@Utah Jazz

What do the Utah Jazz do at the trade deadline Who makes the all star team #askloj edition

What do the Utah Jazz do at the trade deadline Who makes the all star team #askloj edition

Who makes the All-Star team what do the Jazz do at the deadline it’s all part of an Ask LJ edition of locked on Jazz you are locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day how are you I am David lock radio voice Utah jazz jazz NBA Insider and this is locked on Jazz locked on jazz is your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz all right today ask loj Edition as always the questions are great you guys are incredible we will touch on a ton of

Things who makes the allstar team you have to choose three players that do not whether you can get a top 10 player in the middle of the pack what about deante Murray do you prefer to build with Talent OR chemistry do you look to acquire Talent or assets at the trade deadline what

Could get the Jazz to be six seed are Colin Saxton and Walker kler part of the future can the Jazz get a first- round draft pick trading any combination of a Litany of players and what is the Jazz usage rate in the clutch all great questions that are coming in today and

So we will touch on all of them on the program I Am David lock radio voice newah jazz jazz MBA Insider and as I mentioned this is locked on jazzz and locked on jazz is your daily podcast in the Utah Jazz give you Insight expertise geeky numbers and hopefully making it

Way better to be a jazz fan each and every day thank you so much for making locked on Jazz your first listen of the day we are free and available on all podcasting apps as well as YouTube Please Subscribe hit the like button that helps hit the little bell button

That notifies you that helps you that notifies you if you’re on YouTube every time we put out a program so please subscribe follow and join in with the program here on lock on Jazz it to the every dayers you’re the best thank you very much we are still in DC we fly to

Charlotte this afternoon I’m going to go walk to the mall here in just a few minutes so um excited for that it’s always kind of one of my favorite things to do uh but let’s get to your questions and get the show rolling the allstar starters were announced yesterday not a

Lot to quibble with but now it gets tough does Lowry make the All-Star team you need to have three players from the following group that don’t make the All-Star team Kawhi Leonard Lowry marinan Anthony Edwards Anthony Davis Paul George James Harden arvus or notus deat sabonis Devin

Booker dearen Fox and Steph Curry so I think you can clearly decide that Steph Curry and Devin Booker are making the allra team on that list I think Anthony Edwards has to make the alar team they’re the number one seat okay so there’s three kawh Leonard I think pretty much

Has to make the All-Star team that’s four you’re now down to Lowry Anthony Davis Paul George James Harden Damas sabonis dearen Fox three of those have to go I think Fox is probably in trouble considering Anthony Edwards Booker and Curry’s positioning I think Harden doesn’t make

It so now we’re down to one Lowry Anthony Davis Paul George sabonis are you really gonna have the Kings without a single Allstar is Anthony Davis really not making the allstar team is Paul George is Lowry Markin and getting in over Paul George that is tough

I mean that is really tough and then you look at the standings and you’ve got the Clippers I believe still sitting at three and Zion Williamson by the way is not being mentioned in this conversation Clippers are at four they’ve SLI behind Denver Minnesota would TR probably argue

They deserve more than one considering they have number one seat you’re Jaylen Williams not in this conversation it’s pretty good in Oklahoma city Jamal Murray’s not in this conversation hasn’t been great this year so I don’t think Houston has an All-Star Memphis doesn’t have one Portland doesn’t have one and there’s always

Victor right that would be another name to throw out there Victor hasn’t been mentioned yet tough tough tough road for Lowry marke and we’ll see if he makes it it certainly will be exciting uh interesting question came in from Corey do you prefer Talent oh not

Ton Talent that’s funny I think my I think I autocorrected to ton instead of talent do you prefer Talent Lakers Clippers model or Jazz as a culture chemistry as a winning culture so only thing I quite slightly quibble with why we think the Lakers and Clippers don’t have culture Lakers don’t

Look like they have culture Clippers I don’t know why we think they don’t have culture uh but I will always take Talent um there’s a great line I can’t think I’ve been thinking about all morning I can’t come up with it’s something about the jimmies and the

Joe’s like that’s it’s Talent like this is a talent-based league like you can do a lot of stuff you need chemistry once you have talent but you need talent you probably need culture like we’re seeing will hardy Implement sometimes when you have less Talent so

