@San Antonio Spurs

Who is FAVORITE for ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Chet Holmgren or Victor Wembanyama? | NBA Today YT Exclusive

Who is FAVORITE for ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Chet Holmgren or Victor Wembanyama? | NBA Today YT Exclusive

Hello this is the NBA today on YouTube this is the extra bits can we cuss on this me sparingly Richard Kendrick I’m Malika let’s talk about the Rookie of the Year race my friends because Chad holgren and the Thunder they got the win right over Victor wama and the Spurs the other

Night uh but their latest matchup it really encapsulated the Rookie of the Year race right you have Chad getting the win Victor putting up the stats who do you have having the edge in this uh me 100% Chad hren and this is the thing the numbers are the numbers are

Obviously in favor of of uh wimy but I look at this if you’re the number one pick and you add to a team the idea is that you make the team better they lost 18 games in a row and I understand that Chad hren has a much better team Victor

Doesn’t have but that’s not his fault so to me when I look at this and there is a kid that is averaging 17 points and putting up the numbers that Chad hren is put like these numbers are very very impressive but if if Chad hren makes two

Mistakes if Chad hren makes two mistakes in the middle of a game he’s sitting down wimy can make eight mistakes in a row and they’re going to play him as 30 minutes cuz they don’t give a damn about winning so when you look at this if you

Would have put Chad HR on the San Antonio Spurs I guarantee you those numbers would look very similar he would be averaging 20 plus because he would be out there every single game regardless of who wins so I’m going to give it to the individual that has exponentially

More pressure on him every single night to make the right game plan mistake or moves to make the right path to do all of the things perfect cuz that’s what CH him they’re the number one team in the western conference right now and he is in his first year averaging 17 and N

Come on now that’s not even question is this the same Richard Jefferson that had so many complaints about the roster that correct playing soan at the one it wasn’t the roster they had the players they had the players they W playing the right yeah but you’re faulting Wy for

Them choosing to lose like let’s just be real right like Victor make them win like Victor could we could actually be the four players surrounded by Victor and have a better record than what doing AG he’s not playing with huh you mean you you know what I’m saying damn it

They’re not good and the fact of the matter is he’s going out there and he’s been impactful and when I say impactful meaning giving them a shot to even be in the game right forget losing 18 straight Victor WIA has not disappointed us averaging 20 and 10 for the season and

You know what really got a 70 ball from Joel hold on and you know what really woke you know what really woke me up the way that he yanis to the way he went at jannis to and by the way he got that 70 piece put up on him but he didn’t back

Down his stats were too3 end day at the end of the day man I’m looking at the stats this is not like the MVP award where your team have to be successful let me it’s individual hush yeah hush let me me me come with something real quick to CH now yes 10

Years ago reclaim a young woman that looks just like me play it for the Connecticut son and I promise you we did not win a lick but I won Rookie of the Year you know and I think what helped me win rookie of the year was having big moments against the

Best players I’m not saying that to toot my horn but I’m just saying like what we’re seeing from wemy I understand Chad is having a phenomenal year don’t you think that having a year to train in the NBA does help you to a little a little

Bit let me say this yes or yes it does help you wemi they have this idea of a minut restriction they’re not putting the right pieces around him he’s still doing freakish things he leads in every category I don’t want to fault him for losing because that’s what they’re

Designed to do but what we’re experiencing from him are the first things that we’ve seen from rookies in a very very long time that’s not a knock on chat this is as close as it’s been in a very very long time but just the uniqueness of what wemi brings the

Consistency and how he shows up in those big matchups we talk about those losses because he chooses to embody like what we saw I’ve never seen someone block Giannis the way he did okay well I’ve never seen somebody get 70 ball the way he did either and he had 33 as a rookie

Against listen what I’m going to say as the only other person on this panel that received Rookie of the Year votes I understand votes votes VES I understand but I was but I was also averaging 10 points a game for a team that went to the Eastern Conference Finals as a

Rookie I understand the pressure of when you’re a young player and there are grown men looking at you and cussing you out because you didn’t make the rotation and you don’t know where you you’re trying to figure this out for the first time so Chad hongan trying to figure out

He is part of the reason why they are the number one seed Chad hren is a huge reason if Chad hren wasn’t playing this one they might be third or fourth because of Chad hr’s performance has helped Elevate them to the number one seed there’s an elevation there that has

