@Toronto Raptors

The OG Anunoby Trade Has Been PERFECT!

The OG Anunoby Trade Has Been PERFECT!

Obviously right now in the NBA we’re talking about trades that could happen but what about a trade that is already happened let’s do kind of a check-in an update video on the Nicks trading for ogn and Obi and the Raptors getting Emanuel quickly and RJ barar in exchange

Because this is a deal that I found incredibly interesting at the time it’s two teams that are going in different directions it was the start of the Raptors really breaking things down there in Toronto of course now they’ve also traded away Pascal sakam and there have been some really interesting

Takeaways for both of these teams and honestly a lot of it has been positive now I want to start with by talking about the Knicks because I was a little bit more skeptical about their part in this trade just from a value standpoint I felt like RJ Barrett was still someone

That was an asset around the league someone that could still grow into something and Emanuel quickley was one of the better bench guards in the entire league and that was a role that was going to be difficult for the Knicks to replace and they gave up like a second

Round pick or something but basically I felt like New York added a nice piece in OG and and Obi but maybe gave up some of their contracts and their assets that could have been used on like a bigger name player some someone that maybe could be even more impactful than OG and

And Obi and really that was my criticism of the deal at the time it wasn’t necessarily about OG as a player it was more about what’s the long-term goal for New York and is trading away these two guys going to limit their ability to add another player because it was clear at

The time that even adding OG and and Obi does not make this team a championship Contender and I still don’t think that they are Championship contenders even as good as Brunson is and Randall has been playing well G has been really good which we’re going to talk about

Throughout the video I still don’t think they’re on Championship Contender level but here’s the bottom line about o and anobi and I talked about this on other channels as well there’s a list of a handful of guys around the league that on one night can realistically guard

Jason Tatum and on a different night can realistically guard someone like Anthony Edward and ogn and Obi is on that list it’s a very very short list players that have that kind of defensive ability and versatility and I think I maybe undersold that a little bit in my

Initial video talking about the trade and how impactful that was going to be for New York because they don’t ha nobody really has that kind of player on their roster like I said there’s only only a handful of guys like that but the Knicks specifically all of their wings

And guards and stuff were either oneway players and can only guard or can only shoot or some of their better defensive players were kind of smaller guys they didn’t have this 68 69 Wing that can shoot and and defend and it’s kind of a connecting piece offensively they didn’t

Have that and the impact of O and Obi on the Knicks has not only been him as a player and all the things that he provides but also in replacement of the other guys that were fulfilling those roles before as well as kind of the different lineups can use where they can

Play a little bit bigger a little bit smaller moving around Randall as well and this isn’t even like the best version of what the Knicks could look like defensively because M Robinson is out for the year or I guess almost out for the year and so there’s still kind

Of another step to this and I definitely think that we have now seen how much of an impact Oobi can truly have in New York he hasn’t been you know some crazy offensive explosion and I part of the reason he maybe wanted to go somewhere other than Toronto is to have a little

Bit more of an offensive role which is something that we’re going to have to kind of keep an eye on over the next couple of seasons in New York assuming that he resigns this off season but his impact on the defensive end of the floor has been incredible for them his plus

Minus is out of control for the Knicks and he’s not even again not even necessarily making a huge Splash offensively it’s just where he fits in the roster as well as how good he is defensively has been unbelievable for the Knicks and it’s absolutely been a

Win for them they are still you know actively exploring ways to replace the Emanuel quickly aspect of this that’s been rumored and reported for a while and as of this recording they haven’t made a move to replace that spot they need a a benchu another creator with RJ

And Emanuel quickly both gone but bottom line is ogan and Obi has been awesome but speaking of quickly and Barrett I want to talk about this for Toronto as well because I think there’s been a lot of attention on how good OG has been in New York but there also should be more

Conversation about RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley in Toronto especially now that Pascal seak is gone as well because you can look at those two guys plus Scotty Barnes as kind of the core moving forward for Toronto and it’s a really interesting group because RJ has been more involved offensively in terms of

Like on ball creation stuff and also is like a secondary playmaker in terms of cutting off the ball and things like that it’s clear that he’s going to have more offensive responsibility there in Toronto than he did in New York and there’s confidence level with him that

Is starting to rise now we’ve been here before with RJ Barrett thinking he’s going to be something then he ends up not being that thing and we’ve kind of gone back and forth on this so it’s definitely still going to be kind of like a long-term thing but for him as a

Player I really like the fit in Toronto because they’re not good and they’re just going to kind of let him spread his wings a little bit right I mean they do the same thing with Scotty Barnes where he gets put in positions to to create and playmake and I think they’re going

