@Denver Nuggets

DANGEROUS KNICKS PUMMEL NUGGETS! | New York Knicks vs Denver Nuggets Postgame Recap

DANGEROUS KNICKS PUMMEL NUGGETS! | New York Knicks vs Denver Nuggets Postgame Recap

Hello and welcome into the next verse my name is George and if this is your first time here or you’ve been here before but have not subscribed yet please do so along with hitting that thumbs up button for me and drop in your comments love the comments especially after a

Tremendous Victory like we just witnessed and if you didn’t see it you didn’t see it well you missed probably one of the most stunning victories by the Knicks that has happened in about a decade other you know outside regular season regular season this was insane the Denver Nuggets came to the garden

And it got completely annihilated by these Knicks so much so that they lost by the biggest deficit they have lost in like all season All Season at one point when the Knicks were leading by 27 points that had been the biggest lead ever the Knicks ended up winning it by

38 points this was a resounding victory and it was like on both sides of the floor like tremendous defense they held the nuggets the mighty nuggets under 90 points and they put lit him up for 122 outstanding the reason that OG’s OG’s image is right there is because his

Difference that that he’s made on this team is shocking it’s honestly shocking I don’t think anyone could have predicted that it could have been this intense the Knicks are like they they’ve won 11 of the 13 games since OG has become a Nick incredible and they’ve beaten like 500 teams they beat the

Minnesota Timberwolves who were number one we’ll get into all that we’re going to get on I got highlights for you let’s get into it ready here we go 12284 and Jaylen Brunson on a day on the day when he discovered or we all discovered because he I I I mean I’m

Sure he cares but you know he’s he’s thinking about the game he’s he wants to win but he didn’t get the All-Star uh starter uh he he he didn’t become an All-Star starter for the East and he deserved it there’s no doubt and a lot

Of that is on us the fans we didn’t vote for him enough actually the the players uh had him right there and so did the coaches uh or Ian no the media the players in the media had him right there it was the fans who really hurt his

Chances but we you know it’s whatever let’s neither here nor there because this was just an incredible Victory let’s get into it look at this OG an anobi OG an anobi has been unbelievable he’s been better than I on this team better than I ever ever ever could have

Hoped for he was outstanding 26 points is Nick High six steals tonight six steals he probably could have had more and three three-pointers made according to this I got all the stuff here but look at this the Eastern Conference standings I do have highlights for you

Guys I will get to them soon the Knicks are now firmly in fourth in fourth place and they’re right clipping nipping at the heels of the Philadelphia 76ers yes the mighty Sixers with embiid the Knicks are just two games back only one win behind them now again the Knicks are

Have played two additional games than them so we’ll see how this thing goes but I’ll tell you if anything happens at all with those top three the Knicks are going to be right there Cleveland somehow has managed to survive after they’ lost Moy and Garland and testament

To uh Donovan Mitchell who have already said that he has just stepped his game up tremendously and look at them they’re right there only a half game behind the Knicks and then there’s Indiana right there in sixth place Miami seventh Orlando eighth Chicago Bulls in ninth I actually I it’s it’s almost like

I can I can barely even talk about this I’m so excited this kind of this feels like it totally feels like the ’90s to me when the Knicks were doing great things where any given night they could just D dominate another team where they were definitely 100% one of the very

Best teams in the game when they were like there was no doubt they were one of the four best teams in the NBA now unfortunately that also coincided with the Michael Jordan era so we know how that went but this is different there is no Michael Jordan right

Now the path to the finals goes through the Boston Celtics and the Milwaukee Bucks we’ll say in the Milwaukee Bucks right now uh they fired the coach uh in they’re 31- 13 and they hired Doc Rivers but I don’t fear a Doc Rivers team I

Don’t fear a Doc Rivers team so this is going to be an exciting postseason but I’m jumping too far let’s get to this here we go my boy JD he tweeted this out yo OG gonna get paid he is the Knicks Jaylen Brunson on defense dude is Scotti

Pippen Ron Orest Bruce Bowen Andre Gala Shawn Maran Deion Sanders darell Rivas Ed Reed and Troy pamalo that is a tremendous list of names and he is you know what I gotta say uh I mean he might be he might be like he might be better than a lot of these

