocstar

    Trade stock at an all time high right now 🤣

  10. GarvinSteve

    He’s great at the rim. He has really developed his attack.

  11. He ascending. If Wiseman did the same thing, we’d be in business dammit.

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