@Chicago Bulls

Coby White & the Chicago Bulls lose to LeBron, Lakers in LA | CHGO Bulls Postgame

Coby White & the Chicago Bulls lose to LeBron, Lakers in LA | CHGO Bulls Postgame

N Come on buddy oh let’s go what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in C Bulls post game coming to you live for our studios here in the West Loop downtown 12:04 a.m. Chicago time I’m peek that’s Big Dave will the go go leave our pal producer Joey Spa is on the controls we

Are CS joore Bulls thank you for joining us late tonight big uh Big Dave are you laughing at our friend comv the French Bulls TV I mean it’s not 150 it’s 141 points 141 but they scored 132 so it’s hard for me to be mad at a

Team that has LeBron James and Anthony Davis on it doing that to you but when Nas Reed and those teams are scoring 15 on you wait that’s a different are are we not allowed to be upset that part of it included Angelo Russell going off but

Here’s the thing if he hadn’t been 13 from three if he hadn’t been doing this up to this point then yes but he has been killing these past few games so he has been playing better recently yeah but I understand hey y’all get it you 141 points it was the season high

For opponents points allowed by the Bulls thus far this season so there’s that okay all right uh I believe also the highest f field goal percentage allowed by the Bulls to an opponent this season mhm the Lakers shot 60.9% from the field they made 53 field

Goals 20 of those 53 made field goals were from behind the three-point line where they shot 64 half% like come on dog that that adds up to allowing 141 points the the bull scoring 132 is hilarious but the Lakers shooting that well and the bulls with just some

Inexcusably dumb turnovers and this is the result we’re left with yeah they they take this L um and it it started from the beginning they they were just hot and you thought that at the half or I believe the Lakers were 11 to 17 uh from the three-point line at the half

And were basically the only reason they were killing because the Bulls are winning pretty much every other category at one point I believe in the third quarter D’Angelo Russell with eight had as many made threes as the Bulls as a team he was which was also eight 7 to 22 at that

Half go ahead d’el Russell was at one point eight of 11 and the Bulls were eight of 28 there it is like yeah like that I mean damn they was just King the ass whooping who was it was it vanderville who was seven to seven for

Like 14 points at one point like yeah man like it was just out of control they were super duper hot uh very rare for any team not just the Lakers very rare for any team to get that hot and just go off on you like that for an entire game

Usually you might see it for a half but the entire game they they just went absolutely insane so the crazy part is they are not a three-point shooting team exactly they were tonight they last in the league in attempts they are 20th in the league in three-point percentage and

Yet they shot 64 and a half% which was a season high for them percentage wise uh second most threes in a game that they’ve made this year season High shocked I mean it’s not even that the Bulls were just like giving up a bunch of wide open shots like I felt like they

Were contesting uh d’angel Russell hit two just heat check threes that had no business going up alone going in the first heat check was insane the second heat check was like what how and then there was actually the third heat check which was his end of the third quarter

Or end of halftime Buzz beer can’t remember third quarter and yeah which was like a you know three4 length court shot that he almost banked in yeah he just had the Michael secret stuff going tonight apparently the secret stuff and that’s what happens I mean these teams

Even like the poor shooting teams if you get hot and you make 23s in a game you are probably going to win teams this year who have made 23s in a game are 57 and N so that’s pretty good record pretty good record not a bad record at

All pretty good record when you super duper hot man drill 23s uh the Bulls ended up with 12 of 37 so shooting uh low 30s percentage wise on uh fewer makes you know they’re volume but decent volume decent volume they had to start chucking to kind of keep themselves you

Know the Bulls still lose the three-point battle tonight by 24 points M so there that is uh and then points off turnovers I don’t know if it ended up being as bad as it was at halftime um okay so the Bulls evened it up a little

Bit and probably some of that had to do that fourth quarter run when the Lakers were a little bit more laxed with the ball but the Lakers also had an 18 to4 Edge at halftime in points off turnovers I mean like again this has been a team

One of the few strengths the Bulls have had offensively this season is protecting the bask keeping those turnover numbers down and tonight it was just like guys making passes to their teammates who weren’t even looking yeah just you know trying to force entry passes that weren’t there

Just just dumb stuff that you just kind of shake your head and you’re frustrated about cuz like if if the Bulls cut down on some of those dumb turnovers especially in the first half maybe this is more of a game than it was yeah the communication was definitely off uh the

One where Kobe is trying to pass to IO and io’s moving off the Baseline and he clearly wants him to steal to stand right there like that communication was off like you mentioned the passes ahead that nobody was really looking for I too just off the top of my head I remember

One was from Drummond and one was from I believe Kobe who was just throwing it ahead to IO and nobody was looking for the ball luckily they held on to it um the last three minutes of the second quarter I think pretty much Su that up as far as

The turnovers were concerned the whole because they just started but yeah but it really was that moment right there the Lakers finished finished the second quar on exactly and that’s why it was just turnovers were happening they finished the damn quarter with a turnover so they just continueed to happen for them