Guys on this list on the the basketball players on this list defensively he is just phenomenal to watch that he can guard a one and a center is just mindboggling what he’s been doing he he’s got the greatest plus minus ever since coming to a team it’s uh continuous phenomenal and now and

Then I tweeted this out at uh at one point I guess was the third at the end of the third quarter right about now with the Knicks leading the Nuggets by 32 they were leading by 32 at that point they ended up patting it after three quarters the NBA is reassessing their

Trades strategy for 2024 who thinks they can beat New York in a seven game series maybe Boston Boston maybe things have changed dramatically things have changed dramatically this kind of a win remember when they were saying oh the nck can only beat sub 500 teams well that’s not the the case

Anymore not the case anymore look at this the NES have beaten the Nuggets they’ve beaten uh the uh they beat the Timberwolves uh who are leading who are leading the West still uh they look at this swin streak right here this is all since OG came to this team now of course

We had some soft spots in there but look at this you know uh we did lose to the magic and to the Mavericks which was annoying but also we were missing Brunson in one of those in two of those games took care of Abes against the Grizzlies took care of business against

The Sixers we beat the Sixers we beat the Timberwolves and now we have beaten the Nuggets beautiful beautiful now we need a victory against the Celtics that’s next all right let’s get to the highlights here we go this game I mean look the first period told the whole

Story The niers came out and dominated in that first period and they held the uh Denver Nuggets to 21 points but lit them up for 33 for the biggest deficit they have had they had had all season in the first first quarter they were a minus 12 and and uh you guys remember

I’ve been talking to you guys about how important the first quarter is we used to get off to kind of like these Troublesome like Beginnings previously previous the trade honestly and that puts you behind the eightball you’re constantly struggling it makes thibs uh thib’s rotations uh makes him imbalanced

But not tonight took care of business and it’s because of just incredible shooting Dante d venzo three of six in that first quarter two of five from the three-point line he he contributed eight points Brunson contributed he had all three of his buckets there and all three

Of his free throws nine points for him uh Randall three of four eight points and OG who ended up being the the high scorer in the game only had three points in that first quarter and the Knicks still lit him up for 33 points excellent excellent first quarter for these New

York Knicks and they shot we shot the Nick shot 63.2% in that first quarter 50% from the three-point line they were shooting they were actually making a concerted effort to shoot more threes as they should lately they had the the the three attempts had been dwindling a bit you cannot win consistently especially

Against Great teams that way you have to put up three-point shots and anx did it tonight but what was beautiful is that OG also feasted in the mid-range area but they were quality uh mid-range shots they weren’t that you know 18 foot uh two-point shot which is death death

Death and uh let’s get to the second uh quarter here o oh here oh Joker did get poked in the eye uh I think towards uh the end of the second quarter he got poked in the eye by Dante he had to leave and it’s good that he came back

I’m glad he he was back out there but you can see his eye was definitely all red they kept showing the uh they kept going close up on him uh and so the Knicks dominated him in the first quarter dominated in the second quarter 20 they won it by nine that quarter 29

Uh to 20 uh they but they didn’t have a great shooting uh second quarter they shot only 41.7% there and uh they went through the free throw line seven times but did pick up 15 rebounds man these Knicks dominated in those in those uh team stats here let’s pull this up so the

Knicks ended up with 26 assists just one shy of the magic number which is 27 held the nuggets at just 20 assists they had 12 steals in this game 12 and they forced the Nuggets to commit the team that was I think leading the NBA in fewest uh turnovers actually I’m not

100% on that but they definitely are uh a really stingy team in terms of turning the ball over they committed 19 turnovers tonight and the Knicks shot for the game 52.9% and held the Nuggets to just 40.5% the nuggets look stunned and I got to say one thing that I loved is that

The team didn’t we weren’t doing that many switches they were not doing that many switches tonight the the knck defense they were holding their own and then at the last second somebody would rotate over would they and they someone would come on The Blind Side and poke the ball out to