To count for something I have a question you know what Malik a lot of people ask me all the time lie no it ain’t it’s the truth a lot of people ask me all the time if I could change it what I have went to college and then went to the NBA

I said no even though I did not play a single game May I think maybe one my first year right stayed on the IR list stayed in suits on the bench or whatever the case may be I learned so much of being around the game of basketball in the NBA practicing against your

Teammates in the NBA but just observ it being in the film room knowing how to be a professional like that gives you the the the slight nod and no I see you Richard you’re begging for more but we didn’t gave you enough talking no like

At the end of the day at the end of the day I think it’s close it’s not a 100% wimy And it’s not 100% but I am giving a ND to wimy as of right now okay really quickly last thing uh how long has Victor been a pro since he was 15 years

Old CH was going to class a year and a half ago Chad was going to Gonzaga a couple years ago like has been a professional for years let me ask you this Rich what if Victor wanyama was on the Oklahoma City Thunder and Chad holgren was on the San Antonio

I think the numbers would look flipped I think the numbers be I’ll tell you what else I tell youse the numbers would look we’re basing this off of numbers I’ll tell you I’ll tell you what else will look flip the fa the favores to win the NBA title you put win

Okay are you serious right now I will say this please keep your clothes let me let me say this I feel like Richard Richard you’re right though if the Thunder are one or two in the west and they have an MVP candidate and Shay but still a big reason of their success is

Chck he can get the nod for sure for rookie of the year if they finish top two sh’s not going to be MVP maybe the circumstances that’s all I’m saying RJ you said 100% like it’s 100% anytime I say something it’s gospel no it ain’t no

It ain’t it depends you reading out of you said 100% bro well I can tell you this that after the head-to-head matchup the Rookie of the the Rookie of the Year odds they shifted in Victor wanyama favor despite uh yeah your effort’s efforts yeah unfortunately Chad didn’t

Play in the fourth quarter or his numbers would have been better because I was whooping they ass here’s what I know I know this is going to go back and forth for the rest of the year as Chan said this is one of the Rookie of the Year races we’ve

Seen it’s funny the graphics had to extend seen black family like the oh all right that’s going to do it for us M Day on YouTube this is devolved Richard needs to go we will see you at 3:00 Eastern on ESPN thanks so much for spending a little bit do the show every

Day we do maybe you don’t

Richard Jefferson, Kendrick Perkins and Chiney Ogwumike join me on this NBA Today YouTube Exclusive to discuss whether they would choose Chet Holmgren or Victor Wembanyama for Rookie of the Year.


  1. You just lost your own argument for your example of why Chet is better. Commentate Curling brother 🙂

  2. Rookie of the yr literally means best performing rookie not mvp with whos the most valuable player to the team cause of team success bruh

  3. Victor consistently face double or even triple team defense, In contrast SGA is the primary focus of OKC opponents, and space enjoy maasive spacing.
    Moreover Wemby perform well vs star player not backing up to the challenge. Chet is the 5th piece of a complete team. Victor is the 1st piece of a future project.

  4. Players who have faced Wemby and Chet on the court would massively pick Wemby as the most challenging opponent.

  5. So much slander over the euro leagues now all of a sudden “Wemby has been a pro since 15” – sports commentators are always wishy washy. Chet is playing with 3 players averaging 40%+ from the field. One of them being a 31 PPG MVP candidate. You plug any 7ft into that system I guarantee you they will still be top 4 in the league. What Chet is doing is great, but he’s relaxed in his position, if Wemby was on OKC with SGA we’d be saying this is the best young duo since Shaq and Kobe facts. Bro would be averaging 24 pts, 12 reb, 6 blocks per game in his rookie year. Wemby is doing so much with so little, playing multiple positions, getting tripple teamed, not getting the right foul calls, showing up against all the big marque match ups of the league. When bro plays it is Wemby vs the best player on the other team, we don’t speak about Chet like that.

  6. Come on, Richard, think about it: since he's the 3rd option on a stacked team, Holmgren is left alone most of the time, whereas Wembanyama is double- or triple-teamed most games. Also, when they meet head to head, Wembanyama cooks Holmgren. There's a clear winner here, and it's not the guy who benefits from being surrounded with better players than him.