Hitting those threes and that was that was the game for you and it continued on as you went to the third as you went to the fourth man so yeah turnovers and ridiculously hot three-point shooting you’re going to take that L do you guys feel like they played obviously like

Defensively you’re giving up that many points um some of that is just luck of make or Miss kind of League um but to me it did not feel like they played Super poorly um if you look at just like some of their other indicators I mean they

Were fantastic from the free throw line 26 of 29 compared to the Lakers 15 of 20 they had 12 offensive rebounds which is something that they have really been prioritizing uh they still shot well from the field obviously not enough to keep Pace with the Lakers um dear had

His first really good game in a while I would say he had 32 points 10 of 14 shooting 11 of 12 at the free throw line that’s old school of 12 from the free throw line he’s barely been going to the free throw line at all Reas from the

First quarter you could tell he was going for 40 first time he’s been in double digit free throw attempts since uh December 14th so over a month and a half and yeah I I’ve been kind of like quietly putting these in my articles recently of just like man dear is kind

Of not looking quite the same like his his shooting efficiency is down he’s not making a shots he’s turning the ball over in late game scenarios like I don’t know it just feels like he’s not quite that same super human force that he was certainly two years ago but last year

Even to a certain extent that uh decline I think is starting to come for him a little bit but clearly there are nights where he can still really get it going and uh doesn’t hurt that that was against his hometown team no no didn’t hurt at all and you can tell he and

Caruso had a little extra juice tonight playing uh against La obviously one is a HomeTown other one win the championship going against LeBron like coming out of the gate Caruso was taking those shots you know and playing that defense so yeah they were hyped up but they

Couldn’t hit Kobe white uh was not on his thing as far as the three-point shooting is concerned yeah just three of 10 behind the three-point line for Kobe tonight yeah man so yeah it’s just when you when you shooting it like that and you got another team that is absolutely

Lights out just ridiculous lights out this is this is how it happened so it’s funny that it was ended up 141 132 which is what you keep laughing at because the fact they pick up that 132 shooting like that and it’s still a 9-point it’s like

Wow okay but it did of course it doesn’t feel like that we watched the whole game we know that game was pretty much over early on but yeah man like that kind of shooting I just chalk those kind of games up when you’re shooting like that like that’s just unreal and not

Something that is usually sustainable yeah and so we’ll see like how much they you know take away from this there’s kind of the whole meme about like AK putting too much value into close losses um and obviously the Bulls got this one to be within 10 points you do have to

Credit them for like not really going away mhm um but yeah that second quarter I think just was kind of the end of it and the rest of the way they were just like I don’t know it felt like they could have pulled their starters like

See early in the fourth quarter I’m glad that’s where you’re going with that because some of us were sitting there saying yo Billy why why is Kobe still in this game why is DeMar still in this game yeah they made a little half-speed comeback in the middle of the fourth

Quarter to make the final score more respectable but it’s not like they had even enough ticks left on the clock to actually try to complete that comeback and you know you were pointed out as we were watching it the reminder that Kobe and dear are among the league leaders in

Minutes played this season uh you’re you know on game two of a three-game road trip may maybe maybe you just throw that one but I yeah okay I guess credit to them that they didn’t completely throw in the towel and give up uh but Anthony in the comments said how many times

Going to say this team wasn’t ready to play or needed better energy it’s unacceptable I don’t even feel I didn’t even feel that though like I just thought they took a ass whooping against a team that was red hot the the first quarter was back and forth both both

Teams were playing well both offenses hummed well um and it was just like the second quarter like it was just like a slippery slope that started to go worse and worse for the Bulls the Lakers kept hitting the Bulls kept turning the ball over um shout out to our guy FR Bulls TV

Who said I thought defense was awful all night no physicality no communication no Closeouts uh too easily beaten on pick and rolls uh it was bad what I mean I I noticed you pointed out at least one of them with a video you posted will of the the Lakers and LeBron specifically kind

Of picking on Kobe with some switches and some mismatches you know in your opinion is there anything you would have liked to see Billy do differently maybe make an in-game adjustment on sort of what the uh defensive schemes were that he was running out there to try to stop the

Bleeding or at least slow the bleeding of this uncharacteristically hot night from a Lakers team that’s not known for hitting that many threes yeah the tricky part was like you know if you’re pointing out that specific run at the end of the second quarter which is when

A lot of the damage in this game was done I mean it was just turnovers leading to uh the bulls not being matched up the way they wanted to be in transition and then you get Austin Reeves and LeBron running a pick and roll you get Kobe switched onto LeBron

You get LeBron in the post where he’s able to make a play for himself or somebody else and I mean yeah you could could call it timeout in there um you could send more help but the Bulls like I’ve asked this question before they stand on their scheme and their scheme

Is to switch everything one through four sometimes they switch one through five and we saw that a little bit tonight uh with Drummond but I mean Billy put Drummond and vuin together which is not something he normally does um he at one point actually put Kobe on LeBron or I

Don’t know if this was just intentional or if it was just matched up that way but like there were a couple possessions where Kobe was just the one on LeBron and I think the reason behind that is that he was trying to avoid bringing two