Cause these turnovers beautiful game plan they held the Denver Nuggets to under 20% three-point shooting and the Knicks shot almost 40% so the Knicks doubled almost doubled up percentage wise the Nuggets today from the three-point line Second Chance points 22 for the Knicks only 13 for the Nuggets

Points in the paint 58 for the Knicks only 46 for the Nuggets they were a plus 12 in points in the paint and fast break points where the nuggets are an excellent fast break points team I think uh I heard Kenny Albert say that they are the number one fast break point team

In the NBA I was surprised to hear that but he said it the Knicks had 23 fast break points and you saw one right there and the Nuggets only had five what a complete utter domination utter domination they dominated the NBA champs yeah I oh there’s one of those mid-range

Shots that I was talking about OG was just I I mean he was just phenomenal toight I mean I I honestly I’m blown away I’m Blown Away by the results of this trade I thought that in the bench tonight even though the bench has struggled during uh this

Period of time and the Knicks have been able to still you know rack up the victory tonight the bench stepped up beautifully tonight let’s see the bench uh Josh Hart contributed six uh du McBride contributed 14 Quinton Grimes had a good game seven of 11 for him he contributed

No what am I talking about no 19 for uh Grimes 13 for Deuce four for Josh Hart uh and uh prees aoua even though he only finished with two points he picked up 10 rebounds six of them offensive six offensive rebounds four defensive rebounds three assists for him and who

Got one block beautiful beautiful I’m stunned guys I’m stunned look at that look at that score and the fourth quarter has just begun I could have started this recap right right then but I would have been incredibly arrogant he look when Quinton Grimes is finishing at The Rim who is like has

Been terrible finishing on the rim this season at the rim and he’s doing that look another one you know things are going well and he got the foul I don’t know if he hit the the n one though in that particular moment outstanding oh look at that that’s not a

Good shot by the way that’s a tough shot when I say good and bad I’m talking about uh your expectation of making the shot the difficulty of shot shot difficulty is what I’m talking about here we go is another Quinton Grimes Drive Bank beautiful beautiful I

Wish guys would do that more cuz the floater is tough to master but the bank shot is definitely uh something that should be in everyone’s toolbox all right this game is over here we’re going to get to the rest of this recap so the Knicks are now the most dominant team in the

NBA you heard me right the New York Knicks are the most dominant team in the NBA and it’s a it honestly because they are playing outstanding defense and they have tremendous three-point Shooters all around and they have Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randall who is I mean he’s like

Uh what one of the top five power forwards in the game right now and jaylen’s one of the top five at least point guards in the game what’s happened here is that the Knicks now suddenly have two guys that are playing like Superstars and they’ve added a guy in OG

Adobi who is playing defensive Player of the Year type of performance on for the Knicks right now his I mean he’s just phenomenal in his ability to disrupt another team’s offense he’s constantly on the move his lateral movement is just phenomenal he understands where players are going to go he can anticipate where

A pass is going that’s something that I mean we’ve had a little bit of that we’ve had some of that but not on a consistent basis the way OG is doing it outstanding all right here are the stats I kind of Ratt most of them uh actually

Randle had kind of a modest game for him he he he 15 field goal attempts to get 17 points uh he was only one of five from the three-point line but eight assists for him beautiful I love the way he’s Distributing the ball right now he’s also he is spraying it out earlier

He’s not exhausting The Possession and N he he passes out he’s doing in the flow of the off of the offense itself beautiful and OG 10 of 18 for him three of nine for the three-point line 26 points uh Sims started because Isaiah hartstein is still hurt hopefully we’ll

Get an update on that uh I didn’t hear anything today me personally except that he wasn’t available to play uh Brunson in 27 minutes got 21 points seven of 10 overall four assists Dante dienzo 16 points four of nine from the three-point line five of 10 overall but look at Duce

McBride 13 points four of n hit four of five from the three-point line he almost looks automatic honestly when he puts it up from the especially when he’s out on the wings in the corners or or just below the break I think it’s going in almost every single time that’s how