That it doesn’t go Ary like it has in Washington like that team last night was ugly and maybe that’s where you really need culture is you have a team like that that you got to get to play hard and be respectful and be decent but when you have Kevin Durant

Bradley be and Devin Booker like you might need that much culture because you’ve got You’ve Really Got immense Talent if the Jazz were to push for a six seed what type of player would they add at the deadline it’s a great question like if so my first initial kind

Of gladwellian answer was a point guard but Chris Dunn has kind of brought an element to this team that is pretty fabulous and so and toughness you’d hate to take that away um and so I I quibble there but on the other end like you know and keante

Ashi looked so much better last night it was so great to see he just kind of had that burst back um but the other so that would be my first reaction is like if you really like the weakness all season long in my opinion has kind of been point guard play um

Now the thing is we’re not a very good shooting team like we’re 26th the numbers at least say we’re 26th in the league in three-point shooting I think so if we were trying to find something that push us to the six seed I really think we we need some

Shoot right like I mean he’s not a very good defensive player but like if you add like a Bradley buy heeld I’m not saying I’m just trying to think of a pure Dead Eye shooter what would that do to this team I think that would help a great

Deal right he’s I mean I think you’re really you’re talking about guy you’re talking about a team that we just really like Jordan’s not a very efficient shooter Collins doing a nice job at four a game like do we have somebody who can get up eight or nine a

Game like a three-point dead eyee bomber that’s what I think would be the answer to that a little bit um more than I would think otherwise do you think the Jazz look to acquire Talent or do you look to acquire more assets so I would the this is great

Because this is really probably the number one question on everyone’s mind and I think the like the hope around the group is that they continue to improve the roster as it is and I think the Hope from the fans is the same on the flip side when the year started the front office’s

Focus I think should be toward where the franchise is going to be hopefully in June of I’m just using and I’m not saying this as a timeline I don’t believe in timelines but 2027 2028 2029 like anywhere in there and I’m not sure I think that even

Though the team’s playing so much better and it’s kind of jelled that that should change I’ve said this a lot it’s going to you’re we’re going to continue to say this up to the trade you and I are watching the standings every night looking at the Jazz are now a game and a

Half ahead of Houston and two games ahead of the Warriors Warriors last night lose to Sacramento and we’re we’re looking at the playoff positioning Lakers beat Chicago last night and we’re looking to April 15th of 2024 the end of the season I don’t think the front office

Should be building the team right now with April of 2024 in mind I think they should be building the front office with June of 2028 or 29 mind and that doesn’t totally answer this question because if you followed anything in Danny’s career like he’s just jumped when

Possible it’s not been a timeline issue it’s been a oh that opportunity Rises we didn’t get Kevin Durant with in the lottery like we thought we were going to so here’s Ray Allen here’s Kevin Garnett let’s go with Paul Pierce when frankly had they won the lottery he’s probably trading Paul

Pierce building around Kevin Durant and going forward but that’s not how the world worked on him he’s always putting himself in a position where he can make the move that’s right that’s best of the time so I I don’t have like if the Jazz had deemed that OG anobi was an

Important piece for 2028 or 2029 then they should have traded to go get him and that’s adding a talent but if the Jazz get offered a first round pick for a player and they don’t think it’s a player that is going to be of that value for them in 2028 or

2029 then maybe you’re looking more truck choir assets does that follow so I think the key is I want my front office looking at 8 2018 2019 not April 15th of 2024 as much as I’m looking at April 24 15th of 2024 all right we’re just getting started who are

Pieces of the core what about de jante Murray and then we will do three teams tonight uh as well we will look at the Chicago Bulls uh and then some uh alphabetically other teams and what they may or may not have available at the trade deadline Today’s Show is brought to you

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Podcasting apps for you glad to have you aboard uh we have launched the first ever National Sports channel locked on sports today it’s pretty great go check it out throw it up on the TV have it back in the background for a day or two

See if you like it it’s pretty great uh super content over at jazz as well will hardy was shoot your shot has been super fun to watch uh Holly row has been doing the RO front row podcast and then they have a new uh sounds of the game with Walker Kessler