To the ball to where you can draw uh switches for like ad so I don’t know I think people are frustrated with Billy online I don’t like there’s always more that a coach can do and I don’t want to take that away from them I really the

One area where I do criticize him on this one was that you’re down 23 in this game and you’ve got the number one and number two players in the league in minutes played and you’re playing them both mid-40s Kobe 43 minutes that’s my biggest criticism but like I

Mean the Lakers were just on fire were making contestant shots and the Bulls were turning the ball over it’s just really difficult to win a game and be competitive in a game where that’s the case it’s just it’s a tough thing to do I mean the bull shot 53 1.2% from the

Field only 32 and half% from three okay but on as you said well a decent volume they also had they they also made 26 free throws I mean their score by quarter 32 25 36 39 and you still lose yeah like this is not necessarily A A playing badly game

This is like the Lakers went crazy and the Bulls you know that second quarter the 256 out and it was largely due to unforced turnovers and unforced errors and the Lakers absolutely converting on those yeah and it feels like Billy also left these guys in because the Lakers

Still had their guys in like LeBron’s still in the game LeBron and AD were out there with 3 minutes left yeah they’re still playing trying to protect what was a dwindling lead yeah I’m sure because I’m sure Billy’s think well if they’re out there then those guys are going to

Be out there yeah no I’m not saying that’s the right thing because it damn sure wasn’t you should have sat those guys down we knew the game was a wrap but I’m thinking that was his mindset like fine they’re out there then you guys are going to be out there playing

Too uh Chason Ashlin in the comments why can’t Billy Donovan figure out what to do when the Bulls have these games where they play like garbage for a whole quarter we can never see him to stop the bleeding that’s coaching oh or or it’s the Lakers shooting 65%

From three while the Bulls make passes to players at/ teammates who aren’t looking yeah at where the ball is coming from and you talk about attacking Kobe that’s but that you’re right that’s totally Billy’s fault the other guy that definitely attack was Patrick Williams he was attacked oh my God by by LeBron

James I I’ve see p will supporter in the comments yelling about how horribly Billy coached this game tonight no mention of Pat no mention of pat p will supporter how do we feel about him tonight six points on two of nine 0 of five from downtown but yeah no let’s

Let’s harp on Billy getting out coached tonight shut no it wasn’t that um Patrick definitely didn’t have that [ __ ] at all and he got cooked I mean cooked he got cooked fried frea seed you however you want to say it but it was weird because why I’ve

Seen him play better against LeBron like I’ve seen it I’ve watched it happen because again this is why Lebron would give him compliments he’s not just throwing compliments out to anybody he would throw a compliment out to but this just look like man dude like you just shouldn’t shouldn’t even be on this

Level with LeBron James and it wasn’t like he was putting extra moves on him or anything like that posting you up hitting tough shots three-point shot because you’re leaving me and and late getting back to me here’s a bucket for you I’m going to cross you over cuz I do

The same one every single time and I’m going go to the bucket he couldn’t stop him the turnaround that he hit was absolutely vicious now I’ll give him that one that was disgusting that was just greatness happening in front of your face but they continue they continued to attack him and they

Continued to attack Kobe like they pointed and they and they pointed those two guys out like these are the guys were coming after usually it’s dear you know that guys are going to point out and come after but tonight it wasn’t that it I don’t know what they saw imp

Pat you but they they were correct tonight yeah it’s just it’s a bad game he’s not going to play well every game he’s had moments recently where he looked good he had some moments where he has not looked as good um I feel like I’ve kind of beaten a dead horse with

This that just like hit it again will he’s he’s like not a great player so he’s not going to play great all the time he’s a young player who’s in inconsistent get a tough matchup trying to guard LeBron freaking James uh and sometimes it doesn’t go your way most

Times against LeBron it does not go your way I think it’s fair to say most times against LeBron it does not go your way yeah when you play play a guy like that you kind of want to not match him point for point you know but your play has to

At least do a little something you know what I mean if LeBron’s going to put up 30 on you can you give me like 18 you know what I mean 18 and six or something like that where you got to keep him honest he didn’t have to be honest

Tonight he just was like I don’t feel like it I’m going be LeBron James the other thing is like he was over for five on threes that’s pretty uncharacteristic yeah that’s true he started the season shooting really terribly he then got super duper hot now the numbers probably

Pulling back towards what it you know what the average will be like he’s not going to go over five every night on Threes And if you go one or two now you’re looking at 12 points instead of six and it’s a different game we’re talking about so a lot of this is just

Like make or Missle make or Miss Le the Lakers made a lot tonight A Lot D’Angelo Russell come on really go Bulls killer you know what that means he’s going to be putting on a Bulls jersey any day now him and Fon cork M uh I do can I just

Add one small quick thing before before the outbreak cuz it’s it’s on a more positive note I do think it’s a silver lining uh silver Lin me Joe for tonight’s game and that’s that we do not have to see the Lakers again being that they are of course not in our