Automatic he’s looking right now who who would have thought that little Duce McBride could take over the Emanuel quickley role in in essence I I actually did not I I actually wasn’t that confident that he could do it so this is a beautiful beautiful happen stance to

Happen right now I’m I I I mean if you guys could tell I’m excited about this win and then Quinton Grimes 23 minutes 19 points on just 11 attempts and he started off a little rocky he started off a little rocky I think uh what was

He in the first half in the first half Grimes uh yeah he was just he had seven points which is nice but he was two of six only one of four from the three-point line it was that he got so hot in that second half mostly in the

Fourth quarter some some of it was like after uh after the game was just out of hand but still you got to commend them when they do it he h all five of his buckets in the in the second half 12 points for him beautiful beautiful all

Right let’s keep it going here uh the I show you the next shot 40 almost 43% overall and uh the plus minus the plus minus look at this every everyone everyone’s in the plus column plus 25 for Randall plus 38 for anobi plus 38 for anobi I’m going to look up I’m going

To look up right now what is ah I’ll get it I’ll get it ah whatever I think he’s just his plus minus numbers for uh the month of January just insane I think they’re it’s like the best ever best ever Dante plus 27 great game for Dante honestly uh

Let’s keep going here the Denver Nuggets you can see jokic uh 31 points and 11 rebounds for him but only three assists because look no one else could really hit buckets they they shot under 20% for the three-point line they barely were at 4 40% overall and he connect yish

Connected on 13 of 18 you remove him from this everyone else just looks like they don’t even know how to play in the NBA I that’s you know of course an exaggeration but look even Jamal Murray three of 11 for him I mean he’s an outstanding player nine points only for

Him uh here are the team comparisons uh i’ I’ve Ratt off most of these already the Nick shot 85% from the free throw line uh the assists uh I did mention on 26 to 12 points off turnovers ah the Knicks got 26 points off of turnovers so

They were a plus 21 in that category which it’s should easy to see why they ended up being a plus 38 overall for the game the Nuggets never LED this game the NBA champion nuggets never once LED this game honestly uh this is by far the most

Complete victory of this season for the Knicks and they did it without their two amazing centers who are both in the tops in offensive rebounding in uh uh defensive EPM these guys are phenomenal defensive centers and the Knicks started Sims tonight a guy who barely plays who’s not even in the rotation normally

They started him and they annihilated the Denver Nuggets now these are one of those games it was the fifth game of a five-game road trip for the Nuggets uh you know there must have been some fatigue or whatever but still they could not even make it interesting that is

Beautiful Nicks are a big danger they’re a big danger for the NBA and I couldn’t be happier for it we should all we should all rejoice in this the only black mark tonight was that Jaylen Brunson didn’t get the allstar starting selection but I’m sure that

He’ll be on the team there’s no doubt he’ll be on the team and for all we know he might even end up playing the most minutes I could see that happening all right thank you so much for watching this again my name is George follow me on Twitter subscribe to this channel

Share the video I would appreciate that hit the thumbs up button for me and share your comments love the comments they help me a lot especially if I overlook some stuff and I’m sure I have today uh uh what else what else is there

To say all right let me look at this I want to show you guys something here well I want to not show you but say something so the Knicks right now are let’s see what are they shooting from the three-point line for the month of January yeah they’re not even doing

You know what it’s all about the defense but in the plus minus the Knicks are second behind the Cleveland Cavaliers in the month of January with four 14.9 plus minus excellent I can’t wait till we play the Cals I’m not even sure when that happens I can’t wait till we play

Them all right thank you I will see you around the next B

Knicks improve to 11-2 in OG Anunoby’ era affirming they are the most dangerous team in the NBA! Postgame breakdown of the New York Knicks most resounding and stunning win of the season! A 38 point thrashing of NBA champs Denver Nuggets! Game highlights and stats analysis included.

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  1. Easy cowboy 🤠 It's still the regular season, and our coach still is Tom Thibodeau 10 games under .500 in the playoffs!! As long as he is here we won't win a chip!!
    Doc is the only reason why Thibbs has a ring remember that!!