Over at jazz plus uh also Jazz fans season ticket deposits for next year are being taken right now so get in if you’re already season tickle sure you do your deposit so you don’t lose your spot but if you’re thinking about it like this let’s do it let’s have you be a

Part of the season ticket holder family all right let’s get to deante Murray questions um it so two questions is what deante Murray be a player that I should go get it’s kind of been the first question and then the second question is is could Will Hardy get to jonb back

To being the defensive-minded player that he was um when he was in when he was with San Antonio so few things what is I sometimes get nervous that San Antonio is such an incredible PR world that things they tell us that were act they say are taking place in

San Antonio might not have actually been taking place if that makes sense like they really are just one of the greatest PR campaigns that’s ever existed and so I I do wonder sometimes whether or not um he was actually as great defensively post ACL as he ever was or they just

Sold it to be that because they maybe knew that they were moving him I don’t know um he’s a negative point6 points game player so one of my concerns on Dante is just his efficiency offensively and that I think could be changed a little bit with shot selection you only

Takes 29% of his shots as threes and he only goes to the free throw line 6% of the time um the 6% of the time free throw is probably the bigger problem there he’s now got a three-point shooting up to 38% um and he’s 47% from three his

Contract is actually as we talked about yesterday on the program really kind of fine like it’s not a terrible contract at all um so I I wouldn’t expect him to be specifically this question Elite again defensively I think he sees himself as a primary offensive player max player so then the question

Is whether or not you can get him to be a little bit more efficient he’s really skilled and whether or not he sees himself as a number one guy all the time or whether or not he sees himself as a complimentary player see one of the more interesting things that’s taking place

In recent years was the change of of Aaron Gordon who he was a number one player took all sorts of bad shots time and score was brutal in Orlando got to Denver and assimilated beautifully with Nicole yic and Jamal Murray like it was abundantly obvious so

You’re the the third best player on this team and he rolled into that perfectly and in Orlando he thought he was the best player on the team he probably was and he took a lot of bad shots Dante Murray thinks he’s probably the best player in Atlanta he’s probably the

Second best offensive player and what would he so can you get him we don’t have like could he would he come in and think he’s the second Miss behind Lowry we’ll see um and and then really eventually he’s probably got to be your third or fourth best player and is he

Willing to be that though those those are the things you’d have to know about him as a person which I don’t know but his contract is not bad he is El leite offensively he is super long so there’s some appealing aspects to him in in those sense in that sense um

And he could be a significantly interesting piece for the Jaz like do Jon Murray keontay George backward if either them can get officient offensively would be kind of fun um do you still see Walker Kessler as the center of the future so I certainly do see Walker Kessler as the defensive

Center of the future his ability to get better offensively is going to dictate the amount of minutes he gets on the floor if you’re playing Five on four offensively a lot of the time that makes it hard to always play him you’re seeing more and more second

Units that are going small and switching one through five which gets to be a little complicated with Walker um because then the pick and roll is not as useful and then he’s not as able to cause some of the uh offensively have an impact um but he’s gonna have to improve

His offensive game to be like the center of the future but he’s also in his second year so have a chance like let him develop right like let let him take the time to do that that’s that’s what what it takes um and defensively he still been absolutely

Outstanding and totally great so I I don’t know why he wouldn’t be in that regard um so I just think this is one of those things that like he was really really good last year he also got a total pass from us on everything last year because we were so excited about

Him because he wasn’t Rudy and he was good and he was surprisingly good and we just gave him a 100% pass and then in our minds we went boom he’s there he’s like a second-year player he’s got work to do he’s working at it it’s um you know his offensive rate

Last year if you kind of look at it per minutes was nothing special uh his defense is really really Elite that’s like he was one of the greatest shot blockers and rim Defenders ever at Auburn continues to be he’s got to get to be a better pick and roll pick Setter

And pick and roll player we talked about that earlier this week that we just need a better pick and roll game on both sides of the equation from the guards and The Bigs um so though he’s still got a chance he’s got to have a chance to

Evolve uh but yeah I don’t see why not do you think Colin Saxon is a piece of the core going forward he really might be he is so dramatically different of a player it’s incredible what a different player he is than the player that came to the Jazz who played some last year