Division so and uh decent chance we won’t even have to watch them in a playoff series come April o now that’s a peex z lining if you’re going to go for it you got to throw that in there too man I think coming into tonight kyp sir

They were 22 and 23 and tied in the ninth seed in the west so I mean they’re up and down team you know they’ll do something at the deadline to try to you know appease the great one no they’re coming they’re coming after the Jon Murray for sure dude yeah I know they’re

Coming after him man so which like you know anyone wondering if the like even if the Bulls wanted that ruy and DLo package that a the was [ __ ] awesome okay with that let us take our first break before we dive into some ads uh a reminder if you miss pregame while we

Were hanging out out and you didn’t see the news on Twitter or Instagram yet we just dropped brand new CH Bulls piece of the merch Locker today uh and it show love too the best part of our season so far and it is the wonderful the one and

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For Kobe this season three of 10 is like oh off night behind the line uh did some work on the boards and uh I think somebody I can’t remember who said it in the comments it might have been our friends at C UK said just the the Kobe

Blowby on LeBron tonight was like the highlight of a night where not a lot went right for Bulls fans but man even on an okay night shooting Kobe had some special moves to the rack you know I love these moments when he has I’m not saying I love this game for him and

Obviously I would like him to shoot better and hope he shoots better in in the future but I like it when it’s not going for him he can still give you 25 points it wasn’t like that before but now he has so much uh so many different

Uh things in his game that allow him to get these kind of points you know what I mean like this man yeah and for me that’s good cuz you’re going to need that [ __ ] cuz you’re not always going to be hot right so can you still give me

These points give me these rebounds and do these kind of things to help this team try to win and Kobe keeps showing that he damn sure can reason why six of seven from the free throw line ability to get downhill draw contact has improved so much this year and yeah I

Mean8 of 18 is not an efficient scoring night three of 10 from three is not up to his standards but he’s able to carry his efficiency by getting to the free throw line a bunch awesome I mean man that a one he had tonight beautiful uh

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Out for his game tonight in the comments clout and Chase and Ashlin yeah I mean just another wonderful night for Io 30 minutes off the bench 6 of 11 also four of four at the free throw line for 18 points awesome he’s been having these 15 to 20 point nights regularly Off the

Bench in this stretch it’s great it is also interesting uh tonight speaking of ia’s 30 minutes and you know you touched on all of the minutes the starters played well iio played 30 Drummond played 17 Javon Carter eight dalen Terry three has Billy’s rotation been weirdly

Shrinking for the last week week and a half in this stretch of games why getting even shorter with two rotation players out of the lineup I mean you’re missing Zach you’re missing Tory Craig still uh Drummond played you know pretty good minutes for what he is but yeah Patrick Williams down to 24

Minutes just does not seem like Billy has the same kind of trust in him as he does with a when was playing this way and it’s hard to blame him um but really I mean this team came into the season with so much depth it felt like MH and

You know when guys start dropping like flies that’s kind of what happens so we were talking about iow potentially not being a regular part of the rotation coming into preseason it’s crazy how good he is crazy how good he is and conversely how Javon Carter has been that’s so

That’s been such a surprise man I don’t and it’s funny cuz I was thinking my head what’s the biggest surprise is I doing what he’s doing is it Javon Carter and for me it feels like it’s Javon Carter cuz I thought there would be a consistency to it I’m like fine you’re

Not having a good game you know it’s all for you okay it happens but man it’s just been constantly good not to you know defend Javon Carter who just let’s be real has not been a great positive impact on this team so far uh half a

Season into his Bulls tenure it could be that he’s sort of doomed by that Bulls fans who were looking and hoping for more in the offseason as far as transactions free agent additions trades put too much emphasis and importance on what role Javon Carter could provide on

This team and like I I I am certainly even guilty of that to some degree as someone who was like curious enough to want to at least see a sample of Javon Carter in the starting five at like in preseason just because it’s a new piece

We all knew that the big three and them all playing together like it didn’t work well the small start sample sizes start the season of the same old starting five from last season was not going well just like it always was not going well so toss it in there but maybe expectations

Greater than you know the the player you actually had added into your rotation but I feel like there was a better version of Javon and Milwaukee than this and I I disagree with that only because when the Bulls got off to that start that terrible 5 and 14 start he was

Literally one of the bright spots like Javon Carter got off to a really good start and remember I would come on here and say stop taking him out like if he’s cooking leave him in the game because he would come out and hit three or four of

Those threes but only end up playing like 11 minutes you know and you wouldn’t see him again like that this what happening to him recently as the team has started to play better and and you know look like an NBA team and win more games he’s kind of falling off and

Again the one that really has surprised me is the defense more than anything because I remember him that that’s was what he really would hanging his hat on is being just a a a disruptor like he would guard guys full court I remember that like all the time that’s what he

Did he would guard You full court and now it just seems like guys are just going right through his chest you saw Vanderbilt do it like just went right through him and got an n one and finished at the rim and that’s what’s more surprising to me to any of this

