@Milwaukee Bucks

Jae Crowder Press Conference | 1.26.24

Jae Crowder Press Conference | 1.26.24

Heard the news kind of went through this in terms of the coaching change the other day how did you process it how did you uh feel about it I mean well I can’t have um too too too much feelings because I had a game in like couple

Hours so uh but obviously it’s uh it’s a business of basketball it’s very um up and down you never know what you’re going to get type deal but you got to control what you can control and I think I immediately went to like uh getting a group together collectively talking to

Us talking talking it out a little bit uh through text messages in our group chat um and try to try to get our heads where it needs to be to to compete at a high level um one of the over I guess words your teammates used the other

Night were hey like getting on the same page communication talking Etc now that sounds like something between you all on the court MH how can a different voice on the bench or in practice help facilitate that help improve that I mean whatever leadership quality the coach

Brings that is going to help help the group you know um you have to welcome that you have to welcome leadership and I think um we do a good job of just letting the leaders be leaders in our in our locker room on our court um I just

Think it goes from the coaching standpoint as well just let the leaders be the leader let Coach be the coach and we can control what we can control and that’s how we perform on the court uh have you been through a midseason never 12 years no it’s my first

One just trying to handle that I guess like how do how all of you handled it I know was like I don’t before I think you just immediately go to the to to the group that you’re in a battle a fight with you know you just put out put everything on

The table you talk it out um and you try to be there for each other collectively and like I said it happened and we had a a game in a couple hours so it’s like you you immediately just try to train your brain to just process what you can

Process and control what you can control not this thing that goes with us performing us being being ready to play this next game um against a team who just kicked our butts uh a couple weeks ago so it just immediately went to just the group I just tried to be a leader

With them within our group uh you mentioned the game that night game game tomorrow uh and then a five game West Coast Road Trip um I don’t know when the new coach will come in but it does seem like a lot of prep time a lot of

Practice time in between um how do you guys try to handle that on the fly like just maybe doing new schemes doing different things defensively well I think we got a v group and I think whatever is thrown at us we we’re capable of adjusting on the Fly um I

Think that’s pretty much what we hang our hats on is just being able to just adjust and talk it out um whether we like it or not just talk it out and just be on the same page I think this time when you have changes like that it’s

It’s critical for everyone top to bottom to be on the same page in that locker room and who who have percepts on the court so um I just think that’s that’s our approach that’s how we’re trying to approach it just be on the same page let’s play for one another and and have

Fun and play hard talk about your ability to adjust on the fli that team do you think in that regard is this plenty of time or at least enough time to adjust to a new staff and make the improvements that you all want to make heading into the postseason obviously

When you have change you’re going to have grow and pains you’re going to have ups and downs and you got to embrace it all you have to be willing to um just Embrace U the highs and lows of this thing um it’s it’s a roller coaster so

We’re not going to put all the pieces together tomorrow or this upcoming Five game Road Trip uh but we are willing to learn and try to figure this thing out as each step uh we go so I just feel like um you got to be willing to accept

Whatever’s throwing at you and I think that’s the highs and the lows of trying to adjust to a new coaching style a new uh same thing with a new teammate if a new teammate was to come you just got to adjust to one another and I think we

Have the right mindset going into it he you’re a veteran you mentioned you know like U obviously talking about getting on the same page but what other things do you feel like need to change or physical things pretty much uh I think our what we can control I think we have

A little slippage of what the players control not too much we’re not looking at coaches or anything like that we just can control our energy control our mindset of how we approach each and every game I think that’s on us and I think we have to do a better job of that

And I think we will I think we showed that uh the other night um so we just got to continue to just to put our best foot forward um and control the things that we can control and that’s our energy and effort we put into uh trying

To compete a nightly basis you talk about putting your best foot forward and D was talking after the game about how you guys know you haven’t reached your full potential as a team correct in your opinion what are some steps uh that you still feel like you guys need to take in

Order to reach that full potential I just feel like um like winning winning games in a fashion that we want to win and not feeling a certain way after a win um not feeling like we we won a lot of games I think at to this to this

Point but we’ve had a lot of games where we felt like we won and we didn’t play the to our full potential I think we got to get that continue to work on that continue to work on the things that we need to work on especially on the

Defensive end uh try to get our numbers to where it needs to be and try to be top five in the league I think you give once you have a top five defense in the league you give yourself a chance to win big and I just feel like um that’s

Something we need to focus on we have offensive Firepower we know that the world knows that uh but we we’re not stopping anyone we’re not fearing anyone on that end on the defensive end of the court I think we have players that can instill that and we have we have guys

Who can put our best foot forward and be a top five defensive team in this league but we’re not there yet and I think we have a lot of work to do you mentioned the defense enery is that something that you personally are going to try to make

An imp no doubt about it I’m going to try to do my best to um hold myself accountable take on the matchup and and hopefully uh build from that and continue to get our numbers going in the direction that we want to go and that’s top five in this league on on the

Defensive end but I do hang my hat on that I do I’m not worried about too much other than just defense right now personally um and guarding the best player and trying to get our defense like I said um we want to be top five and we’re not we’re far from that right

Now and I just feel like that’s where I’m trying to bring our group together what do you see in this team that makes you believe are capable getting all that way up to the top well obviously the you look at the Personnel we have the

Personnel to do so U we got to continue to put the effort in the mind and and put them effort up top and in the physical and the mental part of the game all all all together one at once I feel like sometimes we have the energy sometimes we don’t have the mental

Capacity that we need and vice versa it’s just seesaw right now we have yet to play a game where our mental and our physical effort is on the same page and um I just feel like that’s what we’re trying to trying to get to right now at

The athletic we Scott rivers and bunch of other people as well um what’s your experience with to over the years he just been a like a big Uncle to me obviously we both went to Marquette Bron Al but I remember being putel that Marquette Jersey and he’s one of the

Guys I look up to um obviously uh from afar I’ve never played for him but obviously when I played against him in the league it’s just always respect always um a classy conversation between us to about our Marquette background obviously and I think that’s a connection that I have to

Him but uh I’m just happy to play for him happy uh to be a part of the journey with him uh hopefully get this thing done

Jae Crowder speaks with media after shootaround ahead of the Bucks’ game against the Cavs.


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  1. yo jae is him the bucks are them and i am uzme12 a youtuber the bucks are going to win a championship

  2. Yeah we have a lot of work to do on the defensive end. I haven't seen our defense this bad in years. But I have faith in this team, faith in Jae to take the challenge to lead on that end of the floor and that Horst will make the right moves.

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