  7. looks like the production said "i don't give a fk, i want someone for Chet and someone for Wemby you figure it out" the 70 points argument is so dumb does he really believe in what is saying ?

  8. Just french bashing. Wemby in january is 1 point per minute playing.. twice more efficient than Chet and SECOND IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE behind Joel Embiid (players who played more than 10 min) and he is 1st in fantasy points.

  9. At this time last year the thunder were 23-24 and the Spurs were 14-33.
    One year later:
    Thunder 31-13
    Spurs 8-36

    The thunder have basically the exact same roster/ coaching staff as last year. The only real change was adding Chet.

    Boom shakalaka

  10. -225 playing most minutes with Sochan as PG ; +150 playing most minutes with a MVP candidate. Stop looking at the stats, which one makes the best impression ? Which one is the leader of his team on both sides while been the main attention on the opposite defense (double team him), which one is the third best option. If wins mean for ROTY, then Parker should have been ROTY.

  11. The narrative that the rookie must automatically get everyone else on the team better is just plain BS…

    Team records year by year are more affected by what the other teams are doing than by what any player is doing.

    The fact is that the Spurs other player are not doing worst than last year, but they're not doing better either, showing no progression whereas on OKC's side many players have improved from last year (how come nobody thinks that Jalen Williams improvement as a scorer has any impact on okc winning rate?) and Chet has had time to perfectly fit in.

    There would be a way for the Spurs to get a better record this year and that would be for Pops to play Victor 40 mpg and run plays after plays for him but he's not going to do it because he knows that would be a mistake for the team and a mistake for Wemby.
    They need to be patient and find an all-star worthy PG and/or SG to play alongside Victor and open up the game for him. These things take time.

    Now if you look at the ROTY thing, Chet is a rookie that is a perfect fit in a well rounded team that's performing collectively on a high level. He has limited responsabilities which is not to say that he is under lower pressure because they have to perform. But OKC still performs when he is on the bench.

    Wemby is getting all the focus when he is playing, receiving double or even triple teaming treatment and too little help from his teammates… And yet he still manages to perform at close to record levels on both sides of the court… I'll give ROTY award to him on that account unless Chet gets to deliver some determining performances during playoffs.

  12. I do not get how you want your sport to be global like football (soccer for american), and still can't judge the players based on what they produce and not their nationality. You have to be blind to put Wemby and Chet on the same level. If you think Chet is a better player your lying to yourself. Wemby has the better number while playing less minutes. The debate is about the best rookie of the year, not which rookie is playing in the best team.
    Stop it with your nationality favoritism, be fair !!!
    It's always the same with European player, they're not recognised to their true value until you cannot fake it anymore !!

  13. AFAIK Wemby is not the one who gets to decide to tank the team this year or not…

    He is also not the one who gets to decide to play a forward as point guard for 30 games…

    Why is he not the one deciding this ? Because he is not the team's manager ! He is the damned rookie! 😅

    Why try to pin the poor team's record on the rookie when everybody knows that Pops is tanking this year yet again and has spent the first 30 games of the year teaching Sochan to be a better passer by putting him in the PG seat ? That's beyond me…

    And btw, Wemby was still in highschool one and a half years ago…

  14. Last year's Thunder team started off really bad, but starting on Jan 1st they went 29-17 with SGA missing 25% of those games. They beat the Celtics by 33 without SGA and the 76ers by 19. The Thunder would probably still be top of the west without Chet.

  15. I cant stand that the worst personalities in the NBA have platforms to speak. Richard J, Gil A. & Kent P. I just cant stand any of them. Also its clear who the heck has been playing better between Chet vs Wemby

  16. Richard: well Chet didn’t play in the 4th otherwise his numbers would look better…

    Uhh did you actually watch the game 🤣 that’s where Chet got most his points 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ like bruh this Chet field goal percentage would be about 20% lower if he was with the spurs.. mans got sga drawing double teams meanwhile victor can barely get the ball from his teammates ..

    Richard just hating because he didn’t see Wemby taking over like everyone else did..

  17. Jefferson thinks there is no pressure on wemby? Wemby is the number one player for the spurs. He has to play to be great every night just to have a chance to win… a chance to win.. its not a guarantee win

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