Like shooting yeah like people have tough nights you know what I mean it happens you’re just cold it can go down like that but it feels like that defense is really just not clicking for him now maybe it’s something that’s a combo package maybe my defense is predicated

About how my offense is going but at the same time I just don’t know him to be that kind of player I just know him to be that Bulldog kind of dude on the defensive end who can step in that corner and hit that corner three I

Haven’t seen him take Corner threes in a long while like everything is at the top of the key or from the elbow when he’s taking these shots even at the elbow tonight he had that same possession where he like had an open look thought about it NOP fake yeah no thought about

It again and pass it off and then he finally took one like one or two possessions later and he airall and he air balled it yeah man like he’s he’s really trying to find his rhythm um in this and it’s hard to when you’re not scoring because I can’t have you in the

Game like that so I don’t know it’s just a weird position that he’s kind of in 1,00% agree and it’s even more prominent when you look at the numbers I mean he shot 42% on threes last year right that’s like outstandingly good he shot he’s shooting 34% this year and I think

A big piece of that is one he’s obviously a much smaller guy and so he’s not really able to like create his own shot off the dribble not that he has the opportunities to when he’s playing alongside you know multiple shot creators he’s sharing the court with

Kobe or dear and it’s like where do you put him defensively and now there’s all this pressure on him to basically come in and if he’s playing 10 minutes a game to make his shots and it’s hard to do that to catch a rhythm as a shooter who

Can’t really like rely on on I’m just going to get to the basket this time get a layup see the ball go in and now I’ll have a little bit more confidence or get to the free throw line and see a free throw go in and now I have a little bit

More confidence he doesn’t really have that in his game and it’s not like a criticism it’s just an opportunities thing so he has to rely on making threes yeah and if you’re not making threes it’s hard to get in a rhythm you have to shoot your way out of it and if you’re

Not getting a lot of minutes because you’re not making your shots it’s hard to shoot your way out of it so that’s why I think you see him getting shots up a lot look we talked to him recently in practice and he is just like straightforward looking at I’m

Doing the work I’m coming in every single day before and after practice before and after games to get my shots up shooting I’m staying in a rhythm as best as I can he’s like just completely focused on being a valuable member of this team whether he’s playing or not um

His attitude and mentality from that standpoint is like really impressive the way he talks about it uh and I believe that he is good enough shooter that he’ll get himself into a hot stretch but it just has been a tough go and it’s hard for Billy to rely on him and put

Him in for extended minutes if he’s not making the shots it’s that simple um South Caron in the comments said I’ll say this about Carter playmaking not a strength of his as you were just kind of alluding to will uh he’s really just a shooter in Pitbull Defender but as Dave

You were saying where’s that defense been uh South garan adding the rinkle of kind of explains why Miami ran through that Bucks team with him at point guard um clout in the comments happy that you brought up his defense Dave um it is somebody else who just said uh he’s

Overpaid jav Javon Jay Lee said Javon Carter’s overpaid wow and it’s crazy you know like okay the Bulls are probably if they do what we expect them to do going to make a couple of mid to low tier free agent signings to stay under luxury tax

Last off season Javon Carter was one of those signings and you’re like all right well the the 40% shooting if he can come in here and provide some of that maybe also provide some perimeter defense then maybe that’s a value contract that the Bulls just signed yeah um but the the

Lack of Rhythm and you know he he said something even early early this season about like I I got to play more minutes to get more of a rhythm going did say that yeah um and and that might be in his head too when he walks in it’s just

Immediately starts chucking up shots he says that well I know he’s going to take me out soon so you know maybe that could be when he is a lethal transition catch and shoot off the- ball threat you don’t see him hesitate ever it’s why we started joking about how obvious it was

That when Javon with the ball found his way to that Ball’s going up going up baby now even especially tonight multiple examples of you seeing him second guess whether or not he should shoot that rock yeah and then weird once that’s in your then the Rhythm just goes

Away entirely yeah yeah and if you’re a rhythm shooter then you’re then you’re not a shooter because your rhythm is off it’s true yes and and it’s completely thrown and that I think the greatest example is the one you brought up is him should I

Shoot this now get it back no yeah and then do it no but then when he got it that once and then shot it and it was just complete airball it was like man dude that’s it’s it’s tough to watch cuz I know we we’ve seen him be good you

Know seen be confident that’s what we’ve seen that yes we’ve seen it be like that for him and it’s just not clicking for him yet man so he’s got time to get it together but man I don’t know how many time on the floor he’s going to have you

Know to get it together cuz that thing is open right now for him and for other guys like d and Terry and and when guys like uh Zack and Tory Craig come back the window is just going to be going to close even more you know as far as that

If you’re shooting is still going to be like that I mean the Bulls got dominated today with size and so it’s hard to justify putting in a six-foot guy uh into defend d’el Russell when he’s making 8 out of 13 threes you know it’s just it’s a tough situation and you

Mentioned the contract Matt uh six million this year six and a half next year just under seven the year after that uh player option on that third year like if he’s unable to play and the Bulls are in this tight cap situation like they’re going to have to look to

