@Orlando Magic



Coach not often you get these you know kind of days in the midst of the Season what were you able to accomplish with your group today well just getting back to the detailed work uh you know the slippage in the areas that we found obviously ball security uh making sure

We take care of the basketball working on spacing wi to cut where to cut uh then some shooting in but most like more than anything it was the defensive side of the ball our ability to be in a stance anticipate actions that are happening uh getting deflections getting

After the basketball and then finishing possessions out there’s a lot of things that we talked about and what we worked on every game is important but how much how is there extra importance or extra Focus this next retor game with the trade deadline approaching no ultimately like we walk into every game preparing

The best that we can to go out and play our best basketball uh giving our guys an opportunity to be successful and putting them in the right position to be successful uh again it’s it’s about how we prepare how we’re lined up for every single game and we continue to take that

One game at a time you mentioned you mentioned trying to create some continuity create some comfort obviously you have a lot of guys coming back from injury like all kind of all at once how important are these practices to kind of getting that group back together we saw

Them a little bit on Sunday obviously but you know you got to build build that consistency well just being able to throw different combinations out there I think it it and that goes more along the lines of Concepts more than it is about the plays uh understanding what we’re

Trying to do offensively and defensively so you understand when you’re supposed to be the lone man come across the lane to protect the rim you understand on the extra pass when you pass and cut uh where you’re supposed to go on the spacing side so not necessarily who

You’re out there with but what you’re asked to do when you’re out there on the floor there obviously been been a lot of injuries I think there’s only been three lineups that have played 100 minutes together obviously that’s that’s not ideal but but how how how do you think

This team has kind of handled that or you kind of hope that that you’ll be able to build some consistent playing groups for for longer periods now well you would love to you know build in more consistent groups but at the end of the day you just have to know that things

Happen throughout the NBA season that’s injury that sickness you have to be prepared and our guys have done a very good job of being prepared for the situation that they’ve been thrown in so that goes credit to the coaches that’s these guys putting the work in with film

As well as concentrating on the things that they need to do for this team to continue to try to reach a level of success a lot there’s a lot to talk about being locked in on a game to game basis but you’ve got a group that isn’t as experienced in playing into a

Postseason and all of that so how do you how do you like manage that as a coach with the group that you know hasn’t played this high intensity basketball for this long a period of time well to to to the point of experience you have

To go through it you know I I think anytime that you have these situations and you can reflect back on you can reflect back on the Brooklyn game the Boston game the series that’s why I think the inseason tournament was so great because of the intensity and that

The focus the attention the detail that you have to have for those games is so important so you can reflect back and say okay this is how we need to approach these games because this is the way in which the basketball is going to be

Played from here on out and how do you manage these next couple weeks as the trade up line approaches with just the you know uncertainty of what could happen I mean it’s the uncertainty of everything you know you there’s things you can control and things you can’t

Control and what our guys and what we talked about today was you just have to focus on your body of work and our body of work and how we’re trying to play um regardless of what’s Happening whether there’s rumors out there of this that and the other you know it really you

Can’t bog yourself down with that because you ultimately it is not as in your control what you can control is how hard you play every single time you touch the floor you can control how much of a professional you are every time you walk into the building you can control

How much joy and and energy and attitude you bring every time you step into the building I know every game is hard in the NBA but based on every team’s record right now you guys have the friendliest schedule or easiest whatever word you want to use being over 500 at this point

Is that give you some extra confidence knowing that the rest of the way you’ll have a lot of quote onot well continuity and chemistry is most important for this group you know obviously guys coming back from injury um and knowing exactly how we need to play and then again it

Just goes back to are we playing the way we’re supposed to be playing and are we going to be playing our best basketball you know come you know April and I think that’s very important for this group to continue to understand is there a goal for Mel to eventually play on back

Toback games again it goes back to what we talked about in the early training camp we’re going to continue to evaluate it as he goes from game to game and see how he feels what was Gary able to do today uh Gary is able to do again continued individual work with you old

Contact obviously Monday’s game wasn’t the the best thing this team is this team has played how do you feel like they responded in in practice you know maybe you don’t want to put too much into one game good or bad but how do you feel like they responded to to having a

Performance like that I mean we have a group that stays focused on the next thing you know when you challenge them to step up they they step up the next game so us getting you know the way that happened in Cleveland is no is definitely not anywhere ideal of how you

Want to play But ultimately these are lessons that you will constantly reflect back on knowing when you see these guys down the road how you need to play the way you need to prepare the focus you need to have the way the ball needs to move those are things we can continue to

Reflect on because that’s what give you the experience to know moving forward how good you can be somewhat off topic but related to the east Adrian Griffin was fired yesterday when you see a coach like that get fired and do is apparently going to be coming in what’s your

Reaction when you see that type of movement take place this part of the Season well to your point the uncertainty of the NBA the uncertainty of what you guys just talked about those are things that are out of our control uh so what you can’t control is how you

Approach and and prepare for every single game you know and being on the coaching side of it you know I think he did a great job with that group you know 30 and 13 te is a heck of a record to have so you know us focusing on us is

The most important thing but you look across the league and you see that every team has different situations and scenarios that they’re they’re dealing with but on the coaching side you just you know he’s did a great job with them and you know whatever Direction they

Decide to go that’s that’s you know what they’re going to have to deal with but for us I think we just continue to concentrate on what we need to do continue to be successful thanks coach thank you guys

Listen in to what Coach has to say after practice on 1.24.24

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