Who played some this year I at times found Colin one of the most unwatchable players to watch I now find him one of my most favorite players to watch just on the simplest element of how he’s approaching the game he’s always had the most endearing heart and

He’s always had the most the best desire and he’s always wanted to do the right thing he’s always wanted to work but like I just actually for a long time was like I’ve never met anyone who’s got a bigger desire to do right who I just not sure he can do it but

He’s showing you can do it his passing is fabulous he’s slowed down he still makes a mistake or two at night he’s not perfect but he’s so dramatically better at all of the these things and he was three months ago it’s one of the great stories of the

Season frankly it might single you know if Lowry last year made the season single-handedly a success I think Colin this year might single-handedly make this season a success it’s he’s he’s tenacious he plays with beautiful energy he’s a fighter he gives your team a Persona he’s got grit he’s

Good he’s got a first step that’s Elite he’s got things that make the other team Bend he’s now passing this was the lowest to assisted uh usage rate player in the NBA for two years in Cleveland I mean he’s he’s really really really playing well it’s

Pretty cool all right can the Jazz get a first round pick and we’ll look at uh some teams as well in our um trade deadline preview series as we continue here on locked on jazz all right this might be the most important minute or two I give you all

Week long uh because this is time to combine two absolutely brilliant forces into one to make you smarter those two brilliant forces Josh Lloyd of lockedown fantasy basketball and eBay Motors guaranteed fit it’s eBay Motors guaranteed fit ebays guaranteed fit fantasy pick of the week here are the

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Only exclusions apply a combination of two of the all-time greats eBay motors and Josh l locked on Fantasy Basketball great LJ questions as always I thank you guys for it thought this was interesting can the Jazz get a first round pick trading any combination of Clarkson alen Collin Simone THD or

Done um I could be 100% wrong on this but I actually think of all weird things that Simone have might have the most value to a contending team of any of those players that might be nuts Clarks is just super interesting he’s a high usage player who’s great and does was you know

Wins games but most really really good teams are acquiring talent to trade the like probably already have a Jordan Clarkson or Clarkson type or have a hard time figuring out where you’re getting all those possessions like it’s a nervous acquisition for a team who’s already established of where

Where are we getting the possessions for Jordan clar like if I mean someone like Denver maybe it’s all right where they’re just so limited on their bench that they possessions on their bench and someone like Jordan would be amazing they just don’t have we’ll see it here

In a second they don’t have the money they don’t have a mechanism by which to do it um and Kelly is the Ultimate Team player but defensively there’s some questions whether he can stay on the floor in the playoffs late and then Simone like I yeah I mean I think

There’s weird thing that Simone might be indirectly the most desirable player of that group I could be nuts that that could be that could be a little bit of a silly Daya take um where sometimes I make it more complicated than it needs to be all right let’s look at

Teams Chicago Bulls Zack lavine’s a big name at 40 million uh be interesting to see if they ever actually move him he’s out again with a sprained ankle 40 43 46 and 4 here’s what my take on Zack line the whole time regards to the you touch

Ass he’s not a probably a championship piece of your puzzle but if you were to acquire a 28-year-old Zack with some of your assets and you move Zack LaVine in 18 to 20 months would you get more for him or the Assets in which you just

Traded that’s the question of me can you up your a can you up your ass I would acquire him as an asset can you up your asset game in a manner that makes it so that you suddenly um can use more future Patrick Williams is really interesting because Patrick Williams is restricted free

Agent at the end of the year if they don’t want to pay him they might move him Alex kuso’s floating around there nine million I actually think Simone might be a better player um oh no another silly take probably homer so that’s where Chicago sits cland Cleveland who’s Donovan and Jared Allen

Have been great Darius Garland comes back do they ever move Darius Garland he’s got a fiveyear $200 million deal they probably should but then Donovan leaves and they’re screwed um Donovan is 2025 2026 player option which he’ll certainly so he’s got one year left on his steal Jared Allen’s got three years

Of 20 Carris Levert is an inefficient score at 16 I don’t think they’d move him Max stru is on a four-year deal in kind of a perfect fit I I that I think they would be willing to move George Nang at 8 and Dean Wade at five or six