See if they can either attach him in a deal to get off that money or figure out another way to make that work because we’ve been talking about it like the the money is is the lowest common denominator here that is something that they’re not going to to budge on is the

Luxury tax so if they want to retain their guys and they feel happy with these competitive losses like they have to clear out some space to be able to bring everybody back yeah should be interesting sorry the phrase competitive losses just sent me there competitive losses outside the division though does

That matter oh it so matters whether or not it’s in the division it matters if you miss pregame you don’t get that joke uh let’s knock out our second AB break then we’ll come back um and speaking of maybe tossing Javon Carter into a trade package I did want to touch

A little bit more on trade stuff um especially with this Lakers team we saw tonight who are stuck in a battle in that Western Conference playoff and playin picture because there there’s been all kinds of talk about the Lakers uh and maybe looking the Bulls direction

For a variety of pieces um and Demar played pretty well tonight he did for the second time against the Lakers this season he did he loves playing against let’s put a pin in that and then we’ll come back to it uh while we’re sharing these words you know what to do hit that

Thumbs up if you’re hanging out with us on YouTube we appreciate it we appreciate you hanging out late with us 12:40 a.m. what central standard time we’re doing a postgame show live because f it why not Bulls fans are Die Hard appreciate y’all thank y’all man um C

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With your brain learn and go now in your energy do both in your mind too in your truck too your mind Tru too uh gentlemen I because tonight was just like a GH kind of game Lakers caught fire bulls turn the ball over I thought we could

Spend the last few minutes just talking a little bit about bulls Lakers February 8th trade deadline okay we we touched on it on I think our Tuesday show Dave uh you me and Mark K that uh Andre Drummond’s name popped up as a big that the Lakers might be looking forward to

Add to their front Court depth uh for this uh you know back half of season push MH we have also heard from multiple sources from multiple Avenues all season long that like yeah maybe Zack LaVine for ruy and DLo and a 2029 first you can’t have Austin Reeves that’s been

There but the other thing that seemingly almost always attached to the Zach ruy DLo 2029 first but probably not is you know who the Lakers would probably really want is demard Rosen Andor Alex Caruso I still think uhoh that if the Bulls are going to explore something

That is other than you know it’s not necessarily anybody’s fault why this is or maybe it is but it sucks we’re not going to trade Zach for a bag of peanuts nobody wants Zach right now we’re not going to trade him just to more trade maybe maybe if the plls front office

Actually looks themselves in the freaking mirror and sees what this team in this season is and the Lakers are calling them and offering them legitimate Stu stuff for Demar Andor Alex Caruso and I know will will you and Mark K talked about it in your HQ yesterday with Caruso and whether or not

The Bulls can afford to lose him to Me Maybe dear’s easier I don’t know Mark K still thinks that dear is essential to what the Bulls are trying to do right now I I think you have to consider letting either or both of those guys go if the Lakers bring you something real

Can you rewind for a second because I think what you said is really important here which is that for what the Bulls are trying to do what the Bulls are trying to do is have competitive games is make the play in tournament and Caruso and dear and

Drummond give you the best chance to do that mhm so we can sit here and disagree with that direction but that doesn’t change what the Bulls want to do and I think it’s fair for us to come on here and express our disagreement with that

But I think we also need to be prepared and when I say that I mean people in the comments people listening fans of the Bulls in general like I think there’s a real possibility that there is no move here um I think clearing out money to bring back everybody else is the key

That they’re focused on and I think that starts and ends with Zack LaVine and I don’t know how real this stuff is with the Pistons that we talked about pregame Joe cie reported today uh in his postgame column that those conversations were a little bit overblown so who knows

Uh about just how real those are but I really just I think that’s what it’s going to be like they’ve this has been reported that AK wants to see what the team is like after they trade Zach and I just don’t know what they do now should

They I think absolutely I think if you’re able to get something for your veteran minimum Center who’s about to leave in free agency you probably should do something about that so it’s really it just comes down to like what do we think they’re going to do versus what do

We want them to do and I think for some of us those are very different things no you’re right they’re absolutely different things um one when he brought up the druming trail I was like yeah sure I’d absolutely be uh open to that for sure it’s a backup center as you

Mentioned that’s going to be leaving a free agency because he wants another big contract and he’s right to want that you know so it’s not going to happen here uh for for him on that so yeah I I I wouldn’t have a problem with that at all

You know I’ve been trying to kuso for about a year now so yeah I I I don’t have a problem with that that one at all um I do agree with Mar when he said talks about Demar and him being cenal to what the Bulls are really trying to do

100% um he’s he’s absolutely right on that and which is why I don’t even think about trades for Demar de rozan because I’m like he’s not going anywhere like he’s too one he’s too essential and two he’s too beloved okay but let me cut you off here and ask you this question let’s

Say so dear is extension eligible up until June 30 okay uh after that he becomes an unrestricted free agent if between today January 26th and February 8th trade deadline you get an indication that he is either leaning towards going into free agency or he is unwilling to sign here like does that