  2. It’s clear that OG is our latest major puzzle piece in putting together a championship run (2024 or 2025 or 2026??), along with JB, I Hart, Mitchie and Julius (when he plays like this (not forcing the issue, under control, having fun, dishing and swishing). JHart is a key scrappy defensive dog, as well as DiVo and Deuce. I still like QGrimes off the bench tho. I don’t really wanna see him traded. Kudos th JSimms for staying prepared to play. Kudos to Precious for showing the slanderers that he can compete. Salute to DiVo for consistently balling out!! Funny how u don’t see or hear anyone lamenting the Obi trade. 👂. 😂. DiVo gives us so much more than Obi did. 🤔We still need another piece. 🤔I wonder who. Seems like asking prices have gone up suddenly. 🤷🏾‍♂️Everybody is asking for a lot. If we could get a veteran bench score/facilitator then I think we have a great chance at reaching the ECF this year!!! We were only 2 wins (and a few key injuries) away from the ECF last year and we are way better this year than last.

  3. I honestly was preparing for a close nail biter. I didnt expect this. What I loved about this game is the Knicks never took their foot off the pedal on both sides of the ball. The third quarter did not give Denver any hope which is what I was afraid of. I was thoroughly impressed and proud to be a Knicks fan after a near perfect performance. Needless to say I slept very well after that win.

  4. If the Knicks would’ve lost, I wouldn’t have felt terrible, but this is so much better. Look out league the Knicks have arrived.

  5. What a game, I know you would remember this game im about to mention you said a decade as far as regular season win like this ill take you back a few decades when Van Gundy took over the Knicks and Jordan and the Bulls came into the garden and we gave them a beating that day, This Denver team is elite i dont recsll a game like this since then. i went back and found it , We had just fired Don Nelson and It was VanGundys 1st Home game 104 to 72 against the Bulls the 1995, 96 season. I always remembered that game. I cant think of a regular season statement game of that magnitude since then until last night, Nearly 30 years, 29. Getting old my friend lol 1 last thing Sims physicality was huge for defending Joker , The kid played really well. Maybe unlocked a great substitution we can maybe use at another time. Kinda like dudley back i the day sometimes you would see him start because it was a defensive matxh up he owned. Alright great win LETS GO KNICKS !

  6. What a victory! 100% with your comments about OG, he has changed the team back to their defense roots. I wish Randle would put a little more effort in defense. I would like to see more of the Grimes we saw today. Brunson 1A no doubt!

  7. I'm glad to see you're having a change of heart about the trade. When it first went down, you were not feeling it like you are now. I guess winning games cures all. Great insight tho.

  8. Nuggets were playing the last game of their 5 game roadtrip. They played lousy but Knicks and OG had a lot to do with it. Great win.

  9. Biggest loss for the Nuggets since 2015. It’s been a long time coming. The joy the Knicks are providing is another level.

  10. Fans vote is just a popularity game. Dame has 10M followers on instagram, Brunson had 350K. It obviously doesn't help when those dumb TNT ESPN dudes questioning Brunson is too small for playoffs or he is not playing well in second round or Knicks always had the second best player every game. Brunson probably had no shot if you look it that way

  11. Impressive win for the Knicks!!! 🧡💙

    Two things that I’ve noticed about how the Knicks are now playing.

    One: the Knicks are playing harder than other teams and I have to give some credit for this to THIBS! Someone who I’ve been very critical of in the past.

    And two: although some of his passes are ridiculously too strong, Randles passing has been key to a lot of these recent wins. He’s playing less ISO ball and he’s setting up his teammates to make better shots. The way Randle is playing he’s capable of averaging a triple double for the rest of the season.

  12. George never made any hyperbolic comments. When George said the Knicks are going to struggle even they are winning, they struggled. If George said Knicks are the most dominant team in the NBA, he is very likely to be correct too

  13. Great win for knicks. But we still need to make moves to compete with Celtics Bucks and Philly for a 7 game series. Go get Murray or Brogdon to help with second unit and to give Brunson a breather or if injury happens we need depth.

  14. When the Nuggets decided to give up, rest their starters, and get blown out by 38 points, I was disappointed in their lack of fighting spirit.

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