To get so they have 14 million there to play with plus some of their lower contracts to see if they could go add another piece they’re close um so that would you know obviously their picks are pretty limited we own most of them so it’s really interesting

To me but I think that’s the number but from our standpoint like we already own all pick so if we’re taking George ning and Dean Wade for 13 million so they could add a scorer or a player off their bench for our that fits into our salary structure we we actually own

All their picks not all of them but basically Dallas that timet table’s got to be ticking a little bit there but this was a year that they didn’t expect to do a lot I always think that they could move Tim Hardway he’s got 188 million next

Year on one one year he’s also extension eligible somebody likes him Grant Williams does not hit a vibe there he’s got a four-year $53 million deal which is not a bad deal somebody might want that for them to upgrade ran Holmes is on expiring $12 million deal

That one I think and but he has a player option so that one gets interesting I assume he would take the play option but I could see the Jazz with that $12 million contract maybe taking back some sort of pick or something for a player with

Dallas Maxi cleas at 11 million for each next few years that’s like so there’s Dallas could put together something if they had interest in one of our guys and they have their picks I believe uh New York I think has their pick this year 11 through 30 so it would have to

Be down the road I think it would have to be a 27 or 28 first round pick and their 29’s going to Brooklyn so but I think Dallas is an interesting trade partner where we might be able get I don’t know if we have a player that gets

A first round pick gets one of those first- round picks but they have some pieces in there Denver’s really interesting because Denver just doesn’t have the pieces to move like out of their starting five which I don’t think they’re moving any of their starting five then you have

Reggie Jackson at 8 million with a player option for five Zeke Nagi who’s struggled who’s on a four-year contract with 887 down the road and I I I get they could that gets complicated move but then all the other players are2 and3 million players like they’re G have to couple like these are

This is kind of the new era where they’d have to couple together like five different deals five different players to get to like the 12 million you need to make a deal Dallas is interesting Dallas I think is a got some pieces where they could move and add an asset and if

They’re willing to move one of their picks or maybe it’s just second round picks this gets back to that first question do the Jazz actually have a player that’s going to go Garner them a first round pick if you’re just looking for assets fabulous qu show thank you very

Much for all your pieces you guys are great I thank you so much for all you do for lockdown Jazz we now send you to the first ever 247 National Sports channel locked on sports today if you’re a jazz season ticket holder make sure you get your renewals in if you’re not please

Become a jazz season ticket holder and become a part of our family would’ love to have you it is locked on Jazz part of the locked on podcast Network

It’s a friday edition of :Locked on Jazz and it’s an Ask LOJ edition. With the all-star selections looming and trade deadline lingering the questions came in about those topics and others.

0:00: Introduction
3:00: Who does make the all-star team?
7:00: Do you want talent or chemistry
9:00: Do Jazz get assets or talent at deadline?
15:00: What about DeJounte Murray?
18:00: Is Walker Kessler the center of the future?
21:00: Is Collin Sexton part of the core?
25:00: Can the Jazz get a first round pick?
28:00: Look at three teams deadline moves?

Locked On Jazz Podcast 💻

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  1. Will has seemingly used every game as a way to explore and practice differing rotations, substitution patterns, and defenses. He is so flexible and adaptable to the moment, AND he has the dept of relationships and team trust to be able to continue this. It's a fun thing to watch, and feels it would be a potential advantage in the playoffs.

  2. For me… Kelly Olynyk … 6’11” shooting, passing, center is exactly what the Miami Heat or New York Knicks need … simply cannot any longer, go deep into the playoffs playing 4 on 5 on the offense side…. I do wonder what the jazz could get for him from somewhat desperate teams.

  3. Dejounte Murray – do you see a pairing with him as the 1, and Collin Sexton as a 2 working? If Keyonte instead, does Murray play the 2?

  4. Murray is 6'5 and i think could step in for dunn as the starting PG, with sexton playing next to him as SG.
    Dunn could play next to George on the 2nd unit.

    3 team trade:
    Jazz- Murray and Mills, two 2nds from knicks
    Knicks- Clarkson
    Hawks- Fournier Grimes and 2 first from jazz.

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