Change your mind at all or do you sure do you want to kind of overpay to bring him back to secure this you know group for if you’re letting me know you don’t want to be here then I will do whatever’s in my power to let you go

Elsewhere okay I have no problem with that like yeah you don’t want to be here cool all right which is why and look it’s a it’s a silly conspiracy theory and it only holds as much water as two games but and even then it’s it’s silly I noticed that dear followed up

His first game against the Lakers this season which was a win and 27- N I believe okay with 32 and 10 tonight okay part of me and it’s a cynical part uh we all know that’s a big part um thinks that there is a version of dear

Who was like I’m going to ball out twice against the Lakers we play the Lakers twice before the trade deadline we’ll see how this season goes we all know it was widely reported and verified from dear himself that what he really wanted to do in the summer

Offseason of 2021 was go home to LA and sign with the Lakers mhm he thought that’s what was going to happen and then instead the Lakers quickly pivoted and we’re like oh we’re going to bring in Westbrook instead and it blew up in their face and it was hilarious but dear

Wanted to go home to La he thought he was going to go home to La the Bulls gave him a fatter paycheck and a solid role on a team that they were going to say this is competitive mhm you have to you have to assume that

There is a part of dear who still wants wants to go at some point and play in LA before his career is over mhm and even if the Lakers say tomarrow like we don’t know if we’re going to be able to sign you on a lucrative multi-year deal this

Summer but even if the Lakers get their [ __ ] together and dear helps them do that to the extent of a playoff run for for his hometown team why would Demar not want to do that I think we’ve seen the recipe with these guys and not to say that dear would fall into this

Category because I think he’s pushed back a lot on that when asked by reporters but the blueprint is you get the money and then run you know like you sign the bag and if you’re Zack LaVine you sign the max with the bulls and then

You ask out in a year if you are Damen Lillard you sign for the supermax and then you ask out I mean this is not like a new thing that has just started Demar is a super loyal guy and I don’t think he’s like itching to leave but if you’re

Asking him if he would rather go play on the taxpayer midlevel exception for $6.5 million to go play for the Lakers next year or get $25 $30 million from the Bulls and then have the ability to ask for a trade after that to go to the

Lakers I think my gut tells me that he would probably lean towards the ladder and take the money and then try to figure out the rest later because I don’t think he’s like itching to leave I think he recognizes that this is not a situation where he’s going to win a

Championship mhm and so timately maybe that does uh become the most important thing to him but you know I think he still feels like he can play for a long time in this league sure and if he can get another two or threee contract for 90 million bucks and then go ring

Chasing after that or get that money and then get traded to the Lakers next year MH I think that sounds like the preferable option from my standpoint it’s going to be I mean it’s going to be interesting I think the biggest word you brought up is that he’s a loyal

A loyal guy that’s something I definitely understand like I’m loyal to a fault so I get that and but when you’re a loyalist certain things like money don’t really come into play you’re just more so on you know who you are as a person like this is my pride this is

My who I am as a human being doesn’t matter what you’re giving me I’m loyal to you and I’m loyal to this I don’t know what he’s feels uh going into the offseason if he wants to go back if he wants to stay or however it goes but

Whoever he feels his loyal where his loyalty lies that’s who he’s going to go with his loyalty also is contingent upon his contract ending yeah you know what I mean it is also that once my contract is over your he understands it’s a business and he said he got the education in

Toronto when he got traded to San Antonio so that aspect is in his brain as well like I understand it’s a business anybody can go anybody can be traded so he’s kind of holding a lot of the cards you know in this situation got

A team as you keep uh alluding to AK and ever League feel like they want him back and want him to be back with the team he likes it here he said it a million times how much he likes it here and enjoy Chicago and Chicago has shown him

Nothing but the love that he is well earned and well deserved that’s true so but also there’s the place like you keep pointing to M there’s no place like home there’s nothing like it especially playing for a team that you grew up idolizing and wanting to play for the

Clippers he was he was willing to play for they just didn’t want to give him the money few in the comments saying that you know they see him has a better fit with a Clippers I’m not sure I agree um but he it doesn’t matter it was the

LA team it’s a home thing yeah he it’s a home thing correct what is he more loyal to on this one and that’s I think what we’ll find out cu I honestly I think the money’s important I don’t think it’s as important to him I think his loyalty and

Those kind of things as a man are more important to him than that check now I’m not saying it’s not because that’s a lot of Dy the Bulls though is that he gets both right he gets to stay loyal to the Bulls and he gets a check and he gets

The opportunity but it’s the feeling’s not going to be it’s also what what do I feel like I’m I’m going to be comfortable at too I think he’s at the level right now will where it’s about the Comfort right now yeah where because you’re at what year what 15 something

Like that yeah like so at this point in time it’s about dude where am I comfortable at cuz the checks have been made of course I like getting bread you know nothing wrong with that but where can I be comfortable at too yeah my point is like and it’s impossible to

Just like get inside dear’s mind and figure that out but I feel like he has the option to have it both ways which is to say that he could get the money and then also ask for a trade to a certain place and I think that is a real