To do the same with RJ and as a piece that you could potentially build upon that’s a really really nice thing to get in exchange for OG and Obi because if it wasn’t going to be that then they would have gotten some draft picks but I mean

If you’re picking in the 20s there’s no guarantee you’re going to get someone with a potential upside of someone like RJ Barrett and basically I’m just happy for him because it feels like a really good opportunity for him and same thing with Emanuel quickly his long-term future is still probably as a really

Really good six-man guard that can guard and create can shoot he’s just not consistent enough on a nice and nice basis to be the starting point guard for 80 games and just be a really good you know facilitator and all that stuff he’s still a little bit more up and down than

You’d like him to be but for a Toronto team that was relying on like Dennis schruder as a guard who’s been good this year but nothing crazy good it’s nice to have that other option and again a player that will continue to grow and develop and maybe more importantly for

Toronto each of those guys are still going to be an asset in a year in two years in three years assuming that quickly signs a new contracts and that is almost as impactful to them as it is what they actually do on the because it’s clear that over the next couple of

Seasons it is unlikely that Toronto is going to be any good and if at some point they need to make a move to kind of push things a little bit further along RJ Barett and Emanuel quickly are both certainly going to be assets for them down the road and this is just a

Really cool trade we talk about trades on this channel all the time and not often do we get to talk about two actual like win-win moves for each of these teams now obviously we have no idea what this is actually going to look like a year two years three years from now of

Course New York still has to figure out an extension with OG and Obi which is a huge piece of this but for just the few weeks that we’ve seen each of these new pieces on the floor for their new teams it feels like a move that is certainly

Worked out all around and really moving forward for Toronto it is all about the development of those two guys and how they continue to get the pieces to fit and for the Knicks as it has always been it’s about that next piece right they got OG and anobi now what’s the final

Piece of the puzzle because I think if you have Brunson OG and Randall and then you add another guy to that to potentially move out Rand and upgrade that position then you’re starting to look at a team in New York that could possibly be you know Conference Finals

Or finals contenders they’re not there right now that the top of the East is absolutely loaded and it would be incredibly difficult for them to make the Conference Finals or the finals this year without another move but they are definitely in position with some future draft assets and some contracts on that

Roster to be able to make some kind of move even in season if they wanted to or more than likely in the off season and the OG and Obi trade certainly helps them do that from a basketball perspective my concern with the deal at the time was more so from an asset

Perspective with RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley and of course having to replace quickly cuz I don’t think people realize as they should have how good he is and how impactful he was for the Knicks so they’re still trying to replace that spot but from a basketball perspective

When you just look at OG Brunson Randall plus another guy or swapping out Randall for a guy that starts to look like a really really competitive team at the top of the Eastern Conference which is about all you can hope for as a Knicks fan right now so honestly A+ is all

Around I really like the move for both teams you can you know have different disagreements about Toronto should have gotten draft Capital instead of players and this and that but I really think this is a deal that has worked out so far and should continue to do so as well

And it’s just always nice when you have players that kind of change roles or change teams and go to a situation that’s just going to be better for them long term the way that it looks to be the case at least in Toronto for OJ bar Emanual quickly because as much as on

This channel we’re rooting for chaos and and content and just crazy things to happen we also really really want good basketball and to have good basketball we need good players and good players need to be in good situations to continue to grow and develop and I think

We’re going to have that in Toronto and maybe we’ll have that in New York with OG as well with a potentially expanding offensive game regard absolutely love this trade one of my favorites that we’ve had in recent years

Now that we have seen OG Anunoby with the Knicks and RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley with the Toronto Raptors for a few weeks, it is clear that the OG Anunoby trade has been perfect for both teams.

#trade #nbatrade #oganunobytrade


  1. Quickley was probably going to test FA and heā€™s worth starter money, that money could be better used elsewhere for the Knicks

  2. So how are we calling this a win-win, because RJ Barrett is actually scoring points. Newsflash the winning percentage of the Toronto Raptors has decreased significantly since RJ Barrett has join the team. Just because he scores doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a win you have to look at the defensive side, all around game of the individual. The Raptors I believe one or two games since theyā€™ve gotten RJ Barrett. I do understand that the team has traded pieces away but if heā€™s as good as theyā€™re saying from this trade then he shouldā€™ve won 2 to 3 games just by himself. Just sent.

  3. I donā€™t want to hear this šŸ’© from you of all people you said that the Knicks got fleeced when the trade happened.

    I wants to know how itā€™s been perfect for Toronto they are 4-8 since the trade šŸ˜‚ the Knicks are 10-2.

