@Los Angeles Lakers

AUSTIN REAVES. 20 points, 8 assists, 3 rebounds on 7-9 from the field, 2-3 from 3. 93% TS. People are turning on him way too fast. He is home grown, Plays hard. Don’t know the obsession with trades.

AUSTIN REAVES. 20 points, 8 assists, 3 rebounds on 7-9 from the field, 2-3 from 3. 93% TS. People are turning on him way too fast. He is home grown, Plays hard. Don’t know the obsession with trades.

by DrSK_Phoenix


  1. 4th quarter defense was ass. Still good overall though

  2. Well the problem is that he is good, but sometimes he isnā€™t good enough. Question is, how can we get better? DLO+first round pick or AR+ first round pick? I think thatā€™s what the FO have to figure out!! I love both those guys but they have to figure out!

  3. And Darvin sat him in the end to keep TP in. Pockets is just unbelievable.

  4. TorontoRaptors34

    I would kill to see Reaves and Caruso start together

  5. TotalScale9403

    Yeah i love him too. We all do. But his d is awfull tonight and throught out the season. Plus we need those 20ptk on every night. Thats way he is on trade talks

  6. I knew it i’d see comments about his D in the 4th but fk it, we won

  7. Awesomefan09

    >People are turning on him way too fast.

    Unfortunately, thatā€™s the nature of toxic fandom. Any team, any sportā€¦ if you arenā€™t always the best version of yourself, a subset a fans will scream and cry and whine about you.

  8. Quiet-Spray1223

    His 3 point defense sagging off 6 feet, fouling shooters and helping one pass away is so dumb. But good game and looked better play making

  9. LoveTheHustleBud

    I donā€™t think thereā€™s an obsession with trading him. I think itā€™s a fair question if he should be untouchable or not while the team is desperately looking to improve the backcourt while his backcourt mate is outplaying him.

  10. _Zap_Rowsdower_

    He gives it away with his poor defense. And if his offense isn’t on point he’s possibly the worst player in the league. Most of it is not even his fault. Ham has no clue how use him. Reaves is a 6th man. Ham puts him out there to be a playmaker, which he is not. And he gets way too many minutes.

  11. youmustbehigh420

    He wasnā€™t good tonight. We gotta be able to have an honest convo about reaves. The offense was solid but it seemed like TO ME it was negated by his godawful defense. Massive liability down the stretch. You simply cannot evaluate his offensive and defensive game separately in the context of how many points he gifts other teams

  12. LegendKingX

    Aside from Reaves 4th quarter mishaps he was great tonight!

  13. cheaseedz

    On AR hate posts itā€™ll be like ā€œbut the +/-ā€œ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„

    Look at the plus minus this game haters

  14. Tall_Succotash

    Better offensive distribution tonight between the guards and Bron and AD..even Austinā€™s play making was super crisp.

    Another positiveā€¦anyone else feeling like him and AD are building their pick n roll game to perfection? It was so shaken at the start of the season and now itā€™s looking seamless.

  15. Man needs to play smarter D and foul less, but yeah he deserves to have a chance to improve

  16. LeagueReddit00

    AR played well but he really needs to work on closing out on 3 pointers. He ALWAYS runs through and fouls.

  17. Even-Brain-3973

    I like AR a lot but Yā€™all gotta stop pushing this narrative that people are turning on him, AR can get evaluated just like every other player on this team, truth is his defense has been awful all year and his shooting has been inconsistent. Those things shouldnā€™t be ignored because heā€™s liked.

    Im sure most people would rather get rid of ham rather than anyone else on the squad, the issue is AR shouldnā€™t be deemed as an un tradable asset regardless of his contract

  18. People are looking for scapegoats when the real terrorist is Hamas.

  19. Commercial-Passage49

    Agreed I’ve been sayin, making a trade just for the sake of making a trade isn’t gonna solve anything, we need to make sure we’re making a trade where we know it will put us into a top tier contender

  20. Away_Economist_1052

    They put he in the wrong spot just like Beverley said before “I Was a Spoon and They Used Me as a Fork”…

  21. Knickert19

    I dont think we need a trade tbh, just a Coach who knows a bit about Rotation, every trade we will do we gonna get fleeced imo

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