Possibility does he command that leverage like dear Demar if you’re Demar and you say what I want most to win a championship so I’m going to take 30 million from the Bulls and then try and and then try and then try and and then

Try and force my way to what team I want like I I don’t think that I don’t think at that caliber of player that he is and there’s no evidence he would do that but I’m saying like I don’t I don’t understand what the thought process behind that would be he could easily

Like I I just don’t think he’s that kind of player I don’t think so either but I we said that about Dame too until he wasn’t you know it’s like just we don’t know that’s true what he’s going to want I just don’t I don’t know my point is

That I don’t does that get dear if that’s what he wants does that does that guarantee him what that he’s going to be on a team that’s going to compete for a championship I I it seemed like it would seem more logical for him to sign out

Right with if that’s his true priority then put it in the hands of the Bulls who are also showing right now like we’re not going to trade our guys unless we like the return so yeah but I think the Bulls are also desperate to retain him so I think they’re willing to

Overpay relative to what the market not to say that he’s not like worth that much money but relative to what the market dictates would be you know the amount that he would get from like any average team um so I just think it’s a it’s a tricky situation I think he does

Hold a lot of the cards just the fact that he is potentially unrestricted and you know I said this last year with Vu and I think it’s true here again too even though I was wrong last year which which was that like I expected a Vu extension to come soon after the trade

Deadline because he was not traded it made sense that an extension would come pretty soon and obviously they waited until the summer until I think it was the day before free agency started but they got that extension done and it was because the Bulls wanted to make it

Clear that they did not want him to entertain other offers other opportunities whether that was for less money but to go play for a more competitive team right so what did they do they offered him $60 million over three years and that’s probably more than he could have gotten from any other

Team and so it was a you know we’ll pay you what is like the most your worth um because we want you to come back and I think it’s going to be the same story with Mar yeah we’ll see uh you know the Lakers I’m guessing will be aggressive

In EV every possible way they can between now and February 8th assuming that over the next two weeks they continue to just sort of float somewhere between 7th and 10th in the west yeah sounds like they’re really like locked in on Deonte Murray if that Domino Falls

Elsewhere I think that’s when they start to if a different team swoops in and Marina trade then maybe you start to see some Lakers Bulls talk ramping up correct uh and we’ll be here for it if it does but that will do it for us tonight thank real quick I want to give

A shout out here to two super I saw our Super Chat function is broken super chats weren’t coming through normally tonight so P will just uh AK side is PE will ankle still an issue doesn’t look right since coming back appears to be struggling mentally I don’t know if you

Guys anything about that denies being injured let alone having those injuries affect him like he just will he refuses to make excuses if he’s out there he’s out there so no on that one maybe but he would never say that and then another another shout out C red UK I know it’s a

Loss but can we get an honorary goon of the night for the international fans 6:00 a.m. here in the UK now and we have to start the day like this even book the day off of work so we can watch I mean it’s not up to me but I will run it by

The official goon of the night um committee head oh well I give you plenty of love yes you know for doing that that’s incredible that’s wild that’s crazy you get all the love I got right now is what I’m going to give to you you got that and his too and a

Little of the goats as well little from Joseph put it up in a blender drink it Down Smooth going down and delicious no championship belt though no no goon toight it’s not a goon of the night night it’s not a goon toight it’s just not uh all right but if we won if

They won you definitely would have gotten that thank you for hanging out with us especially you International fans who I don’t know what time of the night or morning it is where you are bless your hearts uh enjoy your Saturday uh everybody actually enjoy your Friday and Saturday

We are off for the next couple of days we’ll be back Sunday when the Bulls finish their three- game Road Trip in Portland uh no pregame we will be here for postgame uh after that 800 p.m tip off so have a wonderful start to your weekend stay safe in the meantime willor

Goly is where you can find all this man’s Bulls reporting and updates is where you can find all of his wonderful Bulls writing our producer Joyce B is at Joyce BS big day F bwl Sports I’m CH I’m Bulls _ we are chore Bulls benan said it’s 400 p.m. here

That’s such a normal time benan well fren Bulls T say it’s 7:00 a.m. you get yourselves those new Subzero shirts that just dropped in the COO merch Locker today get your tickets to the CSO Bulls takeover February 6th Bulls wolves come hang out with us we

Will talk to you on Sunday see again love y’all [Applause] Peace

The Chicago Bulls fell to the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday Night, making it back to back losses for Billy Donovan’s squad.

The Bulls hung around in the first quarter before the Lakers pulled away. Coby White scored 25 and DeMar DeRozan had 32. Zach LaVine missed the game due to an ankle injury.

LeBron James and the Lakers were on fire all night, shooting well over 60% from 3pt range. D’Angelo Russell scored 29 points and the Lakers came away with an easy win.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Show as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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#Bulls #ChicagoBulls #bullsnation

1 Comment

  1. I was at the game. This one’s def not on BD. Pat played like he was half asleep. With TC hurt, his only options for Lebron were 6’4” dudes.

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