    IQ is averaging an extra 3 ppg 1 apg with an extra 15 mpg.

    At least RJ is starting to look like the RJ from the first 10 games of the season.

    Clearly the trade has worked out much better for the Knicks than it has for the raptors.

  4. I think Quickly will be the better fit over Barrett long-term and they'll turn him loose and let him getting confident as a starter and see if he can build that confidence and be a consistent player that can score and make plays for others. But RJ Barrett is back home and it looks like he's pretty comfortable being there And I hope His level of play it goes up and he starts to develop what a lot closer to what he was expected to be with that 3rd overall pick. But only time will tell with both.

  5. NY should sign OG right now and not wait until free agency. There are teams clearing cap space to offer OG a boat load of money like Houston did on FVV.

  6. Regarding Quickley, the Knicks were kind of on the clock because he didn't want to come off the bench and lead the second unit anymore. The Knicks probably didn't want to wait too long for another deal and risk losing him for nothing

  7. Rj is playing well. Problem is he cant be ur 1st option. Barnes and quickly should be 1-2 . Rj is essentially doing what he did with brunson and randle. No spacing but atleast more efficient scorer.

  8. RJ really becomes StarJ when he breathes in that Canadian air. Did it for the national team as well.

  9. I genuinely believe if they put it together that the Knicks are the 2nd best team in the East. They have one of the best defenses in the league and an All-NBA PG badass in Jalen Brunson.

    – The Bucks just got Doc (RIP), and their defensive identity has been abandoned years ago.
    – The Heat are still relevant but they've stretched their luck and good fortune out past it's expiry date at this point.
    – The 76ers aren't to be taken seriously with the core they have. They've come short of expectations for almost 5 years now.
    – The Cavs are a wild card but don't have the experience or personal to make serious noise.
    – The Pacers are too young and lack defense to go deep.

    Only the Celtics are the true cut team that stands above the rest. I'd take the Knicks over ANYONE else.

  10. People really sleep on the Knicks and youā€™re one of them. I donā€™t see why we canā€™t compete with the Celtics, Bucks, and 76ers.

    The Celtics are the only team I donā€™t think we can beat in a 7 game series, but if someone were to get injured or they get bounced by a different team, we could make it.

    Bucks donā€™t even have a head coach.

    76ers have Embiid and Maxey, so what? We have Brunson and Randle. If Randle could play in the playoffs like he does in the regular season, that could mean everything for us.

  11. As a Raptors fan, it was tought to trade a fan favourite in OG but i'm very happy with the return. He's going to get a lot more recognition as a player on a huge market team like The Knicks. I'm more upset about the Siakam trade, he had to go but the front office left it far too late an basically got nothing in return (the 3 first aren't even good picks)

  12. As a Knick fan, Iā€™m equal parts laughing at all the media pundits who screamed to the heavens that the Knicks got fleeced in the deal and happy for it looking like it also worked out the best for Quick and Barrett. Watched them both grow and contribute to the team and Barrett specifically went under appreciated. At this point of their respective careers, Iā€™ll take his consistency and work ethic over the highs and lows of either Zion or Morant.

  13. What about the Durant trade? Still think the Nets won the trade? Cuz you have been struggling in the clutch, your outside the play-ins, and have no control of your 1st round draft picks (2024, 2025, 2026)

  14. Raptors need to sign IQ and they definitely have a good chance at doing that. For them, this year itā€™s best that they tank. No point in thinking of playoffs with a couple of huge mid season moves. Just doesnā€™t work that well for a team that is t even doing well to begin with. The trade has been great for both teams and Iā€™m
    Happy for both fanbases

  15. If the Knicks can somehow trade Randle for another 2 way guard/wing or somehow find a way to get another star. Even though it would be short term, Randall and some stuff for Caruso and the rest of the Derozan contract could be perfect. When Demar expires, hunt for another guy. I at least think thatā€™s an upgrade. I donā€™t think you can make a real run with Randall as your first or second best player

  16. OG is the best defender in the NBA IMO. He also absolutely owned Murray tonight while dropping 26 with 6 steals šŸ”„

  17. This video goes well with how he played tonight. Unreal game from him on both endsā€¦..against the defending champs nonetheless.

  18. Perfect timing KNICKS blew out the Nuggets by 38 pts tonight OG had a tem high with 26pts and 6 steals KNICKS won this trade

  19. People keep telling Masai he ask for too much. But look at the improvement of New York (OG) Houston (Fred) L.A (Kawhi, Norm) And Indiana (Siakam).

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